Chapter 1.2

Hi and welcome back to The Totally Random Legacy! Last time, Derek called up his chosen spouse and they hit it off immediately. His past came and haunted him every now and again, making things a bit difficult for him at times. Holly moved in and they eventually got married. Regina crashed the wedding and was immediately dismissed. Holly had a hard time getting pregnant, but it eventually happened. She gave birth to twin boys thanks to the trips and quads random button named Chance and Carson. Now, back to the legacy!

Transcript of Chapter 1.2

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Hi and welcome back to The Totally Random Legacy! Last time, Derek called up his chosen spouse and they hit it off immediately. His past came and haunted him every now and again, making things a bit difficult for him at times. Holly moved in and they eventually got married. Regina crashed the wedding and was immediately dismissed. Holly had a hard time getting pregnant, but it eventually happened. She gave birth to twin boys thanks to the trips and quads random button named Chance and Carson. Now, back to the legacy!

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The boys seemed to be on a schedule, pooping and demanding food at the exact same time. Holly was constantly hungry and tired, but she always put the babies first.

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Derek tried his best to help in between promotions and studying new skills. He adored Chance and Carson, and was a lot more rested than Holly was. Even though she was a Family sim, she couldn’t stand the smell of dirty diapers. She was grateful that her husband was more than willing to change them.

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Holly made sure to give them a lot of attention. Between cuddling, feeding and changing diapers, she rarely had time for herself. But she wouldn’t have it any other way.

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“Aaahhhh…relaxation. I never thought I would crave a bubble bath so badly.” She sunk further into the steaming hot water and closed her eyes. She kept an ear open for the kids in case they woke up. Personal hygiene was definitely on the bottom of the list with twins. Most days a green cloud followed her around.

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The cats finally decided they liked each other enough to try for kittens. And there was a lullaby! Can’t wait to see how many babies Izzie has.

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Did I really woohoo with Poochka? Ugh I can’t STAND him! But, his eyes sparkle in such a nice way, and his fur is sooo soft….purrrrrrrr.

Izzie loved the counter more than anywhere else in the house. Maybe she believed sitting there would help her avoid the fights with Poochka.

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“Blarrrggggh!!! I guess *Barf* the PnP method didn’t work! Oh, what’s Derek going to think?” She threw up about two more times after this.

*PnP=Pull and Pray method

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Pregnancy made Izzie more mischievous. She intentionally waited on the sidewalk and pounced that old lady. I am sure she is suffering a heart attack. The smile on her face makes it even more funny though.

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Derek slept through the first kick. He was working so hard that he pretty much slept through everything.

“I hope there’s only one of you in there. We are running out of room!”

The house was getting small and the only way they could expand was if Derek got another promotion.

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*Breaks the fourth wall with a glare*

“Ugh!! I am so smelly and hungry and bored!!! Do something!!!”


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This pregnancy was definitely much more harder on her than the first one. Then again, she barely got enough rest when Derek was at work because the boys always had needs at the exact same time.

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The twins grew up without a party, since Holly was too tired to even think about organizing one. This is Carson. The first thing he did was head straight to the activity table. He’s pretty cute.

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Chance, on the other hand, decided to befriend Poochka.

“Cute kitty! Om nom nom nom!”

Not the ear kid! Not the ear!

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Derek was a good father though. As soon as he got home, he took over while Holly gratefully climbed into bed. He worried about his wife all the time, but she reassured him that she was ok.

“Beddie time?” Carson asked, squirming about.

“Yes it is buddy. How about I tell you a story?”

“Yay stowy!”

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“Wow, your tummy seems to be smaller than last time. Maybe it’s just one?”

“Are you trying to say I looked like a beached whale last time?!”

“ no no honey you always looked beautiful. I just noticed you are smaller than before.”

Holly sighed. “I’m sorry sweetie. My nerves are just wrecked. I’m just so tired all the time.”

“It’s alright I understand.” He kissed her stomach and then her cheek, making her smile.

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That night, Izzie gave birth to three kittens. Poochka slept through the whole ordeal. She had two girls and a boy.

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Holly had a ton of nightmares, mainly about giant squids and talking elephants. Sometimes it would be about the front yard being covered in roaches.

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“Oh dear me! I had a horrible dream! I dreamed I was hungry for some lamb chops, so I opened the fridge and it was empty! Oh the horror!”

Yes, that is definitely a pregnant woman’s worse nightmare. The empty fridge.

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Miss Gypsy Lady left an awesome lamp on the front lawn one morning. No one in the house expected it to come so soon. It could definitely come in handy for the expansion that was so desperately needed.

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The boys really loved each other. They autonomously huggle and play blocks whenever they are awake. So sweet.

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“Mr. Manning. You have had the greatest fortune to find me. You have three wishes. What do you desire?”

“So this is real right? No joking around?”

“No! Please hurry Mr. Manning. I’m missing Bewitched.”

Derek rubbed his chin. “Oh! Please give me enough money to expand my house.”

“Granted!” With a poof the genie waved his hand and disappeared in a haze of purple smoke. Money fell from the sky and it was promptly used to start building the new nursery.

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Another example of how exhausted Holly was. Chance took it upon himself to have nap time, much to the dismay of the kittens.

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“Ah booga booga booo!”

“Daddy fwunny!”

“Ready for a new sister or brother Chance?”

“Nuh uh! I da baby!”

“But a new sister or brother is a good thing.”

“Nuh uh!”

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Chance didn’t have much of a choice though. Later that night, Holly wandered over to the playroom/hallway to feed the cats when she suddenly went into labor.

Please don’t drop your baby in my food bowl!

“Aaaaahhh! Why did I go in labor in here! Derek can’t hear me at all!”

Unfortunately she had to do it all alone.

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The random button gave us another set of twins! Gillian here is the oldest with Holly’s complexion and Derek’s eyes.

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And this is Gabriella. She has…well…Derek’s everything. Both girls were nice and quiet but, like their brothers, wanted their needs tended to at the same time.

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Holly decided to call the nanny so she could catch up on her rest. Now that she had twins, she was going to need it. This nanny was actually competent, feeding the children and putting them down for naps. She even used the changing table!

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A maid was also hired since they could afford it. Since the children came along, the house had been constantly filled with stink clouds puddles and flies.

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“Daddy! Tell us stowy!”

“Yea! Stowy!”

“Alright. Once upon a time there was this brave man who liked to build tall buildings. But he couldn’t because he had to start from the beginning of his job. Unfortunately, he kept getting bad chance cards and getting demoted. He-”

“Derek! Stop telling the kids about your demotions! How about a story about sheep or princes?”

“Oh. Right. I didn’t think you could hear me.”

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His demotions allowed him to spend more time with the girls though. He constantly cuddled and played with them whenever he could.

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Holly dug up a garden in their yard since gardening was her favourite hobby. She just hoped she would have enough time to tend to it. Plus having fresh veggies would allow their groceries to stretch out longer.

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Holly sat on the other side of the camera, teaching Chance how to talk. The boys caught on very quickly.

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But in between all of the happy family stuff, a sneaky burglar burst through the door of the Manning home. The alarm blared loudly, which the burglar didn’t seem to notice until the last minute. By that time, it was too late.

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“Boooo!! Get ‘em copper! Booo!”

“Yea beat him good! How dare you break into our home!”

The policeman won the fight and hauled the criminal away. He didn’t steal anything, so they got a 500 simoleon reward for catching a known felon.

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*sigh* “Why did he break into my house? Ugh.”

Even the babies were thinking about it. And with all sims, they will be having flaming thought balloons about the criminal for many years to come.

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On top of the break-in, the repo man came to collect some of their goods since they neglected to pay the bills. With four children to tend to, the last thing Holly thought about was checking the mailbox.

“Who dat scawy lookin’ man, mama?”

“Oh him? Uhh…well hr’s just checking our house. That’s all.”

Holly looked on helplessly as he repo’ed a full potty and a light fixture.

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“You know, dear, once the kids are all in school I was thinking about taking a job. You know, something to fill my days until the kids come home from school.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I keep seeing openings for Home Healthcare in the newspaper, and I wouldn’t mind doing that. The hours are decent.”

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“Well I don’t see why you shouldn’t do it. It sounds like a great opportunity. Besides, you will be able to meet new people and make friends.”

“Omnomnom…Oh yes that’s a good point also.”

“Where you listening to me?”



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Sheba was the only one that remained in the household. Her siblings were adopted off long ago, since having five cats and four kids in the house wasn’t ideal. She grew up being kind of like mother Izzie, scaring unsuspecting elderly people on the sidewalk.

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Carson finally learned how to walk, trailing cat kibble behind him. Carson and Chance loved eating the cat food, so Holly eventually had to make sure the boys were always fed before putting them down on the floor to play.

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Yet again, the boys grew up before their parents could arrange a party. Derek was still at work, and Chance had a fear of parties anyway, so it all worked out in the end. Carson was a bit on the grouchy side, and cleaned the tub as soon as he grew up, mumbling about the invisible soap scum that the maid left behind.

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Chance, on the other hand, is a lot nicer than his brother. He volunteered to clean up the dishes while his father was attempting to make a new friend so he could get promoted. Chance favoured his father in some ways, but had Holly’s smile and good nature.

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Gillian and Gabriella grew up the same night too. Gillian grew up into a pretty dress, much to her parent’s relief. They only had one outfit to buy this time.

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Gabriella loved the activity table. She did more crayon eating than scribbling though.

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“It’s the first day of scho-ool! It’s the first day of scho-ool! I’m gonna make frie-ends!Yes I a-am!”

“Carson! Stop jumping on that bed before you break your neck!”

“Yes, dad.”

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Chance and Carson rushed out to the bus as soon as it pulled up. Chance beat his brother to the door though.

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“Argh! Another stupid chance card! I’m never going to move up in this company, am I?”

His decision to start repair on a major bridge with the tools him and his crew had instead of waiting to call in the big guys cost him yet another promotion. The chance cards were definitely not being kind to Derek.

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Holly’s garden wasn’t going so well either. She was so busy caring for the girls that she hardly had the strength to pay attention to it. She tried to salvage what she could, and composted the dead plants.

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“What? A B minus? What kind of grade is this?”

Carson was positive he would get an A plus the first time around. But he felt better when he realized that Chance got the same grade.

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“Ha! You missed!”

“Oh yea? Watch this one!” *splat*

“Haha! You missed again!”

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“This is my super-duper-turbo-whirliegig balloon. It never misses.”

He got him that time, but his brother was still more accurate.

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Life went on though. The girls learned their toddler skills and had fun with each other. Even their brothers played peek-a-boo with them from time to time.

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Dad, why do you and mom fight so much?

Because it’s funny. We do have make up playtime though.


Hey, how about a boyfriend? You are a year old now. You should be looking at some of these tom cats. Remember that orange one that came by the other day?

Dad! *blush*

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“Dad, is mom going to have another baby?” Carson asked, curious. “I hope not, because there’s no more space in here!”

“Erm…well no I don’t think she will be. Your mom and I are happy with you four.”

“Ok good, I don’t want to live like a sardine.”


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Chance always greeted his father when he came home from work. No matter what he was doing, he dropped everything to say hello. Carson just shook his head when he saw his twin brother do that.

“it’s Gabby’s and Gillian’s birthday today! And guess what?”


“We are having a party!”

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For the first time since they got married, Holly finally found the time and energy to invite a few people over for a party. Since only the girls were growing up, it would be a lot easier to manage.

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As soon as the guests arrived, Derek and Holly dressed the girls and brought them out to the cakes. Everyone cheered them on.

“Gabby! Gillian! Wish for a rocket ship!” Chance shouted.

“Oh c’mon, they don’t even know what that is,” Carson said as he stood behind their parents.

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Gillian, the more outgoing one, started a smustle dance after she changed into her new clothes. She loved being the center of attention. Gabriella and Chance left the dancing to go play red hands inside of the house.

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“You know we are best friends for life right?” Gabby said.

“Yea, definitely!”

“I hope that never changes when we go to school.”

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Gillian laughed. “No Gabby! We will be like peanut butter and jelly.”

“Or Poochka and Izzie?”

“Yea, but no fighting.”

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I will leave you all with a picture of Holy attempting to shower with Derek. They desperately need a second bathroom. Maybe next update Derek will build one. Tune in to the next episode, coming soon and thanks for reading!