Chapter 1 or Introduction


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Transcript of Chapter 1 or Introduction

Page 1: Chapter 1 or Introduction

Chapter 1 or Introduction

Random Asset Memory

“By using, as the equivalent of free association,

children’s spontaneous play with suitable toys

provided and kept in the treatment-room,

Melanie Klein found a way to psychoanalyze

quite disturbed children even as young as 3 or 4,

interpreting their play particularly in terms of

their implicit fantasies about their parents’

bodies and their own. In her early papers sexual

fantasies have first place but, having inherited

from her second analyst, Karl Abraham, a deep

interest in depression and its connections with

the first pre-genital (the ‘oral’) stages of sexual

development, she soon put the relationship of

feeding mother and infant at the centre of the

picture; later relationships came to be

interpreted in terms of that one, by her and by

her followers, who form a distinct group of the

‘object-relations’ school (Klein, 1975).”

Page 2: Chapter 1 or Introduction

-the oxford companion to the mind, edited by

Richard. L. Gregory, oxford university press,


-page 271, “Freudianism: later developments,”

right column, paragraph 4 of 5

-papyrus: Thursday, 8 january 2015,

~0530 hours ptsdt