Chapter 1 - Lighted Way 24.doc  · Web viewThis original word literally means “one year.” The...

Chapter 24 The Rise of the Beast After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it [was] diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things (Daniel 7:7- 8). Thus far, the Little Horn power has clearly been identified as Papal Rome. We have examined the time in which it would come to power; we have noted its geographical location; we have compared its military pursuits against three of the horn kingdoms; we have read Papal Rome’s blasphemous claim to hold power equal to that of YHWH; Furthermore, we have recognized Rome’s religiopolitical nature, differentiating it from other world - 1 -

Transcript of Chapter 1 - Lighted Way 24.doc  · Web viewThis original word literally means “one year.” The...

Page 1: Chapter 1 - Lighted Way 24.doc  · Web viewThis original word literally means “one year.” The word translated as “dividing” is pelag. It means “dividing in half.” Thus,

Chapter 24The Rise of the Beast

After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it [was] diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things (Daniel 7:7-8).

Thus far, the Little Horn power has clearly been identified as Papal Rome. We have examined the time in which it would come to power; we have noted its geographical location; we have compared its military pursuits against three of the horn kingdoms; we have read Papal Rome’s blasphemous claim to hold power equal to that of YHWH; Furthermore, we have recognized Rome’s religiopolitical nature, differentiating it from other world powers; Finally, we have addressed Papal Rome’s tyrannical role as a persecutor. Thus, Papal Rome has been shown to have fulfilled five of the little horn’s prophesied identifying characteristics. Now, there remains only one more identifying factor to consider: The length of time the Bible foretold that the Little Horn power would rule.

Referring to the length of time that the Little Horn would have to persecute Elohim’s true Law-keepers, the Bible foretold that “…they (the saints) shall be given into his (the Little Horn’s) hand until a time and times and the dividing of time” (Daniel 7:25). This period of time can be clearly defined through

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comparing it with the prophetic time in Revelation chapters twelve and thirteen. By putting together the works of both Daniel and Revelation, the necessary keys to understanding the end-time prophecies are in place.

In prophecy, Daniel and John the Revelator may have recorded different representations of this power, but these varied representations all point to one entity: Papal Rome. Before we can connect all the prophecies regarding the length of time the Papacy would be allowed to “rule,” we must first connect all the visual forms this power may take, prophetically.

To Daniel, this power appeared as a Little Horn, which grew out of the head of the dragon-like beast. This close connection between the horn and the dragon-like beast represented the power of the horn coming directly from Satan himself. John, in Revelation chapter thirteen, described the same Papal power Daniel had seen. To John, this worshipped power appeared as a beast instead of a horn, but its power still came directly from the dragon. (See Revelation 13:2.)

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon, which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. (As will soon be

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shown, this is the same period of time that the Little Horn remains in power) And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against Elohim, to blaspheme his name, (the beast and the Little Horn speak alike – as they are the same exact entity) and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, (just as the Little Horn was prophesied to do, so the Beast persecutes the saints) and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life (everyone who is not saved will worship this power- this aligns with the religiopolitical authority of the Little Horn as well) of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:1-8).

As these visions point to the same power, why did Daniel see a horn and John see a beast?

Prophetic in-sight works a bit like a dark space being illumined in flashes. To il-

lustrate this metaphor, imagine two people sitting in a completely pitch-black warehouse. For just an instant, someone turns on a spotlight. Then the light is put out again. Presently the light comes on in a different part of the room. Quickly the light again goes out. In these moments of illumination, the two people in the warehouse are enabled to see some of the

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contents of the space in which they sit. Now, if asked to describe what they have seen, these two people can certainly be expected to give similar descriptions, after all, they are looking at the same space. But while they are both describing the same objects, they will each also have specific details the other observer did not, as gained from their unique perspective of this space.

Prophets record their information similarly to the two observers in the dark warehouse. Both Daniel and John are describing the same power, as is evident by the similarity of their descriptions. As heavenly illumination flashes upon these future events, the prophets are each viewing the same thing. However, the two descriptions are also different in that both prophets sees unique details only presented to their perspective. Thus, each prophet shares truth about the total picture, but each gets a partial view of the whole message. This is exactly what Paul states in the first book of Corinthians. “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part” (1 Corinthians 13:9).

Like assembling a fragmented puzzle, a harmonious and complete message appears by putting the parts of every related prophetic message together. To view the whole message on Papal Rome, we will assemble the pieces from Daniel seven and Revelation thirteen. First, we will examine the characteristics that appear in both descriptions of the Beast and the Little Horn. Then, we will address the additional information uniquely presented by Daniel or John.

Parallel Descriptions of the Beast and the Little Horn

Beast (Rev 13) Little Horn (Daniel 7)His power comes from the dragon (Satan) – See verse 4.

His power comes from the dragon-like beast as the horn “grows” out of its head – See verses 7-8.

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Beast (Rev 13) Little Horn (Daniel 7)His power lasts for 42 months or 1260 days prophetic time – See verse 5.

His power lasts for 3½ years or 1260 days prophetic time - See verse 25.

He speaks blasphemous words against Elohim and His name – Claiming to be equal with Elohim – See verses 5-6.

He speaks blasphemous words against Elohim and His name – Claiming to be equal with Elohim – See verses 8 & 25.

Ten kingdoms (horns) surround him. – See verse 1.

Ten kingdoms (horns) surround him. – See verse 24.

He persecutes and kills Elohim’s people – See verse 7.

He persecutes and kills Elohim’s people – See verse 21.

He will be a religious power – as is demonstrated by the fact that he receives “worship” – See verse 4.

He will be a political power, as he is a horn like his predecessors. But he will also be “diverse” or different from the other horns, in that he is also a religious power. – See verse 24.

He will also be a political power – as is demonstrated by the fact that beasts and horns represent civil authority. – See verse 1.

The similarities between the descriptions of the Beast and the Horn are too great to merely be coincidental. These two representations point to the exact same power. However, they are both only part of the whole message. (See 1 Corinthians 13:9.) A more complete picture is gained by comparing them side-by-side. In so doing, we find that not only do the two accounts describing Papal Rome agree, they also give unique and added light on this end-time earthly power. These added details are presented in the following list:

As this power comes to reign, three political kingdoms will be uprooted completely. (See Daniel 7:8.)

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This power contains aspects of the prophetic lion, bear, leopard and dragon, which precede the rise of the Little Horn and are listed in Daniel 7. (See Revelation 13:2.)

This power was prophesied to receive a “deadly wound” that would later be completely “healed.” (See Revelation 13:3.)

Everyone who is not saved will worship this Papal power. (See Revelation 13:8.)

We now have a great deal of diverse information, which can be fitted together to verify our identification of this power. We may, therefore conclude the length of time that the Little Horn/Beast Power would be allowed to “reign.” In so doing, along with an interesting image of the near future, we will see a clear picture of past Papal history. First, let’s list all the related time prophecies:

“…And the holy city shall they (this Beast power) tread under foot forty and two months. And I will give power unto My two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth” (A sign of mourning over the work being done by this Beast.) (Revelation 11:2-3).

“…And power was given unto him (the Papal Beast) to continue forty and two months” (Revelation 13:5).

“…And they (the saints) shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time” (Daniel 7:25).

The original Aramaic word iddan is translated as “time” in Daniel seven. This original word literally means “one year.” The word translated as “dividing” is pelag. It means “dividing in half.” Thus, the prophecy of Daniel seven stating the length

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of time the Little Horn holds its power could be described as one time + two times + ½ time, or one year + two years + ½ a year. Thus, Daniel seven verse twenty-five is referring to a period of time that lasts 3½ prophetic years. The prophet Ezekiel decodes the length of a prophetic year, translating it still further. In prophetic time, Ezekiel explains each day represents a year. “…I have appointed thee each day for a year” (Ezekiel 4:6). Reckoning these years in Jewish terms, a Hebraic year is 360 days long. Thus, by using the information added by another prophet, we get a total picture from Daniel seven. The Little Horn holds its power for 1260 prophetic years. (3.5 years x 30 days in a prophetic month = 1260 years.)

This same time period appears in John’s record of the Beast’s reign in Revelation chapter thirteen. John refers to the same time period as 42 months. But, 42 months x 30 days in a prophetic month = 1260 prophetic years!

Finally, the 1260-year period is mentioned in Revelation chapter eleven. There, John calls it 1,000 + 200 + 3 score (a score is 20) = 1260 prophetic years.

Three times the 1260 prophetic year prophecy appears with reference to the Papal Power. What time-related message was Elohim conveying about this power, through the prophets? To answer this question, we need to look into history at about the time the Little Horn, or the Beast, arose.

We have already discussed the historic fact that Papal Rome came into power in the year 538 C.E., at which time the last of three uprooted horns was destroyed. From that point, the Papacy reigned as a dominant global religiopolitical power until the year 1798. John, in Revelation thirteen verse three, recorded that the Beast would receive a deadly wound. This mortal wound was inflicted when, in 1798, the French general Berthier, took the pope prisoner. Imprisoned in France, the pope later died in utter disgrace and ignominy. The 1260-year-

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long Papal reign (1798-538=1260 years), prophesied by Daniel and John had come to an end.

Just as John prophesied, this mortal wound was remarkably healed. (See Revelation 13:3.) The Papacy rose again like a mythological phoenix from its ashes. Truly today, “all the world wonders after the Beast.”

For many, the term “Beast” and the fact that it gets its power from Satan himself is a hard pill to swallow with respect to the apparently pious Papal system we see today. But actually, as will be presented next, the satanic influence in the Papal order is blatantly obvious to all who will see it.

John Daniel in his book, The Grand Design Exposed, explains that the claim to Christianity goes no deeper in the Papal system than does white paint on a wooden fence. Christianity is merely a coating applied to conceal the true pagan, Babylonian nature of the Papacy.

Rome, from its earliest history, has always been the implacable enemy of God’s truth, from its decree to crucify Jesus Christ, to sending early Christians to their deaths in the Colliseum arena of ravenous lions. It was that same “Sun” worship system of religion that had been originally concocted in Babylon. Anciently, it had come to Rome in fragments and was known historically as Pagan Rome. But later, as the Imperial Roman Empire collapsed and Papal Rome took its place, Babylonian Sun Worship manifested itself in an almost pure and radical form (p. 30).

Being fervently Christian is a crucial image Rome must convey until she has properly educated and conditioned the world to receive her true Occultic, Babylonian nature. But once the grand work of the Babylonian Mystery Religion is completed, the curtain of deception

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will be drawn aside, revealing Catholic Rome for what she really is (p. 122).

So deeply is this religion rooted in Paganism, that Babylonian Sun Worship saturates every Papal worship practice. To illustrate this point, we will discuss just a few of the ancient sun worship practices which have been renamed and repackaged as “Christian,” through the teachings of Rome.

1. Rome was the ancient center for what was arguably the most powerful Mithraic (Egyptian – the religion of which was later carried into Babylon) sun-cult.

2. The leader of the ancient sun-worship services was titled pater, which is Latin for “father.” These sun priests wore black costumes with a white circular collar representing the sun disk.

3. The ultimate head of this ancient system of sun-worship was called a Pater-Patratus, or a papa – or pope.

4. Sun worship initiates beneath the pater were called “brothers.”

5. The cultic practices of sun worship were to be officiated by men only.

6. The cult of the sun had a diabolical Trinity: Mithras (the sun), Rashnu, and Vohu Manah.

7. The holy day in sun worship was the day of the sun, or Sun-day.

8. There were five levels within the sun-worship hierarchy.

9. December 25 was observed as the birthday of the sun god. Ancient sun-worshippers called it Natalis Invictus, meaning “the rebirth of the unconquered sun.”

10. Sun worship initiates had to undergo a ritualistic sprinkling. In ancient times it was done with bull’s blood. Now, initiates are sprinkled with water.

11. Ancient sun-worshippers were taught that they would enter “paradise” (Nirvana or the Nether World) by three steps: a good thought, a good word, a good deed. (This

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list is taken from Lew White’s book, entitled, Fossilized Customs, p. 46-47.)

Certainly, these comparisons between ancient rituals of sun worship and the modern practices of the Papal church are startlingly similar. This similarity is not by coincidence, but rather by design. In the third century, Constantine determined to unite the pagan and religious world. Thus, he took the pagan days of worship and repackaged them with Christian names and purposes in an attempt to cause both pagan and Christian alike to unite behind a single religious organization. Thus, the day of the sun became the “Lord’s day.” The way the sun was worshipped on this pagan day became the way the Son was “worshipped.”

Constantine designated it (Sunday) by its astrological, or heathen title, Dies Solis (Day of the Sun), and insisted that the epithet venerabilis, with which it is introduced, had reference to the rites performed on that day in honor of Hercules, Apollo, and Mithras. (All of which are ancient names for the sun-god.) (Hessey’s Brampton Lectures, p. 60).

Regardless of the lustrous labels given to Constantine by historians, he was no Christian! Even after his claimed “conversion” to the religion of Christ, Constantine’s idea of worship was wholly pagan. He even practiced occultic divination through witchcraft and ritualistic haruspices.

(In March of the fourth century) …Constantine published his edict commanding the observance of that ancient festival of the heathen, the venerable day of the sun… (Immediately after)… he issued a second decree in every respect worthy of its heathen predecessor. The purpose of it was this: That if any royal edifice should be struck by lightning… haruspices were to be consulted to learn the meaning of the awful portent.

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The haruspices were soothsayers who foretold future events by examining the entrails of beasts slaughtered in sacrifice to the (sun) god! (History of the Sabbath, p. 264.)

The Bible rightly associates this practice of using animal entrails for divination with Babylonian paganism. In Ezekiel, the record is given of a Babylonian king who used such practices to determine the outcome of his intended battle with Jerusalem.

For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination… he consulted with images (false gods), he looked in the liver (divination using animal entrails). At his right hand was the divination for Jerusalem, to appoint captains, to open the mouth in the slaughter, to lift up the voice with shouting, to appoint battering rams against the gates… And it shall be unto them as a false divination in their sight, to them that have sworn oaths: but He will call to remembrance the iniquity,(Elohim remembers the sin of using divination.) that they may be taken (Ezekiel 21:21-23).

After the pope’s deadly wound was “healed,” the resurrected Roman religion began to inculcate the world with paganistic teachings under the guise of purity and godly virtue. The teachings of the Scriptures were not immediately eroded in a single day. The papal dogmas became contemporary Christian traditions through hundreds of years of gradual, insidious attack. This concept is perhaps best presented in table form, as shown below:

Date Papal DogmaCE 300 “Baptism” by immersion as practiced in the

Bible, is changed to affusion (sprinkling).Date Papal Dogma

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CE 370 Sabbath observers are called “Judaisers” who are worthy of death – by the Council of Laodicea.

CE 431 Catholics are instructed to worship Mary. (See Romans 1:25 and Mark 3:21.)

CE 431 Mary is given the pagan title “Queen of Heaven” (This was the title given to the wife of the sun god – as will be shown in a later chapter.) Worship of this “Queen of Heaven” was an abomination to Elohim. (See Jeremiah 7:18, 44:17 & 25.)

CE 600 Latin is the only language permitted for prayer.CE 709 Kissing the feet of the pope is ordered. This is

against Acts 10:25-26 and Revelation 19:10.CE 785 Mary is elevated to be equal with Christ as a

“co-redemptrix.” This is against the teachings of Acts 4:12, Psalm 146:5, and Hebrews 7:25.

CE 1190 Through the sale of indulgences (against Ephesians 2:8-10), or selling holy objects or relics, the Catholic leadership taught that one could buy time off his stint in “purgatory.”

CE 1229 Laymen were forbidden to read the Scriptures. To enforce this the masses were kept uneducated and the Bibles kept in Latin. This was the beginning of the time known as the “Dark Ages.”

CE 1545 The traditions of the church were declared to be equal with Scripture. This is against Matthew 15:6, Mark 7:7-13 and Colossians 2:8.

CE 1580 The pope is declared to be the “LORD GOD.”CE 1870 Papal infallibility was decreed. This meant

that the pope was decreed to be unable to make mistakes or err. This is against 2 Thessalonians 2:2-12 and Revelation 17:1-9

Date Papal Dogma

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CE 1922 The pope was declared to be “Jesus Christ” reincarnated.

(This information is taken from Lew White’s book, entitled, Fossilized Customs, p. 49-50.)

Indeed the Beast is a blasphemous Pagan Power. His religion is the same false system of Sun Worship purported by his master, who is the Dragon. Yet, this pagan religion is worshipped by a vast majority of the world, just as John, in Revelation chapter thirteen, prophesied would happen.

Those who follow the teachings of this Beast will be ready to receive his mark instead of the seal of Elohim. These sealed or marked groups of people are prophetically represented as two very different women. In prophecy, a woman symbolizes a city (see Revelation 17:18) or group of people comprising a church (see Revelation 14:4), as has already been presented.

The pure and virtuous woman who stands upon the moon in the twelfth chapter of Revelation represents Elohim’s people. As is symbolized in her stance upon the moon, this woman will be keeping the Law of Elohim -in accordance to the fourth angel’s message. The Dragon who, as we have studied, gives power to the Papal Beast, will hate the true followers of Christ who comprise this holy woman. She is to be the pure Bride of Christ, but her marriage to Him will not come easily. First, she will face the wrath of the Dragon, whose anger is kindled against her because she refuses to acknowledge his authority, rather than Elohim’s.

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the

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commandments of Elohim, and have the testimony of Y’shua Christ (Revelation 12:1 and 17).

In contrast to the people of Elohim, who are represented by the pure woman sealed by Elohim, is the woman who rides the Papal Beast. Sitting atop the same seven-headed, ten-horned, scarlet-colored Beast, the woman described in Revelation chapter thirteen is representing the Papacy. This Babylonish woman is among the group classed as spiritually “filthy.” As we discussed in the last chapter, this group are the ones who claim Christ’s name but deny His transforming power. They refuse to walk in “righteousness” through faithful obedience to the Law of Elohim. These who claim to be godly will have so closely come to resemble their true demonic father that they will be drunk with blood of the saints.

Rightly, the Mark of the Beast rests upon them. Forever they are marked with the seal of Babylon, whose false system of Sun Worship they have come to espouse.

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Y’shua… (Revelation 17:3-6).

In the end, there are only two women represented in prophecy. They are the pure woman who receives the Seal of Elohim and the false woman who receives the Mark of the Beast. Given to

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insure that all who will listen to Bible truth and stand upon the firm foundation of Scripture, the fourth angel and the testimony of the moon remind us to “come out of Babylon” and to “separate the light from the darkness.”

Having Biblically and historically identified the Beast, whose Mark will be given to all who bear his unholy image, the fourth angel’s call, to come out of Babylon, is understood in all of its end-time relevancy. The old demonic system of Babylonian Sun Worship has been given a pseudo-white dress and labeled “Belongs to the Lord.” But, a label will not fool Elohim who looks upon the heart (see 1 Samuel 16:7).

Ancient Babylon and its idolatrous worship of the sun have been repackaged for presentation in an “Enlightened” Era. But, Rome hasn’t changed. The Dragon-empowered Beast, once wounded, has arisen again, this time to remain in power until it and the Dragon are cast together into the lake of fire. (See Revelation 20:10.) Such will be the end of those who place any authority over the expressed will and ways of Elohim.

As we prepare to address the myriad forms of Babylonian Sun Worship which have infiltrated into modern Christianity through the power and influence of the Beast, one pervading thought will be ever present: Whose authority will you bow to, dear Reader? Will you follow the Law of Elohim and the Holy Scriptures? Or, like the great majority of the Christian world has been prophesied to do, will you instead follow the traditions of men? Who will be the ultimate authority in your life: Elohim or man? If you would choose to follow Elohim, you will heed the call of the fourth angel, which shines in the Testimony of the Moon. Separate yourself from the things of darkness. (See Genesis 1:14 - Scriptures Bible translation.) Come out of Babylon “that ye be not partakers of her sins and receive not of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4).

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The new law has its own spirit… and its own feasts which have taken the place of those appointed in the Law of Moses. If we would know the days to be observed… we must go to the Catholic Church, not to the Mosaic Law” (Catholic Catechism, quoted in Signs of the Times, Nov. 4, 1919).

Chapter 24 Summary

By comparing the record of the Little Horn (see Daniel 7) with the prophecy regarding the Beast (see Revelation 13) a whole prophetic picture develops.

The Little Horn Power of Daniel chapter seven is the same power manifested as a Beast in Revelation chapter thirteen.

The Beast and Little Horn Power can be identified through its characteristics described in the Bible.

This power was prophesied to have the following characteristics: It would reign for 1260 prophetic years; it would persecute the saints; it would speak blasphemous things – claiming to be God; it would rise in Europe after the fall of Pagan Rome; it would be both a religious and political power; it would receive a deadly wound from which it would heal; and it would be worshipped by every unsaved person.

The Papal Power is the earthly power that fits every one of these descriptions of the Beast and the Little Horn. Thus, we may be certain that this Power is indeed the Papal System.

The religion of Papal Rome is based upon the Sun-Worship practices of ancient Babylon.

When the fourth angel calls people to “Come out of Babylon,” We will not follow the traditions of men. For those who do will receive the Mark of the Beast whose image they bear.

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