Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Terminology Mrs. Spearman

Medical Terminology Medical Terminology Chapter 1: Introduction to Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Terminology Medical Terminology Mrs. Spearman Mrs. Spearman


Objectives: 1. I can identify the roles of the four types of word parts used in forming medical terms. 2. By using your knowledge of word parts, I can analyze unfamiliar medical terms 3. I can define commonly used prefixes, word roots, combining forms, and suffixes.

Transcript of Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Terminology Mrs. Spearman

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Medical TerminologyMedical Terminology Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical

TerminologyTerminologyMrs. SpearmanMrs. Spearman

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1. I can identify the roles of the four types of word parts used in forming medical terms.

2. By using your knowledge of word parts, I can analyze unfamiliar medical terms

3. I can define commonly used prefixes, word roots, combining forms, and suffixes.

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The Language of MedicineThe Language of MedicineThe language of medicine is specialized The language of medicine is specialized

vocabulary used by health-care vocabulary used by health-care professionals.professionals.

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Writing is Key

•Correct spelling is essential because

•A misspelled word may have an entirely different meaning.

•Correct spelling helps with the pronunciation of the medical term.

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Word Parts

There are 4 word parts associated with medical term

•Word Roots•Combining Forms•Prefixes•Suffixes

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The word root is the main body of a word.•All words have a word root.•Word roots are the building blocks for most medical terms


Word Roots

Word Root Meaning Use in a WordGastr Stomach GastrologyCardi Heart Cardiologyor mouth oral

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• A word root + (/) combining vowel = combining form

The most frequently used vowel is o.Examples:

Combining Forms

Word Root Combining Vowel

Combining Form


Gastr o Gastr/o StomachCardi o Cardi/o Heart

Or o Or/o Mouth

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Write ItWrite It Write either WR (for “word root” or CF (for

“combining form”) to identify these word parts.1. ______ cyan/o2. ______ erythr/o3. ______ melan/o4. ______ leuk5. ______ neur/o6. ______ enter

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Prefixes Suffixes

A word roots are usually written with a prefix and/or a suffix to form a medical term.

When written by itself a prefix is usually followed by a hyphen (-)

Examples:◦ Pre-◦ Post-

A suffix is attached to the end of a word root to create a medical term.

A suffix is usually preceded by a hyphen (-) when the suffix is written by itself

Examples:◦ -cyte◦ -itis◦ -al

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Write ItWrite It Identify the following word parts as a P (for

prefix), S (for suffix), or CF (for combining form) for the following word parts:

1. ____ peri- 7. ____ -itis2. ____ tonsill/o 8. ____ pre-3. ____ dermat/o 9. ____ -pathy 4. ____ eu- 10.____ rhin/o5. ____ -ology6. ____ hydr/o

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ReminderReminderRemember that when combining forms

are written alone, they contain a combining vowel, usually an o, as in cardi/o.

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Combining Word Parts to Write Combining Word Parts to Write Terms Terms Rules for creating medical terms using a

combining form and suffix: The combining vowel is used before suffixes

that begin with a consonant. ▪ Example: gastr/o + -megaly = gastromegaly

The combining vowel is used when joining together more than one combining form▪ Example: gastro/ + enter/o + -megaly =

gastroenteromegaly Do not use a combining vowel if the suffix

begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, or u)▪ Example: gastr/o + -itis = gastritis

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More ExamplesMore Examples

Prefix + Combining Form + Suffix◦Poly- + arthr/o + -itis = polyarthritis

Combining Form + Suffix◦Arthr/o + -itis = arthritis

Prefix + Suffix◦Dys- + -pnea = dyspnea

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Building Terms with a Combining Building Terms with a Combining Form and SuffixesForm and SuffixesCombining

FormSuffixes Term and Meaning

Ot/o -itis Otitis, inflammation of the ear

-logy Otology, study of the ear

-plasty Otoplasty, plastic surgery of the ear

-rrhea Otorrhea, discharge from the ear

-tomy Ototomy, incision of the ear

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Decipher these medical terms based on Decipher these medical terms based on their word parts: their word parts:

WordWord PrefixPrefix Combining Combining formform

SuffixSuffix MeaningMeaning

cardiologistcardiologist cardi/ocardi/o -ologist-ologist

gastralgiagastralgia gastr/ogastr/o -algia-algia

neuralgianeuralgia neur/oneur/o -algia-algia

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Build It (Remember the rules)Build It (Remember the rules) Write terms from these word parts

1. dys- + -pnea = __________________2. enter/o + -ic = __________________3. eu- + -pepsia = __________________4. tonsill/o + -itis = __________________5. dermat/o+ -ologist = ___________________6. pre- + nat/o + -al= __________________7. leuk/o + -cyte = ____________________8. appendic/o + -itis = _________________9. Hyper- + -emia = ___________________10. endo- + cardi/o + -al = _______________

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Determining a Word’s Determining a Word’s meaningmeaningTo determine a word’s meaning:

◦Always start at the suffix, and work toward the beginning.

◦As you separate the word parts, identify the meaning of each. Identifying the meaning of each part should give you a definition.

◦Because some word parts have more than one meaning, it is also necessary to determine what body system the term is referring to. (Example: myel/o means spinal cord or bone marrow)

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Combining Forms Indicating ColorCombining

FormMeaning Example

Cyan/o Blue Cyanosis (-osis means abnormal condition or disease) blue discoloration of the skin due to lack of oxygen

Erythr/o Red Erythrocyte (-cyte means cell) red blood cell

Leuk/o White Leukocyte—white blood cellMelan/o Black Melanosis—abnormal condition of

deposits of black pigment in body tissues

Poli/o Gray Poliomyelitis—(myel/o means spinal cord, -itis means inflammation) viral infection of the spinal cord

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Suffix Meaning Example-ology Study of Gastrology—study of the stomach

-algia,dynia pain Gastralgia—pain in the stomach ORGastrodynia (-algia is commonly used)

-itis Inflammation Gastritis—inflammation of the stomach-malacia Abnormal

softeningArteriomalacia—softening of an artery(arteri/o means artery)

-sclerosis Hardening Arteriosclerosis—hardening of an artery-megaly Enlargement Hepatomegaly—enlargement of the liver

(Hepat/o means liver)-necrosis Tissue death Arterionecrosis—tissue death of an

artery-stenosis Abnormal

narrowingArteriostenosis—abnormal narrowing of an artery

Suffixes Related to Pathology

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Suffixes Related to Procedures

Suffix Meaning Example-centesis Surgical procedure

to remove fluidAbdominocentesis—surgical procedure to remove fluid from the abdomen (abdomin/o means abdomen)

-graphy Process of recording a picture

or record

Angiography—process of recording an (x-ray) of a blood vessel (angi/o means blood vessel)

-gram Picture or record Angiogram—picture of a blood vessel

-plasty Surgical repair Rhinoplasty—surgical repair of the nose (rhin/o means nose)

-scopy Visual examination Arthroscopy—visual examination of a joint (arthr/o means joint)

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The “Double R” Suffixes

Suffix Meaning Example

-rrhage, -rrhagia

Bleeding Hemorrhage—loss of large amount of blood in short time (hem/o means blood)

-rrhaphy Surgical suture (stitch)

Myorrhaphy—surgical suturing a muscle (my/o means muscle)

-rrhea Flow or discharge

Diarrhea—frequent flow of watery stool (dia- means through)

-rrhexis Rupture Myorrhexis—rupture of a muscle

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PrefixesPrefix Meaning Example

Pre- Before Prenatal—time and events before birth

Peri- Surrounding Perinatal— time and events surrounding birth

Post- After Postnal—time and events after birth

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Contrasting Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Prefix MeaningAb- Away from

Ex. AbnormalAd- Toward

Ex. AddicitionDys- Bad, difficult, painful

Ex. DysfunctionalEu- Good or normal

Ex. EuthyroidHyper- Excessive or

increasedEx. Hypertension

Hypo- Deficient or decreasedEx. Hypotension

Inter- Between or amongEx. Interstate

Intra- Within or outsideEx. Intramuscular injection

Sub- Under, less, or belowEx. Subcostal(cost/o means rib)

Super-, Supra-

Above or ExcessiveEx. Supracostal

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Combining Form Meaning ExampleArterio/o Artery Endoarterial—pertaining

to the lining within an artery

Ather/o Fatty substance or plaque

Atherectomy—surgical removal of a fatty substance

Athr/o Joint Arthralgia—pain in a joint

Commonly Confused Terms

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Suffix Meaning Example-ectomy Surgical excision or

removalAppendectomy—surgical removal of the appendix

-ostomy Surgical creation of a artificial opening

Colostomy—surgical creation of an artificial opening into the colon

-otomy Surgical incision or cutting

Lithotomy—surgical incision to remove stones(lith/o means stone)

Commonly Confused Terms

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Combining Form Meaning ExampleMyc/o Fungus Mycosis—abnormal

condition of fungusMyel/o Bone marrow or

spinal cordMyelopathy—disease in the spinal cord(-pathy means disease)

My/o Muscle Myopathy—disease in the muscle tissue

Commonly Confused Terms

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Combining Form Meaning ExamplePyel/o Renal pelvis; part of

kidneyPyelitis—inflammation of the renal pelvis

Py/o Pus Pyoderma—pus skin infection

Pyr/o Fire or fever Pyromaniac—person that loves fire

Commonly Confused Terms

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Write It! Directions: Select the correct answer.

1.The medical term gastritis or gastrosis describe inflammation of the stomach.

2.An appendectomy or appendicitis is the surgical removal of the appendix.

3.The abnormal hardening of the walls of an artery is called arteriosclerosis or arterionecrosis.

4.An inflammation of the stomach and small intestine is know as gastritis or gastralgia or gastroenteritis.

5.The term meaning pain in a joint is arthralgia or arthritis or arteritis.

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Write It! Word SurgeryDivide each term into its word parts. (You may not need all the lines provided.)

1.Otorhinolaryrngology is the study of the ear nose and throat. _________ _____________ ________________ _______________

2.The term mycosis means abnormal condition caused by fungus.__________ _____________ ________________ ________________

3.Poliomyelitis is a viral infection of the gray matter of the spinal cord.__________ _____________ ________________ ________________

4.Neonatology is the study of disorders of the newborn.__________ _____________ ________________ ________________

5. The term endarterial means pertaining to the interior or lining of an artery.__________ _____________ ________________ ________________

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Look-AlikeLook-Alike Sound-AlikeSound-Alike Terms Terms

Infection Invasion of the body by a

disease-producing organism

Signs and symptoms of infection include: • malaise (feeling of

discomfort), • chills and fever, • redness, • heat, • swelling, or • exudate from a wound. (fluid

(pus) that leaks from infected wound).


body’s response to injury

Signs of inflammation:◦ erythema (redness), ◦ hyperthermia (heat), ◦ edema (swelling), ◦ and pain.

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