Chapter 03

chapter 03 True / False Questions 1. The most important advantage of transmission electron microscope (TEM) over light microscope (LM) is its higher resolution. True False 2. If a cell doubled in diameter, it would have twice as much cytoplasm to maintain. True False 3. In the plasma membrane, glycolipids and glycoproteins face toward the cytoplasm, while peripheral proteins always face toward the ECF. True False 4. A cell's second messengers serve to transport material through the plasma membrane. True False 5. Microvilli and cilia differ in their function but have the same internal structure. True False 6. Ligand-gated channels are membrane proteins that open or close in response to the binding of a chemical. True False 7. The greater the concentration gradient the faster the diffusion rate. True False 8. The Na + -K + ATPase is a countertransport antiport carrier, which always requires energy. True False 9. The sodium-glucose transport protein (SGLT) is one example of an active transport process involving a uniport carrier. True False 10. One example of pinocytosis is the uptake of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) by endothelial cells. True False 11. Both the nucleus and the mitochondrion are surrounded by two layers of unit membrane. True False 12. The nucleus is the largest organelle in most cells. True False 13. Ribosomes are made of proteins and RNA. True False 14. The Golgi complex makes peroxisomes but not lysosomes. True False 15. A crystal of calcium phosphate in the cytoplasm of a cell should be classified as an inclusion. True False Multiple Choice Questions

Transcript of Chapter 03

Page 1: Chapter 03

chapter 03 

True / False Questions  

1. The most important advantage of transmission electron microscope (TEM) over light microscope (LM) is its higher resolution.   True    False

 2. If a cell doubled in diameter, it would have twice as much cytoplasm to maintain.   

True    False 3. In the plasma membrane, glycolipids and glycoproteins face toward the cytoplasm, while peripheral

proteins always face toward the ECF.   True    False

 4. A cell's second messengers serve to transport material through the plasma membrane.    

True    False 5. Microvilli and cilia differ in their function but have the same internal structure.   

True    False 6. Ligand-gated channels are membrane proteins that open or close in response to the binding of a

chemical.   True    False

 7. The greater the concentration gradient the faster the diffusion rate.   

True    False 8. The Na+-K+ ATPase is a countertransport antiport carrier, which always requires energy.   

True    False 9. The sodium-glucose transport protein (SGLT) is one example of an active transport process involving a

uniport carrier.   True    False

 10. One example of pinocytosis is the uptake of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) by endothelial cells.   

True    False 11. Both the nucleus and the mitochondrion are surrounded by two layers of unit membrane.    

True    False 12. The nucleus is the largest organelle in most cells.    

True    False 13. Ribosomes are made of proteins and RNA.    

True    False 14. The Golgi complex makes peroxisomes but not lysosomes.    

True    False 15. A crystal of calcium phosphate in the cytoplasm of a cell should be classified as an inclusion.    

True    False  

Multiple Choice Questions  

Page 2: Chapter 03

16. All of the generalizations below constitute the modern cell theory except    A.  an organism's structure and all of its functions are ultimately due to the activities of its cells. B.  all cells come only from preexisting cells. C.  all cells occupy space. D.  all organisms are composed of cells and cell products. E.  the cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life.

 17. ________ cells are thick in the middle and tapered toward the end.    

A. Squamous B. Stellate C. Columnar D. Spheroid E. Fusiform

 18. Most human cells range from 10 to 15 micrometers in diameter. What limits how large a cell can be?    

A.  a cell's lifespan B. nutrients available in the environment of a cell C.  the relationship between its volume and length D.  the relationship between its length and surface area E.  the relationship between its volume and surface area

 19. The fluid outside of a cell is called    

A.  cytosol. B.  intracellular fluid. C.  extracellular fluid. D.  cytoplasm. E. nucleoplasm.

 20. The flat-shaped cells found covering the skin are    

A.  cuboidal. B.  columnar. C.  cylindrical. D.  squamous. E.  spherical.

 21. Although the transmission electron microscope (TEM) can magnify much more than a light microscope,

even at identical magnifications the TEM has the advantage of    A. being able to produce photographs of the specimen. B. being able to work in a vacuum. C. being able to show individual molecules. D.  producing higher resolution. E. working better with thinner tissue specimens.

 22. ______ are the most abundant molecules in the plasma membrane.    

A. Glycolipids B. Phospholipids C. Prostaglandins D. Proteins E. Cholesterol molecules

 23. _____ are membrane proteins that bind to signals by which cells communicate.    

A. Receptors B. Enzymes C. Carriers D. Cell-identity markers E. Cell-adhesion molecules


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24. A receptor protein in the plasma membrane will not bind to just any chemical in the extracellular fluid, but only to certain ones. That is to say, the receptor exhibits    A.  selectivity. B.  specificity. C.  efficacy. D.  saturation. E.  fidelity.

 25. In its second-messenger role, cAMP activates enzymes called ______, whose job is to regulate other

enzymes by adding phosphate groups to them.    A.  transmembrane proteins B. peripheral proteins C. kinases D. glycocalyx E. blockers

 26. Transmembrane proteins that make up enzymes in the plasma membrane are made up of hydrophilic and

hydrophobic regions. Most amino acids embedded in the membrane are ________, while most amino acids facing the extracellular fluid are __________.    A. hydrophilic; hydrophilic B. hydrophilic; hydrophobic C. hydrophobic; hydrophobic D. hydrophobic; hydrophilic E.  lipophilic; lipophobic

 27. Gates respond to all these stimuli except    

A.  chemical messengers. B.  ligands. C.  changes in electrical potential (voltage) across the plasma membrane. D.  physical deformation of the plasma membrane. E. water in the extracellular fluid.

 28. ______ act like identification tags in the glycocalyx that enable the body to distinguish its own cells from

foreign and diseased cells.    A. Glycoproteins B. Lipoproteins C. Cholesterol molecules D. Phospholipids E. Cell-adhesion molecules

 29. ______ provide motility to a cell, ______ act as sensory "antenna" in many cells, and ____________

increase a cell's surface area.    A. Cilia; microvilli; flagella B. Microvilli; cilia; flagella C. Microvilli; flagella; cilia D. Flagella; microvilli; cilia E. Flagella; cilia; microvilli

 30. Cells lining the small intestine are specialized for absorption of nutrients. Their plasma membrane has

   A.  flagella. B.  cilia. C. microvilli. D.  a glycocalyx. E. dynein arms.


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 31. This figure shows the plasma membrane. What does "A" represent?    

A.  a peripheral protein B.  a channel protein C.  a glycoprotein D.  cholesterol E. a phospholipid

 32. This figure shows the plasma membrane. What does "C" represent?    

A.  a peripheral protein B.  a channel protein C.  a glycoprotein D.  cholesterol E. a phospholipid

 33. This figure shows the plasma membrane. What does "D" represent?    

A.  a peripheral protein B.  a channel protein C.  a glycoprotein D.  a phospholipid E. cholesterol

 34. _____________ consume ATP when transferring solutes from one side to the other side of the plasma

membrane.    A. Receptors B. Pumps C. Cell-adhesion molecules D. Channels E. Cell-identity markers

 35. Two solutions are separated by a selectively permeable membrane. If solution A has a higher

concentration of a nonpermeating solute than solution B, then,    A.  the solute will pass down its concentration gradient from solution A to B. B.  the solute will pass down its concentration gradient from solution B to A. C. water will pass down its concentration gradient from solution A to B. D. water will pass down its concentration gradient from solution B to A. E. neither the solute nor water will diffuse.


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36. _____________ is the process in which ____________ forces water and small solutes such as salts through narrow clefts between capillary cells.    A. Filtration; hydrostatic pressure B. Osmosis; hydrostatic pressure C. Active transport; osmotic pressure D. Active transport; hydrostatic pressure E. Osmosis; osmotic pressure

 37. Water flows through a selectively permeable membrane in a process called __________, but water

molecules cross the membrane more easily through channels of transmembrane proteins called __________.    A. osmosis; water pumps B. osmosis; aquaporins C. osmosis; uniport D.  filtration; aquaporins E.  filtration; water pumps

 38. Insulin is taken up by endocytosis by endothelial cells lining capillaries, and then transported across the

cell to the other side, where it is released. This transport is called    A. pinocytosis. B.  receptor-mediated phagocytosis. C. passive transport. D.  facilitated transport. E.  transcytosis.

 39. Sodium and glucose are transported together from the intestinal lumen into an intestinal cell. The carrier

protein is a(n) __________ and the process is called ____________.    A.  symport; cotransport B.  symport; countertransport C.  antiport; countertransport D.  antiport; cotransport E. uniport; facilitated diffusion

 40. The sodium-potassium (Na+-K+) pump transports both sodium and potassium __________ their

concentration gradients in a process called ____________.    A. up; active transport B. up; facilitated transport C. up; cotransport D.  down; active transport E. down; countertransport

 41. A red blood cell is placed in a hypertonic solution. The concentration of solutes in the solution is

__________ than the concentration of solutes in the intracellular fluid and will cause the cell to ______________.    A. higher; swell B.  lower; swell C. higher; shrink D.  lower; shrink E.  lower; burst

 42. Facilitated diffusion and active transport have in common that both    

A.  are processes involving transport of a solute up its concentration gradient. B.  are processes involving transport of a solute down its concentration gradient. C.  are processes involving the use of energy provided by ATP. D.  are processes ATP independent. E. are cases of carrier-mediated transport.


Page 6: Chapter 03

43. ______ describes the number of particles of a solute in a solution, whereas ______ is the ability of a solution to affect the fluid volume in a cell.    A. Tonicity; osmolarity B. Osmolarity; diffusion C. Osmolarity; tonicity D. Osmolarity; molarity E. Tonicity; diffusion

 44. Which of the following processes could occur only through the plasma membrane of a living cell?    

A.  facilitated diffusion B.  simple diffusion C.  filtration D. osmosis E. active transport

 45. Particles can leave a cell by any of these means except by    

A.  active transport. B.  exocytosis. C.  simple diffusion. D.  an antiport system. E. pinocytosis.

 46. White blood cells engulf bacteria by means of    

A. phagocytosis. B.  cotransport. C. pinocytosis. D.  active transport. E.  receptor-mediated endocytosis.

 47. The Na+-K+ pump has the following functions except    

A. heat production. B.  transport of Na+ into the cell and K+ out of the cell. C.  secondary active transport. D.  regulation of cell volume. E. maintenance of membrane potential.

 48. A patient was severely dehydrated, losing a large amount of fluid. The patient was given intravenous

fluids of normal saline. Normal saline is ________ to your blood cells and is about __________ NaCl.    A.  isotonic; 9% B.  isotonic; 0.9% C. hypertonic; 9% D. hypotonic; 0.9% E. hypotonic; 9%

 49. Which of these is an example of active transport?    

A. diffusion of oxygen from a place of high concentration to a place of lower concentration B.  facilitated diffusion of K+ C.  transport of glucose down its concentration gradient D.  transport of Na+ from a place of low concentration to a place of higher concentration E.  transport of Cl- following its concentration gradient

 50. Which of these bring nonspecific material into a cell?    

A. phagocytosis B.  receptor-mediated endocytosis C.  transcytosis D.  pinocytosis E. exocytosis


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51. These are all membranous organelles except    A. mitochondria. B.  ribosomes. C.  the nucleus. D.  endoplasmic reticulum. E.  the Golgi complex.

 52. Among other functions, hepatocytes (liver cells) are specialized in detoxifying drugs or other chemicals.

Hepatocytes have large amounts of    A. DNA. B.  smooth endoplasmic reticulum. C. microtubules. D.  cilia. E. centrioles.

 53. What function would immediately cease if the ribosomes of a cell were destroyed?    

A.  exocytosis B.  active transport C.  ciliary action D. protein synthesis E. osmosis

 54. What organelle is most active in causing programmed cell death?    

A.  rough endoplasmic reticulum B. nucleus C.  centriole D.  lysosome E. mitochondrion

 55. Muscle cells contain numerous _____________ to serve their high demand for ATP.    

A.  ribosomes B.  lysosomes C. mitochondria D.  inclusions E. Golgi vesicles

 56. This organelle synthesizes steroids in the ovary and stores calcium in muscle cells.    

A.  smooth endoplasmic reticulum B.  rough endoplasmic reticulum C. nucleus D. mitochondrion E. Golgi complex

 57. ______ play an important role in cell division, and they are made of __________.    

A. Mitochondria; microtubules B. Ribosomes; intermediate filaments C. Nucleoli; microfilaments D. Centrioles; microtubules E.  Inclusions; centrosomes

 58. ________________ synthesize(s) carbohydrates and put(s) finishing touches on proteins synthesized at

____________.    A. Smooth ER; rough ER B. The Golgi complex; rough ER C. Smooth ER; the Golgi complex D. The Golgi complex; smooth ER E. Ribosomes; smooth ER


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59. ______ decompose fatty acids, and detoxify alcohol, free radicals, and drugs.    A. Lysosomes B. Microvilli C.  Inclusions D. Peroxisomes E. Golgi vesicles

 60. ___________ is not involved in protein synthesis.    

A. Smooth ER B. Rough ER C. The Golgi complex D. The nucleus E. Ribosomes

 61. ____________ gives structural support, determines the shape of a cell, and directs the movement of

substances through the cell.    A. Cholesterol B. The nucleus C. The plasma membrane D. The Golgi complex E. The cytoskeleton


   62. This figure shows the structure of a representative cell. What does "A" represent?    

A.  smooth ER B.  rough ER C. Golgi complex D. mitochondrion E. nucleolus

 63. This figure shows the structure of a representative cell. What does "D" represent?    

A. mitochondrion B.  rough ER C.  smooth ER D. Golgi complex E. nucleolus


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64. This figure shows the structure of a representative cell. What does "C" represent?    A. Golgi complex B.  rough ER C.  smooth ER D. mitochondrion E. nucleolus

 65. This figure shows the structure of a representative cell. What does "B" represent?   

A. Golgi complexB.  rough ERC.  smooth ERD. mitochondrionE. nucleolus


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chapter 03 Key   

True / False Questions  

1. The most important advantage of transmission electron microscope (TEM) over light microscope (LM) is its higher resolution.   TRUE

 Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 03.01.d Discuss the way that developments in microscopy have changed our view of cell structure.Section: 03.01

Topic: Cells  

2. If a cell doubled in diameter, it would have twice as much cytoplasm to maintain.   FALSE

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.01.c State the size range of human cells and discuss factors that limit cell size.Section: 03.01

Topic: Cells  

3. In the plasma membrane, glycolipids and glycoproteins face toward the cytoplasm, while peripheral proteins always face toward the ECF.   FALSE

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.02.a Describe the structure of the plasma membrane.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

4. A cell's second messengers serve to transport material through the plasma membrane.    FALSE

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.02.c Describe the second-messenger system and discuss its importance in human physiology.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

5. Microvilli and cilia differ in their function but have the same internal structure.   FALSE

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.02.e Describe the structure and functions of microvilli, cilia, and flagella.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

6. Ligand-gated channels are membrane proteins that open or close in response to the binding of a chemical.   TRUE

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.02.b Explain the functions of the lipid, protein, and carbohydrate components of the plasma membrane.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

7. The greater the concentration gradient the faster the diffusion rate.   TRUE

 Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

8. The Na+-K+ ATPase is a countertransport antiport carrier, which always requires energy.   TRUE

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

Page 11: Chapter 03

9. The sodium-glucose transport protein (SGLT) is one example of an active transport process involving a uniport carrier.   FALSE

 Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

10. One example of pinocytosis is the uptake of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) by endothelial cells.   FALSE

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

11. Both the nucleus and the mitochondrion are surrounded by two layers of unit membrane.    TRUE

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

12. The nucleus is the largest organelle in most cells.    TRUE

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

13. Ribosomes are made of proteins and RNA.    TRUE

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

14. The Golgi complex makes peroxisomes but not lysosomes.    FALSE

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

15. A crystal of calcium phosphate in the cytoplasm of a cell should be classified as an inclusion.    TRUE

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.04.c Give some examples of cell inclusions and explain how inclusions differ from organelles.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells   

Multiple Choice Questions  

16. All of the generalizations below constitute the modern cell theory except    A. an organism's structure and all of its functions are ultimately due to the activities of its cells. B.  all cells come only from preexisting cells. C. all cells occupy space. D. all organisms are composed of cells and cell products. E.  the cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life.

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.01.a Discuss the development and modern tenets of the cell theory.Section: 03.01

Topic: Cells  

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17. ________ cells are thick in the middle and tapered toward the end.    A. Squamous B. Stellate C. Columnar D. Spheroid E. Fusiform

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.01.b Describe cell shapes from their descriptive terms.Section: 03.01

Topic: Cells  

18. Most human cells range from 10 to 15 micrometers in diameter. What limits how large a cell can be?    A. a cell's lifespan B. nutrients available in the environment of a cell C.  the relationship between its volume and length D. the relationship between its length and surface area E.  the relationship between its volume and surface area

 Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 03.01.c State the size range of human cells and discuss factors that limit cell size.Section: 03.01

Topic: Cells  

19. The fluid outside of a cell is called    A. cytosol. B.  intracellular fluid. C. extracellular fluid. D. cytoplasm. E.  nucleoplasm.

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.01.e Outline the major components of a cell.Section: 03.01

Topic: Cells  

20. The flat-shaped cells found covering the skin are    A. cuboidal. B.  columnar. C.  cylindrical. D. squamous. E.  spherical.

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.01.b Describe cell shapes from their descriptive terms.Section: 03.01

Topic: Cells  

21. Although the transmission electron microscope (TEM) can magnify much more than a light microscope, even at identical magnifications the TEM has the advantage of    A. being able to produce photographs of the specimen. B. being able to work in a vacuum. C. being able to show individual molecules. D. producing higher resolution. E.  working better with thinner tissue specimens.

 Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 03.01.d Discuss the way that developments in microscopy have changed our view of cell structure.Section: 03.01

Topic: Cells  

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22. ______ are the most abundant molecules in the plasma membrane.    A. Glycolipids B. Phospholipids C. Prostaglandins D. Proteins E.  Cholesterol molecules

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.02.a Describe the structure of the plasma membrane.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

23. _____ are membrane proteins that bind to signals by which cells communicate.    A. Receptors B. Enzymes C. Carriers D. Cell-identity markers E.  Cell-adhesion molecules

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.02.b Explain the functions of the lipid, protein, and carbohydrate components of the plasma membrane.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

24. A receptor protein in the plasma membrane will not bind to just any chemical in the extracellular fluid, but only to certain ones. That is to say, the receptor exhibits    A. selectivity. B.  specificity. C.  efficacy. D. saturation. E.  fidelity.

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.02.b Explain the functions of the lipid, protein, and carbohydrate components of the plasma membrane.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

25. In its second-messenger role, cAMP activates enzymes called ______, whose job is to regulate other enzymes by adding phosphate groups to them.    A. transmembrane proteins B. peripheral proteins C. kinases D. glycocalyx E.  blockers

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.02.c Describe the second-messenger system and discuss its importance in human physiology.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

26. Transmembrane proteins that make up enzymes in the plasma membrane are made up of hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions. Most amino acids embedded in the membrane are ________, while most amino acids facing the extracellular fluid are __________.    A. hydrophilic; hydrophilic B. hydrophilic; hydrophobic C. hydrophobic; hydrophobic D. hydrophobic; hydrophilic E.  lipophilic; lipophobic

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.02.b Explain the functions of the lipid, protein, and carbohydrate components of the plasma membrane.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

Page 14: Chapter 03

27. Gates respond to all these stimuli except    A. chemical messengers. B.  ligands. C.  changes in electrical potential (voltage) across the plasma membrane. D. physical deformation of the plasma membrane. E. water in the extracellular fluid.

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.02.b Explain the functions of the lipid, protein, and carbohydrate components of the plasma membrane.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

28. ______ act like identification tags in the glycocalyx that enable the body to distinguish its own cells from foreign and diseased cells.    A. Glycoproteins B. Lipoproteins C. Cholesterol molecules D. Phospholipids E.  Cell-adhesion molecules

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.02.b Explain the functions of the lipid, protein, and carbohydrate components of the plasma membrane.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

29. ______ provide motility to a cell, ______ act as sensory "antenna" in many cells, and ____________ increase a cell's surface area.    A. Cilia; microvilli; flagella B. Microvilli; cilia; flagella C. Microvilli; flagella; cilia D. Flagella; microvilli; cilia E. Flagella; cilia; microvilli

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.02.e Describe the structure and functions of microvilli, cilia, and flagella.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

30. Cells lining the small intestine are specialized for absorption of nutrients. Their plasma membrane has    A. flagella. B.  cilia. C. microvilli. D. a glycocalyx. E.  dynein arms.

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.02.e Describe the structure and functions of microvilli, cilia, and flagella.Section: 03.02

Topic: Cells  

 Learning Outcome: 03.02.a Describe the structure of the plasma membrane.  

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31. This figure shows the plasma membrane. What does "A" represent?    A. a peripheral protein B.  a channel protein C.  a glycoprotein D. cholesterol E.  a phospholipid

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Figure: 03.06Learning Outcome: 03.02.a Describe the structure of the plasma membrane.

Section: 03.02Topic: Cells  

32. This figure shows the plasma membrane. What does "C" represent?    A. a peripheral protein B.  a channel protein C. a glycoprotein D. cholesterol E.  a phospholipid

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Figure: 03.06Learning Outcome: 03.02.a Describe the structure of the plasma membrane.

Section: 03.02Topic: Cells  

33. This figure shows the plasma membrane. What does "D" represent?    A. a peripheral protein B.  a channel protein C.  a glycoprotein D. a phospholipid E.  cholesterol

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Figure: 03.06Learning Outcome: 03.02.a Describe the structure of the plasma membrane.

Section: 03.02Topic: Cells  

34. _____________ consume ATP when transferring solutes from one side to the other side of the plasma membrane.    A. Receptors B. Pumps C. Cell-adhesion molecules D. Channels E.  Cell-identity markers

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

35. Two solutions are separated by a selectively permeable membrane. If solution A has a higher concentration of a nonpermeating solute than solution B, then,    A. the solute will pass down its concentration gradient from solution A to B. B.  the solute will pass down its concentration gradient from solution B to A. C. water will pass down its concentration gradient from solution A to B. D. water will pass down its concentration gradient from solution B to A. E.  neither the solute nor water will diffuse.

 Bloom's Level: 5. Evaluate

Learning Outcome: 03.03.c Define osmolarity and tonicity and explain their importance.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

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36. _____________ is the process in which ____________ forces water and small solutes such as salts through narrow clefts between capillary cells.    A. Filtration; hydrostatic pressure B. Osmosis; hydrostatic pressure C. Active transport; osmotic pressure D. Active transport; hydrostatic pressure E.  Osmosis; osmotic pressure

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

37. Water flows through a selectively permeable membrane in a process called __________, but water molecules cross the membrane more easily through channels of transmembrane proteins called __________.    A. osmosis; water pumps B.  osmosis; aquaporins C. osmosis; uniport D. filtration; aquaporins E.  filtration; water pumps

 Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

38. Insulin is taken up by endocytosis by endothelial cells lining capillaries, and then transported across the cell to the other side, where it is released. This transport is called    A. pinocytosis. B.  receptor-mediated phagocytosis. C. passive transport. D. facilitated transport. E.  transcytosis.

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

39. Sodium and glucose are transported together from the intestinal lumen into an intestinal cell. The carrier protein is a(n) __________ and the process is called ____________.    A. symport; cotransport B.  symport; countertransport C.  antiport; countertransport D. antiport; cotransport E.  uniport; facilitated diffusion

 Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

40. The sodium-potassium (Na+-K+) pump transports both sodium and potassium __________ their concentration gradients in a process called ____________.    A. up; active transport B. up; facilitated transport C. up; cotransport D. down; active transport E.  down; countertransport

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

Page 17: Chapter 03

41. A red blood cell is placed in a hypertonic solution. The concentration of solutes in the solution is __________ than the concentration of solutes in the intracellular fluid and will cause the cell to ______________.    A. higher; swell B.  lower; swell C. higher; shrink D. lower; shrink E.  lower; burst

 Bloom's Level: 5. Evaluate

Learning Outcome: 03.03.c Define osmolarity and tonicity and explain their importance.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

42. Facilitated diffusion and active transport have in common that both    A. are processes involving transport of a solute up its concentration gradient. B.  are processes involving transport of a solute down its concentration gradient. C.  are processes involving the use of energy provided by ATP. D. are processes ATP independent. E.  are cases of carrier-mediated transport.

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

43. ______ describes the number of particles of a solute in a solution, whereas ______ is the ability of a solution to affect the fluid volume in a cell.    A. Tonicity; osmolarity B. Osmolarity; diffusion C. Osmolarity; tonicity D. Osmolarity; molarity E.  Tonicity; diffusion

 Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 03.03.c Define osmolarity and tonicity and explain their importance.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

44. Which of the following processes could occur only through the plasma membrane of a living cell?    A. facilitated diffusion B.  simple diffusion C.  filtration D. osmosis E.  active transport

 Bloom's Level: 5. Evaluate

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

45. Particles can leave a cell by any of these means except by    A. active transport. B.  exocytosis. C.  simple diffusion. D. an antiport system. E.  pinocytosis.

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

Page 18: Chapter 03

46. White blood cells engulf bacteria by means of    A. phagocytosis. B.  cotransport. C. pinocytosis. D. active transport. E.  receptor-mediated endocytosis.

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

47. The Na+-K+ pump has the following functions except    A. heat production. B.  transport of Na+ into the cell and K+ out of the cell. C.  secondary active transport. D. regulation of cell volume. E.  maintenance of membrane potential.

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

48. A patient was severely dehydrated, losing a large amount of fluid. The patient was given intravenous fluids of normal saline. Normal saline is ________ to your blood cells and is about __________ NaCl.    A. isotonic; 9% B.  isotonic; 0.9% C. hypertonic; 9% D. hypotonic; 0.9% E.  hypotonic; 9%

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.03.c Define osmolarity and tonicity and explain their importance.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

49. Which of these is an example of active transport?    A. diffusion of oxygen from a place of high concentration to a place of lower concentration B.  facilitated diffusion of K+ C.  transport of glucose down its concentration gradient D. transport of Na+ from a place of low concentration to a place of higher concentration E.  transport of Cl- following its concentration gradient

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

50. Which of these bring nonspecific material into a cell?    A. phagocytosis B.  receptor-mediated endocytosis C.  transcytosis D. pinocytosis E.  exocytosis

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane.Section: 03.03

Topic: Cells  

Page 19: Chapter 03

51. These are all membranous organelles except    A. mitochondria. B.  ribosomes. C.  the nucleus. D. endoplasmic reticulum. E.  the Golgi complex.

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

52. Among other functions, hepatocytes (liver cells) are specialized in detoxifying drugs or other chemicals. Hepatocytes have large amounts of    A. DNA. B.  smooth endoplasmic reticulum. C. microtubules. D. cilia. E.  centrioles.

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

53. What function would immediately cease if the ribosomes of a cell were destroyed?    A. exocytosis B.  active transport C.  ciliary action D. protein synthesis E.  osmosis

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

54. What organelle is most active in causing programmed cell death?    A. rough endoplasmic reticulum B. nucleus C.  centriole D. lysosome E.  mitochondrion

 Bloom's Level: 2. Understand

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

55. Muscle cells contain numerous _____________ to serve their high demand for ATP.    A. ribosomes B.  lysosomes C. mitochondria D. inclusions E.  Golgi vesicles

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

56. This organelle synthesizes steroids in the ovary and stores calcium in muscle cells.    A. smooth endoplasmic reticulum B.  rough endoplasmic reticulum C. nucleus D. mitochondrion E.  Golgi complex

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

Page 20: Chapter 03

57. ______ play an important role in cell division, and they are made of __________.    A. Mitochondria; microtubules B. Ribosomes; intermediate filaments C. Nucleoli; microfilaments D. Centrioles; microtubules E.  Inclusions; centrosomes

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

58. ________________ synthesize(s) carbohydrates and put(s) finishing touches on proteins synthesized at ____________.    A. Smooth ER; rough ER B. The Golgi complex; rough ER C. Smooth ER; the Golgi complex D. The Golgi complex; smooth ER E.  Ribosomes; smooth ER

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

59. ______ decompose fatty acids, and detoxify alcohol, free radicals, and drugs.    A. Lysosomes B. Microvilli C.  Inclusions D. Peroxisomes E.  Golgi vesicles

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

60. ___________ is not involved in protein synthesis.    A. Smooth ER B. Rough ER C. The Golgi complex D. The nucleus E.  Ribosomes

 Bloom's Level: 3. Apply

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

61. ____________ gives structural support, determines the shape of a cell, and directs the movement of substances through the cell.    A. Cholesterol B. The nucleus C. The plasma membrane D. The Golgi complex E. The cytoskeleton

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Learning Outcome: 03.04.b Describe the cytoskeleton and its functions.Section: 03.04

Topic: Cells  

Page 21: Chapter 03

   62. This figure shows the structure of a representative cell. What does "A" represent?    

A. smooth ER B.  rough ER C. Golgi complex D. mitochondrion E.  nucleolus

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Figure: 03.05Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.

Section: 03.04Topic: Cells  

63. This figure shows the structure of a representative cell. What does "D" represent?    A. mitochondrion B.  rough ER C.  smooth ER D. Golgi complex E.  nucleolus

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Figure: 03.05Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.

Section: 03.04Topic: Cells  

64. This figure shows the structure of a representative cell. What does "C" represent?    A. Golgi complex B.  rough ER C. smooth ER D. mitochondrion E.  nucleolus

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Figure: 03.05Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.

Section: 03.04Topic: Cells  

Page 22: Chapter 03

65. This figure shows the structure of a representative cell. What does "B" represent?   A. Golgi complexB.  rough ERC.  smooth ERD. mitochondrionE.  nucleolus

 Bloom's Level: 1. Remember

Figure: 03.05Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions.

Section: 03.04Topic: Cells  

Page 23: Chapter 03

chapter 03 Summary  Category # of Questions

Bloom's Level: 1. Remember 36

Bloom's Level: 2. Understand 9

Bloom's Level: 3. Apply 17

Bloom's Level: 5. Evaluate 3

Figure: 03.05 4

Figure: 03.06 3

Learning Outcome: 03.01.a Discuss the development and modern tenets of the cell theory. 1

Learning Outcome: 03.01.b Describe cell shapes from their descriptive terms. 2

Learning Outcome: 03.01.c State the size range of human cells and discuss factors that limit cell size. 2

Learning Outcome: 03.01.d Discuss the way that developments in microscopy have changed our view of cell structure. 2

Learning Outcome: 03.01.e Outline the major components of a cell. 1

Learning Outcome: 03.02.a Describe the structure of the plasma membrane. 6

Learning Outcome: 03.02.b Explain the functions of the lipid, protein, and carbohydrate components of the plasma membrane.


Learning Outcome: 03.02.c Describe the second-messenger system and discuss its importance in human physiology. 2

Learning Outcome: 03.02.e Describe the structure and functions of microvilli, cilia, and flagella. 3

Learning Outcome: 03.03.b Describe the various mechanisms for transporting material through the plasma membrane. 17

Learning Outcome: 03.03.c Define osmolarity and tonicity and explain their importance. 4

Learning Outcome: 03.04.a List the main organelles of a cell, describe their structure, and explain their functions. 18

Learning Outcome: 03.04.b Describe the cytoskeleton and its functions. 1

Learning Outcome: 03.04.c Give some examples of cell inclusions and explain how inclusions differ from organelles. 1

Section: 03.01 8

Section: 03.02 16

Section: 03.03 21

Section: 03.04 20

Topic: Cells 65