Chapter 01 - Science of Microbiology

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  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 01 - Science of Microbiology


    Raven - Johnson - Biology: 6th Ed. - All Rights Reserved - McGraw Hill Companies

    Chapter 1Chapter 1

    The Science of MicrobiologyThe Science of Microbiology

    BIO 2924BIO 2924

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    Ancient history! Bacteria

    Put the first molecular oxygen in the earthsatmosphere, creating the ozone layer that

    protected Earths surface from killing


    Created conditions permitting the later

    evolution of oxygen-utilizing creatures such

    as us.

    Have a varied metabolic capabilities that

    allowed them to survive under an impressive

    variety of conditions.

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    They learnt to maximize modify their genome

    (DNA) thereby creating new capabilities thatenabled them to colonize many niches onEarth.

    No part of Earth has been found free of bacteria from the arctic ice to the deep subsurface ofland masses, from the depths of oceans toboiling hot springs.

    They are specialists in metabolic diversity. Eukaryotes generally expand their metabolic

    diversity by acquiring bacteria or archaea as


    Never Underestimate the Power of Bacteria

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    Recruiting Endosymbionts

    Plants acquired photosynthetic bacteria that later

    modified into chloroplasts. Root nodules of legumes have bacteria that can fix

    atmospheric nitrogen, making the plant self-fertilizing.

    Animals recruited bacteria and archaea to colonize

    their intestinal tracts for protective or nutritional


    Ruminants (e.g., cattle, goats) rely on ruminal

    bacteria to digest grasses and other forages. No single bacterial species that is essential to man.

    - Picture of the Bubble Boy Page 483

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    figure 01-10.jpg




    as Archaebacteria

    Bacteria and archaea were the first life forms to appear, about

    3.5 4 billion years ago, and ruled undisputed for a billion

    years before the first eukaryotes appeared on ancient earth.

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    Raven - Johnson - Biology: 6th Ed. - All Rights Reserved - McGraw Hill Companies

    The Scope of Microbiology

    Seven divisions of Classification

    1. Bacteria: Prokaryotic

    2. Archaea: Prokaryotic

    3. Algae: Eukaryotic

    4. Fungi: Eukaryotic

    5. Protozoa: Eukaryotic

    6. Viruses: Acellular7. Helminths: Eukaryotic

    Prokaryotic: before a nucleus

    Eukaryotic: true nucleus

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    Microbiology The study of Microorganisms (microbes) Cannot be seen by the unaided eye Prokaryotes Before a nucleus lack a nucleus Eukaryotes After a nucleus blessed with a nucleus!

    7 divisions of Classification

    1. Eubacteria (Modern Prokaryotes) 1/1000th the size of a eukaryotic cell Mostly unicellular Different shapes and sizes Can grow at varied temperatures (-20oC to 110oC) Can withstand extremely acidic to alkaline conditions Autotrophs, decomposers Vast spectrum of diseases important uses

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    2. Archaea (Ancient Prokaryotes) Initially Archaebacteria

    Hostile environments, Extreme heat, high acidity, highalkalinity, high salt concentration E.g., Methanogens (not human pathogens)

    3. Cyanobacteria (Prokaryotic) & Algae (Eukaryotic) plant-like, photosynthesis Unicellular microscopic to multicellular macroscopic Critical to global ecology, negligible medical importance

    4. Fungi (Eukaryotic) Nonphotosynthetic, mostly multicellular Mostly scavengers, decompose dead organisms Mostly responsible for plant diseases

    Corn smut, wheat rust economically important Some human diseases

    Pneumocystic pneumonia in AIDS patients(Pneumocystis carinii), Hallucinations (Amanita)

    7 divisions of Classification

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    5. Protozoa (unicellular) parasitic diseases motile, animal like, complex architecture

    E.g., amoeba, flagellates, ciliates malaria, sleeping sickness: Parasitic diseases

    6. Viruses (plant, animal or bacterial) - Acellular DNA or RNA wrapped up in a protein coat 1/1000th 1/10th size of bacteria: Electron Microscope E.g., virions, prions etc Cannot reproduce outside of host cell. Cause of smallpox, yellow fever, polio, AIDS, common

    cold, flu, ebola, etc

    PRION: scrapie (sheep), mad cow disease, CJD (human)7. Helminths (multicellular) Parasitic diseases

    Worms macroscopic, microscopic. Belong to the animalkingdom

    Flatworms (beef tapeworm, liver trematodes) Roundworms (hookworms, trichinella)

    7 divisions of Classification

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    Raven - Johnson - Biology: 6th Ed. - All Rights Reserved - McGraw Hill Companies

    A Brief History of Microbiology

    Bubonic Plague orBlack Death: 25 million casualties

    in the Europes Middle ages (1347 lasted 20 years) Causative organism Yersinia pestis (Y. pestis)

    Yersinia infested fleas, whose hosts were rats.

    Rats died, and the bacterium spread to humans.

    Disease causes subcutaneous hemorrhaging, and

    spots of blood which turn black, to accumulate

    under the skin

    Buboes swollen lymph nodes Buboes often become open sores

    Can also affect the lungs pneumonic plague

    Still found among squirrels in parts of the U.S.

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 01 - Science of Microbiology


    Raven - Johnson - Biology: 6th Ed. - All Rights Reserved - McGraw Hill Companies

    Buboes in Fig 1 & 2: Swollen lymph nodes

    Black spots formed due

    to hemorrhaging

    Fig 1 Fig 2

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    A Brief History of Microbiology

    Childbed fever (Puerperal fever) (Mid 1800s) Caused by the bacteriumStreptococcus pyogenes Symptoms: fever, chills, delirium and death In the past centuries, it was the greatest killer of

    women. One sixth of women died of this fever

    Caused by infection of the genital tract shortly aftergiving birth (latin puer child). Any fever within 2weeks of childbirth is dangerous since it can causeinfertility and septicemia ( presence of infectious

    microbes in the bloodstream, causing sepsis) Ignaz Semmelweis showed that sanitary

    techniques virtually eliminated puerperal fever inhospitals. He used chlorine as a disinfectant

    He was treated with skepticism and ridicule

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 01 - Science of Microbiology


    Raven - Johnson - Biology: 6th Ed. - All Rights Reserved - McGraw Hill Companies

    A Brief History of Microbiology The Great Irish Famine (1845 1849)

    Potato blight that led to the death of >106 people

    caused by the potato fungus orPhytopthora


    Potatoes infected with late blight are shrunken on

    the outside, corky and rotted inside

    Photo by Scott Bauer.

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 01 - Science of Microbiology


    Raven - Johnson - Biology: 6th Ed. - All Rights Reserved - McGraw Hill Companies

    Brief History of Microbiology

    1674 Leeuwenhoek: sees microorganisms

    1796 Jenner: vaccine for smallpox 1847 Semmelweiss: cause of childbed fever 1859 Pasteur: disproves spontaneous gen.

    1865 Lister: introduces antiseptic technique 1876 Koch: pure culture on agar/Postulates 1892 Iwanowski: discovers viruses 1894 Ehrlich: selective toxicity (Salvarsan) 1929 Fleming: discovers penicillin 1977 Woese: classifies Archaea 1982 Stanley Prusiner discovers prions

    1983 Luc Montaigner , HIV/AIDS

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    Advances in Microbiology Robert Hooke - 1665

    Coined the word cell after Looking at cork slices

    Schleiden & Schwann - Came up with the Cell theory- cell is the basic unit of living beings- All cells arise from preexisting cells

    Anton Von Leeuwenhoeks Animalcules 1674A draper with very little schooling. Later he wasappointed janitor at the Delft City Hall in Holland.

    Best lens maker of his time! His hobby was making

    little glass lenses. Peter the Great paid his respects. He was the first to see blood moving thru capillaries In 1680, was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Kept detailed notes and sketches. Published over

    400 scientific papers. Ground 419 lenses in his life.

    Ad i th G Th f Di

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    Advances in the Germ Theory of Disease

    Ignaz Semmelweis 1847

    Physician in obstretrics ward of a Vienna hospital Maternity patients contracted blood-poisoning

    from doctors who also handled corpses at the

    morgue and didnt wash their hands before

    handling maternity patients Proved that hand washing with Chlorine cut

    down the mortality rate of childbed fever

    His doctrine was dismissed by most doctors! Interestingly

    The same bacterium also causes scarlet fever

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    The Middle Ages: Microbiologys Dark Age!

    Transition period: Microbiology had no focus during

    this period, several flawed theories held sway! Miasmatic theory of disease: Diseases such as

    cholera and the black plague were caused by amiasma (Greek, pollution), or bad air.

    Cholera was believed to be spread through air,because it was epidemic in places where the waterwas stagnant and foul smelling.

    Theory of Spontaneous Generation (Abiogenesis) The belief: complex living organisms arise

    spontaneously from decaying organic substances Eg: maggots spontaneously appear in meat, mice

    from dirty hay, and fleas from putrid matter.

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    Raven - Johnson - Biology: 6th Ed. - All Rights Reserved - McGraw Hill Companies

    Microbiology Dark Ages!

    John Needham (British Clergyman)did experiments

    with meat broth that he felt supported spontaneousgeneration.

    Francesco Redi proved that no maggots appeared

    in meat when flies were prevented from laying eggs

    Spallanzani showed that microbes came from air,and could be killed by boiling

    meat broth that is boiled in a sterile environment

    stays uncontaminated Despite these great experiments, the supporters of

    spontaneous generation were not convinced.

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    Louis Pasteur(French Scientist) 1822 - 1895

    Also known as the Father of Microbiology

    Ushered in the golden age of Microbiology, with 2

    important areas of research:

    Definitively disproved Spontaneous Generation byhis famous Swan Necked Flask Experiment

    Invented the Germ Theory of disease germs,

    and not bad air cause disease Best known for showing how to stop milk and wine

    from going sour Pasteurization

    Created the first vaccine for rabies

    Spontaneous Generation Proven Wrong

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 01 - Science of Microbiology


    Raven - Johnson - Biology: 6th Ed. - All Rights Reserved - McGraw Hill Companies

    Pasteur demonstrated that fermentation is caused by

    the growth of microbes in nutrient broth, and thegrowth of microbes in nutrient broths is not due to

    spontaneous generation.

    He exposed boiled broths to air in vessels where air

    was admitted via a long tortuous tube that would notallow dust particles to pass because of its shape and

    thinness. Nothing grew in those broths.

    The living organisms that grew in those broths camefrom outside, as spores on dust, rather than by

    spontaneous generation.

    Louis Pasteur and the Germ Theory

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 01 - Science of Microbiology


    Raven - Johnson - Biology: 6th Ed. - All Rights Reserved - McGraw Hill Companies

    The Swan Flask made by Pasteur

    All the germs (spores

    etc) settle here and dontenter the flask

    The broth, that has

    been boiled in this flask,stays uncontaminated. It

    will get contaminated

    only if the flask is tilted

    and the liquid allowed tocome in contact with the

    spores that have settled

    in the region shown


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    Boiled meat in a Swan necked flask that allowed air

    but not microorganisms Proved that microorganisms causes the broth to


    Swan Necked Flask Experiment

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    Louis Pasteur





    Silkworm disease


    Developed vaccines

    Chicken choleraAnthrax



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    Immunity Stimulation of the bodys defense mechanism to

    combat and ward off infection.

    Edward Jenner-1749-1823 Observed that the dairymaids who naturally

    contracted a mild infection of cowpox were immuneto smallpox

    Inoculated fluid from cowpox blisters from adairymaid into an 8 year old boy (James Phipps) ofa local farmer. The boy contracted cowpox.

    The boy was inoculated with fluid from a smallpox

    blister. Showed no signs of smallpox (immunity!) Vaccination (latin vacca = cow) The Turkish inoculation practice: Circassian

    method of inoculation had been followed for

    centuries Lady Mary Montagus letters

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    Cause and Effect in Infectious Disease

    Research By 1800s: Microbiologists struggled to identify

    microbes that cause diseases like Cholera and TB

    Disease can be caused by microbes too small to be

    seen? Yeah right!

    Robert Koch 1876 Infectious disease research needs a rigorous

    scientific basis.

    Proposed 4 criteria for establishing a cause andeffect relationship between microbe and disease


    Used agar to obtain pure cultures of microbes

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 01 - Science of Microbiology


    Raven - Johnson - Biology: 6th Ed. - All Rights Reserved - McGraw Hill Companies

    Robert Koch


    Developed techniques

    for culturing bacteria in

    the laboratory

    Developed steam


    Etiology of anthrax,

    cholera, tuberculosis,

    sleeping sickness

    Kochs postulates

    I k h t t ! C d Eff t

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    I know what youre up to!: Cause and Effect

    Robert Koch (German Scientist)

    1. Isolated anthrax bacillus from dead cows2. Cultured them in nutrient broth

    3. Intentionally injected the cultured bacilli into

    mice. Mice died.

    4. Isolated and cultured anthrax bacilli from dead

    mice tissues.

    Also famous for developing pure culture

    techniques for isolating and growing bacteria Used agar for the first time to grow colonies

    (clones) of bacteria on solid media

    Obtained the agar from his neighbours pantry


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    1. Microbe must be associated with disease-lesions found in diseased but not healthy tissue

    2. Microbe must be isolated from disease-lesions as apure culture

    3. Pure culture of the microbe should cause diseasesymptoms if inoculated into humans or animals

    4. Microbe must be re-isolated in pure culture fromhumans or animals used to satisfy the 3rd postulate.Invaluable for proving that a specific disease iscaused by a particular microbe

    5. Led to the isolation of almost all bacterial diseasesprevalent in Europe (typhus, dysentery, syphilis,gonorrhea, pneumonia etc)

    1. Koch himself identified the rod shaped bacteriumMycobacterium tuberculosis that causes TB.

    Preventing Microbial Attack!

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    Preventing Microbial Attack! Sir Joseph Lister(British Surgeon)

    Aseptic technique

    - Surgery mortality from 70% - 15%.- Use of Phenol as a disinfectant.

    Alexander Flemming

    The first chemotherapeutic agent, Penicillin.Antibiotics: produced by microbes

    Paul Ehrlich

    Stained the bacterium of tuberculosis Discovered the dye Trypan Red that destroyed

    trypanosomes heralded the era of chemotherapy

    Microbiology in the Modern Era

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    Microbiology in the Modern Era

    Paul Erlich: Selective toxicity. Salvarsan was usedto treat syphilis

    Sulfa drugs (first chemotherapeutic drugs) WW1Antibiotics Widespread clinical use was in1950s

    Immunology Virology

    Iwanowsky discovered TMV Viruses much smaller than bacteria. Seen via EM Filtration can separate viruses from bacteria

    Genetic Engineering Cloning: insulin production in E. coli

    Environmental Microbiology: Bioremediation (cleaning up the environment using

    microbes that degrade toxic chemicals)

    Emerging and Re emerging Infectious Diseases

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    Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases

    The first cracks in the protective shield against

    microbes began to appear in the 1980s. Old standbys

    like penicillin were no longer fully protective. By 1995, infectious diseases became one of the top

    five causes of death in the United States

    Disease patterns change Bacteria change

    Human activities change creating new opportunities

    for bacteria to cause disease

    Foodborne and waterborne illnesses

    Nosocomial infections


    Antibiotic resistance

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    Waning bacterial diseases



    Medical microbiology

    Environmental microbiology

    Industrial microbiology

    Agricultural microbiology

    Look up Table 1.1 (important)

    Submerging Infectious Diseases

    Disease Definition Examples

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    Definition Examples

    New-new New diseases caused by newlydiscovered bacteria

    Lyme disease

    Legionnaires disease

    New-old Diseases caused by newlyrecognized pathogens that havebeen around for long

    Campylobactefoodborne disease

    Old-new Old diseases that havereappeared

    Long-known pathogensacquiring traits that make themmore dangerous

    TB, Cholera, Diphtheria

    Antibiotic resistantbacteria

    Old-old Old diseases with known

    causes being recognized now

    C. trachomatis


    Some Examples of Bacterial

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 01 - Science of Microbiology


    Raven - Johnson - Biology: 6th Ed. - All Rights Reserved - McGraw Hill Companies

    Some Examples of Bacterial


    SpiralSpiral CoccusCoccus


    G th A C t i i P t i Di h

  • 8/2/2019 Chapter 01 - Science of Microbiology


    Raven - Johnson - Biology: 6th Ed. - All Rights Reserved - McGraw Hill Companies

    Growth on an Agar Containing Petri Dish

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    Opalescent Pool in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming USA. K.

    Todar. Conditions for life in this environment are similar to

    Earth over 2 billion years ago. In these types of hot springs, the

    orange, yellow and brown colors are due to pigmented

    photosynthetic bacteria which make up the microbial mats. The

    mats are literally teeming with bacteria. Some of these bacteriasuch asSynechococcus conduct oxygenic photosynthesis, while

    others such as Chloroflexus conduct anoxygenic photosynthesis.

    Other non-photosynthetic bacteria, as well as thermophilic and

    acidophilic Archaea, are also residents of the hot spring
