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Chaparral By Rose Erenberg and Nathalie Jensen

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ChaparralBy Rose Erenberg and Nathalie Jensen



by rose erenberg and nathalie jensen

Map of Chaparral

The chaparral is found in every continent except Antarctica.

Chaparral Biome This biome is characterized by having both forests and grassland.

The Chaparral is found in California,bits of Africa,bits of Australia,and coastal areas of the Mediterranean.

Climate: The climate is 30-40 degrees in the winter.It can get to 100 degrees in the summer.

Rainfall:10-17 inches (25.4-43.18cm)

Facts Plants in the Chaparral usually have a waxy or sticky covering to preserve water or moisture.

The Hollywood sign is in the Chaparral.

The chaparral can be a flat plain or rocky hills and mountain slopes.

FireFire is very important in the Chaparral.

Fire May be set on purpose to help but,other times it’s because of drought.

The fire helps balance out living organisms and nonliving organisms.


by rose and nathalie

Black tailed jackrabbit

Black Tailed Jackrabbit the black tailed jackrabbit lives in extreme weather. it is hot during the day and cold in the night. so, that means they are very adaptable . One thing that makes them adaptable is they can control the blood flow in their ears. they are also very fast. they can run up to 36 miles per hour.

san joachim kit fox

san joachim kit foxthe san joachim lives in the grassy part of the chaparral. they live in dens and man made things like pipes, space under buildings and drainage systems. also, 3-5 pups can be born at once.the moms have to make a new den for the pups with more rooms .

spotted skunk

spotted skunkthe spotted skunks live in the desert part of the chaparral,woody parts of the chaparral and rocky parts of the chaparral.they can survive in a lot of different temperatures. they also make dens like the san joachim kit fox.they make the den out of holes in the ground and put leaves in the den. sometimes they make their den out of hollow trees.the skunks will swim if they are in danger.

The Ringneck Snake(San Bernardio)

The Ringneck snake rarely bites and is not classified as venomous but it has been observed that the saliva has a mild toxin.

The Ringneck snake is named because it has a ring around it’s neck.This snake has a colorful underside that they coil when they feel threatened.

The Ringneck snakes eat salamanders,tadpoles,lizards and snakes.

This snake can get up to 42 inches.

CondorThe Conder is dying out because of lead poisoning and electric power lines.

The Condor eats corps and that helps make the Chaparral cleaner.The Conder has a bald head because the Condor eats corps.This will help the Conders hygiene.

Conders don’t have a good sense of smell but sharp eyesight.

The Condor’s wingspan can get up to 10 ft.(3 meters).

bobcat (lynx rufus) The Bobcat’s fur changes depending on the season.This is one of many adaptations such as sharp teeth and sharp claws.The Bobcat has tuffs on it’s ears and face.The tuffs on the Bobcat’s ears help them hear.They get their name because their tail is bobbed.

Bob means to be cut short.They weigh 16-30 pounds.The Bobcat pounces from a height and is a good climber because of its sharp claws.


By: Rose and Nathalie

chaparral bush Another name for the Chaparral bush is Coyote Bush.

This bush is in the Sunflower family even though it looks nothing like one.

The bush is a wiry woody evergreen in the shape of a bush.

The bush can change shapes depending where they live.

The leaves of this bush have a waxy coating to prevent moisture from getting out. The leaves have a coating that reduces their ability to catch on fire.In the summer the leaves get sticky with oil.This prevents eating.

the fairy duster is a part of the pea family. the seeds look like dry pea pods. the plant gets eaten by many animals in the chaparral.the plant is pink and has pink puffs on it. they have compound leaves made up of four pairs of ¼ inch leafs.

Fairy duster

The Blue Oak is native to California.

The Blue Oak can survive very hot temperatures.

It is a winter deciduous.

When the Blue Oak drops its leaves they decompose which makes very healthy soil.

The Blue Oak has a complicated root system that allows them to get to underground water.

Their leaves have a waxy covering that prevents water leakage.

blue oak

covers 3 million acres.

The Sticky Monkey Flower (Mimulus)

The Monkey flower is named because it looks like a laughing monkey.

This is a native plant to California.

The upper side of the Sticky Monkey flower is sticky the bottom is furry.The sticky upper side is protection against water leacage.It likes sandy openings and is usually found by water or moisture.

This plant has been used to heal burns and fevers.

toyon(Heteromeles arbutifolia)

The Toyon is apart of the rose family and is also called Christmas Berry and California Holly.

The Toyon can be 6-25 feet tall.Berries appear in the summer season.

The shape and size depend on where the Toyon is growing.In woodlands the toyon is more tree like. In exposed areas the Toyon is more low and dense.

Fun fact: Hollywood was named after the Toyon berry or the California Holly


Why is the Condor bird dying out?

A.Lead poisoning

B.Electric power lines

C.Not enough food

D.C and B

E.A and B


Why is the Sticky Monkey Flower called what its called?A.It has a sticky upper side

B.It looks like a laughing monkey

C.A and B

D.The petals look like monkey tails


A.In holo trees

B.Under buildings

C.Holes in ground

D.In drainage system

A andC

Name two places the spotted skunk lives.

Why is fire important in the Chaparral?A.It helps plants grow

B.helps balance living and nonliving

C.all of the above


How much land does the Blue Oak cover?A.3 million miles

B.3 million feet

C.3 million acres

D.3 million meters c

What is the coyote bush related to?A.Pea family

B.Rose family

C. Sunflower family

D.Carrot family C


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