Chanhao Jiang And David Wei Presentation Quickling Pagecache

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Transcript of Chanhao Jiang And David Wei Presentation Quickling Pagecache

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(c) 2009 Facebook, Inc. or its licensors.  "Facebook" is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.. All rights reserved. 1.0

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Improving Facebook's Performance with AJAX and Browser Caching

The AJAX Experience 2009Sep 14-16, 2009 Boston, MA

Changhao Jiang and David Wei

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Site speed is critical to Facebook

▪ Facebook site:

▪ More than 250 million users around the world

▪ Billions of requests every day

▪ Site speed has a huge impact

▪ Affects user engagement, user growth and business metrics

▪ One of the highest priority tasks at Facebook.

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Front end performance

▪ Most important performance metric: TTI (Time to interact) latency

▪ From the time user clicks on a link to he/she is able to interact with the page.

▪ Front end latency accounts for more than 70% of total TTI latency:

▪ Front end latency: > 70%

▪ Include network latency and browser render time (CSS, JavaScript, images)

▪ Back end latency: < 30%

▪ Include page generation time (PHP, DB, Memcache, etc)

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Front end engineering at Facebook

▪ Performance measuring/monitoring/debugging tools

▪ Static resource (JavaScript, CSS, images) optimizations:

▪ Packaging, spriting, Dynamic JavaScript loading, and CSS reuse

▪ Software abstractions

▪ Enables algorithmic / system level optimization of page rendering process

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Two software abstractions at Facebook

▪ Dramatically improve Facebook’s TTI latency:

▪ Quickling: transparently ajaxifies the whole web site

▪ PageCache: caches user-visited pages in browser

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Quickling: Ajaxify the Facebook site

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▪ Goal: make the site faster by removing redundant work across pages

▪ Approach: use AJAX to render pages

▪ Requirement: transparent to users and developers

▪ Simulate browser behavior

▪ Allow developers to focus on product features (fast moving)

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Redundant work

▪ JavaScript / CSS library shared across pages

▪ Product features common to all pages:

▪ e.g. Top navigation bar, Facebook Chat.

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load unload load unloa

d load unload load unloa


load unload

Full page load

Ajax call

Remove redundant work via Ajax

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

Use session

Use session

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How Quickling works?1. User clicks a link or back/forward button

2. Quickling sends an ajax to server

4. Quickling blanks the content area

3. Response arrives

5. Download javascript/CSS

6. Show new content

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Architecture components

▪Link Controller



▪Busy Indicator

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LinkControllerIntercept user clicks on links▪ After DOM content is ready, dynamically attach a handler to all link clicks

(could also use event delegation)

$(‘a’).click(function() {

// ‘payload’ is a JSON encoded response from the server $.get(this.href, function(payload) { // Dynamically load ‘js’, ‘css’ resources for this page. bootload(payload.bootload, function() {

// Swap in the new page’s content $(‘#content’).html(payload.html)

// Execute the onloadRegister’ed js code execute(payload.onload) }); }});

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HistoryManagerEnable ‘Back/Forward’ buttons for AJAX requests▪ Set target page URL as the fragment of the URL




▪ Detect back/forward button-click:

▪ W3C browsers: periodically poll the “location.hash” to see if value changes

▪ IE: inject an invisible iframe, whose ‘src’ attribute will be updated by browser.

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BootloaderLoad static resources via ‘script’, ‘link’ tag injection▪ Before entering a new page:

▪ Dynamically download CSS/Javascript for the next page

▪ Javascript:


var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = source; script.type = 'text/javascript'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script);var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.type = "text/css"; = "all" ; link.href = source; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link);

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Bootloader (cont.)Load static resources via ‘script’, ‘link’ tag injection▪ Reliable callbacks to ensure page content shown after depended

resources arrive:

▪ JavaScript resources:

▪ ‘bootloader.done(resource_name)’ injected at the end of all JS packages.

▪ CSS resources

▪ ‘#bootloader_${resource_name} {height: 42px}’ injected in all CSS packages.

▪ Bootloader polls the corresponding invisible div height to determine if the CSS package arrives.

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Busy Indicator

▪ Set link cursor to hourglass immediately

▪ Set document.body’s cursor to hourglass

▪ Use iframe transport instead of XHR.

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Simulate browser events

▪ Simulate browser events for Quickling response

▪ DomContentReady

▪ onload

▪ onbeforeunload

▪ onunload

▪ Stub out setTimeout, setInterval:

▪ Make sure timer functions are uninstalled upon leaving a page

▪ Occasionally, developers explicitly clean up JS states before leaving a page

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CSS issue

▪ CSS rules accumulated over time

▪ Render time is roughly proportional to the # of CSS rules

▪ Automatically unload CSS rules before leaving a page

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Memory consumption

▪ Browser memory consumption increase overtime

▪ Periodically force full page load to allow browsers to reclaim memory

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Permanent link

▪ Problem: Allow users to save/send browser URL:

▪ For example:


▪ Browser will request ‘/home.php’ instead of ‘/profile.php’,

▪ How to make browser displays ‘/profile.php’ instead of ‘/home.php’?

▪ Solution:

▪ Prelude JavaScript code in every page that checks for ‘location.hash’, redirect if it contains a target page URL.

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Current status

▪ Turned on for FireFox and IE users: (>90% users)

▪ ~60% of page hits to Facebook site are Quickling requests

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Render time improvement

50% 75%

Full page load Quickling

50% 75%

40% ~ 50% reduction in render time

profile.php home.php

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PageCache: Cache visited pages at client side

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▪ Motivation: temporal locality

▪ Data accessed now is likely to be accessed again soon.

▪ Cache the data at the client:

▪ Improve latency

▪ Reduce server load

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PageCacheCache user visited pages in browsers

▪ Some pages are likely to be revisited soon

▪ A typical user session:

▪ home -> profile -> photo -> home -> notes -> home -> photo -> photo

▪ Home page visited every 3 ~ 5 page views

▪ Back/Forward button

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Possible solution 1

▪ Modify HTTP headers

▪ ‘Cache-Control’, ‘Expires’ headers

▪ Cache on disk, managed by browser

▪ Pros:

▪ Easy to implement

▪ Cons:

▪ Only good for static content that rarely changes

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Possible solution 2

▪ Cache DOM tree

▪ Simulate tab-switching

▪ Cache in memory, managed by application with JavaScript

▪ Pros:

▪ Flexible (full control over cache with JavaScript)

▪ Restore a page from cache is super fast.

▪ Cons:

▪ Difficult to be transparent to developers

▪ Hard to isolate cache pages, global variables clobbering across pages

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Possible solution 3 (adopted approach)

▪ Cache server response

▪ Cache server’s response

▪ Cached in memory, managed by application with JavaScript

▪ Pros:

▪ Flexible (full control over cache with JavaScript)

▪ Almost transparent to developers

▪ Cons:

▪ Have to keep track of changes made to cached response

▪ Reconstruct DOM and global JavaScript states when restoring a page

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How PageCache works?1. User clicks a link or back button

2. Quickling sends ajax to server

4. Quickling blanks the content area

3. Response arrives

5. Download javascript/CSS

6. Show new content

2. Find Page in the cache

3.5 Save response in cache

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Incremental updates

Cached version

Restored version

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Incremental updatesPoll server for incremental updates via AJAX calls

▪ Provides an ‘onpagecacheRegister’ API to developers:

▪ Invoked when a page is restored from cache.

▪ Used to send AJAX to server for incremental updates, refresh ads, etc.

▪ Blank the content area before incremental updates arrive to avoid flash of stale contents.

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In-page writes

Cached version

Restored version

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In-page writesRecord and replay

▪ Automatically record all state-changing operations in a cached page

▪ All AJAX calls using ‘POST’ method, or those explicitly specified ‘replayable’ will be added to cached content.

▪ Automatically replay those operations when cached page is restored.

▪ Cached AJAX handler callback functions already contain all the contextual information about the recorded operations due to JavaScript closure.

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Cross-page writes

Cached version

Restored versionState-changing op

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Cross-page writesServer side invalidation

▪ Instrument server-side database API, whenever a write operation is detected, send a signal to the client to invalidate the cache.

▪ The signal (a.k.a. cache invalidation message) contain information about what persistent data has changed.

▪ Upon receiving cache messages, the client side can flush the whole cache or refresh only those affected page components via AJAX.

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Current status

▪Deployed on production

▪Cache in memory

▪Turned on for home page

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~20% savings on page hits to home page

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Render time improvement

3X ~ 4X speedup in render time vs Quickling

50% 75%

Full page load Quickling PageCache

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▪ Quickling:

▪ Dramatically improves render time by eliminating redundant work.

▪ PageCache:

▪ improves user latency and reduces server load.