Chancellor’s Award - University of Reading · Chancellor’s Award W2013 Student profiles 4 5...

Chancellor’s Award 2013

Transcript of Chancellor’s Award - University of Reading · Chancellor’s Award W2013 Student profiles 4 5...

Page 1: Chancellor’s Award - University of Reading · Chancellor’s Award W2013 Student profiles 4 5 List of all recipients of the Chancellor’s Award 2013 Below is a list of all those

Chancellor’s Award2013

Page 2: Chancellor’s Award - University of Reading · Chancellor’s Award W2013 Student profiles 4 5 List of all recipients of the Chancellor’s Award 2013 Below is a list of all those


The University of Reading is committed to rewarding and celebrating talent, hard work and achievement across its student community.We are therefore delighted to present our 2013 Chancellor’s Award winners. Those featured in this yearbook represent our brightest and best students from across the University’s broad range of academic disciplines. Award recipients are those students who achieved the highest results in their subject at the end of either their first or second year of study.

We are extremely proud to be able to showcase such an inspiring group of individuals.

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List of all recipients of the Chancellor’s Award 2013Below is a list of all those Part 1 and Part 2 students who have received the 2013 Chancellor’s Award for outstanding academic achievement. Only around 80 awards will be given each year, to those students who received the top marks in their subject area.

Jennifer Agnew

Kate Alexander

Stefan Andreas

Daniel Angelov

Louise Astill

James Barnett

Lucelia Barrand

Simon Beck

Leanne Beveridge

Tom Birdsell

Chelsea Bond

Matt Brown

Natasha Bruce

Bryony Buckmaster

Lydia Burnhams

Chloe Chalmers

Kevin Chau

Hristo Chipilski

Ian Cho

Kristina Chu

Lucia Crowther

Nicola D’Alessandro

Georgia de Rohan

Isobel Dench

Albert Edwards

Tom Elliott

Paul Fairall

Anna Frey

Daniel Gardner

Daniel Garrow

Kate Goudsmit

Aidan Hallett

Lee Head

Alex Heavens

Ngoc Phuong Uyen Ho

Willis Homden

Kim Jackson

Anup Kocheril Kurian

Ryan L W Lee

Ailsa Linnell

Peter Loveland

Robert Lowe

Phil Marks

Rachael McLaughlin

Siobhan Monk

Laura Moody

Annie Morton

Thomas Pressland

Kate Rankine

Samantha Riley

Emily Russell

Ankita Shanker

Juvereya Shoab

Aaron Simpson

Poppy Small

Lucy Spencer

Laura Spencer

Todd Spiers

Stefanos Stefanov

Gemma Stobie

Ravi Surendralal

Katie Swann

Jonathan Tanner

Minh Hieu Tran

Liam Vale

Katharina von Oltersdorff

Charles Wadsley

Louise-Jayne Watts

Mark Wells

Felix (Yun Jie) Xiao

Olga-Maria Zenon

Chunxin Zhou

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What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Without day to day communication and comprehension, the world would not be as we know it. In fact I believe it could potentially crumble around us! For those individuals who struggle to develop typical communication skills, or lose them due to illness or accident, life can be a struggle. Those of us fortunate enough to have typical speech and language often take these complex skills for granted, therefore by studying to become a Speech and Language Therapist, I feel I will be able to aid these individuals and increase their communicative skills and quality of life.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The facilities available at Reading University for the Speech and Language Therapy programme stand head and shoulders above any of the other universities I looked at during my selection. There are Speech and Language Therapy Clinics on site whereby students can be gradually introduced to therapy techniques in a safe and reassuring environment before going out onto their first placements. Alongside this, the staff in the school of Clinical Language Sciences are motivating and inspiring, making the course very appealing.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight of 2012/13 would have to be my first examined clinical placement. I was finally able to really put my theory into practice and experience life as a Speech and Language Therapist.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years time I hope to be in a stable job as an adult Speech and Language Therapist.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Life at Reading provides a range of environments. The university campus is quiet and tranquil with the lake and open green fields, however at night it takes on a feel of excitement as students head to the Student’s Union! A short walk from the Whiteknights campus is Reading town centre, providing fantastic retail therapy after a long week of lectures!

Jennifer AgnewBsc Speech and Language Therapy


On the following pages are a selection of profiles of this year’s Chancellor’s Award recipients which describe their individual experiences of studying at Reading, their highlights and ambitions.

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Stefan AndreasBA Accounting and Management


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Accounting and Management is a subject that allows me to use both my logical and numerical ability in a way that I find enjoyable. The process of producing and analysing financial statements is of strong interest to me and the course is constantly furthering my understanding of this process. I am particularly appreciating the challenging nature of the course as it is continually contributing to my self-development, personally and professionally.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose to study at Henley Business School because it is highly respected amongst employers. When visiting the university, I was impressed with the positive feedback from students, the school’s facilities and the enthusiasm of staff. Reading University was also ranked as one of the top universities for my subject area, and I am pleased to say it has been a great place to learn.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?My highlight of the year was achieving a first in part 2 of my studies and being awarded this award for the second consecutive year. I didn’t expect to receive the award two years in a row, given the high calibre of students on my course and I am pleased that my hard work has again been recognised.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years I hope to have qualified as a Chartered Accountant, working at a company where I can progress and put my knowledge into practice. After gaining some experience, I would also like to start my own business.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?There are many aspects to university life that I have enjoyed, from the people here to the course I am studying. Overall, it has been a great experience. Reading University is a fantastic place to learn and the atmosphere here has made it an ideal place to study.

Kate AlexanderBA Philosophy


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? One of the things I love about Philosophy is that there is never a simple answer to the questions that we ask. I like the fact that when we discuss these subjects with our lecturers, it is not a case of being taught facts and having to memorise them so that we can recall them in an exam. When we have a debate, it feels like we are being guided by our professors but we are doing lots of the thinking for ourselves. Before I studied philosophy I never really had to do this, as whenever I didn’t know an answer I could ask my teacher, or look it up in a book or on the internet. I also love the fact that once you study Philosophy you realise how inescapable it is in daily life!

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I was aware that Reading had an outstanding Philosophy department, so this set it apart from lots of other Universities I was considering. Really the thing that made me so desperate to come here was what I saw on the Open Day campus tour. It was a beautiful day, and we walked past Park Bar and saw loads of happy students sitting in the sunshine with a drink. I decided I had to be one of those students. Coincidentally some of these people I had seen ended up living with me in Windsor Hall in my first year and becoming some of my best friends.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight of my academic year would have to be getting my results for Part 2. I was sitting in a field at Glastonbury Festival when I found out. I was incredibly relieved and it set me up for a brilliant weekend of celebrating!

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I would love to still be studying. I can’t imagine leaving university anytime soon as I love the atmosphere here and how everyone is so passionate about what they are doing. Hopefully I will either be on track for a PhD or I will have found a job that I love.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?How close you become to the people you live and study with. I am so pleased I chose a campus university because you become so much closer to the people around you. I love that you can chose to live in halls after your first year; I am living in university accommodation again now and absolutely loving it. I am involved in two societies (Tap and Modern and PhilSoc) and love the feeling of being part of such a close-knit group.

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Louise AstillLLB Law


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Law as a subject is challenging and constantly evolving, I find it stimulates not only the intellect but also the imagination, requiring abstract thinking as well as practical problem solving. I enjoy studying a subject that stretches the mind in which you need to constantly think outside the box. The answer to any given issue is rarely on the surface, requiring lateral thinking around the problem in order to reach a conclusion. One of the best aspects of studying law has to be the weird and wonderful cases, whether it be a burglar climbing through a window in nothing but his socks, or a man accidentally parking his car on a policeman’s foot or even the concluding debate over whether a Jaffa cake is actually a cake or a biscuit.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?Reading appealed to me because it is one of the top Universities for law and the campus was by far the most picturesque. I felt the university had a great atmosphere along with high-quality teaching and opportunities for practical experience and extra-curricular activities.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?My highlight has to be exceeding my own expectations, to achieve grades that I would never have imagined myself achieving. But beyond that my greatest highlight has to be the truly amazing people I have met and got to know at University, some of which I know will be life long friends.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Five years still seems quite a way off and I am not entirely sure at the moment where I would like to be! In the mean time I’d like to go on to further study and complete a LLM. With the view to progressing onto the LPC and hopefully pursuing a legal career.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Reading has everything I could have asked for. Not only is it a great place to study, but it has a real community vibe in which you met people from all walks of life.

Daniel AngelovMEng Robotics


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I have always been interested in subjects that require a great deal of creativity. When I realized my childhood dream of being an astronaut is nearly impossible to accomplish, I decided to be a magician. However, not the one who would pull rabbits out of hats, but somebody that would create technology so advanced that other people will perceive it as magic. Furthermore, robotics is the perfect tool that can be used to positively influence the life of millions.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose the University of Reading not only because it is located in the technological heart of the United Kingdom, but also because its cutting-edge research centres target the spheres of Robotics, Cybernetics and Neuroscience, which have inspired me through every step of my life.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?I received the Chancellor’s Award for my first year, motivating me to keep pushing on. As a result, I lead a team into an indisputable win in the Cybernetics Robot Challenge. This encouraged me and I was successfully chosen to participate in the Google Summer of Code program. This allowed me to contribute to the biggest Open source Computer Vision (OpenCV) library, used by Google themselves, and meet researchers from all across the USA and Russia.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Research has always been fascinating to me, as it is demanding, challenging, and rewarding. Therefore, I would ideally be pursuing a PhD in an exciting new field, expanding the boundaries of the human knowledge.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Reading is a great place where you can find lots of entertainment for a wide range of activities, ranging from climbing to clubbing. The river side is a fantastic place to go for a walk, to relax and just to enjoy the sun. It is also a peaceful town, in proximity to the great megalopolis – London.

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Lucelia BarrandBA (Ed) Primary Teaching with English Specialism


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Training to become a primary teacher is the most rewarding thing I have accomplished to date. I love the idea of being able to inspire children with the material and enthusiasm I bring to the classroom. I hope to make a real positive difference to children’s education. I love how this particular course allows me to develop my own passion for the English language, a wide variety of literature and my own writing, and also allows me to diffuse this passion into a classroom atmosphere.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?Before I came to Reading, I asked potential employers about their experience of the course and talked to past graduates. I found that the graduate record and reputation of the institute of Education at Reading is one of the most prestigious in the country. I felt confident that I would be well supported while being both challenged and inspired. This has certainly been the case in my first year.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?It has to be completing my first block placement as a trainee teacher. Being in sole control and responsible for a class for the first time was rewarding, challenging and a real eye-opener. The feeling of knowing you have just delivered a stimulating and dynamic lesson, in which children really enjoyed developing their learning is indescribable; I have never experienced anything like it.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Working in a school with a strong sense of ‘community’, teaching a class of my own with continuously evolving and inspiring material that supports every child to fulfil their potential. I see myself being heavily involved in the school’s English curriculum development and coordination that leaves no child behind, as well as running a drama or gymnastics club after school.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Reading is the perfect combination of a campus and a city university. It has an excellent Student’s Union and lots of extra-curricular things on offer – I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being part of the cheerleading squad and the dance society. The university has excellent lecturers who inspire and have a true passion for what they teach; they have become role models for me to aspire to. Finally, you really do meet so many new and interesting people! I can see how the friendships you make at university are said to last a lifetime.

James BarnettMChem Chemistry


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I find chemistry fascinating, I particularly love synthesis. The idea that you can create great complex molecules from much simpler ones is wonderful. Also, it is not just the chemistry that is great but also all the transferable skills that I have acquired which will be essential when going into the world of work.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?Before I came to this university my sister had already finished her Bsc at Reading so I was very familiar with the location. As my sister was here prior to me I was very keen to come here as I saw how green the campus is and how lovely the town was. When I came on the open day I felt very welcomed by the staff and by the chemistry students. As soon as I had my interview I knew this was the place for me.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight of 2012/13 was results day when I found out that I could move up onto the MChem course and that my hard work had paid off. This was a great achievement as I had missed out on getting onto the course when I first applied, yet I was given a second chance and I took it. Not only that but setting up a new Poker Society with my friends and seeing it flourish is brilliant too.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years time I will have completed my placement year and I will be hopefully working in the chemical industry. However, I have always had a passion for helping people and would love to become a lecturer. So in five years time I could still be here studying for my PhD.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about Reading is not just the course but the people who are on it. I have made some great friends in my first year and have a pretty decent house. Also, I find the lecturers in the department great, each one with their own unique teaching style and mannerisms. Also, the location is excellent, it has everything a student could want it even has a football stadium!

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Leanne BeveridgeBA(Ed) Primary Teaching with Art


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? In my opinion, teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is identifying the best technique to encourage, support and assist all children and their needs. Teaching has the opportunity to make a difference to a child and their whole future. It is about recognising the unique potential in an individual and equipping them to excel to the best of their ability. One of my favourite classroom expressions is: No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. I find the old saying is true – that the more you put in to something the more you get out – and in my attempts to inspire children I find that they inspire me.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I became very aware that Reading has an excellent reputation in the education and research sectors. Including Reading University on my CV is going to be highly beneficial when looking for employment. I have a great interest in Art and creative studies, so the combination of teaching practice and the Art specialism was particularly attractive.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?Standing in front of a class for the first time, with 30 pairs of eyes on me was one of the most memorable moments of my career to date! I found the advice from tutors/lecturers paid off and the children responded enthusiastically. I’d like to mention another highlight where I introduced a colourful behavioural chart as a mechanism to motivate and reward positive behaviours. The children loved it!

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?To be established within a school and be an teacher with experience of a range of ages and abilities. I would like to be looked upon by senior management as a trusted source of advice and have input to strategic thinking; likewise I would aim to be Art coordinator for the school due to my art specialism training.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Friendships and experiences! Being at Reading has enabled me to develop long lasting friendships. I have had huge support from my tutors and mentors. The variety of sports and activities available has enabled me to get involved within new sports such as lacrosse. Reading is a thriving and exciting town, I enjoy the buzz along with the many recreational opportunities.

Simon BeckBSc Real Estate


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Real Estate inspires me due to it being a subject with real world applicability in that what happens in property and land markets can affect us all. It’s also an interesting field when you consider it’s subjectivity, everyone has a different opinion on what urban environments should or shouldn’t be like. This along with the great variety of subjects involved is why I enjoy studying Real Estate!

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The school of Real Estate and Planning at Reading is regarded as one of the most respected schools for this type of course by the surveying profession. The academics are active researchers, the business school has great facilities and the course content is highly varied between academic subjects and more vocational aspects. The strength of the course was a major decision maker for me, but when I visited the campus I knew I wanted to come to Reading. It’s like living in Center Parcs!

What was the highlight of 2012/13?A highlight for me was our 3 day field trip to East London. We visited the Olympic legacy development corporation, Westfield Stratford, Manhattan loft corporation and Newham council. It was good to hear presentations from a range of private and public bodies and learn what their role was/is in transforming an area of London that was a derelict wasteland in the not too distant past, plus seeing first hand what property means in the real world.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?After securing a graduate position with Grosvenor over the summer I aim to be stuck into what I hope will be a challenging and enjoyable career as a chartered surveyor. If the opportunity arises, I’d love to work abroad for a period of time.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?I think with Reading being a campus university the best thing is everything being in one place. You are always bumping into people you know and there’s loads of things to do and take advantage of. I like being able to walk everywhere!

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Chelsea BondBA Accounting and Business


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? My fascination for the Accounting and Business Programme comes from the application of numbers in the real business environment. I particularly enjoy the prospect of interacting with a variety of clients and gaining an insight into their business. The skills and knowledge developed in this degree would equip me with the best grounding to become a successful auditor. Playing a key role in the operation of effective markets by preserving the financial stability of companies and enhancing the confidence of investors is my biggest inspiration.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose to study at Reading University due to its outstanding reputation, unique partnership programme with PricewaterhouseCoopers and ICAEW, and its modernised campus. With Reading University ranked in the top 1% universities globally, and the Henley Business School in the top 10 for careers in Accounting, I believed this would be the best place to succeed in the future.

The design of the campus with accommodation arranged closely together (with the added bonus of brand new halls) was also one of the greatest attractions as it appeared to create a great sense of community which was proven once I came here.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?When I received my Part 1 Results knowing the hard work and determination had led to success.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I would hope to have achieved a first class honours degree. My second ambition is to continue on the career path with PwC London to become a qualified Chartered Accountant. I hope to have experienced managing several audits while forming relationships with clients.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The sense of Community you feel while you’re here. I came from Wales and did not know anyone at first, so I definitely felt outside my comfort zone. However, it did not take long until I felt like Reading was my new home. The social events bring students together so getting to know one another is easy. I took full advantage of this by joining the Netball team and made some close friends.

Tom BirdsellBSc Building Surveying


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I find Building Surveying to be a very interesting and dynamic subject, requiring a broad depth of knowledge and a variety of skills. In my professional career I will be dealing with new and unique projects on a constant basis; each one of these will present new challenges. This subject constantly challenges my abilities, and it’s leading me to a career that will do the same.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose to study at Reading University as it has a strong reputation within industry for being one of the top Universities.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight for me was that I was fortunate to be offered two summer placements, both with top multinational property firms. They provided invaluable practical experience, allowing me to apply knowledge gained from the course. Additionally, they gave me an excellent insight into my future professional career.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Working as a chartered building surveyor for a top multinational consultancy firm.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The campus is a great aspect of life at reading. It is an open and relaxed environment, which is great for learning. It has the additional benefit of being located close to the centre of town.

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Matt BrownMMet Meteorology and Climate with a year in Oklahoma


Natasha BruceBSc Speech and Language Therapy


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? The sheer variety and variability in the weather makes it an endlessly interesting subject to study and enjoy, there is always something going on! It is great to be able to understand the processes that control and underlie one of the worlds most incredible and powerful processes, just take thunder for example, it is the air literally exploding!

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?It is the top in the country for meteorology, with research going on into a huge variety of fields in order to better understand and predict the processes involved in the weather. Also, the open day staff were really friendly, and they gave me free biscuits…

What was the highlight of 2012/13?It’s difficult to pinpoint one exact moment, it’s more of a combination of little things that have added up to make a great year, such as: Seeing some of the amazing weather America has to offer on the first day of my year here, the amazing meteorology Christmas pantomime, the weather and climate discussions where the whole department gets together every Friday to talk (geek out) about their subject, a quote by my maths lecturer: ‘Books are great, they’re like the internet but made of tree’, and finally and most recently when one of my lecturers here in Oklahoma explained the non-linearity of the atmosphere using the analogy of a drug-addict - something I will probably never forget!

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I’m honestly not sure, there are many areas within meteorology that I find interesting so who knows!

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The campus is lovely, and did I mention the ridiculous quantities of free food?

What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? The most inspiring thing about Speech and Language Therapy is that it can really make a difference to an individual, as communication is so fundamental to everyday life. There is a lot of diversity in the course and also in future careers, as we learn to help so many different client groups and each client will have needs specific to them. It’s fantastic to think that each working day will be unique. There are always innovative techniques coming in to use and I look forward to continuing to learn for the rest of my life.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?Unlike other universities, Reading has an on-site NHS clinic, which I felt would make a big difference when gaining clinical experience. I was attracted by the small, close-knit department, as I was eager to get to know my course mates and lecturers; some of whom are very highly esteemed in their field. Music is also very important to me and I felt that RUMS offered enough variety for me to keep it up alongside my course.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?I thoroughly enjoyed my Child Development Assignment, as visiting the child and their family gave me first-hand experience of what typical development looks like. This alongside visits from current clients really brought the course to life, reinforcing the theory we had learnt during the year.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?The exciting thing is, I don’t really know. By 2018, I will be a practising speech therapist, but there are many possible routes I can take with my degree. I am currently enjoying disfluency but I may end up working with stroke victims with swallowing difficulties or even assisting children with language impairments. Ultimately, I am looking forward to finding my specialism.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?I like that students are at the heart of everything on campus. It is always busy; as there are endless activities to get involved in. For me, societies were a great way to meet new people and explore the various venues in Reading. The town is so close and it’s a real contrast to the country landscape on campus.

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Bryony BuckmasterBSc Real Estate


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? The world of Real Estate is dynamic, diverse, and vibrant, making it a highly fascinating area of study. The opportunities available are vast, with many possible career paths open to explore. Thus, my third year specialism will enable me to tailor my degree towards my personal interests and particular passions of a certain area of the Surveying profession. The world of Real Estate is an internationally important market, enabling me to potentially pursue a Surveying career outside of the UK. The world of property is constantly changing and forever developing mainly due to economic and political forces, meaning that Real Estate, to me, is a highly relevant and appealing area of study.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The Henley Business School, the home of Real Estate and Planning, is widely viewed by many professionals within the industry as the leading place to study Real Estate. The reputation of academic excellence was a major influence in my decision. Also, the facilities available in the Henley Business School are excellent, alongside the facilities of the university library, and the students union. Likewise, the campus itself attracted me, as it’s a very pleasing environment set in green, spacious grounds, making it a great place to both live and work.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?It’s hard to decide on one particular highlight from my first year of university – it was all so enjoyable. However, meeting an amazing group of life long friends has to be the best part.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I hope to have qualified as a Chartered Surveyor, and to be working within the real estate industry, particularly as a commercial surveyor, dealing in office and retail agency.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Reading is a great place to study, but also to live. The location of the university is ideal, with it only being a short distance from the town centre, where there are plenty of amenities. Also, the societies and sports facilities available are excellent – there is definitely something for everyone!

Lydia BurnhamsBSc Chemistry with Education


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Chemistry embodies so much of science; building on maths and physics and underpinning biology. I enjoy the discovery and problem solving aspect to chemistry, applying theories and ideas to understand the physical properties of the world we live in. I have especially enjoyed the opportunity to consider how science is, and could be, taught in schools to a wide range of ages.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose to come to Reading for a number of reasons. One was for the high standard of teaching which I had heard about and the care which the lecturers clearly took over the students at my interview day. I also love the beautiful campus and the community which I am now part of in Reading, especially through my local church.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight of last year was the opportunity to serve on the committee of the Christian Union, to be able to become an official society for the first time and so to be a more integral part of the student community on campus. And to have been a part of all the events we were able to host on campus throughout the year.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I hope to be a qualified teacher with a couple of years experience under my belt. I would then like to move abroad to teach in a developing country and work with children who don’t have a stable family home (i.e: orphans or street children).

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about life at Reading is the community around me. This comes from my church, my housemates and coursemates, my lecturers in the department and my friends from the Christian Union or the Ultimate Frisbee team. Reading feels like home as much as the town where I grew up does.

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Student profiles


Chloe ChalmersBA English Language


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? English Language is such a broad subject with many different fields of study. The flexibility of my course allows me to study a range of these different areas which I find interesting. I have always loved English but have found that I also greatly enjoy the scientific side to my course. I’m fascinated by how children acquire language and how the mind stores and processes language. The research being carried out by my lecturers and other academics into how these processes work is extremely exciting and inspiring.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose Reading for a number of reasons. Firstly my course offered a range of modules which all looked interesting and relevant for what I wanted to do as a career. Secondly, after visiting the University I loved the campus and found the staff to be extremely welcoming and helpful with answering any questions I had. Lastly, Reading is only a two hour train journey away from my home therefore I could easily visit home whenever I wanted to!

What was the highlight of 2012/13?My highlight was receiving an award for my Part 1 examination results as it has proved to me that the hard work was worth it and has encouraged me to work just as hard in Part 2.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?At the moment I am interested in a career in teaching English as a foreign language, so in five years time I would like to have finished my teacher training and perhaps be teaching abroad or in a language school in the UK.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Moving to University can be quite daunting but I have found the University to be extremely friendly and welcoming. There is so much advice, help and support available if you need it.

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Kevin ChauBSc Microbiology with industrial experience


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I find the complexity within microbiology to be extremely fascinating. The intricate mechanisms that organisms have developed to survive never fail to surprise and interest me. I am also very excited by the sheer potential of new biotechnology currently being developed.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The University campus is really green and scenic compared to many others I’ve visited. The lake is especially surprising and nice to see on a campus. In addition to the scenery, the facilities at Reading university are great. The newly refurbished library is an excellent study area and the gym is the best I’ve seen at a university.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?My highlight was definitely attending the Gatsby Plant Science Summer School in York. I had this amazing opportunity because my lecturer Dr Julie Hawkins put me forward for it. The summer school was a week in York with senior plant scientists. It was extremely fun, the scenery was amazing and the people were all really nice. I thank Dr Hawkins again for the opportunity.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years, I hope to have completed my Microbiology course with a year out at an industrial placement. If all goes well, I would like to continue my studies at MSc and PhD levels.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Friends and family are all really close to me. Reading is also not too big and busy but definitely isn’t too small and quiet. Reading has everything, both the university and the town.

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Ian ChoBSc Economics and Human Geography


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I am inspired and amazed by how the issues that are brought up during lectures or seminars can open so many avenues for debate and research in this subject area. It is also a subject where I can apply the concepts learnt to many different aspects of life.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?Simply put I believe this university offers one of the best programmes for a joint degree in economics and human geography. I appreciate the interdisciplinary approach to learning, which skilfully interweaves the concepts of economics and human geography.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?It is difficult to pin-point a particular moment, but I can truly say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my second year at Reading. The modules I took in Part 2 were more specialized and particularly catered towards my interests.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years’ time, I hope to be a transport planner in a bustling city. I have always had a deep interest in the transport industry and I wish to pursue transport planning as my future career.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about life at Reading is that it is big enough to allow us to engage in a variety of activities, but at the same time small enough for us to experience a true university life.

Hristo ChipilskiMMet Meteorology and Climate with a year in Oklahoma


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Weather is all around us and changes constantly over time. It plays an extremely important role in planning day-to-day activities. Meteorologists nowadays have the opportunity to better represent the real physical processes happening in the atmosphere and warn us of the potential threats of nature. The sense of reward that flows through you knowing you have helped to save people’s lives is priceless.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The Department of Meteorology here is a leading research centre for atmospheric, oceanic and climate science, being acknowledged for its excellence in teaching. Attending lectures from people who have contributed so much to the science is an amazing feeling. Going to Oklahoma in the third year will be an excellent experience in terms of broadening my knowledge about extreme weather events and getting the chance to visit the US National Severe Storms Laboratory.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The results from the exams at the end of the first year were definitely a huge success to me. To receive the Chancellor’s Award is a big recognition for all the work I did and gives me the motivation to continue my studies with the same amount of enthusiasm. Moreover, getting to know people from my coarse who share the same passion towards the weather as I do was something astonishing. Being part of the tennis club and representing the team was another highlight as we managed to win the first place in our league.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Improving the accuracy of the numerical weather prediction models which are now of increasing demand and turn out to be the most significant component in creating the weather forecasts.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Reading is a wonderful place to live and study. Its town centre is lovely and offers students the chance to get involved in a broad range of social activities. The university campus is well renowned for being one of the greenest in the whole country and is my favourite place to go for a walk.

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Lucia CrowtherBA Italian and History of Art


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Studying Italian and History of Art together is a perfect match for me as I’ve always been fascinated by Italian art and culture. After I went to Italy for the first time when I was 15 I knew I wanted to learn the language and go and live in Italy one day. With my Year Abroad this year I’m getting to do that right now!

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The Italian department at Reading is one of the largest and most prestigious in the country, and once I read about the variety of modules that they offer to students I knew it was the right place for me. I was also pleased to see that the History of Art department gives a lot of attention to the history of architecture in its modules, which is an area that I’ve never had the chance to study before coming into Higher Education.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?My highlight of 2013 was getting a place on the University’s UROP scheme, meaning that for six weeks in the summer I researched literary archives from around the world alongside experts from the University. It was a challenging placement but I learned so much in such a short space of time.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I’m planning on following a postgraduate course when I finish my BA so that I can specialise in conservation and restoration. In the future my dream would be to work in a hands on position behind the scenes in a gallery or museum, either in the UK or in Italy.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Because of the number of international students at the University, Reading is a really diverse town where you can meet people from all around the world.

Kristina ChuBSc Food Marketing and business economics


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I have always had interests in the marketing field and since the University of Reading provides a rather special option, which incorporates food retailing into marketing, I am just fascinated by this course and the career options it provides.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I came to Reading because it provides a wide range of courses as well as module options, which other universities cannot give me. Plus it’s close to London, I just felt this was a great opportunity.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?Seeing myself balancing my work for ‘Enactus’ and my studies, and seeing I seem to manage both is a huge achievement for me.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Well, I hope I can start my career in Europe and explore different cultures at the same time.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Getting to know my closest friends, especially Flora, who helped me through so much all the way.

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Georgia de RohanBSc Geography and Economics


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Growing up abroad I was subject to many different cultures and economic climates, this is what sparked my interest in the social sciences. It is an area that is ever changing, always relevant and affects people globally.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I knew I was very interested in both Geography and Economics – Reading offers this unique course with a huge variety of elective modules to choose from, the majority of which I was excited to learn more about.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?It was very exciting moving to a new part of the UK, one which I was not familiar with. It has been amazing getting to know so many people through halls, my course, and societies.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I hope to be discovering new places, and potentially even working abroad, in an industry which is involved with energy resources or something similar.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Reading has a wealth of opportunities, both academic and social. In particular the variety of societies, which has allowed me to meet a huge cross section of peers that I wouldn’t necessarily have met otherwise.

Nicola D’AlessandroBA Italian


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Despite what you might think of my surname, I didn’t speak any Italian at all until my mid-thirties. I started learning partly out of curiosity and enjoyed studying so much that I decided to leave my job and home and come to uni full time. In my first year I took English language modules too, which I think is really helpful when studying any language – I’m continuing this year with English phonology and grammar, which is great. The emphasis in the Italian department isn’t just on the lingua though: I’m slowly, slowly building up a foundation in Italian studies, which includes cinema, Italian linguistics, medieval and renaissance culture and literature as well more contemporary texts and politics. It all helps to build up a complete picture of the subject, within a department that’s always got a buzz and an invitation to coffee.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?Choosing a university that was reasonably easy to get home from was an important factor for me. Reading has good transport links, and London is so accessible too. I hadn’t really put a value on coming to a campus university before I arrived. But actually it’s one of the aspects that I now like most; the trees and green space are so enchanting. I settled on Reading not least because of the history of Italian studies here – there’s been dedicated teaching since the 1950s when writer and scholar Luigi Meneghello founded the department. Finally, when I came to meet staff for interview/open day, everyone was very friendly, fun and enthusiastic.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?I have to say the workload was a bit of a shock at first. But I stuck with it and in the end really enjoyed the challenge. On campus it’s very easy to get involved in all sorts of activities, and discovering cultural extras was a pleasure, as was the Italian department’s cineclub. In the summer term I discovered that I’d won a scholarship to study in Italy over the holidays.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Who honestly knows. I’d like to work in Italy at some point. But I’ve also been quite intrigued by academia – maybe I’ll stay on for a PhD!

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The campus has more or less everything you need, including excellent sports facilities. I’m enjoying discovering new venues, menus and bands around town.

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Albert EdwardsBA Accounting and Business


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? The world of finance has fascinated me ever since my work experience at Coutts Bank. I got a glimpse into how businesses and banks work and studying accounting to me seemed like the perfect opportunity to gain a further insight into the financial world.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?When I walked into the open day for my course I realised just how great an opportunity I would gain if I could get the opportunity to study it. The combination of the future prospects it presented and the infectious enthusiasm of the staff in the Henley Business School all but decided that Reading was the university for me. Not only this but the location and aesthetics of the university itself were something I found very attractive.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?I feel like one of the highlights of the past year for me was organising a social with the other members of my JCR for my old halls at the end of the last term.

It meant that people came out to just relax and enjoy a barbecue with everyone they’d met over the year before going back home for the summer and was a great way to round off the first year at university.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years time, provided all goes well with my course and I pass the exams I need to, I should be working in London as an accountant. I’d love to have the opportunity to work abroad as travelling the world has always been one of my biggest dreams.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?There is a lot to enjoy about life at Reading as there’s so much on offer for a student living here. There’s so many sports and societies and student activities that you can never be bored.

Moreover, the town centre itself is literally a stone’s throw away and once you get into town there’s even more to do, day and night.

It makes Reading just have a real buzz, and this coupled with so much choice of what to do with your free time creates a great atmosphere.

Isobel DenchBSc Economics


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Economics relates to every aspect of our lives, it gives you a different perspective on the world around you. When you are watching the news or reading the newspaper, you have a better understanding of why these things are happening and the economic decisions behind them. It is a hugely relevant subject. I am also constantly challenged by my degree which is something that really motivates me to succeed.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose to come to Reading after attending an open day. I immediately really liked the friendly feel of the campus and how easy it was to get everywhere. Mackinder and Stenton Halls were also a huge positive for me as they were so near to all the academic buildings and were the nicest Halls I had seen. I also knew that I wanted to be in an area with lots of shops, bars and restaurants so Reading town centre seemed ideal.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?I would have to say that the highlight of last year would be a tie between receiving my exam results and getting the call to say I had been offered a place on the Wholesale Banking and Markets Internship at Lloyds Bank after a very long and competitive selection process. Both of these were pleasant surprises!

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Ideally I will be working in the City of London at a Bank or Fund Management Firm. I also hope to have either completed a Masters or a further professional qualification such as the CFA. Hopefully whatever I am doing I’m enjoying it and continuing to develop within the organisation.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?All of the lecturers are really approachable and happy to make time to help you.

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Tom ElliottBSc Environmental Science with Professional Experience


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I’m passionate about all things environmental. The course itself is so broad, allowing us to choose a particular path within environmental science, from climate change to contaminated environments. Personally, I’ve enjoyed keeping as broad a spectrum as possible, which has helped me get my placement as a farmland ecology research student. Even as an environmental scientist, you have the opportunity to take modules of other disciplines such as agriculture, geography, and biology. It’s surprising how much new subject areas can spark a new passion as well.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose to come to Reading to study mostly due to the reputation of the course I was choosing and the campus itself. The campus is by far my favourite part of Reading, a community within a community with lots of wild areas. Parts of field work within modules were undertaken on campus as well, such as bird watching for an ecology module and testing of Whiteknights’ lake for hydrology. And of course socially the campus is great. There are bars for most of the halls, a huge student’s union, and tonnes of sporting events.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?Our course’s field trip to Almeria, Southern Spain. Our day time comprised of a mix of site visits and field work. Almeria is renowned for its geology, and its solar power generation facilities, not to mention all of the greenhouse agriculture. So our days were filled up with lots of really interesting visits. Then we could have a laugh in the evenings, a swim in the Mediterranean Sea, and maybe drink a few beers too.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I’d love to explore the world and try my hand at lots of different environmental areas. I’m currently on placement as a farmland ecology research student, and am loving it. So far, I’ve really found a passion for soil science, so another option might be to go into that field. First and foremost however, I want to find environmental opportunities overseas and see the world from an environmentalists’ perspective.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The campus. Of all the Uni campuses that I’ve seen, Reading has the greenest, wildest spaces. Great for chilling out during exams. Likewise, all the bars on campus are a great laugh if all you need is a few casual pints.

Paul FairallBSc Building Surveying


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I worked at a Builders Merchant before University where I developed an interest in construction and led me to pick this course. We give little thought to the buildings we use every day, but their construction and maintenance fascinates me.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?My course is run by few Universities and Reading stood out as the best. Then when visiting I liked the happy atmosphere around the self-contained campus. Also its location suited me with good transport links to London and the South.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight of last year had to be working in a team to designing a school in Gambia as part of my course’s projects module. It was really challenging and inspired everyone in our group. Some of the ideas from students on the course are now being used in the construction of a school in Gambia.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I hope to be working in Construction and be a fully Chartered Surveyor, as well as spending some time working abroad in Hong Kong.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about Reading is the range of opportunities & activities available to you. Such as societies to study support and careers fairs. You can never do it all.

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Daniel GardnerMMet Meteorology and Climate with a Year in Oklahoma


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I find it fascinating to be able to study the weather which affects us all every day and be able to attempt to explain and understand it using mathematical and physical concepts. I also like clouds more than the average person.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?Simply because Reading is the best university in the UK to study meteorology and has a reputation not only in the UK but also throughout Europe and the rest of the world for being a leading department in the field. Reading is at the forefront of many areas of research into meteorology and climate and many of the people involved also lecture in the department meaning that we are being taught by very knowledgeable people.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?It’s been a thoroughly enjoyable year with one of the highlights looking at rubber ducks in a wave tank to study the characteristics of waves in the laboratory (definitely not your standard lecture!).

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I hope to be using my degree with a career in meteorology. I have yet to decide exactly what I want to do but weather forecasting and climate research sound like good options. A wide range of transferable skills from my degree would also allow me to look at alternative career paths.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?It’s a great place to study. The campus is lovely and has a great relaxed atmosphere. It is well situated being within walking distance of the town centre and a short journey from London. There are also plenty of opportunities for recreation and meeting other people.

Anna FreyBA Philosophy and Psychology


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? What inspires me about philosophy is that the subject matter challenges one to overcome what one might have thought were the limitations of one’s understanding, while at the same time requiring one to remain critical of what has been said and encouraging one to develop one’s own ideas. Psychology, on the other hand, greatly interests me because it offers one the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that are associated with certain human behaviours. Such insight is not only worthwhile in its own right, but also valuable in so far as it aids the development of treatments for people who suffer from mental illness.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I mainly chose to come to Reading to study because it was one of the few universities that offered a joint honours degree in philosophy and psychology. Additional factors contributing to my decision were the good reputation of the teaching staff, the university’s proximity to London, and the beautiful campus.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?My highlight of 2012/13 was a summer school placement at the Institute of Neuroscience in Newcastle. The placement provided me with an insight into just how multifaceted psychological/neuroscientific research is: developing experimental designs requires creativity, programming computer-based tasks engages one’s logical thinking skills, and testing participants, attending conferences and working as part of a research team gives one the opportunity to meet many interesting people. All in all, the placement made me realise that I truly enjoy psychological/neuroscientific research.

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Kate GoudsmitBA Graphic Communication


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? What inspires me about my course is its project-based nature. We undertake a range of practical design projects which requires us to investigate various design problems and ultimately, challenges us to build upon our skills. These projects range from designing catalogues, posters and mobile app interfaces, as well as branding for conferences and music identities. The Real Jobs scheme also requires us to work with actual clients and budgets and to get involved in the pre-press and production aspect of our projects.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The unique Graphic Communication programme. The course is recognised as first class in its approach for equipping students with a broad range of skills ready for a career in Design. Another key factor is the high student to tutor ratio, which emphasises individual and small-group learning and a unique course environment. The course only admits approximately thirty-five students each year, which means that the approach is extremely personable and we are offered a huge amount of guidance and support. There is always someone who can guide, encourage or inspire us. Lastly, the high student success and employability rates gave me confidence that Reading was the right choice for me.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The University has a strong sense of community, and so through my course, societies and accommodation, it was easy to make friends. The friendships made in first year has made it easier to approach the second and third year, where a high workload and motivation is required.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I am particularly interested in working within the retail sector, and hope to be involved in the the visual aspects of retail. Another area to investigate is advertising which will involve using skills I have learnt on the course to encourage, persuade or manipulate an audience or viewer.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The excellent student experience. Through a unique community feel, we receive a supporting academic experience in the beautiful setting of Whiteknights campus. The University also offers a great social life and RUSU gives us all a chance to get involved in various societies, volunteering programmes and projects.

Daniel GarrowBSc Chemistry


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I enjoy learning about how things work, I get to see and think about how many everyday things operate and interact on a fundamental level which I find fascinating, albeit rather difficult to understand a lot of the time. I like the general consistency of rules that the universe follows (outside quantum mechanics) and that a relatively small amount of knowledge can be extrapolated and used to understand a relatively huge amount.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The general atmosphere of the university appealed to me as soon as I got here. I had visited other universities which I liked, but at Reading I instantly felt fairly settled in (as much as one can in a few hours) on the open day alone, and I knew I wanted to come to Reading to study. The department also seemed incredibly friendly and a generally pleasant place to work and learn.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?Getting into my chosen university for a start was pretty great. My A-levels were poor and I only scraped into university. I used this new opportunity to work hard and get the grades I knew I was capable of, and doing well in my exams has definitely been the highlight, not only of the year, but my whole time at university.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Ideally I would be working in the chemical industry, working my way up through the more corporate side, so I can still stay (relatively) up to date with its progression, whilst getting a view of a different side of the chemical industry and generally broadening my skills and abilities.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?You get the opportunity to meet a broad variety of people from many different backgrounds and places which I’ve certainly never had before. It is certainly interesting to learn about others and how different supposedly similar people can be.

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Lee HeadBA Business and Management


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Every organisation is different in its approach and in the way it operates but all are subject to a very dynamic environment which is constantly changing. It is inspiring to explore the internals of a company and be able to explain why businesses operate and function in certain ways, whilst investigating how a firm can adapt to constantly changing situations and requirements. The business and management subject provides a real insight into organisations and allows you to look in depth at business decisions and the effect they have.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The University of Reading is a superb academic facility with a fantastic programme that gives a real insight into the different business areas and readies students for the modern business environment. I chose Reading as the structure of my chosen degree allows you to direct your studies towards your interest areas due to the high amount of choice in modules available. The triple accredited Henley Business School had a worldwide reputation for excellence, and I immediately knew it was a community I wanted to become a part of. The nature of the location of the University was an incredible advantage due to many top companies situated within the area and in close proximity to London, posing many career opportunities.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?My highlight was achieving the Treasurer position within the Pool and Snooker Society for the 2013/14 academic year. It was a great honor to obtain the position as it showed the confidence the committee had to place me with a high responsibility position. This was also a pleasant reward for the commitment I gave to the society in the first year.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I hope to be in a managerial a within a large successful accountancy organisation. I hope to have completed my ACA accounting qualification, and be participating in important projects where I am able to have the opportunity to add real value to a client’s business.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?

The campus is a beautiful place to be whilst students and staff are all very friendly and approachable, creating a pleasant environment and community. There is something for everyone at Reading, with a range of societies, facilities and activities that makes it easy for students to get involved.

Aidan HallettBEng Electronic Engineering with Industrial Year


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Since a young age, I have been passionate about technology. I have always gained a great deal of satisfaction out of learning and understanding how and why objects or technologies work on a fundamental level. I enjoy working on technical and mathematical projects and seeing them through from the design stage to completion.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?After visiting the University I decided to come to Reading as I felt that the course was exactly what I was looking for. The green campus, large open spaces and being close to town were also deciding factors.

Being at the heart of the M4 Corridor, Reading is the home to many technical companies and the University also has strong business links with surrounding areas. This was a must for me as I wanted to have a placement year.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?After a number of Internship applications through the first and second term, my personal highlight of 2012/2013 was being called and offered an Internship with a top multinational technology business – National Instruments – as an Applications Engineer.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Over the next five years, I am keen to improve and refine my business skills gained whilst on my placement year. I then aim to complete a masters degree in a related discipline such as Business Management & Technology, later to progress onto a graduate scheme with a top software company in the technical sector.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Due to the large number of students at Reading there are always people with similar interests as you. Reading town is also very lively, has a great deal of entertainment such as cinemas, shops, restaurants and bars. I feel relaxed in Reading and find it easy to have a good work-life balance.

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Ngoc Phuong Uyen HoBSc (Hons) Finance and Investment Banking


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I chose Finance because I would like to see myself pursuing a career within a banking/ financial sector. In addition, I found it is interesting that the Finance course offers me a chance to further develop my analysing and problem solving skills.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose Reading because I found the courses that the university offers are great opportunities to train for my life choice. In addition, it was the ICMA Centre, a business school for financial markets with an excellent academic reputation and various career support, that also really appealed to me.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?My summer internship with Western Asset Management in London and the second Chancellor’s Award this second year are the biggest highlights of 2012/2013 for me.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?For the next 5 years, I would like to see myself as an experienced compliance analyst working for asset management firms in London.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about Reading is that Reading has many people from all over the world and this has made my life here so culturally aware and inspired me.

Alex HeavensBA Classics


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? When I was younger, when others my age wanted to play for Manchester United, all I ever wanted to be was like Howard Carter and I’d only ever want to go to The British Museum. Classics is rich and interesting for all ages and at every level, a feature that isn’t present in any other discipline.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The friendliness and enthusiasm of the Classics Staff is second to none and the quality of the Department’s teaching is known to be some of the finest in the world.

The Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology is a huge asset to the University and is perfect for finding primary evidence through material culture.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?Having the opportunity to read and analyse original Latin texts with such distinguished experts was both an exhilarating and rewarding experience.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In 5 years time I would like to be doing something that actively involves Classics, whether that be in education, research or academia.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Reading is a town that has everything that you need within a short distance. In size it fairly large, however it doesn’t feel that way because Reading has the community spirit and atmosphere of a small town.

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Kim JacksonBA Classics


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? My love of Classical literature initially inspired my interest in the civilisations of ancient Greece and Rome. A Classics degree at Reading is an interdisciplinary subject which allows me to explore these civilisations through a diverse range of approaches, including studying their history, literature, philosophy, religion and art. Languages are an integral part of my degree and through the study of Latin and Ancient Greek I hope to be able to read the books that I love in their original languages; this inspires me when I have pages of grammar and vocabulary to learn!

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I first visited the university when my daughter was in sixth-form, for a Zoology open day. I liked its excellent reputation, the friendliness of the staff, the green spaces on campus; it had a relaxed feel about it. I found time to visit the Ure Museum and remember thinking how lucky the students were to have such a wide range of artefacts on their doorstep. A few years later I visited my own department and it confirmed in my mind that Reading was right for me; it was the only university I applied to.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?Getting my end of year results, especially for Latin and Ancient Greek. Having never studied languages before and having been out of education for a long period, I was worried that it would prove too much of a challenge. It is a great feeling when your hard work pays off.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I worked for many years in the education sector and would like to be able to combine my past experience with my newly acquired knowledge. I am considering teaching or perhaps the education department of a museum. Post-graduate study is another option, as I enjoy studying my subject so much that I don’t really want to stop.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Definitely the people; I’ve made some good friends in my first year and the mature students group has been a real support. The staff in my department are friendly, and most importantly, approachable. It makes a real difference when you know that there are people who will give you support, help and advice when you need it.

Willis HomdenBSc Consumer Behaviour and Marketing


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? What inspires me about consumer behaviour and marketing is the attention to detail that goes into understanding the consumer – their behaviours, attitudes and decision making processes in regards to product buying.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose to come to Reading as the degree course really stood out to me. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing is a really broad course, encompassing Marketing, Business, Psychology and Economics, and it enables the uptake of many other wild modules of varying subject. Reading is also close to London and is a vibrant town to live in.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?To be honest the highlight of 2012/13 in terms of my uni course would have to be getting my results!

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years time I hope to be working in marketing for a large organisation, working on national campaigns and utilising everything I’ve learnt from my uni programme.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about life in Reading is the independence. This not only applies to living away from my home town, but also the independence in my academic learning, which is something I find works best for me.

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Anup Kocheril KurianBSc Quantity Surveying


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? The construction industry has always been a source of fascination to me. This fascination has led me to explore the various avenues within the industry and also enabled me to take up roles involving architectural designing and construction management in the past. The aspect of sustainability, the challenge of building a better world using finite resources, sourcing and managing smart work force, innovative construction technologies and practices, and the aspiration to be part of cutting edge construction projects; all collectively provide me with the motivation to pursue my chosen subject of study.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?SCME captured my attention, while I was seeking to find my ideal University to launch a career in commercial management. Beyond the reputation for excellence within the construction industry, the university has a world renowned research facility, well-structured course content informed by the latest research and industry activities, partnership arrangements with leading firms within the construction industry, highly resourceful and friendly academic staff, along with the opportunity to network with future leaders in the construction sector

What was the highlight of 2012/13?Taking advantage of the research placement opened up fresh insights into some of the leading innovations taking place in the industry and is worth mentioning. The 10 week EPSRC funded research placement gave me a great deal of job-satisfaction working along with the field experts within University and also with a leading international construction firm to develop a system that helps with innovation management.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I hope to be a fully qualified chartered Quantity Surveyor working on some exciting projects making a positive impact on the world as a responsible global citizen.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Excellent learning facilities and a great bunch of friends. Campus is great with the right combination of country life and urban life for those who need it when they need it. In short, life in Reading is brilliant.

Ryan L W LeeBA Graphic Communication


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? As a designer, everything in life can be an inspiration – a typeface, a magazine cover, to even the year book you are reading – if it is designed, then there are elements that I can make a connection to in my work.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose to study at Reading because of the reputation of the department. Their unique approach to the course with emphasis on hands-on experience and real, live design projects are the main reasons I came to Reading.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?One of the highlights of last year is definitely the new and awesome people I have met, especially the like-minded players from the Badminton club, and the close friends whom I’m currently staying with in a house. I also appreciate the fact that the department has helped me to slowly build up a professional portfolio by offering a variety of opportunities.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In 5 years time, I can see myself working in a design agency in London, applying the knowledge and skills I have learnt during the course into the real world of design. It may be a tough job with long hours, but it is something I will definitely enjoy doing everyday.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The people, social life and the campus!

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Peter LovelandBA Graphic Communication


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? The idea that design is everywhere. Everything that is made, printed or viewed online has had some form of design input and the fact that my degree programme recognises this and enables me to contribute inspires me. Also, the focus on some aspects of design such as typography, makes me feel like I’m developing a unique skill set that will be useful in the future and should make me stand out. I do not feel tied or restricted to one area and so feel like I am being prepared for whatever it is I choose to do after Reading.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose Reading because the course is highly regarded in both league tables and by industry. As the department is relatively small we are known individually by all members of staff and we receive individual feedback. Also, Reading has good links with outside companies that choose to get their design work completed through the department. Students are given the opportunity to take part in these ‘real jobs’, enabling us to gain valuable design experience, along with experience of liaising with a client – valuable skills which prepare us for life after university.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The main highlight was when I found out that I had managed to secure an internship via a competition run through the department. It allowed me to spend my summer doing something that I love , in a real and engaging environment and confirming that I have made the right choice of career.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?With any luck I will be designing and building websites, either working as part of a design company, or working freelance. I hope to be able to perform consistently and keep up-to-date with development and trends in the design industry.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Life at Reading has a good balance. I feel that when I want to relax I am able to, but also when it counts I can work hard and meet deadlines. The people are also great, there is a nice mix, and I have found other students I have a lot in common with. Everyone is so friendly!

Ailsa LinnellBSc Animal Science


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I find animals fascinating, and there is so much we can learn about them. From their biology, to their behaviour, to conservation issues, Animal Science covers an immensely broad range of topics that can lead to a huge variety of rewarding occupations.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?There is a great atmosphere and a beautiful campus at Reading that make it a brilliant place to study. The Animal Science course covers a broad range of topics, offering plenty of opportunity to tailor your degree to your interests.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?At the end of the year we had the opportunity to go to the Durrell Wildlife Park in Jersey, for a module on Captive Animal Management. This was a great week away, and a wonderful experience seeing the excellent work that goes on there.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I hope that I will be doing something that I love. It would be wonderful to work for an assistance dog charity, helping with the amazing work that these organisations carry out every day.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?You meet such a wide variety of people here, you are guaranteed to make friends. There are loads of sports clubs and social societies so you have plenty of opportunities to do things you love, or try something new and meet like-minded people.

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Phil MarksBSc Chemistry


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Chemistry influences so many aspects of our lives, whether knowingly or not and therefore provides a wider understanding of the world around us. The appeal of studying chemistry for me comes from the large range of applications with everything from biology to material science; the problem solving nature makes it a most rewarding subject to study.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose to study at the University of Reading mainly due to the impressions I gained from visiting the Chemistry Department at an open day. Lecturers and students seemed to have a genuine interest in their subject and the support the department offered, with an emphasis placed on teaching, made it an environment that I felt I could succeed in.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight of 2012/13 was receiving my part 1 examination results. As I hold non-traditional qualifications, I inevitably doubted my ability to succeed on the course but my results confirmed that I had made the right decision in pursing a chemistry degree.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years time I will hopefully be working in the chemical industry, potentially after pursuing postgraduate studies. I would like to be working in a research laboratory in either organic or analytical chemistry.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about life at Reading is having access to both the green open spaces of the campus and the lively town centre, with its close proximity to London.

Robert LoweBA Graphic Communication


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Design is something which has always fascinated me as there is a constant need for new, innovative design solutions. There are always new developments within the field, such as the recent boom in mobile apps, which means that a career in the design world will never become mundane as there are so many routes to take.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The course at Reading has a large focus on typography, which is something I am extremely interested in and am thinking about pursuing in the future, so that was definitely one of the main reasons for choosing here. Seeing the campus on the open day influenced my decision too, as I liked (and still like!) the openness of Whiteknights. The Typography department in particular has so much character, which makes studying here a pleasure.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight for me has been the variety of projects we are given on the course. They all allow for such different outcomes and it is fascinating seeing just how different people’s designs can be for an identical brief. Due to the variety of projects, they have helped me develop a lot of new skills in a short time, particularly in using new programmes, which will be essential for a career within design.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?At this moment I am still unsure which route to take in design, although as I am veering towards type design, hopefully I will be working within that field. Whether that happens or not, I am sure I will be using the skills I have gained and developed through life at the University and on the course. The variety of projects we are given to work on has been great as it has given us a real insight into the different career paths available.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about life at Reading is the vast amount of opportunities available, both as part of my course and the University in general. No matter what someone’s interests are, there is bound to be something here that they will enjoy. The town itself has a lot of great facilities too, making Reading a welcoming place to live and study.

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Siobhan MonkBSc Biomedical Science


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? The mechanics of the human body have always fascinated me. The more I find out about the way it can overcome everyday stresses, process information and form new life has only intrigued me further. Biomedicine has given me the opportunity to study everything that interests me under one degree. Exploring human disease, diagnosis and treatment through lectures and practical work equips me with the knowledge I need to work in this area and to help fight the battle against the diseases we experience in today’s society.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The University of Reading was my first choice university not only because it stood in beautiful grounds but also because the university has an excellent reputation for research and high academic standards. When I visited Reading, the people and lecturers seemed very friendly and helpful and a tour around the science labs was amazing. I have found Reading to be inspiring and the lecturers are passionate about their subjects. Their enthusiasm makes the lectures all the more interesting.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?It would have to be finding out my results for my part 1 exams. I was nervous about starting university after so many years away from studying but getting my results was such a personal achievement for me. I have had to learn many subjects from scratch whilst juggling a family so it made it all worthwhile.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?At the moment I am enjoying all the modules so I wouldn’t like to say which area I would like to specialise in, but I am hoping that I will be able to enter some aspect of the medical field, either in research or in a people based role.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?It would have to be the camaraderie of all the people on my course. The practicals are a great way of meeting everybody and I have made some great friends. In addition the lecturers are really friendly and helpful.

Rachael McLaughlinBA Business and Management


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? This course is so diverse enabling me to develop both my creative and analytical skills. I am learning about real up-to-date issues which will help me to compete in such a fast-paced environment in the future. This means there are always new ideas affecting how businesses operate which I find very interesting. The nature of the course means that I am constantly challenging myself to enhance my knowledge.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I was firstly attracted by the highly recognised Henley Business School and the fact that the course in Reading offered a year in industry. It was also ranked quite highly in the league tables for my subject. When I visited the University during the open day I fell in love with the campus. I loved how there was easy access to a variety of facilities and felt that I could really feel at home here due to the friendly nature of all the staff and students.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?For me it was being offered an industrial placement at SC Johnson, it was good to know that all the hard work with filling out various applications had finally paid off.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I hope to really be doing what I love in whatever direction that may take due to the diverse nature of my course. Currently I hope to be pursuing a career in finance. I’m really enjoying my placement at the moment and hope to secure a similar job after leaving university.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?It is a great campus with access to a variety of facilities making it very easy to study, relax and socialise all in one place. I enjoy the friendly culture which Reading seems to offer making it a real pleasure to study here.

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Annie MortonBSc Economics


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I chose Economics because I thoroughly enjoyed studying it at A Level and wanted to continue to explore the subject and develop my skills in this area of knowledge. Economics allows us to accurately model the real world in order to better understand how people interact. As a subject, Economics is continually challenging and gives me the opportunity to develop mathematical and statistical abilities as well as analytical skills.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?After attending an open day at the university I was impressed by the facilities and opportunities available to students at Reading. The green campus and the students union were both aspects of the university that really appealed to me. It was very important for me to feel comfortable in a university environment because I would be so far away from home. Reading also offered the opportunity to study at a highly reputable university that is world ranked.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight was receiving my final part 2 grades. After such a challenging year, I was pleased to see that my hard work had paid off! I was also very pleased to hear that I had been recognised and awarded the Department of Economics Prize for Top Part 2 Student 2013.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I am currently very flexible when it comes to making choices about my future career. In five years time I would like to have secured a graduate job working with the skills I have developed throughout my degree. A career in Economics definitely appeals to me but I would also consider a career in finance and banking.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Life at Reading offers numerous opportunities to meet new people and experience new things. It is also very close to London so travelling into the capital is relatively uncomplicated. One of the best things about Reading town centre is the shopping centres!

Laura MoodyBSc Biomedical Sciences


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? After 2 years of studying Biomedical Science I continue to find the complexity of the human body fascinating, from the intricate features of intracellular organelles to whole organ systems. I enjoy learning about how the human body functions and where things go wrong in diseases.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose to study at the University of Reading because of the fantastic research opportunities it has to offer. This combined with top class laboratories and equipment makes for a great learning environment. The campus itself is scenic and friendly, and the town of Reading offers great shops, bars and restaurants.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight of last year was getting my exam results and seeing that all my hard work paid off. Receiving the Chancellor’s Award was the icing on top of the cake!

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years time I hope to be applying my knowledge to researching major diseases such as cancer, in the hope of increasing our understanding of the disease and potentially developing better treatments.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Everything for a great social time and education is right on my doorstep. Being able to live in university halls for all my 3 years of study is a big bonus

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Kate RankineBSc Rural Property Management


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I have a real passion for the countryside and I would like to be part of managing and shaping it. I am attracted to the diverse nature of the rural economy, with agriculture at its heart. I am inspired by increasing diversification in the countryside especially renewable energy provision.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose Reading because the Real Estate and Planning department has an excellent reputation overall as well as an outstanding employment record. The course is accredited with the RICS so provides the first step to becoming a chartered surveyor.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?I completed a number of summer placements with a range of organisations such as The Northumberland Estates and Strutt & Parker. This was the highlight for me because it allowed me to put the knowledge I gained through studying into practice and reinforced my passion for rural property.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Hopefully I will be working as a Rural Chartered Surveyor, having a real impact on the countryside and thoroughly enjoying my career.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The balance between working hard to achieve a good degree whilst taking advantage of the social aspect of university life.

Thomas PresslandBA Philosophy


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Philosophy has inspired mixed feelings in me. I’ve been enthralled, confused, excited, frustrated, optimistic, despondent, enlightened and even, for a time, disaffected. But I’ve never been bored. What remains constant is a primitive desire to understand what the whole thing is about. Then the desire is to find a home somewhere and be completely satisfied that one has said something meaningful and honest; or else one should say nothing at all. I think it’s a characteristically human desire.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The experiences of some friends of mine suggest that undergraduate learning can be a spiritless affair. Not so in the case of Reading’s school of Philosophy, owing perhaps to its more manageable size and certainly to the spirited and truly approachable nature of the staff.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?In my second year I appreciated the importance of dabbling in other pursuits besides those related to my degree (better late than never). So last year’s highlight must be my debut with the University Drama Society, when I played the part of Michal in Martin McDonagh’s play ‘The Pillowman’ – and in particular, the time we walked into the bar after the opening night’s performance to be greeted with another round of applause. I remember a powerful feeling of belonging and purpose.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I intend to continue Philosophy to Masters level, but then it may be best for me to leave academia and perhaps submit to the wanderlust pulling me towards mainland Europe. I don’t want to be able to predict where I’ll be in five years’ time, and it’s more fun just to think of the many possibilities.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Secondary education places such importance on grades that those silly numbers and letters can seem almost like character judgements. Liberation from intellectual prestige is therefore both difficult and completely wonderful. I’m thankful that my time at the university has helped me to this end. There’s little of the pomposity that can be found in some other academic institutions, while there’s plenty of opportunity to find one’s strengths and what one really believes in. So although I hardly know what I’ll do with my life, I feel more confident than before that I’ll make my choices for the right reasons. I can’t think of a better attitude with which to leave university.

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Samantha RileyBA (Ed) with English specialism


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Children are the future, thus I can think of nothing more inspirational than a subject of study and career in which you mould the future into being the best it can be. However, for children to succeed in any area of life they require a range of skills, some of the most fundamental being their abilities to: speak, listen read and write. Therefore, I was further inspired to choose a teaching degree with a specialism in English to help me become outstanding at transferring these vital skills to children.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?Firstly I looked for a prestigious university, both as a whole and for my specific course. I also was drawn to the fact the University offered Primary Education with specialisms since I wanted to be stretched in terms. Furthermore, the course promoted its close knit community in which lecturers really know you.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?I think a day in the middle of my teaching placement was the most significant highlight. Initially I was quite anxious; I had been warned it would be a challenging placement. Learning seemed to be something the children did, as opposed to something they were enthused by. However, half way through the placement I shared a few chapters of ‘There’s a Viking In My Bed’ with a seven year old boy, who had told me reading was for people with no friends, yet come lunch time he begged for one more chapter. My eyes were opened by the impact I could have on a child.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Despite the mountains of hard work required to complete my course, I still want to be a teacher. I intend to co-ordinate a subject, possibly English, but I have also developed a strong passion for teaching maths, so this is a possibility too. I also created my own dance company when I was fifteen and have carried on teaching regular classes in Reading throughout my studies. So hopefully I will be able to expand my entrepreneurial enterprise after graduating.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?During my time at Reading I have made close friends with people not only from all around the country, but from all around the world. I have developed an understanding of many other cultures and have enjoyed sharing stories as well as creating lots of new ones.

Emily RussellBSc Food Marketing and Business Economics


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Business performance and competitiveness in the food sector fascinate me. The Food Marketing and Business Economics course provides me with an academic underpinning to analysing and understanding how businesses in the food sector perform. The course provides a wide-ranging set of theoretical concepts and practical tools that can be applied in the real world. The wide range of modules provides a breadth of experience as well as offering interesting and varied perspectives on the food sector and business competitiveness.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?As soon as I visited the University of Reading campus and talked to students and lecturers on my course I knew that I wanted to come to Reading. The campus and student accommodation are excellent. This was confirmed as soon as I visited the town centre and discovered a vibrant and attractive shopping area with restaurants, bars and an excellent nightlife. The ability to easily get to London is a further advantage.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The whole experience of starting university, meeting new people and the course made 2012/2013 a great year. The other students at Reading are friendly and sociable and living on the campus meant there was always something going on. The excellent range of societies and events at the Students Union meant that I settled into life very quickly at Reading.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I would like to be working for a major multinational food company based in London working in marketing and brand management. I would hope to be able to work overseas and gain experience of other cultures, economies and business environments. I would also hope to retain close contact with the friends that I have made at Reading.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about the University of Reading has been the whole experience, including the course, the people, the place and the vibrant and enjoyable atmosphere.

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Juvereya ShoabBSc Finance and Investment Banking


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I grew up in a tiny Island nation which prides about being a banking hub and where banking and finance fields are considered to be crème de la crème. I have been intrigued by the resilience of the financial world to return to normalcy so fast from set-back after set-back. This drives me to learn in an in-depth way, how the financial industry works, how it emerges so victoriously at times and yet falls so disastrously at other times. Added to that, pursuing a subject of this genre in an international setting is an additional bonus for me.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?University of Reading was one of the first universities to embark on research into financial securities with its old name ISMA and was a pioneer in the field of research and started offering custom-made courses. I first became aware of the ICMA Centre as it was recommended to me by a previous Alumnus. What attracted me most to the ICMA Centre was that it offered you a hands-on experience of what it is like to work in the financial sector of the economy. The modern facilities and the international environment, also greatly appealed to me.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The first Chancellor award I received was very special but to receive it for a second year running was absolutely amazing. I consider myself lucky to have been taught by so many professors of international class and repute.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I would like to pursue my studies further in the subject of finance. I see myself working as a professional either in an investment bank or a financial advisory cum consultancy firm. The dynamic nature of the financial world forces you not only to keep my options open but also revisit them constantly.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Reading is a nice town filled with vivacity, energy and people. It’s laid back approach and proximity to the most happening place, London, has always attracted me. The atmosphere and the people here are also really friendly which has made my stay all the more enjoyable. The International environment at the University of Reading broadens your horizons to different cultures and enhances your learning experience.

Ankita ShankerLLB Law


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Law is about finding new ways to look at the same thing, analysing everything down to the minutest detail and constantly thinking on your feet. I love the challenges it presents, and the satisfaction I get from understanding and applying legal concepts. The potential power that law lends its practitioner is exciting enough to border on terrifying.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?After completing school in 2011, I joined a National Law University in India. When I came home in 2012, I learnt that my parents had finalised plans to relocate to England. I jumped at the opportunity to study law here – the birthplace of the common law system. Reading was my first choice, and I accepted my offer the moment I received it. I can say with confidence that this is one of the best decisions I have ever made!

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The first was an offer for an internship in the chambers of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. The second was in the form of the Law School prizes and the 2013 Chancellor’s Award. These were dreams I had, which I worked very hard for, but never really dared believe I would achieve.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I hope to have completed my LLM and be a qualified barrister, with work experience as a Crown Prosecutor. I want to do whatever I can to alleviate pain and suffering. I plan to dedicate my life to protecting those in need, bringing justice to victims of evil, and generally helping make this world a kinder place.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?For me, the best thing about life at Reading is the extraordinary quality of education provided here. I consider myself incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to learn from the extraordinary teachers in the Law School. I find it amazing how approachable they are, and how they always make time to assist students. I feel that I would not have performed nearly as well as I did had it not been for my professors, lectures and tutorial leaders. Not only have they always been willing to help me understand the topics covered in my course, but also go above and beyond the course should my curiosity carry me there. Further, I have benefitted greatly from the educational and career-planning resources provided by the University, and the eco-friendly initiatives undertaken here always put a smile on my face.

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Poppy SmallBSc Economics


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Economics is relevant to everyone and everything. It is influential in every decision made and can have a real impact on our lives. It is this that I find most intriguing about the subject and I enjoy being able to relate what I learn to real life situations.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?After visiting several open days Reading was the only place I could really see myself living and studying. The campus has a really friendly atmosphere and its location is ideal. I also liked the idea of living off of campus in halls but still only a very short walk away. The universities work/life balance is also great with so much support available from the student union!

What was the highlight of 2012/13?Being awarded with top part 1 student. It was nice to have the recognition that all of my hard work had paid off.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?My main goal is to find a career that I enjoy pursuing, I hope to be doing something that I love and actually want to get out of bed for in the morni

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?There is a great balance between working hard and enjoying yourself. In my first year alone i’ve met amazing people and had so much fun, life is always busy!

Aaron SimpsonBSc Biomedical Sciences


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? There is always more to discover. Biomedical Sciences allows me to continually search for finer details that better explain what we observe in relation to the science of life. This opportunity is the big pull factor for me. Seeing as it is essentially the basis of medicine, its importance to the future of our healthcare cannot be overstated and our success depends on its advancements. It is a fast-moving field, but is constantly presented with new challenges that need tackling, which is something I enjoy being a part of.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I think the University stands out from the town itself, which I do not think is too commonly found with universities elsewhere in the country. The greenery and openness of the campus also means you’re not always walking around a concrete jungle! I knew too that Reading was very research driven, which I hoped would allow me to get what I wanted out of my course. At the open day I came to, all the students seemed to be enjoying themselves, creating that friendly, community within a community atmosphere I now know so well.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?Moving into your own house and sharing it with friends for the first time was cool, even if we did break most things! I enjoyed the step up from first year in terms of my course content. We had opportunities to visit the hospital and see how what we were being taught runs in a real, working environment, and doing things like testing samples to identify the bacteria causing the conditions allowed you to feel like you were in control of your own work.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years time I hope I will be a junior doctor, but if my plans change, I imagine myself to be studying for a PhD.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The mountain of opportunities available to you, and, of course, the people around you!

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Laura SpencerBSc Speech and Language Therapy


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? They say approximately 2.5 million people in the UK have a communication disorder of some kind. Given the vast number of individuals affected, speech and language therapists can work with all sorts of people – from children with autism or language delay, to adults who have suffered strokes or have a stammer. The sheer diversity of my course truly inspires me. Each day we’re learning something different and each day I’m one step closer to my ideal job – helping those with communication difficulties work towards what most of us take for granted.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?Having already completed a BA in English Language and Literature from the University of Sheffield, I knew exactly what I was looking for whilst researching universities. I wanted to choose somewhere with an outstanding academic reputation, high student satisfaction rate and most importantly, excellent facilities. The University of Reading ticked all these boxes and the purpose-built NHS speech and language therapy clinic (on campus!) certainly sealed the deal.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?There are several things that stand out as ‘highlights’ from last year, but if I had to pick a one it would definitely be our medicine lectures with Consultant ENT Surgeon, Mr Nigel Bleach. The man is a genius, there’s no other way of putting it.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years’ time I’ll have finished my supervised year as a newly-qualified practitioner and I’ll be working full-time as a speech and language therapist. It’s much too early for me to say where my special interest lies (whether I’ll be working with children, adults, or both) but I’m sure I’ll discover it over the next 3 years.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?I’ll name three: the staff, the campus and the newly refurbished library! Many of my lecturers are experts in their field but they’re also friendly, approachable and supportive.

Lucy SpencerLaw LLB


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I enjoy how law is academically challenging and how it affects all aspects of life.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I choose to study at Reading for a variety of reasons. Reading has a great reputation and also is set in a good location; it is quick to get to London which is very useful when studying law. Additionally, I liked that there was a wide range of societies and extra-curricular activities that students can get involved with. Finally, and out of all the universities I had looked at Reading definitely had the nicest campus!

What was the highlight of 2012/13?My highlight was winning the Law School Prize for meritorious performance in Part 1 and the Shoosmiths Prize for best performance in Tort.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Hopefully in five years time I will be a fully qualified solicitor working in a firm in London.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?For me, the best thing about life at Reading University is being able to study in an academically stimulating and supportive environment.

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Stefanos StefanovBSc Quantity Surveying


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? The construction sector has always attracted my interest. Engineering, designing and the whole process before the erection of any structure has a sweet complexity which I find fascinating. Secondly, seeing a building being erected, and knowing that you have been involved into its construction is pretty awesome, it feels just like making history.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The University of Reading was my first choice due to it being first in the rankings for my course.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?Well, this is a tricky question, but I guess the highlight of 2012/13 were the days before the Construction Technology exam, it felt like someone fast forwarded the time!

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?My goal is to guarantee myself a job by doing a placement this summer term and become a chartered surveyor as fast as possible, but if anything goes wrong I will do my best to succeed in the sector I have chosen by obtaining extra qualifications once this degree is done.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?I like the relaxed attitude of everyone, and the fact that it is really close to London, almost like a zone 8 or 9. The university campus is beautiful, especially when it is sunny and the fact that Reading is mainly occupied by students during the academic year.

Todd SpiersBA Business & Management


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Since studying Business and Management at Reading, I have been driven towards a career in the financial sector. I am drawn to the dynamic and challenging nature of the industry, and see this as an exciting time to join as we come through the economic downturn. Hard work, passion, and determination are just three traits needed to be successful in finance, and I believe that Business and Management has given me the perfect opportunity to develop these characteristics.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?In addition to excellent tuition and a world-renowned business school, I was attracted to an environment in which I could really engage with both students and lecturers. It was evident that Reading balanced work and social life well, and that I would leave with life skills, a wealth of contacts, and some unforgettable experiences!

What was the highlight of 2012/13?In April, I ran the Brighton Marathon in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust. Despite injuring myself before and during the race, I managed to make it round the gruelling course in a time of 4:30. This achievement was made all the more meaningful as I ended up raising £1800 for the charity. Perhaps next year, I’ll take it a little easier and run the Reading half marathon instead!

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I am hoping to take myself a step closer to a career in the banking industry. I am fascinated by the dynamic nature of an industry that is very much crucial to the stability and growth of the British and Global economies. I am currently on placement with Lloyds Banking Group enjoying working for a company that is centred on the customer experience and helping Britain to prosper. Therefore, once I have completed my undergraduate and masters degrees, I hope to build upon this experience by enrolling on a graduate scheme at another high profile bank.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Reading is a hub of activity, where you can always find something to do that suits you. The university has an impressive Students Union, and I am proud to go to an institution in which we are all encouraged to contribute and make a real difference.

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Katie SwannBA Business and Management


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? The most interesting aspect of my subject is the fact that the business environment is so dynamic; things are constantly evolving. For example, new technologies are frequently released into the market, new laws are continually being passed and new platforms for advertising and selling are being developed. These all inevitably change the ways that firms operate and interact with their customers. As a result, you can never know everything about the subject; there is always more to learn.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The Business and Management course offered by the University of Reading appealed to me as it offered modular choices in all three years of study. This meant that I could tailor the degree to my interests. As well as this, it also offered the opportunity of completing an industrial placement as part of the course, which would enable me to gain invaluable experience in my desired field.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight of my academic year has to relate to my end of year results. I was really pleased with my grades as they showed that all of my hard work had been worthwhile. This was reinforced when I was selected to receive a Henley Business School Prize at the end of the summer term. The fact that I am now also receiving a Chancellor’s Award for my Part 1 performance makes me even more determined to do just as well next year.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years’ time, I would like to be working within a busy Human Resources department. In particular, I am keen to specialise in recruitment as this the area of HR that I enjoyed the most when completing my summer work placement.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about life at the University of Reading is that you have the opportunity to meet people from all kinds of different backgrounds, who not only come from the UK but various countries around the world.

Ravi SurendralalBSc Computer Science with Industrial Year


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? My inspiration comes from witnessing how fast the industry is growing and being fascinated by the innovations being made.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose to come to Reading because the university had a great reputation and I felt I would make much better use of my time here if I stayed at home.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?Every year I would tell myself I would really concentrate on my grades and every year I would lose motivation. The first year of university though was when I finally went through the whole year with that one track mind and achieved grades that I’m proud.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Working my way up the ranks of a big tech company hopefully!

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?I like how much of a multi-cultural and welcoming environment it is.

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Jonathan TannerBSc Environmental Science


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I have always been fascinated by the immense power and complexity of the natural world. I wished to study Environmental Science to further my understanding of how natural process act together to create Earth as we know it. I find it particularly interesting to learn how seemingly small processes, or changes, have the capability to influence both humans,organisms and the physical landscape on such a large scale.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?Upon attending an open day at Reading I could immediately imagine myself spending the next three years studying here. The campus, course and halls were the perfect combination. It made the life changing decision seem simple.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?One of the highlights, of which there were many, of my first year at university was our kitchen’s Christmas meal. It is amazing to think that the 10 of us, who’d only known each other for a matter of months, were able to cook an edible Christmas meal complete with crackers, a Christmas tree, Christmas themed wallpaper and a ‘Secret Santa’. One of the more academic orientated highlights was our week long field trip to the Mendip Hills. It was a great experience to be able conduct independent field work within a team.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?In five years time I would hope to find myself in a stable employment within the environmental sector. Whether this would be working for likes of Southern Water, the Forestry Commission or DEFRA who can tell.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about life at Reading, and university in general, is by far the amount of freedom you gain. This encompasses all areas of life whether it’s how you spend your free time or what areas of a subject you chose to study. One of the best about the University of Reading specifically is the campus. The walk to lectures, especially those at 9am, are made so much more bearable.

Minh Hieu TranBSc Accounting and Economics


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I wish to understand the dynamics of the business world, and solid accounting knowledge is key to the success of ventures. Furthermore, I enjoy the complexity of economics. Therefore, the combination of accounting and economics serves my interest well.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I picked the University of Reading for the reputation of it’s business school and the convenience of transportation.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The day I heard about my result and my achievement from my personal tutor.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I would envision myself in the next 5 years on a plane on the way to Africa or Asia for business ventures. I would love to take on challenges in different business environments around the world.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?It is the brilliant place for studying and living. There are bits for everyone.

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Katharina von Oltersdorff BA German and Management


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? It is hugely inspiring to see how German history and society are viewed and interpreted from a culturally different perspective. I was hugely inspired by the passion of the lecturers as well as their constant support. With my experiences in former studies I can only emphasise the perfectly structured, up- to- date and organised approach to the topics and classes within the Henley Business School. It is not without reason that it is world-renowned.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?Henley Business School and Reading University are both amongst the top tier places one wishes to study. The decision for Reading was therefore rather easy. Moreover Reading’s campus layout as well as the very engaged staff supported my decision to accept my offer. As it happened I was later awarded with an Entrance Scholarship which only showed that I had made the right decision

What was the highlight of 2012/13?One was the Diamond Jubilee Garden Party, which I had the honour to help out at as a Student Ambassador. Having the Queen herself smiling at me was incomparable and won’t be forgotten for the rest of my life.

The second highlight was my success in getting a placement at GE Healthcare. Not only was this exactly the area of my personal interest but the support I was given by the University of Reading helped me achieve this.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I am hopeful to be working within my chosen area of industry: healthcare. Preferably I would love to live and work in Norway for a while. If I could somehow manage to integrate a master degree or even PhD into the above my ideal way would be complete but let’s see where it takes us! I am excited by what’s to come!

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?Reading offers great facilities to sit and have a coffee, research as well as just relax between two lectures. I particularly enjoyed the cafés, which were a fantastic place of socialising and revision in one. The prices allowed having more than one cup of coffee and the vast areas of lawns on the campus invited for a picnic and even seminars outside.

Liam ValeBSc Mathematics


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I have always been drawn to maths by virtue of the fact that it is solely driven by unequivocal truth, whereas the other subjects I studied in school sometimes seemed to be based more on personal opinion. I appreciate the ability to link every statement together with a series of logical steps that cannot be disputed.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I did not want to move too far away from my hometown as I like to visit my family and girlfriend rather often. Having said that, of all the universities I visited, Reading for me was the one that stood out the most with its buzzing community, enthusiastic staff members and all around friendly atmosphere.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight for me was probably being awarded the Eliahou Dangoor Scholarship. Aside from the money, it was also nice to receive some recognition of the work I had put in throughout the year.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?Honestly, I am still wholly undecided about what I want to do in the future! I would like to think that in five years time I will have graduated with a first class degree and entered the workforce, but as to what I’ll be doing, I still have no idea.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?At the risk of sounding cliché, I think the freedom and independence is the best thing about life at Reading. I have very much enjoyed the massively more flexible work and leisure hours than I previously accustomed to.

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Louise-Jayne WattsBA Economics


Charles WadsleyBSc Real Estate


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Economics – a ‘science or an art?’ I had long been puzzled by this apparent paradox, studying economics has helped me clarify matters: it might be both! Economists have to be unique problem solvers who need the mathematics and theories but have to go beyond to understand human nature. This aspect of the subject in particular has fuelled my interest in workings of markets, the role of governments and the Economic cycle at both a micro and macro level; mathematical and analytical methods have to integrate with human behaviour to allow us to comprehend our curious world today.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?There are a number of reasons. Firstly, they run a separate BA and BSC course for Economics which was ideal for me because I did not do ALevel maths and am more interested in how the maths can be used to explain effects of policy rather than how the maths is derived.

The campus is the perfect balance of modern and green open space. There was a good range of accommodation and it’s only a short walk into town. All the lecturers I spoke to were enthusiastic, approachable and clearly passionate about teaching students. There is a huge range of sports teams who cater for everyone. Finally, support offered by the university for dyslexic students is outstanding and that really made up my mind.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?Reaching the top of Kilimanjaro on 6th July 2013. (I heard about the trip through the university). For me, there is nothing better than having a candle lit dinner in a tent in temperatures of around -20o°c, seeing how far you can push the human body and be amazed at what you can achieve when you put your mind to it.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I’m not sure what I will be doing, I have a few ideas (teaching, PhD, graduate program somewhere) but I’m keeping my options open for now.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best things about living in Reading are my four housemates and the swimming team who are like my family away from home. They’re the perfect mix of banter, down to earth and there is always a shoulder to cry on or someone to laugh with.

What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? What initially interested me was the significant role buildings and the surrounding environment plays in daily life. Furthermore being an industry that is constantly changing inspired me to get involved within the property sector and to qualify as a Chartered Surveyor. I find the property profession very exciting and a relevant occupation to be in due to the diverse range of career pathways that you can enter. Reading provides regular and valuable contact with the industry, highlighting these different career options as well as providing a variety of fundamental subjects applicable to real life as a surveyor.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The reputation of Real Estate at Reading within the property profession was the main driving force for my decision. Being regarded as one of the best degree courses available for real estate, enhanced by the facilities at Henley Business School and the close connection with property firms, it was clear studying here would enrich my future plans. Furthermore the campus facilities and sporting activities available confirmed my decision.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?It has to be receiving an academic prize for the highest mark within one of my first year modules. This was a very satisfying achievement especially as it acknowledged my hard work and commitment throughout the year. As a result of my academic performance I was also privileged to obtain an internship with a global real estate firm.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?My aim is to be a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. As a surveyor I hope to be working for a well-respected property firm, where I will gain valuable experience and understanding of the profession enabling me to progress into a more senior role.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about life at Reading is there is always something happening. Reading provides lots of opportunities to get involved in sports clubs and societies allowing you to obtain a great balance between academia and social aspects of university life.

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Felix (Yun Jie) XiaoBsc Finance and investment banking


Mark WellsBSc Computer Science


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? I choose Finance as my subject to study because working in financial sector is my dream. Additionally, analysis in finance and in my course is quite interesting making life more meaningful.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The reason why I came to Reading to study is mainly because of the reputation of the university. In addition, the ICMA center, a business school for financial markets with an excellent academic reputation and various career supports, was really attractive to me.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?That has to be the moment when I get the result of Part 1, as well as my interactions with lecturers and tutors who are really supportive.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I would like to do a masters degree afterwards and then work in the field of Finance in the UK or back in China.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best things in Reading is that the people here are nice which makes me feel good and helps me to do things more easily.

What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Technology is now a part of almost every industry and is constantly evolving to deliver faster and better solutions. Studying Computer Science gives me the chance to be involved in the latest technological developments and it is fascinating to learn about and be a part of the growing Computer Science industry.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?The University of Reading has superb facilities for Systems Engineering students in addition to a well-structured Computer Science degree programme. It also has great connections with industry to help its students achieve their ultimate aim of a successful and prosperous career.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?My first few weeks at the University of Reading was an incredible experience. The University as a whole was friendly, welcoming and very helpful, ensuring that I could settle in with complete ease. I met so many fantastic people in my Halls of Residence, on my course and through clubs and societies that made the beginning of my time at Reading University special and unforgettable.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I would like to be working for a large international organisation developing innovative computing solutions which influence businesses and individuals. I would love to be making a difference with my work, creating new products, technologies or solutions which benefit the users and push the boundaries of known technological developments.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The University of Reading offers fantastic opportunities to its students which makes university life thoroughly enjoyable and fulfilling. There is so much to be involved with both academically and socially such that there is never a moment wasted. Clubs and Societies allow you to take up new hobbies and make new friends with people who have similar interests.

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Olga-Maria ZenonLLB Law


Chunxin ZhouBSc Finance and Investment Banking


What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? The inspiring aspect of my chosen subject of study is the fact that it does not limit one to a particular career path. Law students have the opportunity to become anything they wish, from barristers and solicitors to business people or even diplomats and politicians. Law is a discipline that improves one’s critical thinking and logical reasoning. Whether a Law student ultimately decides to become a practising lawyer or not, he/she will always carry with them the benefits acquired while studying Law, such as clarity of thought and objectivity.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?I chose to study in Reading because it is one of the best universities to study Law. It seemed to be well-organised and provided students with the top facilities, not only academic ones but also recreational. Finally, the fact that it is a campus university and that it is not far from Heathrow Airport and London, also contributed to my decision.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight was being elected as Vice-President for STEP (Student Trainee Exchange Programme) of European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) Reading. My role is to help students apply for work experience in other countries, which will allow them to meet new people, experience new mentalities, and contribute to their future careers. If I may mention a second highlight of 2012/13, this would have to be the wonderful surprise I got on Exam Results Day! I was definitely stunned! It was a great feeling, knowing that all my long hours of studying had not gone to waste.

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?I hope to become a professional in Law, dealing with different cases, applying all the theory I learnt facing new challenges in real-life Law. I see myself perhaps working in a firm with international contacts and clients and hopefully therefore having the chance to travel abroad on business.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?The best thing about Reading is that everything is within walking distance, combining a beautiful nature with a vibrant town centre. Thus, it provides a little something for everyone – from a serene walk along Whiteknights Lake to a busy day of shopping in the Oracle and Broad Street.

What inspires you about your chosen subject of study? Finance is not just any odd subject; it links to every industry in the world. You can understand how the world’s mechanism works through studying finance. In addition, another reason why I chose to study finance was because of its challenging nature, since the financial markets develop so quickly and change everyday or even every second. Therefore, you cannot just read your textbooks; you need to focus on what happens in this industry everyday.

Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?Mainly because of the outstanding reputation of the Henley Business School and more particularly the ICMA Centre. The ICMA Centre combines theory and practice together by being equipped with dealing rooms, and software such as Thomson Reuters Eikon and Bloomberg Terminal. The exceptional environment of the campus is another reason I could not help but choose Reading.

What was the highlight of 2012/13?The highlight was my summer internship in one of the top financial institutions in China. This internship gave me a great opportunity to apply some theoretical knowledge and helped my understanding of finance (especially in the investment banking business).

What do you see yourself doing in five years time?The only thing I am certain is that I will work in the financial services industry after graduation. However, there are a lot of subjective and objective factors which will influence my decision in the next five years. Hence, I cannot tell which specific job I am willing to do even if I have some ideas.

What’s the best thing about life at Reading?It is the flexibility of life. You may choose either to study on campus or go to the town to enjoy your social life. Moreover, as London is only a twenty-five minute train journey away, you have the opportunity to have a taste of modern city life. But most importantly, I think, are the boundless opportunities that Reading has to offer for its students.

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Congratulations to everyone who received this award