CHAMPS Expectations Our Classroom Management System for the 2015-2016 School Year!

CHAMPS Expectations Our Classroom Management System for the 2015-2016 School Year!

Transcript of CHAMPS Expectations Our Classroom Management System for the 2015-2016 School Year!

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CHAMPS Expectations

Our Classroom Management System for the

2015-2016 School Year!

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What is CHAMPS?

•CHAMPS is the acronym for all the possible methods of communication in a classroom and how each method is used during each type of classroom activity.

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What does CHAMPS stand for?• C – Conversation, when allowed in the


• H – Help, how you get it during classroom activities

• A – Activity, what to do during classroom activities

•M – Movement, how and when allowed in classroom

• P – Participation, when expected in classroom activities

• S – Success achieved if all students are CHAMPS!

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CHAMPS Expectations

Action Warm Up Lecture/Speaker Activities/Labs Classroom Discussion Tests/Quizzes

Conversation Elbow Partner Only; Whisper Voice; NO outside conversations

Inside Voice only when called onInside Voice during all discussions; Talking

should be limited to task at hand; NO outside conversations.

Talking is encouraged with Inside Voice and NO outside conversations; Respect

Instructions and Other Speakers.None

Help Discuss with Elbow Partner; Raise Hand ONLY if needed.

Raise your HandRaise your Hand; Discuss with Elbow or

Group Partners; Refer to Instructions Often.Raise your Hand; Discuss with Elbow

or Group PartnersRaise your Hand ONLY

Activity Individual or Elbow Partners; At Desk ONLY

None unless directed; Follow Instructions Exactly.

Small/Large Group; Follow all Instructions.Individual and Large Group; Respect All

Speakers; Follow All InstructionsIndividual ONLY

Movement None unless permission is given.None unless directed; Follow

Instructions Exactly.Move only as instructed; NO Horseplay or

Wandering.None unless directed; Follow

Instructions Exactly.None

Participation At desk ONLYOnly if instructed; Follow Directions


Must Participate in every part of Activity/Lab; Follow Instructions and Identify Roles of each group member.

MUST Participate in each part of Discussion; Reply Respectfully and Promptly when called upon; Raise

Hand to Add to the Discussion.

MUST Participate; Individual Participation ONLY; NO

CHEATING; Only Instructor may assist you.

SuccessCompletion of Warm Up; Notebook

updated; Questions you need answered are written down for


Notes written about Lecture/Topic of Speech; Questions written to discuss;

Key Terms Identified and Defined; Summary is completed.

Activity/Lab completed in a reasonable amount of time with Correct Product; All

questions in Activity/Lab answered correctly; Any questions formed during lab

have been discussed with Instructor and Group; All students have participated

correctly and respectfully.

Understanding of Topic is Achieved; All questions written down have been

answered and notes have been updated with answers; Every student has

participated respectfully.

Completion of Exam in a timely manner; All questions answered

by Instructor.

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What will you get for being CHAMPS?

• A much BETTER understanding of the Science Material presented in class!

• A more efficient classroom with highly effective partners, Happy Students and a HAPPY TEACHER!

• More time to work on individual questions with your teacher so you will be more successful on EXAMS!

• REWARDS! You will receive points for being CHAMPS in the classroom each day. These pionts can be redeemed for MANY different things including bathroom passes, school supplies and other items each 9 weeks.

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Earning REWARDS!

• You can earn ONE point each day of class for being CHAMPS, or you can earn ONE point for certain accomplishments during the 9 weeks period.

• On test days, you may earn an EXTRA point for being prepared for the exam when the bell rings.

• Points CANNOT be given away or sold to another student.

• If you haven’t redeemed all of your points by the end of the 9 weeks, each point you earned will be worth 1 point of extra credit towards your daily or minor grade.

• You will start off with 5 points at the beginning of each 9 weeks.

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EXTRA REWARDS!You can earn an EXTRA point for each of the following

accomplishments made over the entire 9 weeks.

• Turning in ALL Homework on the Due Dates given

• Scoring 70% or better on Every Exam

• Completing Every Question on your Exam Reviews and Turning it in on Exam Day

• Perfect Attendance

• No Missing Assignments

• 100% Completed Notes, Warm Ups, Labs and Activities in your IAN

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REWARDS STORE!You can redeem your points for any of the following items. You must HAVE ALREADY EARNED the points needed to buy the

item. No IOU purchases!

• One Healthy Snack – 2 points

• A Nice Phone Call to Parent or Coach – 2 points

• A Pencil or Eraser – 3 points

• 10 Sheets of Paper – 3 points

• Sit with a Friend for the Day – 4 points

• A Bathroom Break – 5 points

• Group Change for the Day – 5 points

• Free Daily Grade! – 5 points

• Listen to Music During Activity – 6 points

• Free Homework Grade! – 10 points

• 10 points added to Notebook Grade – 8 points

• Extra Day for Homework – 8 points

• Extra Day for Project – 10 points

• One Answered Test Question on a Test – 15 points

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• Earning points to redeem for REWARDS is a privilege you are given for being CHAMPS in Mrs. Voight’s classroom.

• However, inappropriate behavior or actions will COST you points if you cannot follow the basic rules of the classroom.

• If you have used all of your points and cannot pay the price of your actions, you will forfeit your future points AND your parent will be notified of your actions and the consequences.

• You may also be written up if you have exhausted all points and continue to misbehave in class.

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CONSEQUENCES!Below are the behaviors/actions that you will be penalized for in class. Each item will cost you tickets and must be paid for by the end of class. If not paid for, the student committing the infraction will be written up.

• Regular Cursing – 1 point

• Tardy – 2 points

• The “F” Bomb – 5 points

• Cell Phone Out Without Permission – 2 points

• Trash in Desk/Lab Area (each instance) – 2 points

• Sleeping during class (each time caught) – 3 points

• Inappropriate Remarks/Disrespectful Comments to Teacher or Classmate – 5 points

• Inappropriate Behavior/Insubordination – 10 points

• Destruction of Property – 15 points

• Cheating on Homework/Quiz – 20 points

• Cheating on a Test – 25 points

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• Today we will go over some of our classroom procedures and model them.

• Your disciplined participation will help you earn 5 points today to start your collection for the 9 weeks.

• Each time you cannot cooperate with our procedures drills, you will be asked to sit down and define three vocabulary words, and you’ll lose a point.

• Now Let’s Get Started Making Our Classroom the BEST this year!

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Entering the ClassroomShould be completed BEFORE the bell rings.

• Enter through the front door. Pick up the materials on the table as you enter.

• Sharpen your pencil if needed NOW. Walk to your seat.

• Get your IAN and pencil out and put it on your desk. If you don’t have a pencil, follow Pencil Borrowing Procedure.

• Put your backpack and other gear under your desk out of the walkway.

• Put homework picked up into your first IAN Notebook pocket. Turn in any homework due, if needed.

• Sit in your seat and READ the board or projector screen for instructions.

• Start your Warm Up immediately. Follow CHAMPS Warm Up etiquette.

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Borrowing a Pencil

• Bring your ID to Ms. Voight.

• Trade your ID for a flag pencil. Sharpen the pencil immediately if needed.

• Use the pencil appropriately in class as needed.

• Return the pencil to Mrs. Voight, unbroken and not damaged.

• Get your ID badge in return for the flag pencil.

• If you chew on, take off the eraser, or break the pencil, you will NOT get your ID back until you replace the pencil.

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Bathroom Break

• NO BREAKS will be taken during the first or last 10 minutes of class!

• Student will hold 3 fingers up in the air and wait for the teacher to see them.

• When the teacher sees the student, she will nod her head with the answer. Up and down means YES, side to side means NO. If NO, wait another 10 minutes and ask again.

• If YES, the student will put their CELL PHONE on the teacher’s desk immediately BEFORE exiting the room. (The teacher will check this before you are allowed to leave.)

• The student will then exit the room quietly, go to the restroom quickly, then return to the classroom quietly. The student may pick up their phone, go back their seat and put the phone away.

• There should be NO TALKING to anyone during this exercise.

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Office/Nurse Procedure

• There will not be any trips to the office or the nurse during the first 10 minutes of class or during lecture/discussion.

• If you need to go to the office or to the nurse, RAISE YOUR HAND, palm towards the teacher.

• When the teacher acknowledges you, quickly explain your request.

• If the teacher agrees to let you go, go get the Nurse Pass.

• Go to the destination quickly and quietly. Show your pass to the Secretary/Nurse.

• If dismissed back to class, get your pass and return to class quickly.

• Enter class quietly, put your Nurse Pass up then return to your seat.

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Turning In Classwork or Homework

• Write your NAME, the DATE and your CLASS PERIOD at the top of your paper. This is a proper heading and should be on ALL of your papers. If it’s NOT there, I will throw the paper in the trash.

• Review the assignment to make sure it is completed.

• Take your assignment to the Purple Crate/Basket and put it in your Class Period’s Folder only.

• Do Not disturb any of the other papers in any of the folders.

• Return to your seat. If you are finished early, read your notes and write possible test questions or your notebook summaries.

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• If you pick up a paper with holes punched in it, it is homework and must be put into the FIRST POCKET of your IAN as soon as you sit in your seat.

• Write the Homework DUE DATE on the top of your homework in RED INK.

• Take your IAN home, take the homework out of the pocket and Do It!

• Have your parents check your homework, if needed!

• Put your homework in the first POCKET of your IAN to turn in the next day.

• Turn in your homework in during Class Entry procedures the next day.

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Activity/Lab Procedure

• Take your IAN and your lab (if needed) to your assigned lab station.

• Quietly read the instructions for the activity/lab. Make notes on the lab of any questions you have about the procedure on your paper.

• Raise your hand when you are finished reading everything to have the teacher answer your questions. Make sure you understand ALL of the instructions before you start.

• Conduct the activity/lab as stated. Use Activity/Lab CHAMPS etiquette.

• Upon completion, clean up your station appropriately and put your equipment back where you found it. Make sure you follow all safety rules regarding chemicals or dangerous equipment.

• Complete any questions, graphs or other written assignments in your lab.

• If necessary, turn your lab in as instructed. Follow Classwork Turn In Procedures.

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Testing ProcedureShould be done BEFORE the bell rings.

• Pick up your Scantron and any given materials upon entering the classroom. Go to your seat.

• Take out your pencil(s), eraser, highlighter and calculator (if necessary) and put it on your desk. Follow Pencil Borrowing Procedure if needed.

• Sharpen your pencil(s) immediately.

• Take out your cell phone. Turn it OFF and put it in the CELL PHONE BASKET on the Demo table in front of the room.

• Put your backpack and all other bags or items underneath the hallway window.

• Sit in your seat prepared to get your test.

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Classroom Exit

• Complete your classwork or exit ticket in your IAN.

• Turn in a borrowed pencil, if necessary.

• Put your IAN notebook in the class crate, OR in your backpack if you have studying or homework.

• Throw away any trash on/in your desk or on the floor. Wait patiently in your seat for the bell to ring.

• When the bell rings AND I have dismissed you, push in your chair and walk calmly to the front door of the classroom to exit.

• Do not push or rush the person ahead of you.

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•Have a GREAT school year!

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During Warm Ups

• Conversation - Elbow Partner Only; Whisper Voice; NO outside conversations

• Help - Discuss with Elbow Partner; Raise Hand ONLY if needed.

• Activity - Individual or Elbow Partners; At Desk ONLY

• Movement - None unless permission is given.

• Participation - At desk ONLY

• Success - Completion of Warm Up; Notebook updated; Questions you need answered are written down for discussion.

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During Lecture/Speakers

• Conversation - Inside Voice only when called on

• Help - Raise your Hand

• Activity - None unless directed; Follow Instructions Exactly.

• Movement - None unless directed; Follow Instructions Exactly.

• Participation - Only if instructed; Follow Directions Exactly

• Success - Notes written about Lecture/Topic of Speech; Questions written to discuss; Key Terms Identified and Defined; Summary is completed.

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During Activities/Labs

• Conversation - Inside Voice during all discussions; Talking should be limited to task at hand; NO outside conversations.

• Help - Raise your Hand; Discuss with Elbow or Group Partners; Refer to Instructions Often.

• Activity - Small/Large Group; Follow all Instructions.

• Movement - Move only as instructed; NO Horseplay or Wandering.

• Participation - Must Participate in every part of Activity/Lab; Follow Instructions and Identify Roles of each group member.

• Success - Activity/Lab completed in a reasonable amount of time with Correct Product; All questions in Activity/Lab answered correctly; Any questions formed during lab have been discussed with Instructor and Group; All students have participated correctly and respectfully.

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During Classroom Discussion

• Conversation - Talking is encouraged with Inside Voice and NO outside conversations; Respect Instructions and Other Speakers.

• Help - Raise your Hand; Discuss with Elbow or Group Partners

• Activity - Individual and Large Group; Respect All Speakers; Follow All Instructions

• Movement - None unless directed; Follow Instructions Exactly.

• Participation - MUST Participate in each part of Discussion; Reply Respectfully and Promptly when called upon; Raise Hand to Add to the Discussion.

• Success - Understanding of Topic is Achieved; All questions written down have been answered and notes have been updated with answers; Every student has participated respectfully.

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During Tests/Quizzes

• Conversation - None

• Help - Raise your Hand ONLY

• Activity - Individual ONLY

• Movement - None

• Participation - MUST Participate; Individual Participation ONLY; NO CHEATING; Only Instructor may assist you.

• Success - Completion of Exam in a timely manner; All questions answered by Instructor.