Champlain Valley Union High · In...

Champlain Valley Union High School Course Offering Booklet 2010-2011 We believe that every student can demonstrate the behaviors, skills and knowledge essential for a contributing member of a democratic society. The mission of CVU and the community is to ensure this learning for all students and challenge them to develop excellence in their individual pursuits.

Transcript of Champlain Valley Union High · In...

Page 1: Champlain Valley Union High · In the Life Program, students earn a CVU diploma by completing weekly contracts that

Champlain Valley Union High School

Course Offering Booklet2010-2011

We believe that every student can demonstrate the behaviors, skills andknowledge essential for a contributing member of a democratic society. Themission of CVU and the community is to ensure this learning for all students

and challenge them to develop excellence in their individual pursuits.

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Credits Per Year: Students in grade 9 will be enrolled in a Core Program earning 5 credits.Students in grade 10 are expected to enroll in a program that includes courses earning atotal of at least 6 credits; students in grades 11 and 12 should enroll for at least 5 credits.How many credits may a student elect? The answer to this question varies according to thecourses desired, but it is usually difficult for students to take more than seven coursesduring a regular schedule.

Course Selection: CVU’s curriculum does not have tracks. Instead, each student’s programshould reflect his/her interests, abilities and needs. We encourage students to enroll in themost demanding program possible in order to keep all postsecondary paths open. Guidancecounselors and advisors provide students with assistance in course selection on a yearly andlong-range basis. Each student’s current teachers in all academic areas providerecommendations about appropriate course selections for the subsequent academic year.

Academic Year: The academic year is divided into four quarters, each nine weeks in length.Courses are either one semester long and worth .5 credit, or one year long and worth 1credit.


Affirmative Action/Non-Discrimination Policy Statement: In accordance with Title IX of theEducation Amendments of 1972, all courses at CVU are open for enrollment for both boysand girls. It is the policy of Champlain Valley Union High School not to discriminate on anybasis in its educational programs, activities or employment policies as required by Title IX,the 1972 Education Amendments, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, Section 504, and othercivil rights legislation. Inquiries regarding compliance with civil rights laws may be directedto Sean McMannon, Principal, Champlain Valley Union High School, Hinesburg, VT, or theSuperintendent of Schools, Chittenden South Supervisory Union, Shelburne, VT, or theDirector of the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC.

Accreditation Statement: Champlain Valley Union High School is accredited by the NewEngland Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc.(NEASC), a non-governmental, nationallyrecognized organization whose affiliated institutions include elementary schools throughcollegiate institutions offering post-graduate instruction.

Accreditation of an institution by the New England Association of Schools and Collegesindicates that it meets or exceeds criteria for the assessment of institutional qualityperiodically applied through a peer group review process. An accredited school or college isone which has available the necessary resources to achieve its stated purposes throughappropriate educational programs, is substantially doing so, and gives reasonable evidencethat it will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Institutional integrity is alsoaddressed through accreditation.

Accreditation by the New England Association is not partial but applies to the institution as awhole. As such, it is not a guarantee of the quality of every course or program offered, orthe competence of individual graduates. Rather, it provides reasonable assurance about thequality of opportunities available to students who attend the institution.

Inquiries regarding the status of an institution’s accreditation by the New EnglandAssociation should be directed to the administrative staff of the school or college.Individuals may also contact the Association: New England Association of Schools andColleges, 209 Burlington Road, Suite 201, Bedford, MA 01730-1433 (


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To meet CVU's graduation requirements, a student must earn 20 credits, which mustinclude:

4 in English3 in Mathematics3 in Social Studies (including U.S. & the World)3 in Science1.5 in Physical Education (including Personal Fitness).5 in Practical Arts (Business, Tech Ed, Family and Consumer Science).5 in Fine Art (Visual, Musical or Performing).5 in Health.5 in Graduation Challenge

3.5 additional elective class credits

Please Note: The above are minimum numbers of credits needed to graduate. Studentswho plan to continue their education beyond high school are strongly encouraged to pursuea full academic course load throughout their four years in high school.

A one semester course equals .5 credits.A full year course equals 1 credit.


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Students who intend to play sports at a Division I or Division II college must register withthe NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse. For specific information on NCAA eligibilityrequirements, consult the website at

It is very important to note that not all CVU courses are considered core academic coursesby the NCAA Clearinghouse. In addition, independent study, correspondence, or middleschool courses are also not considered to be core courses. A list of approved core courses isprovided below.

If you have questions about a particular course that you do not see on the above list, pleasesee a counselor in the Direction Center.


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The framework for the delivery of the educational program at CVU has four interconnectedparts: shared mission and expectations for student learning; challenging standards;engaged learners; and multiple pathways. The phrase, “Multiple Pathways,” means that CVUprovides, and is continuing to develop, a wide variety of ways to deliver programs, fromtraditional coursework to community-based learning, to enable different types of learners toachieve success in their education.

This section of the Course Offering Booklet provides students with information about avariety of pathways open to them as they plan their four-year educational program. Theseinclude Early Graduation and Early Release; The Life Program; Community LearningPrograms (DUO and Academic Internship, among others); the newly developing SummerAcademy at CVU; and Independent Study Options (CVU Independent Study, CollegeCourses, and on-line learning programs).

Students interested in pursuing any of these pathways will find more information andassistance available to them from the counselors in the Direction Center.


Early Graduation: CVU’s program is normally considered to be a four-year program. Incertain cases, the high school program may be completed in three years. Students desiringearly graduation should apply to a school counselor during the registration period in theirsophomore year.

Early Release: Seniors who wish to complete their final year in January must apply byNovember 1st of their senior year. Students who wish to take courses at local colleges or toseek full-time employment prior to the graduation date in June may also take advantage ofthis option. In any of these situations, students should contact a school counselor for moreinformation.


In the Life Program, students earn a CVU diploma by completing weekly contracts thatinclude all content areas. Semester portfolios assess student learning, and students haveopportunities for employment, plumbing and electrical apprenticeships, and summer credit.Interested students should speak to a guidance counselor.

The Life Program is an alternative educational program for young men and women whoseneeds are not being met in the regular school program. Students master the skills andbehaviors outlined in Vermont’s Framework of Standards and required for a CVU diplomathrough an individualized program of instruction.

Students may be accepted to Life after personal application and faculty/administrationrecommendation. Students can earn up to 1.5 credits per quarter toward graduation if theysuccessfully complete academic and attendance requirements. In addition, a six-weeksummer Life Program is a choice available to students who wish to gain an additional credit.


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DUO-Community Learning Program variable credit

Students receive elective credit for learning and serving outside the classroom. This includesactivities both at CVU and in the community. With the help of program staff, studentsconsider their own areas of interest when selecting a DUO commitment. Students alreadyinvolved in their community can participate in the program, as well as students looking tomake new connections.

DUO is open to all students at CVU. Students may participate in the DUO program at anytime during the school year*, depending on their schedule. Some students choose toparticipate during free blocks during the school day; others choose to volunteer after schoolor during weekends and in the summer.

To participate in DUO, students must complete an application and meet with program staffbefore beginning their hours. For summer work, students specify their intention in the latespring before school ends or in the immediate two weeks after returning to school inSeptember. When a program has begun, students keep a log of hours and are required toparticipate, once per quarter, in a reflective seminar discussion about their work. Credit isawarded based on time spent and completion of these other elements of the program; foreach 45 hours of community work, students receive .25 elective credits.

There is no minimum or maximum credit requirement. Hours accumulate during a student’syears at CVU. Both short-term (one-time events and special trips) and long-term activitiesthroughout the calendar year are allowed. Many students do a variety or combination ofactivities.

*Students interested in the Buddy Program must commit to a full year (Septemberto May) or second semester only (January to May). Transportation is provided forthis program only.

DUO/Community Service variable credit

Examples of community service opportunities from which DUO students choose includevolunteering at ECHO Center, Fletcher Allen Hospital, nursing homes, or the Raptor Careprogram, organizing a fundraising walk for diabetes, assisting with an elementary schoolplay, and helping to build a home for Habitat for Humanity. Both long and short-termcommunity commitments are available. Hours are cumulative over the years, and volunteerhours from different community service activities may be combined.

DUO/Buddy Program variable credit

CVU students serve as role models to young elementary school students in grades K-4 atthe five local elementary schools. The goal of the Buddy Program is to create a supportiverelationship for the benefit of the younger student. CVU students are matched with youngstudents taking into consideration schedule, gender, interests, and preferred school. CVUstudents commit one block to the Buddy Program, going to elementary schools Monday-Thursday, meeting with a younger student twice per week. Time is spent playing games,doing craft activities, reading, playing sports, or helping with class work. Transportation isprovided. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible to participate. An application form,interview, training, and attendance at quarterly Reflection Seminars are required. CVUstudents must commit to a full-year or second semester only.


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DUO/Peer Support – INTENSIVE variable credit

CVU students are involved in school-based peer support programs that require extensivetraining and/or a high level of responsibility. Examples of these volunteer commitmentsinclude assisting a classroom teacher; participation in W.O.R.D (CVU’s diversity group);Peer Tutoring in CVU’s Learning Center; Peer Mentoring for new students; and peerleadership.

DUO/In-School Volunteer variable credit

There are numerous opportunities for CVU students to volunteer within the schoolcommunity. Examples of student volunteer roles in addition to the more intensive oneslisted above include school store manager, library circulation assistant, computer lab aide,science lab aide, secretarial assistant, media/AV assistant, or a teacher’s assistant. Studentsmay define a new volunteer role, and with approval, create a DUO opportunity.

DUO Course/Lesson/Team variable credit

Many CVU students are involved in valuable learning activities outside school. Studentstaking courses or lessons or participating in community-based teams or organizations areeligible to receive DUO elective credit. Students are encouraged to apply ahead of time andto keep track of their commitment. Instructor verification and a student summary reflectionare required upon completion. Examples include music lessons, sports teams, scoutinggroups, leadership conferences, etc.

1902 Academic Internship* Up to 2.5 (1 Eng, .5 to 1.5 elective)

Academic Internship is an exciting course that offers seniors the opportunity to go into thecommunity to work and learn in real life settings. Students not only learn new skills, butalso gain useful insights and experiences helpful for making decisions about life after CVU.

For this course, students receive one English credit, up to one elective credit, and another .5elective credit for Graduation Challenge. The internship experience is usually based on thestudent’s Graduation Challenge topic, allowing for an in-depth exploration of that topic. Allaspects of the Graduation Challenge Program are covered through the seminar-basedEnglish class. Each student completes the program with a personal portfolio.

Students need to have at least two free blocks in a row during the day, (preferably blocks 3& 4), to accommodate their internship. There is an application process for interestedjuniors.

Past internship placements have included: a law firm, a chef-run restaurant, an elementaryschool classroom, a major design firm, the radiology department at the hospital, a flightschool program, an Alzheimers’ Care Facility, and programs through which students havelearned carpentry, plumbing, radio broadcasting, and film making. Students receiveassistance with arranging internship placements.

All interested juniors should speak with guidance counselors or Direction Centerstaff for more information on the application process and the details of theprogram.


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Last summer, CVU Summer Academy offered classes to help students get ahead in creditsor to make up for work they missed in earlier semesters. Depending upon student demand,the following CVU courses may be offered during the summer of 2010. Consult the coursedescriptions in the appropriate department section of this booklet for further information onthese classes. A complete listing of summer offerings will be published in late spring.

Introduction to Art Writing Prose Chemistry II

Personal Fitness Algebra I** Algebra II**

Summer Travel Seminar

**These courses are open to students who have already taken the year-longcourse, and who wish to strengthen their background or raise their grade.


CVU Independent Study

Students have the opportunity to design an independent program which suits their learningneeds according to certain criteria:

• It must be an integral part of a student’s program which cannot be met through anyof the existing curriculum at CVU or viable options cannot be met because of astudent’s schedule.

• The teacher must be licensed by the State of Vermont in the specific curriculumarea of the Independent Study.

• Clearly–defined outcomes, assessment, timelines, responsibilities and credit mustbe outlined in a contract signed by the Academic Counselor, student, teacher, andparents/guardians.

More detailed information about Independent Study procedures is contained in the Parent/Student Handbook and is also available from the counselors in the Direction Center.

(Independent Study Options continue on the next page.)


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College Courses

A Dual Enrollment Program offers vouchers for a free college course. The state of Vermonthas established a new program, which allows students to obtain a voucher for a free collegecourse once during high school. There are two options under this program:

1. Students who complete the free Introduction to College Studies course at theCommunity College of Vermont receive a voucher which can be used at any of theVermont State Colleges, the University of Vermont, and other selected colleges,through a statewide partnership agreement.

2. VSC Accelerated Program is available to students who are academically prepared toenroll in college-level courses, without the Introduction to College Studies course.These students must complete an application process for the college which theywould like to attend, obtain a recommendation from a guidance counselor in theDirection Center, and then are eligible for a voucher for one free course during highschool. Detailed information about this new program is available in the DirectionCenter.

The College Connections Program offers students the opportunity to take courses at anumber of local colleges at a reduced tuition cost. Each college provides certain conditionsunder which high school students may participate in the College Connections program on itscampus. There is an application process, and there are registration deadlines for eachsemester. Students who wish to use college courses to fulfill CVU graduation requirementsmust obtain prior permission from the Academic Counselor. Detailed information andassistance are available from the counselors in the Direction Center.

The UVM Talented Student Program offers a program through which students who havereached the limits of the high school program in a particular area, or who wish to pursuestudy in a field not available in high school, may take courses at the University at a reducedtuition rate. Applications are available in the Direction Center, and the process requires acounselor’s recommendation. Students who wish to use these college courses tofulfill CVU graduation requirements must obtain prior permission from theAcademic Counselor.

Vermont Academy of Science & Technology is a full-year alternative to senior year forstudents who are highly motivated and who have a strong interest and aptitude in science,math and technology. Students simultaneously complete their senior year in high school andtheir freshman year in college by taking standard college courses at VTC. Furtherinformation is available in the Direction Center.

Through independent study, there are a number of accredited high school programsavailable to students who wish to pursue an internet study option. The Academic Counselorhas detailed information about accredited programs, course offerings, procedures forenrollment, schedules, credit, and costs. Participation in these courses in order tofulfill graduation credit requirements must be approved in advance by theAcademic Counselor.

PLEASE NOTE: These Independent Study options will be recorded on the CVUtranscript as Pass/Fail courses, and they will not be included in a student’s GPA.Students may obtain transcripts containing letter or number grades directly fromthe colleges or internet programs and submit those to postsecondary institutionsto which they are applying.


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All entering first-year students will be enrolled in CVU’s Core Program, which includes thefollowing elements:

• Performance standards based on CVU’s Expectations for Student Learning.• Learning activities focused on the achievement of these Expectations at a very high

level by all students.• Assessments given prior to CVU entry as well as ongoing assessments, which help

teachers, guidance counselors, parents, and students work together.

The five Essential Core Components are:

• Interdisciplinary connections• Teams of teachers with the same students, heterogeneously grouped• Core student numbers under 90• Close relationships with students and family• Rigorous academic focus

The Core Curriculum

The educational program consists of English, Social Studies, Math, Science, and Wellness(Project Adventure, Personal Health). Electives in World Languages, Practical Arts, and FineArts may also be incorporated in student schedules. For Math, there are several options forstudents. Students may take Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Core Geometry, or Math Seminar.

The teachers from the core curriculum work together in teams. Each team is associated witha house office. The teachers have common planning time, which allows them to collaborate,design units which link to each curriculum area, and meet the individual needs of students.The students are involved with core curriculum subjects in a “block” of uninterrupted time.During the other periods of the day, students have access to elective classes. Please note:CVU offers a broad range of elective courses. Due to high demands of the Core Program,most electives in this book are available only to students in the upper grades.

This program allows the achievement of the following goals:

• Clear and consistent performance standards and Expectations for Student Learning(agreed upon within and across the curriculum areas) used to assess student workand communicate progress to students and parents;

• Clear performance levels established for each identified standard and expectation;• Pre and post-assessment procedures that identify the skills and development of

incoming first-year students;• Ongoing communication with parents, including interviews before the start of the

school year with each family;• Integration of curriculum content wherever feasible; and Flexible time, through

block scheduling, to accommodate in-depth study and to facilitate integration.


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The Core Courses

1001 - Core English Term - Year Grade 9

This program emphasizes writing, reading, and vocabulary development. It is also a studyof literary forms including the novel, short story, poetry, and Shakespearean drama.Students write expository papers based on their experience, knowledge, readings, andresearch. They focus their efforts on improving their skills in reading, writing, speaking,critical thinking, and vocabulary.

1101 - Core History Term - Year Grade 9

The origins of human societies provide the basis for this course that examines the themes ofgeography, power, Golden Ages, and the Global Community. This foundation providesstudents with the necessary background to confront the issues and problems ofcontemporary life. A study of geography and current issues helps students place events andconcepts in a context, which connects the past with the present. When appropriate,connections are made to the themes and skills addressed in the corresponding Core Englishclass. Throughout the year, students work toward developing skills in a variety of roles thatinclude being a critical and creative thinker, an effective communicator, a citizen of a demo-cratic society, a collaborative worker, and a self-directed learner.


There are several options for students. Students may take Pre-Algebra, Algebra I,Geometry, or Math Seminar.

1201 - Pre-Algebra Term - Year Grade 9

This course is designed for students who need additional study in basic math concepts andskills before beginning the study of Algebra. Major topics in this course include the use oforder of operations in simplifying numerical expressions involving integers, fractions, anddecimals; experimenting to collect and analyze data using basic statistics and probability;solving equations and inequalities; using proportions and percents to answer questions; andexploring functions and graphs using the coordinate system.

1206 - Algebra I Term - Year Grade 9

Primary topics covered in this course include: expressing patterns as algebraic rules;evaluating algebraic expressions; solving linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, andproportions; writing equations to solve problems; creating and interpreting graphs; adding,subtracting, multiplying and factoring polynomials; finding best fit lines and curves for datasets; writing equations for graphs; and solving systems of equations and inequalities.

1222 - Core Geometry Term - Year Grade 9

Major topics covered in this formal Euclidean geometry course include shapes in two andthree dimensions from a synthetic and an algebraic perspective. In addition to learningoutcomes related to mathematical problem solving, communication, reasoning, andconnections, many of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' learning outcomesare included in the geometry curriculum.


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1221 - Math Seminar Term - 1-2 Years Grades 9,10

Math Seminar is a two-year program designed for highly motivated and mathematicallykeen students. Major topics covered in this course are the same as those covered in AlgebraII and Geometry, with additional topics from discrete mathematics and an added emphasison proof. Use of technology in problem solving is also emphasized.

Prerequisite(s): Algebra I, teacher recommendation, entrance evaluation, and letterof intent (see the instructor for details).

1301 - Core Science Term - Year Grade 9

The Core Science program integrates lab and field experiences into four units of study:ecology; cell structures and their functions; genetics; and evolution.

1700 - Project Adventure Term - Sem Grade 9

This course encourages students to try new small and large group activities. Initiativegames, group problem solving, trust activities, and the low ropes course provide studentswith the challenge of personal risk taking and group interaction.

1701 - Personal Health Term - Sem Grade 9

This health course promotes overall well-being through the development of attitudes andbehaviors that can improve one's quality of life. Personal Health emphasizes a wide range ofcurrent adolescent issues including time management, sexuality, and substance abuse whilefocusing on four skill areas: communication, goal setting, stress management, and decisionmaking.


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To study English is to embark on lifelong learning. English courses teach skills that studentswill carry with them throughout their futures—writing, reading, analysis, questioning. Asstudents study English they encounter the lives of others and in turn learn compassion andan appreciation for humanity. English students also learn valuable writing skills, bothcreative and critical, and hone questioning and peer review abilities that will benefit them inour collaborative job market and interdependent world. Our English department is closelylinked with Social Studies for the 9th and 10th grades and then in the 11th and 12th gradesoffers electives that span the world and the ages, giving students a broad base with whichto head out into the world.


1001 Core English 1 credit


1002 English 10 1 credit

Junior & Senior

1003 Dramatic Literature .5 credit

1005 Major American Literature .5 credit

1007 Major British Literature .5 credit

1008 Gothic Tales, Science Fiction & Modern Horror .5 credit

1009 Popular Literature .5 credit

1010 Utopian Literature .5 credit

1012 AP English: Literature & Composition 1 credit

1013 Literature, Film, and Writing .5 credit

1014 Holocaust & Human Behavior—English 1 credit**

1015 Ancient Greece I .5 credit

1027 Ancient Greece II .5 credit

1016 Applied English I .5 credit

1017 Applied English II .5 credit

1018 Creative Writing .5 credit

1019 Writing Prose .5 credit

1020 Journalism .5 credit

1021 English Academic Internship .5 to 2.5 credits, Eng./elective

1022 English Language Learning (Inter) variable

1024 Global Literature .5 credit

**This course is linked with a Social Studies course. The course meets for two periods forone semester. Students receive 1 credit: .5 English and .5 Social Studies.


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1002 - English 10 Term - Year Grade - 10

This course is combined with the sophomore Social Studies course Making of the ModernWorld. Connections are made between the themes, ideas, and skills addressed in bothclasses. At times the classes meet as a combined group to work on joint English/Historyassignments. At other points, the classes separate to explore issues focusing moreindependently on each discipline.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking

1003 - Dramatic Literature Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Students learn how drama has evolved from its beginning on the Greek stage throughShakespeare into modern drama. Emphasis is on modern drama and how its immediacyreflects the society in which it is written. Authors studied include Aristophanes,Shakespeare, Ibsen, Strindberg, Shaw, Williams, Pirandello, Miller, Brecht, and others.Staging and production techniques and their effects on the plays are also examined. Thiscourse is designed for students interested in drama and theater, and it acquaints thestudent with many major playwrights.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking

1005 - Major American Literature Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Students engage in thematic explorations of American literature and scrutinize the ideals,philosophies, mythology, illusions, and realities of American culture as reflected in a nationalliterature. Among the themes to be explored are: The American Dream, The AmericanCharacter, The American Hero, and American Values. Materials may include: early Americanmyths, short stories from the past 200 years, and several selected novels. Assessment isbased on student oral and written expression of interest, comprehension, and completion ofall assignments.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking

1007 - Major British Literature Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

This course will expose students to a survey of major authors, literary traditions, andmovements that define British Literature. Students will consider how texts of differentgenres from various historical periods explore the human experience. What commonthreads remain interwoven over time? What changes occur? How do stories and the art ofstorytelling shift over time within the British tradition? The politics of gender, archetypes instorytelling, and pagan/Christian ethics play a major part in these considerations and will beexplored in-depth. Through the study of specific literary techniques, themes, andconventions, students will gain an appreciation for the artistry and importance of majorworks of British Literature. In addition to the study of literature (poetry, epics, short stories,novels, and plays), film, art, and music will be incorporated to help students makeconnections between literature and their own lives and to gain an appreciation for the widerange of genres and styles of major British authors.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking


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1008 - Gothic Tales, Science Fiction and Modern Horror - Term - Sem - Grades -11,12

In this course, students examine gothic, horror, and science fiction short stories and novels.Students are evaluated on nightly reading assignments by means of quizzes, tests, writtenassignments, participation in class discussion, and group work.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking

1009 - Popular Literature Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Assignments include reading and discussion of popular fiction, poetry, short fiction, drama,film, and journalism. Students become aware of theme, interpretive possibilities, andreasons for literary popularity. The course intention is to encourage students to read andthink within the bounds of school and beyond.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking

1010 - Utopian Literature Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Students research, read, study, discuss, and learn to respectfully argue as we study utopianand dystopian visions through the study of literature, current events, and the creation ofindividual utopian societies and schools. The class demands from students that they becareful and thoughtful readers, that they enjoy sharing and researching ideas, and that theyregularly hand in work. There is reading and writing homework every night. The class isresearch and discussion; it's dreaming and scheming. A required two-day presentation andrequired paper must be completed to at least pass the course. There is also a servicecomponent to this class.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking

1012 - AP English: Literature and Composition Term - Year Grades 11,12

This course is for students capable of doing college-level work in English while they are stillin high school. Emphasis is placed on critical and analytical thinking, reading, writing, anddiscussion. Students should have a commitment to rigorous and intense study andchallenging, demanding work with a high level of complexity. Lengthy readings in novels,drama, essays, and poetry, and nightly writing about the readings are required; in addition,summer reading is assigned.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Summer reading and writing assignments; a strong background inliterature (teacher, counselor recommendations and past grades are also considered).

1013 - Literature, Film, and Writing Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

This course will explore the connections between literature and its close cousin, film.Students will read a variety of texts that have been adapted into film. Film and novel genresinclude the western, science-fiction, film noir, and the Vietnam War. The main focus of thiscourse will be to make connections between literature and film through writing anddiscussion. For the final exam, students will write, direct, and produce their own short films.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking


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1014 - Holocaust and Human Behavior Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Using history and literature (inclusive of art, film, primary source documents, etc.), studentslearn about and explore the moral, political and social implications of the Nazi Holocaust andhuman behavior while working to further their ability to be vigilant defenders of the ideals ofa democratic society. This semester-long course requires a double period in a student'sschedule, as well as participation in a non-negotiable, weeklong, intensive trip in the middleof the semester.

* Students must be enrolled in both the English and the Social Studies sections of thiscourse. Students will receive.5 credit in English and .5 credit in Social Studies.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture

1015 - Ancient Greece I Term - Sem (1) Grades -11,12

This unique interdisciplinary class examines the history, literature, philosophy, art andlanguage of the birthplace of Western Civilization with emphasis on their relevance to theindividual, our society and its government. Ancient Greece can be taken as either a one-semester course or a two-semester course, and credit can be earned in English, SocialStudies, or World Language (Greek) upon successful completion of the course. The firstsemester will be taught in a regular classroom setting.

During the second semester, students will continue their specialization workingindependently in the classrooms and in teams. Students choosing to take this for WorldLanguage credit (1st semester only) will work in small groups with the instructor.

Ancient Greece I and II must be taken in the same academic year.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture

1027 - Ancient Greece II Term - Sem (2) Grades -11,12

This unique interdisciplinary class examines the history, literature, philosophy, art andlanguage of the birthplace of Western Civilization with emphasis on their relevance to theindividual, our society and its government. Ancient Greece can be taken as either a one-semester course or a two-semester course, and credit can be earned in English, SocialStudies, or World Language (Greek) upon successful completion of the course.

Students choosing to take this for World Language credit (2nd semester only) will work insmall groups with the instructor.

Ancient Greece I and II must be taken in the same academic year.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-CulturePrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Ancient Greece I in the same academicschool year.


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1016 - Applied English I Term - Sem Grade - 11

Students learn and practice writing techniques and the grammar/usage/mechanicsnecessary for immediate employment. Students practice summarizing non-fiction writing asthey learn to understand the concept and consequences of plagiarism and how to avoiddoing it. Assignments are geared to the individual needs of students. Work is completed onelements which best prepare students for the rigor of writing a Tri-Search paper forGraduation Challenge. Students study both the GC Tri-search Paper Rubric and thePresentation Rubric, and they complete learning activities which will help them achieve bothrubrics. Students are required to complete a GC Letter of Intent in order to pass this course.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing

1017 - Applied English II Term - Sem Grade - 12

Students write a Letter of Intent that meets the standards for Graduation Challenge. Theystudy the Tri-Search Rubric and design a strategy to organize and create an 8-12 pagepaper. Students write a complete first draft of the Graduation Challenge Tri-Search paper,knowing that the paper will need further revision when all student hours are completed.Students also develop and practice a presentation. The deadlines are earlier than thedeadlines of non-Applied students. It is highly recommended that students complete manyof their Graduation Challenge hours before the course. Students should have completedsome hours before the class begins in August.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing

1018 - Creative Writing Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Students create numerous fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry pieces. Students read avariety of materials ranging from peer writing to published works. The class functions as awriters’ workshop with the expectation that students participate in discussions, critiques,and public readings.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading

1019 - Writing Prose Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Writing Prose concentrates on a single skill/process (writing) and requires a willingness torevise all work and master essential grammar. Students are required to demonstrateeffective pre-writing, writing, self-editing, peer editing, and revision strategies. Workoutside class will include the generation of ideas, revision of work, revision of peer work,grammar development. If there is a need to work on fundamental English skills, the AppliedEnglish course would be the more appropriate choice. Students must demonstrate acommitment to improve upon identified weaknesses, demonstrate a positive attitude whenreceiving and giving feedback, learn effective self-editing strategies, and have a passion forproducing work of the highest quality.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking


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1020 - Journalism Term - Sem Grades - 11,12Course may be taken for two semesters

Students work independently and cooperatively to produce issues of the studentnewspaper. The class functions like a modern newsroom, and each student has a job tofulfill with emphasis on writing and communication skills.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking

1021 - English Academic Internship Term - Year Grades - 12

Academic Internship is an exciting course that offers seniors the opportunity to go into thecommunity to learn in real life settings. Students learn new skills and gain useful insightsand experiences helpful for making decisions about life after CVU. For this yearlong course,students receive one English credit, up to one elective credit, and another .5 elective creditfor Graduation Challenge. The internship experience is usually based on the student’sGraduation Challenge topic, allowing for an in-depth exploration. All aspects of theGraduation Challenge program are covered through the seminar-based English class. Eachstudent completes the program with a personal portfolio. Students receive assistance witharranging internship placements. All interested juniors should speak with guidancecounselors or Direction Center staff for more information on the application process and thedetails of the program.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking

1024 - Global Literature Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

In Global Literature, students examine how authors around the world and in varioushistorical periods have grappled with the idea of what it means to be human. This coursefocuses on concepts of culture and identity and challenges students to think about theirplace in the international community. Students will be required to read a large number oftexts, including novels, short stories, poetry, and biographies. Consistent participation infull-class discussions will be expected.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/Diversity


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The purpose of social studies education is to develop the capabilities which students need tobe responsible, contributing members of our democratic society and our interdependentworld. Students span past, present, and future as they pursue in-depth understandings ofhuman heritage and of our multicultural nation in the global community.

As students study the human adventure, they understand and appreciate the contributionsto human wisdom made by early civilizations, evaluate the impact of various civilizationsaround the world, and develop awareness of non-Western histories and interpretations ofhuman events. Students use critical thinking skills as they analyze contemporary globalissues and create work illustrating the interdependence of our global system and its ongoingconflict and change. In collaboration, students deliberate what they believe to be preferablefutures.

Fulfilling role expectations of democratic citizens today and in the future requires studentsto become effective critical thinkers, thoughtful decision-makers, collaborative workers, andcreative problem-solvers, sensitive to the rights and aspirations of diverse human groupsand committed to social justice

Freshman Course

1101 Core History 1 credit

Sophomore Course

1102 Making of the Modern World 1 credit

Junior & SeniorCourses

1103 U.S. & the World 1 credit

1105 American Foreign Policy .5 credit

1106 Current Issues .5 credit

1108 Economic Education 1 credit

1109 AP U.S. Government and Politics 1 credit

1110 Media and Society .5 credit

1114 Holocaust & Human Behavior—Social Studies 1 credit**

1115 Ancient Greece .5 credit

1116 Perspectives of Vermont .5 credit

1117 Summer Travel Seminar .5 credit

1118 Environmental Perspectives of VT .5 credit

**This course is linked with an English course. The course meets for two periods for one semester. Studentsreceive 1 credit: .5 English and .5 Social Studies.


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1101 - Core History Term - Year Grade - 9

The origins of human societies provide the basis for this course that examines the themes ofgeography, power, Golden Ages, and the Global Community. This foundation providesstudents with the necessary background to confront the issues and problems ofcontemporary life. A study of geography and current issues helps students place events andconcepts in a context, which connects the past with the present. When appropriate,connections are made to the themes and skills addressed in the corresponding Core Englishclass. Throughout the year, students work toward developing skills in a variety of roles thatinclude being a critical and creative thinker, an effective communicator, a citizen of ademocratic society, a collaborative worker, and a self-directed learner.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/Diversity

1102 - Making of the Modern World Term - Year Grade - 10

In this course, students take a global look at the development of civilizations from the endof the Middle Ages until 1876. Areas of influence include: The Global Awakening of the 14thand 15th centuries (Crusades, Mongol Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, Spice Trade, Age ofExplorers); New Ways of Thinking (Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, ScientificRevolution, Machiavellian Ideas); Age of Revolutions (American, French, and IndustrialRevolutions); The United States Constitution; The Emergence of Slavery; and Civil War andReconstruction. Learners in this hetergeneous classroom hone their problem solving,analytical reasoning, critical thinking, and communication skills. This course providesstudents with the historical underpinnings for an understanding of contemporary issues andworld events. This course is combined with the sophomore English 10 course. Connectionsare made between the themes, ideas, and skills addressed in both classes. At times theclasses meet as a combined group to work on joint Social Studies/English assignments. Atother times, the classes separate to explore issues focusing more independently on eachdiscipline.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking,12-Culture/Diversity

1103 - US & the World Term - Year Grades - 11,12

This course continues with the global perspective developed in Making of the Modern World.The primary focus is the emergence of the United States as a dominant military andeconomic force in the 20th century. Examination of the Age of Imperialism, World War One,the emergence of totalitarianism, Global Depression, World War II, and the Cold Warconsiders the impact of US global domination on Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and SouthAmerica. The course uses a variety of assessments designed to sharpen students’ criticalthinking, reading comprehension, and analytical and interpersonal skills. The course isdesigned to give students a strong foundation in global forces to help them betterunderstand current issues.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/Diversity


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1105 - American Foreign Policy Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Even before the September 11, 2001 bombings, American foreign affairs took place in adizzyingly busy arena. Through a multi-layered, multi-textured approach of discussion,guest speakers, simulations, tests, and position papers, this semester-long course givesstudents the tools needed to understand and analyze this ever-changing world andAmerica's immensely important, complex role in it. The course emphasis will be a variety ofcase studies. Units to be covered: the making of foreign policy, climate change,international trade, China, Russia, and the Middle East. In summary, students will develop aworld-view by viewing the world. (No pre-requisite, but U.S. History is helpful.)

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - US History is not necessary but is helpful.

1106 - Current Issues Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

What can students who are committed to discovering ways to improve the quality of humanlife in our democratic society and in our global community do to gain a knowledge base foracting on public issues? The Current Issues course, primarily conducted in a seminarsetting, provides opportunity for applying inquiry, analysis, and deliberative skills on:human rights and social justice issues; sustainable economic development proposals; "hotspots" in the world; gender issues; population trends and mass migrations of peoples; andpeace and human security problems. Connections among history and social sciencedisciplines, as well as the arts, provide a context for developing creative, integrativeperspectives on current issues.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12 - Culture/Diversity

1108 - Economic Education Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Students taking Economics will learn and apply the principles of Microeconomics andMacroeconomics. The use of simulations and the application of economic theories to realworld examples will help reinforce the concepts learned in this class. Areas covered in theclass will include: supply and demand, product and resource markets, GDP, Fiscal andMonetary Policy, Money and International Trade. The course includes mathematicalconcepts, graphing and discussions of theory and practice.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication; 2-Writing; 3-Reading; 5-Critical Thinking; 12-Culture/Diversity


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1109 - AP United States Government and Politics Term - Year Grades - 11,12

In preparation for the Advanced Placement Exam in May, this course provides an analyticalperspective on government and politics in the United States. Students are provided withinformation on the various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that constitute U.S.political reality. The course is designed around the following topics: ConstitutionalUnderpinnings of the U.S. Government, Political Beliefs and Behaviors, Political Parties andInterest Groups, Institutions of the National Government, Public Policy, and Civil Rights andCivil Liberties.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/Diversity

1110 - Media and Society Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Media and Society is a capstone experience for 12th grade students to synthesize theirprevious social studies courses, analyze how information is presented in modern society,evaluate why it has been presented as such, and to consider what effect this has on thehuman experience. Content goals include: teaching students what mass media is, how itcan influence our society, and how students can use media to voice concerns. Skillstargeted include: critical thinking, ability to read and interpret information from a variety ofmediums, and using various technology tools to create their own media.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/Diversity

1114 - Holocaust and Human Behavior Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Using history and literature (inclusive of art, film, primary source documents, etc.), studentslearn about and explore the moral, political and social implications of the Nazi Holocaust andhuman behavior while working to further their ability to be vigilant defenders of the ideals ofa democratic society. This semester-long course requires a double period in a student'sschedule, as well as participation in a non-negotiable, weeklong, intensive trip in the middleof the semester.

*Students must be enrolled in both the English and the Social Studies sections of thiscourse. Students will receive .5 credit in English and .5 credit in Social Studies.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/Diversity

1116 - Perspectives of Vermont Term - Sem (2) Grades - 11,12

How does Vermont fit into our nation’s history? How has Vermont developed into the statethat we live in now? What lies ahead for the Green Mountain State in a globalized world?Perspectives of Vermont will provide participants with fresh perspectives of their homestate. Through class presentations, discussions, thoughtful analysis of primary sources,student directed case studies and field work students will look at Vermont from a variety ofangles. Participants will examine the state through historic, contemporary, political andeconomic lenses. (Spring Semester Only)

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/Diversity


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1117 - Summer Travel Seminar Term - Sem Grade - 11

This summer CVU will offer it's inaugural summer travel seminar course for which Juniorsmay receive .5 social studies credit. Students will spend eight hours of seminar prior to thetrip and two weeks in another country. This international travel experience affords studentsthe opportunity to integrate the study of history, culture, current events, literature andlanguage. Through this course students will become more aware, tolerant and inquisitiveglobal citizens. International travel also offers students the chance to reflect and evaluatetheir beliefs, future plans, role in society, values and world view. The 2009 internationaltravel experience will bring students to Peru, South America for two weeks of culturalimmersion and historical study. Students will also be exposed to pertinent global issuessuch as environmental degradation, emerging markets and struggling democratic societies.

1118 - Environmental Perspectives of Vermont Term - Sem (1) Grades - 11,12

Gain a better understanding of our community in this integrated history and environmentalscience course by studying connections between the natural environment and the culturalhistory of our community. In order to develop this understanding we will be examining boththe natural and cultural characteristics of selected sites in Hinesburg, Williston, Shelburne,or Charlotte. This work will require you to engage in the role of both field scientist andhistorian, looking for clues to why our community developed in the way that it did. Finalclass projects include an interactive web resource and a community based service learningproject of your design. (fall semester only)

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Human Biology and Earth and SpaceScience. Dual enrollment with Environmental Perspectives of Vermont (Science).


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CVU’s mathematics program is designed to help students explore the application, relevance,and intrinsic beauty of mathematics. Using a variety of learning activities and instructionalmethods, students employ inductive and deductive processes to identify patterns and makegeneralizations. An emphasis on fundamental concepts and essential skills provides studentsa solid preparation for work, citizenship and further study in the 21st century. Our classesemphasize the use of technology to explore concepts in greater depth and to enhancestudent learning. Students are encouraged to communicate their mathematics graphically,numerically, and analytically. Central to our CVU curriculum is the development ofmathematical reasoning, problem solving, communication, critical thinking, and makingconnections.

1201 Pre-Algebra 1 credit

1202 The Mathematics of Science .5 credit

1203 The Mathematics of Finance .5 credit

1204 The Geometry of Life .5 credit

1205 The Mathematics of Games and Sports .5 credit

1206 Algebra I 1 credit

1222 Core Geometry (Freshman course) 1 credit

1207 Geometry Level 1 1 credit

1208 Geometry Level 2 1 credit

1209 Algebra II Level 1 1 credit

1210 Algebra II Level 2 1 credit

1211 Trigonometry and Pre-calculus 1 credit

1212 Advanced Algebra & Trigonometry 1 credit

1213 AP Calculus 1 credit

1214 Introductory Probability and Statistics .5 credit

1215 AP Probability and Statistics .5 credit

1221 Math Seminar 1 to 2 credits

1224 Computer Programming I .5 credit

1225 Computer Programming II .5 credit


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1201 - Pre-Algebra Term - Year Grades - 9,10

This course is designed for students who need additional study in basic math concepts andskills before beginning the study of Algebra. Major topics in this course include the use oforder of operations in simplifying numerical expressions involving integers, fractions, anddecimals; experimenting to collect and analyze data using basic statistics and probability;solving equations and inequalities; using proportions and percents to answer questions; andexploring functions and graphs using the coordinate system.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking

1202 - The Mathematics of Science Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

Are you terrified of science? Do you cringe at formulas? Conquer your fears in this semestercourse, designed to improve the math skills needed in the required CVU science classes.You’ll apply math concepts to such science topics as orbits, trajectories, vectors, andmeasurement. Along the way you’ll also explore linear and quadratic equations,trigonometric ratios, unit conversions, and loci.

It is recommended that students take this course prior to or at the same time as Intro. toPhysics & Chemistry.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Pre-Algebra.

1203 - The Mathematics of Finance Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

Do you have questions about your money? Do you wonder how to make the most of whatyou have? Or do you ponder how your money grows and accumulates? This semester-longcourse is for you! You’ll practice programming with a graphing calculator, manipulatespreadsheets, and investigate budgets, payrolls, taxes, interest, and more. Along the wayyou’ll also explore linear, quadratic, and exponential equations. While investigating the fourmain topics of Financial Formulas, Optimization, Exponential Functions (Growth), andSequences and Series (Accumulation), you’ll find the answers to your questions.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Pre-Algebra.

1204 - The Geometry of Life Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

Do you ever find yourself wondering where geometry is used in the ‘real world?’ Well, thissemester-long course will explore the geometry of art and nature, investigate the geometryof travel, and develop the concepts necessary for surveying and construction. You’ll learnabout polygons and polyhedra, area and volume, and, of course, the Pythagorean Theorem.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Pre-Algebra.


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1205 - The Mathematics of Games/Sports Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

Life may not be all about fun and games, but this course is! Discover how all those baseballstatistics are found and how you can find the probability of winning the lottery in thissemester course. Learn how to use the graphing calculator to simulate different games, howvideo games are created, and whether or not a particular game is worth playing in the longrun. During this semester, you’ll learn about normal distributions (bell curve), correlationbetween two variables, probability, and geometric transformations.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Pre-Algebra.

1206 - Algebra I Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11

Primary topics covered in this course include: expressing patterns as algebraic rules;evaluating algebraic expressions; solving linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, andproportions; writing equations to solve problems; creating and interpreting graphs; adding,subtracting, multiplying and factoring polynomials; finding best fit lines and curves for datasets; writing equations for graphs; and solving systems of equations and inequalities.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking

1207 - Geometry Level 1 Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

Major topics covered in this course are plane geometry (measurement and properties of flatshapes), right-triangle trigonometry, geometric problem-solving (including using ratio andproportion), and logical reasoning with an emphasis on deductive and inductive proofsrelating to geometric forms.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Grade of C or better in Algebra I.

1208 - Geometry Level 2 Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

Topics covered in this course are similar to those covered in Geometry Level I, with thedifferences being that students cover material at a slower pace. Not all topics will becovered as extensively as in the Level I course, and there is less emphasis on proof.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Algebra I.


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1209 - Algebra II Level 1 Term - Year Grades - 10,11,12

Major topics covered in this course are analysis of families of functions: algebraic (linear,quadratic, inverse, and polynomial), exponential, and logarithmic. Students also studysequences and series, variation, systems of equations, and matrices. Students need theirown graphing calculators for daily use.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Algebra I and Geometry Level 1 with recommended grades of C orbetter in both courses.

1210 - Algebra II Level 2 Term - Year Grades - 10,11,12

Topics covered in this course are similar to those covered in Algebra II Level 1, with thedifference being that students cover material at a slower pace. Not all topics will be coveredas extensively as in the Level I course.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Algebra I and Geometry, with a recommended minimum grade of Cin both courses.

1211 - Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus Term - Year Grades - 11,12Major topics covered in this course include trigonometry and a study of algebraic,polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Students also study topics inanalytic geometry (conics, parametric equations, and polar equations). Students need theirown graphing calculators for daily use.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - A strong mathematical background, coming to this course fromGeometry Level 1 and Algebra II Level 1 with recommended grades of C or better inboth courses.

1212 - Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry Term - Year Grades - 11,12

Major topics covered in this course are trigonometric functions, radian and degreemeasurement, graphs and applications of trigonometric functions, angular displacement andvelocity, and other algebraic applications. Students have the opportunity to explore theintegration of trigonometry with geometry and algebra.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Geometry and Algebra II, with a recommended minimum grade ofC in both courses.


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1213 - AP Calculus Term - Year Grades - 11,12

This is a college entry-level calculus course that covers the topics in differential and integralcalculus outlined in the College Board's AB Calculus Outline. Major topics include theinterpretation and application of the limiting processes to demonstrate the fundamentaltheorems of calculus, and using differentiation and integration to answer applied questionssuch as optimization, rate of change, area under and between curves, and the analysis offunctions. Upon completing the course, students are prepared for and have the option totake the AP Calculus (AB) Exam in May.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Pre-Calculus with a recommended minimum grade of C in thecourse.

1214 - Introductory Probability and Statistics Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

During this first semester course students focus on the major concepts needed forcollecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from both univariate and bivariate data.Students also explore counting techniques, random variables, and probability distributions.Use of graphing calculators and the Minitab Statistical Program is integrated throughout thecourse. This course covers college-level material.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Algebra II with a recommended minimum grade of C or writtenrecommendation.

1215 - AP Probability and Statistics Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

During this second semester course students continue the exploration of probability andstatistics with an emphasis on statistical inference. The full year combination of IntroductoryProbability and Statistics and AP Statistics is a college level course, which covers all thetopics outlined on the College Board’s AP Statistics course. Upon completing bothsemesters, students are prepared for and given the option to sit for the AP Statistics examin May.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Introductory Probability and Statisticswith a recommended minimum grade of C.

1221 - Math Seminar Term - Year Grades - 9,10

Math Seminar is a two-year program designed for highly motivated and mathematicallykeen students. Major topics covered in this course are the same as those covered in AlgebraII and Geometry, with additional topics from discrete mathematics and an added emphasison proof. Use of technology in problem-solving is also emphasized.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Algebra I, teacher recommendation, entrance evaluation, andletter of intent.


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1222 - Core Geometry Term - Year Grade - 9

Major topics covered in this course are plane geometry (measurement and properties of flatshapes), right-triangle trigonometry, geometric problem-solving (including using ratio andproportion), and logical reasoning with an emphasis on deductive and inductive proofsrelating to geometric forms.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Completion of Algebra I with teacher recommendation

1224 - Computer Programming I Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

During this first semester course, students will use "Alice", a software package designed tointroduce the basic concepts of object-oriented programming. Towards the end of thesemester students will begin learning about Java programming language. They will learn thekey concepts of object-oriented programming, how to implement simple algorithms, andhow to design software solutions to solve problems from various application areas.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Algebra II.

1225 - Computer Programming II Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

During this second semester course, students will continue to work with the Javaprogramming language. They will learn to code in Java in a well-structured fashion, useJava library packages and classes, implement algorithms in Java using conditional anditerative control structures and recursion, use common searching and sorting algorithms,and understand arrays. Students will have a basic understanding of object-orientedprogramming and will be ready to enter a Computer Science class at the college level.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Computer Programming I.


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Our science courses are designed to help students acquire an understanding of scientificconcepts, modes of inquiry, research, and the historical and social context of science.Students learn the basic concepts of the disciplines they study, and apply them to their ownlives, in conjunction with skills and knowledge from other fields of study. The scientificliteracy they gain will enable them to make informed decisions in their homes, communities,and workplaces. In addition, all of our challenging science programs help students develop asolid foundation from which they can attain science-oriented careers.

The Science curriculum is structured to reach these goals, to ensure that basic skills aremastered, and to expand the opportunities available for all students. Students finishing CoreScience will engage in studies that address the Vermont Framework of Standards’ Fields ofKnowledge:

Living World (specific to human biology)Space, Time, and Matter (physical sciences)Earth, Universe, and Environment (earth and environmental sciences)

Since laboratory experiences are incorporated within each class time, only one block isneeded for each course. Also, our standards-based courses ensure the opportunity for allstudents to attain state and national science standards. Students must make significantstrides toward meeting these standards to receive course credit, and high grades are anindicator of performance well beyond basic mastery.

Students in Science will learn to:

• Use scientific methods to describe, investigate, and explain phenomena.• Understand the characteristics of organisms, see patterns of similarity and

differences among living organisms, understand the role of evolution, and recognizethe interdependence of all living systems.

• Perceive the earth and its environment, the solar system, and the universe in termsof their characteristic systems, their shaping forces, and the theories that explaintheir constant evolution.

• Understand the forces, motion, the properties and composition of matter, andenergy sources and transformation.

• Analyze and understand both living and non-living systems as collections ofinterrelated parts and interconnected systems.

Freshman Course

1301 Core Science 1 credit

Sophomore to Senior(Required)

1302 Human Biology .5 credit

1303 Earth & Space Science .5 credit

1304 Introduction to Chemistry & Physics * .5 credit

* Students may satisfy this requirement by successfully completing Physics I AND Chemistry I prior to graduation.


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Elective Courses

1305 Ecology .5 credit

1306 Geology .5 credit

1307 Environmental Seminar .5 credit

1308 Biotechnology, Genetics & Humanity .5 credit

1309 Zoology .5 credit

1310 Botany .5 credit

1311 Microbiology .5 credit

1312 AP Biology .5 credit

1314 Chemistry I .5 credit

1315 Chemistry II .5 credit

1316 Physics I .5 credit

1317 Modern Physics .5 credit

1318 Physics II .5 credit

1319 Advanced Topics in Physics 5. credit

1320 AP Chemistry 1 credit

1321 Thayer Model Engineering .5 credit

1322 Environmental Perspectives of Vermont .5 credit

1323 AP Physics 1 credit

1301 - Core Science: An Introduction to Biology Term - Year Grades - 9

The Core science program integrates lab and field experiences into four units of study:ecology; cell structures and their functions; genetics; and evolution.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking

1302 - Human Biology Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

Students explore the structure, function, and relationship of the human body systemsthrough a variety of complex reasoning and problem solving labs. This class is required forgraduation from CVU.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking


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1303 - Earth & Space Science Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

Concepts in Geology, Ecology, Meteorology, and Space Science are explored and practicedin a variety of ways. This class is required for graduation from CVU.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking

1304 - Introduction to Chemistry and Physics Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

This semester-long course covers some introductory topics from Chemistry and Physics.Chemistry topics include measurement and units, density, physical properties, elements,atomic structure, bonding, chemical nomenclature, balancing equations, reaction types, andthe periodic table. Physics topics include motion, velocity, acceleration, forces, Newton'slaws, momentum, energy transformations, conservation of energy, waves, electricity, andmagnetism. This course has many hands-on opportunities and is a good base for Chemistry1 or Physics 1.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking

1305 - Ecology Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

Ecosystem functioning, human impacts, and personal relationships with the natural worldare explored, with an emphasis on direct experience, project learning, and interdisciplinaryconnections.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Human Biology and Earth and SpaceScience.

1306 - Geology Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

Fundamental concepts of earth systems, mapping and modeling, plate tectonics, rocks andminerals, and bedrock and surface geology are explored. Also included is an independentproject on an application of geology to practical problems.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Earth and Space Science.

1307 - Environmental Seminar Term - Sem (2) Grades - 10,11,12

Energy consumption rates and global warming are likely to be some of the most pressingissues in the future. Using the Lake Champlain Basin as our lens, students will examinegeneral environmental concepts facing their generation. Embedded in the course is a servicelearning action, designed to teach students how their actions within our community canmake a difference on a global scale. (spring semester only)

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Human Biology and Earth and SpaceScience.


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1308 - Biotechnology, Genetics and Humanity Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

The topics of this class include transgenic organisms, cloning, reproductive technologies,biological warfare, gene therapy, molecular forensics, Human Genome Project,bioinformatics, genetic discrimination (eugenics), and the use of gene products. Studentsshould have a strong interest in exploring scientific, political, economic, ethical, and socialimplications of these emerging technologies.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Human Biology.

1309 - Zoology Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

The field of zoology encompasses a broad expanse of knowledge that covers the smallest tolargest and simplest to most advanced members of the Animal Kingdom. This coursereviews the evolution and classification of animals, as well as the form, function, andbehavior of animals and their interactions with the environment. Content is deliveredthrough lecture, lab activities, field work, and research projects. The course work mayinclude dissections of selected invertebrates.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Human Biology.

1310 - Botany Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

The field of botany covers a broad expanse of knowledge about plants. This course coversthe following topics related to plants: structure and function, evolution, reproduction,responses to their environment, ethnobotany, and identification. Students will look at howplants work, as well as how humans utilize and manipulate plants to meet their needs.Content is delivered through lecture, lab activities, field work, reading assignments andclass discussions.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Human Biology.


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1311 - Microbiology Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

Students study microorganisms (bacteria, protozoans, etc) and their historical and currenteffects through a blend of laboratory exercises, projects and microscopy.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Human Biology.

1312 - AP Biology Term - Year Grades - 11,12

Advanced Placement Biology follows a national curriculum created by the College Board inconcert with major colleges and universities. Student learning is the result of classroomactivities, readings from college texts, multimedia/computer integrations, nationallyapproved laboratory experiences, and individualized/innovative learning opportunities. It isdesigned to prepare students for the national A.P. Biology Exam in May and to provide asolid foundation for college biology.

Semester one topics include: cell biology, cell energetics, cell regulation, Mendeliangenetics, medical genetics, molecular genetics, cancer, and biochemistry.

Semester two topics include: evolutionary biology, ecology, taxonomy, plant biology, andanatomy and physiology of the human body.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of 9th grade Core Science and 10th gradeHuman Biology and Physics. Chemistry I may be taken concurrently

1314 - Chemistry I Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

The topics of this course include measurement, dimensional analysis, atomic structure,electron configuration, electromagnetic radiation, nuclear reactions, bonding, molecularstructure and geometry, reaction types, balancing equations, moles, and stoichiometry.Students should have a strong background in algebra, scientific notation and exponents,and arithmetic operations.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking

1315 - Chemistry II Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

This course offers a second semester of chemistry for students who wish to have a full yearof chemistry. Topics include stoichiometry, gases, intermolecular forces, liquids, solids,solutions, net ionic equations, and equilibrium. Additional topics include acid-base reactions,oxidation and reduction, reaction rates, thermochemistry, and some organic chemistry. Thetopics rely on a strong understanding of the Chemistry I curriculum. This course provides asolid base for the SAT II exam.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Completion of Chemistry I.


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1316 - Physics I Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

This course is a lab-based study of kinematics and dynamics including position, velocity,acceleration, force, momentum, and energy. Computers are used to capture and analyzedata as well as to create models to match the observed motion.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking

1317 - Modern Physics Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

This course is a lecture and lab-based course focusing on developments in physics datingfrom the end of the nineteenth century. Topics include the electromagnetic spectrum,quantum mechanics, relativity, and atomic, nuclear, and particle physics.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Physics II or instructor’s permission.

1318 - Physics II Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

This is a lab-based course focusing on the study of basic wave motion, sound and lightbehavior, the electromagnetic spectrum, static and current electricity, and magnetic andelectric fields.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Physics I.

1319 - Advanced Topics- Physics Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

This course is designed for self-directed individuals. Students will pursue studies andperform projects (independent or small group) in a number of topics includingThermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Astronomy, and Cosmology. Students should beprepared to meet occasionally outside the normal class schedule.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Physics II or instructor’s permission.

1320 - AP Chemistry Term - Year Grades - 11,12

Advanced Placement Chemistry follows a national curriculum that is approved by the CollegeBoard and is designed to be the equivalent of a college general chemistry course. Besidesproviding students with the necessary skills and knowledge for college chemistry courses,this course is also designed to prepare students for the national AP Chemistry Exam in May.Compared with the prerequisite Chemistry courses, AP Chemistry uses a college leveltextbook, offers a more rigorous laboratory program, has a greater emphasis on chemicalcalculations and principles, and covers more topics with further depth. This class does nothave an extra lab block and students who wish to take this class need to be committed totime in class and to individual time out of class.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Completion of Chemistry I AND Chemistry II.


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1321 - Thayer Model Engineering Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

The goal of this course is to provide motivated advanced science students with the skills andknowledge to design and produce high quality inquiry-based projects. This work is suited forthose students who are self-directed and disciplined in their work habits and who have astrong content background in science. The focus of the course is to use the DartmouthThayer School of Engineering Problem Solving Model to define problems and systematicallysolve them. Using the Thayer Model, students design and complete their own research.Successful projects include opportunities to compete for national scholarships andcompetitions including Westinghouse, Intel, Thinkquest, Toshiba, and others.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking

1322 - Environmental Perspectives of Vermont Term - Sem (1) Grades 11,12

Gain a better understanding of our community in this integrated history and environmentalscience course by studying connections between the natural environment and the culturalhistory of our community. In order to develop this understanding we will be examining boththe natural and cultural characteristics of selected sites in Hinesburg, Williston, Shelburne,or Charlotte. This work will require you to engage in the role of both field scientist andhistorian, looking for clues to why our community developed in the way that it did. Finalclass projects include an interactive web resource and a community based service learningproject of your design. (fall semester only)

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Human Biology and Earth and SpaceScience. Dual enrollment with Environmental Perspectives of Vermont (social studies).

1323 - AP Physics Term - Year Grades - 11,12Pending School Board Approval

Advanced Placement Physics follows a national curriculum that is approved by the CollegeBoard and is designed to be the equivalent of a college general chemistry course. Besidesproviding students with the necessary skills and knowledge for college physics courses, thiscourse is also designed to prepare students for the national AP Physics B Exam in May.Compared with other physics courses, AP Physics uses a college level textbook, offers amore rigorous laboratory program, has a greater emphasis on calculations and principles,and covers more topics with further depth. This class does not have an extra lab block andstudents who wish to take this class need to be committed to maximizing their time in classand to individual time out of class.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Concurrent Enrollment or Successful Completion of Trig/Pre-Calc.


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The study of World Languages at Champlain Valley Union High School is a uniqueexperience. There is an opportunity to study French, Latin, Spanish and Chinese. Ourprogram is based on the development of oral, written, aural, and reading skills to as high alevel as possible. Our goal is to develop in our students an appreciation and a respect fordifferent languages and different cultures. In our classes, the students developcommunication and problem solving skills. They learn how to function in a group, and theylearn to take active responsibility for their learning. They have a positive learningexperience and feel good about themselves and their accomplishments.

Important Note: To ensure the success of every language student, a minimum grade of C isrequired for advancement to the next stage. In some situations, a pre-semester assessmentmay be offered to evaluate the needs of the student and to designate appropriateplacement.

The CSSU World Language teachers have the curriculum, proficiencies, and standards forForeign Language K-12 studies that are available for review at any time.

1401 French I 1 credit

1402 French II 1 credit

1403 French III 1 credit

1404 French IV 1 credit

1405 French V 1 credit

1406 AP French Language 1 credit

1407 Spanish I 1 credit

1408 Spanish II 1 credit

1409 Spanish III 1 credit

1410 Spanish IV 1 credit

1411 Spanish V 1 credit

1412 Latin I 1 credit

1413 Latin II 1 credit

1414 Latin III 1 credit

1415 Latin IV 1 credit

1416 Ancient Greece .5 credit

1417 Chinese I - Mandarin 1 credit

1418 Chinese II 1 Credit


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1401 - French I Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

This course is for those who either wish to begin their study of French or to re-visit the maincontent of first-year French. Students are evaluated at the beginning of the course in orderto ensure an approach that is appropriate for those students who may have had some priorexperience with the language and those who are total beginners in the language.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/Diversity

1402 - French II Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

This course is designed for those who wish to continue their study of French beyond middleschool. The four major areas of language learning are emphasized: listening, speaking,reading, and writing. Students are evaluated based on their performance in those four areasas well as on their level of engagement in classroom activities. Students are assigned toFrench II based on the recommendation of their middle school or French I teacher and aplacement test given at the beginning of the school year.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of French I.

1403 - French III Term - Year Grades - 10,11,12

This course is designed for students who have mastered the learning objectives of French II.Students will be able to understand and use past, present, and future tenses. The fourmajor areas of language learning are addressed, and students are evaluated based on theirperformance in these areas as well as on their level of engagement in classroom activities.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of French I and French II.

1404 - French IV Term - Year Grades - 11,12

In this course, students are required to communicate in French during the entire block. Bybeing provided with ample opportunities for discussion, students develop and achieve alevel of fluency that should allow them to communicate with a native speaker. Variedactivities are used to promote creative and critical thinking in the target language. As theyear progresses, more emphasis is placed on accuracy of expression as well as onappropriate pronunciation. Students are evaluated regularly via class discussions in French,written quizzes and tests, essays, and oral presentations.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of French I, French II and French III.


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1405 - French V Term - Year Grades - 11,12

This culture survey course is intended to increase students’ language proficiency andknowledge of French-speaking cultures in a variety of settings (press reports, the theater,advertising, art exhibitions, contacts with native speakers, etc.). The works studied include:poetry, fables, comic strips, cinema, popular music, and short fiction. Students engage inclass debates, give and critique presentations, write original works, perform skits, completea student-directed project, and create an original film in the style of the French New WaveCinema.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of French I, French II, French III and FrenchIV.

1406 - AP French Language Term - Year Grades - 12

This intensive, fast-paced course is for French students who are serious about improvingtheir language skills in all communication areas: speaking, writing, reading, and listeningcomprehension. The course work will concentrate on the types of skills needed to do well onthe AP exam in the spring and will incorporate current documents from French languagemedia.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of French I, French II, French III and FrenchIV.

1407 - Spanish I Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

Through thematic units, students speak in present and near future tenses. They are able toanswer and ask questions, speak about themselves, their families, and their town, describethe weather, and tell time and dates. Also in Spanish I, there is an emphasis on properpronunciation of the sounds of the Spanish language. Throughout the year, the studentsresearch Spanish-speaking countries and cultures.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/Diversity

1408 - Spanish II Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

Students continue to learn and practice vocabulary and grammar, building on what theylearned in Spanish I. Students learn to express themselves and obtain information in avariety of practical situations. Students also learn to narrate and describe using the pasttenses. All major areas of language learning are emphasized: listening, speaking, reading,writing, and cultural awareness.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Spanish I.


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1409 - Spanish III Term - Year Grades - 10,11,12

The focus of this class is on oral comprehension and speaking fluency in Spanish. Studentswill communicate at a more advanced level as they expand their vocabularies and becomeproficient with more complex grammatical structures. Spanish III uses a thematic approachto present vocabulary and grammar in context. In addition, students will research relatedcultural and social topics in the Hispanic world. This class is conducted primarily in Spanish.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Spanish I and Spanish II.

1410 - Spanish IV Term - Year Grades - 11,12

This course requires students to communicate exclusively in Spanish for the entire block.Course work is based on the study of various geographical regions in the Spanish speakingworld. Students will improve oral and written communication in Spanish through a variety ofactivities including reading, presenting, participating in class discussion, performing informalskits, and writing. More emphasis is placed on grammatical accuracy and correctpronunciation as the year progresses.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Spanish I, Spanish II, and Spanish III.

1411 - Spanish V Term - Year Grade - 12

Readings by well-known Hispanic writers and videos will serve as a basis for discussion andcomposition. Students explore a variety of cultural and literary themes, such as culturaldiversity and tolerance, societal expectations and stereotypes, inter-generational conflict,magical-realism, and human rights. Grammar and vocabulary are studied in the context ofreadings and reinforced through written and oral activities based on readings. This class isconducted only in Spanish.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish III andSpanish IV.

1412 - Latin I Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

In this course, students learn vocabulary and grammatical structures in order to read andpronounce simple Latin stories. Students learn about the culture of the Roman resort townof Pompeii and other ancient cultural topics. In addition, students have the opportunity toenhance their English vocabulary through the study of derivatives.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/Diversity


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1413 - Latin II Term - Year Grades - 10,11,12

In this course, students expand upon the vocabulary and grammatical structures of Latin Iin order to read more complex Latin stories. Students examine the culture of the broaderRoman Empire including Greece, Egypt and Britain. The students continue the study ofEnglish vocabulary derived from Latin words.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Latin I.

1414 - Latin III Term - Year Grades - 11,12

This course examines intricate grammatical structures through advanced readings. Studentscontinue to expand upon Latin vocabulary and make connections to the English language.Students study the culture of Roman divination, the structure of the Roman army, and thearchitecture of Rome herself.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Latin I and Latin II.

1415 - Latin IV Term - Year Grade - 12

Students complete the study of Latin grammar through the reading of authentic Romanauthors. Students examine the authors Cicero, PLiny the Younger, Catullus, Ovid, Vergil,Phaedrus, et alia. Students continue to study and expand upon Latin vocabulary and makeconnections to the English language. In addition, students learn about the governing of theRoman Empire and the culture included in the texts of the authentic authors.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Latin I, Latin II, and Latin III.

1417 - Chinese I - Mandarin Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

This course is designed for students with no prior knowledge of Chinese. Instructionalemphasis is on developing listening and speaking abilities. In learning reading and writingskills, Pinyin (phonetic symbols), instead of Hanzi (Characters) is used as the primarymeans of instruction and learning. Students also learn the fundamentals of sentencestructure, word order and basic grammatical points. Knowledge of Chinese culture, societyand history is integrated into the course. At the end of the course, students are able toengage in basic social interactions in content-specific situations with each other in the targetlanguage. Proficiency is assessed throughout the year.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/Diversity


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1418 - Chinese II Term- Year Grades- 9,10,11,12Pending School Board Approval

The objective of Chinese II is to help students who finished Chinese I be able tocommunicate accurately and appropriately in mandarin Chinese. By the end of the secondyear of Chinese learning, the students will be able to recognize and write about 400 Chinesecharacters, and be able to read short stories and news in Chinese. Chinese II will continueto expose students to Chinese culture such as Chinese poetry, proverbs, colloquialexpressions, cooking, calligraphy, and different cultural artifacts such as musicalinstruments, clothing, and holiday decorations.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 12-Culture/DiversityPrerequisite(s) - Successful completion of Chinese I.


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Champlain Valley Union High School's Business Education courses are designed to preparestudents to understand, work, and live in today’s complex business world. Relevant and up-to-date learning experiences enable students to become well-informed consumers, workers,and citizens. Students have the opportunity to acquire personal-use skills, prepare for avariety of job-entry positions, explore various career options, and acquire knowledge thatwill be essential in many college programs. All credit in business courses can be applied tothe Practical Arts requirement

1501 Principles of Business 1 credit

1502 Personal Finance .5 credit

1503 College Accounting 1 credit

1504 Computer Applications .5 credit

1505 Entrepreneurship .5 credit

1506 Business Law .5 credit

1507 Business Ethics .5 credit

1552 Yearbook .5 to 1 credit

1902 Academic Internship (description in CommunityLearning Programs)

.5 to 1.5 credits

1501 - Principles of Business Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

This year-long course is broken down into quarter themes. Quarter one is businessmanagement, quarter two is marketing, quarter three is e-commerce, and quarter four isinternational business. Throughout the course, effective business communication, businessmath, ethics, and technology are taught and reinforced through the projects studentscreate. This is a hands-on, project-based course.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking,12-Culture/Diversity

1502 - Personal Finance Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

Students will investigate personal financial planning activities such as selecting a career,getting a job, creating a budget, maintaining a checkbook, obtaining credit, developing aninvestment portfolio, investigating savings options, planning for retirement, and completingtax forms. This course provides students an opportunity to see how financial decisionschange based upon life changes—students make financial decisions as a single person, amarried person, a married person with children, and a person nearing retirement.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-Setting


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1503 - College Accounting Term - Year Grades - 11,12

College Accounting is an introduction to the fundamental principles, techniques, and tools ofaccounting as it applies to maintaining records of individuals and businesses. This full-yearcourse is designed for students who desire a comprehensive knowledge of the accountingcycle. Students will understand how data is collected, summarized, analyzed and reported.Students obtain practical experience by completing manual and automated simulations thatsummarize the entire accounting cycle.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking

1504 - Computer Applications Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

This course will provide a hands-on approach to the steps in planning, organizing, creating,and delivering effective, creative multimedia presentations. This class will focus on fourmain topics: Microsoft PowerPoint, Digital Video Editing, HTML, and Web Design. Thestudent will learn to combine "traditional" presentation skills with multimedia technology.One quarter of the class will be dedicated to Video Editing and Web Design. Students willlearn how to shoot video, capture it onto a computer, edit and export a finished movie.There will also be a strong emphasis on web design using Macromedia Dreamweaver. Therewill also be a portion of class time devoted to learning Excel and its many capabilities,including charts and graphs.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking

1505 - Entrepreneurship Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

This course offers a framework for understanding the entrepreneurial process and exposesstudents to challenges and issues faced by entrepreneurs. Through the development of theirown business plan, students learn how to identify and evaluate business opportunities,develop a business concept and marketing plan, assess and obtain the required resources,hire and manage employees, manage the growth of new ventures and plan exit strategies.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-Setting

1506 - Business Law Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

This course encourages the study of law and the diverse ways in which the law is part of oureveryday life. It will cover areas that impact every student’s life. Some of the areas of studywould be: ethics and the law, the court system, criminal and tort law, contracts, consumerlaw, employment, purchase, and corporation law as well as marital law, dwelling, insuranceand mortgage legalities, and finally, retirement.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking


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1507 - Business Ethics Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

This course provides a forum for students to read, research, discuss, and analyze currentissues in business—locally, nationally, and internationally. Students will be required to solveproblems and make ethical decisions within the context of a business environment. Theconcept of social responsibility is strongly integrated, and students will plan and participatein an event that benefits the local community.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-Setting

1552 - Yearbook Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

In this course, students develop the theme, content, budget, fund raising, copy,photographs, and layouts for the yearbook. Emphasis is placed on the production of thebook. Students must be willing to dedicate time outside of class to fulfill responsibilities andmeet deadlines. Effective time management strategies and the ability to work independentlyare essential skills needed for success in Yearbook.

Students may take this class during first semester only, or as a full year class. It is notpossible to take it second semester without having been enrolled in the first semestersection.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking


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The study of Family and Consumer Science contributes to the development of many skills,attitudes, interests, and responsibilities which are essential to the well-being of theindividual throughout his/her lifetime. The courses are designed to provide students withknowledge and practical experiences that enable them to be prepared for many roles in life.These offerings provide valuable exploratory experiences for career options, leisure timeactivities, consumer choices, and independent living skills.

1520 Basic Clothing Construction .5 credit

1521 Fashion Design and Construction .5 credit

1522 Independent Living .5 credit

1524 Child Psychology and Development .5 credit

1525 Psychology of Human Behavior .5 credit

1526 Cooking & Eating Well .5 credit

1527 You Are What You Eat .5 credit

1520 - Basic Clothing Construction Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12Students learn to save time and money on a clothing budget and develop life-long skills,while having fun. Students create a portfolio of construction techniques (seams, hems,fasteners, etc.), which they keep to use as a reference. Students will purchase a fabric andpattern of their choice to construct into a garment of wearable quality. The final exam is afashion show where students model their garments.

ESL(s) - 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-Setting

1521 - Fashion Design and Construction Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12This class gives students an opportunity to explore the field of fashion design, schools,design elements, and fashion designers. The second half of the course is devoted toapplying design concepts and creativity to their individual projects. This is a good time tobuild a portfolio for college. Students may work with a CAD program, design a line of bags,or even redesign their bedroom.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-SettingPrerequisite(s) - Basic Clothing Construction (If the final project does not requiremachine sewing, then the prerequisite may be dropped).


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1522 - Independent Living Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Where are you going in your life? Are you headed to college or into the working world? Doyou know what responsibilities are involved in living on your own? Are you ready to paybills, search for an apartment, or buy a new car? Are you a conscientious consumer?Explore living independently and learn your rights and responsibilities. The last month ofclass is an independent living simulation.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-Setting

1524 - Child Psychology and Development Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Explore contemporary social issues such as child abuse, abortion, divorce, discipline, singleparenting, etc., through discussion, speakers, and community lab work. The developmentaldomains of children (pre-natal through elementary age) are covered in this class.Psychological theories and theorists related to child psychology are also studied.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking

1525 - Psychology of Human Behavior Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

Students explore the psychological domains through hands-on activities, and expressthemselves through discussion, debate, journaling and projects. A variety of units will becovered, including violence and conflict resolution, stress, diversity, tolerance, andcommunication.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking

1526 - Cooking and Eating Well Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

This lab-based class gives students a chance to explore the world of foods and cooking,using a hands-on approach. Students will learn basic cooking techniques and healthy foodchoices while eating and having fun.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-Setting

1527 - You are What You Eat Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

Students actively participate in choosing their own course of study and analyzing their owneating patterns and behaviors around food issues. Relationships among the food we eat, thechoices we make, our behaviors, personal health, and performance are analyzed.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 2-Writing, 3-Reading, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-Setting


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Are you serious or perhaps curious about pursuing engineering? Are you looking to learnlifelong, practical skills that apply to the real world? Are you looking for fun, hands-onactivities and projects?

Welcome to some of the most exciting and challenging courses at Champlain Valley UnionHigh School. What is Technology Education? It is not just about computers! TechnologyEducation is fun and “hands-on”. It is an integrated, experience-based, instructionalprogram designed to prepare students to be knowledgeable about technology—its evolution,systems, utilization, impacts, and social and cultural significance. Students are challenged todiscover, create, problem solve, and construct solutions by using a variety of tools,machines, materials, processes, computers, and technological systems. Projects includeComputer Aided Drafting, Lego Mindstorms™, cardboard chairs, wooden clock, machinedmetal hammer, UVM engineering contest, and more!

The courses offered by the Technology Education Department go beyond textbook learningand provide you with real-life challenges that ask you to apply your classroom learning ofmath, science, and art in meaningful ways. The skills and concepts taught in these coursesfoster lifelong learning and are valuable to employment, engineering schools, and everydaylife.

The promise of the future does not rest in technology alone, but rather in one’s ability touse, manage, and understand it. The courses are designed to prepare the student for beinga member of our highly technological society through active problem solving, hands-onlearning, and the utilization of everyday technology. The courses help the student todevelop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to use, manage, and understand thetechnology of today and tomorrow.

Any student who is serious about pursuing a career in engineering, architecture, carpentry,a technical field, or skilled labor should consider Technology Education courses as aPRIORITY! Other students who are unsure of their path will still enjoy the projects andhands-on activities. The skills and concepts learned through a wide variety of courses andprojects are highly sought after in industry and in engineering schools. Consider takingmore than one or two. A Wood or Metals course, combined with Design Technology courses,provides the ultimate set of skills. True engineering takes an understanding of tools,machines, materials, and processes. Since all of our courses are activity-centered, regulardaily attendance, as well as proper clothing and safety, are extremely important.

1540 Design Tech I: Computer Aided Design .5 credit

1541 Design Tech II: Introduction to Engineering .5 credit

1542 Architectural Engineering .5 credit

1543 Design Tech III: Principles of Engineering .5 credit

1544 Design TASC Engineering .5 credit

1545 Metal Fabrication .5 credit

1546 Metal Processes .5 credit

1547 Power Technology .5 credit


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1548 Auto/Home Maintenance and Repair .5 credit

1549 Basic Woodworking .5 credit

1550 Advanced Woodworking .5 credit

1540 - Design Tech I: Introduction to Design and Technology

Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

Design Tech I is open to all students and is the introductory course in the TechnologyEducation Department. Students will get an introduction to the technology and tools of theDesign Lab through fun, hands-on activities and projects. The major emphasis of this courseis on graphical communication, mechanical drafting, and Computer Aided Design (CAD).Hands-on activities will help students to understand how best to communicate their designideas, as well as how different tools, skills, and technology systems are used to constructtheir designs.Projects include 2-D and 3-D CAD modeling, a wooden toy design, woodentoolbox design, basic home design, and more! This course is highly recommended for anystudents planning to take other Technology Education courses, who plan to pursue a path inEngineering, or who simply want to design and construct fun projects while learningvaluable skills.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical Thinking

1541 - Design Tech II: Introduction to Engineering

Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

Design Tech II serves to continue and complete the skills introduced in Design Tech I, aswell as to provide students an introduction to Engineering. Students will explore technologysystems and engineering problem solving techniques through a variety of fun, challenging,and hands-on activities. Major emphasis is on teamwork and on understanding thetechnological resources needed to design and construct creative solutions to problems, aswell as exploring the four major technological systems: communication, construction,manufacturing, and transportation. Projects will be completed both individually and inteams. Projects may include a study of the evolution and impacts of technology, CAD, CNC,pin-hole cameras, bridge building, balsa airplanes, LEGO, cardboard chairs, and more!

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Design Tech I.


Page 54: Champlain Valley Union High · In the Life Program, students earn a CVU diploma by completing weekly contracts that

1542 - Architectural Design Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

Architectural Engineering is open to students who have completed Design Tech I with anaverage of C or better. The course will emphasize the application of 2D and 3D draftingskills to architectural design and the development of idea sketches into reality. Students willlearn about the history, technology, and impacts of architecture, and how environment andculture can shape architecture. Students will also explore the process of thoughtful housedesign, emphasizing an understanding of environment, materials, structure, art, and theprinciples of design. Students will use hand drawings and CAD software to generate theplans necessary to fully communicate a house design. Plans include site, foundation, floor,elevation, cross-section, and roof plans. Hands-on construction of 3-D models willstrengthen student learning.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Design Tech I with a C or better average.

1543 - Design Tech III: Principles of Engineering Term - Sem Grades -10,11,12

This course is open to students who have completed Design Tech I & II with an average of Cor better. This challenging course focuses on the engineering problem solving process(a.k.a. Thayer Model of Engineering Problem Solving). Students will study mechanicalmovement, kinematics, gears, robotics, basic electronics, and much more! Unlike othercourses, the students will not stop at theoretical solutions to problems, but will gainmechanical skills to accurately construct their design solutions. The course also focuses on“concurrent” engineering: design with forethought to the principles of design, materials,manufacturing, construction, and marketing. Students will be asked to apply math andscience creatively to a variety of real-life problems; they will research, generate ideas,design prototypes, test, and re-design. Projects may include local or national engineeringdesign competitions, Robotics, Lego Mind-Storms, product design, advanced CAD, andCNC. Previous knowledge of CAD, math, and physics concepts is a must.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Prerequisite: Completion of Design Tech I & II with C or betteraverage.

1544 - Design TASC Engineering Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

This is open to all students and a great hands-on course that focuses on EngineeringDesign. Students work in teams to design and create a working solution to the University ofVermont Engineering Design TASC competition. This competition occurs every Fall and pitsteams of students from Vermont schools against one another to see who can engineer thebest working solution to a particular problem. Students will need to work with a variety ofmaterials and tools to construct their designs, as well as learn to apply math and scienceskills to real-world problems. Team work, problem solving, and testing are critical forsuccess in this competition. Students must be able to attend the competition date in orderto participate in this course (first Saturday in Dec.) There are no prerequisites for thiscourse; however, a strong background in wood/metal construction, computers, CAD orEngineering is desirable. Only offered in the Fall semester.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 4-Technology, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - There are no prerequisites for this course; however, a strongbackground in wood/metal construction, computers, CAD or Engineering is desirable.


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1545 - Metal Fabrication Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

In this course, students learn the skills necessary to work with sheet metal, wrought iron,oxy-acetylene and electric welding equipment, hand tools, and machinery required for metalfabrication. In addition, students learn how to measure accurately and work safely whilelearning to weld and fabricate metal.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Design Tech I is recommended.

1546 - Metal Processes Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

Students in Metal Processes learn the skills necessary to perform basic machiningprocesses, sand casting, and computer-aided machining operation. Students also use theLathe, Vertical Mill, CNC Mill, and CNC Lathe. They measure using micrometers, verniers,and other precision measuring equipment, and they learn safety and care of equipment andtools while performing all processes and operations.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Design Tech I is recommended.

1547 - Power Technology Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

In this course, students learn the theory and operation of the gasoline, diesel, steam, andjet engines as part of transportation systems. Working with hydraulics, gears, sprockets,pulleys, and the effects of structural design, students investigate and demonstrateaerodynamics and power transmission through the use of models and projects. In addition,students learn the use of hand tools, specialized tools, engine parts, power transmissions,and hydraulic systems.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking

1548 - Auto and Home Maintenance and Repair Term - Sem Grades - 11,12

In Auto/Home Maintenance, students learn the basic parts and functions of the varioussystems that make up the automobile and the home. Students learn how to performactivities such as oil and filter changes, spark plug replacement, tire rotation, testingantifreeze and battery, troubleshooting typical construction of wall systems, plumbingrepair, and troubleshooting typical problems with various household systems. Students alsolearn the proper use of various hand tools and equipment required to perform basic tasks.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Grade 11 standing and permission of the instructor.


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1549 - Basic Wood Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

Students in Basic Wood develop the skills necessary to plan a project and to set up andsafely operate woodworking tools and equipment. Subsequently, students learn basic designelements, basic wood joints, accurate measuring techniques, basic finishing techniques, setup and operation of machinery and use of various hand tools. In this course, studentsassemble and finish projects using various methods and techniques.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Design Tech I recommended.

1550 - Advanced Wood Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

After successfully completing Basic Wood, students in Advanced Wood will design, plan, andconstruct furniture or other complex projects. They learn advanced wood joinery, variousconstruction methods, and use of a variety of wood species and products. This course is forstudents who have high interest and want to further develop their skills and knowledge inwoodworking.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical ThinkingPrerequisite(s) - Basic Wood, with a grade of B or higher and Design Tech Irecommended.


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The music program at CVU offers students the opportunity to enjoy and understand musicthrough participation in one or several classes/performing groups. These groups strive toperform at a very high level, offering several concerts throughout the year and throughoutthe community. Students are able to increase their knowledge and skills as well as learnself-discipline, self-esteem, and teamwork.

While no audition is required for Chorus or Vocal Ensembles, attendance in every class isexpected, and commitment is required to succeed in all musical ensembles. SymphonicBand and Symphonic Winds require director recommendation, and the Jazz Ensemble andMadrigals require an audition or director permission.

Students also have the opportunity to participate in a number of festivals, including at theDistrict and State levels. To be eligible, students must be actively involved in the CVU MusicProgram.

1612 Chorus 1 credit

1613 Vocal Ensembles .5 credit

1617 Basic Music Theory—Piano .5 credit

1618 Basic Music Theory—Guitar .5 credit

1619 String Orchestra 1 credit

1620 AP Music Theory (not offered 2010-2011) 1 credit

1631 Men’s Chorus .5 credit

1632 Women’s Chorus .5 credit

1633 Concert Band 1 credit

1634 Symphonic Band 1 credit

1635 Symphonic Winds 1 credit

1612 - Chorus Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

This class is the choral option for incoming freshmen and inexperienced singers. Rudimentsof music theory and singing skills are taught to support the study of an interesting andchallenging repertoire. Students study, rehearse, and perform a wide variety of musicalstyles and periods. While performances and extra rehearsals are not mandatory, there areseveral performance opportunities throughout the year. This class, or permission of theinstructor, is a pre-requisite for Vocal Ensembles, Men’s Chorus, Women’s Chorus, MadrigalSingers (auditioned).

ESL(s) 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal Setting


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1613 - Vocal Ensembles Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

The CVU Vocal Ensembles class is comprised of experienced musicians who are interested inpursuing their craft at an advanced level. Chorus, or the equivalent, are pre-requisites.Students are expected to have a solid working knowledge of the rudiments of music theoryand singing technique. This group performs a varied repertoire throughout the year in avariety of settings. Performances and extra rehearsals are not mandatory. This class may beretaken for credit.

ESL(s) 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal Setting

1617 - Basic Music Theory - Piano Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

This entry level music theory course is set up for piano players of all levels to have pianolessons in a group setting in addition to learning the basics of Music Theory and eartraining. Each student will have the opportunity to work at his own rate. No previousexperience is required.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-Setting

1618 - Basic Music Theory - Guitar Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

This course is an entry-level class where students will learn the basics of Music Theory, andapply them to the guitar. No experience is required, nor is it essential that you own a guitar.This class is centered around reading and writing musical notation, and will start withidentifying musical symbols and end with students composing their own pieces!

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-Setting

1619 - String Orchestra Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

String Orchestra meets as a class during the school day. Music varies in style and level ofdifficulty. The main goals of this course are to develop and refine ensemble skills and tofurther the students' knowledge in music.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-SettingPrerequisite(s) - Some prior experience on a stringed instrument.

1620 - AP Music Theory Term - Year Grades - 11,12

The Advanced Placement course for Music Theory follows a rigorous curriculum to familiarizestudents with the details of functional music theory. This is for the serious musician!

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-SettingPrerequisite(s) - Completion of any two courses which involve music theory.


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1631 - Men's Chorus Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

The CVU Men's Chorus is comprised of experienced musicians who are interested inpursuing their craft at an advanced level. Chorus, or the equivalent, are prerequisites.Challenging a cappella repertoire of all genres are studied, rehearsed, and performedthroughout the year. Extra rehearsals and performances are optional, and chosen by thegroup. This class may be retaken for credit.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal Setting

1632 - Women's Chorus Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

The CVU Men's Chorus is comprised of experienced musicians who are interested inpursuing their craft at an advanced level. Chorus, or the equivalent, are prerequisites.Challenging a cappella repertoire of all genres are studied, rehearsed, and performedthroughout the year. Extra rehearsals and performances are optional, and chosen by thegroup. This class may be retaken for credit.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal Setting

1633 - Concert Band Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

Concert Band meets as a class during regular school hours. Music varies in style and level ofdifficulty. The main goal of this course is to prepare students for life-long involvement withmusic. To this end, there will be focus on refining performance skills and developingknowledge of basic music theory.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-SettingPrerequisite(s) - Previous experience with a wind or percussion instrument.

1634 - Symphonic Band Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

Symphonic Band meets as a class during regular school hours. Music varies in style andlevel of difficulty. The main goal of this class is to further students’ knowledge in music andto bring students to a level of proficiency in musical performance.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-SettingPrerequisite(s) - Achievement of standards set in Concert Band or the equivalent.

1635 - Symphonic Winds Term - Year Grades - 9,10,11,12

Symphonic Winds meets as a class during regular school hours. Music varies in style andlevel of difficulty. The main goal of this course is to develop and refine advanced ensembleskills. This course is designed for students who are very serious about musical performance,and it is meant to prepare students for a college-level ensemble experience.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-SettingPrerequisite(s) - Achievement of standards set in Symphonic Band or the equivalent.


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The Performing Arts Program at CVU is designed to provide dynamic learning experiences inpractical and creative self-expression. All courses in the program strive to help studentsattain high standards in communication, critical thinking, and goal setting, while providingthem with enduring life-long skills for success.

1621 Beginning Acting .5 credit

1622 Experimental Theatre .5 credit

1623 Advanced Acting .5 credit

1508 Public Speaking (practical art credit) .5 credit

1508 - Public Speaking Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

In this course, students expand their skills in oral and physical communication. Specificemphasis is given to developing the elements of an effective communication feedback loop:perceiving, message making, and message sending. Through four formal presentations to avariety of audiences, students develop an ability to create speeches that are persuasive incontent, structure and delivery.

Please Note: Public Speaking only counts as Practical Arts credit.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-Setting

1621 - Beginning Acting Term - Sem Grades - 9,10,11,12

In this course, students expand their expressive freedom, build confidence, gain skills increative interpretation, character development, and acting techniques for the stage. Studentwork is shared quarterly through two culminating performance projects: a monologuecharacter study and a dialogue scene study.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-Setting

1622 - Experimental Theater Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

With a special focus on writing ten-minute plays in conjunction with The Vermont YoungPlaywrights Festival, this course examines the elements of theatre art by creating it fromthe ground up. In support of this experiment, plays are studied, and live theatre is viewedand critiqued. The course culminates in the directing, acting, and production of student-written ten-minute plays.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-SettingPrerequisite(s) - Beginning Acting or permission of instructor.


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1623 - Advanced Acting Term - Sem Grades - 10,11,12

Advanced Acting gives students the opportunity to develop skills beyond the introductorylevel and to pursue proficiency in the art form of acting. Using the works of Shakespeare,students will deepen their abilities in dramatic interpretation, character development,creative collaboration, and acting technique for the stage.

ESL(s) - 1-Communication, 5-Critical Thinking, 7-Goal-SettingPrerequisite(s) - Beginning Acting or permission of the instructor.


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Page 72: Champlain Valley Union High · In the Life Program, students earn a CVU diploma by completing weekly contracts that