[Challenge:Future] Sustainability: The Future

Presented by: Manan Jain

Transcript of [Challenge:Future] Sustainability: The Future

Presented by: Manan Jain

A holistic process to provide an equitable and

just environment to the society, wherein people

have access to resources and social services, a decent standard of living and an opportunity to lead a productive life.

Have a vision and well defined goals and objectives

Raise awareness about sustainable policies and programs within the organization and be heard with the senior management

Bring together employees to achieve the organizational goals

Publicize the organization’s efforts externally

Associate with NGO’s, schools, colleges, thereby connect with youth to bring about the change

Involve the masses through innovative programs

Work with the government and other national and international bodies

Make sustainability a part of organizational culture and a way of life

Innovate and evolve the business with the changing environment

Individual Level: Save electricity: Shutting down Pc’s after work

and switching off unnecessary lights

Save paper: Minimizing printing documents and using paper cups for coffee

Save fuel: Car pooling and using office transport

Organizational Level:

Seeking alternative and renewable sources of energy: Incorporating smart building designs, increasing the use of solar energy A Greener supply chain:

Raw material -> Manufacturing -> Distribution -> Consumption Looking for greener alternatives for each component to reduce carbon footprint

Using latest IT infrastructure: Video conferencing to avoid carbon emissions due to air travel

Social Level: CSR: Activities for communal welfare and association with NGO’s to provide a sustainable lifestyle to the masses