[Challenge:Future] Activate Employment


Transcript of [Challenge:Future] Activate Employment

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Employed Unemployed0












Youth Employment among genders




Youth Employment among living areas





Youth Employment among ages


On a scale 0 to 10 , young people have estimated that unemployment is the most important concern , respectively 9.5. Youth have the tendency to consider job opportunities as the solution of all their problems. Despite their political beliefs , their common denominator is the fact that government investment should be directed toward the job creation.

*This survey is done by our team during the period January-February 2013, with 100 young people currently living in Albania and villages nearby.

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Economic Conditions- Albania is relatively a developing country in terms of macro economy and on the other hand it has the second youngest population in Europe , with and average of 30 years.

Discouraged employees- Society culture is putting lots of pressure on youth to have a university degree, and after receiving several masters and PhD’s, this young people have huge expectations and perceive themselves as “overqualified”. Thus, they are more willing to remain unemployed rather then to accept a job that does not fulfill their. On the other part, they do not believe to find a job through meritocratic values.

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Laziness- Based on the survey hard-working is not among main values of Albanian youth. The lack of ambition and the unemployed peer pressure makes them to rely on more on family financial support.

Deficiency in job finding- Young people do not have a clear career plan thus they do not know how to search and find a job. Believing that everything depends on political affiliation. They lack entrepreneurial spirit indicating that their preferred job is in the public administration.

Deficiency in job finding- Young people do not have a clear career plan thus they do not know how to search and find a job. Believing that everything depends on political affiliation. They lack entrepreneurial spirit indicating that their preferred job is in the public administration.

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Initiative ( Main drivers) Actions

1 Job Innovators

Training about entrepreneur skills

Training on financing initiatives

Provide start-up legal assistance

2 Career Programs

Organize Career Consultancy Days

Organize Youth & Business Forums

Make internships obligatory

Open career offices at high-schools and universities

3 Professional Education

Promote the advantages of professional education

Open Professional Education Institutes

Trainings/Conferences on benefits of job division and job specialization

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Job innovation program will focus on

recently graduates, who can become job creators rather than

job seekers.

Career consultancy programs will focus

on senior high school students and recently


Professional Education orientation

will focus on high school students , who

will have greater chances to find a job through job division

and job specialization.

Based on the survey the most effected unemployed target group are young people between 17-22 years old. Therefore our:

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February-July 2013• Problem identification and solution proposed• Project planning,timeline and goals• İdentification of target group and specific needs

July-September 2013• Recruitment of Supporting Team• Seeting partnerships • Logistic prepartion for the upcoming events

September 2013-August 2014• Organizing enterpreneurship trainings once every

two months • Organing career consultancy days once every two


November 2014/April 2014 • Organizing first and second Youth & Business Forum

August 2014

• Preparation of final report• Results analize• Presentation to stakeholder • Lobbying for project continuation to achive long-

term goals

Organization team will be expanded up to 15

persons. Their voluntarily

contribution will consist in a part-time job. ( 4 hours per day)

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Short- Term (1 year)

KPIs Goal

1 # of Entrepreneurship Trainings6

2 # of Youth & Business Forums 2

3 # of Career Consultancy Days6

4 # of youth people trained300

5 # of participants in Y&B Forum300

6 # of Business/NGO-s/Institution Partners 15

7 # of youth people career consulted 200

8 # of youth people starting own business 15

9 # of youth people employed by our partners 30

10 # of youth people following a professional

education 50

Since our solution consists of job innovation programs ,

career consultancy and professional education, our first year will focus just on

trainings, which will be organized in collaboration with

AIESEC (international youth organization focused on

providing a platform for youth leadership development) and employed young people, who will share their successful case

stories of career path.

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Long- Term (5 year)

KPIs Goal

1 # of Career Offices50

2# of Professional Education Institutes ( public and


3 % of SME increased30%

After analyzing and achieving first year goals , based on experience and evidences we will lob for “Activate Employment” initiative to become a long term project supported by Ministry of Education, both private and

public universities and different businesses and NGO’s.

This initiative will impact the society and youth development only through the partnership of all


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This project expectations consists of:

-Changing people mentality about professional education. Not everybody needs a university degree to be successful

-Increasing entrepreneurial spirit and skills , enhancing creativity and willingness to innovate. The biggest risk in life , is to risk nothing. Thus the solution should be oriented toward private investments and not government spending.

-Enabling people to asses their own skills and abilities . Making them able to prepare and follow a realistic career plan.