

Transcript of Chakras


Spinning vortex / wheel • The chakras are energy vortices or spirals that

exist within the etheric body. A vortex is a swirling mass, that draws energy into its center.

• Contained within the subtle body

• Pranamaya kosha (pancha kosha)

• Meeting point of 2 main Nadis (streams) and prana (life force) = current is created

Where do Chakras fit?


• Nadis are the channels along which prana flows through the body !!

• Located in the subtle/astral body (pranamaya kosha)! !• Traditionally said to be 72,000 nadis in the body!

!• Tantra Yoga identifies 14 principal nadis !!• Three are the most important

Ida Nadi!!• Starts at muladhara chakra and terminates in the left nostril, stimulating the right side of the brain

• Feminine/lunar energy: softness !• Is the mental nadis.

!• Facilitates meditation: breath to flow more freely in the left nostril.

Pingala Nadi!!• Starts at muladhara chakra and terminates in the right nostril, stimulating the left side of the brain !• Masculine/solar energy: vitality, physical strength and efficiency !• Facilitates physical activities: breath through the right nostril.!!

Sushumna!!• Passes through the spinal column, originating at the base of the body and terminating at the top of the scull

!• Although considered the most important nadi it is dormant !• Shushumna will only flow when movement in ida and pingala is suspended or perfectly balanced !• The occurrence of this perfect balance or suspension happens during Samadhi

Hatha Yoga – the Yoga of Balance!!‘ha’ means sun and ‘tha’ means moon - embodies the balance of these two forces. !!The Hatha Yoga path is developed around the concept of balance of ida and pingala. When these are perfectly balanced shushumna can flow.!!

Understanding chakras

!•Seven primary chakras run up the spine!!•Two poles for the three main nadis are mulhadhara chakra and

ajna chakra. !!• It is only shushumna that goes all the way up to sahasrara chakra.!!•Seven main chakras are connected to specific organs, glands and

body systems.!!• Each chakra is connected to a colour vibration frequency!!•Radiate energy vibrations + receive the energy of our environment!!• Can go out of balance and block (physical, mental, emotion)!!•Referred to as the rainbow bridge connecting the physical body

with the mind and spirit.

3 levels: !1. Physical !2. Emotional/Mental!3. Spiritual!!The emphasis is always on:!!• Drawing awareness to each

area!!• Balancing the functioning of the chakra!


N.B. The chakras aren't actually located in the body. They reside in the subtle/astral body.!!

• Related to how the chakra is functioning on a physical level!!

• Each chakra has an associated gland and areas of the physical body!!

• Physical disease is related to how the chakra is functioning! !

• Links to the Doshas.

The endocrine system is the collection of glands that produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, and mood, among other things. !


• Related to how the inner chakra is functioning!!

• An emotional or psychological association exists with each chakra!

!• May be used as a tool for personal


• Links with the Gunas!!



!• Aiming to allow Kundalini to flow up Shushumna through the chakras.!

!• A chakra can be closed on the spiritual level, and yet fully functioning

and balanced on the physical/emotional level.

• Muladhara - Root - Earth - Matter - Foundation of the spiritual journey ending at the crown chakra

• Svadisthana - Sacral - water - ‘ones own place’ - ebb and flow

• Manipura - Solar plexus - fire - ‘lustrous gem’ - Burn with purpose

• Anahata - Heart - space - ‘unhurt ’- love - unity - social awareness

• Vishuddhi - Throat - etherial - ‘purification’ - sound - expression - voice within - truth

• Ajna - 3rd eye - ‘perceive and to command’ - vision - insight - single point focus

• Sahasrara - crown - ‘thousand fold’ - completion - infinite awareness - consciousness - aware - limitless

Chakra Therapy • Positive thought patterns!

• Getting out in the sun and nature for a few hours!

• Eating foods that contain each of the seven colour energies!

• Meditation and/or Yoga!

• Wearing gemstones or placing gemstones in your environment!

• Color bathing!

• Aromatherapy!

• Music & Dance!

• Toning & Sounds!

• Positive colour décor in your home or office!

• Clothing colour!

• Surround yourself with colour (calming colours in bedroom, stimulating colours in workplace)!

Through regular meditation and other above mentioned techniques, we become automatically very dynamic, creative, and confident, while at the same time very humble, loving and compassionate.


Kundalini ShaktiThe Story:!!Kundalini is traditionally depicted as a sleeping serpent coiled three and a half times at the base of Shushumna nadi. !!As it is awakened it spirals up shushumna nadi, travelling through all of the chakras. !!Unlike ida and pingala which end at ajna chakra, shushumna reaches all the way up to sahasrara.!!Kundalini is a feminine energy so is termed Kundalini Shakti !

What is Kundalini Yoga?!

• A system of postures, breathing exercises, and meditations designed to promote general well-being.

• A philosophy and system of health and wellness taught by Yogi Bhajan.

What is Kundalini?!

• A biological mechanism, linking the activity of the reproductive system and the brain.

• An evolutionary mechanism guiding the species toward a higher dimension of consciousness, referred to directly by all the founders of the major faiths, including Christ, Buddha, and Muhammad.

The idea of Kundalini as a special type of Energy!!It takes twice as much energy to activate muladhara (1st) chakra as it does to just function ordinarily on the physical/emotional level. !!It takes twice as much energy again to open/activate svadhistana (2nd) chakra. !!The regular prana in the body is not enough to fulfill this process. It is only Kundalini which can fill this role.!!The opening/activating of chakras on the spiritual level is merely the progression of kundalini shakti up shushumna.!!Siddhis arise out of the subtle body and its prana. As the individual chakras open on the spiritual level different powers can be experienced. It is easy to fall from grace here as many yogis become attached to the powers bestowed. !

There was a beggar who lived in terrible poverty. He just sat under a tree and begged. People threw a few coins, and he just lived on.

One day he died and his body was just lying there. He had no friends or relatives, and nobody wanted to carry him somewhere and bury him. So they decided to just bury him right there under the tree.

As people began digging, they hit upon a huge treasure. Just a few feet beneath him there had been a huge treasure, a huge pot full of gold, and the fool was sitting right there all his life, begging. If only he had dug down, he would have been a very rich man. But he sat there all the time being a beggar.

Power, plug and light bulb• Kundalini - powerful energy

• “plug-point” within the human body. The seven chakras.

• The muladhara - Is the first entry

• seventh chakra is like a light bulb. If you plug it in, everything about you glows.

• Yoga is the science of getting the plug properly in so that there is an uninterrupted source of power

Is Kundalini dangerous?!!• It is of paramount importance to purify the body and mind

first, before attempting to awaken Kundalini !!• The first four limbs - especially Yamas and Niyamas -

should be fully mastered or else Kundalini can lead to disturbed mental states and stress on the physical body!

!• Teacher is highly recommended!!• Don’t Build a “Kundalini” Bomb!

Methods to awaken Kundalini!!!

• Every aspect of Yoga in some way activates Kundalini !

• Birth - we don’t awaken it, it awakens us….. !

• Shatkat - touch by an enlightened individual !

• Pranayama - suspending ida and pingala nardi !Consciously trying awaken Kundalini must be done under absolute control and guidance.

Order of practiceworking with the subtle body:!

!Awakening Kundalini is the goal of Hatha Yoga, and there is an order which must be followed in order to achieve this. !!• Purify the nadis. !

!• Chakras awakened (the awareness of them) Dormant

Chakras act as blocks obstructing the flow of energy through the nadis. !!

• Shushumna Nadi must then be awakened, as if it is closed the Kundalini energy can’t flow.!

Spiritual evolution!!Kundalini represents your spiritual evolution……!!She weaves her way up from the lower chakras that are concerned with matter/physical body, to the higher chakras concerned with consciousness and spirituality.!

Granthis• Granthis are the energy knots or blocks

• three common blockages in the central pathway (sushumna-nadi) preventing the full ascent of the serpent power

• According to the yogic tradition,there are three

• granthis: 1.) Brahma Granthi. 2.) Vishnu Granthi & 3.) Rudra Granthi.

• Brahma Granthi: First knot. It is the lowest knot covering the area of muladhara & svadhisthana chakras. It is also known as perineal knot.

• Vishnu Granthi: Second knot. It covers the area between manipura, anahata & vishuddhi chakras. It is also known as the navel knot.

• Rudra Granthi: Third knot. It covers the areas of Ajna & Sahasrara chakras. It is also known as forehead knot.

• These three knots prevent the free flow of prana along chakras & prevent the arising of kundalini.

• All the three gods takes the test of the sadhaka before they give the way forward.

How could we incorporate into class?

1) Both concentration and visualisation still the mind and its constant chatter.!!2) It shows the students that there is more than just the physical yoga poses.!!3) Who are we to withhold these teachings? Is it for us to decide which parts of yoga are beneficial and which aren't? !!4) Many people these days agree with the body-mind concept. It is now time to show them that pranamaya kosha is the bridge linking the two.

What hints would you give new students about Nadis and Chakras?

1) BREATH & PRANA: The link between breath, prana and movement of energy in the nadis.!!2) IDA & PINGALA: Nadi Shodhana! !

• Let them experience right and left nostril breathing, but no need to link it to ida and pingala. Could link it to hemispheres of the brain instead.!!3) PATHWAYS & POINTS: Lay the foundations for 'points' and pathways! !•Pathway between eyebrow centre and ajna chakra!•Moving awareness up and down spine.!

!4) LOCATIONS AND ELEMENTS: associated elements for each area rather than using all the sanskrit names !!

• Grounding, earth element.!!5) LOCATIONS AND EMOTIONS: Mind moving to physical locations and evoking emotional attitude. !!•Attention to heart space and mental focus to love, giving and receiving. !•Chanting and attention to throat.!