Ch. 7: Ethnicity. Warm Up The migration of Muslims to Pakistan and Hindus to India after the Indian...

download Ch. 7: Ethnicity. Warm Up The migration of Muslims to Pakistan and Hindus to India after the Indian partition in 1948 is a good example of what? A. An.

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Transcript of Ch. 7: Ethnicity. Warm Up The migration of Muslims to Pakistan and Hindus to India after the Indian...

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  • Ch. 7: Ethnicity
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  • Warm Up The migration of Muslims to Pakistan and Hindus to India after the Indian partition in 1948 is a good example of what? A. An environmental push factor B. An economic pull factor C. An environmental pull factor D. A political push factor E. An economic push factor
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  • Deep Thought What nationality are you? What ethnicity are you? What race are you? Whats the difference?
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  • Why study ethnicity? Ethnicity is a source of pride for people Links to ancestry and culture Ethnic groups effect our lives: different groups have different incomes, life expectancy, and IMR Some places have a history of ethnic discrimination
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  • Definitions Ethnicity- identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth Race- identity with a group of people who share a biological ancestor Geographers study where ethnicities are distributed and why, as well as how they are connected to local diversity Languages and religions may have gone global, but ethnicity is still local/regional
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  • US Ethnic Groups Hispanic-14% African American- 12% Asian American-4% Native American- 1%
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  • US Ethnic Groups Hispanic-Southwest States African American- Southeast States and Cities Asian American- West coast States Native American- Southwest States and Plains States
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  • US Ethnic Groups-Additional Info Hispanic- Additional terms: Latino(a), Chicano(a). Many identify with a nationality, such as Mexican or Puerto Rican. In US, Mexico-64%, Puerto Rico- 10%, Cuba-4% African American- Additional terms: black. Highly clustered in cities. Forced migration Asian American- Subdivided into nationality- Chinese-23%, Indian-19%, Filipino-18%, Korean & Vietnamese- 10% each, Japanese-7%
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  • US Ethnic Groups Additional Info Native Americans-Also called American Indians, Alaskan Natives, mainly in West and Plains due to Reservations
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  • Definitions Ethnic Neighborhoods- area with a clustering of ethnicities Gentrification-rebuilding a neighborhood when middle-class people move in. Often displaces poorer residents White flight- the emigration of whites from an area in anticipation of blacks immigration into the area Blockbusting-Real estate agents convince whites to sell their homes cheap and then sell them at high prices to black families.
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  • African American Migration Patterns Part 1: Immigration from Africa to the American colonies in the 18 th century Forced migration-slavery beginning in 1619 1808-US bans importation of slaves Europe=Serfs Shortage of labor in Americas led to slavery Coastal African kingdoms often enslaved interior people After slavery, sharecropping
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  • Slave Ships
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  • Triangular Trade
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  • Slave Distribution
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  • African American Migration Patterns Part 2: Immigration from the US south to northern cities during the first half of the 20 th century Push factor: Sharecropping declined due to new farm machinery Pull factor: Northern factory jobs Traveled by bus or car along clear geographic routes 2 main waves: Before and after WWI and before and after WWII.
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  • African American 20 th century migration within the US
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  • African American Migration Patterns Part 3:Immigration from inner city ghettos to other urban neighborhoods during 2 nd half of 20 th century and 1 st part of 21 st century Founder effectclustered in small areas when arrived in cities ghetto-term for area of the city where Jews were forced to live in the Middle Ages High population density, housing shortages As income levels rose, migrated out of ghettos
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  • Warm Up This approach in geography has been discredited for being racist and discriminatory to certain groups of people. A. possibilist approach B. environmental determinist approach C. cultural ecology approach D. central place theory E. Webers least-cost approach
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  • Differentiating Race and Ethnicity Race 1.Traits that can be passed genetically ie: Lactose Intolerance 2.Hair color, hair type and facial features were once thought to be part of race, but not isolated enough, too highly variable 3.Skin color is a component of race that geographer study because many societies organize people around this trait 4.Race can be twisted to racism Ethnicity 1.Characteristics derive from the distinctive features of particular places on earth. 2.Share cultural traits such as language, religion, customs or shared group history 3.Often leads to nationalism
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  • Further Confusion Asian American is a race and an ethnicity African American is an ethnicity, black is a race Hispanic is not a race, can choose white, black or other
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  • Race in the US Census 2000 Census had 14 race categories: White Black or African American American Indian or Alaskan Native Chinese Filipino Japanese Korean Vietnamese Other Asian Native Hawaiian Guamanian or Chamorro Samoan Other Pacific Islander Other race
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  • Apartheid in South Africa Whites first arrived from Holland in Cape Town, South Africa in 1652. (Boers, Afrikaners) British seize Cape Town in 1795 Boers move into interior South Africa Gold and diamonds are discovered, the British want these too British vs. Boer Wars until 1902, South Africa becomes part of British Empire
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  • Apartheid in South Africa 1948 Afrikaners win elections, ending British control Afrikaners create Apartheid laws Apartheid was the physical separation of different races into different geographic areas. 4 Races: black, white, colored or Asian Government designated 10 homelands (bantustans) and expected blacks to relocate there.
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  • South Africa during Apartheid
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  • Why have ethnicities been turned into nationalities? Nationality is identity with a group of people who share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country. Ethnicity is identity with a group of people who share the cultural traditions of a particular homeland or hearth. Both have shared cultural values Ethnicity values=religion, language, material culture Nationality values=voting, passport, civil duties
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  • Ethnicity and Nationalism in North America US is a nation founded on diversity of ethnicities and race, connected by common civic ideals, such as the unalienable rights and Bill of Rights Canada/QuebecShould Quebec be considered a separate ethnicity? A separate nationality? Does this give them grounds to separate?
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  • Definitions Self determination-the concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves Nation-state-a state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity Nationalism-loyalty and devotion to a nationality Centripetal force-an attitude that tends to unify people and enhance support for a state (opposite of centrifugal)
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  • Warm Up Which of the following cities is a holy place to three of the worlds main religions? A. Mecca B. Medina C. Jerusalem D. Delhi E. Beijing Page 338 to study Russia Map
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  • Warm Up In the Demographic Transition Model, which stage would traditionally involve an agricultural society? A. Stage 1 B. Stage 2 C. Stage 3 D. Stage 4 E. Stage 5
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  • Russia Map Quiz Review
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  • Deep Thought What is your nationality? What is nationality? Can you have more than one nationality? Is nationality a positive or negative thing?
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  • European Nation-States Prior to 18 th century, most of Europe was ruled by kingdoms/fiefdoms, known as feudalism By 1900, most of western Europe had united kingdoms of similar language, culture and religion into Nation-States After WWI, one of the last major kingdom/empires in Europe broke up (Austro- Hungarian and Ottoman). Nation-states like Germany were formed
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  • Nation-States arent perfect Impossible to completely line up nation borders with ethnic group borders, especially in globalized world Not even sure we want to have national borders completely conform to ethnic borders Can lead to ethnic cleansing
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  • Examples of Nationalism Mass media vs. Independent media Flags Songs Pledges Holidays Sometimes achieved through disparaging other ethnicities
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  • US National Anthem Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there. O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
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  • World War I causes Italy, Germany, and Eastern Europe were some of the last parts of Europe to create nation-states Eastern Europe dominated by German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Ottoman Empire A-H owned northern part of Balkan peninsula, Ottoman controlled Southern. A-H wants to take Bosnia and Herzegovina, A-H heir to the throne assassinated in B & H by Serbian seeking independence for B & H After WWI, Yugoslavia created out of former Ottoman and A-H territories
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  • Warm Up Which of the following religions is an ethnic religion? A. Judaism B. Christianity C. Islam D. Buddhism E. Sikhism Remember, Ch. 7 Reading Quiz and Notes due Tomorrow!
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  • Deep Thought Should national borders reflect ethnic borders? What are the pros and cons?
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  • Multinational States-Good Belgium Flemish and Walloons Flemish=Dutch, Catholic Walloons=French, Protestant United Kingdom England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland Different historical experiences Distinct national identity through sports
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  • Multinational States-Not Good Soviet Union Once largest multinational state (now Russia) Many nationalities were socialist republics USSR suppressed ethnicity through communism Yugoslavia Created after WWI to unite several Baltic ethnicities that spoke a similar language Successful peaceful country until late 1990 Ethnic groups still face conflict and ethnic cleansing after break up
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  • Europes Ethnic Revival Communism in Eastern Europe and economic cooperation in Western Europe made it seem like ethnicity was disappearing Break up of Soviet Union and Yugoslavia led to the creation of new nations based on ethnic identities
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  • Why do ethnicities clash? 1. Ethnic competition to dominate the nation 2. Divisions of ethnicities between more than one state
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  • Ethnic Competition to Dominate Nationality Ethiopia and Eritrea: Ethnic Groups: Ethiopia and Eritrea Background: Ethiopia independent until colonized by Italy (1930); Eritrea=Italian colony Issue: Post WWII Eritrea awarded to Ethiopia. Ethiopia represses Eritrea, Eritrea rebels Ongoing: Both still multiethnic, Ethiopia now landlocked. Sudan Ethnic Groups: Black Christians and Arab Muslims Background: Oppositional groups combined during British colonization Issue: North Arab dominated government wanted a single ethnicity nationality, attempted ethnic cleansing Ongoing: Civil War led to creation of 2 countries
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  • Ethnic Competition to Dominate Nationality Somalia: Ethnic Groups: Somalia has 6 major clans, but most are Sunni Muslim and speak Somali Background: North Somalia was colonized by British, south by Italy Issue: North Somali tribes declared independence, Somaliland Ongoing: No other countries recognize Somaliland, failed state due to collapse of government and tribe conflict Ongoing theme in Africa: Conflict due to borders from colonization and many ethnicities
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  • Horn of Africa Split between Black Muslims and Arab Christians Split because of post colonization disagreements Wants to split into 3 based on different tribes and different colonial histories
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  • Somalia
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  • Dividing Ethnicities into more than one state India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: 1947 British colonial rule ends. Divides the colony into 2 countries based on ethnicity and religion Pakistan divided into 2 non contiguous states Ongoing conflict over Northern territory of Kashmir Sri Lanka: Sinhalese and Tamils Sinhalese- Buddhist, Indo- Iranian language branch Tamils- Hindu. Dravidian language Tamils rebel violently against Sinhalese dominated government.
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  • South Asia before and after British rule ended Muslims Hindus Disputed
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  • South Asia Today
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  • Europe before WWI
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  • Yugoslavia by the Numbers 7 neighbors (half democracy, half communist) 6 republics with autonomy under the national government 5 recognized nationalities 4 official languages 3 major religions 2 alphabets 1 unit of currency
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  • Yugoslavias Breakup Relative peace from 1953 to 1980, led by Josip Broz Tito Tito dies in 1980, leads to the break up of Yugoslavia to form independent countries. Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, and Montenegro Ethnicities fought to define the boundaries
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  • Division of Yugoslavia
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  • Ethnic Cleansing Bosnia & Herzegovina: Bosnians, Serbs and Croats. Serbs and Croats attempted to ethnically cleanse Bosnians so to unite their portions of the country with Serbia or Croatia Kosovo: Province of Serbia where ethnic Albanians make up 90%. Serbs tried to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of Albanians. Balkanized-a small geographic area that could not successfully be organized into one or more stable states because of multiple ethnicities with complex histories.
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  • Hutus and Tutsis Hutus Settled farmers 85% Made into serfs Tutsis Cattle herders that migrated from Kenya 15% Conquered Hutus, given more power under that German colonizers Tutsis attempt to ethnically cleanse Burundi and Rwanda of Hutus
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  • Central Africa
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  • Thursday, January 30th Today: Ch. 7 Reading Notes due Ch. 7 Reading Quiz Review for FRQ and Test Tomorrow: FRQ Monday: Ch. 7 Test
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  • Walls North Korea and South Korea Demilitarized Zone/DMZ 38 th Parallel Positives and Negatives?
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  • DMZ
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  • Walls Israel and Palestine West Bank Wall Checkpoints for Palestinians Positives and negatives?
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  • Walls US/Mexico Border Not a complete wall Separate portions in California, Arizona, and Texas Positives and negatives?
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  • Walls East Germany and West Germany Berlin Wall Separated Communist East from Democratic West Separated families Kept East isolated and poor