Ch-1ppt2 Anatomy

Robotics Chapter 1 (Part A): Robot Anatomy ETME -404


Good for robotics chaps

Transcript of Ch-1ppt2 Anatomy

  • Robotics

    Chapter 1 (Part A): Robot Anatomy

    ETME -404

  • Overview

    Robot anatomy

    kinematic chain



    Degree of Freedom(DOF)

    Joint Notation Scheme

    Arm Configuration

    Wrist Configuration

    Work Volume

    The End-effector

  • Robot anatomy Robot anatomy is the study of skeleton of robot that is

    the physical construction of the manipulator .

    The mechanical structure consists of rigid body(links)connected by means of joints.

    Main parts of structure1. Arm ensure mobility and reach ability i.e forpositioning the EE.

    2. Wrist for orientation of the EE

    3. End effector (EE)for performing tasks eg holding,lifting etc.

  • Robot anatomy

    4. Base ( generally fastened to the floor)

  • Robot anatomy

    Robot Manipulators are composed of links connected by joints to form a kinematic chain

    Open kinematic chain

    Closed kinematic chain

  • Robot anatomy

    Links (Assumed to be rigid)

    Binary link(connected with at most another 2 links)

    Tertiary link(connected with at most 3 links)

  • Robot anatomy


    Two basic types of joints that are commonly used inindustrial robots are:

    1. Linear joint

    2. Rotating joint

    Linear joints involve a sliding or translational motionof the connecting links.

    (achieved in no. of ways for eg rack and pinion, bypiston, screw and nut or mechanism etc.

  • Robot anatomy

  • Robot anatomy

    Rotating joint

    3 types of rotating joint

    I. Rotational (R) joint: the axis of the rotation isperpendicular to the axes of the two connectinglinks.

    II. Twisting (T) joint : the axis of the rotation isparallel to the axes of the two connecting links.

    III. Revolving (V) joint: in which input link is parallelto the axis of rotation and o/p link isperpendicular to the axis of rotation.

  • Robot anatomy

  • Degree of Freedom(DOF)

    Degree of Freedom(DOF)

    The number of independent variables required to specify the location and orientation of EE in 3D space.

    A rigid link in space has ..dof

    A rigid link in plane has .. dof

  • Degree of Freedom(DOF)

    In open kinematic chain: the DOF is equal to the numbers oflinks or number of joints.(it is assumed that each joint hasonly 1 DOF)

  • Degree of Freedom(DOF)

    Required DOF in a Manipulator

    In order to position and orient a body freely in 3D space, amanipulator should have at least 6DOF such a manipulator iscalled Spatial manipulator.

    A manipulator with less than 6 DOF has constrained motion in3D space. There are many industrial manipulators that have 5or less DOF

    Spatial manipulator with more than 6DOF have surplus jointsand are known as redundant manipulators.

  • Degree of Freedom(DOF)

    The extra DOF may enhance the performance by adding to its dexterity/flexibility.

  • Joint Notation Scheme

    Uses the joint symbols (L or P, R, T, V) to designate joint typesused to construct robot manipulator

    Separates body-and-arm assembly from wrist assembly usinga colon (:) .Example: TLR : TR

    Notation = RR

  • Arm Configuration

    The purpose of the arm is to position the wrist in the 3Dspace.

    According to joint movements and arrangement of links, fourwell-distinguished basic structural configurations are possiblefor the arm.

    named according to the coordinate system employed or theshape of the space they sweep.

  • Arm Configuration

    The four basic configurations are:

    (i) Cartesian (rectangular) configuration

    (ii) Cylindrical configuration

    (iii) Polar (spherical) configuration

    (iv) Articulated (Revolute or Jointed-arm configuration)

  • Arm Configuration

    This is the simplestconfiguration with all threeprismatic joints

    The endpoint of the arm iscapable of operating in acuboidal space, calledworkspace.

    The workspace representsthe portion of space aroundthe base of the manipulatorthat can be accessed by thearm endpoint

    A 3-DoF cantilever type Cartesian arm configuration and its workspace

    (i) Cartesian(rectangular) configuration

  • Arm Configuration

    The volume of the space swept is called work volume; the surface of the workspace describes the work envelope

    Notation LLL or PPP

    Gantry or box Cartesian

    Gantry configuration is used when heavy loads must be precisely moved. The Cartesian configuration gives large work volume but has a low dexterity.

    Notation LLL and High rigidity

    (i) Cartesian(rectangular) configuration

  • Arm Configuration(ii) Cylindrical Configuration

    Uses two perpendicular prismaticjoints, and a twisting joint Notation TLL

    The cylindrical configuration offers goodmechanical stiffness and the wristpositioning accuracy decreases as thehorizontal stroke increases.

    It is suitable to access narrowhorizontal cavities and, hence, is usefulfor machine-loading operations.

  • Arm Configuration

    It consists of a telescopic link(prismatic joint) that can beraised or lowered about ahorizontal rotary joint.

    These two links are mounted ona rotating base.

    Notation TRP or TRL

    gives the capability of movingthe arm end-point within apartial spherical shell space aswork volume

    (iii)Polar (Spherical) Configuration

  • Arm Configuration

    This configuration allows manipulationof objects on the floor because itsshoulder joint allows its end-effector togo below the base.

    Its mechanical stiffness is lower thanCartesian and cylindrical configurations

    the wrist positioning accuracy decreaseswith the increasing radial stroke.

    The construction is more complex. Polararms are mainly employed for industrialapplications such as machining, spraypainting and so on.

    (iii)Polar (Spherical) Configuration

  • Arm Configuration

    Its configuration is similar to that of humanarm

    It consists of two straight links,corresponding to the human "forearm"and "upper arm" with two rotary jointscorresponding to the "elbow" and"shoulder" joints.

    Notation TRR

    The work volume of this configuration isspherical shaped, and with proper sizing oflinks and design of joints, the armendpoint can sweep a full spherical space

    Ability to extend its arm beyond its base

    (iv) Articulated (Revolute or Jointed-arm) Configuration

  • Arm Configuration

    characteristics of articulated andcylindrical configurations are combined

    The result is SCARA(SelectiveCompliance Assembly Robot Arm)

    Notation VRP

    The SCARA configuration has verticalmajor axis rotations such thatgravitational load, Coriolis, andcentrifugal forces do not stress thestructure as much as they would if theaxes were horizontal.

    (v) Other Configurations

  • Arm Configuration

    This advantage is very important at high speeds and highprecision.

    This configuration provides high stiffness to the arm in thevertical direction, and high compliance in the horizontalplane, thus making SCARA ideal for many assembly tasks.

  • Wrist Configuration

    Wrist assembly is attached to end-of-arm

    End effector is attached to wrist assembly

    Function of wrist assembly is to orient end effector properlywith respect to the task to be performed.

    Two or three degrees of freedom:




  • Wrist Configuration

    Notation :RRT

  • Wrist Configuration

  • Work Volume

  • Work Volume

  • Work Volume

    The work volume is determined by the following :

    1. The robots physical configuration.

    2. The size of the body , arm and wrist components.

    3. The limits of joint movement.

  • The End-effector

    The special tooling for a robot that enables it to perform aspecific task

    The end-effector is external to the manipulator and its DOF donot combine with the manipulator's DOF.

    Different end-effectors can be attached to the end of the wristaccording to the task to be executed.

    These can be grouped into two major categories:

    1. Grippers 2. Tools

  • The End-effector

    Two types:

    Grippers to grasp and manipulate objects (e.g., parts) duringwork cycle

    Tools to perform a process, e.g., spot welding, spray painting

  • The End-effector

    A two-finger mechanical gripper for grasping rotational parts

  • Thank You