ch 01

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Campbell Essential Biology

Transcript of ch 01

Exam Name___________________________________ MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1)

In what way(s) is the science of biology influenc ing and changin g our culture?


______ _ A )

b b ding g y y new m e tools rdi p for e r solvin ci v og n o v crime e la i s u n td ia o gr n ic i ul ztu i re n

by reshaping our understanding of psychology and sociology D)

by helping us evaluate environmental issues E)

all of the 2)


What is biology?


______ _ A )

ttif t cientif h h ic ic e e study st u of sd s DNA cy i of e lif n e

the scientific study of the environment D)

the scientific study of organelles E)

the scientific 3)

study of ecosystems

Which of the followin g is not a propert y of life?


______ _ A )

P Osms m o r repro s p g duce ar u a their e l u n own a i kind. n ta i bl o e n to sc h o a fn g o e ro g v a er n ti im se.

Living things exhibit complex but ordered organization. D)

Organisms E)

respond to environmental stimuli.

Organisms 4)

take in energy and use it to perform all of life's activities.

What are the two main process es that ecosyst ems depend upon?


______ _ A )

p d ositio a h e n and n o c nutrie d tpr o nt o m i recycl sm p ing y ar n y tpr h o e d su i ct sio n

sunlight and photosynthesis D)

speciation and evolution E)

nutrient 5)

cycling and energy flow

Which of the followin g is not recycle d but is lost from ecosyst ems?


______ _ A )

siu n troge o i n m d

magnesium D)

carbon E)

energy 6)

Which of the followin g is a produce r?


______ _ A )

e h use h a o plant w ror tm

dog D)

sun E)

cat 7)

Humans are ______.


______ _ A )

d p oduce p e r rs o cs o er m s

cells D)

consumers E)

ecosystems 8)

Which of the followin g structur es can perform all the activitie s require d for life?


______ _ A )

n D mole cl u Ncules ei A

organelles D)

A, G, C, and T E)

cells 9)

Relative to prokary otic cells, eukaryo tic cells are usually ______.


______ _ A )

l e s ler a m q and ru a simpl g l er al e ly rc o a m n pl d e x

larger and D)

more complex

smaller and E)

equally complex

smaller and 10)

more complex

Humans are compos ed of ______ cells.


______ A )

p bcteria an l t al

archaeal D)

eukaryotic E)

prokaryotic 11)

What name is given to the function al compart ments of a cell?


______ A )








E) o r a e l 12)

The DNA of a eukaryo tic cell is found within the ______.


______ A )

i sul a chae n ra in

ecosystem D)

nucleus E)

prokaryotic 13)


What are eukaryo tic genes compos ed of?


______ A )








E) D N 14)

What is a gene?


______ A )

alle a pe of n th eukar at t yotic oho y cell rus g es aD n NA e

a type of D)

prokaryotic cell

a unit of E)


a type of 15)

animal cell

The human genome consists of about ______ chemic al letters.


______ A )





1 million


3 billion

E) 3 0 16)

i l

More than half of all known species are ______.


______ A )

veb bcteria erat a res t

fish D)

insects E)

plants 17)

Taxono my is the ______.


______ A )

s n s dy of tat t cells u u ur d al ysel ec otio fn

naming and D)

classifying of species

study of E)

organisms and their interaction with the environment

study of genes 18)

How does taxono my assist biologis ts?


______ A )

b b easil ni yng y y wh reme ey pmber xlif r ed p o scien e l ex v tific aist i name i s ds for i orga nnism gs

by reducing D)

life to its smallest common denominator, the cell

by E)

categorizing diverse items into smaller and smaller numbers of groups

all of the 19)


Which domain( s) consist( s) of prokary otic cells?


______ A )

E Beria ry u a and a kon c Arch aly t aea

Archaea and Eukarya D)

Archaea only E)

Bacteria only 20)

Which kingdo m of Eukarya consists primaril y of unicellul ar organis ms?


______ A )








E) P r t s t 21)

A newly discove red multicel lular organis m obtains food by digestin g dead organis ms. Such an organis m is most likely a membe r of the kingdo m ______.


______ A )








E) E u a y a 22)

Member s of the kingdo m Plantae differ from membe rs of the other kingdo ms of Eukarya in that most membe rs of the kingdo m Plantae ______.


______ A )

aco puce rm r their epo o own se dfood d rs e

are consumers D)

obtain food by ingestion E)

are unicellular 23)

The branch of biology that explains both the diversit y and the unity of life is ______.


______ A )

elut gnetic vio e s on

microbiology D)

physiology E)

taxonomy 24)

Which of these is most closely associat ed with Darwin?


______ A )

te nural h a selec do em t tion ai tns h of rlif ee

organelles D)

ecosystem E)


DNA 25)

Which of these is require d for natural selectio n to occur?


______ A )

oro ul vdu nrepro ecti e ducti ron qve p usucce a ss

inheritance D)

individual E)


all of the 26)


Unequal reprodu ctive success ______.


______ A )

i se dhe n o frequ s cva e ency rria s of etio expre an nssion o of t traits in a succe f eding f gene e ratio c ns of ta popul t ation

always D)

decreases the size of a population

can lead to a population being less well adapted to its environment E)

can lead to 27)

natural selection

What does adaptati on mean in a biologic al context ?


______ A )

tcu t ganis h hms to r ein e alter in their cdi a appe h baranc vi adu i e n l unde als g ir as eth t chan sey y ging gr envir tow o onme h f ntal an ad condi tde o tions ve r olo cp

the D)

accumulation of favorable variations in a population over time

the way an E)

individual's body adjusts to its environment

all of the 28)


What account s for the differen t breeds of domesti cated dogs?


______ A )

aciao rprod rl v uctio tsel e n i ec f tio in

competition D)

variation E)

natural 29)


Over a span of two decades , scientist s measur ed change s in the beak size of a populati on of Galpag os ground finches. This ______.


______ A )

l th i exam eeo s ple of d ry overp of a roduc D ntion ev aol ruti w on i thr n ou gh tna otur al h sel i ec stio n

is an example of artificial selection D)

provided E)

evidence of natural selection in action

occurred 30)

because of selective predation

Science is ______.


______ A )

t ef a set of h nprinci for et ples to o for i de r how n gto sc q a ethic rib u nally e i an i and rd z mora yex e lly - pl dbeha b ai ve an sna etur d e

the D)

explanation of phenomena based on supernatural causation

the search for truth E)

all of the 31)


What is the differen ce betwee n discove ry science and hypothe sisdriven science ?


______ A )

D T s no ut i ou hdiffer stc e ence co r betw om e een ves, them ewhi . rer yea s shy cpo i th eesi n scdri eve n i sci n en vce oin l vo vlv ees ste nt p ati rve ean d sw i er cs tto i sp oeci n fic squ es atio b ns o.

Discovery D)

science "discovers" new knowledge, whereas hypothesis-driven science does not.

Discovery science is

mostly about describing nature, whereas hypothesis-driven science tries to explain nature. E)

Discovery science is 32)

based on deductive reasoning, whereas hypothesis-driven science is based on inductive reasoning.

Which of these stateme nts is correct?


______ A )

I hy S prov n c e or po th i dispr ses e ove ces nthe i is c idea ean e that n ab deitie csol c s or eut a spirit , e ns tru caus ath. be e earth quak ues s and e other dnatur al t disas o ters.

Only discovery science can lead to important conclusions about nature. D)

Scientific E)

ideas are subjected to repeated testing.

Science does 33)

not require observations that other people can confirm.

Discove ry science is primaril y based on ______.


______ A )

d o serva uc etio btion d n

experimentati on D)

theory E)

hypothesis 34)


How does inductiv e reasoni ng differ from deducti ve reasoni ng?


______ A )

D I oning sp eecinis d dbase fic u ud on to cth c hypot te t hese i ge i s, vne v and eral e dedu , ctive rwhr reaso eer e ning aea a is ss s not. oin n du i cti n ve g re as i on n in vg oin l vo vlv ees sgo in g g ofro im n th g e ge f ne rral oto m th e tsp h eci efic .

Discovery D)

science utilizes deductive reasoning, not inductive reasoning, to establish conclusions.

Inductive reasoning


involves going from the specific to the general, whereas deductive reasoning involves going from the general to the specific.

Inductive 35)

reasoning is based on experimentation, and deductive reasoning is based on observation.

Which of these would be a valid hypothe sis?


______ A )

H H bact in u ueria th m m e share aco a a n ncom ns ser s mon va gene stio a tic h ncode. n oof d u ot l he d r an h im eal l sp p eci es.

Humans are controlled by forces beyond our understanding. D)

Human history is determined by a series of supernatural events. E)

Humans are 36)

responsible for the sustainable use of resources.

A hypothe sis is a(n) ______.


______ A )

tve guess eex n pl tan aati ton i

theory D)

observation E)

fact 37)

You try to start your car, but it does not start. Which of these is a hypothe sis?


______ A )

I he M too is f ba y old to tte functi I ry, c on th a prop ren r erly. em cy h ca ar rwil g l est art t.

My car's D)

battery is dead.

What is wrong with my car? E)

My car will not start. 38)

You try to start your car, but it does not start. Which of these is deducti ve testing?


______ A )

W M ro ar's h y batte ng awi ry is tth c dead. m iy sca r? w

My car will not start. D)

If I recharge E)

the battery, then my car will start.

My car is too 39)

old to function properly.

Which of the followin g are the proper compon ents of the scientifi c method ?


______ A )

q e ent, tio u x concl n, eex pusion spe e , tri r appli i m i catio oen m n n t, , an al oysi b s, spr eed rict vio an

observation, question, hypothesis, prediction, experiment, results, conclusion D)

observation, question, opinion, conclusion, hypothesis E)

prediction, 40)

hypothesis, experiment, conclusion

In a scientifi c experim ent, the control group ______.


______ A )

i he s basis sfa e of ct r comp sor v ariso u en wh b s with os j e the eeff a exper cec s imen tt tal eis a grou d be p in tg ote st ted

allows for the simultaneous testing of multiple variables D)

serves to E)

increase the sample size of the experiment

is required for the validity of discovery science 41)

How do hypothe ses differ from theories ?


______ A )

Hg T are yue hmore p e comp ss oes,o rehe tan r nsive h i than d eth e hypot seo s hese erie s. ss ar ae rte ent ati eve d ex u pl can aati ton es. d

Hypotheses D)

are more generally stated than theories.

Theories must be testable; hypotheses do not need to be testable. E)

Hypotheses 42)

are derived from experimentation, whereas theories are derived from observation.

Antibioti c resistan ce evolves in bacteria because ______.


______ A )

f us dot ae o presc ren c ribe m t antibi ou egh o otics ran r for stib s disea iot ses d dcaus ics oin o ed by an virus n nes im oal tfe ed

the presence of antibiotics favors bacteria that already have genes for resistance D)

the antibiotics create resistance genes in bacteria E)

none of the 43)


Using the branchi ng tree of life for bears depicte d in the accomp anying figure, choose from among the followin g bear species the one that is most distantl y related to the sun bear.


______ A )

sth s ctacl l be ped oar e bear

Asiatic black bear D)

brown bear E)

giant panda 44)

In the process of evolutio n by natural selectio n illustrat ed in the accomp anying figure, which of the followin g is the mechan ism or agent of natural selectio n?


______ A )

siv s ectiv ee e e l pr l trees eed cati ton

selective D)


selective E)




Please use the following information to answer the following question(s). The collared lizard is a species found in the Desert Southwest. Male collared lizards show considerable color variation, ranging from brightly colored to a very dull pattern. Your goal is to determine the function, if any, of male color patterns in collared lizards, using the scientific method. Your tentative explanation is that male color plays a role in attracting females for mating purposes. You predict that females will preferentially choose brightly colored males over dull-colored ones. To test this prediction, you observed the interactions of female collared lizards with their male counterparts. You selected males that were the same age and size, and that differed only in their coloration pattern. You placed equal numbers of the two types of male lizards, bright and dull, in aquariums, along with one female lizard per aquarium. Out of 350 aquariums observed, the female chose to mate with the brightly colored male 277 times, and the dullcolored male 70 times. In 3 instances, the females did not mate with either type. Create a bar graph of your data, plotting the type of male (dull or brightly colored) on the x-axis. On the yaxis, plot the frequency with which each type of male was chosen by females. Using this graph, answer the following question(s). 45)

Is it reasona ble to conclud e (i.e., is it support ed by the data) that female collared lizards prefer more brightly colored male lizards over dullcolored males?


______ A )

Ycl Nconcl eusi o usion son , is not , is t supp su horted tpp i by h s the ort i ed data. sby th ce oda n ta.

The data do D)

not clearly indicate a preference one way or the other.

There is no E)

way to conclude anything from this data.

None of the 46)

above choices are correct.

Identify the experim ental group of this case study.


______ A )

b dolore col ror ud i ed l femal g le m h - lizard al te c s l liz yar ds

dull-colored D)

male lizards

brightly E)

colored female lizards

all of the 47)


Dullcolored males were part of the ______.


______ A )

h o rvati esi yze bon p s grou d ogr e p tou h p

experimental group D)

predicted E)


control group 48)

Which of the followin g is the hypothe sis of this case study?


______ A )

M Ds are r abri uless l gh l likely etly l to be scolm eaten or a by p l pred ed rfe e ators. em f al ees.

A function of male coloration is to attract females. D)

Male collared lizards exhibit color variation. E)

Male lizards 49)

are brightly colored.

"Male collared lizards show conside rable color variatio n." This is a(n) ______.


______ A )

h o inion ot yhe p p sis

conclusion D)

result E)



E 2)

A 3)

A 4)

E 5)

E 6)

B 7)

D 8)

E 9)

C 10)

D 11)

E 12)

D 13)

E 14)

D 15)

D 16)

D 17)

C 18)

D 19)

B 20)

E 21)

A 22)

B 23)

A 24)

B 25)

E 26)

E 27)

C 28)

A 29)

D 30)

A 31)

D 32)

D 33)

B 34)

D 35)

B 36)

A 37)

C 38)

D 39)

C 40)

B 41)

B 42)

C 43)

E 44)

A 45)

A 46)

A 47)

E 48)

C 49)