CG Brand Books Knowledge 10.03.2014

3/3/14 Presentation of Cocoon Group



Transcript of CG Brand Books Knowledge 10.03.2014

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3/3/14 Presentation of Cocoon Group

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What is a brand book?�

When do you start your brand book?�

Why a brand book?�

Who is it for?�

What to include?�

7 Awesome Thoughts to get you started�

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*ok, yes. It can be digital too. But we prefer the permanence of a tangible object. Read on to see why.�

A Brand book is…�A physical document* used to illustrate the thinking

behind, and use of, the brand and brand identity.�

Why a �brand book?�

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4 objectives�Inform why choices were made

Instruct how to use the brand

Inspire with our great brand!

And (most importantly), to Protect the investments you made into this brand

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When to start�Written Identity

The vision, mission, values, and overall brand strategy

Visual Identity

The logo, the fonts, the look and feel, and a basic idea of how it will be applied across


Brand Book

A single resource/document where written and visual identities can be


The brand book is a vital part of the brand creation process; the

culmination of the brand strategy and design. As such, the process

of creating a brand book begins at the very beginning, when you

start thinking of what you want your brand to be and say.

At this point, you should also begin thinking of how you want to

present the information and in what format.�

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Who it is for�

Any or all of the following… In order to select the correct content, we

need to know our audience and what we

want them to take from this document.

Management to showcase work done

New hires to bring them up to speed

Agencies to help in briefings

Journalists to provide

background and context

Sales team to use as a sales tool

Ourselves To keep us focused

and on-track

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What to include�


‘Permanent’ elements of the brand which will not change or alter over

time. For instance…


Current campaigns or guidelines for specific executions which may be altered over time. For instance…


Elements which are not part of the brand, but part of the book itself.

For instance…



Motivational text/letter from CEO

Why this book?

Brand history

Brand positioning

Brand philosophy

Target Audience

Brand Essence

Brand story

Portfolio structure/strategy

Visual identity (meaning, elements, usage)

Media channels

…anything else to inspire and inform!

Packaging (primary and secondary)

TV (ATL) communication



Event branding

Office interiors


Internal collateral materials


…anything else on which our identity is currently used

The content is generally divided into 3 types. Permanent (ie. Core brand information), Modular (current executions), and Introduction (document fundamentals). It is recommended that modular sections of the book be in a removable format for periodic updating

These content suggestions are given as inspiration only, as actual content would be decided based on available m a t e r i a l s a n d t a r g e t audience of the brand book.

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Introduction: Explaining who made the book, why, and how to use the contents History: Always an interesting way to start the document. Provides context and the feeling of being part of a larger picture Brand Positioning: Explaining the basic positioning of the brand. This can be done through text, chart, or visually through a moodboard Target audience: if not part of the positioning, the ‘world’ of the target consumer should be brought to life, ideally through text and pictures Visual Identity: Explaining the elements of and usage of the visual identity. This is not a set of guidelines, however, but an overview of the component parts and how they work to fulfill the positioning of the brand. Touchpoint Examples: Showcasing some of the current examples of the brand and its use in real life.

The following sections should –at the very minimum –be in every brand book!

What to include�

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7 awesome thoughts �to get you started creating a brand book for your organization

Now that we have the basics out of the way, let’s get down to some of the more intangible knowledge about brand books you should understand before starting your own brand book project.

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When you start your brand book, you will likely have some materials prepared; you will be waiting for others to be finished; yet more will need to be found and gathered; and finally, you will need some materials you hadn't even considered making yet. Having the right process in place to ensure you know what you need, when you’ll need it, and how you’ll get it is the difference between an efficient exercise and an exercise in futility.

1. Process Matters�

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Creating the brand book is as much a collaborative process as creation of the brand itself. The client and each agency involved have something of value to offer and will want to have some say in how relevant information gets portrayed in the brand book. There should be room in the brand book creation process to ensure that every stakeholder is able to provide the most valuable inputs and insight.

2. A brand book is a collaboration�

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There is no one-size-fits-all brand book. Depending on your audience and the purpose of your book, you may need a different approach or a different output altogether. Is your book primarily for on-boarding members of the marketing team? Then you'll want to devote extra space to values and positioning of the brand. Is your book mainly to provide rules, standards, and practices for agencies? Then you'll need to tailor the structure of the book for them. There are as many ways to approach brand books as there are brands!

3. Content is related to purpose and audience�

The bene+ brand book was created with partner retailers in mind, so much attention was given to regional trends and opportunities for the brand

The Comet toolkit was created primarily for the P&G sales and implementation teams to effectively manage the brand in-store.

The Fernet brand world was created for the marketing team and agencies to be quickly brought up to speed on the look and feel of this iconic brand.

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It’s not just content which is flexible in brand books. The structure, format, and materials can also be used as tools to effectively get your message across. Sending the book to hundreds of agencies world-wide? You may need a digital format or a PDF. Or how about an interactive online brand info-center? Need to impress people who come to your office? Then what's more impressive than a highly-detailed, leather-bound coffee table book?

4. Form is related to function�

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Don't think of brand book creation as simply collecting data and storing it in one convenient place (even though it is that, too). The brand book is the one piece of branded material where the full brand identity will be on display - meaning the written identity and the visual identity are both there, side-by-side for all to see. The brand book is the brand identity. This is the best opportunity you'll ever have to inspire people with what a great brand you've got. The book should be a canvas for telling your brand story!

5. Opportunity to Inspire�

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Nothing has the power to anchor your brand like a well-designed brand book which people can pick up, hold in their hands, study, or casually browse. In spite of the hemming and hawing, budget worrying, resource, haggling, and general fretting over creating something that consumers will never see, the need for the brand book always becomes apparent once it has been created and people see what has been done. The brand book is the object that showcases the work of the identity team and agencies for the rest of the company.

6. Seeing is believing. �

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The brand book is a celebration of what you've accomplished as a client/agency collaboration. It is a celebration of what you've accomplished as an identity team. It is an testament of your work and a chance to share that work with the rest of the organization. You should create an opportunity, with the launch of this brand book, to celebrate all that you've done, putting a final 'full-stop' on the work so the all important phase of roll-out and brand maintenance can begin.

7. Celebration�

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Thank you for your attention!�

Brand book image sources

Slide 3: Alt Group

Slide 10: Mountain Design

Slide 11: Cocoon Group

Slide 12: Cocoon Group

Slide 13: Dept of energy

Slide 14: Dept of energy, Design Thinkers, Unreal, Boxing Clever

Slide 15: 2br

Slide 16: Cocoon Group

For brand consultancy advice or creation of your brand book, please contact: Eva Krejcirikova business development director +420 602 762 242 [email protected] Jiri Votruba managing director +420 222 998 503 [email protected]