CFPA E Guideline No 2 2013 F

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  • 8/12/2019 CFPA E Guideline No 2 2013 F



    CFPA-E Guideline No 2:2013 F

    Panic & emergency exit devices

  • 8/12/2019 CFPA E Guideline No 2 2013 F



    FORWORDThe European fire protection associations have decided to produce common guidelines in order toachieve similar interpretation in the European countries and to give examples of acceptablesolutions, concepts and models. The Confederation of Fire Protection Associations Europe (CFPA E)has the aim to facilitate and support the fire protection work in the European countries.

    This Guideline refers only to exit devices, which comply with the European standards for, panicand emergency exit devices, EN 1125 and EN 179.

    The guideline applies where the activity imposes demands on doors, not sliding doors, which shallbe normally kept locked from the outside and/or prevent the passage of unauthorised persons,and shall also be capable of use as means of escape.

    The guideline is primarily intended for those responsible for safety in companies and organisations.It is also addressed to the installation firms, rescue service, consultants, safety companies,architects etc so that, in the course of their work, they may find it useful to have access todifferent functional solutions with exit devices complying with European standards.

    The proposals within this guideline have been produced by the Swedish Fire Protection Associationand the author is Lars Rang from Sweden.

    This guideline has been compiled by Guidelines Commission and adopted by all fire protectionassociations in the Confederation of Fire Protection Associations Europe.

    These guidelines reflect best practice developed by the countries of CFPA Europe. Where the

    guidelines and national requirement conflict, national requirements must apply.

    Copenhagen, 7 mars 2013 Helsinki, 7 mars 2013CFPA Europe Guidelines Commission

    Jesper Ditlev Matti OrrainenChairman Chairman

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    1 IntroductionThis proposal for functional solutions is mainly based on European standards for panic andemergency exit devices, EN 1125 and EN 179.

    The Guideline applies for doors in escape routes, with or without fire separating function, whichnormally shall be kept locked from the outside and/or provide the means of controlling thepassage of persons from the inside/outside.

    For other doors in escape routes, which are notcovered by this Guideline, a different openingfunction can be used or after other national regulations.


    Appendix No 1 gives examples of exit devices which can be used on doors to escape routes, wherethe activity demands that it should normally be possible for these doors to be kept locked from theoutside to prevent the passage of unauthorised persons.

    The publication does not deal with the fundamental problems of how to identify the doors, whichare exit doors. For the applicable requirements, reference is to be made to the laws, regulationsand other publications in the country concerned.

    Exit doors which shall normally notbe kept locked from the outsideand/or provide the means of controlling the passage of persons fromthe inside/outside. For these doors other fittings can also be used.

    Exit doors which shall normally be kept locked from the outsideand/or provide the means of controlling the passage of personsfrom the inside/outside. Examples of these doors are given in thisGuideline.

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    2 Panic or emergency?When designing equipment for exit doors on escape routes, you should always ask the question: isthere any chance that a panic situation may arise?

    Often, of course, building regulations, fire safety requirements, etc. will give you formal guidanceor will even require the use of special hardware. However, the designer should take all possiblemeasures to reduce the consequences of potential risks that may occur in the lifespan of abuilding. Technical solutions to deal with panic situations and with ordinary emergencies aredifferent. It is therefore important to define what type of situation is likely to arise.

    2.1 Panic situationsThe reactions of a large number of people are always difficult to predict, especially in the event ofa fire in a cinema, a restaurant etc. The chances are that many of them will behave irrationally.The individuals exposed to such a panic situation must be able easily to find the hardware locatedon the exit door and how to operate it, and must not need any special tool or key, which may notbe available.

    The exit hardware must be designed to perform correctly in even the most extreme situations, inorder to allow panicking people to exit. For example, when two or more people are rushing to anexit door located on an escape route, probably in darkness and/or smoke, it is possible that the

    first one to reach the door will not necessarily operate the panic exit device, but can push thesurface of the door (door under pressure) while other people will be trying to operate thehorizontal bar by hand or body pressure.

    2.2 Emergency situationsTypically, panic will not arise in hazardous situations involving a smaller number of people.Especially not if these people are familiar with the premises and with the emergency exits andtheir hardware. This could be the case in offices or other working environments.

    Information, training, etc. will allow people to act rationally and to overcome their fears when

    exposed to a threatening situation. A clear understanding of the means of escape will allowpositive and reasonable reactions, thus making a clear choice possible: where to go, what door touse, how to operate the door, etc. Of course, it is necessary here too that the door will operatewithout using any special tool or key, since this may not be available immediately.

    3 Fields of applicationThe fields of application listed below are to be seen as a guide to specifying exit devices. In eachindividual project, consideration should be given to the layout of the escape routes and premisesand their fields of application. Even temporary use of the premises for purposes other than theirnormal activity may affect the choice of exit devices, e.g. when a sports hall is used for a school

    dance. Consideration should also be given to the possible future use of the premises, so that

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    provision may be made at an early stage for flexible use. This implies that in certain circumstancesthe devices should be designed for a greater number of people, with variable knowledge of thepremises, than those in the activity that is normally carried on in the premises.

    The terms large number, smaller number and few are not defined in numbers of people, but shallbe seen as a guide and a basis for assessment of the building as a whole or of the individualpremises.

    3.1 Panic exit devicesAppropriate devices in premises and buildings where a large number of people, without

    good knowledge of the premises, may be present at the same time. Examples are schools,shopping centres, hospitals, theatres, discotheques, sports facilities, and restaurants.

    Consideration should be given to the layout of the building and the premises, as well as thenumber of escape routes and their characteristics.

    The publication refers to panic bolts, which comply with the requirements in EuropeanStandard EN 1125.

    3.2 Emergency exit devicesAppropriate devices in premises and buildings where a smaller number of people arepresent and where they cannot all be presumed to have good knowledge of the premises.Examples are offices and medium sized places of assembly.

    These are recommended as the lowest level for exit doors where panic exit devices are notrequired.

    The publication refers to emergency exit devices with single action operation, which complywith the requirements in European Standard EN 179.

    3.3 Other opening devicesThese devices are not intended for exit doors and should be used only in premises for afew people who have good knowledge of the premises. Examples are dwellings and smalloffices. The term other opening devices refers only to simple types of devices such as doorhandles and turn knobs.

    Plastic domes over turn knobs are also covered here. These devices are intended toprevent unauthorised use of the turn knob function, e.g. in conjunction with installationsfor entry and exit control systems. Single action operation of the opening device shouldalways be endeavoured.

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    4 Pairs of doorsPairs of doors with an inactive leaf smaller than 500 mm, fitted with a door closer, are notrecommended for use in escape routes where panic exit devices are required, because theresistance to opening is too great.

    Automatic flush bolts shall not be used in inactive leaves where these form part of an escaperoute, because the automatic flush bolt does not have a sequentially activated opening function.

    5 Emergency exit knobEmergency exit knobs can be accepted where emergency exit devices in accordance with EN 179are normally recommended according to Table 7.1. The knob shall be placed in a prominentposition.

    For activities where panic exit devices are recommended according to Table 7.1, emergency exitknobs shall not normally be accepted. In this type of activity, the use of an emergency exit knobshall be considered only after consultation with, and agreement by, the parties concerned.

    Key switches are not accepted.

    Properties of an emergency exit knob:- Green encapsulation.- The emergency exit box is to be marked with a special sign. This sign should be green

    with white text "Emergency exit". The sign should be large enough to be easily detected.- The knob shall be easy to operate by a single action.- The knob should be visible even in the event of power failure. This can be achieved by

    providing standby power to illuminate the sign, by making the knob luminous or the signphotoluminescence.

    - Illuminated emergency exit knob. By means of an integral illumination function or someother lighting fitting.

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    - When the knob is depressed, the current shall be interrupted and the lock functionreleased.

    - If possible, red light for locked door and green light for unlocked door.- The emergency exit knob can with advantage be equipped with an acoustic exit alarm.

    Position of emergency exit knob:

    - It shall be easy to see and placed on or in the immediate vicinity of the door.- 0.9 1.2 m above floor level- Max 0.5 m from the door laterally, but not on the side of the hinge.- For single door the emergency exit knob shall be placed on the hinge side.

    - For pairs of doors, push buttons should be placed beside the door to achive the shortestdistance between the emergency exit knob and the lever handle.

    6 Intruder protection locking deviceIf doors are fitted with intruder protection locking devices (night locks), further measures in theform of connecting these via microswitches or similar are required.

    They shall be connected to the function essential for the activity in such a way that activity cannotbe carried on in the premises until all escape routes have been unlocked. One usual way is to

    connect the lighting in such a way that it cannot be switched on until all escape routes have beenunlocked.

    Local regulations may allow for night locking when not open to the public or for generaloccupancy, under certain conditions. For example, it may be requested for each person havingaccess to the building (such as cleaning, security or maintenance people) to have their own keyallowing them to escape from the building in case of an emergency.

    Special conditions, for instance when people are locked in for various reasons, are not dealt withhere. In such cases the solutions must at all times be decided on in consultation with the partiesconcerned.

    7 Operation and maintenanceThe doors and devices, which form part of escape routes, must be maintained so that theirfunction in an emergency situation is secured.

    Inspections shall be made at regular intervals by a person appointed by the person responsible forthe building or firm. Inspection intervals are to be determined by the responsible person.

    The way inspection is to be performed varies depending on the function, which the door has. See

    Appendix No 1.

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    8 Choice of exit device for locked door as a function of the activityTable 8.1 sets out the levels of exit devices in buildings and premises for different types ofactivities, where doors in escape routes are normally locked from the outside to prevent the entryof unauthorised persons.

    In the table, premises which, regarding their size and the number of people present, may becompared to a place of assembly, e.g. a staff dining room or a school dining room, are equatedwith places of assembly. This means that the devices are designed for a larger number of people,

    with variable knowledge of the premises, than those engaged in the activity that is daily carried onin the premises.

    The reason for the more stringent requirement in large office buildings, hotels and healthcarepremises is that in an escape situation persons congregate in stairways from several floors. Thismeans that so many persons congregate at the exits that a more secure exit function is necessary.

    In case of doubt the higher requirement shall at all times be selected, i.e. a panic exitdevice can always be used.

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    8.1 Table for choosing exit devicesThe fittings refer only to panic exit devices in accordance with EN 1125 or emergency exit devicesin accordance with EN 179.The numbers in the table heading refer to the corresponding examples of solutions in Appendix No1.

    Activity Position of door Panic exit device(EN 1125)

    Examples ofsolutions:P1-P6PP1 PP6*

    Emergency exitdevice (EN 179)

    Examples ofsolutions:N1 N3NP1NP3*

    School < 200 persons To stairway X

    From stairway to external air X

    School > 200 persons To stairway X

    From stairway to external air X

    Office building 2000 m2 To stairway X

    From stairway to external air X

    Place of assembly

    Large number of people To foyer or stairway X

    Out to external air X

    Small number of people Out or to stairway X

    From stairway to external air X

    Department store andretail trade

    < 300 m2net floor space

    To external air or gallery X

    Department store or retailtrade

    >300 m2net floor space

    To external air or gallery X

    From common gallery toexternal air


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    Activity Position of door Panic exitdevice(EN 1125)

    Examples ofsolutions:P1-P6PP1 PP6*

    Emergencyexit device(EN 179)

    Examples ofsolutions:N1 N3NP1NP3*

    Hotel, except restaurantetc

    < 200 beds

    To stairway X

    From stairway to external air X

    Hotel, except restaurantetc

    > 200 beds

    To stairway X

    From stairway to external air X

    Health care premises,

    < 200 beds

    To stairway X

    From stairway to external air X

    Health care premises,> 200 beds

    To stairway X

    From stairway to external air X

    Service flats To stairway and to external air X

    Alternative housing To stairway and to external air X

    Day care centre To external air X

    Industry X

    Warehouse X

    Laboratories etc withactivity that presents a firehazard


    * NP and PP denote pairs of doors

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    9 Definitions Intruder protection locking

    Locking device that complies with the insurer's intruder protection requirement for thepremises concerned

    Electromechanical door boltElectromechanical locking device which connects the top of the door leaf to the door framethrough a mechanical coupling. It locks when connected to the power supply and is always

    automatically deactivated when disconnected from the power supply.

    Standby powerFunction that secures the supply of power in the event of mains failure. It is often provided inthe form of a battery backup for e.g. electric striking plate, electromechanical door bolt, doorholder magnet and entry and exit control system.

    Electromechanical hold-open deviceA hold-open device in the door closer function which is automatically deactivated whendisconnected from the power supply. May also be provided in the form of a wall mounted doorholder magnet.

    Pulse generatorMay be in the form of e.g. push button, key switch, microswitch in exit device, digital codelock, card reader, time switch, pulse from the alarm system or some other electrical function.

    Door holder magnetElectromechanical locking device which holds the top of the door leaf to the door framethrough magnetic force. It locks when connected to the power supply and is alwaysautomatically deactivated when disconnected from the supply.

    Automatic flush bolt

    Locking device mounted on the meeting stile of the inactive leaf where its bolt is operated by amechanism that is activated when the active leaf is closed.

    An automatic flush bolt must not be used in the inactive leaf when this is part of an escaperoute because the automatic flush bolt does not have a sequentially activated openingfunction.

    Striking plateDevice mounted in the frame to reinforce this where the hole for a bolt is made.

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    BoltMobile locking component placed in a lock or other locking device which shoots out throughthe forend, stile plate, etc.

    Latch boltBolt with a bevelled end.

    Lever handleHandle to operate the bolt of a lock.

    Fire door

    Door that has a certain period of resistance to fire. The period of fire resistance may varydepending on the position of the door or the fire resistance class of the surrounding elementsof construction.

    TailpieceFor pairs of doors in combination with a door coordinator.

    If a pair of doors is opened via the inactive leaf, the tailpiece opens the active leaf also, so longas the door coordinator has been activated, which means that the leaves will be closed in theright order

    10European guidelinesFireGuideline No 1:2002 F - Internal fire protection controlGuideline No 2:2013 F - Panic & emergency exit devicesGuideline No 3:2011 F - Certification of thermographersGuideline No 4:2010 F - Introduction to qualitative fire risk assessmentGuideline No 5:2003 F - Guidance signs, emergency lighting and general lightingGuideline No 6:2011 F - Fire safety in care homes for the elderlyGuideline No 7:2011 F - Safety distance between waste containers and buildings

    Guideline No 8:2004 F - Preventing arson information to young peopleGuideline No 9:2012 F - Fire safety in restaurantsGuideline No 10:2008 F - Smoke alarms in the homeGuideline No 11:2005 F - Recommended numbers of fire protection trained staffGuideline No 12:2012 F - Fire safety basics for hot work operativesGuideline No 13:2006 F - Fire protection documentationGuideline No 14:2007 F - Fire protection in information technology facilitiesGuideline No 15:2012 F - Fire safety in guest harbours and marinasGuideline No 16:2008 F - Fire protection in officesGuideline No 17:2008 F - Fire safety in farm buildingsGuideline No 18:2013 F - Fire protection on chemical manufacturing sites

    Guideline No 19:2009 F - Fire safety engineering concerning evacuation from buildings

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    Guideline No 20:2012 F - Fire safety in camping sitesGuideline No 21:2012 F - Fire prevention on construction sitesGuideline No 22:2012 F - Wind turbines Fire protection guidelineGuideline No 23:2010 F - Securing the operational readiness of fire control systemGuideline No 24:2010 F - Fire safe homesGuideline No 25:2010 F - Emergency planGuideline No 26:2010 F - Fire protection of temporary buildings on construction sitesGuideline No 27:2011 F - Fire safety in apartment buildingsGuideline No 28:2012 F - Fire safety in laboratories

    Natural hazardsGuideline No 1:2012 N - Protection against floodGuideline No 2:2013 N - Business Resilience An introduction to protecting your business

    SecurityGuideline No 1:2010 S - Arson documentGuideline No 2:2010 S - Protection of empty buildingsGuideline No 3:2010 S - Security system for empty buildingsGuideline No 4:2010 S - Guidance on key holder selections and duties

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    11Appendix No: 1

    AppendixPanic & emergency exit devices


    This Appendix offers technical solutions according to table 8.1 in the European Guide Line "Panic &emergency exit devices"

    These technical solutions apply for exit doors, not sliding doors, both with and without a fireseparating function, which shall normally be locked from the outside and/or provide the means ofcontrolling the passage of persons from the inside/outside.

    This Appendix has been compiled by Guidelines Commission and adopted by all fire protectionassociations in the Confederation of Fire Protection Associations Europe.

    These technical solutions reflect best practice proposed by the members of CFPA Europe. Wherethe Guidelines and national requirements conflict, national requirements must apply.

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    11.1 DOOR N 1, Single fire doorFittings on the insideEmergency exit deviceDoor closer. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the insideThe exit handle, operated with one hand, secures exitOption of authorised passage via a key

    Fitting on the outsideLever handle

    Functions on the outsideLever handle secures returnOption of authorised passage via a key

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    11.2 DOOR N 2, Single door, not a fire doorFittings on the insideEmergency exit buttonDoor holder magnet/electromechanical door bolt with standby powerDoor closer. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the insideExit via emergency exit button

    Option of authorised passage via key switchOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm. (Not as the only function)

    Fittings on the outsidePull handlePulse generator, e.g. card reader

    Functions on the outsideReturn via pull handle after exit or activation of fire alarmOption of authorised passage via pulse generatorOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm. (Not as the only function)

    Inside Outside

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    11.3 DOOR N 3, Single door with/without fire separating function depending onchoice of electric striking plate


    Fittings on the insideEmergency exit deviceElectric striking platePulse generator, e.g. card reader

    Door closer

    Functions on the insideThe exit handle, operated with one hand, secures exitOption of authorised passage via pulse generator/keyOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained depending onchoice of electric striking plate. (Not as the only function)

    Fittings on the outsideLever handlePulse generator, e.g. card reader

    Functions on the outsideLever handle secures returnOption of authorised passage via pulse generator/keyOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained depending onchoice of electric striking plate. (Not as the only function)

    Inside Outside

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    11.4 DOOR N 4, Single fire doorFittings on the insideEmergency exit device, as push padDoor closer. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the insideThepush pad, operated with one hand, secures exitOption of authorised passage via a key

    Fitting on the outsideOption 1: See figure. Plain outside faceOption 2: Cylinder + pull handle

    Functions on the outsideOption 1: See figure. No returnOption 2: No return but authorised passage via key

    Inside Outside

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    11.5 DOOR N 5, Single door with/without fire separating function depending onchoice of electric striking plate

    Fittings on the insideEmergency exit device as push padElectric striking platePulse generator, e.g. card readerDoor closer

    Functions on the insideThe push pad, operated with one hand, secures exit

    Option of authorised passage via pulse generator/keyOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained depending onchoice of electric striking plate. (Not as the only function)

    Fittings on the outsideLever handlePulse generator, e.g. card reader

    Functions on the outsideNo return but authorised passage via pulse generator/keyOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained depending on

    choice of electric striking plate

    Inside Outside

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    11.6 DOOR P 1, Single fire doorFittings on the insidePanic boltDoor closer. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the insidePanic bolt secures exit.Option of authorised passage via key

    Fitting on the outsideLever handle

    Functions on the outsideLever handle secures returnOption of authorised passage via key

    Inside Outside

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    11.7 DOOR P 2, Single fire doorFittings on the insidePanic boltDoor closer. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the insidePanic bolt secures exitOption of authorised passage via key

    Fittings on the outsideOption 1: See figure. Plain outside faceOption 2: Cylinder + pull handle

    Functions on the outsideOption 1: See figure. No returnOption 2: No return but authorised passage via key

    Inside Outside

    Option 1 of 2

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    11.8 DOOR P 3, Single fire doorFittings on the insidePanic bolt with micro switchDoor holder magnet/electromechanical door boltDoor closer. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the insidePanic bolt secures exit

    Micro switch secures opening of door holder magnet/electromechanical door boltOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained. (Not as theonly function)

    Fittings on the outsideOption 1: Lever handleOption 2: See figure. Lever handle + pulse generator, e.g. card reader

    Functions on the outsideOption 1: Lever handle secures exitOption 2: See figure. Lever handle secures return

    Option of authorised passage via pulse generator/keyOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained. (Not as theonly function)

    Inside Outside

    Option 2 of 2

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    11.9 DOOR P 4, Single door with/without fire separating function depending onchoice of electric striking plate

    Fittings on the insidePanic boltElectric striking platePulse generator, e.g. card readerDoor closer

    Functions on the insidePanic bolt secures exit

    Option of authorised passage via pulse generatorOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained depending onchoice of electric striking plate. (Not as the only function)

    Fittings on the outsideLever handlePulse generator, e.g. card reader

    Functions on the outsideLever handle secures returnOption of authorised passage via pulse generator

    Option of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained depending onchoice of electric striking plate. (Not as the only function)

    Inside Outside

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    11.10DOOR P 5, Single fire doorFittings on the insidePanic bolt with electrical openingPulse generator, e.g. card readerDoor closer. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the insidePanic bolt secures exit

    Option of authorised passage via pulse generator

    Fittings on the outsidePull handlePulse generator, e.g. card reader

    Functions on the outsideNo returnOption of authorised passage via pulse generator


    The panic bolt shall not be electrically held open. It shall be electrically open only at the time ofpassage

    Inside Outside

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    11.11DOOR P 6, Single fire doorFittings on the insidePanic bolt with electrical opening and micro switchDoor holder magnet/electromechanical door boltPulse generator, e.g. card readerDoor closer. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the insidePanic bolt secures exitMicro switch secures opening of door holder magnet/electromechanical door bolt

    Option of authorised passage via pulse generatorOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained. (Not as theonly function)

    Fittings on the outsideLever handlePulse generator, e.g. card reader

    Functions on the outsideLever handle secures returnOption of authorised passage via pulse generator

    Option of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained. (Not as theonly function)

    NoteThe panic bolt shall not be electrically held open. It shall be electrically open only at the time ofpassageCan be fitted with door automatics

    Inside Outside

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    11.12DOOR NP 1, Pair of fire doorsFittings on the insideEmergency exit devices, active leafAutomatic flush bolts, inactive leafInactive leaf fitted with tailpiece for the door coordinator function

    Functions on the insideExit handle, operated with one hand, secures exit via active leafOption of authorised passage via key

    Fittings on the outsideLever handleDoor closer with coordinator. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the outsideLever handle secures returnOption of authorised passage via keyDoor closer with coordinator closes the leaves in the right order


    The inactive leaf shall not form part of the escape route

    Inside Outside

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    11.13DOOR NP 2, Pair of doors with no fire separating functionFittings on the insideEmergency exit buttonOption 1: See figure. Rebated doors fitted with door holder magnet/electromechanical door boltwith standby powerInactive leaf fitted with tailpiece for the door coordinator function

    Option 2: Not rebated doors fitted with double door holder magnets/ electromechanical door bolts

    with standby power

    Functions on the insideExit via emergency exit buttonOption of authorised passage via key switchOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm. (Not as the only function)

    Fittings on the outsidePull handlePulse generator, e.g. card readerOption 1: See figure. Rebated doors fitted with door closer and coordinator

    Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Option 2: Not rebated doors fitted with door closer. Coordinator not required. Can be fitted withelectromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the outsideReturn via pull handle after exit or activation of fire alarmOption of authorised passage via pulse generatorOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm. (Not as the only function)Door closer with coordinator closes the leaves in the right order

    Inside Outside

    Option 1 of 2

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    11.14DOOR NP 3, Pair of doors with/without fire separating function depending onchoice of electric striking plate

    Fittings on the insideEmergency exit deviceElectric striking plate in inactive leafPulse generator, e.g. card readerAutomatic flush bolts in inactive leafInactive leaf fitted with tailpiece for the door coordinator function

    Functions on the inside

    Exit handle secures exit via active leafOption of authorised passage via pulse generator/keyOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained, depending onchoice of electric striking plate. (Not as the only function)

    Fittings on the outsideLever handlePulse generator, e.g. card readerDoor closer with coordinator

    Functions on the outside

    Lever handle secures returnOption of authorised passage via pulse generator/keyDoor closer with coordinator closes the leaves in the right orderOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained, depending onchoice of electric striking plate. (Not as the only function)

    NoteInactive leaf shall not form part of the escape route

    Inside Outside

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    11.15DOOR NP 4, Pair of fire doorsFittings on the insideEmergency exit devices, as push padAutomatic flush bolts, inactive leafInactive leaf fitted with tailpiece for the door coordinator function

    Functions on the insidePush pad secures exit via active leaf

    Option of authorised passage via key

    Fittings on the outsideOption 1: See figure. Plain outside faceDoor closer with coordinator. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open deviceOption 2: Cylinder + pull handleDoor closer with coordinator. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the outsideOption 1: See figure. No returnDoor closer with coordinator closes the leaves in the right order

    Option 2: No return but authorised passage via keyDoor closer with coordinator closes the leaves in the right order

    NoteInactive leaf shall not form part of the escape route

    Inside Outside

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    11.16DOOR NP 5, Pair of doors with/without fire separating function depending onchoice of electric striking plate

    Fittings on the insideEmergency exit device. as push padElectric striking plate in inactive leafPulse generator, e.g. card readerAutomatic flush bolts in inactive leafInactive leaf fitted with tailpiece for the door coordinator function

    Functions on the inside

    The push pad secures exit via active leafOption of authorised passage via pulse generator/keyOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained, depending onchoice of electric striking plate. (Not as the only function)

    Fittings on the outsidePull handlePulse generator, e.g. card readerDoor closer with coordinator

    Functions on the outside

    No return but authorised passage via pulse generator/keyDoor closer with coordinator closes the leaves in the right orderOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained depending onchoice of electric striking plate. (Not as the only function)

    NoteInactive leaf shall not form part of the escape route

    Inside Outside

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    11.17DOOR PP 1, Pair of fire doorsFittings on the insidePanic boltsInactive leaf fitted with tailpiece for the door coordinator function

    Functions on the insidePanic bolt secures exit

    Option of authorised passage via key

    Fittings on the outsideLever handleDoor closer with coordinator. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the outsideNo returnOption of authorised passage via keyDoor closer with coordinator closes the leaves in the right order

    NoteWhere the inactive leaf forms part of the escape route, its width shall not be less than 500 mm.

    Inside Outside

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    11.18DOOR PP 2, Pair of fire doorsFittings on the insidePanic boltsInactive leaf fitted with tailpiece for the door coordinator function

    Functions on the insidePanic bolt secures exitOption of authorised passage via key

    Fittings on the outsideDoor closer with coordinator. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open deviceOption 1: See figure. Plain outside faceOption 2: Cylinder + pull handle

    Functions on the outsideDoor closer with coordinator closes the leaves in the right orderOption 1: See figure. No returnOption 2: No return but authorised passage via key

    NoteWhere the inactive leaf forms part of the escape route, its width shall not be less than 500 mm.

    Inside Outside

    Option 1 of 2

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    11.19DOOR PP 3, Pair of fire doorsFittings on the insidePanic bolts with micro switchesDoor holder magnet/electromechanical door bolt in active leafInactive leaf fitted with tailpiece for the door coordinator function

    Functions on the insidePanic bolts secure exitMicro switches secure opening of door holder magnet/electromechanical door boltOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained, depending on

    choice of electric striking plate. (Not as the only function)

    Fittings on the outsideDoor closer with coordinator. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open deviceOption 1: Lever handleOption 2: See figure. Lever handle + pulse generator, e.g. card reader

    Functions on the outsideDoor closer with coordinator closes the leaves in the right orderOption 1: Lever handle secures returnOption 2: See figure. Lever handle secures return

    Option of authorised passage via pulse generator/keyOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained. (Not as theonly function)

    NoteWhere the inactive leaf forms part of the escape route, its width shall not be less than 500 mm

    Inside Outside

    Option 2 of 2

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    11.20DOOR PP 4, Pair of doors with/without fire separating function depending onchoice of electric striking plate

    Fittings on the insidePanic bolts with micro switchesElectric striking plate in inactive leafPulse generator, e.g. card readerInactive leaf fitted with tailpiece for the door coordinator function

    Functions on the insidePanic bolts secure exit

    Option of authorised passage via pulse generatorOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained, depending onchoice of electric striking plate. (Not as the only function)

    Fittings on the outsideLever handlePulse generator, e.g. card readerDoor closer with coordinator

    Functions on the outsideLever handle secures return. (Depending on choice of electric striking plate)

    Option of authorised passage via pulse generatorOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained, depending onchoice of electric striking plate . (Not as the only function)Door closer with coordinator closes the leaves in the right order

    NoteWhere the inactive leaf forms part of the escape route, its width shall not be less than 500 mm.

    Inside Outside

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    11.21DOOR PP 5, Pair of fire doorsFittings on the insidePanic bolts with electrical openingPulse generator, e.g. card readerInactive leaf fitted with tailpiece for the door coordinator function

    Functions on the insidePanic bolts secure exit

    Option of authorised passage via pulse generator

    Fittings on the outsidePull handlePulse generator, e.g. card readerDoor closer with coordinator. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the outsideNo returnOption of authorised passage via pulse generatorDoor closer with coordinator closes the leaves in the right order

    NoteWhere the inactive leaf forms part of the escape route, its width shall not be less than 500 mm.Panic bolt shall not be electrically held open. It shall be electrically open only at the time ofpassage

    Inside Outside

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    11.22DOOR PP 6, Pair of fire doorsFittings on the insidePanic bolts with electrical opening and micro switchesDoor holder magnet/electromechanical door bolt in active leafPulse generator, e.g. card readerInactive leaf fitted with tailpiece for the door coordinator function

    Functions on the inside

    Panic bolts secure exitMicro switch secures opening of door holder magnet/electromechanical door boltOption of authorised passage via pulse generatorOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained, depending onchoice of electric striking plate. (Not as the only function)

    Fittings on the outsideLever handlePulse generator, e.g. card readerDoor closer with coordinator. Can be fitted with electromechanical hold-open device

    Functions on the outsideLever handle secures returnOption of authorised passage via pulse generatorDoor closer with coordinator closes the leaves in the right orderOption of automatic unlocking via fire alarm, with fire separating function retained. (Not as theonly function)

    NoteWhere the inactive leaf forms part of the escape route, its width shall not be less than 500 mm.Panic bolt shall not be electrically held open. It shall be electrically open only at the time ofpassage.Can be fitted with door automatics

    Inside Outside

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    12 EXAMPLES OF CONTROL ROUTINESRegular control should be carried out by the usufructuary, but an effort should be made toperform the control together with the property owner as often as possible. The aim of this is tobecome familiar with the building and to form an overall idea of the total security of escape, andto achieve a good dialogue with the property owner.

    In order that control of the technical installation may be carried out in a satisfactory manner, thefollowing checklist should be used in checking doors in, and to, an escape route.

    How often controls should be carried out depends on the hazard situation and the general wearand tear in the building and premises. Control of escape facilities should be made every day.

    12.1Control routinesFor all doors in and to escape routes, regardless of whether they have, or have not, afire compartment separating function, the following are to be checked.

    Function Check that the door can be easily opened without a key, code or card, and that it can be

    opened at least 90 Check that nothing is blocking the escape route Check that the force needed to open the door does not exceed 130 N (ca 13 kgf) Check that return into the premises is possible where so required

    Maintenance When the door is opened, make a visual inspection of hinges, locks, handle, door frame, the

    attachment of glazed panels if any, any other damage, marking, the function of the doorhandle, etc

    For a door with a fire compartment separating function, the following is also to becheckedGastightness Check that the door is undamaged and closes so that there are no gaps, not even along the

    doorstep of a door opening into an escape route in a stairway

    Check that any intumescent strips that are fitted along the door are undamaged

    Lock case A lock case with only a cylinder lock must not be fitted with a hold-open device Check the engagement of the spring bolt with the striking plate

    - Door of fire resistance class E/EI 30 - 7 mm- Door of fire resistance class E/EI 60 - 10 mm

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    Foor doors that also have the following components fitted, the following shall also bechecked:

    Door closer Open door ca 10 cm and let it go. Check that the door closes completely and that the spring

    bolt engages with the striking plate Check if there are any oil leaks Check for damage to the arm system that affects the door holder function Check the fixing of the door closer housing and the fixings of the arms NOTE that split-arm system or hold-open arms are not recommended for doors at fire

    compartment boundaries

    Electromechanical hold-open device Break the current, e.g. with the test button Check that the door closes completely and that the spring bolt engages with the striking plate Check that it is released in the event of power failure

    Automatic flush bolt for double doors Check that the flush bolt moves easily in the striking plate Pull the handle and check that the doors do not open Check the fixing of the flush bolt and striking plate

    Coordinator for double doors Check that the correct door closes first Check the fixing

    Tailpiece for double doors Check fixing and function

    Guidance marking Assess whether the sign is fully visible from appropriate points in the premises Check that the sign is in place and that it is functioning, i.e. it is undamaged, illuminated, not

    concealed Check the emergency power supply, if any. This can be done on fluorescent signs with their

    own backup battery. Press the button on the light fitting or unscrew the fuse that supplies thelight fitting, and check the emergency light