Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional Instructions ... · re-examined at a subsequent...

Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional Instructions & Application The following information is contained in this booklet: Part A: Information for Applicants Objectives Eligibility Required Body of Knowledge Procedures The Application & Point Scoring Evaluation CLEP EXAMINATION OVERVIEW Maintaining Certification Lifetime Certification Reinstatement Fees CLEP Designation Usage Part B: CLEP Application Applicant Information Data Education Professional Registration Experience Record References Lighting Project Summary Letter of Reference (Cover page and form) Employment Verification (Cover page and form) Client Verification (Cover page and form) Part C: Study Guide Study Guide References & Topics Sample Exam Review Questions Reference Book Order Form

Transcript of Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional Instructions ... · re-examined at a subsequent...

Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional

Instructions & Application

The following information is contained in this booklet:

Part A: Information for Applicants • Objectives • Eligibility • Required Body of Knowledge • Procedures • The Application & Point Scoring Evaluation • CLEP EXAMINATION OVERVIEW • Maintaining Certification • Lifetime Certification • Reinstatement • Fees • CLEP Designation Usage

Part B: CLEP Application • Applicant Information Data • Education • Professional Registration • Experience Record • References • Lighting Project Summary • Letter of Reference (Cover page and form) • Employment Verification (Cover page and form) • Client Verification (Cover page and form)

Part C: Study Guide

• Study Guide References & Topics • Sample Exam Review Questions • Reference Book Order Form

Part A: Information for Applicants

CERTIFIED LIGHTING EFFICIENCY PROFESSIONAL (CLEP®) Please read thru the following important information before submitting your CLEP® Application found in Part B of this booklet. 1. CLEP ® OBJECTIVES

• To raise the professional standards of those engaged in lighting efficiency management.

• To improve the practice and quality of lighting efficiency projects by encouraging professionals

in a continuing education program of professional development.

• To identify persons with acceptable knowledge of the principles and practices of lighting efficiency/management through completing an examination and fulfilling prescribed standards of performance and conduct.

• To award special recognition to those lighting professionals who have demonstrated a high

level of competence and ethical fitness for lighting management.

2. ELIGIBILITY Professionals with the following prerequisite may apply:

• An engineering graduate, and/or P.E., and/or R.A., and/or CEM with at least three years

experience in lighting efficiency. OR

• A four-year degree in business or related degree with at least five years’ experience in lighting efficiency.

OR • A two-year technical degree with eight years experience in lighting efficiency.

OR • Ten years or more verified experience in lighting efficiency.

In addition, applicants must submit 4 completed lighting projects. Feasibility studies and projects not yet completed are ineligible.

3. THE REQUIRED BODY OF KNOWLEDGE The effective practice of lighting efficiency requires in-depth knowledge of a wide variety of subjects. For certification purposes, however, the candidate need only demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Certification Board the knowledge and ability to apply the essentials of lighting management.


The first step in the CLEP application process is to complete the application. The application may be typed or completed by hand. Since certification is based on education, experience and passing the examination, it is important that the applicant understands the eligibility requirements (section two), and has attained the prerequisite to qualify for certification. There are two ways to meet the application deadline: • The application must be received six weeks prior to the CLEP exam if the applicant feels confident he/she has the necessary prerequisite for certification. • Should an applicant have questions about the prerequisite for certification, he/she can have his/her application reviewed by the CLEP Board prior to taking the exam. A completed application (including official college transcripts, employment verification and all references) must be received at least three months prior to desired exam date, and the applicant must request in writing that he/she would like his/her application reviewed by the CLEP Board. The CLEP Board must have a clear understanding of the applicant’s lighting experience. Therefore, it is very important that all applicants give clear, complete details. NOTE: Please arrange for official college transcripts to be forwarded to AEE. Also, if you are self-employed, or principal owner of a company, three Client Verifications are required in place of employment verification.

Your CLEP Application must be approved by AEE prior to sitting for the exam. You will receive a letter once AEE has approved your application with additional exam information. Once the application is complete and the CLEP exam is passed, all applications are sent to the CLEP Board for final approval. Only after Board approval is certification granted.

5. THE APPLICATION The CLEP application provides an organized method for documenting professional and educational background, achievements and community service. The personal data form is divided into the following three parts: • Division I – Education • Division II – Professional Registration • Division III – Experience and Activities

A maximum of 350 points each can be earned in Division I and II and 700 points for Division III. The total maximum score that can be credited on the application form is 1400. The applicant is requested to list on the application form all pertinent information in these categories for evaluation by the CLEP Board. The two areas of evaluation shall receive points as follows: • Application Form 1400 points maximum • CLEP Examination 1000 points maximum To be awarded the CLEP designation, candidates must achieve the minimum total of 1400 points with a minimum of 700 points earned from the CLEP Application and the minimum of 700 points earned from the CLEP examination. If a candidate has failed to acquire sufficient points recommended for CLEP, the candidate may be re-examined at a subsequent examination period and/or resubmit an update application form. Examination scores will be kept on file by the Certification Director for a period of three years. A score can be resubmitted if the candidate so requests. It is essential that candidates devote considerable time and effort to completing the application form since judgment by the Certification Board can be based only on the information provided. Inaccurate and/or incomplete data will only be a liability for the applicant. Documentation should be attached to the application to substantiate the information presented.

6. THE CLEP EXAMINATION The applicant must complete a four-hour exam. Live Seminar dates and locations are available on our website. Applicants must register separately to attend the associated live seminar. An Examination Administrator will proctor the examination. This Administrator may be an Association associate, an educator, an approved testing expert or agency, or whomever the Certification Director deems appropriate based on pre-approval. The examination questions are based on the Body of Knowledge. The exam is Open Book! Because of the diversity of background and experience of lighting efficiency professionals, the examination has 10 different subject sections, all of which are mandatory. The exam consists of multiple choice questions. You must bring a hand calculator to the exam since the CLEP exam does not allow computers, tablets, or cell phones to be used during the test. Grading is accomplished by members of the Certification Department and the CLEP Board. Candidates are notified of exam results by email within 30 days of the exam date. Remote Testing Information: Your application along with exam fee should be approved by AEE prior to sitting for the exam. You will receive a letter once AEE has approved your application. At that time, you may log in to the testing center website to begin the exam scheduling process. Please do not contact the testing center regarding the status of your application. Once the application is complete and exam is passed, all applications are sent to the CLEP Board for final approval. Only after this approval is

certification granted. For more information on Remote Testing Center Procedures and locations, visit www.aeecenter.org/certification/remotetestinginstructions The written CLEP Examination deals with such subjects as: • Codes and Standards • Environmental Safety • Lighting Evaluation and Economics • DSM and Lighting Efficiency • Lighting Controls • Lighting Fundamentals • Lighting System Maintenance • Design Basics • Quantity and Quality of Illumination • Lamps and Ballasts While application and exam fees are nonrefundable, a candidate may reschedule taking a live exam at any time for any reason. Candidates taking the exam at a Remote Testing Center, if you need to reschedule your confirmed exam date or location, please contact AEE prior to rescheduling. A $50 rescheduling fee payable to AEE will be assessed for each reschedule of your Remote Testing Center exam.


The continued education of lighting professionals is essential to enable them to cope with rapidly changing conditions. Therefore, to remain certified, a Lighting Efficiency Professional must accumulate ten (10) professional credits every three years and submit a completed recertification form to the Certification Director. Each CLEP reaches recertification date on the fourth January 1st following the date appearing on the certificate attesting to certification. Professional credits for recertification can be accumulated any time from the date receiving certification to December 31 of the recertification year. For example, Lighting Professionals certified by examination and receiving a certification in 2013, file a record of ten professional points with the certification director by December 31, 2016. These professionals all reach recertification on January 1, 2017. Activities for CLEP Credits • Continued employment in lighting activities: 3 credits for 3 years • Membership in a professional engineering society: 3 credits for 3 years • Continuing education/professional activities (this includes in-house seminars involving lighting): 2 credits per CEU, college credits hour or 10 contract hours for seminars • Awards presented and/or papers published involving lighting: 2 credits each • Offices held in a professional engineering society: 1 credit per year

8. RETIRED CERTIFICATION A CLEP upon retiring and reaching the age of sixty-five is certified for life. No further reporting is necessary except to notify the certification director of meeting the age requirement by sending a copy of driver’s license.

9. SUSPENSION OF REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATION If a Lighting Professional does not accumulate the required professional credits, certification shall terminate, unless in the judgment of the Certification Board, extenuating circumstances exist and deficiency can be readily overcome. Certification may be revoked for failure to abide by the AEE Code of Ethics. The Lighting Professional is offered a hearing by the certification board and notified of the views of the complainant and of the hearing date and location. This notice shall be given in writing at least thirty days in advance of the hearing.

10. REINSTATEMENT OF CLEP Lighting Professionals who do not acquire sufficient CLEP maintenance points to be recertified on recertification date will be notified in writing of suspension from using the CLEP designation and will no longer be listed as a CLEP in any AEE publication until such time that the Lighting Professional: • Resubmits to the certification process and successfully meets the criteria for certification by personal data information and examination;

OR • Acquires make-up points at a cumulative total equal to 3 ½ per year for every year since original date of certification.

11. CLEP FEES: Option A: CLEP Exam held with Live Seminar APPLICATION FEE A fee of $300.00 dollars is payable with the filing of the application. No examination fee refunds are allowed. Re-Examination Fee: For each re-examination (held with live seminar), a fee of $100.00 will be required.

Option B: CLEP Exam at Remote Testing Center APPLICATION FEE A fee of $400.00 dollars is payable with the filing of the application. No examination fee refunds are allowed. Re-Examination Fee (Remote Testing Center Location): For each re-examination, a fee of $150.00 will be required.

RENEWAL FEE For each three-year renewal, the fee will be $300.00 / Reinstatement fee is $350.00 No refunds allowed.

12. USE OF CLEP DESIGNATION As a Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional (CLEP®), the Lighting Efficiency Professional may use the designation with his/her name on organization letterheads, business cards, certain internet listings and forms of address. Certification is for individuals only. The CLEP designation may not be used to imply that an organization, company or firm is certified. AEE does not endorse or recommend any individual CLEP, product or service. Improper usage of CLEP or AEE logo may result in suspension. If you have questions about usage of the CLEP designation, please contact AEE. Sample Correct Usage (Signature / Business Card): John A. Smith, P.E., CLEP / Mary Jones, CLEP, CEM Web Usage: John A. Smith is an individual member of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) and is a Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional (CLEP) Incorrect Usage: ABC Company is Certified by AEE. Correct Usage: - ABC Company has many Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional -CLEPs® on its staff. - ABC Company is looking for a Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional with experience for a

position. - John Smith, President of ABC Company, is an individual member of the Association of Energy

Engineers and is a Certified Energy Manager (CEM), Certified Carbon Reduction Professional (CRM) and Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional (CLEP).

- ABC Company is a Corporate Member of the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) and has five current Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional (CLEP) on staff including…….

John Smith is an individual: Corporate Member of: Link to www.aeecenter.org/certifiation Link to www.aeecenter.org


Exam with Live Seminar Version & Study Guide

DOCUMENTS MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED, FILLED OUT COMPLETELY AND MAILED TO THE AEE OFFICE (Note: Seminar registration is separate registration from this Certification Application)

Seminar Type: Live Online On-demand (On Demand attendees must send a copy of Completion Certificate to [email protected] before CLEP application can be processed) Seminar Name / Date / Location:

Exam Type: Live Remote Testing Exam Date / Location: _____________________________________

(Complete Date/Location for live exam only) After AEE, verifies and approves your information provided, you will receive additional instructions on the Certification. You will be required to show your id. The following information is to be filled out as completely as possible. Please read the “Information for Applicants” very carefully, and also follow instructions for completing and forwarding forms. It is important that the AEE Certification Board have substantiating data for each criteria indicated in the application. NOTE: APPLICATIONS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE $300 (Live) or $400 (Remote) FILING AND EXAMINATION FEE IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED. THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY REGISTER YOU FOR THE TRAINING SEMINAR. PLEASE COMPLETE A SEPARATE SEMINAR REGISTRATION (Live Training Programs and an Online Seminar Version available: see www.aeecenter.org/seminars for dates and locations.

Mail application and payment to: AEE – CLEP Certification Dept. 3168 Mercer University Drive Atlanta, GA 30341 OR fax to: (770-447-4354) (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) Last Name:_____________________________First:_____________________________Middle Int._________

Job Title:_________________________________ Social Security No. (optional):________________________ Firm Name:________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ City:______________________________________ State:______________________ Zip:_________________

Phone:_________________ Fax : ___________________E-mail:_____________________________________ Residence Address___________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________ State_____________ Zip_____________________ Phone:____________________ Address Requested for Correspondence: _____Business _____Residence

Payment enclosed $___________Ck#___________________ Credit Card#:_____________________________CVV#_____ Amex______ Visa______ Master Card______Discover _____ Expiration Date:_____________________________________ Billing Address: _____________________________________ City: ____________________ State: _______ Zip: _________ Signature:__________________________________________

CLEP Application: Total Accumulated Points For Divisions I & II Are Limited to 350 Points are based on degree obtained and continuing education courses taken.

DIVISION 1 EDUCATION (MAXIMUM POINTS 350 COMBINED FOR DIVISION 1 & 2) (List in chronological order the name and location of each college or university attended; also list graduate and research work and other appropriate training).

Name & Location

Of Institution Years

From - To Date

Graduated Degree

Received Field In Which Degree Was


*Please arrange for Official College Transcript to be forwarded, but do not delay filing of application for this reason. DIVISION II PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (MAXIMUM POINTS 350 COMBINED FOR DIVISION 1 & 2) I am a Certified Energy Manager (CEM®) ___Yes CEM #_______________ ___N/A I am a Registered Engineer: ___Yes ___N/A I am a Registered Architect: ___Yes ___N/A If yes to any of the above, complete the following:

State Registration No. Date Now in Force

__yes ___no

__yes ___no

__yes ___no

__yes ___no

__yes ___no

Enclose one copy of the Certification of Registration for at least one state where registration is now in force; card must indicate that license is currently in force. Have any states revoked or suspended your registration? ___yes ____no If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

DIVISION III EXPERIENCE RECORD (MAXIMUM POINTS 700) Applicant should forward one copy of the Employment Verification Form to each employer for those periods which apply to Certification Eligibility. Forms may be addressed to either immediate superiors or to personnel offices. Please complete the following in chronological order. Include a description of lighting job functions held for those periods of employment, which qualify you for specific category of certification as applied for. This form may be copied if additional space is needed. Most Recent Employment First

Date: From-To

Employer Name & Address

Concise Statement of Employment Experience Please provide Lighting Efficiency Job Functions


Date: From-To

Employer Name & Address

Concise Statement of Employment Experience Please provide Lighting Efficiency Job Functions


Date: From-To

Employer Name & Address

Concise Statement of Employment Experience Please provide Lighting Efficiency Job Functions


Candidate may obtain 350 points for 3 years of full-time lighting experience; 50 points per year thereafter, up to a maximum of 700 points.

Are you a Lighting Consultant: ____Yes No_____

REFERENCES Furnish the names and addresses of at least two references: The official AEE Certification Form for REFERENCES is to be forwarded by Applicant to the individuals listed below and returned directly by referees to AEE at the address indicated on the referral form.

CLEP Applicant Signature / Obligation

I _______________________________________________________(Signature Required), having completed the aforementioned to the best of my ability, do hereby apply for AEE Lighting Efficiency Professional and wish to take the CLEP Examination.

Applicant Affidavit I hereby agree (a) to be bound by terms and provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation of the Association of Energy Engineers, its by-laws and such other regulation as may from time to time be in force, so far as they may affect me; (b) to indemnify and hold harmless each and all of your members, Board of Directors, Certification Board, officers, examiners and agents from and against any liability whatsoever in respect to any act or omission by you or them or any of them in connection with this application, the examination, the grades given upon such examination, and/or the granting or issuance of o failure to grant o issue a certificate to me; (c) that any prescribed fee paid by me is not refundable; and (d) that any certificate granted or issued me shall remain the property of the Association. I certify that all the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I further pledge myself hereby to the highest ethical standards in the practice of energy engineering/management.

Applicant Signature Required:____________________________________________Date:________________________

Name Company and Address Position Specify if referral is a P.E., R.A. or CEM

Internal Use - Certification Board The AEE Certification Board, acting at its regular meeting on ___________20____has Use only ____approved_____disapproved this application as presented for certification classification_______________________________by__________________________, No.______________. _______________________________________________________ ______________________ Secretary, AEE Certification Board Date


LIGHTING PROJECT SUMMARY Please describe at least 4 lighting projects, new design or retrofit that you have been responsible or worked on in the past 10 years. Applicant Name: ____________________________________

Project Name & Description

Describe Your Role & Responsibilities

New or Retrofit

Number & Types of Fixtures (Old & New for Retrofit)

Type of Facility

Project Cost

Date of Completion






Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional

From: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

To: ____________________________ Date: _________________________ Dear ______________:

I am applying to the Association of Energy Engineers for Certification for Lighting Efficiency Professional. In this regard, I hereby authorize your release of the requested information.

Please furnish the requested information as completely as possible, and return to the AEE Certification Board. The receipt of replies will be reported by AEE, but under no circumstances will the information be divulged to me, or used for any purpose except to validate my application for Lighting Efficiency Professional Certification.


___________________________________________ (Signature) Applicant

APPLICANT PLEASE FILL IN (type or print) / Attach to Cover Letter Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________State: _____________ Zip:__________________________

REFERAL PLEASE COMPLETE LETTER OF REFERENCE Date: ___________________ Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Company: _____________________________________Telephone: ________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City: State: Zip:

The above named applicant I have known personally from ____________________________to____________________________ I am personally familiar with the professional work of the applicant

____yes ____no If yes, please state relationship and brief description of character of work. Do you know any reason why candidate should be denied certification?

_____yes ____no If yes, please state reason. To the best of my knowledge, I hereby attest that the above information is true and correct. Name of person supply information: _____________________________________ (Please type or print) Official Title of Respondent: ____________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________Date:_________________ Return to: AEE CERTIFICATION BOARD - CLEP

3168 Mercer University Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30341


Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional

From: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

To: ______________________________ Date: ____________________________ Dear ______________:

I am applying to the Association of Energy Engineers for Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional. In this regard, I hereby authorize your release of the requested information enclosed which verifies my employment and duties from the period _________________to___________________. Please furnish the requested information as completely as possible, and return to the AEE Certification Board. The receipt of replies will be reported by AEE, but under no circumstances will the information be divulged to me, or used for any purpose except to validate my application for Lighting Efficiency Professional Certification. ___________________________________________ (Signature) Applicant

APPLICANT PLEASE FILL IN (type or print) / Attach to Cover Letter Date: ______________ Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________State: _________________ Zip: _________________________

LETTER OF EMPLOYMENT and JOB DUTIES VERIFICATION The following information verifies the employment and duties of the above applicant for AEE Certification Date: ___________________ Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Company: _____________________________________Telephone: ________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City: State: Zip:

The above named applicant was (has been) employed by our company from __________________, to _________________________. Has held the following positions: _________________________________________________Dates:________________ _________________________________________________Dates:________________ _________________________________________________Dates:________________ _________________________________________________Dates:________________ Please describe in full the responsibilities of the applicant. Attach descriptions if necessary to answer fully. Please include lighting related details. (REQUIRED)

To the best of my knowledge, and our employment records, I hereby attest that the above information is true and correct. Name of person supplying information: (Please print or type)____________________________________________________ Official Title of Respondent______________________________________________ Signature___________________________________Date:______________________ Return to: AEE CERTIFICATION BOARD - CLEP

3168 Mercer University Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30341

REQUEST FOR VERIFICATION OF ENGAGEMENT Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional

From: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

To: _________________________ Date: ________________________ Dear ______________:

I am applying to the Association of Energy Engineers for Certification as a Lighting Efficiency Professional (CLEP). In this regard, I hereby authorize your release of the requested information enclosed which verifies my engagement and duties from the period _________________to___________________. Please furnish the requested information as completely as possible, and return to the AEE Certification Board. The receipt of replies will be reported by AEE, but under no circumstances will the information be divulged to me, or used for any purpose except to validate my application for Lighting Efficiency Professional Certification. ___________________________________________ (Signature) Applicant

APPLICANT PLEASE FILL IN (type or print) / Attach to Cover Letter Date: ______________ Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________State: ____________Zip: _____________________

Client Complete: LETTER OF CLIENT VERIFICATION The following information verifies the Contractor/Consultant and duties of the above applicant for AEE Certification

Client Company: __________________________________Telephone: ___________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City: State: Zip: The above contractor/consultant has provided service(s) to our company from these dates: Please describe in full the responsibilities of the applicant. Attach descriptions if necessary to answer fully. Please include energy-related details. (REQUIRED)

To the best of my knowledge, I hereby attest that the above information is true and correct. Name of person supply information: ____________________________________ (Please type or print) Official Title of Respondent: _______________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________Date:_________________ Applicant: Please provide (3) client verifications from (3) different companies. Photocopies are acceptable. Return to: AEE CERTIFICATION BOARD-CLEP

3168 Mercer University Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30341



CERTIFIED LIGHTING EFFICIENCY PROFESSIONAL EXAM The following is a list of subjects for the CLEP examination. Each subject covers a number of topics. The list of topics is suggested references. The CLEP examination may contain additional subjects. The two primary references are Applied Illumination Engineering Reference Book and ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 The examination will be an open book and allows four hours for completion of exam. The types of questions presented are multiple choice and true and false. The total maximum score on the exam is 1000. The written examination has 10 sections, which include: Codes & Standards 10 questions Lighting Controls 10 questions Lighting Evaluation 15 questions Lighting System Maintenance 10 questions Lighting Fundamentals 10 questions Quantity & Quality of Illumination 10 questions Design Basics 15 questions Environmental & Safety 10 questions Lamps & Ballast 10 questions DSM & Lighting Efficiency 10 questions STUDY GUIDE TOPICS & REFERENCES

1. Codes & Standards

1.1 ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 1.2 National Electrical Code 1.3 Certified Ballast Manufacturers Association Standards 1.4 ANSI Standard for Fluorescent Lamps

RE: ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1; Applied Illumination Engineering Reference

2. Lighting Evaluation & Economics 2.1 Interest Formulas 2.2 Interest Tables 2.3 Rate of Return Analysis 2.4 Payback Analysis 2.5 Effect of Fuel Escalation on Life-Cycle Costing 2.6 Economic Comparisons of Lighting Systems

RE: Applied Illumination Engineering

3. Lighting Fundamentals 3.1 Nature of Light 3.2 Color Temperature 3.3 Color Rendering Index 3.4 Fundamental Lighting Units & Relationship 3.5 Fundamental Lighting Calculations 3.6 Photometric Test Reports 3.7 Candela Distribution Curves 3.8 Coefficient of Utilization 3.9 Lamp Lumen Depreciation 3.10 Inverse Square Law

RE: Applied Illumination Engineering 4. Design Basics

4.1 Zonal Cavity Method 4.2 Determination of Effective Cavity Reflectance 4.3 Calculating Illumination at a Point 4.4 Light Loss Factor 4.5 Energy Management 4.6 Types of Lighting Systems 4.7 Typical Lighting applications

a. Industrial d. Merchandise b. Office e. Educational c. Outdoor

RE: Applied Illumination Engineering 5. Lamps & Ballasts

5.1 Light Sources a. Incandescent Lamps b. Reflector Lamps c. Fluorescent Lamps d. High Intensity Discharge Lamps

1. Mercury Vapor 2. Metal Halide 3. Low Pressure Sodium 4. High Pressure Sodium

e. Halogen Cycle PAR Lamps f. Tubular Quartz Lamps

5.2 Ballast a. Ballast Factor b. Ballast Efficacy Factor c. Electronic Ballasts d. Magnetic Ballasts

RE: Applied Illumination Engineering

6. Lighting Controls 6.1 Automatic Switches & Time Clocks 6.2 Photocells 6.3 Occupancy Sensors

a. Ultrasonic b. Infrared

6.4 Dimmers 6.5 Contractors 6.6 Hard Wiring 6.7 Power Line Carriers

RE: Applied Illumination Engineering 7. Lighting System Maintenance

7.1 Group Relamping 7.2 Luminaire Dirt Depreciation 7.3 Room Surface Dirt Depreciation

RE: Applied Illumination Engineering 8. Quantity & Quality of Illumination

8.1 Psychological Factors 8.2 Physical Factors 8.3 Luminance Ratios 8.4 Measuring Quantity of Illuminance 8.5 Disability Glare 8.6 Discomfort Glare 8.7 Veiling Reflections 8.8 Visual Comfort Probability

RE: Applied Illumination Engineering 9. Environmental & Safety

9.1 EPA Energy Star Program 9.2 Disposal of Old Lamps and Ballasts 9.3 Safety Considerations for Metal Halide & Mercury Vapor Lamps

RE: Applied Illumination Engineering 10. DSM & Lighting Efficiency

10.1 Unit Power Density 10.2 Utility Incentive and Rebate Programs 10.3 Demand-Side Management 10.4 Energy Management Considerations 10.5 EPA

RE: ASHRAE Standard 90.1; Applied Illumination Engineering

CEM EXAM REVIEW QUESTIONS (Sample Only) Some of these review questions may be more complex or difficult than the exam but will be good practice problems.


1. In applying ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 to calculate unit lighting power allowance (ULPA), no credit

is allowed for which of the following types of lighting control when calculating lighting power control credits (LPCC)?

A) Daylight sensing C) Programmable Timers B) Occupancy Sensors D) Interval timers 2. What is the internal rate of return, before taxes, on an investment for upgrading lamps which will

cost $50,000 to install, have a three-year life, and result in cost savings of $ 25,615 each year? A) 17 % C) 51 % B) 25% D) 65 % 3. In normal operation, which lamp type exhibits the worst lumen depreciation? A) Mercury Vapor C) Metal Halide B) Low Pressure Sodium D) T12 “Energy-saving” Fluorescent 4. How many luminaires are required given the following: Area: 50,000 square feet Required foot-candle level: 50 fc Coefficient of Utilization: .76 Light Loss Factor .65 1 lamp, 400 watt high pressure sodium luminaires. Lamps have an initial lumen rating of 50,000 A) 25 C) 150 B) 102 D) 494

5. What is the total light loss factor given the following: Ballast factor 0.94 Lamp lumen depreciation factor 0.84 Luminaire dirt depreciation factor 0.90 Room surface dirt depreciation 0.98 A) 0.90 C) 0.70 B) 0.82 D) 0.62 6. Using the inverse-square law, calculate the illuminance at a point on a merchandising display

directly beneath a halogen reflector lamp, given the following: One (1) 150 Watt PAR 38 Spot Halogen, rated at 25,000 candle power Mounted on the ceiling, 15 feet from the floor Lighting measurement taken perpendicular to lamp’s beam axis, 5 1/2 feet from the floor. A) 100 fc C) 200 fc B) 166 fc D) 277 fc 7. The term VCP refers to which of the following? A) Veiling Coefficient of Performance C) Visual Comfort Probability B) Vaulted Ceiling Pendant D) Virtual Color Planes 8. Which HID lamp has normally the slowest re-strike time after a momentary power interruption? A) Mercury Vapor C) High Pressure Sodium B) Metal Halide D) Compact Fluorescent 9. Which of the following lamp and ballast combinations generally have the poorest power factor? A) Compact Fluorescent C) High Pressure Sodium with integral electronic ballast with auto regulating ballast B) Compact Fluorescent D) T8 Fluorescent with with magnetic Ballast Electronic Ballast 10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of typical metal halide lamps in normal operation? A) Change in lumen output with C) Non-Passive End-of-Life change in mounting position B) Change in CRI during life D) Lumen depreciation greater than 50%


1. D. 6. D. 2. B. 7. C. 3. A. 8. B. 4. B. 9. B. 5. C. 10. D.

For a listing of AEE Certification Programs: Visit www.aeecenter.org/certification

For a listing of Seminars: Visit www.aeecenter.org/seminars

For a listing of Real-time Online Seminars: Visit www.aeecenter.org/realtime

For a listing of Remote Testing Centers (Assessment Systems): Visit www.aeecenter.org/certifiormap

For AEE Membership Info: Visit www.aeecenter.org

CLEP® Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional is a registered trade mark of the Association of Energy Engineers. The information contained herewith is for informational purposes only and does not imply

endorsement from AEE in any kind.

CLEP application, procedures, requirements, and eligibility are subject to change.