Ceragon Networking

PolyViewwith CeraMapUser Interface User Guide Part ID: BM-0077-0 Doc ID: DOC-00007966 Rev. L November 2009


Ceragon Networking

Transcript of Ceragon Networking

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with CeraMap™

User Interface

User Guide

Part ID: BM-0077-0 Doc ID: DOC-00007966 Rev. L

November 2009

Page 2: Ceragon Networking


This document contains information that is proprietary to Ceragon Networks Ltd.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, modified, or distributed without prior written authorization of Ceragon Networks Ltd.

This document is provided as is, without warranty of any kind.

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FibeAir®, Ceragon Networks®, and CeraView® are registered trademarks of Ceragon Networks Ltd.

Other names mentioned in this publication are owned by their respective holders.


CeraMapTM, ConfigAirTM, PolyViewTM, EncryptAirTM, CeraMonTM, EtherAirTM, and MicroWave FiberTM, are trademarks of Ceragon Networks Ltd.

Other names mentioned in this publication are owned by their respective holders.

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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

Ceragon Networks Ltd. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damage in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this document or equipment supplied with it.

Information to User

Any changes or modifications of equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment and the warranty for such equipment.

Copyright © 2009 by Ceragon Networks Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1

Installing PolyView ...................................................................................................... 6

Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 8

Working with CeraMap ............................................................................................. 15

PolyView Security ..................................................................................................... 26

PolyView Configuration ............................................................................................ 35

CeraMap Configuration ............................................................................................ 48

Trap Forwarding Configuration ............................................................................... 52

Configuration Broadcast .......................................................................................... 56

Viewing Alarms ......................................................................................................... 63

Trail Management for FibeAir 1500A ....................................................................... 76

Software Download ................................................................................................... 82

Configuration File Download ................................................................................... 85

Management Reports ................................................................................................ 88

Administration & Maintenance ................................................................................ 98

Appendix A: PolyView CLI (Command Line Interface) ........................................ 114

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PolyView™ User Guide 1

Introduction PolyView™ is Ceragon’s powerful yet user-friendly NMS (Network Management System) that integrates with other NMS platforms and systems in which no NMS is used. It provides management functions for Ceragon’s FibeAir® systems at the network level, as well as at the individual network element level.

Using PolyView, you can perform the following for Ceragon elements in the network:

Performance Reporting

Inventory Reporting

Software Download

Configuration Management

Trail Management

View Current Alarms (with alarm synchronization)

View an Alarm Log

Create Alarm Triggers

PolyView's user interface, CeraMap™, enables fast and easy design of multi-layered network element maps. CeraMap helps manage the network from its building stage to its ongoing maintenance and configuration procedures.

PolyView supports all Ceragon FibeAir products, and compliments Ceragon’s CeraView® and CeraWeb by providing a higher (network) level of management support.

PolyView is implemented in Java, which enables it to run on different operating systems.

PolyView is security-protected, whereby configuration and software download operations can only be performed by authorized system administrators.

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Features CeraMap user-friendly interface used to build graphic element network, and manage element

configuration and maintenance.

Launched by clicking on elements in the map

Automatic detection of network elements

Supports multiple maps, groups, and links

End-to-end trail management

Extensive reporting capabilities

Enables saving/loading of configuration data

Supports inter-element graphic connection

Supports active graphic element status indication

Supports global configuration changes through top-level elements

PolyView version updates do not affect the database

PolyView™ database information can be exported for use in other applications

Integrates with other NMS platforms

System Overview The PolyView system consists of the following main components:

PolyView framework - the foundation on which all PolyView applications and services run

PolyView database - a centralized SQL-based database

NMS plugable API Interface - the connection between PolyView and the NMS it integrates with

PolyView applications

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The following illustrations show the PolyView system and how it integrates with other NMS platforms and the network.

PolyView Integrated in a Network

A note about operating systems and platforms:

PolyView runs on Windows 2003/XP/Vista and Sun Solaris systems, and can integrate with higher level NMS platforms.

Although the screens shown in this guide relate to PolyView running on a Windows system, the screens are identical in function to those that appear in other operating systems.

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System Requirements To run PolyView, your system requires the following specifications:

For Windows:

Specification Minimum (less than 50 elements)

Hardware Type Any type

Processor Core 2, 2.0 GHz

Memory (RAM) 2 GB

Available Drive Space 120 GB

Operating System Windows 2003 Server/XP/Vista

Display Monitor 1280x1024 True Color

Ethernet Ports 1


Specification Minimum (less than 50 elements)

Hardware Type SF T5220

Memory (RAM) 8 GB

Available Drive Space 73 GB x 2

Operating System Solaris 10

Display Monitor 1280x1024 True Color

Ethernet Ports 1

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Hierachical Approach PolyView operates in a hierarchical manner, whereby some operations will apply to selected network elements and all sub-elements included in the one that was selected.

For example, consider the following network element map.

If the Root is selected, for some operations (such as software download), all relevant Ceragon elements in the system will be affected by the specified operation.

If element A is selected, the operation will apply to A, A1, and A2. It will not apply to B, B1, and B2. For the operation to apply to B and its sub-elements, both A and B must be selected.

If A1 or B1 are selected, the operation will include only A1 or B1 and all sub-elements related to them.

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Installing PolyView This section provides the PolyView installation procedure and pre-installation instructions.

Important: Note that firewalls may hinder PolyView installation. It is recommended to remove firewall restrictions when installing the PolyView software.

Important: Note that for Windows, you must first install an FTP application; otherwise the installation will fail.

Pre-Installation Before you install PolyView, perform/check the following steps:

Close all applications.

An anti-virus program may inhibit the installation. If you experience a problem installing PolyView, try disabling the anti-virus program for the duration of the installation.

Make sure you have administrator rights on the machine (root on UNIX).

Important! PolyView database is kept when upgrading from PolyView N6.1 release and above. Upgrading from PolyView N6.01 or an older release will erase all previous data in the database. It is highly recommended to backup the database before upgrading.

Restart the computer after the installation is complete.

Installation Procedure PolyView and its related software is installed in the following order:

Install CeraView

Install MySQL

Install PolyView

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Install CeraView

1. In Windows, restart the computer after the installation is complete.

Install MySQL

1. If a previous version of MySQL is installed, uninstall it.

2. Install MySQL.

Do not change the default installation location (Windows: c:\mysql, UNIX: /opt/mysql).

3. In Windows, restart the computer after MySQL is installed.

Install PolyView Server and CeraMap

1. If a previous version of PolyView is installed, uninstall it. - Open a DOS command window, type pvstop, and press Enter. - Uninstall PolyView via the Control Panel using Add/Remove Programs.

2. Install PolyView with the Server mode.

Note: On Vista systems, right click the install program and select Run as Administrator.

Note: PolyView does not support Vista's User Access Control (UAC). If the server is intsalled on Vista, open the Control Panel, double-click User Accounts, select Turn User Account Control On or Off, and make sure that UAC is not selected.

3. In Windows, restart the computer after the installation is complete.

4. In the PolyView configuration file (located in the Config directory in the PolyView installation directory), configure the Mail server.

If you are setting up a PolyView server, configure the TFTP server address and the full TFTP files directory path. You must configure CeraView to use the same directory for TFTP files.

5. Licensing:

When you install the PolyView server for the first time, it is installed with a “demo” license that will give you one month of work with PolyView.

To obtain a permanent PolyView license, do the following: a. Install PolyView (as explained above) and restart the machine. b. Start CeraMap, and select Help, About. c. Write down the Host ID number. d. Contact Ceragon customer support and report the Host ID number. e. When customer support sends you the license file, copy it to the PolyView/config directory f. Restart the server. g. Start CeraMap, select Help, About, and confirm the updated license information.

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Getting Started PolyView is operated through its CeraMap interface. All network element definitions, configurations, and maintenance procedures are performed through the CeraMap interface.

Starting CeraMap

Start CeraMap by double-clicking the CeraMap icon on the desktop.

In the CeraMap Login window, enter your user name and password, and click OK.

The main CeraMap window appears.

Main CeraMap Window

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Creating the Map The graphic map is built by creating icons that represent elements in your network, or groups that include one or more elements.

Creating an Individual Element

To create an element:

1. On the left side of the CeraMap window, click the right mouse button on the icon of the group to which you want the element to belong (or the root icon, whereby the element will belong to the root list, and not to a particular group), and select Add Network Element.

You can also select the root icon or a group, and, in the menu bar, select Edit, Add network element.

Add Element Window

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2. Specify the IP address of the element you want to add, and select User Defined Name if you want to give it a name.

Note about IP Addresses for FibeAir IP-10 G-Series:

While each protected IP-10 G-Series network element represents two IP addresses, in PolyView each one is displayed and treated as one IP address, of slot 1. Due to this convention, all NMS functionality related to this protected node (reports, alarms, etc.) is done on behalf of the slot-1 IP address.

3. If you want to change the default SNMP parameters for the element, click the SNMP tab,and set the parameter values you want, as shown in the example window above.

For IP-10 elements, select the IP-10 icon and click the Parameters tab to set the correct HTTP communication protocol (HTTP or HTTPS), as shown in the following example window.

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4. Click OK.

An icon representing the element you defined will appear on the map with the element's name and IP address. The element will also appear in the list on the left side of the window.

In the following example, several elements were defined in the map.

Elements in the Main CeraMap Window

Note that the color of the element's icon represents the level of its most severe alarm.

For example, green means that the element is operating with no alarms; light red means that the element is operating with one or more major alarms.

In the element list on the left side of the CeraMap window, the color of the icons will also reflect their alarm status. The color of upper level groups and the root level will always be the color of the element in the list with the most severe alarm.

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Creating a Group of Elements

To create a group of elements:

1. On the left side of the CeraMap window, click the right mouse button on the root icon, or on the group to which you want to add another group, and select Add Group.

You can also select the root icon or a group, and, in the menu bar, select Edit, Add Group.

Add Group Element Window

2. Specify the name of the group, and select a site level (you can create an unlimited number of levels in the map), or a different icon representing the type of group you want to create.

3. If you want to change the background of the map, select Define background, and click Select.

4. If you defined a background, you can also change the transparency of the background using the Opacity slider.

5. Click OK.

The group you defined will appear on the map and in the element list on the left side of the window.

The following example shows two groups that were created under the root group.

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Groups Created under the Root Group

Creating a Symbol

Symbols are icons that represent different items (equipment, logos, etc.), but are not treated as network elements by PolyView (for example, no polling is performed for symbols).

To add a symbol to the map:

1. Select Edit, Add Symbol.

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Add Symbol Window

2. You must specify a name for the symbol in the Name field.

3. Select Show name on map if you want the name you specified to appear on the map under the symbol.

4. Select a symbol from symbol icon area and click OK.


- If you want to add a symbol that does not appear in the window, you must copy the graphic file (in GIF or JPG format) to the symbol folder in installdir/image/symbols, whereby installdir is the name of the directory in which PolyView was installed. Symbol files can be grouped in sub-folders in the symbols directory.

- Symbol file and sub-folder names cannot include spaces. If you want to include spaces in symbol file or sub-folder names, use underscores (_). For example, the file Ethernet_Bridge.gif, will appear as "Ethernet Bridge".

- Add symbol files only to the PolyView server. All media files are automatically copied to all CeraMap clients.

- Links can be defined between symbols and other symbols or network elements.

- You can delete and move symbols the same as with other elements in the map.

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Working with CeraMap This section explains how to work with elements and groups in the CeraMap interface.

Finding an Element or Group If your map includes a large number of elements, you can find a specific element or group using the Find option.

Click the right button on an element or a group, and select Find.


Select Edit, Find in the menu bar.


Click the Find icon in the tool bar .

Find Element or Group Window

Enter the text you assigned to the element, or its IP address, choose the desired options, and click Find.

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Deleting an Element or Group To delete an element or a group, click the right button on the element or group you want to delete (in the element list on the left side of the window, or in the map itself), and select Delete elements.

You can also select an element or a group, and then select Edit, Delete elements in the menu bar.

To select more than one element, hold the Ctrl key down and click the select mouse button.

Note that you cannot delete the root element or the element that represents the PolyView server.

Moving an Element or Group To move an element or a group to another group, or to the root list, click the right button on the element or group you want to move, and select Move element.

You can also select an element or a group, and then select Edit, Move element in the menu bar.

Move Element or Group Window

Select the group to which you want to move the element or group, and click OK.

To select more than one element to move, press the Ctrl key and click the select mouse button.

If the elements you want to move have links between them, the links will be moved as well.

If the elements have links to other elements that are not to be moved, the links will be deleted.

You can also use drag & drop by selecting the element and then dragging it to its new location.

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Element/Group Properties To view the properties of an element or a group, click the right button on an element or a group, and select Properties.

You can also select an element or a group, and then select Edit, Properties in the menu bar.

Element/Group Properties Window

In this window, you can specify the system name, location, and contact person.

You can also specify a name for the element by clicking Define name and entering the name in the field. The name you enter will appear in the icon representing the element in the map. You can use the name you defined to search for the element in the map using the Find option described earlier in this online help section.

Creating a Link Links in the map show how elements and groups are connected in the network.

To create a link, select two elements or groups, click the right button on one of them, and select Add Link.

You can also select two elements or groups, and then select Edit, Add Link in the menu bar.

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Link Properties Window

First, select the width of the graphic line that will connect the elements on the map. Then select the type of connection - Radio, Line, Protected, or Generic, and click OK.

The following example shows three linked elements in the map.

Three Linked Elements in the CeraMap Window

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The following example shows two linked groups in the map.

Two Linked Groups in the CeraMap Window

The alarm severity level indicated by the connection line is calculated by CeraMap. The level will be that of the most severe alarm that exists in a link between elements of the first group with elements of the second group.

Note that you can add a name to a link. By default, the link name appears only as a tool tip (when the mouse cursor is placed over the link). You can change the default in the Displayed link name on map field in the CeraMap Configuration Utility, so that the link name will always appear in the map. (The field is explained in the CeraMap Configuration section.)

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Creating a Text Element To add a text element to the network map:

1. Place the cursor at the desired location in the map, click the right mouse button, and select Add Text. You can also select Edit, Add Text in the menu bar.

Add Text Window

2. In the Text field, enter the text you want to appear in the map. Each element can include up to 80 symbols.

3. After you specify the text, you can customize it by selecting the desired attributes in the different fields.

Note that the font you select must exist on all computers running CeraMap. If the font you select does not exist on a computer running CeraMap, the text will appear in a different font.

In addition, note that the Sample area may display only part of the actual text. The level of opacity is not shown in the sample, and for border size, only the simple border style will be displayed.

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Moving One Level Back

To move one level back in the map, click the Up Level icon in the tool bar , or select Edit, Map Up One Level in the menu bar.

Updating the Map To update the map with the latest information from the PolyView server, click the Refresh icon in the tool

bar , or select File, Refresh in the menu bar.

Exporting CeraMap Data You can export CeraMap data (topology and trigger information) to an external file by selecting File, Export Data.

Export Data Window

After you export CeraMap data, the exported file can be imported back into PolyView (for example, after a server upgrade), or to another PolyView server.

You can export an entire tree if you select the root element and then select File, Export Data. Using the same method, you can export a single sub-tree, by selecting the sub-tree root before the export.

For an export operation, you can select the file you want to export the data to, and the data types you want to export.

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Importing CeraMap Data To import a CeraMap data file select File, Import Data.

Import Data Window

The import will be done under the currently selected group.

For an import operation, you can select the file to import, which data types you want to import from the file, and whether or not to update duplicated items.

Updating duplicated items means that when you import an entity that already exists (a network element with the same IP, or a group with the same name), you can request that PolyView update the element attributes from the imported file (for example, an element's name).

Network Auto Discovery PolyView can scan the network and automatically and add supported elements to its map.

To start scanning:

1. In the map list on the left side of the window, select a group to which all newly discovered elements will be added.

2. Select File, Network Auto Discovery.

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Network Auto Discovery Window

3. The Discovery Scope area shows a list of existing Discovery Scope definitions.

Click Add to define a new scope.

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Scope Settings IP Range Window

Select the type of scope you want, IP Range or IP Subnet.

If you selected IP Range, in the First IP and Last IP fields, specify the range of IPs to which the network scan will apply.

If you selected Subnet, in the IP field enter the subnet IP, and in the Mask field enter the subnet mask to which the network scan will apply.

If network elements within the subnet or IP range do not use the default SNMP settings, click the SNMP Parameters tab, and set the correct values.

Scope Settings SNMP Parameters Window

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In the Version field, select the SNMP version of the network elements you want to include in the scan. The supported SNMP versions are V1, V2c, and V3.

Use the up/down button to specify the port used by the elements you want to include in the scope, and enter the Read/Write communities the elements belong to.

Click OK.

Note: If you want, you can add more than one range or subnet, by clicking the Add button in the Network Auto Discovery window.

4. Click Discover to start the discovery process.

The Discovery Status area shows the progress of the scan. To view information about errors that may have been detected during the scan, click the Error Log tab.


- The duration of the discovery process depends on the network size and the connection speed. The time may vary from several minutes to several hours.

- Newly discovered elements will be added to the group you selected. If a discovered element already exists in the target group or in one of its sub-groups, the original element will be retained, and the discovered one will not be added.

- During the process, PolyView will also search for connectivity between elements. If a connection between elements is found, a link will automatically be generated for them and will appear in the map.

- If more than two elements are found to be linked, PolyView will create a sub-group for them, and all the linked elements will be moved to that sub-group.

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PolyView Security This section explains how to set up PolyView security.

Note: For security reasons, security settings can only be run locally on the PolyView server machine.

Starting the Security Application To start the PolyView Security application, select Start, Programs, PolyView, PolyView Security.


In CeraMap, select Settings, Security Settings.

The Security application main window appears.

PolyView Security Application Main Window

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Using the Security Application Security for PolyView is obtained by creating users and user groups with designated access rights to the different PolyView components.

Note that upon installation, two users and two groups are created, as follows:


Admin - Always placed in the Admin group

Viewer - Initially placed in the Observer group


Admin - Full access

Observer - Read-only access

The administrator can add new users and groups, and modify existing ones, but cannot rename or delete the Admin user or group.

Creating a New User To create a new PolyView user:

1. In the main window (shown above), click Users, and select Add User.

The User Configuration window appears

PolyView Security Application User Configuration Window

2. Enter the new user’s name and password in the fields at the top of the window.

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3. In the Access by Subnet area, you can assign different access rights to the new user according to subnet. For example, you can give the user Administrator rights on one subnet and Observer rights on another.


* You cannot enter the same subnet twice for the same user.

* If none of the subnets you entered match an IP the user tries to connect to, the user will be denied access to that IP.

* If more than one subnet matches an IP the user tries to connect to, the group that belongs to the subnet that matches the IP the closest will be used for the IP access. For example, you created the user “Joe” with the following rights: : Observer, and : Administrator. If Joe requests access to, he will be granted Administrator rights for that IP. Even though both subnets you assigned to Joe match the IP he requested, the subnet is closer to the IP than the other one.

In order to obtain default Observer rights for IP addresses that do not match any of the subnets in the list, you need to assign the subnet : Observer to the user, and the subnet mask must also be

* Whenever a user performs an operation that is not applicable to a specific network element (such as changing the security configuration) access permissions will be calculated by the "Default Access" line (which contains the Subnet IP and Mask equal to If a "Default Access" line does not exist for a user, that user will not be able to access general network features.

Working with Users Once you create users, you can perform several user-related operations.

To perform a user-related operation:

1. In the main window, expand the Users list, and click the name of a user you want to work with.

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PolyView Security Application User Options

2. Select Configure User to modify the user configuration as described in the section Creating a New User above. The User Configuration window will appear for you to make changes.

3. Select Copy User if you want to duplicate the user you selected. The Copy User window appears.

PolyView Security Application Copy User Window

Enter the new user’s name and password, and click OK. A new user will be created with the same access rights as the user you chose to copy.

4. Select Delete User if you want to delete the user you selected.

Note that you cannot delete the Admin user.

5. To import users from an external file to your current PolyView session, in the main security window select File, Import Users.

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To export users from your current PolyView session for the CeraView Security application or a different PolyView session, in the main security window select File, Export Users.

Creating a New User Group

User groups can be assigned collective rights to different PolyView components.

To create a new group of users:

1. In the main window, click Groups, and select Add read-only Group or Add read-write Group.

PolyView Security Application Create User Group

If you select Read-Only Group, initially the group will only have read-only access rights. If you select Read-Write Group, initially the group will have read-write access rights.

2. In the Enter Group Name window that appears, enter a name for the new group, and click OK.

Working with Groups Once you create groups, you can perform several group-related operations.

To perform a group-related operation:

1. In the main window, expand the Groups list, and click the name of the group you want to work with.

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PolyView Security Application Group Options

2. Select Configure Group to rename the group. Note that you cannot rename the Admin group.

Note that you cannot rename the Admin group.

3. Select Copy Group if you want to duplicate the group you selected. The Copy Group window appears.

Enter the group’s name, and click OK. A new group will be created with the same access rights as the group you chose to copy.

4. Select Delete Group if you want to delete the group you selected.

Note that you cannot delete the Admin group.

5. For each group, to configure access rights for specific PolyView components, double-click the key icon beside the component name. The Access Rights window appears.

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PolyView Security Application Access Rights Window

Mark the checkboxes of each PolyView component you want the group to have access to, and click OK.

Security Settings To configure security PolyView security, select File, Settings.

PolyView Security Settings Window

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The administrator can select the following options:

- Enable users to change their own passwords (otherwise, only the administrator can change user passwords).

- Users must create a password upon their initial login to PolyView.

- Expiration time of passwords (after which the user must enter a different password).

- Minimum password length.

- Password complexity (whether or not the password must also contain numbers).

If users can change their own passwords, a new menu item will appear in the main window.

Select File, Change user password to change the current password.

Change User Password Window

In this window, you must enter the existing password, and then the new password twice.

When you click Apply, PolyView changes the password in its security database, and will try to change the password in the element manager. Note that for this to work, the "Users can change their passwords" option must also be enabled in the element manager security application.

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Updating the Server

After you make changes in the security settings, you can dynamically update the PolyView server with the changes you made, without restarting the server. To do so, select File, Update PolyView Server.

Note that changing the settings will not affect operations that were already defined before a security change was made. For example, if you configured a delayed software download, and then your permission to perform software download was revoked, the software download you defined before your permission was revoked, will still be executed.

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PolyView Configuration This section explains how to use the PolyView Configuration Utility.

Note: For security purposes, this utility can only be run locally on the PolyView server.

Starting the Utility To configure PolyView, select Start, Programs, PolyView, PolyView Config.

Or, in CeraMap, you can select Settings, Server Options.

The PolyView Configuration Utility appears.

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PolyView Configuration Utility General Window

The following sections are available by clicking the appropriate icons on the left side of the window:

Used to set general parameters, such as server addresses and port numbers.

Used to set polling values.

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Used to set TFTP server parameters.

Used to set security-related parameters.

Used to configure main and standby server operation.

Used to set alarm-related parameters,

Used to set advanced parameters, such as SNMP related values and others.

Using the Utility The following are instructions for working with the PolyView Configuration utility.

1. Click the General Parameters icon .

In the General section (shown above in Starting the Utility), select or enter values for the PolyView Server port, SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server, and User Actions Logger port.

The "Sent By" Email Address will be used when the server sends reports by email.

The Keep Actions History field is used to specify the number of days PolyView will keep records of user actions in its database.

In the Enable ENM Proxy field, select True if you want the ENM client to connect to an element via PolyView. Note that to use this option, the ENM must be capable of working via a proxy.

If you selected True for this option, in the ENM Proxy Port Number field, specify the number of the port from which PolyView will receive proxy requests.

For Enable HTTP/S Proxy, whenever the web browser does not have direct access to the network element, the NMS server can act as a proxy to connect the web browser to that network element. Note that the specific web browser must support the mode of working with the NMS server as proxy.

Selecting True for Allow Units have same IP enables you to have the same network element (same IP) in different groups. Note that having more than one network element with the same address, under the same group, is not permitted.

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To reset the parameters to their original values, click Restore Defaults.

To reload the page with the last saved values, click Reload Page.

2. Click the Polling Configuration icon to set polling values.

PolyView Configuration Utility Polling Window

Note: The polling values that you set in this window relate to all network elements.

Set Dynamic Polling Interval to the interval that PolyView will use to poll dynamic inventory information from the network elements. The value will be rounded to the nearest quarter of an hour.

Set Static Polling Interval to the interval that PolyView will use to poll static inventory information from the network elements. The value will be rounded to the nearest quarter of an hour.

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Set Reports Polling Interval to the interval that PolyView will use to poll performance information from the network elements. The value will be rounded to the nearest quarter of an hour.

Set Config Upload Interval to the interval that PolyView will use to upload the configuration file from the network elements. The value will be rounded to the nearest quarter of an hour.

Set Alarms Polling Interval to the time (in minutes) that PolyView will use to poll current alarms from the network elements.

Set Keep PM History to the amount of time (in days) PolyView will keep Performance Reports.

To reset the parameters to their original values, click Restore Defaults.

To reload the page with the last saved values, click Reload Page.

3. Click the File Transfer icon to set TFTP server values.

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PolyView Configuration Utility File Transfer Window

In the TFTP Server Address field, specify the Trivial File Transfer Protocol server IP. If you leave this field empty, PolyView will try to detect which IP address to use, via the PC routing tables.

In the TFTP Files Location field, specify the directory in which the element software files are located.

In the TFTP Timeout field, select the amount of time (in seconds) the system will wait after a TFTP command before timing out.

In the TFTP Retries field, select the number of times a TFTP request will be made after a timeout.

FTP Server Protocol defines the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) mode of the external FTP server, FTP or SFTP.

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FTP Server Address defines the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) address assigned to the network element.

FTP Server Username defines the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) user name assigned to the network element.

FTP Server Password defines the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) password assigned to the network element.

To reset the parameters to their original values, click Restore Defaults.

To reload the page with the last saved values, click Reload Page.

4. Click the Security icon to set PolyView security-related values.

PolyView Configuration Utility Security Window

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For Inactive Client Disconnect Time, specify the time (in minutes) of inactivity, after which the server will disconnect the client. The value 0 means that an inactive client will not be disconnected. The minimum value is 0; the maximum value is 30000.

For Allowed Consecutive Failed Logins, specify the number of times a user can attempt to login. After the specified number of times, a management trap will be issued, and the user will not be able to log in again for the amount of time specified by the Block User Period option.

For Block User Period, specify the number of minutes a user will not be able to log in after failing to log in correctly the amount of times specified by the Allowed Consecutive Failed Logins option.

For Secured Client Connection, select True for a secure connection between the client and server. In this configuration, the server will reject non-secure connections. In Secure mode, CeraMap and CeraView (when using PolyView as a proxy) will automatically be set for secure communication.

5. Click the Redundancy icon to configure a secondary server to back up the main server.

PolyView Configuration Utility Redundancy Window

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PolyView has built-in support for redundancy configuration. This configuration includes two PolyView servers: a main server, which is generally active, and a secondary server, which is generally located at a remote location and is in standby mode.

If the main server is down, the standby server can be configured to automatically take over. When the main server starts again after a failure, the secondary server returns to standby mode. In standby mode, the secondary server does not send traps or triggers.

In the Server Role field, select one of the following modes of operation:

Stand Alone - The default setting. No redundancy is configured.

Main Server - The main server, which will be connected to a secondary server. If no secondary server exists, an alarm will be raised.

Standby - Auto Switch - The server is configured as a secondary server. After disconnection from the main server for x minutes (user-defined), it will automatically take over from the main server. When a connection to the main server is re-established, it will return to its standby state.

Standby-Mute - The server is configured as a secondary server, will operate in standby mode, but will not automatically go to active mode when disconnected from the main server. The user must manually configure it to start operating instead of the main server, by setting it to Standby-Active.

Standby-Active - The server is configured as a secondary server, will operate in active mode, and will not automatically go to standby mode when a connection to the main server is resumed. The user must manually configure it to stop operating, by setting it to Standby-Mute.

Main Server Host Address and Main Server Port are used only if you selected Standby in the Server Role field.

Connection Timeout to Standby Server is used only if you selected Main Server in the Server Role field. Specify the amount of time, in minutes, after which the main server will generate an alarm if it was disconnected from the standby server.

Standby Activate Time is used only if you selected Standby - Auto Switch in the Server Role field. Specify the amount of time, in minutes, after which the standby server will take over from the main server if a failure occurred in the connection between them.

Standby Deactivate Time is used only if you selected Standby - Auto Switch in the Server Role field. Specify the amount of time, in minutes, after which the standby server will be muted (stops sending traps and triggers) when the main server resumes operation.

For Main - Standby Synchronization, select one of the following options:

Disabled - disables the synchronization feature.

Full (both directions) - causes changes in one server (main or standby) to be made in the other server as well.

Only from Main to Standby - (recommended setting for normal system operation) causes changes in the main server (for example, a new element is added), to be made in the standby server as well, but not vice versa.

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Only from Standby to Main - causes changes in the standby server to be made in the main server as well, but not vice versa.

The following data will be included in the synchronization:

- Topology changes

- Trigger definitions

- Security settings

- Media files (images and sound files)

Note that configuration files are not synchronized, since they contain settings that may be different in the main and standby servers.

For Sync Interval, specify the amount of time, in minutes, between synchronization updates.

Mute Standby Server Poll Mode is used only if you selected Standby in the Server Role field. The options in this field are used to save network bandwidth.

Select one of the following options:

No Data Polled - When the secondary server is in standby mode, polling of data from network elements will be disabled. When the server becomes active, polling will resume.

Poll Only Alarms - This is the recommended and default setting. When the secondary server is in standby mode, only alarm information will be polled from network elements.

Poll Alarms and Inventory - When the secondary server is in standby mode, only alarm and inventory information will be polled from network elements.

Poll All Data - When the secondary server is in standby, all data will be polled from elements.

Additional Server-Related Notes

• If no connection is detected between the main and standby servers for more than x minutes (user defined):

- It will raise the alarm “No Connection with Standby Server”

- In Auto mode, the secondary (standby) server becomes active, and will:

* start sending traps and triggers

* start accepting client connections

* raise the management alarm “No Connection with Main Server”

* start polling network elements

When the connection is resumed and is stable for y amount of time (user defined):

- The main server clears the “No Connection with Standby Server” alarm.

- If in Auto mode, the secondary (standby) server will go to standby mode, and will:

* clear the management alarm “No Connection with Main Server”

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* notify about new client connections, and send the message “Main server (IP) is active” to connected clients

* stop sending traps and triggers

* limit polling (by default, will only poll alarms)

• When a security file is updated, the standby server reloads the file, and immediately begins to use it.

• Network elements should be configured to send traps to both servers.

6. Click the Alarms icon to set PolyView alarm-related values.

PolyView Configuration Utility Alarms Window

In the Email Format field, click the drop-down list and select the format you want for email messages triggered by alarms, or generated by offline reports using the CLI. If you select, HTML, you can use HTML tags to control the way the messages appear.

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For Max Initial Number of Alarms, specify the maximum number of alarms that will appear in the alarm log when the window is open. By system’s minimum is 1000 and the maximum is 50000.

In the Ignore Heartbeat field, select True to cause PolyView to disable the heartbeat feature. The heartbeat is a trap that is sent by a network element every x amount of time (user defined). By default, the trap is ignored by PolyView (it is not stored in the server database, not added to the alarm log, and does not activate a trigger). However, if you configure trap forwarding, the heartbeat trap will be forwarded, as is, regardless of the value you select for the Ignore Heartbeat parameter.

For Keep Alarms History, specify the number of days you want PolyView to keep alarm log information. Note tha alarms that are open (raised) will be kept until they are closed, regardless of the value you set for this option. The minimum value allowed is 5; the maximum value allowed is 365.

7. Click the Advanced Configuration icon to set advanced PolyView parameters.

PolyView Configuration Utility Advanced Parameters Window

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In the SNMP Timeout field, select the amount of time (in seconds) the system will wait after an SNMP command before timing out.

In the SNMP Number of Retries field, select the number of times an SNMP request will be made to an element after a timeout.

In the SNMP Default Read Community field, specify the SNMP read community.

In the SNMP Default Write Community field, specify the SNMP write community.

In the Max Concurrent Tasks field, specify the amount of tasks you want PolyView to run simultaneously.

The VC Calculation from KLM field is for ADM tributary paths. This parameter defines the formula used to calculate the VC (Virtual Container) from the KLM values.

In the Select Interface Language field, select the language in which you want user interface to appear. Note that this feature requires a separate software license.

In the Max Memory Allocation (MB) field, specify the maximum amount of memory the application can allocate. The minimum is 256 MB, the maximum is 8192 MB.

In the Application Time Zone field, specify the time zone to be used. Normally you should leave this field empty. Specify the zone only if the application time is not calculated correctly.The format is GMT+/-<Offset>, with no spaces between the parameters. For example: GMT+2.

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CeraMap Configuration The CeraMap Configuration Utility lets you configure different parameters that control the way CeraMap operates.

Starting the Utility To configure CeraMap, select Start, Programs, PolyView, CeraMap Config.

Or, in CeraMap, you can select Settings, User Settings.

The CeraMap Configuration Utility appears.

CeraMap Configuration Utility General Window

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The following sections are available by clicking the appropriate icons on the left side of the window:

Used to set general parameters, such as entity name format.

Used to set host server parameters.

Used to set advanced parameters, such as the connection check interval.

Using the Utility

1. Click the General parameters icon .

In the General section (shown in the figure under Starting the Utility above), you can configure the following:

In the Displayed Entity Name Format field, select the format you want for the element name. The name appears in the icon that represents the element in the map.

In the Display Link Name on Map field, select Show Link Name if you want the name of the link to appear on the map. By default, link names are hidden.

In the Default Link Width field, specify the default width of the line that will represent a link between two elements in the map.

In the Map Background Color field, click the button to the right of the field and select the color you want for the map background.

In the Max Number of Trigger Messages field, specify the maximum number of trigger messages that may be displayed for the user.

In the Max PM Report Lines field, specify the maximum number of entries the server will retrieve when a performance monitoring report is requested.

To reset the parameters to their original values, click Restore Defaults.

To reload the page with the updated information, click Reload Page.

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2. Click the Remote Hosts parameters icon .

CeraMap Configuration Utility Remote Hosts Window

In the Primary PolyView Server Host Address field, specify the name of the primary host server.

In the Primary PolyView Server Port Number field, use the up/down arrows to select the primary server port.

In the Secondary PolyView Server Host Address field, specify the name of the secondary host server (if one is being used).

In the Secondary PolyView Server Host Address field, use the up/down arrows to select the secondary server port (if one is being used).

To reset the parameters to their original values, click Restore Defaults.

To reload the page with the updated information, click Reload Page.

3. Click the Advanced parameters icon .

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CeraMap Configuration Utility Advanced Parameters Window

In the Play Sound Minimal Gap field, specify the minimal time (in seconds) between sounds for a triggered alarm.

In the Windows Refresh Interval field, use the up/down arrows to select the amount of time (in seconds) between information updates in CeraMap windows.

In the Media Files Update Interval field, use the up/down arrows to select the amount of time (in minutes) PolyView will wait between media file updates. Media files are stored in the PolyView directory, and include graphic map background files and audio files.

In the Connection Check Interval field, use the up/down arrows to select the amount of time (in seconds) between connection verifications, whereby CeraMap verifies its connection with the PolyView host server.

In the Select Interface Language field, select the language in which you want the CeraMap interface to appear. Note that this feature requires a separate software license.

In the Application Time Zone field, specify the time zone to be used. Normally you should leave this field empty. Specify the zone only if the application time is not calculated correctly.The format is GMT+/-<Offset>, with no spaces between the parameters. For example: GMT+2.

To reset the parameters to their original values, click Restore Defaults.

To reload the page with the updated information, click Reload Page.

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Trap Forwarding Configuration Trap forwarding parameters determine how PolyView will work with traps.

Note: For security purposes, trap forwarding can only be configured locally on the PolyView server.

Important: For trap forwarding to operate properly, configure the trap options in all network elements, as follows:

Report traps of far end IDU - de-select

Use different alarm ID for each alarm type - select

Send traps with extended alarm information - select

To configure trap forwarding:

1. On the desktop, select Start, Programs, PolyView, Trap Forwarding Config. Or, in CeraMap, select Settings, Trap Forwarding Options.

Trap Forwarding Configuration General Window

The following sections are available by clicking on the appropriate icon on the left side of the window:

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Used to set general trap forwarding parameters, such as the forwarding mode, trap listening port number, and others.

Used to set trap forwarding parameters specific to NSN’s NetAct application.

Used to set advanced trap forwarding parameters, such as receive trap logger disable/enable, and others.

2. Click the General Trap Forwarding Configuration icon . The General section of the Trap Forwarding Configuration window appears (shown in step 2 above).

In the Trap Forwarding Mode field, select one of the following options:

Off Disables trap forwarding.

Regular Forwards the trap exactly as it was received.

NSN Translates the trap for NSN’s NetAct application.

NSN Alarm Synchronization - Supports incoming alarm translation and NSN's NE3S agent.

Note: If the mode is set to Regular or NSN, all network elements must send the traps to the port specified in the Trap Listening Port field. If the mode is set to Off, all network elements must send traps directly to PolyView (the port specified in the Management Alarms Port field in the Advanced section of the utility (the default value is 1621).

In the Trap Listening Port Number field, select the trap listening port. The standard port is 162. Change this number if it is already being used by another SNMP service. In addition, remember to configure the network elements to send traps to the correct port.

In the Local Host Address field, enter the IP address or name of the local host. Leave the value to bind all IP addresses.

In the Forward Traps to Hosts field, enter a list of host names and port numbers to which traps will be forwarded. Use the format <host IP>:<port>.

To reset the parameters to their original values, click Restore Defaults.

To reload the page with the updated information, click Reload Page.

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3. Click the NSN NetAct Trap Configuration icon to set NetAct-related trap forwarding parameters.

Trap Forwarding Configuration NSN NetAct Window

In the SNMP Agent Address field, enter the NetAct agent IP address.

In the SNMP Agent Port Number field, enter the NetAct agent port.

In the NMS Server ID field, you may want to change the value if multiple NMS servers are connected to the same NSN server. In such a case, make sure that each NMS server has a unique ID.

To reset the parameters to their original values, click Restore Defaults.

To reload the page with the updated information, click Reload Page.

4. Click the Advanced Trap Forwarding Configuration icon to set advanced trap forwarding parameters.

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Trap Forwarding Configuration Advanced Parameters Window

In the Log Received Traps field, select Enable to log received traps in a file, or Disable to de-activate the logger. Note that enabling this option may result in slower trap processing, and even the loss of some traps. The option should be only be used for short periods, generally for system debugging.

In the Heartbeat Interval field, if you specify a value, a heartbeat trap will be generated every x minutes (the number you enter in the field) to tell your system that the trap mechanism is working. The value 0 means that a heartbeat trap will never be sent.

In the Management Alarms Port field, specify the internal port used to send management alarms to the trap forwarding mechanism.

In the Auto Add Network Element field, select Enable if you want an undefined network element in the map to be added to the PolyView server automatically as soon as a trap is received from that element.

In the Send Cleared Traps with Zero Severity field, select Enable if you want cleared traps generated by the NMS server to be sent with zero severity. If you select Disable, they will be sent with the severity of their raised alarm. This parameter does not affect cleared traps that arrive from the units and are forwarded via the Trap Forwarding mechanism.

To reset the parameters to their original values, click Restore Defaults.

To reload the page with the updated information, click Reload Page.

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Configuration Broadcast Various network settings can be configured using PolyView.

To configure network settings for FibeAir IP-10:

1. In CeraMap, select the element(s) you want to work with.

2. Select Tools, Configuration Broadcast, or click the Configuration Broadcast icon .

Configuration Broadcast Window for Fibeair IP-10

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3. Select the IP-10 Specific option to send traps only upon operational status change.

4. In the General tab, you can set the current time and date, the GMT time zone, and the daylight saving time. For the currrent time, select the Current Time option on the left side of the window.

5. In the Traps tab, you can set the Manager IP addresses and the Trap Ports.

The configuration log at the bottom shows the settings status, after you click Load.

To configure network settings for all other FibeAir products:

1. In CeraMap, select the element(s) you want to work with.

2. Select Tools, Configuration Broadcast, or click the Configuration Broadcast icon .

Configuration Broadcast Window for other Fibeair Products

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While working in the window, you can use the following buttons:

- Click Set to implement the settings for the network elements.

- Click Abort to cancel the configuration operation that starts after you click Set.

- Click Load to load configuration settings from a file.

- Click Save to save the current configuration in a file.

- Click Select All to select all options in a column.

- Click Deselect All to clear the values in the entire screen.

Note that the Configuration Log area displays the results of an operation after you click Set.

3. To enable the options in the window, on the left side of the window click the checkboxes beside each option you want to enable.

4. Click the General tab to set the system time, date, and time zone.

General Section in the Configuration Broadcast Window

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In the General tab, you can set the current time and date, the GMT time zone (for IP-10 and IP-10 G-Series), and the daylight saving time. For the currrent time, select the Current Time option on the left side of the window.

Click Set to implement the changes.

5. Click the Traps tab to configure trap forwarding.

Trap Forwarding Section in the Configuration Broadcast Window

In the Managers IP address area, specify the IP addresses of the managers to which you want traps to be forwarded.

In the Trap Port area, specify the number of the port through which the traps will be communicated.

The Trap Options area includes the following options:

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Standard traps include serial number - select this option if you want trap messages to include the IDU serial number.

Report traps of far end IDU - select this option if you want remote IDU trap messages to be reported locally.

Use different trap ID for each alarm type - select this option if you want each alarm type to be reported with a unique ID.

Send ‘clear’ traps with zero severity - when enabled, Clear traps are sent with a severity of 0. When disabled, Clear traps are sent with the same severity as the equivalent Raised trap.

Send traps with extended alarm information - select this option if you want additional alarm details, such as alarm ID, origin, and unit from the current alarm table to be added to the end of each FibeAir-related trap.

Trap heartbeat period - if you select this option, a heartbeat trap will be generated every x minutes (the number you enter in the field) to tell your system that the trap mechanism is working.

In the Send Traps for Alarms of Group area, you determine which alarms will be sent as SNMP traps to each manager. In each manager column, select the alarm types you want to include for that manager.

In the Send Traps for Alarms with Severity area, you determine which alarm severity levels will be sent as SNMP traps to each manager. In each manager column, select the alarm severity levels you want to include for that manager.

Click Set to implement the changes.

6. Click the Network tab to configure the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server and router IP.

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Network Section in the Configuration Broadcast Window

To enable the options in the window, on the left side of the window click the checkboxes beside each option you want to enable.

For NTP Server IP, specify the IP address of NTP server you want to use.

For NTP Update Interval, specify the interval you want the system to wait before checking the NTP server to update system synchronization.

For Router IP, specify the IP address of the router you are using.

In additon, set the daylight savings time and GMT time zone offset.

Click Set to implement the changes.

7. Click the Thresholds tab to set threshold values above which alarms will be generated.

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Thresholds Section in the Broadcast Configuration Window

Click the checkboxes you want on the left side, to enable the interface options.

For each interface your system includes, set the Excessive Error and Signal Degrade thresholds to the values you want.

Click Set to implement the changes.

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Viewing Alarms PolyView enables current and historical alarm displays. Current alarms can be filtered and acknowledged, and you can choose to launch CeraView (Ceragon's element management software) due to a particular alarm.

Current Alarms To view and work with current alarms:

1. Select one or more elements in the map, click the right button in the map, and select Current Alarms.

You can also select Reports, Current Alarms in the menu bar, or click the Current Alarms icon in the tool bar.

The following example shows alarms for two Ceragon elements in the network.

Example of Current Alarms Window

2. To acknowledge an alarm, select it in the list, and click the Acknowledge icon . (You can also select more than one alarm and perform a collective acknowledgment for all of them.)

You will be prompted to add a note about the acknowledgement. If you don't want to add a note, click

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OK without entering text in the field.

After you acknowledge an alarm, a check mark will appear beside it in the Ack column.

You can also add a note for an alarm without acknowledging it, by selecting the alarm and clicking the

Add Note icon .

3. To hide an alarm from the visible list, select the alarm (or several alarms) and click the Hide icon .

You will be prompted to add a note about the hidden alarm. If you don't want to add a note, click OK without entering text in the field.

The alarm you chose to hide will be removed from the list, and placed in the hidden alarms list. To view all hidden alarms, select Action, Show Hidden. When you select this command, the window displays all alarms that are normally hidden. To make them visible again, select one or more of the alarms, and

click the Show icon .

4. For each alarm listed, you can view its probable cause and corrective actions by placing the cursor on the line of the alarm, as shown in the following example:

Alarm Cause and Action Indicator

5. To view the details of a particular alarm, select the alarm, and click the Alarm Details icon .

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Alarm Details Window

Use the buttons at the bottom of the window to acknowledge the alarm (if it wasn't already acknowledged), add a note to describe it, or hide it from the main alarm list.

Click the User Actions History tab to view a log of the actions performed for the alarm.

The Advanced tab is used by technical support personnel to view additional alarm information.

6. To filter the alarms in the list, select Report, Filter in the menu bar.

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Alarm Filter Definition Window

Click Add to define a filter.

Add Filter Window

Click the drop down lists and select the Field, the Operator, and the Value. Then click OK.

The filter you defined will operate on the alarms in the Current Alarms list, and will remove any alarm that does not meet the filter criteria.

To edit a filter you defined, select the filter and click Edit.

To delete a filter you defined, select the filter and click Delete.

To terminate a filter, select Report, Clear Filter in the Current Alarms menu.

7. If, due to a particular alarm, you want to launch CeraView, select the alarm, and click Actions, Launch CeraView. CeraView will be launched for the unit with the associated alarm.

8. To save the current alarm list to a text file, select File, Save As in the menu bar.

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Historical Alarm Log To view a report of historical alarms:

1. Select Reports, Alarm Log in the menu bar, or click the Alarm Log icon in the tool bar.

Select Alarm Log Interval Window

2. Specify the start and end dates of the alarm report, and click OK.

The following is an example of an historical alarm report.

Example of Alarm Log Window

Note: By default, the alarm log is a logical view, meaning that Raise and Clear commands generate a single alarm, and are shown on the same line. At times, it may be easier to view the Alarm Log in a chronological view (with Raise and Clear generated alarms on different lines).

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To open a chronological view window, in the Alarm Log window, select Report, Chronological View.

Example of Alarm Log Chronological View

3. To acknowledge an alarm, select it in the list, and click the Acknowledge icon . (You can also select more than one alarm and perform a collective acknowledgment for all of them.)

You will be prompted to add a note about the acknowledgement. If you don't want to add a note, click OK without entering text in the field.

After you acknowledge an alarm, a check mark will appear beside it in the Ack column.

You can also add a note for an alarm without acknowledging it, by selecting the alarm and clicking the

Add Note icon .

4. To hide an alarm from the visible list, select the alarm (or several alarms) and click the Hide icon .

You will be prompted to add a note about the hidden alarm. If you don't want to add a note, click OK without entering text in the field.

The alarm you chose to hide will be removed from the list, and placed in the hidden alarms list. To view all hidden alarms, select Action, Show Hidden. When you select this command, the window displays all alarms that are normally hidden. To make them visible again, select one or more of the alarms, and

click the Show icon .

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Alarm Triggers Triggers are actions taken whenever alarms are generated due to criteria that you define.

To create alarm triggers:

1. Select Tools, Trigger Configuration.

Alarm Trigger Definition Window

2. Click Add to define a trigger.

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Trigger Definition Window

3. In the Trigger Name field, enter a name for the trigger you want to define.

4. In the Activation Conditions area, you can define a trigger based on the following options:

- Trap ID - if you know the ID of the trap you want to use, select this option, click the drop-down list, and select the trap.

- Severity - select one or more alarm severities that will trigger the action you specify when received.

- Description - select this option if you want an action to be triggered when specific characters are detected in the alarm text. You can filter the text trigger using the Ignore case and Exact match options.

- If not ack in - select this option if you want an action to be triggered if the trap type or severity is not acknowledged.

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5. In the Activated Operation area, select the operation you want to activate when the alarm occurs, as follows:

- For Display Message, you can specify the sound that will be heard when the alarm occurs, and the text that will appear in the message. Click the three dots button beside the Content field to select predefined variables that you can insert in the text.

- For Send Mail, you can specify the address to which the mail will be sent, the subject of the mail, and the content.

You can send emails using HTML tags to format the email message text.

For example:

<H1> text </H1> - create a header <B> text </B> - bold text <I> text </I> - italic text <BR> - insert a new line

Make sure that in the PolyView Configuration utility, the “Email Format” option is set to HTML.

- For Run Executable, you must specify the path of the executable file you want to run whenever the alarm occurs. You can also specify parameters that will be passed to the specified executable.

- Use Auto Hide or Auto Delete to hide or delete alarms you do not want to view, such as low level ADM alarms. Note that using one of these options will not prevent relevant traps from being generated and forwarded.

- Use Forward Trap to filter the alarms to be forwarded. If you select this option, you need to specify all the servers to which the traps will be sent, in the format <host IP>:<port> with a space between each entry. Note that this mechanism is slower than PolyView's standard trap forwarding mechanism and should be used only when filtering is required.

6. Additional trigger operations:

- To edit an existing trigger, select the trigger and click Edit .

- To delete an existing trigger, select the trigger and click Delete .

- To save the trigger list in a file, select File, Save as.

Note: A trigger only applies to alarms generated after the trigger was defined.

The following example shows messages that were displayed for alarms that activated a trigger.

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Example of Messages that were Displayed due to Alarm Triggers

In the Trigger Messages window, you can click Clear All to clear the list of messages.

Select an alarm in the list, and click Alarm Details to view information about the alarm.

Continuous Alarm Sound It is possible to configure a sound that will be played when triggered by an alarm. The sound will be played continuously until the user acknowledges the alarm.

In the PolyView installation directory, an application called "playsound" enables you to configure the sound to be played.

You can run playsound in a command window, using the format:

playsound <sound file name> <message to the user> <severity>


sound file name is the name of the file that contains the sound. The value can be a specific path, or a path relative to the PolyView installation folder. Several sound files were included with the PolyView installation in the sound directory in the installation folder.

message to the user is a text message that will be displayed for the user in a window that opens.

severity is used to organize the playing of sounds, according to their severity. If a sound with severity X is triggered by an alarm, and another sound is triggered by an alarm with severity Y, if Y's severity is greater than that of X (for example, Y is Major and X is Warning), Y will be played instead of the X. If Y is not greater than X, X will be played.

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An example of the usage of the playsound application would be to define different sounds for Major alarms and Critical alarms, as follows:

1. Create a trigger.

- For Severity in the Activate Conditions area, select Major.

- In the Activation Operation field, select the following:

Type: “Run Executable”

Path: playsound

Parameters: sound/bark.au “%SEVERITY: %DESCR” %#SEVERITY

Execute On: Connected Clients

2. Create an additional trigger.

- For Severity in the Activate Conditions area, select Critical.

- In the Activation Operation area, select the following:

Type: “Run Executable”

Path: playsound

Parameters: sound/bong.au “%SEVERITY: %DESCR” %#SEVERITY

Execute On: Connected Clients

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Management Alarms PolyView generates several management alarms. Most of the alarms (in the current alarms and alarm log) can be viewed by selecting the icon representing the PolyView server in CeraMap. The server icon changes color in accordance with the top-most current management alarm severity. The only exception is the nmsNodeDown alarm, which is generated by the PolyView server when it fails to connect to the network element. This alarm is raised by the network element itself (as if it was sent by the element).

Note that all management alarms are forwarded to northbound systems.

The following table lists the PolyView management alarms, their level of severity, and a description of each.

Trap ID

Trap Name Severity Description

401 nmsNodeDown Critical This trap is sent when the connection between the NMS and the network element is lost.

402 nmsSecurityFailure Event This trap is sent when the user fails to log in to the NMS system correctly several times consecutively.

403 nmsPrimaryServerConfigMismatch Major This trap is sent when a secondary standby PolyView server tries to connect to a stand-alone PolyView server. Solution: Open the main server configuration, and in the Redundancy section, change the server roll from “Stand Alone” to “Main Server”.

404 nmsSecondaryServerNotConnected Major This trap is sent by a primary PolyView server when its connection to the standby PolyView server is lost.

405 nmsLicenseExpiresInLessThanTwoWeeks Warning This trap is sent by the PolyView server when the license is set to expire in less than two weeks. Solution: Contact Ceragon support to obtain a license file for the server.

406 nmsLicenseExpired Major This trap is sent by the PolyView server when the license expires. Solution: Contact Ceragon support to obtain a license file for the server.

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Trap ID

Trap Name Severity Description

407 nmsNetworkElementsNumExceedsLimit Major This trap is sent by PolyView server when the number of network elements exceeds the license limit. Solution: Remove obsolete network elements, or contact Ceragon support to obtain an updated license file for the existing number of network elements.

408 nmsFailedLoadingLicenseFile Major This trap is sent by the PolyView server when it fails to load the license file. Solution: The license file is probably corrupted. Contact Ceragon support to obtain a new license file.

409 nmsTftpServerAlreadyRunning Major This trap is sent when PolyView attempts to start the TFTP, but the TFTP port (69) is already bound by another process. Solution: Check your system, and disable other TFTP servers.

410 userDisconnected Event This trap is sent when a user is disconnected by another user.

411 nmsPrimaryServerVerMismatch Major This trap is sent when a secondary standby PolyView server tries to connect to a main PolyView server, with a different software version. Solution: Re-install one of the servers, so that the same PolyView software version will be on both servers.

412 nmsEsymacNotConnected Major This trap is sent when PolyView server cannot communicate with NSN's ESYMAC interface.

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Trail Management for FibeAir 1500A End-to-end Trail Management enables you to define the communication path between one FibeAir 1500A unit and another.

Using end-to-end trail management, once you determine the trail source and destination end point, PolyView automatically selects the optimal route, as follows:

For a protected trail, the shortest path will be defined as the main path.

For an non-protected trail, the least loaded path will be chosen as the main path.

In a ring configuration, each trail can be defined as Protected or Non-Protected, if the VC is avilable for both directions.

In addition to determining the optimal path from one Ceragon ADM unit to another, the advantages of defining and managing an end-to-end trail include the following:

Trails are tracked in the network map and in a table with sorting features.

PolyView maintains a performance monitoring log database collected for the trail termination points of each trail in the system.

Users can view the top-most trail alarms and current alarms.

Users can activate/disable trails and initiate a switch to the protection path.

Defining a Trail To define an end-to-end trail:

1. In CeraMap, select two Ceragon ADM elements at each end of the trail.

Note the following:

All trail-relevant data for all the elements that are part of the sub-map must be updated in the database. Note that if a change in the trail was made via CeraView, the PolyView database may not be updated.

PolyView automatically updates the database every few hours, depending on the system settings. You can perform a manual update of the database by selecting all entities in the trail, and running the Poll Node PolyView command (described later in this guide).

End point #2 must be reachable from end point #1 (at least one path).

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The radio direction, East-West, must be valid. To verify this, run the validation utility by selecting Trail, East-West Validation in the CeraMap menu bar.

Trail East-West Validation Window

In this window, select the group of radios you want to correct, and click Apply.

PolyView will check radio directions and correct them to enable a working trail.

There must be at least one unmapped port at each end point.

There must be at least one KLM (VC) not in use in at least one path.

2. In the menu bar, select Trail, Create New Trail, or click the Create New Trail icon .

The Create Trail window appears.

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Trail Definition Window

The information that appears in the window is based on the path you selected in the network map.

3. In the Trail End Point area, select Drop if the unit will serve as an end-point in the trail without being able to transmit data to sources outside the ring, or Pass-through if the unit will serve as an end-point in the trail with the ability to transmit data to sources outside the ring.

If you selected Drop, click Select and choose the desired port.

4. In the Trail Details area, select Enable Trail to activate the trail path.

5. In the Name field, enter a unique name you want to assign to the trail. (It is recommended to use the name that PolyView automatically generates.)

6. To change the Virtual Container for the trail, click Select.

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VC Selection Window

Note the following:

- The two end points of the trail are mapped to a selected VC.

- The selected VC for ADMs in the middle of the trail are set to Pass through and appear in dark gray.

- VCs in dark gray are in use and cannot be selected.

7. For Main Path, click the drop-down list and select the direction relative to the port at end point #1.

The direction for the port at end point #2 is determined by that of end point #1 (meaning that if the direction at end point #1 is East, the direction at end point #2 is West).

8. Select Protection to enable the protection mode for the trail (only if this mode is relevant, and the VC is available also on the protected side).

9. After you complete the Create Trail window and click OK, the trail is validated.

Trail Validation Results Window

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Managing a Trail To manage a defined end-to-end trail:

1. Select one or more elements in the map.

If you select only part of the map, you will only see the trails that start or end in the selected elements. To see all trails, select all the elements in the map.

2. Select Trail, View and Edit Trail List, or click the View and Edit Trail List icon .

The Trail List window appears.

Trail Management Window

3. The window displays a list of defined trails between the elements that were selected in the sub map. To perform a trail management operation, select the row that represents the trail you want, and click the icon that represents the operation you want to perform, as follows:

Used to refresh trail information.

Used to create a new trail. The trail will be added between the endpoints of the selected trail.

Used to edit the selected trail’s information.

Used to perform a loopback for the selected trail.

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Used for advanced trail configuration.

Used to delete the selected trail.

Used to switch the trail’s current active direction.

Used to open the Performance Monitoring window for the selected trail.

Used to open the Current Alarms window.

4. Advanced Configuration

In the window that appears when you select this option, you can specify the transport identification code, and set operation mode parameters.

5. Viewing Trail Alarms

To view trail alarms, click the Trail Alarms icon.

The Trail Alarms window displays the following information:

The current state of the specified end point unit, its number, name, and port

The severity of the alarm. From highest to lowest, the severity levels are:

Critical - dark red

Major - light red

Minor - orange

Warning - yellow

Event - blue

Normal (no alarm) - green

Unknown (the element is not responding) - grey (question mark)

The path direction

The alarm’s source

A brief description of the alarm

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6. Viewing a Trail Performance Monitoring Report

To view a trail’s performance monitoring report, select a trail, and click the Trail PM Report icon.

The report displays performance monitoring information for the ADMs included in the trail you selected. To view performance values for a particular ADM, click the tab of the ADM at the top of the window.

Note that the Integrity column indicates whether or not the values received at that time and date are reliable. A red x icon in the column indicates that the values are not reliable due to a possible power surge or power failure event that occurred at that time.

Software Download The software download items allow you to configure software downloads and view the status of the downloads you configured.

If an element you selected for software download configuration includes other sub-elements, the configuration will apply to all relevant sub-elements.

Note: The software is located in the following directories:

FibeAir 1500x <PolyView installation folder>\data

FibeAir IP-10 <PolyView installation folder>\data\ip10

FibeAir IP-10 G-Series <PolyView installation folder>\data\ip10G

Software Download Configuration To configure software downloads:

1. In CeraMap, select the element(s) you want to work with.

2. Select Tool, Software Download.

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Software Download Configuration Window

If the element you selected is a group that includes other elements, the different types appear at the top of the window.

3. Select the tab of the element to which you want the software download to apply. Then, click the line that contains the version you want to download, and click Add.

Important: The IDU, MUX, and ODU/RFU files you choose to download must be located in the TFTP server directory (as specified in the PolyView Configuration Utility).

4. For FibeAir 1500P, in the Perform ODC internal download for field, select the Left shelf, the Right shelf, or both.

5. For Download Time, select Now if you want the download to occur immediately, or click Date Config and set the time and date you want the download to occur.

6. In the Reset Time area, mark the checkbox beside Enable if you want the system to perform a reset. Then, either select After Download to perform a reset after the software download ends, or click Date Config and set the time and date you want the reset to occur.

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7. Click Apply to save and implement the changes.

8. You can click Status Log to view the current software download status (described in the following section).

Important Note:

Don't forget to verify that the following parameters are defined in the PolyView Server Options utility:

* The TFTP server address should contain the IP address of the PolyView server. Network elements should have access to this IP (you should be able to ping from the network element to the server using this address).

* Specify the folder name that contains the files to be downloaded. Note that the name can be a specific path, or a path relative to the PolyView installation directory. The default software file folder is polyview installation folder/data.

* Remember, the TFTP folder name (and path) cannot contain spaces.

Software Download Status To view the current software download status:

1. In CeraMap, select the element(s) you want to work with.

2. Select Tools, Software Download Status, or click Status Log in the Software Download Configuration window described above.

Software Download Status Window

3. The window lists the IP addresses of the elements that were configured for software download, the type of software set for download, the software files (versions) to be downloaded, whether or not the elements are scheduled for reset, and the current status of the downloads.

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To remove from the log lines that are not active (not in the middle of a download), select the line and click Remove.

The values that may appear in the IDU, MUX, and ODU Status columns include Download %, Waiting, Succeeded, Failed, or Cancelled.

Note that software will be downloaded in the order of IDU first, then MUX, and then ODU. If you chose all three and the IDU software download failed, the other downloads will be cancelled.

Configuration File Download PolyView periodically reads configuration information from network elements, and stores the information in its database. If necessary, you can download the saved configuration to the network element (such as a case in which a unit is replaced, and you want the new unit to have the same configuration as the previous one).

PolyView stores up to four configuration files in the mysql database. Only the recent file from each element is stored on the disk. FibeAir files (except for FibeAir IP-10) are named according to the element IP: <element IP>.cfg and are stored in the folder <PV Installation path>/data.

FibeAir IP-10 configuration files have the same name: aidc_cfg.tar.gz and each file is stored in its own folder: <PV Installation path>/data/<element IP>/.

Only the most recent file for each element can be viewed.

To download a saved configuration to a network element:

1. In CeraMap, select Tools, Configuration Download from the menu bar.

Configuration File Download Window

2. By default, the last configuration file that was stored in the database will be the one that will be restored to the unit. If a prior version is needed, either double-click the line of the element in the list, or select the line and click Select File.

The following window appears for you to select a file stored in the database.

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Select Configuration File for Download


- Up to four configuration files are stored in PolyView for each network element. If this number is exceeded, the newest configuration file will replace the oldest.

- PolyView will upload and store new configurations from the unit only if they differ from the ones already stored in the database.

3. If you don't want to download the configuration for a specific element, select the element in the list, and click Remove.

4. Click Download All to begin the process.

During the process, the Download Status column displays the status of the operation.

Configuration File Download Progress Window

To terminate the operation, click Abort All.

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Note that Configuration Upload from an IP-10 G-Series network element is done per slot during polling (manual or scheduled).

Configuration Download to an IP-10 G-Series network element is done per slot using the Configuration Download window, as shown below.

Configuration File Download for FibeAir IP-10 G-Series

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Management Reports PolyView reports include inventory and performance reports. Inventory reports provide information about Ceragon interfaces and links in the system. Performance reports provide information about Ceragon element communication performance.

Performance Reports Performance reports provide information about the way an element is performing in the system.

There are two types of performance reports:



To generate a performance report:

1. In CeraMap, select one or more elements for which you want to generate a report.

2. Select Reports, Performance Reports, in the menu bar, or click the Performance Report icon .

The following are examples of radio performance report windows.

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Example 1 - Radio Performance Report

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Example 2 - Radio Cross-Connect Performace Report

3. In the window that appears, select the interfaces for which you want performance data by marking the box beside their names.

To select all the interfaces of a unit, mark the box beside the icon of the unit itself.

To select all interfaces in the system, marking the "root" box.

4. Click the Get Report icon to obtain data for the interfaces you selected.

5. Click the Report Date Range icon to specify the dates you want to include in the report.

When you open the report window, the default date range is the last 24 hours.

After you change the date range, CeraMap automatically retrieves the specified data from the server, so that you do not need to click the Get Report icon.

6. Click the Filter icon to filter the report data.

Note that once you define a filter, the definition will apply to all the interfaces.

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Report Filter Definition Window

The Field Name column shows the field to which the filter applies. The OP column shows the filter operation (which can be >, >=, <, <=, =, or <>). The Filter Value column shows the numerical value of the filter.

Select a row and click Edit to modify the filter definition.

Select a row and click Delete to delete that particular filter.

Click Add to add a single filter for a particular field.

The Add Filter window appears.

Add Single Filter Window

For Field, click the drop-down list and select the field you want to filter.

For Op, click the drop-down list and select the operator for the filter.

For Value, enter the values you want for the filter.

Click OK.

To clear the filter, select Clear Filter in the Report menu.

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7. Click the Print icon to print a performance report for the currently selected interface.

8. Click the Save As icon to save the report in .csv text format (used in Excel).

9. Click the Help icon to open the PolyView help file.

Note that the maximum number of entries that can be retrieved is limited. The amount of entries can be configured in the user settings, whereby the default is 50,000). During report generation, you will be notified when the maximum number of entries is reached. If this happens, try to select less interfaces to be included in the report, or further limit the report date range.

Additional Report Operations

In addition to the operations mentioned above, you can also perform the following:

You can export the report data to a text file, or to an Microsoft Excel formatted file. To do so, select File, Save as.

You can launch CeraView from a report. To do so, select a line, and then select Actions, Launch Element Manager.

You can open an Inventory report. To do so, select a line, and then select Actions, Inventory Report.

You can automatically generate and send reports via the CLI (Command Line Interface). (For more information about the CLI, see Appendix A at the end of this guide).

In the Report menu, you can select either 15-Minute Report, Daily Report, Weekly Report, or Monthly Report for a summarized report based on the specified period.

Select Missing Interval Report to display the periods of time in which no activity was recorded.

In the Report menu, you can select Filter Zeros to exclude all zero values from the table.

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Inventory Reports Inventory reports provide information about the selected elements. The different inventory report types cover different aspects of the Ceragon equipment operating at the site, such as element type, radio information, link information, ADM information, and others.

The following types of inventory reports are available:

Slot Population

Network Element







ADM Connection


Serial Numbers

IP-10 G-Series Licensing Report

IP-10 G-Series Slot Protection

To generate an inventory report:

1. In CeraMap, select one or more elements for which you want to generate a report.

2. Select Reports, Inventory Reports, or click the Inventory Reports icon .

Inventory Report Selection Window

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3. Click the drop-down list, and select the type of report you want to generate.

4. Click Run Report.

The following are examples of network element inventory reports.

Inventory Report - Network Element

Inventory Report - Cross Connect

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Inventory Report - Radio


Inventory Report - IP-10 G-Series Licensing

Inventory Report - IP-10 G-Series Slot Protection

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Additional Report Operations

In addition to the operations mentioned above, you can also perform the following:

You can export the report data to a text file, or to a Microsoft Excel formatted file. To do so, select File, Save as.

You can locate the element in the map by selecting Actions, Find in Topology Tree.

You can launch CeraView from a report. To do so, select a line, and then select Actions, Launch Element Manager.

You can open a Performance report. To do so, select a line, and then select Actions, Performance Report.

You can automatically generate and send reports via the CLI (Command Line Interface). (For more information about the CLI, see Appendix A at the end of this guide).

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Sorting Data In a report generated by PolyView, you can sort the data in a column by clicking on the column title.

When you click on a column title, the data in the column is sorted as follows:

Alphabetically for string value columns

Numerically for number value columns

By date for date value columns

By IP address for columns with IP address values

This is useful when it is important to group the data according to type or date.

In Performance reports, sorting some columns provides valuable grouped information, such as days on which the most errors were detected.

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Administration & Maintenance Discovering Nodes When an element is first added to the map, PolyView automatically “discovers” it (reads the element’s static information, such as its interfaces).

To force PolyView to re-discover an element (such as in the case of an interface type that was changed for the element), select the element, and then select and then select Tools, Discover Node.

In the Discover Node window, click Apply.

Before performing a Discover Node operation, note the following:

When Discover Node is executed, all existing information about the element (stored reports) is deleted.

After PolyView performs Discover Node, it will automatically perform Poll Node (described below).

Polling Nodes To force PolyView to retrieve updated information from network elements (PolyView automatically polls all elements every few hours, depending on the user configuration), select element(s) in CeraMap, and then select Tools, Poll Node.

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Click Apply.

Note that when Poll Node is executed, all existing information about the element (stored reports) is deleted.

Backup PolyView uses an internal SQL database called MySQL. It is highly recommended that you back up this database regularly.

Backup can be done using the tools provided with the database. However, to make this task easier, a backup script called pvdbbackup can be found in the directory in which PolyView was installed.

The format of the script is as follows:

pvdbbackup [backup / restore] [[target path name]/[target file name]]

For example, the script for creating a backup and saving it in the file c:\temp\bkfile.dat would be as follows:

pvdbbackup backup c:\temp\bkfile.dat

To restore the backup from that file, the script would be:

pvdbbackup restore c:\temp\bkfile.dat

Note that backup can be performed while PolyView is running (known as “hot backup”). However, before running a restore backup operation, the PolyView server must be terminated by typing pvstop in a command window.

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Viewing Connected Users An administrator can view users currently connected to the server, their computer IDs, and since when they were connected.

To view connected user information, in the main PolyView window, select File, Show Connected Users.

Connected Users Window

To disconnect a user from the PolyView server, select the line with the user name, and click the Disconnect

User icon .

To view a single user's action information, select a user in the window, and click the Show User Actions

icon . A user action log appears with a list of actions the user you selected performed within the last day. In the window, you can filter the information by selecting Report, Filter. Note that actions performed after the window was opened will automatically be added to the window.

To send a message to a user, click the User Message icon .

To view an action log for more than one user, over a longer range of time, see the Viewing User Actions section below.

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Sending Messages to Users Click Send a Message to User in the Connected Users window to relay important information to users connected to the server.

Send Message to User Window

Enter the message you want to send, and click OK.

Viewing User Actions Each action that changes a parameter in the NMS system is recorded in the PolyView server database, and can be viewed by the administrator.

Examples of such actions include:

- Changes in network element parameters.

- Topology modifications (add/remove/modify/etc elements in the topology).

- Changes in the PolyView security configuration.

- Configuration changes (using PolyView or the Trap Forwarding Configuration utility).

To view a list of actions for all users, select Reports, Users Action Log in the main CeraMap window.

In the window that appears, select the start and end dates for the report, and click OK.

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Users Action Log Window

Each action recorded in the database contains information about the user, the time the action was performed, the application name (such as CeraView, CeraMap, PolyView Security, etc.), and the name of the action (such as Software Download).

To filter the information in the report, select Report, Filter.

In most cases, double-clicking a line will provide details of that action, as shown in the following example.

User Action Details Window

If CeraView is connected to the network elements via PolyView (PolyView acts as a proxy), all user actions in CeraView are automatically recorded in the PolyView server database.

If CeraView is not connected via PolyView, but the administrator nonetheless wants user actions to be logged, CeraView can be configured to route the actions to the PolyView server.

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Scheduling Tasks The task scheduler enables you to create recurring tasks.

To define a scheduled task, select Tools, Schedule Task Configuration.

Schedule Task Configuration Window

The icons in the toolbar are as follows:

Saves the task list to a file.

Prints the task list.

Creates a new task (see explanation below).

Edits a selected task (see explanation below).

Deletes the selected tasks.

Runs the selected task. This option enables you to test if the task is configured properly, without having to wait for the scheduled time to arrive.

Enables/disables the selected task.

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To add a new task, click the Add icon, or select a line in the list and click the Edit icon.

The tasks that you can create and edit include the following:

Offline Report

DB Backup

DB Check

Conf Backup


Offline Report

Select this option to define an automatic offline report.

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At the top of the window, specify a unique name for the task, the type of report you want to generate, and the report sub-type (if relevant). For a performance report, select the interval as well.

On the left side of the window, select the elements you want to include in the report.

In the Recurrence area, for Daily, specify the time of day you want the report to be generated.

For Weekly, specify if the report is to be generated each week, every two weeks, etc. In addition, specify which days of the week, and the time during the day.

For Monthly, specify the day of the month, and the time during the day.

In the Report Period area, select Unlimited for all available data, or specify the Last # days to generate a report based on data from the previous specified amount of days.

In the Output area, for File Name, you can use variables embedded in the name. The variables will be replaced with the actual text upon file generation. For example, %D will be replaced with the day of the month (01 to 31), %X will be replaced with the name of the month (Jan, Feb, ...), and so on.

To view a list of all possible variables, click the list button on the right side of the field.

The Sample Name field shows how the actual name will appear.

In the Report Format field, select Textual or CSV (Comma Separated Values).

For the output destination, select one of the following:

File - Enter the path of the file.

FTP - Enter the FTP server address. If you are accessing the server with a defined identification, enter your user name and password. In addition, specify where on the FTP server the files will be stored.

Email - Enter the email address.

In the Filter area, you can filter the report using any report field. To add additional criteria, click Add.

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DB Backup

Select this option to define an automatic backup for the PolyView database.

At the top of the window, specify a unique name for the task.

In the Recurrence area, for Daily, specify the time of day you want the report to be generated.

For Weekly, specify if the report is to be generated each week, every two weeks, etc. In addition, specify which days of the week, and the time during the day.

For Monthly, specify the day of the month, and the time during the day.

In the Output area, for File Name, specify the name of the report you want to generate.

For the output destination, select one of the following:

File - Enter the path of the file.

FTP - Enter the FTP server address. If you are accessing the server with a defined identification, enter your user name and password. In addition, specify where on the FTP server the files will be stored.

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DB Check

Select this option to define an automatic check for the PolyView database.

At the top of the window, specify a unique name for the task.

In the Recurrence area, for Daily, specify the time of day you want the report to be generated.

For Weekly, specify if the report is to be generated each week, every two weeks, etc. In addition, specify which days of the week, and the time during the day.

For Monthly, specify the day of the month, and the time during the day.

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Configuration Backup

Select this option to define an automatic backup for the PolyView configuration.

Note that this task will result in the backup of the PolyView configuration, databases, and zipped logs.

At the top of the window, specify a unique name for the task.

In the Recurrence area, for Daily, specify the time of day you want the report to be generated.

For Weekly, specify if the report is to be generated each week, every two weeks, etc. In addition, specify which days of the week, and the time during the day.

For Monthly, specify the day of the month, and the time during the day.

In the Output area, for File Name, specify the name of the report you want to generate.

For the output destination, select one of the following:

File - Enter the path of the file.

FTP - Enter the FTP server address. If you are accessing the server with a defined identification, enter your user name and password. In addition, specify where on the FTP server the files will be stored.

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Select this option to define an automatic task execution schedule.

At the top of the window, specify a unique name for the task.

In the Recurrence area, for Daily, specify the time of day you want the report to be generated.

For Weekly, specify if the report is to be generated each week, every two weeks, etc. In addition, specify which days of the week, and the time during the day.

For Monthly, specify the day of the month, and the time during the day.

For Executable, specify any executable program you want to run (related or not related to PolyView).

For Parameters, you can specify parameters you want for the executable.

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Redundancy Support PolyView has built-in support for redundancy configuration. The configuration includes two PolyView servers: a primary server, which is generally active, and a secondary server, which is generally located at a geographically remote site and is in standby mode. By default, data required for proper server operation (such as topology and security information) is synchronized from the primary to the secondary server. The administrator can also set the synchronization for both ways, or disable it altogether.

When the main server is down (disconnected from the secondary server), the secondary server automatically (by default) takes over, begins polling the network, sends triggers, forwards traps to north-bound systems, and so on. When the main server is up again, the secondary server automatically resumes standby mode.

If required, the administrator can also force the secondary server to enter active or standby mode.

By default, to conserve network bandwidth, while in standby mode, the secondary server only synchronizes alarm information (if needed). The administrator can change this behavior and set the secondary server, in standby mode, to poll inventory and performance monitoring information as well.

For more information about configuring PolyView redundancy, see PolyView Configuration Utility.

PolyView clients, such as CeraView (when working via PolyView) and CeraMap, have built-in support for redundancy. When PolyView clients are activated, they will try to connect to the primary server first, and, if unsuccessful, they will automatically try to connect to the secondary server (if one was configured).

When working with redundant servers, CeraView and CeraMap should be configured with the addresses of the primary and secondary servers. For more information, see the section CeraMap Configuration Utility and the CeraView Online Help.

Note that network elements should be configured to send traps to both servers.

The following illustration shows the built-in redundancy system.

PolyView Redundancy System

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Ping and Trace Route Ping and Trace Route are used to test connectivity between the PolyView server and the network element.

To start a Ping operation, select an element in CeraMap, and then select Tools, Ping.

Ping Window

The Ping window lists the attempts made by the server to connect with the element, and other connectivity information, such as the connection speed.

To start a Trace Route operation, select an element in CeraMap, and then select Tools, Trace Route.

Trace Route Window

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The Trace Route window displays the routing connectivity to the element (the path the packet takes on its way to the element).

Migration Steps for New Platform The following procedure must be performed when a PolyView server is to be moved to a new hardware platform.

1. Install

- Install MySQL and PolyView on the new hardware platform.

Note that the PolyView version must be the same as that of the previous platform.

- After installation, you will have 30 days to obtain a new PolyView license for the new platform.

2. Configure

- Copy the files in the PolyView configuration folder (*.cfg and *.sec) to the new platform.

- On the new platform, open the PolyView Configuration Utility and update the new IP in the TFTP Server Address settings.

3. Transfer Database

- On the old platform, run the command pvdbbackup backup <target filename>

- Copy the <target filename> to the new platform.

- On the new platform, run the command pvdbbackup restore <target filename>

4. Configure Clients

- Configure CeraMap clients (and CeraView, if applicable) to access the new server.

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Repairing the MySQL Database In situations such as an unexpected power outage, PolyView’s MySQL database may become corrupted.

The last solution for this should be to recreate the database table using the following command:

createdb create

However, in most cases, only the database index files will be corrupt (the index is a separate smaller file with records that point to the main data file). Fixing most of these lighter forms of corruption is relatively easy.

For checking and repairing the database, you can use one of the following methods:

Run the mysqlcheck command (the MySQL server can run during this command)


Run the myisamchk command (the MySQL server cannot run during this command)

Since repairing a table requires twice as much disk space as the original table (a copy of the data is made), verify that there is enough free disk space before you run the repair command.

Important: Shut down the PolyView server before you start. To shut down the server, use the pvstop command.

Repairing Tables with mysqlcheck

The mysqlcheck command can be used while the MySQL database server is running.

The syntax is:

mysqlcheck -rf PolyView -uroot -ppvroot

Repairing Tables with myisamchk

Before running this command, shut down the MySQL server as follows:

mysqladmin shutdown -uroot -ppvroot

The syntax of the myisamchk command is:

myisamchk [options][tablenames]

Note that you must specify the full path of the database files.

For example, for Windows systems the command may be:

myisamchk -fr c:\mysql\data\polyview\*.MYI

When the check is done, restart the server.

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Appendix A: PolyView CLI (Command Line Interface) This appendix describes PolyView commands that you can implement via a text-based command line.

Report Generation Commands PolyView reports can be generated via the CLI interface. This document describes the commands used to generate the different reports, and the resulting report columns.

Using the PolyView CLI interface, you can generate reports such as Current Alarms, Alarm Log, Performance Management, Inventory, and User Actions. The reports can be forwarded to the northbound OSS automatically and periodically (in accordance with user preference) in plain text or CSV format.

CLI Functionality

CLI executables are a part of the PolyView installation (both client and server) and therefore the CLI can be activated from any machine on which PolyView client or server is installed. There are two common working modes.

Mode 1 - CLI Runs Locally on the Server

The report file is saved in the server machine under a known FTP directory. Assuming the FTP server is enabled on the PolyView server machine, a remote machine should fetch the file using an FTP/SFTP client.

Advantage: The file can be copied via a known protocol (FTP/SFTP) which is sometimes the only option when dealing with firewalls.

Mode 2 - CLI Runs on a Remote Machine

CLI runs as a remote client towards the server. The report is saved on the remote machine and there is no need for FTP.

Advantages: No need for FTP, the client application copies the file.

CLI Scheduling Instructions

For Windows, create a batch file containing the desired CLI command. Schedule it via the Windows scheduler ("Scheduled Task" built-in Windows application).

For Solaris, create a shell script containing the desired CLI command. Schedule it via the Unix "crontab" application.

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Inventory Reports This section describes the CLI interface for inventory reports.

Note: To integrate inventory report data in a north bound radio, all inventory data or the required relevant sections can be saved as a csv or txt file. Using the PolyView FTP client, you can configure the system to automatically send the inventory data file to the north bound computer (which needs to have an FTP server).

CLI Command Format inreport -CLI -IP <IP list> -OFN "<file name>" -RT “<report type>" –MAIL <target-email> -SD “<date>” –ED “<date> -USER <user-name> -PASSWORD <password>

CLI: Command line input, tells inreport to work in command line mode.

IP: List of elements IP in the format of: <IP> <IP>,… For example: -IP Or: ALL (for all elements in the database) For example: -IP ALL

MAIL: Mail target to send the report to (optional) For example: -MAIL “[email protected]

SD: Start date of the report, in the format of: "dd/MM/yy HH:mm" (optional)

ED: End date of the report, in the format of: "dd/MM/yy HH:mm" (optional)

RT: Report type, one of: "Network Element” "Radio Report" "Link Report" "Interface Report" "Inband Report” "ADM Report" "ADM Connection Report” “Versions”

OFN: Output file name. If the extension is .txt, the file will be saved in textual format. If the extension is .csv, the file will be saved in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.

USER: The name of the user with read access to the target elements.

PASSWORD: The user’s password.

Example inreport -CLI -IP -OFN "file_test.txt" -RT " Network Element " -USER reportUser -PASSWORD viewer

Available Interfaces Report

The Available Interfaces Inventory Report includes the following columns:

IP Address


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Product Type

Is Radio Interface Available

Is Non-Radio Interface Available

XC Slot Number

Link Report

The Link Report includes the following columns:

IP Address


Transmit Frequency (MHz)

Receive Frequency (MHz)


XC Slot Number

Slot Population Report

The Slot Population Report includes the following columns:


Slot 1 to Slot 6

Network Element Report

The Network Element Report includes the following columns:

IP Address


System Name

System Location

System Contact

Product Type

Wayside Channel

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Radio Report

The Radio Report includes the following columns:

IP Address



RFU Type

Modem Type

Transmit Frequency (MHz)

Receive Frequency (MHz)

Min Transmit Frequency (MHz)

Max Transmit Frequency (MHz)

Channel Spacing (MHz)

Transmit Level


ATPC Reference Level

Link ID

XC Slot Number

Neighbors Report

The Neighbors Report includes the following columns:

IP Address



IP Address


XC Slot Number

Interface Report

The Interface Report includes the following columns:

IP Address




XC Slot Number

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In-band Report

The In-band Report includes the following columns:

IP Address


In-band Status

Element Type



Subnet Address

Subnet Mask

Network ID

Ethernet Mask

Default Router Address

XC Slot Number

Versions Report

The Versions Report includes the following columns:

IP Address





Post Reset Version

XC Slot Number

Serial Numbers Report

The Serial Numbers Report includes the following columns:

IP address




Serial number

XC Slot Number

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Performance Monitoring Reports This section describes the CLI interface for performance monitoring reports.

Note: The examples shown in this section were taken from a FibeAir IP-10 system. The windows may vary in accordance with the FibeAir system used.

CLI Command Format pmreport -CLI -IP <IP list> -FFILTER “<filter>” -OFN "<file name>" -RT “<report type>" –MAIL <target-email> -SD “<date>” –ED “<date>” -FILTER <value> -USER <user-name> -PASSWORD <password>

CLI: Command line input, tells pmreport to work in command line mode.

IP: List of elements IP in the format of: <IP> <IP>,… For example: -IP Or: ALL (for all elements in the database) For example: -IP ALL

MAIL: Mail target to send the report to (optional) For example: -MAIL “[email protected]

SD: Start date of the report, in the format of: "dd/MM/yy HH:mm" (optional)

ED: End date of the report, in the format of: "dd/MM/yy HH:mm" (optional)

RT: Report type, one of: - "Radio Performance Report"

- "Interface Performance Report"

SDAY: Outputs a summarized daily report.

SWEEK: Outputs a summarized weekly report.

SMONTH: Outputs a summarized monthly report.

OFN: Output file name. If the extension is .txt, the file will be saved in textual format. If the extension is .csv, the file will be saved in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.

FILTER: Only fields that exceed the specified value are presented. For example: -FILTER 0 - Don’t show zero value fields.

FFILTER: Filter the report by specific field value. The format of this parameter is: "<field-name><operator><value><boolean-op><field-name><operator> <value><boolean op>..." where: operator is one of the following: > >= < <= = <> boolean-op is the sign | for OR between the expressions, or & for AND between them. field name is the name as it appears in the report header: such as UAS or “Max. RSL"

Note: You cannot have FILTER and FFILTER in the same command.

USER: The name of the user that has read access for the target elements.

PASSWORD: The user’s password.

Example pmreport –CLI -IP -FFILTER "UAS>0,UAS<900,Max. RSL>-99" -OFN "file_test.txt" -RT "Radio Performance Report" -USER reportUser

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-PASSWORD viewer

Radio Performance Report

The Radio Performance Report includes the following columns:



- ES



- Integrity


- Min RSL

- Max RSL

- RSL Thresh 1

- RSL Thresh 2


- Min TSL

- Max TSL

- TSL Thresh


- Lowest ACM Profile

- Highest ACM Profile

- Lowest Bitrate

- Highest Bitrate

- Lowest Number of TDM Interfaces

- Highest Number of TDM Interfaces


- Min MSE

- Max MSE

- MSE Threshold Exceeded


- Date

Interface Performance Report

The Interface Performance Report includes the following columns:

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- ES



- Radio UAS

- Integrity


- Date

Alarms Report This section describes the CLI interface for performance monitoring reports.

CLI Command Format alarmreport -CLI -IP <IP list> -FFILTER “<filter>” -OFN “<file name>" -RT “<report type>" –MAIL <target-email> -SD “<date>” –ED “<date> -USER <user-name> -PASSWORD <password>

CLI: Command line input. Tells alarmreport to work in command line mode.

IP: List of element IPs in the format: <IP> <IP> … For example: -IP or: ALL (for all elements in the database) For example: -IP ALL

MAIL: Mail target to send the report to (optional) For example: -MAIL “[email protected]

SD: Start date of the report, in the format "dd/MM/yy HH:mm" (optional)

ED: End date of the report, in the format "dd/MM/yy HH:mm" (optional)

RT: Report type, either "Alarm Log" or "Current Alarms"

OFN: Output file name. If the extension is .txt, the file will be saved in textual format. If the extension is .csv, the file will be saved in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.

FFILTER: Filter the report using a specific field value. The format is: "<field-name><operator><value><boolean-op><field-name><operator> <value><boolean op>..." where: operator is one of: > >= < <= = <> boolean-op is the sign | for OR between the expressions, or & for AND between them. In the Description field, you can also use "contains". field name is the name that appears in the report header: such as "Ack" or "Severity"

USER: The name of the user that has read access for the target elements.

PASSWORD: The user’s password.

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Example alarmreport -CLI -IP ALL -RT "Alarm Log" -OFN c:\temp\alarm.txt -user admin -password admin

Report Columns

The Alarms Report includes the following columns:


Raise Time


Slot ID





Export Data Report This section describes the CLI interface for export data reports.

The Export Report is used to export topology and/or trigger data to a file.


-OFN <TARGET FILE> -USER <user-name> -PASSWORD <password>

CLI: Command line input - tells pvexport to work in command line mode.

TYPE: Type of data to export: TOPOLOGY will export only topology data, TRIGGERS will export only trigger data, ALL will export all data.

GROUP: The root group to start the export with. If there is more than one group with the specified name, the first one that will be found will be used.

OFN: Name of the output file in which the data will be saved.

USER: The name of the user that has read access to CeraMap.

PASSWORD: The user’s password.

Example pvexport -CLI -TYPE ALL -GROUP root -OFN c:\pvdata.exp -USER admin -PASSWORD admin

Report Columns

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The Export Data Report includes the following columns:



SNMP Version

SNMP Read Community

SNMP Write Community

Import Data Import data is used to import topology and/or trigger data from a file.


-IFN <TARGET FILE> -IP <IP list> -USER <user-name> -PASSWORD <password> -NO_UPDATE

Parameters CLI: Command line input - tells pvimport to work in command line mode.

TYPE: Type of data to export: TOPOLOGY will export only topology data, TRIGGERS will export only trigger data, ALL will export all data.

GROUP: The root group to start the export with. If there is more than one group with the specified name, the first one that will be found will be used. If the Group does not exist, it will be created under the root object.

IP: An optional list of network element IPs in the format: <IP> <IP> … For example: -IP

The entities in this list will be added to the topology under the group designated by the -GROUP parameter.

IFN: The name of the file from which the data will be imported.

USER: The name of the user that has write access to CeraMap.

NO_UPDATE: Optional parameter. If set, the existing element will not be updated if the same element is imported.

PASSWORD: The user’s password.


pvimport -CLI – TYPE ALL – GROUP root -IFN c:\pvdata.exp -USER admin -PASSWORD admin

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Other Commands pvstart Manually starts the PolyView server.

pvstop Manually stops the PolyView server.

pvstatus Displays the current state of the PolyView server.

createdb create Clears the PolyView database, and creates empty tables.

Warning: If you use this command, all data in the database will be erased. You will NOT be able to recover the data.