Ceo Woman Magazine October 2015 Issue



CEO - Chief Executive of Your Life. Supporting Women Who Do It All.

Transcript of Ceo Woman Magazine October 2015 Issue

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Dear Friends,

There were many interesting stories that we could have covered this month, but two topics that I felt were vital to focus on were breast cancer and domestic violence. I know that both of these features will tug on your heart; they tugged on ours. My team and I were encour-aged and inspired by the phenomenal courage of the men and women we interviewed. They each showed tenacity in the face of adversity.

I took a little unexpected twist with breast cancer this year. CEO featured a MAN! I know many of you were thinking, “It’s Breast Cancer Awareness month, and they placed a man on the front cover?” When the CEO team heard Mr. Rudi Jackson’s story of surviving breast cancer twice, we instantly knew that we had to bring this information to our read-ers. We learned how vital it is for the men in

our lives to start checking their breasts on a monthly basis, and it goes without saying that you should as well. Early detection may save both of your lives.

Due to my relationship with the Hilliard House Shelter and the recent events in our own beautiful city, we sought organizations that help support women and families and met heroic survivors who have endured domestic violence in different ways. If you are in this type of situation, including verbal abuse, seek help or counseling. Many women and men before you have gone through this and survived! Now they are helping others! You don’t have to do this alone. Also, I am encour-aging our readers to reach out to the Hilliard House or the James House to see how you can volunteer or donate items such as clothing or toiletries. Monetary donations are always welcome. Don’t forget to attend the domestic violence prevention benefits that are happen-ing around town. Lend a hand!

It is my sincere desire that this month’s issue will inspire you to act in some way! Take an active role in your health as well as your total well being. Never be afraid to ask for support. Take care of yourself and each other.

Remember, we are passionate about featuring the young people in our community (CEOs on the Rise, ��-�� years of age). Nominate your Innovator at Bobby and I would love to hear your feedback and ideas on an Innovator we should cover. Write us at [email protected].



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Vernal BranchAGE 65 Diagnosed with ER Positive and PR PositiveMastectomy at Age 45 in 1995Cancer Free since 1998

What is the most important thing to re-member while you are going through treat-ment? Keep a positive attitude even when you are not feeling well. I surrounded myself with beautiful things: flowers, things that made me happy. My husband asked if I wanted some ice cream. He was good about bringing me things that made me feel good. He was very

caring; in fact, he took a leave of absence. This man is a workaholic, and he took a leave of absence from his job. He was home with me for about � weeks, changing my bandag-es. I was in recovery for 6weeks; he learned how to flush out the IV even though the nurse would come by several times a week. He was very hands-on.

What was the biggest help to you during this time?People. When the ladies at my son’s high school heard that I had cancer, a lot of them called and asked what they could do for me. [I would say] ‘I am so tired of this house. Can you take me around the block?’ and things like that. Now some of these ladies are my best friends.

What was the one thing you learned in gen-eral or about yourself during this time?I didn’t like science, but I forced myself to learn the biology and the chemistry so that I could articulate and sit at the table with re-searchers and politicians and talk about it.

Susan SiegalAGE 57 Diagnosed with Stage I RCA 1 Positive 49Mastectomy at Age 49Cancer Free for 8 years

What advice do you have for women and their families going through this?I think you need to educate yourself about what your options are. I was well-educated enough to understand. Education is absolute-ly key.I had a good support system.What is the most important thing to re-

member while you are going through treat-ment? I think the important thing is to always take care of yourself, relax, pamper yourself and give yourself time to heal. Give yourself time.

What was the biggest help to you during this time?I had gone to a few support groups. The people were always so welcoming and they asked if I needed anything.

What was the one thing you learned in gen-eral or about yourself during this time?I think I just realized my strength, my ability to really learn everything. I learned the sci-ence of breast cancer and getting involved as an advocate and my ability to tackle some-thing if I care enough about it.My passion is breast cancer awareness, advocacy and edu-cation.

Lynda Carter-CookAGE 51 Diagnosed early stage 2 localized breast cancer lymph node negative at age 47Mastectomy at Age 48

Cancer Free for 3 ½ years

What advice do you have for women and their families going through this?The advice I can give is to pray, continue to stay positive and lean on each other. Don’t try to do it yourself. ‘Because a burden shared is a burden lightened.’

What was the biggest help to you during this time?The biggest help was my wonderful husband, family and friends always sending me lots of love and positive energy! I was always the one helping others, and now I had to learn to embrace the love and goodwill of others.

What was the one thing you learned in gen-eral or about yourself during this time?The one thing I learned is that I am a fighter and I never gave up! I remained the same... cancer never changed me. It just revealed to me who I truly am. Through it all, I continued to smile and continued to thank God for what he has done for me in spite of it all. I know that I am a vessel to help spread the word and inspire others to fight this battle.■


Read the entire interview at:,

Blog: Spotlight & Features

Page 7: Ceo Woman Magazine October 2015 Issue

“I am never going to lose my sexy,” jokes Rudi Jackson. The �0-year-old entre-

preneur is a two-time, double mastec-

tomy breast c a n c e r survivor. R u d i ’ s l i f e changed fo rever

i n

�0�� when he noticed a lump the size of a pea under his right nipple. “I didn’t pay much attention to it the first time but a couple of weeks later it was still there, so I called my mother who had worked in the medical field for a long time. She told me to get checked to make sure I was okay.” Rudi went to see his doctor and within � minutes she told him that he needed to see a surgeon. After more testing and a biopsy, Rudi was diagnosed with DCIS (ductal car-cinoma in situ) which is the most common type of non-invasive breast cancer. Rudi’s

cancer was in Stage 0, which meant that it hadn’t moved outside of the

milk duct.

February �0��: “I woke up one morning and noticed I had a discharge. It was like a stain on the front of my shirt. I had done enough research to know that this wasn’t good,” recounts Rudi. He called his doctor and surgery was scheduled immediately. Once again, early detection saved his life.

When asked about his decision to undergo a double mastecto-

my, Rudi explained that he wanted to have the procedure done in �0��,

but his doctor felt it was unnecessary at the time. The doctor presented Rudi with

options such as the drug, tamoxifen, which helps block estrogen. “If you read the side effects, it’s like impotency, night sweats, and hot flashes.” Rudi likened it to going through menopause.

He decided that the side effects were much worse than the actual benefits of the medi-cine. Fortunately, he bounced back quickly from surgery; neither chemo nor radiation was needed. Today, Rudi gets check-ups every � months and has made healthier lifestyle changes.

Before his diagnosis, Rudi’s lifestyle con-sisted of him being a ‘hard charger’ (a go- getter). “If an idea came into my head, I wanted to do it. If it was a business idea, I would jump out of bed at �am and get on the computer. I have slowed down because I think stress was the biggest contribu-tor to me getting sick.” Rudi has reduced his work load and eats a healthy diet with more fresh fruit and vegetables. He advo-cates the need to rest and calm the mind. His advice is to “Have more fun and enjoy yourself because you might be leaving here tomorrow and what have you been doing but working?”

As Rudi spoke about his support system, he shared how important it is for all in-volved to receive support. The person fighting breast cancer may need you to comfort them, just sit there, or offer a word of encouragement, but they don’t need you to fix it! The caregivers also need support, especially men. “I think it is important for men to have a support system of their own. Somebody they can talk to about what they are going through because they are sitting there watching their wife suffer. He is deal-ing with that and trying to support her too,” explains Rudi. He encourages men to find

a local support group.

As I turned the interview to more personal questions, you could tell he became a little anxious. My first question was, “Are you single, married, or dating?” Ladies, he is single and has not let the scars affect his sexiness. Rudi playfully told a story about an intimate moment when a special some-one forgot that he had no nipples. He joked, stating, she ruined the moment! “I was self conscientious at first, but now, not so much. Most women are curious as to what my scars look like and often remark that it doesn’t look that bad.”

Rudi advises women and men who are bat-tling breast cancer to embrace the process. “If it is a part of the process to lose your hair, don’t really fight it. You just have to accept this is a part of what you are go-ing through. I think you have to embrace your own beauty and see your beauty from within instead of the exterior. You have to know what you have internally. Not every-one is hung up on breasts or whatever. Not everyone is looking at the exterior. Some people want to know what is in your heart, mind, soul, or spirit, more so than your exterior.”

Rudi’s final mes-sage: “Don’t think it can’t happen to you because I am a living example that it can happen. If you see anything abnormal, whether it is a lump or discharge from your nipple, get it checked out. The earlier the bet-ter. Early detection will save your life.” 7

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Category: Educational Scholar Innovator: Zy’ala Turnage Age: �6Education: �.7 GPA, South Central High School, NC

Zy’ala Turnage de-scribes herself as “Different.” She doesn’t mind stand-ing alone as long as she is standing up for what she be-lieves in. Zy’ala is

very involved in school and extra-curricu-lar activities serving as Step Team Leader, Alumna of the Junior National Young Lead-ers Conference, and National Honor Society Inductee. Zy’ala has wanted to be an entre-preneur and veterinarian since she was �. Her advice to other Innovators: “You can do anything you want to do, as long as you put God first and put your mind to it.”

Category: Educational ScholarInnovator: Savannah McReynolds Age: ��Education: �.�8 GPA, Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing, VA

Savannah describes herself as “Deter-mined.” When she sets her mind to something, she will go to great lengths to achieve her per-sonal goals. “I do

not allow complications to deter me; in-stead, I use them as strength to succeed.” Savannah used this strength to help her get into one of the best nursing programs in Richmond, VA, and she has won over �� scholarships, which have paid for all of her tuition. Savannah’s mentor is her mom, Betty Jo. Savannah explains, “My mom helped shaped me by showing me uncondi-tional love and dedication. My mom raised me...she has always been so resilient and heroic.” Savannah’s advice to other Inno-vators is not to limit themselves academi-cally and never stop setting and achieving their goals.

Category: Educational ScholarInnovator: Demi Smalls Age: �6Education: �.�, South Central High School, NC

Demi describes her-self as “Extraordi-nary.” Demi states, “I would describe myself as extraor-dinary because I am very rare. I am rare because no mat-

ter how much bad is going on in the world, I still believe that there’s a lot of good to outweigh the bad.” Demi is in the top �0 of her class, member of the JROTC pro-gram where she received the Purple Heart Award in �0�� and the �0�� JROTC Scho-lastic Excellence Award. She was presi-dent of the Key Club and a member of

the S.T.A.N.D. Club which creates shoes for children in Africa. Demi has been a member of the Pitt County Teen Court and interned at the Public Defender’s office. Her future plans are to join the National Guard. One of Demi’s life goals is to start a non-profit organization to benefit home-less teens. Her advice to other Innovators is “Try to have a plan for what you want from the future, but don’t worry if it’s not set in stone.”

Category: Arts & CultureInnovator: Iyanla SavageAge: ��Education: GPA: N/A, J. H. Rose High School, NC

Iyanla describes herself as “Adven-turous.” She states, “I love trying new things and stepping out of my com-fort zone.” Iyanla recently gradu-

ated from E.B. Aycock Middle School with academic excellence and was a member and president of the National Beta Honors Club. She was recently accepted into the Health Sciences Academy. Iyanla has many tal-ents: photographer, painter, actress (extra in Forbidden Fruits & PSA with Reign Inc.), competitive dancer at Katura Dance Acad-emy, and a musician who plays multiple instruments. One of Iyanla’s future goals is to star in a movie and/or have her own television show. Iyanla’s advice to other In-

novators is “Dream big and never settle for less!”

Category: Arts & FashionInnovator: Erin Harth Age: �7Education: GPA: �.9, Powhatan High School, VA

Full of energy and very expressive, Erin describes her-self as “Animated.” Erin has been a member of the Pow-hatan High School (PHS) Show Choir,

PHS Interact Club, and will soon join the PHS Cross Country Team. Erin acts, mod-els and sings. Erin is so passionate about singing that she will continue to pursue her music education in college while pur-suing her goal to become a therapist. “We all have our own pains, none any more im-portant than the next person’s, so we must have empathy to have equality and peace.” Erin’s advice to other Innovators is “Never let someone else’s opinions of something sway your own. A unique and honest out-look and point of view is, and always will be, more valuable than just a copy of anoth-er’s. Don’t shy away from bold statements, don’t be afraid to be different, don’t back down, just be you.” ■CEO wishes to thank Carla R. Cannon Enter-prises for nominating youth Innovators. If you know an outstanding youth (11-22) who should be featured, complete a nomination application at

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I am one of those proud parents who love to see my child perform. You can find me snapping pictures or filming videos on my phone during my daughter’s recitals and per-formances. She started taking piano classes at age � and picked up the cello when she turned 7. My daughter gives up recess once a week to attend her lessons— which pales in comparison to the tremendous benefits she is reaping! Today, my 8-year-old reads well beyond her grade level, is very strong in mathematics and has been learning Man-darin Chinese for the past three years.Research shows that there is a correlation between the performing arts and the social, language and emotional development of children (�006). For example, music al-lows children to access emotions evoked by the lyrics of different songs (�00�). It helps them manage the expectation that emo-tions are natural and change often. Reading scripts in drama classes helps children to improve skills such as reading, imagination, improvisation, self discipline, speaking and self- expression.

If you are wondering how to get your child involved, create a list of prospects by searching for schools and centers that of-

fer art and music classes. Compare tuition costs and select which program works best for your family. Next, help your child re-main consistent in his/her attendance and commitment to his/her art. The best results are realized over time with a lot of practice and dedication.

A performing arts education boosts creativ-ity, confidence, perseverance, focus, col-laboration, dedication and accountability among children. Remember this, the next time your little star gets on stage!

Amma Gatty is the Artistic Director for the Next Star Performing Arts Center. You can visit their website at

References Science Blogs, Cognitive Daily, �00�, “Do Kids Recognize Emotions in Music?”�00�/09/��/do-kids-recog-nize-emotion-in-m/

National Assembly of States Arts Agencies, �006, “Critical Evidence: How the Arts Benefit Students,” [accessed 07/08/�00�.]

By Amma Gatty

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It is said that behind every great man is a great woman. The truth in this story is that beside a great man is an incredibly hard-working, loving woman, holding the hands of their children and his dreams in her heart. Wendy Coles, with her husband Craig Coles, is co-owner of G.O.A.L. Sports Performance Training, and even in her petite alluring frame, she can really pack a punch. Upon en-tering G.O.A.L.’s facility, it’s Wendy’s radi-ant smile and bright spirit that greets you. The combination of Craig’s passion for innova-tive training and Wendy’s determination and commitment to her family and their business, keeps this amazing center thriving.

This mother of five’s unique style and ability of “keeping it all together” is what makes this confession so powerful. How many in Wen-dy’s world know her real story? The athletes, friends, and even her extended family do not see her hidden tears. From being a mom, wife, secretary, cook, maid, taxi driver, loan officer, hand holder to “fixer,” there is one title that is currently trumping all of these.

Before Wendy was a mom, she was a daugh-ter first. An only child, born to a mother with

whom she never felt super close. As her own children are growing up and leaving the nest, one would think a well-deserved freedom is on the horizon. However, Wendy is now car-ing for her elderly mother, recently diagnosed with dementia. Her genuine confession is the tear-induced struggle and stress she endures in attempting to find balance between her new freedom and her mother’s decrease in independence.

When I asked, “What do you focus on to move through these challenges?” her heart-felt reply was “My family, my kids and the legacy and love I will leave behind!”

Wendy’s suggestions to all of the emotionally stressed out CEOs: “You can’t run a business wearing your emotions on your sleeve!” Her belief “You’ve got to fake it ‘til you make it!” has given her the strength and courage to keep smiling in the face of adversity. She cre-ates harmony in her world by taking time for herself, spending quality time with loved ones and making sure she is breathing through it.

Thanks Wendy for giving us the CEO Scoop!

The excitement of a new pair of shoes can be initially intoxicating. You slide your foot in and admire how beautifully they comple-ment your look. The process of breaking in those new shoes, however, isn’t always comfortable.

Like the process of molding a new pair of shoes to the unique contours of your feet, a financial journey doesn’t come without some initial discomfort and sacrifice. In or-der to live a fulfilling life that allows you to positively influence others, broaden your knowledge and experiences and culminate in a healthy lifestyle, the financially savvy fashionista must have a plan in place, start-ing with these � habits.

1. She demands proper insurance protec-tion because she understands that it’s the foundation of financial security. Addition-ally, she knows it can be used to secure her wealth and estate.

2. She stays informed. She may not sub-scribe to major financial publications, but she stays abreast of economic events and how they affect her. She’s willing to discuss the impact on her portfolio with her team of advisors and creates a risk management strategy for her and her family’s long-term care.

3. She diversifies. Equivalent to a busi-ness having multiple income streams, she knows the importance of spreading her as-

sets among different categories. She rec-ognizes that cash, oil and gas properties, renewable energy and real estate are not the only asset classes.

4. She protects her legacy. She prepares her children to handle inheritances respon-sibly. She passes to her heirs attributes like a strong work ethic, discipline and a passion for education.

5. She’s not afraid of help. When finan-cial laws change, she seeks out strategies that can minimize impact on her income and estate. A recent report by U.S. Bank shows �) only � in � affluent Americans plan to change their investments to reduce tax exposure and �) those without profes-sional advisors feel far less knowledgeable about tax laws and savings strategies. She works to defy the statistics.

Bottom line: I’ve dedicated my career to advising hundreds, possibly thousands, of clients and learned that a smart and suc-cessful woman knows her self-worth and understands that if she doesn’t invest in a functional plan, she’ll never know financial freedom. ■

Zaneilia Harris is president of Harris and Harris Wealth where she helps women achieve financial success.Website: www.hhwealth.comTwitter: hhwealthFB:

ofconfessions a CEO


by Heather V. Dunning

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At 17, Carol Adams all but saw her fa-ther kill her mother at her parents’ home. Sonja Holt was head butted by her fiancé so hard that blood spewed. Veraunda Jackson’s husband inflicted emotional and psychological abuse. These women were once the victims of domestic vio-lence, a national epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 20 people per minute are victims of phys-ical violence by their intimate partner in the United States.

Safe Horizon, a national victim assis-tance organization, defines domestic violence as a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of vio-lence.

Carol, Sonja and Veraunda have be-come messengers, using their voices as megaphones, to turn up the volume on the silent screams of domestic violence. The hope is that their voices will provide help to those who may need it. Here is a window into their past with domestic violence.

CarolFlashback to �980, Carol Adams was �7, had worked that day and had returned home. Carol explained this day was different in the home; it was quiet. “As I sat down on the bed to take my shoes off, I heard shots fired–pow, pow, pow–from my parents’ room,” Adams recalled. “Although I didn’t see it, I immediately called 9�� and told the

operator my dad had just shot my mom. The operator asked me all kinds of questions,

such as did I see it, so I had to go to her room and there she was, laid out on her bed and not moving,” said Carol in a barely au-dible voice. Carol Adam’s father had shot and killed her mother in their Richmond home. Carol’s father served �8 months of a 7 year sentence.

Adams, who has �8 years of law enforce-ment experience, uses her platform to edu-cate other officers about domestic violence. “I know what it’s like to be on both sides of the tape, to have compassion and empathy for families and an understanding of what they are going through.”

“I always tell people, you cannot convince someone to leave. They can only leave on their own accord.” She continues, “That person has to be willing and ready to do it.” Carol believes if she encourages you to take action, then she should also provide resources to help you. The Carol Adams Foundation was started for that purpose–to help one family per year make a new start through the use of their donated home. Carol believes, “This is the road to independency not dependency. We don’t want to ever set anyone up to not succeed.”

Sonja Sonja met her ex-fiancé in �997 at the age of �0. He was �7. In �999, she experienced the first of many acts of domestic violence. She and her ex-fiancé had argued over driving directions. Upon returning home, the argu-ment continued, eventually with him on top of her in the bed. “He head butted me and

split my forehead open. That was actually my first scar which I still have on my fore-head now,” she recalls. “The first incident

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I cried, he apologized and swore he would never do it again. And life kind of went on. Thinking back, I had seen things before, but I didn’t know what they were back then because I was never taught about domestic violence,” Sonja explained.

As things became progressively worse over the years, Sonja discovered her ex-fiancé was having an affair, and she confronted him. They argued, and he threw a barstool at her. The barstool hit a table shattering the glass. “Something in me at that moment sort of snapped because he had never bro-ken anything in the house before.” Sonja revealed she went from scared to mad. The next day she decided to leave and called her cousin. “She gave me that final push I needed to go talk to my family and let them know what was going on.” Sonja will never forget, the relationship ended June ��, �008, and she calls it her independence day and celebrates every year.

Unfortunately, Sonja’s ex-fiancé’s estranged girlfriend and their �-year-old never re-ceived their independence. In May �0��, he allegedly shot and killed both and was later killed in a fatal crash which took the lives of two other people. After the tragic incident, Sonja’s wounds were reopened, and she had to restart the healing process.

Sonja continues to be a messenger against domestic violence through her organiza-tion, Second Chance At Renewing Self (S.C.A.R.S).

VeraundaVeraunda shared that her ex-husband was verbally aggressive, abusive and demean-ing. She said he would intentionally do things to sabotage what was going on in her life. This went on for years, she re-members. Veraunda knew it was wrong but

did not recognize it as domestic violence in the beginning. She explained “him hurting me without putting his hands on me” was a form of control. It finally escalated when he threatened to kill her. “By that time, I had become a prosecutor. That was a turn-ing point for me.”

“I really believe the greatest blessing has been that God took away something that really could have destroyed me. Some-thing that was meant for my evil but turned into unbelievable good.” Veraunda’s good would arrive once she was able to fulfill one of her goals, to become a prosecutor of sex crimes. “I am passionate about the work that I do. I know it firsthand. I know that it is a journey and I believe in creating safe places for others.”

Her website EHAP which stands for Ev-erything Has a Price, also the title of her book, is a unique resource for women who have suffered from domestic violence. ■

By Jennifer M. Drummond

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The greatest season of the year is upon us! Fall brings out the most fashion-able people on the planet because of its endless possibilities to layer clothes and truly make a statement. Check out a few of the trends I’m looking forward to this season and where I’m shopping exclusively.

FUR-tasticThrowing on a chic faux-fur is going to be all the rage again this season. De-signers have warmed up the standard fur colors with rich greens and warm blue shades. These colors are perfect for pair-ing with denim or wearing to the office with your favorite skirt.

CREAM DreamLast fall white was the go to for a mono-chromatic look but this fall it’s all about being decked in cream from head to toe. Cream is best paired with deep tones and statement pieces that really play on the warmth of this decadent color. Indulge in cream and forget about white after La-bor Day this season.

That 70s Vibe I chose the orange dress for a transition-ing look with a 70s vibe. The vibrant color pairs perfectly with the wide ma-roon belt. This dress will easily wear well with cute flats and a cardigan, heels for a night out, and boots when the win-ter breeze picks up.

Fall is all about having the right acces-sories at your fingertips. You can pick up these looks now! The custom designer handbags are from Laura Faye (, statement accessories from Erin Anderson Co (, and clothing from Nordstrom’s anniversary sale. My absolute favorites this season are

the Ilaya Pearl Cone from EA and the Every Little Detail Clutch from Laura Faye.

No matter what this season, make sure you pay special attention to detail. Em-brace the little things that make fall spe-cial and let your wardrobe do all of the talking. ■

Style On,Shayla Courtney [email protected]


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By Shayla Courtney

As the fall approaches us, so does the concern of taking care of our skin. As you change from flip flops to boots, you should change from a gel based cleanser to a moisturizing one. This is especially important to those who have gone through intensive chemotherapy or radiation due to breast cancer.

Clean skin morning and night with a gentle cleanser. Look for ones that will hydrate the skin. Follow with an alcohol-free toner to remove remaining impurities. Toners also help to remove chlorine and fluoride left be-hind from our tap water. I also love to use the Clarisonic brush every night with my cleanser; it helps in the exfoliation process.

� to � times a week exfoliate with a gentle exfoliator, preferably with gentle micro-beads.

Repair the skin by using a serum. Serums are more concentrated and using daily will help the skin repair faster. Serums like the CHANEL HYDRA BEAUTY MICRO SE-

RUM infuse skin with exceptional hydrat-ing and plumping power of the Camellia Oil Extract. I recommend this product to my cli-ents who are dehydrated and also clients go-ing through tough times with their skin due to chemo or radiation treatments.

Follow with a moisturizer that’s more emol-lient than what you were using in the sum-mer. This will help the skin to recover and give you a healthy glow.

Sunscreen should always be applied every day to protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays that are damaging to the skin.

Have a favorite fall skincare tip? Let us know by emailing us at [email protected].

By Abegail Taylor-Burts

Harsh Days of Summer to the Cooler Days of FallCHANGE YOUR SKIN ROUTINE from the

Guest Fashion Editor Shayla Court-ney is a wardrobe stylist based out of Richmond, VA servicing profes-

sional curvy women around the world. Through her virtual styling services,

Shayla is able to help women create a better wardrobe, business, and life by empowering women with confidence.


en Jo

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