CEO of Transformational Value of Your … · 2017-12-27 · big profits...

Sheri Rosenthal CEO of As transformational leaders, our top priority is to facilitate huge changes in the lives of our clients so we’re always looking for new ways to do so! Like myself, I’m sure you’ve done plenty of one-on-one work, group workshops & live events, and maybe even longer 3-day private intensive experiences with your clients. All of which are great. But if you’re like me – you’re always searching for fresh ideas to add variety and depth to your practice so that you can serve your clients in the deepest way, and most importantly, stay excited and interested in what you have to share without becoming bored and burnt-out! (continues to next page) How to 10X the Transformational Value of Your Coaching! (......while adding big profits to your bottom line & traveling the world) How to 10 x the Transformational Value of Your Coaching!

Transcript of CEO of Transformational Value of Your … · 2017-12-27 · big profits...

Page 1: CEO of Transformational Value of Your … · 2017-12-27 · big profits to your bottom line & traveling the world) How to 10. x. the Transformational Value

Sheri RosenthalCEO of

As transformational leaders, our top priority is to facilitate huge changes in the lives of our clients so we’re always looking for new ways to do so!

Like myself, I’m sure you’ve done plenty of one-on-one work, group workshops & live events, and maybe even longer 3-day private intensive experiences with your clients. All of which are great.

But if you’re like me – you’re always searching for fresh ideas to add variety and depth to your practice so that you can serve your clients in the deepest way, and most importantly, stay excited and interested in what you have to share without becoming bored and burnt-out!(continues to next page)

How to 10X the Transformational Value of Your Coaching!

(......while adding big profits to your

bottom line & traveling the world)

How to 10x theTransformational Value of Your


Page 2: CEO of Transformational Value of Your … · 2017-12-27 · big profits to your bottom line & traveling the world) How to 10. x. the Transformational Value

Perhaps you’re feeling like you could be impacting your clients in a bigger way and offering more in your practice but you’re not quite sure how or what. As if a piece were missing...

Or perhaps you’re being called to expand your following beyond the confines of your local area and create a worldwide community of like-minded heart-centered people. Maybe you even have dreams of travelling and sharing your message or teachings worldwide!

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Whatever the case may be – I can tell you that one of the most profound ways to impact your clients’ lives and give them the kind of memories that they will NEVER forget – is by offering transformational destination retreats.

So you might be asking – what is a transformational destination retreat and why should I be interested?

Well, a transformational destination retreat is a custom-crafted, life-changing experience for your clients that takes place in a group format in a beautiful location. But it’s not just about taking them to a pretty place and simply teaching your normal material – that’s not the idea at all!

It’s about putting them into situations where they’re challenging themselves and what they believe so that they can evolve and expand beyond their current mindset. It’s about designing your activities and outings to enable them to embody your message at a cellular and soul level rather than simply taking in your message on an intellectual level.

How to 10X the Transformational Value of Your Coaching!

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Here’s an example:

Imagine that you’re a health coach or yoga teacher and you want to help people learn how and why they should eat healthier. So you heading off with your best clients to stay at an organic farm that allows folks to stay on site and participate in farm-to-table eating. Learning first-hand what goes into creating healthy fresh-grown food, and raising healthy free-range animals is something that you can’t really describe.

You start your destination retreat with local wine from the vineyard down the road. The next day, you and your clients pick organic vine-ripe veggies from the garden and a local chef gives a cooking demo on how to best prepare them along with some farm-raised meat – while you offer a taste test on the different between fresh and processed food. Of course the recipe is ready to take home! Then you’re off for a bike ride through the countryside later that day – followed by time for a nap or a massage.

Then the next day, as a comparison, take your participants to see what a CAFO or Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation is and see how the animals live or take them to see a normal farming operation where they are using tons of pesticides and genetically modified seeds. I guarantee you’ll get your point across without having to say a single word. And I’ll bet your participants will NEVER forget the experience.

Can you feel the impact that these kind of experiences would have on your clients – so much more so than lecturing them on eating healthy, exercising and taking time to relax and recharge?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a business coach, life coach, artist, energy healer or any other heart-based entrepreneur. When you take your clients on transformational destination retreats, you can travel the world, change lives deeply and make money doing so.

The possibilities are endless – and exciting! And the transformation is profound.

So let me share with you my top five reasons why you MUST be doing retreats in your business!

How to 10X the Transformational Value of Your Coaching!

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or no longer let others walk all over them. Going on a retreat was the tipping point in their transformation – and what a positive change it can be!

Having time away to honestly evaluate what’s going on in their lives and to be able to reflect on their true feelings without feeling judged or under the daily stresses and grind is incredibly powerful. In addition, the group energy of being present with others who also want to change and grow can multiply the transformation exponentially.

Personally, I’ve had a deeply spiritual life-changing experience in the middle of the Canadian Rockies, totally re-evaluated was important to me on top of a pyramid in Guatemala, and recognized I had to leave my first husband over an expresso in Paris. Anything can happen once the familiar walls of safety fall away.

So imagine if you were the one facilitating these kinds of changes with your clients, while in some of the most amazing and beautiful places that they’ll never forget. Wouldn’t that feel like your life and business was worthwhile and meaningful? I know it does for me!

One of the best ways to get folks out of their

comfort zone is to put them in a foreign country where the language is different and the people’s customs are unusual. Of course, you actually don’t even need to leave the country – you often just need to take people out of their typical environment for them to look at their life from a new point of view.

And that’s exactly where they need to be if they’re going to be making big changes in their lives. When people feel too secure in their regular routine, they aren’t likely to open to change – they’re feeling too comfortable and real transformation never happens under those circumstances.

I’ve had clients travel with me and then come home and change everything in their lives because of the experience, and I mean everything! Dump partners, give notice at jobs they had for 20 years, start new businesses, finally stand up for themselves,

Travel C hanges Lives by C hallenging Perspectives!

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We’re all used to teaching

people directly – by that I mean standing in front of them and sharing our information and wisdom. It’s a very classic way of imparting information to others whether it is one-on-one, to a group or on a stage to a larger audience.

But retreats allow you to engage in something utterly magical – using your location to help teach your material! Many locations have an interesting mythology associated with them and you can purposely chose a location that aligns with what you teach.Other locations have activities available that illustrate the important points that you are trying to impart and can teach those lessons that you would normally struggle to verbally explain.

The best way to describe what I mean is by example.

Retreats Allow You ToTeach in Creative Ways!


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One of my favorite places to do personal growth, mind-set or spiritual retreats is the sacred site of Teotihuacán, Mexico. The ancient city ruins are laid out like the body of a snake, which represents the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl. So as you move down the central avenue, you can imagine yourself being digested by the snake and shedding any beliefs that are not the true authentic you.

How to 10X the Transformational Value of Your Coaching!

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Retreats Allow You ToTeach in Creative Ways!


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On our last day at the ruins, we come out of the body of the snake and climb to the top of the great Pyramid of the Sun, where we merge as pure light with the sun in a beautiful and heart-felt ceremony.

Each day we move through the ruins doing different ceremonies and exercises that help folks let go of the aspects of their lives, limiting beliefs and perspectives that are no longer working for them.

Not much talk is needed since the power and presence of the place is enough to teach what piles of self-help books would be hard pressed to share.

Or what if you’re a motivational speaker and business coach who helps your clients make more effective presentations. Why not take go to an amphitheater in Greece and have your clients present in this setting?

Or have them stand up in front of an audience who doesn’t speak the same language and they still need to find a way to get their point across?

I think you’re starting to see how a carefully thought-out location can bring your teachings to life in a way that a regular workshop or private session could never do. So, are you getting any ideas yet?? I hope so!

How to 10X the Transformational Value of Your Coaching!

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Running dozens of retreats and journeys with my own clients since 2003 has taught me that my clients aren’t the only ones benefiting from all the transformation going on!

These adventures have not only impacted them – but they have changed my life in so many positive ways.

Working with people when they are going though intense realizations and transformation can be messy – and that can be a good thing for us as transformational leaders.

It gives us the opportunity to practice not taking our clients personally so we can help them in the highest way and helps us work on diminishing our ego.

Teaching in an Experiential Manner C hanges Y O U !

3A retreat can act like a huge mirror reflecting what is limiting in us so that we can fully live our true purpose and stop playing small!

I am absolutely certain that I have left a huge pile of old beliefs, resentments, frustrations, and useless baggage all over the world – from sacred sites, stunning spots in nature, and even as I mentioned earlier – in a coffee shop in Paris. And I can tell you I’m a much better person for it and you’ll be too!

How to 10X the Transformational Value of Your Coaching!

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Creating Amazing Retreats Will Help You Stand Our as an Authority!


Raving fans are the best thing that any facilitator, coach, or teacher of any kind can have. Nothing will build your reputation faster or have people talking about you enthusiastically than a bunch of glowing, happy, excited folks who can’t stop talking about their amazing experience with you at a stunning location on the planet.

Even if you do fabulous workshops and private work with folks, nothing quite creates the same kind of reaction in people than an amazing travel experience. People love to let others know they did something special and that they feel great – and even better, are changed in some profound way.

A retreat creates community and friends for life – in fact, I’m still friends with three of the people who were on the very first retreat I went on back in 1999. And that’s saying something! Many people feel isolated in this digital world and are looking to make deep connections. They want to feel like they’re having conversations that are more important than simply chatting about the newest app or iPhone.

The sacred space that is created in this kind of environment is unique to you as the facilitator and will have your special signature on it. And if you’re creative with your material and chose your location carefully the people you want to attract most in your business will be lining up to join your trips!

How to 10X the Transformational Value of Your Coaching!

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You Can Add 10k-100k to the Bottom Line of Your Biz!


I know, most of my heart-centered entrepreneurs don’t like talking much about money since it’s rarely anyone’s ultimate motivation for why we work with our clients. Normally we feel compelled to teach and share what we have learned the hard way to save others the pain and suffering we’ve experienced. And that’s very powerful!

But that doesn’t mean we don’t require money to send our kids to a good college, take a lovely vacation, save for our retirement, or to have some extra cash to help our parents out when they need it. I know for me it means everything to be able to buy a special gift for my mom or send my mom and stepdad on a well-deserved trip. That makes my heart sing and I’m sure there are reasons that having extra income could make a huge difference in your life too.

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So that said – a well-priced retreat can add significant funds to your bottom line which can be transformational for you and YOUR life. Not only can you easily net 10k on a retreat – but if you monetize your retreat – in other words, if you create a follow-up program that you know you are goingto offer to your participants at the end ofyour event, you can easily double and evenquadruple your net profit.

If you only netted $700 per person (what you make after all expenses are paid - and that’s a low-ball conservative net) and had 15 people to your event, then you would make 10K easily. If you then offered a six-month deep-dive, follow-up coaching program at $2000 per person and only 10 of the 15 people joined, you would still make an additional 20k.

How to 10X the Transformational Value of Your Coaching!

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You Can Add 10k-100k to the Bottom Line of Your Biz!


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And what if one of the participants wanted to stay after the retreat for a couple of days and either do a VIP day with you or maybe a 3 day private intensive? That one client could add an additional $2500 to $5000 to your net.

Or what if some of the people on the trip decided they wanted a private session with you at $275 an hour? Again – I’m being modest here, it all depends on how you set up your retreat and if you create it with a follow-up program in mind.

The bottom line is that a transformational destination retreat can add to your bottom line in the most delightful way!

How to 10X the Transformational Value of Your Coaching!

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A Few Final Words...

I hope this e-book has given you fabulous ideas to dream about – and more than that – take action on. Because if you love travel and transformation you need to be adding retreats to your business – no doubt about it!

Understanding that you have an obligation to share your gifts will have you more open to embracing new ways of sharing those gifts with your clients. And if creating transformational destination retreats sounds exciting to you – we couldn’t be happier!

If you'd like to learn more about creating lucrative destination retreats stay with us - our weekly newsletter will keep you up to date with all our upcoming retreats, workshops, and live events!

How to 10X the Transformational Value of Your Coaching!

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Sheri’s StoryDr. Sheri Rosenthal is a business coach, international retreat leader, and author. A former podiatric surgeon, Sheri left behind a successful practice, a surgical residency program which she personally designed and directed, and a couple of husbands to find her life’s calling.

She spent 8 years traveling, meditating and studying ancient traditions of spiritual evolution as well as studying with and working for don Miguel Ruiz — the New York Times Best-selling author of The Four Agreements.

Today, Sheri is known as one of the most sought after retreat strategists for coaches, speakers, and authors — and is the owner of Journeys of the Spirit Travel®, a boutique agency specializing in the planning and management of group travel.

Through her Wanderlust Entrepreneur® Community and her signature course, The Retreat Blueprint Program, she has taught thousands of facilitators how to design exceptional retreats that allow them stand out in their niche. She loves teaching clients how to plan, fill, and profit from transformational retreats that change lives in a huge way while adding serious income to their bottom line!

How to 10X the Transformational Value of Your Coaching!