CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise...

Imogen Buxton – Pickles CEO and Founder

Transcript of CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise...

Page 1: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Imogen Buxton – Pickles

CEO and Founder

Page 2: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

1000’s children active every day through technology

▪ Drive down childhood obesity

▪ Create happier healthier children

▪ All-round stronger learners

Page 3: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Confident workforce

Who can facilitate active lessons from PE to Science



PE Lead

Break supervisor

Page 4: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Active Schools

£320 million in funding

Govt has tasked schools to help

drive down obesity through

interventions that make the whole

school day more active:

▪ Active blasts

▪ Active lessons

▪ Active structured play

▪ Active travel

Page 5: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF


1. Exercise and the human brain

2. Ideas around developing an active

literacy curriculum

3. Strategies for creating a step

change in teaching methods

in your school

Today’s Journey

Page 6: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

The Science of Exercise and

the Brain

BDNF is a protein released into the

brain after exercise

▪ Improves the function of neurons

▪ Encourages new neurons to grow

▪ Protects them from stress and damage

John Ratey, MD

BDNF Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor

Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of

Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013)

Page 7: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Sprinkled on neurons in a

petri dish, BDNF causes

brain cells to sprout the

structural branches

required for learning

… like fertilizer for the brain

Page 8: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Exercise sparks the whole learning process via BDNF



What does this mean?

Page 9: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

“Exercise elevates Miracle-Gro (BDNF) throughout the brain!”

When You Exercise Serotonin



Blood flow










Grows cells


mood and



The Hippocampus

(learning / memory)

grows with regular





Page 10: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Smaller brainBrain fog


Bigger brainSwitched on


Page 11: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Active Learning

▪ Light to Vig intensity

▪ Whole lesson OR

▪ Shorter blasts

Light Mod Vig

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Page 12: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Active Literacy KS1

Understanding about poems, rhymes and rhythm

Music based

Page 13: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

1. Use a simple rhyme

2.Create a rap style performance with

movements and actions

3.Use this beat to work with

To Rap or Not to Rap

Page 14: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Soup, soup, glorious soup,

Soup that goes SLURP!

Soup that goes GLOOOP!

Soup that is thick,

Soup that is thin,

Soup that goes dribbling,

All down your CHIN!

Page 15: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Active Phonics KS1


Page 16: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Movement SoundEnhanced


Brain Engagement and Memory

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Page 18: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF


Page 19: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

• Supports existing Phonics programmes

• 3 Phonics printable sets

• Covering 60 different sounds

• Easy to use Power-point

• Daily activity blasts or as part of a lesson

French & Spanish

Page 20: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Active Literacy KS2

Prefix and Suffix

Choose Between Concept

Page 21: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Prefix and Suffix

• In pairs (A and B)

• A is facing the board and reads the words on

the board

• B has their back to the board and jumps


demonstrate their understanding of a root

word that has a PREFIX or a SUFFIX

Prehistoric Provider

Page 22: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF



















Prefix and suffix

Page 23: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Active Literacy KS2

Using apostrophe to mark plural possession

Circuit Based

Page 24: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Activity 1 Dogs noses are good at sniffing.

Activity 2

Hold the Yoga position

“Downward Dog”

Pull in your core muscles...

keep your back flat!

Page 25: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Activity 1

The womens football league was exciting.

Activity 2

Let’s see your

best high

knees! Try at

least 20!

Page 26: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Creative Task: Y5 and 6

Create an ACTIVE LESSON or PART of a lesson that is ACTIVE

For either the classroom, hall or outside space

The aim of the activity is to allow children in Y5 and 6 to learn actively about the following literacy


Spelling Active Learning

LO – Understand that some words may sound the same but

are spelt differently for example

Aisle: a gangway between seats

Isle: an island

Aloud: out loud

Allowed: permitted

Page 27: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Active 30

• Every primary school child 60 minutes

per day

• 30 minutes should be delivered in school

every day

• 30 minutes supported by parents and


Mod Vig

5 6 7 8 9 10

Energy in


Energy out

Page 28: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Active BlastLiteracy and Maths

Power Point

Page 29: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Spell the number and do the movement


o Stand up tall

o Arms in the air

o Balance on tip toes

o Stretch your body!

Page 30: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Spell the number and do the movement


Join up to a partner using

2 body parts ONLY!

o Elbow

o Knee

o Forehead

o Hands

o Foot

Page 31: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Spell the number and do the movement


Stand up and sit down

3 times!

_ _ _ _ _ !

Page 32: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Spell the number and do the movement


Make a group of 4 with

friends and JUMP up and

down 4 times!

Page 33: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Spell the number and do the movement


Hop 5 times on your RIGHT leg

Hop 5 times on your LEFT leg

Page 34: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Active Blast KS2Agile Adverbs

Power Point

Page 35: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF


Run on the spot Gracefully

Do star jumps Awkwardly

Hop on one leg Briskly

Climb a ladder Leisurely

Pretend to box Lightly

Disco Dance Heavily

March (on the spot) Sloppily

Clap hands above


Spin around Cautiously

Touch the ground Determinedly

Stretch up Rigidly

Stand still Loosely

Page 36: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF



Mighty Monday Strong mind and body activity

Challenge Tuesday Anything goes!

Wellness Wednesday Mindfulness and Health Me activities

Thinking Thursday Problem solving, team building activities

Funky Friday Fun dance and fitness to music

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Page 38: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Teaching Concepts

Music (poetry)

Pilates (phonics)

Chosen Between (prefix/suffix)

Circuit (apostrophe)



Movie (plug and play)

Page 39: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Creating a change

Behavioural Change/ Mindset Shift

Review and Planning

Ideas and Resources

Roll out Step 4

Step 3

Step 2

Step 1

Page 40: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Not on my radar Pre-contemplation

Thinking about it Contemplation

Planning to do something soon Preparation

Getting started Action

Sticking with it! Maintenance

Page 41: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Step Change

in Teaching Methods

▪ Baby Steps Model

▪ Choose 2 Ambassadors

▪ Trial ideas in class over 6 – 12


▪ PE Lead to monitor (5 mins with

each teacher)

▪ Evaluate and gather feedback

Page 42: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Your Active School Classroom

Declutter Layout

Standing DesksNo Chairs Tuesday

Page 43: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Chairs and tables

Standing Desks

Floor space

Page 44: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Chairs and Tables

Floor space

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Chairs and


Chairs and


Chairs and


Chairs and


Chairs and


Chairs and


Chairs and


Chairs and


Chairs and


floor space

floor space

Page 46: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Prep and Delivery

Pre-prepared resources

▪ imoves

▪Super Movers

▪Your own ideas


▪Small changes in delivery

▪Start with Active Blasts

▪ Layer in short active learning

sections into lessons

Page 47: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Today’ s Journey

▪ Exercise positively effects our


▪ Developing an active literacy

programme - classroom layout to


▪ Strategies for getting all teachers

teaching actively

Page 48: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF
Page 49: CEO and Founder...Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J. (2013) Sprinkled on neurons in a petri dish, BDNF

Package Content Cost per year



• Literacy and Phonics

• Languages

• Science

• PHSE and Mindfulness

• History and Geography

• Daily Active Challenges

• Maths (September 2018)

Up to

£795 + vat


• Dance

• Gymnastics

• Pilates

• Skills for Games


Up to

£595.00 + vat

Dance• 50 different styles and topics Up to

£495.00 + vat


Schools All the above

Up to

£995.00 + vat


