Center for Energiressourcer – CERE · – Porous Media and Pipes 5. Experiments ... + Corrosion...

Center for Energiressourcer – CERE en strategisk satsning på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Erling H. Stenby Professor, Centerdirektør Offshore Center Danmarks netværksmøde på DTU, torsdag den 11. marts 2010

Transcript of Center for Energiressourcer – CERE · – Porous Media and Pipes 5. Experiments ... + Corrosion...

Page 1: Center for Energiressourcer – CERE · – Porous Media and Pipes 5. Experiments ... + Corrosion • Chemical inhibitors Production Problems. ... Multiphase Flow

Center for Energiressourcer – CEREen strategisk satsning på

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Erling H. StenbyProfessor, Centerdirektør

Offshore Center Danmarks netværksmøde på DTU, torsdag den 11. marts 2010

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Kernen af CERE – 2010• Medlemmer

• Erling H. Stenby, centerdirektør, DTU Kemiteknik• Ida L. Fabricius, DTU Miljø• Nicolas von Solms, DTU Kemiteknik• Georgios M. Kontogeorgis, DTU Kemiteknik• Michael L. Michelsen, DTU Kemiteknik• Alexander A. Shapiro, DTU Kemiteknik• Kaj Thomsen, DTU Kemiteknik• Klaus Mosegaard, DTU Informatik• NN, DTU Kemiteknik

• Associerede Medlemmer• Rasmus Fehrman, DTU Kemi• Anders Riisager, DTU Kemi• John Bagterp Jørgensen, DTU Informatik• Steen Krenk, DTU Mekanik

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CERE holdet – 2010

> 10 Post Docs og Seniorforskere

> 20 ph.d.-studerende

8 Teknisk/Administrativt personale

3 Gæsteforskere

20 Civil- og Diplomingeniør eksamensprojekter

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Hvorfor CERE?

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Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2008

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Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2008

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Key research ingredients:1. Modelling:

– Theory and Simulation

2. Fluids– Phase behavior and Reactions

3. Rocks– Petrophysics and Geophysics

4. Flow– Porous Media and Pipes

5. Experiments

Scope: Fundamental engineering science

Forskning i CERE





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Gas Hydrates

Ionic Liquids


AlkanolaminesIn-Situ CombustionHistory Matching



Heavy Oil




Amino Acids


Advanced Waterflooding



Cap rocks

Acid gases


Rock mechanics




Green sand


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Industrielle behovKompetence i industrien



Videnskabelige udfordringerAka



ice pro




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Produkter & Vidensoverførsel

• Ingeniører og ph.d.’er• Eksperimentelle data• Teoretiske modeller• Simulerings-resultater• Publikationer• Software• Patenter

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Mærsk Olie og Gas AS

CERE Konsortium 2010

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1. Reservoirmodellering

2. Produktionsproblemer

3. Indvindingsprocesser

Petroleumsteknologisk Forskning

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Distribution of the oil, gas and water in a reservoir:

- Gravity- Temperature gradients- Capillary forces - Diffusion




Reservoir Modelling

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• What can reduce the flow in the reservoir, well, tubing or pipeline:– Asphaltenes – Salts– Waxes– Gas hydrates– Emulsions+ Corrosion

• Chemical inhibitors

Production Problems

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Recovery Processes

How to recover more oil?Mobilize remaining oilSweep unswept areasGas injection simulations

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Main Danish Reservoir Rock

• Chalk

• Almost pure CaCO3

• Porosity: 30-40%

• Pore size: 1μm

• Clay, quartz a.o.

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Temperature: 80 - 200 °C Pressure: 300 - 1000 atm Porosity: 40%

0.007 mm

Oil Recovery

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Integrated Modelling of Oil Reservoirs• Combining Seismic Inversion and History Matching• New concept: porosity can be determined quickly and accurately

from a rather limited number of properties of the seismic wave field - the so-called seismic attributes - combined with information from nearby oil wells

• Partners– Danish Research Council– DONG Energy– DTU– Covers:

• 1 Post Doc + 2 PhD students

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Integrated Modelling of Oil Reservoirs

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CHIGP – Chemicals in Gas Processing2003-2012: Statoil, BP, Total, Maersk Oil, Gassco, DONG Energy

Budget = DKK >15 mio

• Modelling and experimental work

• Optimizing the use of chemicals: Glycols, Methanol,

• Limiting the emission of chemicals: Aromatics, CO2and H2S

• Data, parameters, and software

• CAPE-Open Module and Aspen User Model of a new thermodynamic model, CPA

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CO2 for EOR in Denmark• The Danish National Advanced Technology

Foundation (Højteknologifonden) is supporting a 3 year project carried out by:– DONG Energy– CERE, DTU Chemical Engineering– CERE, DTU Environmental Engineering– GEO– GEUS

• The objective is to create the basis for a pilot project in a Danish oil reservoir

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CO2-EOR Research Projects

Project 1: Fluid-Rock Interactions

• 1.1: Sample Characterization (DTU CERE)

• 1.2: Rock Mechanics (GEO)

Project 2: Phase Equilibria of Fluids (DTU CERE)

• 2.1: Brine/CO2 Equilibria

• 2.2: Effect of CO2 in Water Flooded Reservoirs

Project 3: Multi-Phase Flow

• 3.1: Flooding Experiments (GEUS)

• 3.2: CT-scanning (DTU CERE)

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ADORE: Advanced Oil Recovery MethodsFTP with Maersk Oil and DONG energy


1. Reactive TransportIn situ combustionSurfactant floodingStimulationMEOR

2. Phase Behavior• Surfactant Flooding• Heavy oil + Water

3. Multiphase Flow in Porous Media

GeneralAdvanced water4. Rock Mechanics

Material science

5. Numerical MethodsFlow equationsOptimization

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Perspektiver for CERE1. Fastholde de internationalt stærke positioner…

ikke mindst vedr. kalk og anvendt termodynamik2. Aktivere flere kompetencer på DTU:

Materialer, sensorer, robotter, bioteknologi…

...for at kunne tiltrække mange unge talenter

...og levere dygtige ingeniører til samfundet

…og i sidste ende bidrage til en mere effektiv udnyttelse Danmarks energiressourcer


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