Cell structure & Function



Cell structure & Function. Cell Wall. Main function – provide support & protection for the cell Made of cellulose (carbohydrates) and protiens Located outside the cell membrane of plant, fungi, and some protist cells. Cell Membrane. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Cell structure & Function

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CELL WALL Main function –

provide support & protection for the cell

Made of cellulose (carbohydrates) and protiens

Located outside the cell membrane of plant, fungi, and some protist cells

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CELL MEMBRANE Main function – outer boundary of cell;

regulates what can enter and exit the cell Composed of a phospholipid bilayer w/

proteins embedded in the membranes; carbohydrates may attach to proteins

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CYTOPLASM Main function –

substance where organelles are suspended; site of many chemical reactions

Fluid substance that fills the space between the cell membrane and the nucleus

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NUCLEUS Main function – controls

most cell processes and contains hereditary information (DNA)

Composed of a Nuclear membrane Nuclear pores Nucleolus Chromatin/Chromosomes

Located in all eukaryotic cells

Scanning ↑Transmission ↓

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Protein when it is loose and thread-like; granular looking; most of the time

Chromosomes – DNA & Protein when it condenses to form distinct structures; when cells are dividing

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NUCLEOLUS Main function –

production / assembly of ribosomes

Dense region within the nucleus

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NUCLEAR MEMBRANE Main function –

surround and protect the contents of the nucleus

Double membrane layer

Dotted with thousands of nuclear pore which allow material to move into and out of the nucleus

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CYTOSKELETON Main function – help the

cell maintain its shape; also involved in many forms of cell movement

Network of protein filaments Microfilaments –

smallest; movement & support

Intermediate filaments – medium sized

Microtubules – largest; transport; cilia; flagella

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RIBOSOMES Main function – site

of protein synthesis Composed of RNA

and protein Can be free floating

in the cytoplasm or attached to endoplasmic reticulum

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function – manufacture and distribution of proteins; ribosomes are attached

Smooth ER Main function – manufacture of lipids and break down toxins; NO ribosomes are attached

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modifies, packages, and distributes material in the cell; Material is received from the ER, modified in the Golgi, then sent to the cell or out of cell.

Stack of membranes

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LYSOSOME Main function –

break down food and/or worn out organelles

Small sack containing digestive enzymes

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VACUOLE Main function –

store materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates

Plants have a large central vacuole that help the plant stand upright

Saclike structures

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CHLOROPLASTS Main function – use

energy from sunlight to make energy-rich food molecules; site of photosynthesis

Double membrane structure that contain large states of green membranes; green color is due to the pigment chlorophyll

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MITOCHONDRIA Main function – use

energy from food to make high-energy compounds that eh cell can use to power growth, development, and movement

Double membrane structure; inner membrane is highly folded

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Theory that states - mitochondria and chloroplasts are descendents from ancient prokaryotic cells that were engulfed by other cells; the two cells formed a symbiotic relationship where both cells benefited. Evidence = mitochondria & chloroplasts have DNA, ribosomes, and can divide independently of the cell