Cebu Bus Rapid Transit (cbrt).presentation


Transcript of Cebu Bus Rapid Transit (cbrt).presentation

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April 13, 2016 

Page 2: Cebu Bus Rapid Transit (cbrt).presentation

Instructions on how to fill up the survey forms: LAND AND STRUCTURE ASSETS INVENTORY (Done through physical observations and inspection).

1) Parcel Lot Number (Use parcel map as reference). Example: Lot 12203-B (Bus Station), Talamban or Lot 4783-B (ROW), RIGHT CARRIAGE, Basak Pardo.

2) Primary use of the land (Use code) --- Note: Consider predominant use then actual use.

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What is predominant use and actual use?

Predominant Use refers to the general zoning classification of the land, that is, majority of the

areas are devoted to such use. Actual use refers to the purpose for which the property

subject of the survey is principally or predominantly utilized by the person in

possession thereof;

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Example: when most or majority of the areas are use for COMMERCIAL/business purposes but actual use of the particular land is RESIDENTIAL because it fits the code for residential on our survey form, answer is (C/1).

Example: when predominant use is COMMERCIAL but actual use is a driveway, answer is (C/8).

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On describing 8 as VACANT/OTHERS: No visible

associated structures, boundary wall, fences, foundation. This includes

basketball court, platforms, covered court, driveways then indicate

thickness such as 10 cm., 15 cm., 20 cm. etc.

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3) Approximate area of land to be covered by project (in square meter, see parcel map for reference and answer) Example: 670 square meters

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(4) Permanent/semi-permanent Structures inside land.

4.1 Number of units within land – Consider only permanent/semi-permanent structures.

Example: Answer is 5 (1 residential house, 1 warehouse, 1 water tank, 1 fence, and 1 carport).

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(4) Permanent/semi-permanent Structures inside land cont..

4.2 Approximate floor area of structure to be covered by the project (to be filled up in DMS)

Estimate floor area of the building or residential house using the formula (L x W) subject to confirmation of the geodetic engineer;

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(4) Permanent/semi-permanent Structures inside land cont..

4.3 Description of structure to be taken by the project (use code below) on Code 3. Multi-use residential (three units or more) includes apartment, boarding house, townhouse, and condominiums;

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(4) Permanent/semi-permanent Structures inside land cont..

4.3 Description of structure to be taken by the project (use code below) on Code 3. Multi-use residential (three units or more) includes apartment, boarding house, townhouse, and condominiums;

On code 4 commercial/industrial/agricultural building/structure (eg office, factory or others. Others include hotel, parking building, banks, theaters, call centers;

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(4) Permanent/semi-permanent Structures inside land cont..

4.4 Number of storey/ies – (5) FENCE – Approximate length to be covered by project (in square meter) – L x H

Example: length of 100 m x 5m = 500 square meters

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(4) Permanent/semi-permanent Structures inside land cont..

(6)Garage/Parking Lot/Warehouse – approximate floor area of garage/warehouse to be covered by project (in square meter);

(7)Water tank – approximate portion of area of water tank to be covered by project (in cubic meters)


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(4) Permanent/semi-permanent Structures inside land cont..

On 8 shanties/temporary structures – approximate number of units covered by project and estimated floor area: example 10 units, use attached sheet: unit 1 – 15 sqm or 3 x 5; unit 2 – 12 sqm or 3 x 4; etc. ;

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On 9 trees – approximate number of trees covered by the project (describe whether, example 10 mahogany, 1 narra, 3 star apple, 5 indian mangoes, etc.);

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On 10 OTHER PHYSICAL STRUCTURES INSIDE LAND – fences, boundary wall, others include (carport, garage, warehouse, dirty kitchen, terrace, porch, balcony, water tank, basement, gate). Approximate dimension for fences and boundary walls only. (height and length in meters) covered by project – 3 x 200m. , carport 12 sqm, dirty kitchen – 10 sqm;

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On 13 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY STRUCTURES (Use code below) how many? Example answer 1 (concrete, steel, wood-two), or others 5 (outpost, etc);

On 14 STRUCTURE OF UTILITY COMPANIES (Use code below) Example answer 1(concrete, steel, wood=2), others 6 (transformer, lighting arrester, circuit breaker, voltage transformer, station transformer, line trap – one), etc;

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On 2 PHYSICAL STRUCTURE/ASSETS INVENTORY DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (Done through physical observation and inspection – Use Codes

below). Explanation: (15) refers to wall of the house or building; (17) refers to wall of the fences and boundary walls; (19) refers to walls of the garage or warehouse; (21) wall of the water tank; (23) wall of shanties or temporary structures; (25) walls of other physical structures inside the land which are not enumerated above such as carport, dirty kitchen,

terrace, porch, balcony, basement.

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(15) Wall-refer to walls of the structure which maybe a residential house or a commercial building) Permanent or

Semi-Permanent Structure inside the land. Example answer 1 Concrete/Brick/Stone while 9 Others, please specify include

double walling (narra paneling), glazed white tiles, glazed colored tiles, fancy tiles, synthetic rubble, bricks, mactan

stones, hardiflex, cement bonded board, green board (bagasse board). On 17 refer to wall-fence if answer is 9

others, please specify (CHB, wood, reinforced concrete, steel grills, interlink wire, steel gates, plain steel sheet, plain steel sheet and iron bars then indicate thickness such as 10 cm.

thick, 15 cm thick, 20 cm thick).

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On (16) roof – permanent/semi-permanent structures inside land refers to roof of the house or the building; (18) roof – fence (NA); (20) roof of the garage/warehouse; (22) roof – water tank (NA); (24) roof – shanties or temporary structures; (26) roof – other physical structures inside the


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(27) Land Tenure (show proof such as tax declaration) Refer to codes for tenure. Code 6 Others, please specify. Others include sharers, encroachers

(28) If answer to no. 27 (land tenure) is 2 (occupant paying rent), 3 (occupant rent free with consent of owner), 4 (occupant is caretaker, absentee owner), or 6 (sharer, encroacher), please write name of structure owner.

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(29) Disputes (use codes) please very courteously ask the interviewee  (30) Acquisition cost or Construction Cost (php) refers to Cost of land at time of purchase and the year of the purchase. If what was purchased was lot and building, indicate total cost and also year of the purchase.

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(31) PERMANENT/SEMI PERMANENT STRUCTURES INSIDE LAND (answer by use code for tenure) (32) If your answer to question (31) is code 2 (occupant paying rent), 3 occupant rent free with consent of owner), 4 (occupant is caretaker), or 6 (others such as sharers, encroacher) write the name of the structure owner. (33) Disputes (use codes)

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(34) Acquisition cost or construction cost (php). This refers to the acquisition cost when the structure was purchased but refers to construction cost when the building or the house was constructed by the owner. Ask for the year it was constructed or purchased. (35) Shanties/Temporary Structures Tenure (answer by using code for TENURE) (36) If answer to number 35 is codes 2, 3, 4, or 6, please write the name of the structure owner (37) Disputes (use codes)

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(38) Description of improvements in the last two years (if any) and cost (php) if available – interpretation is: Was there repairs, renovation made in the last two years and if there was, how much was spent?

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(39) Comment on location characteristics (input E-excellent, G= good, A= average, F= fair, and P=poor) Reference interpretation: E= 10 or all of the reference characteristics present; G= 7 to 9 of the reference characteristics present; A= 4 to 6 of the reference characteristics present; F= at least 3 of the reference characteristic present; P= 1 or2 of the reference characteristics present;

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(39) Comment on location characteristics (input E-excellent, G= good, A= average, F= fair, and P=poor) Reference interpretation: E= 10 or all of the reference characteristics present; G= 7 to 9 of the reference characteristics present; A= 4 to 6 of the reference characteristics present; F= at least 3 of the reference characteristic present; P= 1 or2 of the reference characteristics present;

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(40) Comment on property characteristics (input: E=excellent; G=good; A=average; F=fair; and P=poor) Reference interpretation: E= 10 or all of the reference characteristics are present; G= 7 to 9 of the reference characteristics present; A= 4 to 6 of the reference characteristics present; F= at least 3 of the reference characteristics are present; and P= 1 or 2 of the reference characteristics are present.

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41) Estimated Remaining Economic Life of the Building/Structure (if possible) number of years

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4) STRUCTURE’S BUSINESS ACTIVITIES IF LAND USE IS NON-RESIDENTIAL (This only applies for stand-alone business establishments in which the project’s land take will involve physical displacement or reorganization/repair of the structure that will disrupt economic activity)

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42. Nature of Business (Use Code)43. Estimated Monthly Gross Income (Php) for single establishment44. Estimated Monthly Expenses45. Estimated Initial Capitalization46. Number of Employees

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5. COMMERCIAL/INSTITUTIONAL BUILDINGS WITH MULTIPLE BUSINESS TENANTS (This only applies for buildings in which the project’s land take will involve physical displacement or reorganization/repair of the structure that will disrupt economic activity)

Name of Establishment, Nature of Business (Use Code of #42), Floor Number, Number of Employees, Monthly Gross Income (Php), Monthly Expenses (Php)

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6. FOR INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURES/ESTABLISHMENTS ONLY (Indicated in Tables 4 and 5)WHICH HAS TO BE RELOCATED OR ITS OPERATION DISRUPTED DUE TO REORGANIZATION AND REPAIR OF STRUCTURE(Name of Institutional Business (use School, Hospital/clinic, Academic/research, Convention center, Religious, Museum, Embassy/consulate, others), Average Daily Number of Clients (e.g. patients, students, churchgoers), Nearest Alternative Similar Unaffected Institutional Establishment and Its Location Where Clients May Go)