C:Documents and SettingsMerrikey LeeMy...

Index A access paths, saving, backup and recovery, 71–72 activation schedules, 229–230 Add Library List Entry (ADDLIBLE), 312 Add Logical File Member (ADDLFM), 322 Add Physical File Member (ADDPFM), 319 administration-related manuals, 276–277, 276 adopting objects, 231 air conditioning, computer room, 4 AIX environment, 298 Apply PTF (APYPTF), 285–286 AQTNPGM, 190 ASSIST menu for Operational Assistant, 85, 86–87, 87 attended IPL, 18 auditing, 231 Auditing and Reports section of Security Tools menu, 228, 229 authorities, 205–211 combined, 207, 207t command, 232 document, 232 Edit Object Authority (EDTOBJAUT) and, 244 file, 232 folder, 233 Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT) and, 244 job, 234 job description, 233 library, 233 object type, 206, 206t, 233 output queue, 234, 244–245 private, 207, 233 program, 233 public, 207–208 Restore Authority (RSTAUT) and, 78 Revoke Object Authority (RVKOBJAUT), 244 revoking, Revoke Object Authority (RVKOBJAUT) and, 237, 237 240, 244 special, 208, 208–209t subsystem, 234 user profile, 233 authorization lists, 164–165, 165, 216–217, 231–232, 305 public authority, default upon creation of, 181–182 automatic power schedule, 25–26, 26, 27, 189 B backup and recovery, 67–84 access paths, 71–72 backing up process in, 69–78 backward recovery and, 257, 258 checkpoints in, 74 configuration objects, 78, 81–82 differential backups and, 73 disaster recovery planning in, 82 documents and folders, 75–76, 81 forward recovery in, 256–257, 257 incremental backups and, 73 initializing process in, 68–69 integrated file system (IFS) objects and, 76–77, 81 iSeries Navigator and, 172, 172 journaling and, 256–258 libraries, 71, 79–80 objects, 72, 73–74, 80 Operational Assistant (OA) and,, 87–88, 88, 95–96, 95, 97–98, 97 policies for, 172, 172, 173, 174 restoring process in, 78–82 SAVE command parameters for, 69–70 save files and, 83–84 save outage and, 74 save-while-active function in, 74–75 security data and, 78 storage and, current system, 283–284 system saves in, 77 system-defined synchronization and, 74–75 Working with Journals (WRKJRN) and, 256–257 backward recovery and, 257, 258 batch jobs, QBATCH, 46 break messages, 106–109 Note: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations; t indicates a table. 615

Transcript of C:Documents and SettingsMerrikey LeeMy...


Aaccess paths, saving, backup and recovery, 71–72activation schedules, 229–230Add Library List Entry (ADDLIBLE), 312Add Logical File Member (ADDLFM), 322Add Physical File Member (ADDPFM), 319administration-related manuals, 276–277, 276adopting objects, 231air conditioning, computer room, 4AIX environment, 298Apply PTF (APYPTF), 285–286AQTNPGM, 190ASSIST menu for Operational Assistant, 85,

86–87, 87attended IPL, 18auditing, 231Auditing and Reports section of Security Tools

menu, 228, 229authorities, 205–211

combined, 207, 207tcommand, 232document, 232Edit Object Authority (EDTOBJAUT) and, 244file, 232folder, 233Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT) and, 244job, 234job description, 233library, 233object type, 206, 206t, 233output queue, 234, 244–245private, 207, 233program, 233public, 207–208Restore Authority (RSTAUT) and, 78Revoke Object Authority (RVKOBJAUT), 244revoking, Revoke Object Authority

(RVKOBJAUT) and, 237, 237 –240, 244special, 208, 208–209tsubsystem, 234user profile, 233

authorization lists, 164–165, 165, 216–217,231–232, 305public authority, default upon creation of, 181–182

automatic power schedule, 25–26, 26, 27, 189

Bbackup and recovery, 67–84

access paths, 71–72backing up process in, 69–78backward recovery and, 257, 258checkpoints in, 74configuration objects, 78, 81–82differential backups and, 73disaster recovery planning in, 82documents and folders, 75–76, 81forward recovery in, 256–257, 257incremental backups and, 73initializing process in, 68–69integrated file system (IFS) objects and,

76–77, 81iSeries Navigator and, 172, 172journaling and, 256–258libraries, 71, 79–80objects, 72, 73–74, 80Operational Assistant (OA) and,, 87–88, 88,

95–96, 95, 97–98, 97policies for, 172, 172, 173, 174restoring process in, 78–82SAVE command parameters for, 69–70save files and, 83–84save outage and, 74save-while-active function in, 74–75security data and, 78storage and, current system, 283–284system saves in, 77system-defined synchronization and, 74–75Working with Journals (WRKJRN) and, 256–257

backward recovery and, 257, 258batch jobs, QBATCH, 46break messages, 106–109

Note: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations; t indicates a table. 615

Ccabling, 6case sensitivity in commands, 113Change Command Default (CHGCMDDFT), 120Change Current Library (CHGCURLIB), 311Change Device Description (CHGDEVxxx), 220Change Job Description (CHGJOBD), 39, 225Change Journal (CHGJRN), 255Change Message Queue (CHGMSGQ), 107–109Change Output Queue (CHGOUTQ), 243–244Change Physical File (CHGPF), 319Change Profile (CHGPRF), 190Change Spool File Attributes (CHGSPLFA),

55–56, 57–59, 58, 59Change System Library List (CHGSYSLBL), 312Change System Value (CHGSYSVAL), 10, 20,

20, 119, 177–178Change System/36 (CHGS36), 340, 340, 340Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF), 9, 190, 212Change Writer (CHGWTR), 63–64checkpoints, 74checksum, 292CL language, OCL, 343–347Cleanup Tasks menu in OA, 88–89, 89Clear Physical File Member (CLRPFM), 319CODE Designer, 327collection services, 163Color Mapping, iSeries Access, 196, 196combined authorities, 207, 207tcommand (CMD) object, 306command authorities, 232commands, 111–127

abbreviations used in, 112, 112tcase sensitivity in, 113Change Command Default (CHGCMDDFT)

and, 120customizing, 120–122finding, 114–118function keys and, 125–127help with, 125keywords and, 119menus of, 114, 115–118, 116, 117, 118name structure of, OS/400, 111–114, 112t, 113tnested prompting in, 126, 126parameters for, 119, 123–125

parts of, 114prompter for, 122–131, 123Select Command (SLTCMD) and, 114, 115System/36 environment and, 339

COMMIT, commitment control, 259–260commitment control, 258–260

COMMIT and ROLLBACK in, 259–260End Commitment Control (ENDCMTCTL)

and, 259prerequisites for, 259Start Commitment Control (STRCMTCTL)

and, 259communications, security and settings, 232Communications Configurations Tasks menu in

OA, 89, 90compressing objects, 268computer room design and layout, 3–7configuration

iSeries Navigator and, 159–163, 159QAUTOCFG and, 188Restore Configuration (RSTCFG) and,

81–82, 287Save Configuration (SAVCFG) and, 78security and, 235, 236–237Setup menu in OA and, 96–97, 96storage and, saving current, 284verifying, after upgrade, 287

connections, iSeries Navigator, setting up,141–144, 141, 142t, 143, 144, 145

Control Language (CL), 19controller description (CTLD) object, 306controlling the system, 29–41

checking system activity in, 34–36hardware management console (HMC) for, 30QHST system log and, 40–41, 40QSYSOPR and, 30–33system console for, 29–30

Copy File (CPYF), 319, 320Copy Source File (CPYSRCF), 320Create Data Area (CRTDTAARA), 182Create Device (CRTDEVxxx), 220Create Device Printer (CRTDEVPRT), 226Create Display File (CRTDSPF), 326Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ), 48Create Job Description (CRTJOBD), 225



Create Journal (CRTJRN), 252Create Journal Receiver (CRTJRNRCV), 252Create Library (CRTLIB), 293, 299–300Create Logical File (CRTLF), 321–322, 321Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ), 226, 243–244Create Physical File (CRTPF), 318Create Printer Device (CRTDEVPRT), 241–242Create Printer File (CRTPRTF), 327Create Save File (CRTSAVF), 83Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF), 320Create Subsystem Description (CRTSBSD), 47Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF), 9, 190, 212–214cumulative PTF, 282, 286current library, 311

DDASD. See Direct Acces Storage Device (DASD)data area (DTAARA) object, 306data queue (DTAQ) object, 306database files, 318–320

Add/Remove Physical File Member(ADDPFM/RMVM) and, 319

arrival sequence, 318Change Physical File (CHGPF) and, 319Clear Physical File Member (CLRPFM), 319Copy File (CPYF) and, 319, 320Create Physical File (CRTPF) and, 318DDS and, 318Delete File (DLFT) and, 318Display File Field Description (DSPFFD), 316Display Physical File Member (DSPPFM), 319file (FILE) object, 307flat files and, 318iSeries Navigator and, 168–170, 168JDBC drivers for, 169keyed sequence, 318maintenance and, 267Override with Database File (OVRDBF) and,

329–330physical files and, 318–320Rename Member (RNMM) and, 319Reorganize Physical File Member

(RGZPFM) and, 319source files and, 320–321SQL statements and, 168–169, 169

Visual Explain and, 170date system values, 178–179DDS, databases, 318Dedicate Service Tools (DST), 30Delete Device Description (DLTDEVD), 220Delete File (DLTF), 295, 318Delete Library (DLTLIB), 268, 293–294,

301–303, 302Delete Licensed Program (DLTLICPGM), 302,

302, 303Delete Override (DLTOVR), 331Delete User Profile (DLTUSRPRF), 294–295device description (DEVD) object, 306device descriptions, 10–11

Rename Object (RNMOBJ) and, 11device files, file (FILE) object, 307, 316device management, 217–223

Change Device Description (CHGDEVxxx)and, 220

controller description (CTLD) object and, 306Create Device (CRTDEVxxx) and, 220Create Printer Device (CRTDEVPRT) and,

241–242Delete Device Description (DLTDEVD), 220device description (DEVD) object and, 306device files and, 316Display Object Description (DSPOBJD), 222listing device descriptions for, 222–223maintaining and updating, 219–222naming device descriptions for, 217–219,

218–219tPrint Device Address (PRTDEVADR), 222printers and, 221QAUTOCFG value and, 219–220Rename Object (RNMOBJ) and, 220System/36 environment and, 340–341, 341,

342Work with Configuration Status

(WRKCFGSTS) and, 223Work with Device Description (WRKDEVD)

and, 221workstations and, 247–249

device names, prefixes and suffixes, 195Device Status menu in OA, 90–91, 90device-related system values, 187–189

Note: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations; t indicates a table. 617


differential backups, 73Direct Acces Storage Device (DASD), 263,

265–268, 291–293disaster recovery planning, 82Disk Space Tasks menu in OA, 91–92, 91disk space, recovering, 266–268Display Setup, iSeries Access, 196, 197, 198Display File Description (DSPFD), 316Display File Field Description (DSPFFD), 316display files, 325–327

Create Display File (CRTDSPF) and, 326Screen Design Aid (SDA) and, 326

Display Job (DSPJOB), 36–37, 37Display Job Description (DSPJOBD), 225Display Job Log (DSPJOBLOG), 37–39, 38Display Journal (DSPJRN), 254Display Library (DSPLIB), 300–301Display Log (DSPLOG), 40, 40Display Message (DSPMSG), 31, 104–106, 105Display Object Description (DSPOBJD), 222Display Physical File Member (DSPPFM), 319Display Spooled File (DSPSPLF), 56–57, 57display stations, Work with Configuration

Status (WRKCFGSTS), 13Display System Status (DSPSYSSTS), 265–266Display System Value (DSPSYSVAL), 19, 177Display Tape (DSPTAP), 281–282Display User Profile (DSPUSRPRF), 212document authority, 232documentation, User Help menu in OA,

99–100, 99documents

Reclaim Documents (RCLDLO) and, 264–265restoring, 81saving, 75–76

downloads and file transfer, iSeries Access,202–203, 202, 203

downtime for upgrades, 282

EEdit Library List (EDTLIBL), 312Edit Object Authority (EDTOBJAUT), 244Electronic Customer Support (ECS), 5End Journal Physical File (ENDJRNPF), 254

End Subsystem (ENDSBS), 23–25End System/36 (ENDS36), 339End Writer (ENDWTR), 62–63Enterprise Identity Mapping, 143, 143environments, special, 298error message display

iSeries Access and, 197printing and, 247

expiration schedules, 230external interference, 6

Ffields. See also database files

Display File Field Description (DSPFFD), 316file (FILE) object, 307file authority, 232file members, 317file systems

iSeries Navigator and, 170–172, 170mapping network drives and, 171, 172shared folders, 171, 171

file transfer, iSeries Access, 202–203, 202, 203FILELIB, System/36 environment, 345files. See also database files; logical files;

physical filesclassification of, 315–316Display File Description (DSPFD) and, 316Display File Field Description (DSPFFD), 316flat, 318members in, 317open data paths (ODPs) and, 327, 329overriding, 329–333RPG II, 348–349sharing, 327–329

fire prevention measures, 6fixes inventory, 162–163flooring in computer room, 5–6folder authority, 233folders

restoring, 81saving, 75–76shared folders, 171, 171

forward recovery, 256–257, 257function keys, 125–127



GGeneral Functions section of Security Tools

menu, 228, 230Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT), 244group profiles, 166–168, 167, 214–217

Hhardware installation, IBM technicians, 7hardware management console (HMC), 30help

Infocenter, 270, 270–273messages and QSYSOPR messages, 33–34, 33QHLPSYS and, 295

history logs, 266–267Hold Output Queue (HLDOUTQ), 53Hold Spool File (HLDSPLF), 60–61Hold Writer (HLDWTR), 60, 63host files within Windows, 142, 142thot spots, iSeries Access, 198, 198humidity, computer room, 4

IIBM technicians for installation/maintenance,

7–8, 261–262idle display station timeout, 182–183ILE, overrides, 330IMMED option, in job management, 24incremental backups, 73INFO, Options menu in OA, 92–93, 92Infocenter, 270, 270–273Infoseeker, 129–131, 130. See also system helpInitial Library List (INLLIBL), 224initial program load (IPL), 17–27

attended, 18Dedicate Service Tools (DST) and, 30maintenance and, 263NORMAL and SECURE modes for, 17unattended, 17–18, 263

inquiry messages, 103–104installation and setup, 7–13Integrated File System (IFS)

iSeries Navigator and, 170–172, 170journaling and, 254

restoring objects in, 81saving objects in, 76–77storage and, 293stream files and, 316

integrity checking, object, 240interference, external, 6iSeries Access, 191–204

accessing, 192–193, 192Appearance setting in, 196–197Bypass Signon option for, 196Color Mapping in, 196, 196Computer Name setup in, prefixes and

suffixes in, 195configuring, 193–201Display Setup in, 196, 197, 198error message display in, 197file transfer in, 202–203, 202, 203hot spots in, 198, 198Keyboard Setup in, 199–200, 199licensed program and, 191macros in, 203–204, 203, 204menus and icons in, 192–193, 192Pop-Up Keypad setting in, 200, 200, 201preferences setting in, 196Printer Setup in, 193–194, 194sign-on screen for, 192Window Setup in, 197, 197

iSeries Navigator, 135–174authorization lists and, 164–165, 165backup tasks and, 172, 172basic operations of, 148–156Basic Operations subtasks for, 146, 146collection services in, 163configuration and services in, 159–163, 159connections in, 141–144, 141, 142t, 143, 144, 145databases tasks in, 168–170, 168file system and, 170–172, 170fixes inventory and, 162–163hardware requirements for, 137installing on iSeries Server, 136–137, 136installing on Windows client, 137–141, 138,

139, 140job management in, 151–156, 152–156job performance statistics on, 155, 155

Note: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations; t indicates a table. 619


iSeries Navigator, continuedlaunching, 141, 141locked objects and, 154, 154logical partitioning in, 163memory pool allocation and, 158, 158, 159memory requirements for, 137messages and, 148–149, 149network tasks and, 163, 163operating systems supported by, 137panes of, 146printers and printer output in, 150–151, 150security and, 164–165, 164SQL statements and, 155–156, 156, 168–169, 169standard actions for, 147–148standard features available for, 145–146, 146subsystems and, 157, 158system values and, 159, 160tape formats and devices in, 162, 162TCP/IP and, 163, 164time zone management in, 160, 160, 161user and group management in, 166–168, 166Visual Explain and, 170work management in, 156–159, 157, 158

iSeries Server, iSeries Navigator, installationon, 136–137, 136

JJDBC drivers, 169job description (JOBD) object, 307job management, 34–36, 223–225

authorities and, job description, 233, 234batch jobs and, 46benefits of job descriptions in, 224Change Job Description (CHGJOBD), 39, 225Create Job Description (CRTJOBD) and, 225Display Job (DSPJOB) and, 36–37, 37Display Job Description (DSPJOBD) and, 225Display Job Log (DSPJOBLOG) for, 37–39, 38ending or canceling jobs in, 154, 155IMMED option for, 24Initial Library List (INLLIBL) and, 224interactive job system values in, 190iSeries Navigator and, 151–156, 152–156job description (JOBD) object, 223–225, 307

job queue (JOBQ) object and, 307–308, 223locked objects and, 154, 154logs for, 37–39maintaining and updating job descriptions, 225Message Logging (LOG) and, 224naming job descriptions for, 224–225output queues (OUTQ) and, 223–224performance statistics on, 155, 155printing and, 54–55QBATCH, 46QTEMP and, and Submit Job (SBMJOB)

and, 305Submit Job (SBMJOB) and, 305subsystems and, 35, 49–50Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) and,

22–23, 34, 34Work with Job (WRKJOB) and, 54–55Work with Job Description (WRKJOBD), 225Work with Submitted Jobs (WRKSBMJOB)

and, 54–55Work with Subsystem Job (WRKSBSJOB)

and, 35, 35, 54–55Work with User Jobs (WRKUSRJOB) and,

23, 35–36, 36, 54–56job queue (JOBQ) object, 223, 307–308join logical files, 323–325, 324tjournaling, 251–260

auditing, 231backup and recovery using, 256–257, 257, 258Change Journal (CHGJRN) and, 255Create Journal (CRTJRN) and, 252Create Journal Receiver (CRTJRNRCV), 252Display Journal (DSPJRN) and, 254End Journal Physical File (ENDJRNPF), 254Integrated File System (IFS) and, 254journal and journal receiver (JRN/JRNRCV)

objects, 241–258, 308maintaining journal receivers for, 255objects other than physical files, 254physical files and, 252–254recovery accomplished from, 256–258Save Changed Object (SAVCHGOBJ), 253Send Journal Entry (SNDJRNE) and, 254–255Start Journal (STRJRN) and, 254Start Journal Object (STRJRNOBJ) and, 254



Start Journal Physical File (STRJRNPF), 253Working with Journals (WRKJRN), 256–257

KKerberos, 143Keyboard Setup, iSeries Access, 199–200, 199keywords in commands, 119

Llayout of computer room, 6–7levels of security, 9–10, 180–181, 209–211libraries, 292, 293–298

Add Library List Entry (ADDLIBLE) and, 312Change Current Library (CHGCURLIB), 311Change System Library List (CHGSYSLBL)

and, 312Create Library (CRTLIB) and, 293, 299–300current, 311Delete Library (DLTLIB) and, 268, 293–294,

301–303, 302Delete Licensed Program (DLTLICPGM)

and, 302, 302, 303Display Library (DSPLIB) and, 300–301Edit Library List (EDTLIBL) and, 312IBM-supplied (Qxxx), 293–298, 302library (LIB) object, 308library lists and, 310–314, 310maintenance and, 267–268naming, 19new procedure (FLIB) in, 344, 345objects within, Work with Objects

(WRKOBJ/WRKOBJPDM) and, 301product-type, 297–298, 311production-type, 300QGPL, 295–297, 295QHLPSYS, 295QSYS, 292, 294–295QSYSLIBL and, 186–187QTEMP, 303–305QUSRSYS, 295Remove Library List Entry (RMVLIBLE), 312Restore Library (RSTLIB) and, 79–80, 294Restore Object (RSTOBJ) and, 294restoring, 79–80

Save Changed Objects (SAVCHGOBJ), 294Save Library (SAVLIB) and, 71, 294Save Object (SAVOBJ) and, 294Save System (SAVSYS) and, 294saving, for backup and recovery, 71special environments and, 298system values and, lists, 186–187System/36 environment and, 335–337, 344, 345system-type, 296, 296–297tuser objects in, 234user, 186, 299–301Work with Libraries (WRKLIB) and, 299Work with Libraries using PDM

(WRKLIBPDM) and, 299library authorities, 233library (LIB) object, 308library lists, 310–314, 310

Add Library List Entry (ADDLIBLE) and, 312Change Library List (CHGLIBL) and, 312Change System Library List (CHGSYSLBL)

and, 312Edit Library List (EDTLIBL) and, 312Remove Library List Entry (RMVLIBLE), 312system and user portion in, 310–312, 310using, 313–314

licensed programs, Delete Licensed Program(DLTLICPGM) and, 302, 302, 303

line description (LIND) object, 308Load PTF (LODPTF), 286locked objects, 154, 154logging, history logs, 266–267logical files, 315, 321–323

Add/Remove Logical File Member(ADDLFM/RMVM) and, 322

Create Logical File (CRTLF) and, 321–322file (FILE) object and, 307join type, 323–325, 324tkeys for keyed files from, 322–323members within, 322sequencing in, 322use of, 322–323

logical partitioning, 163logs, job, 37–39. See also job management

Display Log (DSPLOG) and, 40, 40QHST system log and, 40–41, 40

Note: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations; t indicates a table. 621


Mmacros, iSeries Access, 203–204, 203, 204maintenance. See storage and maintenancemaintenance agreements, 262manuals, 269–277mapping network drives, 171, 172memory pool allocation, iSeries Navigator, 158,

158, 159menu (MENU) object, 308menus of commands, 114, 115–118, 116, 117,

118message file (MSGF) object, 308, 316Message Logging (LOG), 224message queue (MSGQ) object, 308

data queue (DTAQ) object and, 306printers, 221–222, 245–246

messagesautomatic display of, 65break type, 106–109Change Message Queue (CHGMSGQ) and,

107–109Display Message (DSPMSG) for, 31displaying, Display Message (DSPMSG) and,

104–106, 105erasing, 32function keys in the DSPMSG panel for,

105–106help with, 33–34, 33inquiry type, 103–104iSeries Navigator and, 148–149, 149message file (MSGF) object, 308message files and, 316message queue (MSGQ) object, 308printer type, replying to, 64–65, 65QSYSOPR and, 30–32, 31replying to, 32–33Send Break Message (SNDBRKMSG) and,

23, 106–107Send Message (SNDMSG) and, 40, 102sending, 101–104user, 101–109

module (MODULE) object, 309monitoring available storage space, 265–266

Nnaming conventions

devices, 217–219, 218–219tprogram and library names, 19System/36 environment and, 336

network tasks, iSeries Navigator, 163, 163new procedure (FLIB), 344, 345NORMAL vs. SECURE mode IPLs, 17

Oobject authorities, 206, 206t, 233objects, 292, 301–310

adoption of, 231authorization list (AUTL), 305command (CMD), 306compressing, 268configuration type, saving, 78, 81–82controller description (CTLD), 306Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ), 48data area (DTAARA), 306data queue (DTAQ), 306device description (DEVD), 306file (FILE), 307identifiers for, 292, 305integrated file system (IFS) and, 76–77, 81integrity checking, 240job description (JOBD), 307job queue (JOBQ), 307–308journal and journal receiver (JRN/JRNRCV),

254, 308library (LIB), 308library lists and, 310–314, 310line description (LIND), 308locked, 154, 154menu (MENU), 308message file (MSGF), 308message queue (MSGQ), 308module (MODULE), 309output queue (OUTQ), 309panel group (PNLGRP), 309program (PGM), 309Restore Configuration (RSTCFG) and, 81–82Restore Document Library Object (RSTDLO)

and, 81



Restore Object (RSTOBJ) and, 80restoring, 80Save Changed Objects (SAVCHGOBJ) and,

73, 253Save Configuration (SAVCFG), 78Save Document Library Object (SAVDLO)

and, 75–76Save Object (SAVOBJ) and, 72saving, 72, 73–74service program (SRVPGM), 309subsystem description (SBSD), 309System/36 environment and, 335–336user, 234user profile (USRPRF), 310Work with Objects (WRKOBJ) and, 301Work with Objects using PDM

(WRKOBJPDM) and, 301online manuals, 270–273, 270–273ONLINE setting, printing, 245open data paths (ODPs), 327, 329operation codes, RPG II, 348–349Operation Control Language (OCL)

CL mixed with, 343–347statements in, 345–346System/36 environment and, 343–347

Operational Assistant (OA), 85–100accessing, through ASSIST menu, 85ASSIST menu for, 86–87, 87automatic power schedule for, 25–26, 26, 27, 189Backup Tasks menu for, 87–88, 88Cleanup Tasks menu in, 88–89, 89, 268, 268Communications Configurations Tasks menu

in, 89, 90Device Status menu in, 90–91, 90Disk Space Tasks menu in, 91–92, 91INFO, Options menu in, 92–93, 92maintenance and, 268menus in, 86Power On/Off Tasks menu in, 94–95, 94Run Backup menu in, 95–96, 95Set Up Backup menu in, 97–98, 97Setup menu in, 96–97, 96starting, 86System Management menu in, 93–94, 93Technical Support Tasks menu in, 98–99, 98

User Help menu in, 99–100, 99operations- and administration-related manuals,

276–277output queue (OUTQ), 223–228, 309

assigning to users, 227–228, 227, 247authorities for, 234, 244–245Change Output Queue (CHGOUTQ), 243–244Create Device Printer (CRTDEVPRT), 226Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) and, 226,

243–244Create Printer Device (CRTDEVPRT) and,

241–242Hold Output Queue (HLDOUTQ) and, 53location of, 242–243maintaining and updating, 226–227naming, 226printing and, 51–53, 225–228, 241–245QPRINT and, 225, 241Release Output Queue (RLSOUTQ) and, 53security for, 243–245Work with Output Queue (WRKOUTQ) and,

52–53, 52, 53, 54, 226Work with Output Queue Description

(WRKOUTQD) and, 227workstations and, 247–249

Override with Database File (OVRDBF), 329–330overriding files, 329–333

accumulating, 330–331Delete Override (DLTOVR) and, 331problems with, 331scope of, 330uses for, 331–333

Ppanel group (PNLGRP) object, 309parameters of commands, 119, 123–124PASE. See Portable Application Solutions

Environment (PASE)passwords

analyze default password option for, 228iSeries Navigator and, connections in, 143setting up, 12system values and, 183–185

performance statistics, 155, 155

Note: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations; t indicates a table. 623


peripherals installation, 8physical files, 315, 316–320

Add/Remove Physical File Member(ADDPFM/RMVM) and, 319

Change Physical File (CHGPF) and, 319Clear Physical File Member (CLRPFM), 319Copy File (CPYF) and, 319, 320Create Physical File (CRTPF) and, 318database files as, 318–320Delete File (DLFT) and, 318Display File Description (DSPFD) and, 316Display File Field Description (DSPFFD), 316Display Physical File Member (DSPPFM), 319file (FILE) object and, 307file members in, 317flat files and, 318journaling and, 252–254record formats and, 316–317Rename Member (RNMM) and, 319Reorganize Physical File Member

(RGZPFM) and, 266, 267, 319source files and member in, 319

physical space, 3–7Pop-Up Keypad, iSeries Access, 200, 200, 201Portable Application Solutions Environment

(PASE), 298Power Down System (PWRDWNSYS), 25Power On/Off Tasks menu in OA, 94–95, 94power supplies, computer room, 4powering up/down, 17–27

announcing power down in, using SendBreak Message (SNDBRKMSG) for, 23

attended IPL in, 18automatic power schedule for, 25–26, 26, 27, 189Operational Assistant (OA) and, 25–27,

94–95, 94Power Down System (PWRDWNSYS) in, 25start-up program for, 18–22subsystems and, 22–25system values and, 189–190unattended IPL in, 17–18

prefixes in naming, 195Print Device Address (PRTDEVADR), 222Printer File (PRTFILE), 248–249printer files, 325–327

printing, 51–65, 241–250Change Spool File Attributes (CHGSPLFA)

and, 55–59, 58, 59Change Writer (CHGWTR) and, 63–64changing a report for, 57–59CODE Designer and, 327commands for, 54–61Create Printer Device (CRTDEVPRT) and,

241–242Create Printer File (CRTPRTF) and, 327Delete Spool File (DLTSPLF) and, 59–60, 60deleting a report from, 59–60destination of reports in, tracing the path of,

249–250device-related system values, 187–189Display Spooled File (DSPSPLF), 56–57, 57displaying a report for, 56–57End Writer (ENDWTR) and, 62–63error messages related to, 247Hold Output Queue (HLDOUTQ) and, 53Hold Spool File (HLDSPLF) and, 60–61Hold Writer (HLDWTR) and, 60, 63iSeries Access and, 193–194, 194iSeries Navigator and, 150–151, 150message queues (MSGQ) for, 221–222, 245–246messages and, 64–65, 65ONLINE setting for, 245output queue assigned to user for, 227–228,

227, 247output queues and. See output queue (OUTQ)partial report, PAGERANGE in, 61Printer Device (PRTDEV) and, 247–249Printer File (PRTFILE) and, 248–249printer files and, 325–327printer setup for, 221–222, 245–247QPRINT and, 225, 241QSYSOPR and, 246redirecting output to printer in, 55–56Release Output Queue (RLSOUTQ) and, 53Release Spool File (RLSSPLF) and, 60–61Release Writer (RLSWTR) and, 60, 63Report Layout Utility (RLU) and, 327restarting a report for, 61Source Entry Utility (SEU) and, 327spooled files and, 51–52



Start Printer Writer (STRPRTWTR), 62–63System/36 environment and, 341, 342Work with Job (WRKJOB) and, 54–55Work with Output Queue (WRKOUTQ) and,

52–54, 52, 53Work with Spooled files (WRKSPLF) and, 54Work with Submitted Jobs (WRKSBMJOB)

and, 54–55Work with Subsystem Job (WRKSBSJOB)

and, 54–55Work with User Jobs (WRKUSRJOB) and,

54–55, 56workstations and, 247–249

private authorities, 207, 233problem handling, User Help menu in OA,

99–100, 99problem logs, maintenance, 267product libraries, 297–298, 311program (PGM) object, 309program authorities, 233program temporary fixes (PTFs), 162–163, 280–281

Apply PTF (APYPTF) and, 285–286cumulative, 282, 286Load PTF (LODPTF) and, 286maintenance and, 267

Programming Development Manager (PDM),Work with Libraries using PDM(WRKLIBPDM), 299

programming-related manuals, 273–276prompter for commands, 122–131, 123public authorities, 207–208

default upon creation of, 181–182revoking, 237, 237 –240

QQABNORMSW, 187QASTLVL, 190QAUTOCFG, 188, 219–220QBASE, 12, 43–45QBATCH, 46QCCA, 296tQCLUSTER, 296tQCONSOLE, 187, 188QCTL, 45


Note: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations; t indicates a table. 625



Delete File (DLTF) and, 295Save System (SAVSYS) and, 294storage and, reapplying changes to, 287


RReclaim Documents (RCLDLO), 264–265Reclaim Storage (RCLSTG), 263–264, 293

record formats, 316–317, 320redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID), 292references, in system values, 175–176Release Output Queue (RLSOUTQ), 53Release Spool File (RLSSPLF), 60–61Release Writer (RLSWTR), 60, 63Remove Library List Entry (RMVLIBLE), 312Remove Logical File Member (RMVM), 322Remove Physical File Member (RMVM), 319Rename Member (RNMM), 319Rename Object (RNMOBJ), 11, 220Reorganize Physical File Member (RGZPFM),

266, 267, 319Report Layout Utility (RLU), 327reports. See printingRestore Authority (RSTAUT), 78Restore Configuration (RSTCFG), 81–82, 287Restore Document Library Object (RSTDLO), 81Restore Library (RSTLIB), 79–80, 294Restore Object (RSTOBJ), 80, 294Restore User Profile (RSTUSRPRF), 78Revoke Object Authority (RVKOBJAUT), 244ROLLBACK, commitment control, 259–260RPG II and RPG III, 298

System/36 environment and, 348–349Run Backup menu in OA, 95–96, 95

SSave Changed Objects (SAVCHGOBJ), 73,

253, 294Save Configuration (SAVCFG), 78Save Document Library Object (SAVDLO), 75–76save files, 83–84Save Library (SAVLIB), 71, 294Save Object (SAVOBJ), 72, 294save outage, 74Save Save File Data (SAVSAVFDTA), 83Save Security Data (SAVSECDCTA), 78Save System (SAVSYS), 77, 294save-while-active function, 74–75scope, in overrides, 330Screen Design Aid (SDA), 326search index, 127, 128, 129–131, 129, 130security, 9–10, 205–240

activation schedules and, 229–230



adopting objects and, 231auditing and, 231Auditing and Reports section of Security

Tools menu, 228, 229authorities in. See authoritiesauthorization lists and, 164–165, 165,

216–217, 231–232backup and recovery, 78Change System Value (CHGSYSVAL) and, 10Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) and, 9communications and, 232computer room, 5configuring, 235, 236–237Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF) and, 9device descriptions in, 217–223. See also

device managementexpiration schedules and, 230General Functions section of Security Tools

menu, 228, 230iSeries Navigator and, 164–165, 164job descriptions and, 223–225journaling and, auditing, 231levels of, 9–10, 180–181, 209–211object integrity and, 240output queues and, 225–228, 243–245passwords and, analyze default password

option for, 228public authority, default upon creation of, 181–182QSECURITY value and, 210–211QTEMP and, 303–304related-task options for, 240reports about, security report scheduling, 231Restore Authority (RSTAUT) and, 78Restore User Profile (RSTUSRPRF) and, 78Save Security Data (SAVSECDCTA), 78Security Tools menu for, 228–240, 228system security attribute setting in, 234system values and, 180tools for, 228–240trigger programs and, 234user objects in, 234user profiles and. See user profiles

Select Command (SLTCMD), 114, 115Send Break Message (SNDBRKMSG), 23,


Send Journal Entry (SNDJRNE), 254–255Send Message (SNDMSG), 40, 102sequencing, in database files, 318sequencing, logical files, 322sequencing, source file, 320service program (SRVPGM) object, 309Set Up Backup menu, 97–98, 97Setup menu in OA, 96–97, 96shared folders, 171, 171sharing files and, 327–329sign-on control, 13, 185–186single sign-on (Enterprise Identity Mapping),

143, 143single-level storage, 291–292Source Entry Utility (SEU), 22, 327source files, 320–321

Copy Source File (CPYSRCF) and, 320Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF)

and, 320naming, 321record formats in, 320sequencing in, 320

special authorities, 208, 208–209tspecial environments, 298spool files

Change Spool File Attributes (CHGSPLFA)and, 55––59, 58, 59

Delete Spool File (DLTSPLF) and, 59–60, 60Display Spooled File (DSPSPLF), 56–57, 57Hold Spool File (HLDSPLF) and, 60–61maintenance and, 267printing and, 51–52Release Spool File (RLSSPLF) and, 60–61Work with Spooled files (WRKSPLF) and, 54

SQL statements, 155–156, 156, 168–169, 169SSP procedures, 343Start Journal (STRJRN), 254Start Journal Object (STRJRNOBJ), 254Start Journal Physical File (STRJRNPF), 253Start Printer Writer (STRPRTWTR), 62–63Start S/36 Procedure (STRS36PRC), 338Start Search Index (STRSCHIDX), 129Start SEU (STRSEU), 22Start System/36 (STRS36), 337–338

Note: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations; t indicates a table. 627


start-up program, 18–22changing IBM-provided, 21–22changing system value for, 20Control Language (CL) in, 19marking a program as, 19–21QSTRUPPGRM and, 19subsystems and, changing, 50

static electricity and shocks, 5–6storage and maintenance, 261–268

checksum, 292compressing objects and, 268database files and, 267Delete Library (DLTLIB) and, 268Direct Acces Storage Device (DASD) and,

263, 265–268, 291–292, 293Display System Status (DSPSYSSTS) and,

265–266file systems other than libraries and, 293history logs and, 266–267IBM vs. third-party maintenance in, 261–262initial program load (IPL) and, 263Integrated File System (IFS) and, 293libraries and, 267–268, 292, 293–298maintenance agreements and, 262monitoring available space in, 265–266objects and, 292Operational Assistant (OA) and, 268problem logs and, 267program temporary fixes (PTFs) and, 267Reclaim Documents (RCLDLO) and, 264–265Reclaim Storage (RCLSTG) and, 263–264, 293recovering disk space in, 266–268redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID),

292Reorganize Physical File Member

(RGZPFM) and, 266, 267single-level architecture of, 291–292spool files and, 267System/36 environment and, 340Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS)

and, 265–266, 265, 293stream files, 316STRTUP1 and #STRTUP2, 344Submit Job (SBMJOB), 305

substitution expressions, System/36environment, 347

subsystem description (SBSD) object, 12, 309subsystems, 22–25, 43–50

authorities, 234Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ), 48Create Subsystem Description (CRTSBSD)

and, 47creating, 47–48End Subsystem (ENDSBS) and, 23–25, 23iSeries Navigator and, 157, 158jobs and job queue entries for, 35, 49–50maintaining your own, 47–50multiple, 44–46QBASE, 43–45QBATCH, 46QCTL, 45QINTER, 45–46, 48QPGMR and, 47Restore Configuration (RSTCFG) and, 287start-up program and, changing for, 50storage and, saving current, 284–285subsystem description (SBSD) object, 309verifying, after upgrade, 287Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB)

and, 22–23Work with Subsystem Descriptions

(WRKSBSD) and, 284–285Work with Subsystem Jobs (WRKSBSJOB)

and, 35, 35, 54–55Work with System Values (WRKSYSVAL), 45Work with User Jobs (WRKUSRJOB), 23workstation entries for, 48–49

suffixes in naming, 195Support menu, 127–128, 127, 128system activity, 34–36. See also job

managementsystem console, 29–30system help, 127–131

Infoseeker and, 129–131, 130search index in, 127, 128, 129–131, 129, 130Start Search Index (STRSCHIDX) and, 129Support menu in, 127–128, 127, 128

system libraries, 296, 296–297tsystem log. See QHST system log



System Management menu in OA, 93–94, 93system saves, 77system values, 159, 1601, 175–190

Change System Value (CHGSYSVAL) and,10, 20, 20

changing, Change System Values(CHGSYSVAL) and, 177–178

date, 178–179device-related, 10–11, 187–189Display System Value (DSPSYSVAL), 19displaying, Display System Values

(DSPSYSVAL) and, 177editing, 180idle display station timeout, 182–183interactive job, 190iSeries Navigator and, 159, 160library list, 186–187listing, Work with System Values

(WRKSYSVAL) and, 176managing, 176–178password management, 183–185power up/down, 189–190public authority, default upon creation of,

181–182QCURSYSM to edit, 180QDATFMT, QDATSEP, and QTIMSEP in,

178–179QDECFMT to edit, 180QSTRUPPGRM and, 19references for, 175–176Restore Configuration (RSTCFG) and, 287security level and, 180–181, 180sign-on control, 185–186storage and, saving current, 284time, 179unchangeable values in, 187verifying, after upgrade, 287Work with System Value (WRKSYSVAL)

and, 19–20, 20, 45, 176System/36 environment, 298, 335–349

Change System/36 (CHGS36) and, 340, 340commands accepted from, 339device management in, 340–341, 341, 342End System/36 (ENDS36) and, 339entering, 337–339

environment values in, changing, 342–343, 342FILELIB in, 345leaving, 339libraries and objects in, 335–337, 344, 345maintaining, 340naming conventions in, 336new procedure (FLIB) in, 344, 345OCL and CL mix in procedures for, 346–347OCL statements in, 345–346Operation Control Language (OCL) in,

343–347#STRTUP1 and #STRTUP2 in, 344printing and, 341, 342RPG II support and, 348–349sign-on access to, 338–339SSP procedures in, 343Start S/36 Procedure (STRS36PRC) and, 338Start System/36 (STRS36) and, 337–338structure of, 336–337substitution expressions and, 347TIMERSET in, 345

System/38 environments, 298system-defined synchronization, 74–75

Ttape formats and devices, 162, 162

Display Tape (DSPTAP) and, 281–282initializing of, 68–69, 283

TCP/IP, 163, 164Technical Support Tasks menu in OA, 98–99, 98telephone service to computer room, 5third-party maintenance providers, 261–262time system values, 179time zone management, 160, 160, 161timeout, idle display station, 182–183TIMERSET, System/36 environment, 345trigger programs, 234troubleshooting, User Help menu in OA,

99–100, 99

Uunattended IPL, 17–18, 263upgrading to new release, 279–287

Note: Boldface numbers indicate illustrations; t indicates a table. 629


uploads and file transfer, iSeries Access,202–203, 202, 203

user and group management, 166–168, 166. Seealso user profiles

User Help menu in OA, 99–100, 99user libraries, 299–301user messages, 101–109user objects, security, 234user profile (USRPRF) object, 310user profiles, 167–168, 167, 211–214, 235

analyze activity by, 229authorities for, 233authorization lists and, 216–217, 231–232change, 229Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) and, 212Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF), 212–214Delete User Profile (DLTUSRPRF), 294–295Display User Profile (DSPUSRPRF), 212, 229group type, 214–217iSeries Navigator and, connections in, 143maintaining and updating, 212–214naming, 211–212output queue assignment to, 227–228, 227, 247print entries contained in, 230QSYSOPR and, 30QUSRSYS and, 295Restore User Profile (RSTUSRPRF) and, 78setting up, 11sharing, 211System/36 environment and, sign-on access

to, 338–339user profile (USRPRF) object and, 310Work with User Profile (WRKUSRPRF), 212

VVisual Explain, 170

WWindow Setup, 197, 197

Windows workstations, iSeries Navigator,installation on, 137–141, 138, 139, 140

work files, in QTEMP, 304work management, iSeries Navigator, 156–159,

157, 158Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB), 22–23,

34, 34Work with Configuration Status

(WRKCFGSTS), 13, 223Work with Device Description (WRKDEVD),

221Work with Job (WRKJOB), 54–55Work with Job Description (WRKJOBD), 225Work with Libraries (WRKLIB), 299Work with Libraries using PDM

(WRKLIBPDM), 299Work with Objects using PDM

(WRKOBJPDM), 301Work with Output Queue (WRKOUTQ), 52–53,

52, 53, 54, 226Work with Output Queue Description

(WRKOUTQD), 227Work with Spooled files (WRKSPLF), 54Work with Submitted Jobs (WRKSBMJOB),

54–55Work with Subsystem Descriptions

(WRKSBSD), 284–285Work with Subsystem Jobs (WRKSBSJOB), 35,

35, 54–55Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS),

265–266, 265, 293Work with System Value (WRKSYSVAL),

19–20, 20, 45, 176Work with User Jobs (WRKUSRJOB), 23,

35–36, 36, 54–55, 56Work with User Profile (WRKUSRPRF), 212Working with Journals (WRKJRN), 256–257workstation management, 247–249

idle display station timeout, 182–183output queues and, 247–249printing and, printer device setting, 247–249subsystems and, entries for, 48–49

writers. See printing

