cd afuera foto

John Coltrane Blue Train John Coltrane Train Blue John Coltrane Blue Train Blue Train John Coltrane Manhattan Records, a division of Capitol Records, Inc. “BLUE NOTE” Is a registered Trade Mark of Capitol Records, Inc. Made in Canada. Distributed By Capitol Records-EMIof Canada. 3109 American Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1B2, Registered User. Unauthorized Copy Of this Recording in any form is strictly Prohibited. 1.Blue Train (10:43)|2. Moment’s Notice (9:10)|3. Locomotion (7:14) 4.I’m Old Fashioned (7:58)| 5. Lazy Bird (7:00)


Blue Train Train John Coltrane Blue Train John Coltrane Blue Train 1.Blue Train (10:43)|2. Moment’s Notice (9:10)|3. Locomotion (7:14) 4.I’m Old Fashioned (7:58)| 5. Lazy Bird (7:00)

Transcript of cd afuera foto

Page 1: cd afuera foto

John ColtraneB

lue Train

John ColtraneTrainBlue

John C



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Blue TrainJohn Coltrane

Manhattan Records, a division of Capitol Records, Inc. “BLUE NOTE” Is a registered Trade Mark of Capitol Records, Inc. Made in Canada. Distributed By Capitol Records-EMIof Canada. 3109 American Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1B2, Registered User. Unauthorized Copy Of this Recording in any form is strictly Prohibited.

1.Blue Train (10:43)|2. Moment’s Notice (9:10)|3. Locomotion (7:14)

4.I’m Old Fashioned (7:58)| 5. Lazy Bird (7:00)