CCO101 Thinking and Reasoning GBA

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CCO101 Thinking and Reasoning Group Based Assignment, Conspiracy Theory

Transcript of CCO101 Thinking and Reasoning GBA


Najibs support for ISIS, threat to Singapore The next wave of terrorism is about to hit Singapore and we are all sitting ducks awaiting our impending doom. The threat of the terror group, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) has slowly crept into our region, but we are all oblivious to it. ISIS has gained notoriety worldwide with their vicious and inhumane actions in recent years with gory video as a warning to those who stand against them. There are clear links, which had gone unnoticed by many, to indicate Malaysia's involvement with ISIS which will affect Singapore as well. The credibility of Malaysias Prime Minister, Najib Tun Razak, has been questioned worldwide due to a recent corruption scandal. He had an exorbitant deposit of US$700 million into his personal account from an unknown source. Najib claimed that the money was a political donation. However, he is unable to explain why the money was deposited into his personal account instead of a political account (Stephanie Scawen, 2015). While this has led to many speculations of the moneys origin, our concerns should be focused on the intended use of this sum of money. At a joint press conference with Australias Prime Minister, Najib took a strong stance against ISIS (The Star Online, 2014), but this could be a facade to cover up his support for ISIS. Controversially, Najib praised the bravery of ISIS fighters during the 20th anniversary of Cheras United Malays National Organization (UMNO) in 2014, stating that ISIS with 1300 people, can defeat the Iraqi army of 30,000 soldiers, with generals of high ranks running for their lives (Lim Kit Siang, 2014). Najibs praise for ISIS is an attempt to encourage his own party to emulate ISIS. This can be regarded as his first attempt at integrating ISIS ideologies into Malaysian political landscape.A number of suspects have been arrested on multiple occasions for being involved with ISIS in Malaysia (The Straits Times, 2015). Among the people arrested includes armed forces personnel, civil servants and technicians. In 2015, it was reported that 70 army personnel were found to be collaborating with ISIS (The Straits Times, 2015). Moreover, a Malaysian hacker was arrested for stealing information of U.S. military personnel and passing the information to ISIS (Katrina Lamansky, 2015). With army personnel forming majority of the suspects arrested, there is a possibility that these suspects have been planted by the government into the military. As part of the military, they have access to intelligence which enable them to sabotage plans. An ISIS invasion into Malaysia will be made easy with internal help from Malaysias military. This serves as a major threat not only to Malaysia, but Singapore as well. When ISIS successfully invades Malaysia, Singapore will not be spared due to our close proximity to Malaysia. In addition to that, Singapore has been identified on ISIS social media account as a possible target (Lim Yan Liang, 2015).Malaysias opposition party has filed the no-confidence motion against Najib (The Guardian, 2015), however it is too late for any action to be taken now, as the foundation for ISIS to invade Malaysia have already been laid.

Fellow Singaporeans, brace yourselves for the worst has yet to come! Citations

70 army personnel found involved with ISIS: Malaysian parliament told. (2015, April 13). Retrieved October 22, 2015, from

Kit Siang, L. (2014, June 27). Is Najib a secret admirer of the ISIS jihadists? Retrieved October 22, 2015, from

Lamansky, K. (2015, October 18). Hacker who allegedly passed U.S. military data to ISIS arrested in Malaysia. Retrieved October 22, 2015, from

Malaysia Prime Minister Accused of Pocketing $700 Million; Slams Report as 'Political Sabotage' (2015, July 3). Retrieved October 22, 2015, from

Malaysia firmly against ISIS, says Najib - Nation | The Star Online. (2014, September 6). Retrieved October 22, 2015, from

Malaysia vs ISIS: A timeline of recent arrests linked to the militant group. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2015, from

Malaysia's scandal-hit PM faces no-confidence vote. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2015, from

Scawen, S. (2015, October 2). Support for Malaysia's PM Najib dwindles after scandal. Retrieved October 22, 2015, from

Yan Liang, L. (2015, May 29). ISIS social media post cites Singapore as possible target. Retrieved October 22, 2015, from


Thinking & Reasoning

GBA 1: Conspiracy Theory


Group 2:

Anusha D/O Lakshmanan

Mervin Sim Meng Wee

Siti Afiqah Bte Ab Latip

Tan Xue Er Jocelyn

Yong Jie Hui Jeffrey