CCO101 GBA Pseudo Sciences

CCO101 Thinking & Reasoning GBA 2: Pseudo-sciences TG04 Group 2: Anusha D/O Lakshmanan Mervin Sim Meng Wee Siti Afiqah Bte Ab Latip Tan Xue Er Jocelyn Yong Jie Hui Jeffrey


CCO101 Thinking and Reasoning Group-based Assignment

Transcript of CCO101 GBA Pseudo Sciences

Page 1: CCO101 GBA Pseudo Sciences

CCO101Thinking & Reasoning

GBA 2: Pseudo-sciences


Group 2:Anusha D/O Lakshmanan

Mervin Sim Meng Wee

Siti Afiqah Bte Ab Latip

Tan Xue Er Jocelyn

Yong Jie Hui Jeffrey

Page 2: CCO101 GBA Pseudo Sciences

Pseudo-sciences, also known as social sciences, is the study of human behaviour. Karl Popper

stated that theories from pseudo-sciences are built on observations rather than rationalism.

Pseudo-science theories do not contain similar characteristics that scientific theories do.

Scientific theories are falsifiable as experiments are conducted to test, falsify or refute the

hypothesis. On the other hand, pseudo-sciences cannot be tested as it does not make

falsifiable claims. There are three key reasons as to why theories in pseudo-sciences are


The first reason is claims made are often vague and broad in nature such that it can escape

refutability. In addition, it is impossible to test for accuracy, hence it is not falsifiable. The

second reason is when there is evidence that opposes the claims made by theorists, these

theorists make revisions to their theories and evidence. This ensures that theories cannot be

falsified. The third reason is that the original theory is built upon existing evidence and

observations which allows for the building of a claim that is irrefutable as this claim is

strengthened by any new evidence uncovered which serves as an additional confirmation for

the theory.   

Using points made in the above mentioned discussion of Popper’s notion of pseudo-sciences

we will aim to make the claim that Japan is supporting terror groups to amass military power

unfalsifiable. The conspiracy theory claims that Japan is supporting terror groups indirectly

through private Japanese companies such as Toyota. In the case of Toyota there are evidences

linking Toyota with ISIS. The link being firstly, many vehicles used by ISIS are

manufactured by Toyota. Moreover these cars seem to be specially manufactured to perform

the functions of car bombs. Therefore showing that Japan through Toyota has been

supporting ISIS activities.

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The key reason given as to why there is a need for Japan to support terror groups to amass

military power is that Japan needs to maintain the façade that it is a dormant military power.

Therefore if it wishes to retaliate against any country it can use terror groups to do so. By

supporting terror groups, these groups become Japan’s marionette. This reason is

substantiated with the example of how Japan is using ISIS to attempt attacks on Russia.

This theory is unfalsifiable because it is irrefutable and not testable. While there had been

many coincidences, such as Toyota naming a vehicle called ISIS and terrorist groups using

Toyota vehicles as their transport, the theory seems irrefutable.

Even though Toyota tried to deny opposing claims with these statements, “Toyota claiming

that ISIS’s acquisition of their vehicles was simply a mistake” and “Toyota’s official

explanation that they do not know how terrorists acquired so many of their vehicles”, it is not

testable because words cannot account for the accuracy of the statements in which evidences

can be always be covered up.

Hence, this theory is not testable, irrefutable and unfalsifiable, which shares common

characteristics of pseudo-sciences.

Despite the theory being unfalsifiable, the diplomatic ties between Japan and Russia have

improved despite the claim of a continuous “high-strung” relationship stated in the theory.

Japan-Russia relations have been growing since 2010 because of trade which allowed

improvement in economies in both countries. In addition, the Japanese government revised

their diplomatic policy towards Russia.

More importantly, the Japanese have annulled efforts towards Russia on the topic of

territorial dispute which have caused the Russo-Japanese war in the early 20th century (Yoko

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Hirose, 2015). Today, the Japanese are keener in strengthening relations with Russia, which

makes Japanese’s use of ISIS against Russia questionable.

However, this could be a facade by the Japanese, to gain the trust of Russia through

beneficial bilateral trade. Once the Japanese have fully gained the trust of Russia, they can

use ISIS as a surprise attack to gain back the territories they had lost in the past.