Ccie Security Lab Checklist

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  • 8/9/2019 Ccie Security Lab Checklist


    CCIE Security Lab Exam v4.0 Checklist

    Expansion of the Security Lab v4.0 Exam TopicsDetaile Checklist of Topics to !e Covere

     Please be advised that this topic checklist is not an all-inclusive list of Cisco CCIE Security lab exam subjects. Instead, eprovide this outline as a supplement to the existin! lab blueprint to help candidates prepare for their lab exams. "therrelevant or related topics may also appear in the actual lab exam.

     #e ould like to !et your feedback please comment and$or rate this document.


    1System Hardening and Availability

    Implement, Optimize, Troubleshoot, IPv4/IPv6 Content

    Understanding Four Types o Trai! Planes on a Cis!o "outer #Control, $anagement, %ata, and


    Understanding Control Plane &e!urity Te!hnologies and Core Con!epts Covering &e!urityFeatures (vailable to Prote!t the Control Plane

    Understanding $anagement Plane &e!urity Te!hnologies and Core Con!epts Covering &e!urityFeatures (vailable to Prote!t the $anagement Plane

    Coniguring Control Plane Poli!ing #CoPP'

    Control Plane "ate )imiting

    %isabling Unused Control Plane &ervi!es #IP &our!e "outing, Pro*y ("P, +ratuitous ("P, et!'

    %isabling Unused $anagement Plane &ervi!es #Finger, -OOTP, %.CP, Cis!o %is!overy Proto!ol,et!'

    $PP #$anagement Plane Prote!tion' and Understanding OO- #Outo-and' $anagement


    Coniguring "outing Proto!ol (uthenti!ation

    "oute Filtering and Proto!ol&pe!ii! Filters

    IC$P Te!hni0ues to "edu!e the "is1 o IC$P"elated %o& (tta!1s #IP Unrea!hable, IP "edire!t,

    IP $as1 "eply, et!'

    &ele!tive Pa!1et %is!ard #&P%'

    $2C and FP$ Types o &ervi!e Poli!y on the CoPP Intera!e

    -road!ast Control on a &3it!h

    Catalyst &3it!h Port &e!urity

    IPv6 &ele!tive Pa!1et %is!ard

    Cis!o IO& &ot3are-ased CPU Prote!tion $e!hanisms #Options %rop, )ogging Interval, CPUThreshold'

    The +eneralized TT) &e!urity $e!hanism no3n as 5-+P TT) &e!urity .a!1 #-T&.'

    %evi!e (!!ess Control #vty (C), .TTP (C), &&. (!!ess, Privilege )evels'

    &7$P &e!urity

    &ystem -anners

  • 8/9/2019 Ccie Security Lab Checklist


    &e!ure Cis!o IO& File &ystems

    Understanding and 8nabling &yslog

     7TP 3ith (uthenti!ation

    "ole-ased C)I 9ie3s and Cis!o &e!ure (C& &etup

    &ervi!e (uthenti!ation on Cis!o IO& &ot3are #FTP, Telnet, .TTP' 7et3or1 Telemetry Identii!ation and Classii!ation o &e!urity 8vents #IP Trai! Flo3, 7etFlo3,

    &7$P, &yslog, "$O7'

    2Threat Identification and Mitigation

    Implement, Optimize, Troubleshoot, IPv4/IPv6 Content

    Implementing "FC :;:< (ntispooing Filtering

    Implementing "FC = (ntispooing Filtering

    Implementing "FC =4?: (ntispooing Filtering

    8nabling a TCP Inter!ept on a "outer 

    8nabling a TCP Inter!ept on the Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e

    FP$ #Fle*ible Pa!1et $at!hing' and Proto!ol .eader %einition File #P.%F' Files and

    Coniguration o 7ested Poli!y $aps

    Classii!ation Using 7-(" 

    Understanding and 8nabling 7etFlo3 on a "outer 

    Port &e!urity on a &3it!h

    &torm Control on a &3it!h

    Private 9)(7 #P9)(7' on a &3it!h

    Port -lo!1ing on a &3it!h

    Port (C) on a &3it!h

    $(C (C) on a &3it!h

    9)(7 (C) on a &3it!h

    &panning Tree Proto!ol #&TP' Prote!tion Using -P%U +uard and )oop +uard on a &3it!h

    %.CP &nooping on a &3it!h

    IP &our!e +uard on a &3it!h

    %ynami! ("P Inspe!tion #%(I' on a &3it!h

    &e7% or 7% Prote!tion

    IPv6 First .op &e!urity

    %isabling %TP on (ll 7ontrun1ing (!!ess Ports

    Con!ept o Proa!tive vs "ea!tive $easures

    no3ledge o Proto!ols@ TCP, U%P, .TTP, &$TP, IC$P, FTP

    no3ledge o Common (tta!1s@ 7et3or1 "e!onnaissan!e, IP &pooing, %.CP &nooping, %7&

  • 8/9/2019 Ccie Security Lab Checklist


    &pooing, $(C &pooing, ("P &nooping, Fragment (tta!1, &mur (tta!1, TCP &A7 (tta!1 

    Understanding and Interpreting ("P .eader &tru!ture

    Understanding and Interpreting IP .eader &tru!ture

    Understanding and Interpreting TCP .eader &tru!ture

    Understanding and Interpreting U%P .eader &tru!tureUnderstanding and Interpreting .TTP .eader &tru!ture

    Understanding and Interpreting IC$P .eader stru!ture

    Understanding and Interpreting IC$P Type 7ame and Codes

    Understanding and Interpreting &yslog $essages

    Understanding and Interpreting Pa!1et Capture Outputs #&nier, 8thereal, Bireshar1, TCP%ump'

    Understanding %ierent Types o (tta!1 9e!tors

    Interpreting 9arious sho3 and debug Outputs

    Classiying (tta!1 Patterns Using FP$

    $emorizing Common Proto!ol and Port 7umbers

    Preventing an IC$P (tta!1 Using (C)s

    Preventing an IC$P (tta!1 Using 7-(" 

    Preventing an IC$P (tta!1 Using Poli!ing

    Preventing an IC$P (tta!1 Using the $odular Poli!y Frame3or1 #$PF' on the Cis!o (&(&e!urity (pplian!e

    Preventing a &A7 (tta!1 Using (C)s

    Preventing a &A7 (tta!1 Using 7-(" 

    Preventing a &A7 (tta!1 Using Poli!ing

    Preventing a &A7 (tta!1 Using C-(C

    Preventing a &A7 (tta!1 Using C(" 

    Preventing a &A7 (tta!1 Using a TCP Inter!ept

    Preventing a &A7 (tta!1 Using the $odular Poli!y Frame3or1 #$PF' on the Cis!o (&( &e!urity(pplian!e

    Preventing (ppli!ation Proto!ol&pe!ii! (tta!1s Using FP$ #eg, .TTP, &$TP'

    Preventing (ppli!ation Proto!ol&pe!ii! (tta!1s Using 7-(" #eg, .TTP, &$TP'

    Preventing (ppli!ation Proto!ol&pe!ii! (tta!1s Using the $odular Poli!y Frame3or1 #$PF' on

    the Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e #eg, .TTP, &$TP'

    Preventing IP &pooing (tta!1s Using (ntispooing (C)s

    Preventing IP &pooing (tta!1s Using u"PF

    Preventing IP &pooing (tta!1s Using IP &our!e +uard

    Preventing Fragment (tta!1s Using (C)s

  • 8/9/2019 Ccie Security Lab Checklist


    Preventing $(C &pooing (tta!1s Using Port &e!urity

    Preventing ("P &pooing (tta!1s Using %(I

    Preventing 9)(7 .opping (tta!1s Using the s3it!hport mode a!!ess Command

    Preventing &TP (tta!1s Using the "oot +uard or -P%U +uard

    Preventing %.CP &pooing (tta!1s Using Port &e!urityPreventing %.CP &pooing (tta!1s Using %(I

    Preventing Port "edire!tion (tta!1s Using (C)s

    3Intrusion Prevention and Content Security

    Implement, Optimize, Troubleshoot, IPv4/IPv6 Content

    Understanding Cis!o IP& &ystem (r!hite!ture #&ystem %esign, $ain(pp, &ensor(pp, 8vent&tore'

    Understanding Cis!o IP& User "oles #(dministrator, Operator, 9ie3er, &ervi!e'

    Understanding Cis!o IP& Command $odes #Privileged, +lobal, &ervi!e, $ultiInstan!e'

    Understanding Cis!o IP& Intera!es #Command and Control, &ensing, (lternate TCP "eset'

    Understanding Promis!uous #I%&' vs Inline #IP&' $onitoring

    Initialization -asi! &ensor #IP (ddress, $as1, %eault "oute, et!'

    Troubleshooting -asi! Conne!tivity Issues

    $anaging &ensor (C)s

    (llo3ing &ervi!es Ping and Telnet rom/to Cis!o IP&

    8nabling Physi!al Intera!es

    Promis!uous $ode

    Inline Intera!e $ode

    Inline 9)(7 Pair $ode

    9)(7 +roup $ode

    Inline -ypass $ode

    Intera!e 7otii!ations

    Understanding the (nalysis 8ngine

    Creating $ultiple &e!urity Poli!ies and (pplying Them to Individual 9irtual &ensors

    Understanding and Coniguring 9irtual &ensors #vs?, vs:'

    (ssigning Intera!es to the 9irtual &ensor 

    Understanding and Coniguring 8vent (!tion "ules #rules?, rules:'

    Understanding and Coniguring &ignatures #sig?, sig:'

    (dding &ignatures to $ultiple 9irtual &ensors

    Understanding and Coniguring (nomaly %ete!tion #ad?, ad:'

    Using the Cis!o I%$ #IP& %evi!e $anager'

  • 8/9/2019 Ccie Security Lab Checklist


    Using Cis!o I%$ 8vent $onitoring

    %isplaying 8vents Triggered Using the Cis!o IP& Console

    Troubleshooting 8vents 7ot Triggering

    %isplaying and Capturing )ive Trai! on the Cis!o IP& Console #Pa!1et %isplay and Pa!1etCapture'

    &P(7 and "&P(7

    "ate )imiting

    Coniguring 8vent (!tion 9ariables

    Target 9alue "atings

    8vent (!tion Overrides

    8vent (!tion Filters

    Coniguring +eneral &ettings

    +eneral &ignature Parameters(lert Fre0uen!y

    (lert &everity

    8vent Counter 

    &ignature Fidelity "ating

    &ignature &tatus

    (ssigning (!tions to &ignatures

    (IC &ignatures

    IP Fragment "eassembly

    TCP &tream "eassembly

    IP )ogging

    Coniguring &7$P

    &ignature Tuning #&everity )evels, Throttle Parameters, 8vent (!tions'

    Creating Custom &ignatures #Using the C)I and Cis!o I%$'

    Understanding 9arious Types o &ignature 8ngines

    Understanding 9arious Types o &ignature 9ariables

    Understanding 9arious Types o 8vent (!tions

    Creating a Custom &tring TCP &ignature

    Creating a Custom Flood 8ngine &ignature

    Creating a Custom (IC $I$8Type 8ngine &ignature

    Creating a Custom &ervi!e .TTP &ignature

    Creating a Custom &ervi!e FTP &ignature

  • 8/9/2019 Ccie Security Lab Checklist


    Creating a Custom (TO$IC("P 8ngine &ignature

    Creating a Custom (TO$ICIP 8ngine &ignature

    Creating a Custom TCP &3eep &ignature

    Creating a Custom IC$P &3eep &ignature

    Creating a Custom TroDan 8ngine &ignature8nabling &hunning and -lo!1ing #8nabling -lo!1ing Properties'

    8nabling the TCP "eset Fun!tion

    Conigure Cis!o Ironport B&(

    Coniguring BCCP

    (!tive %ir Integration

    Custom Categories

    .TTP& Conig

    &ervi!es Coniguration #Beb "eputation'

    Coniguring Pro*y -ypass )ists

    Beb pro*y modes

    (ppli!ation visibility and !ontrol

    Identity Management

    Implement, Optimize, Troubleshoot, IPv4/IPv6 Content

    Understanding the ((( Frame3or1 

    Understanding the "(%IU& Proto!ol

    Understanding "(%IU& (ttributes #Cis!o (9P(I"&'

    Understanding the T(C(C&E Proto!ol

    Understanding T(C(C&E (ttributes

    Comparison o "(%IU& and T(C(C&E

    Coniguring -asi! )%(P &upport

    Overvie3 o Cis!o &e!ure (C&

    .o3 to 7avigate Cis!o &e!ure (C&

    Cis!o &e!ure (C& 7et3or1 &ettings Parameters

    Cis!o &e!ure (C& User &ettings Parameters

    Cis!o &e!ure (C& +roup &ettings Parameters

    Cis!o &e!ure (C& &hared Proiles Components #

  • 8/9/2019 Ccie Security Lab Checklist


    8nabling ((( on a "outer or vty )ines

    8nabling ((( on a &3it!h or vty )ines

    8nabling ((( on a "outer or .TTP

    8nabling ((( on the Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e or Telnet and &&. Proto!ols

    Using %eault vs 7amed $ethod )istsComple* Command (uthorization and Privilege )evels, and "elevant Cis!o &e!ure (C& Proiles

    Pro*y &ervi!e (uthenti!ation and (uthorization on the Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e or Pass

    Through Trai! #FTP, Telnet, and .TTP', and "elevant Cis!o I&8 ProilesG

    Using 9irtual Telnet on the Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e

    Using 9irtual .TTP on the Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e

    %o3nloadable (C)s


  • 8/9/2019 Ccie Security Lab Checklist


    Understanding and Interpreting the debug aaa a!!ounting Command

    !Perimeter Security and Services

    Implement, Optimize, Troubleshoot, IPv4/IPv6 Content

    Initializing the -asi! Cis!o (&( Fire3all #IP (ddress, $as1, %eault "oute, et!'

    Understanding &e!urity )evels #&ame &e!urity Intera!e'

    Understanding &ingle vs $ultimode

    Understanding Fire3all vs Transparent $ode

    Understanding $ultiple &e!urity Conte*ts

    Understanding &hared "esour!es or $ultiple Conte*ts

    Understanding Pa!1et Classii!ation in $ultipleConte*ts $ode

    9)(7 &ubintera!es Using

  • 8/9/2019 Ccie Security Lab Checklist


    &tateul Failover )in1 

    %evi!e (!!ess $anagement

    8nabling Telnet

    8nabling &&.

    The nat!ontrol Command vs no nat!ontrol Command8nabling (ddress Translation #7(T, +lobal, and &tati!' Pre Post

  • 8/9/2019 Ccie Security Lab Checklist


    User-ased Fire3all

    &e!ure+roup Fire3all

    Transparent Cis!o IO& Fire3all #)ayer ='

    Conte*t-ased (!!ess Control #C-(C'

    Pro*y (uthenti!ation #(uth Pro*y'Portto(ppli!ation $apping #P($' Usage 3ith (C)s

    Use o P($ to Change &ystem %eault Ports

    P($ Custom Ports or &pe!ii! (ppli!ations

    $apping 7onstandard Ports to &tandard (ppli!ations

    Perorman!e Tuning

    Tuning .alOpen Conne!tions

    Understanding and Interpreting the sho3 ip portmap Commands

    Understanding and Interpreting the sho3 ip inspe!t Commands

    Understanding and Interpreting the debug ip inspe!t Commands

    Understanding and Interpreting the sho3 zoneKzonepair Commands

    Understanding and Interpreting the debug zone Commands

    Cis!o IO& &ervi!es

    $ar1ing Pa!1ets Using %&CP and IP Pre!eden!e and Other 9alues

    Uni!ast "PF #u"PF' Bith or Bithout an (C) #&tri!t and )oose $ode'

    "T-. Filtering #"emote Triggered -la!1 .ole'

    -asi! Trai! Filtering Using (!!ess )ists@ &A7 Flags, 8stablished, et! #7amed vs 7umbered


    $anaging Time-ased (!!ess )ists

    8nabling 7(T and P(T on a "outer 

    Conditional 7(T on a "outer 

    $ultihome 7(T on a "outer 

    C(" "ate )imiting 3ith Trai! Classii!ation Using (C)s

    P-" #Poli!y-ased "outing' and Use o "oute $aps

    Trai! Poli!ing on a "outer 

    Trai! Chara!terization

    Pa!1et Classii!ation

    Pa!1et$ar1ing Te!hni0ues

    "Confidentiality and Secure Access

    Implement, Optimize, Troubleshoot, IPv4/IPv6 Content

  • 8/9/2019 Ccie Security Lab Checklist


    Understanding Cryptographi! Proto!ols #I&($P, I8v: and I8v=, 8&P, (uthenti!ation .eader,


    IPse! 9P7 (r!hite!ture on Cis!o IO& &ot3are and Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e

    Coniguring 9P7s Using I&($P Proiles

    Coniguring 9P7s Using IPse! Proiles

    +"8 over IPse! Using IPse! Proiles

    "outerto"outer &iteto&ite IPse! Using the Classi!al Command &et #Using Preshared eys and


    "outerto"outer &iteto&ite IPse! Using the 7e3 9TI Command &et #Using Preshared eys and


    "outerto(&( &iteto&ite IPse! #Using Preshared eys and Certii!ates'

    Understanding %$9P7 ar!hite!ture #7."P, m+"8, IPse!, "outing'

    %$9P7 Using 7."P and m+"8 #.uband&po1e'

    %$9P7 Using 7."P and m+"8 #Full$esh'

    %$9P7 Through Fire3alls and 7(T %evi!es

    Understanding +8T9P7 (r!hite!ture #+%OI, ey &erver, +roup $ember, .eader Preservation,Poli!y, "e1ey, 8, T8, and COOP'

    Implementing +8T9P7 #Using Preshared eys and Certii!ates'

    +8T9P7 Uni!ast "e1ey

    +8T9P7 $ulti!ast "e1ey

    +8T9P7 +roup $ember (uthorization )ist

    +8T9P7 ey &erver "edundan!y

    +8T9P7 Through Fire3alls and 7(T %evi!es

    Integrating +8T 9P7 3ith a %$9P7 &olution

    -asi! 9"F(3are IPse!

    8nabling the C( #PI' &erver #on the "outer and Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e'

    C( 8nrollment Pro!ess on a "outer Client

    C( 8nrollment Pro!ess on a Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e Client

    C( 8nrollment Pro!ess on a PC Client

    Clientless &&) 9P7 #Cis!o IO& Beb9P7' on the Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e #U")s'

    (nyConne!t 9P7 Client on Cis!o IO& &ot3are

    (nyConne!t 9P7 Client on the Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e

    "emote (!!ess Using a Traditional Cis!o 9P7 Client on a Cis!o IO& "outer 

    "emote (!!ess Using a Traditional Cis!o 9P7 Client on a Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e

    Cis!o 8asy 9P7 "outer &erver and "outer Client #Using %9TI'

  • 8/9/2019 Ccie Security Lab Checklist


    Cis!o 8asy 9P7 "outer &erver and "outer Client #Using Classi!al &tyle'

    Cis!o 8asy 9P7 Cis!o (&( &erver and "outer Client

    Cis!o 8asy 9P7 "emote Conne!tion $odes #Client, 7et3or1, 7et3or1E'

    8nabling 8*tended (uthenti!ation #(UT.' on Cis!o IO& &ot3are and the Cis!o (&( &e!urity(pplian!e

    8nabling &plit Tunneling on Cis!o IO& &ot3are and the Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e

    8nabling "everse "oute InDe!tion #""I' on Cis!o IO& &ot3are and the Cis!o (&( &e!urity


    8nabling 7(TT on Cis!o IO& &ot3are and the Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e

    .igh(vailability &tateul Failover or IPse! 3ith &tateul &3it!hover #&&O' and .ot &tandby

    "outer Proto!ol #.&"P'

    .igh (vailability Using )in1 "esilien!y #3ith )oopba!1 Intera!e or Peering'

    .igh (vailability Using .&"P and ""I

    .igh (vailability Using IPse! -a!1up Peers

    .igh (vailability Using +"8 over IPse! #%ynami! "outing'

    -asi! 2o& Features or 9P7 Trai! on Cis!o IO& &ot3are and the Cis!o (&( &e!urity (pplian!e

    Identiying InDe!ted 8rrors in Troubleshooting &!enarios #or &iteto&ite, %$9P7, +8T 9P7,and Cis!o 8asy 9P7'

    Understanding and Interpreting the sho3 !rypto Commands

    Understanding and Interpreting the debug !rypto Commands

    (ny!onne!t 9P7 in!luding %(P support

    $a!&e! #s3it!hs3it!h, .osts3it!h'

    Bireless &e!urity on (P and B)C

    8(P methods

