ccbf Ileal !F4!ofophm| 13,tali. > Aifip...

&'$•$?**!*••}*£•* &. % - •: d. -0iu : . Tames-' !mttfmMg®@i. if*. n 'i&t$m$rtkmd- K » * .$SK I v: c,.f/ Ittff-'Jttn^^er/. _ eqjf fptts $f'{aidf. '^''jfrjt mmiwmd ••^•HWWW. lii.>i-.r..f;WMW|^i<»W«.l.l-i.ii III 'it I'll ' I It*)'' ## Ims,:heu wad**- i an^Jlm^d id&j&- ?fi&» *# fife wu®fy*- $tm in 0a, t&untf: {cfiMar,'.datedtft$ ialj fi&ti r of fines' it.ifcc'l& '& cvrmr' ~mtd irtfmdMaft~ Sromdedfih [aid* m ike tMrd tmf~ 'sf Qndfottfi i«Hi ».i«iMn i I..;II.I — • ! ! Bfa. Miii—MMiin,.! mill wty f iand Aili'dajii J'ti-iV rm«3o« FleMitobef t& %m^%fmt&& lie**: Nr$fiOMW'fOi tofbitl pJI te4 w* u> bt hot- 'CdtfAMttAmtJJi-i .(O^TA^IO COUBTYj PUJSjL$IE0 EVEKJY-Ttr.ESI>At,-SY ^»^£i> -VOL. II.] ccbf S&4fcb ; Jf^onjj Srrlive tm €?it*itw4rfn 'AS pill i«cetv.edi ( «i tbe Siot& For- •jpfc^'mcriy acctipkdt by MeiTrs* 4 u * | # u * fcmt&'lk Co* a J^ge a4dii*0iup-tbe3ir<*c|c , It f«#U*fe-.mgliiof W toiling* B . e d k ^ , € o » r -.ApA$0t* View oi K«|tigio|n-«, 4o* ••'fcrwil^isii.a i^Kcetj^neepf ^^ng^Qa'i A* %im%§®Fm§tii t s fots,.i Br|>wtt'is0fbrtj' jjpRi&Mtairy vT r ^ l S-tbW,.. ** vol's, j-. 4<i. !. iafcijf'fltji^eyj ButleVaA^'Agy tf IWg-y 'fcie^-ee? ^biiiliWl ? b4«fop!k'|- putfisa!,' 4>u tht- Revekti<x.n, *g vok. j. JDt*it|i of A-'( 'fefan'*.Leuei* j Exfercitei ol|Pi«iy .* : !E**«! .f4«r*'cjfeS"pt r b«-Obrift'.^.T: 'B^v^satofn ?:• \Jaklr- | ^ " ^ ' s U i e * cUt/'on Affti£ltaiis|';' 't*ift' W i l l i 'da* X«t*|*JHf*y? caricerniin^.• the .^ '^itt<niiMt'Umv'eir^itm 4 . bv An3r«%*j-#^ I'al- | •fer's BaelvlRdtfrf .da.JLileu}: Pe^tp^'f do. j "'l|rifpi*Lh$ <J.WR \Vimefx; do* Lcitefcrin ' ' :tb? Tendeucy of Cakamiliejiind ^o.djii^a i ', $¥&•&$; Flav^lV Hu.fl>4n4r^ Spirituilif- ; •*4-j. -da. Hfmjf3* : i^"n $ptritu3l|-fed 3 .1*tike's /t t?r<|^rv o* Jef»w Cferift j Q-tnfinel Cim2t« ; JK&flf<i|f^-f Him'j^^oif.'s ^ Uw-yepftj Saliva p-ui> £• Phyfic; l^ot/i Me [a*s Anatr»mj*; Parkin) M^ftfcal 4'U>t«|iittt6rts j Eulb's Left)i<rcs; tk % i vo!-s*k-b|rver'« Tia.vdl •»—'j' IHi' & SEMIS. TVJBS'l>Ay\ JANWART.^ISZQ^ XN9*9& »*r~** Ileal !F4!ofophm| 13,tali. > Aifip QW1 | *0t»'« Faftl^nd Vi^ipU ;* -Fanie|u ; Rod#Ic^ t fndedAain?*tioti j S'tdhh'*- Letiers; Smeilte*! Tablet j Thora l»n f « Family Pi-vficina; TownTend's Gtfife to i:<?er Briufh Fi«tar<jb t 8 Braoks"* $*az& Vo!i* j Balwalrt Life of* jdlspf(m» g>dls>. j IStlfc^ E i f c a t Brurk»» a vedi, ^ Biogr >ph- iejt! Dt&i)iiary' of Ct«!(?bfated W 0 0 eh i Vendee ? Coc»k*s V o | ^ £ - •£HtcoU*» Jojarhat 5 * Flavius Jpfe^huy, Gxfs, j , ues d* tht Spe^ac<>r, a vols;,-; Btamfanit Mok-e'ji Us 1 t«*r^» 2,5 £4- Wis. Lt f c ot 0 HiiWv, $ tbropi «Jl ti JgftynVV'wiw J d'o» L t f f u r c s j . ' t i i - *$" Germans ; t* r e ni CJhrif|. j TU-tfc *t$ LeUmra V^w'lol |>effi:m-jl ««isi -s* a v; ;• Mulls! lo tt'«} SfM-lm <>rs<f A -' ; -2, ?<*er of 4 Putyic Cto Kaiidg-w* 2 iv6|«. j . Rodentk T s Caillej limhm' a-:it! ! Hacbel * St^rm j Spirit of Hie Cartle j Sfm I'mi m Hopes j Sailpr Bay ; S?. Eco»» 2 vwh.; Toi» ]o\m^ 3' vol*.; ;Tii«o^<ifia«»«'cl C o i | W » * : ft*i- Mi5€El,tANI^S, A^lfottiaiiiMfeiianyjl AlkW* Let^ ters j s do» 4ii Poetry-4 Advenwrer, 4 vols. J alio iti k v o k t Burlte's W^iks, ^ .ok*s VONE- vols,; BlotTdms of Motality; Beauties o* * I Damjjur- 'Nature; Se^m** tl^mmu 6i Moral $ti* [red- jftnee, 2 vols* 5 ! $enneVs Xetters j do» 4&ii«bafatt#t * vol*, j Jiwjne ^ngl«n4 with SmolfQi's C «ti i« vols* j HawkiHA** voygge;* Lils af Ct>wper ! ; HaW; rd's ary ^i, J »htt Atkms's Adt jin- votr. j * Johnfort's". Livei of 4 vols, do, abridged ; Jul»a- pfec Biographical D»c*t|onary, i'ffeilin's N6t«s j Kot^ebue*$ ISxiiei' JC*Piivroufe's. Voj-.g: PfW < 6!s. iio. 'V<*vug»:s and 1'Va eridk II, Kinfj a4dftoifb't Hiiary of Ingland, 3 vdis. # $ ? . Pierrei'^Iteil^ld'a LwW, 4 wl«^ d t J * tods. ? do. Abridged j do, ^aiural' CMpobe'sLett.texsl Cout>t Rnmlord^s Kf- Hil|tJiv, JI vols, j: Gordon^ ^ericanj lii- r ^ ' ' ! -.«•..« ,. d«pb«4eitc#, 3 vols*; Hatctiinfo«*s Hiftarv ot Haylev^ JUty; Hil) the P»et.% .fwjs Conil 0 v«b, J Liff, do diciary ; iECip'^ Fables ; Femab^efttor I ffunkiht's Works; Ffienq oi A%ir>fnj Fcderali^ zj vols ;• 'Fttr^rtb on Fruit frees * I'Vteittafoii'sMoniidr; Guardian, of the WorJli, i .vols.; 'Gieanbgs from S w i F; Cy RJ iU^r ic^ thf ifpw h ; H 4raiifon 0V1 Blduca*io»^ vols.; |iu njphrey 's W o | k s | .. - ... 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Belifarius jj Baron Tre^ k * ^!Wd*>j| Spirit "Vif Lawt, t volt* 1 Selioir's Caleb WfHiamsjXvoh*; Child ol Pa|a$v t^aiiwe. * vols, j fielders 011 l!Te» s«i4 €Wl(e Rtchmi \ Cavejrn ol Death 11 Syltem of Pbadli^, by Weuf- w PtJ0--ee$ .The B-irriUer^ TJiifA pur •" ' V««ePi L«w ofMifiwur* WtHtfft v « fpurtt, 3 vols, $ WtR^* Eep,orrf. do'-yei, B vo}». j JU-t<e!S$ Lei tier. W i b e f s Lit tie Family / L'rxtlm* iJbrarjv j Lftck^'s IjlSg^ 3 \'bls.; Larfy Hrjpta^lit's Wor}>s» ^ vols, j M^r^l Moiiittjr, 2 vols, ; MjirfW,J2 v o k . j &1ore on Education•;• Ne^|on'$ wku \ Poliu if-*! JnY>*c A t 2p^ols.| Pairiciic Addreile* i I s .«!s*«i 1-fedv j Pracl,ica3 Edu'jwviioo, e vols. 2 P«trem T s Fiirjid, » vols ; jP f itne's W HN ir^*^ j R.tmi}i*r, z vols, j ad in 4 yob, ; Jiiif. S £{Llt8| g VOJS. ; RdljffsMu's -Coil- Icfious, 3 vrtis. 1 Kifhaijli.^ Fabks.; Spls*t<»i ibe My{c«nx; ^Spefhitisr. 8 vols ; Patriot 1 Sell! 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Alrnanacks for 180,5, and aifo a ^«i* oral afloiunent of Jjtauonarv. Any arti- cks of which he wiJl f'cir on reaf*>naib?e terms for C-fii, Wheat, Rye or Corin*—, Batter, aifo, will be ukeo in paytnentitrll tbes^thol Tannarvinif, Liberal difcdnntf* will be made tothoie who purchafe tOf-^Y cpnfidprrtb?/» amonnf, J4rt^7^ |fc "*'" —'-•'*•• * -•-- .mi.-'n -ii- •••'-•—1 i' •••^•^- JLlai* (JF l-EiTEK^ 1 Remaining in the PojLOffice^ Cmandai* #ua, January 1^1^0,5. i " S EBE CASE, Natharftl Cladc, ThA. ooh^f.'JLarnard, WiJiiaAi Smith, Sans- uel H.Turrey,EfcreleusHodg;DavidC. Hooker, Henty I. Mother, ESifha Cary k ^othta Tenny, Peggy Pear6c, WiBIam Mntfiij Aaron Baley, Abner Adam*, Aa- ron Gayiard*. Wdtram Grifn'oId^iNa^han* iel Lew f^, ^Daniel Lcfever, Ruth Gating, Leonard Stephen*, Abigail Warren, Chailes Brown* Oft$£r Adams, Daniel Sbitock,D.miel Mendel);—Cunaddaigua. - Shason Booth, Farmmgton.l A Eiiakjm Walker, 2, Jotin Keid, f Jofepli Wtnter, Serajah Sttaiteii, SarrV Dunmor.' —Brifiaf. ^ ' L<*mud Cbipman, Gtfs Jo|jnfon^ Sal* roon Preiion—Pittjt'cwn* , * 1.' ,, Enoch Mor/e, 3^,liiha Granger, Johns Gilbert, Ifaac CaronJ, 2, Elias iSrreeter^^Ur fanna Ho-.viand 4 Nathaniel JReid—Ptieltos* /<7a//r. , |, - { j ^ • Ephraim Rew, Roger Spra^ue. Ehim* Jifld, , • . ', J'/fijH Bradiib, Ephrasm preen, Ed- ^ajd Lo\*', Edward Kibby—Mtddlcto^UL Levi P. ice, William Gdb'n, John Pack ard, Zebatou Williams, 2j Jimes Termy Pahnyra. ' I " - t Ab'igad Wilh'anjfoii, Dat^iei RuHel Jf r illi4mfon}. T nosm 1 * J * f. 1- j, Morgan Ha- Rice, Ij-iniel Moife.—Eajhcn Jeile Hail,Joflwaj4ipi, ^ ton, 'VV'ilJiani W.Hcock, Sin, Charlcjltin. Thcraa<i fidMl. Lcsvis thaniel Taylor— Nbrthamp; , , George Green,-Ku.old Pptter, J<jaa» Wyman, Abbl Thomas-—Attgujia. ' „ Samuel & Jacob Alfeni, Jok-pb Big"* low, Daniel Ruflelf, Nicb<>la& P u l h n ^ , James Shergeant, Joseph S.tanron, ^ha- dreck Woodatd, j a c o c k s , J ' o h p Lee, 2, Abraham Caie, Joief)h Jewctt*^- 0-nta.YVo Couniy. j - ! ~ Peter Rubn^^iJ^fl.* - ••'! HENRY GTJAPlK, T HE following Lot^ofj LAK0 1 , k Townfhip No; io, 71*% Range", ivtz, No.*2£&\ 25J, 249.. 232, sey, 217, 177 .204, S23 aud part of 1236'....For pErticu. lars apply to the fubfcrib^r. ^t G&ttvd. K< I JOHN JOHNSTON i>w. 31.1804. ' - 8S'^ Woman Cook!;iColumbianPs*ater; Ch$ N #Ll Tii0U S h, i'. 2 ' i?\*t °¥' A y Wren's Friend; y C!«fric6*» JErafmi ; do. Corderii { Ct4e!ronJs GratipTies ; Gaels ; Davidfon's Vergil, 2 yols^j Dihvorth's SpGliing Boot .5 dol Booli Keepers Af- iiftant t ttoprovqd; ^Enlields Philofophy, improved by Webber jEniteid's Speaker ; Entirk's Dictionary » Farrier's £>i6Har»a. ry ; Fran*is's| Horace, 4"Vpis. j- Federal Calcujacor \ Gibbon's Surveying j Hive; Hiftorical Grammar: ''• [ohnlfon^ Diftion . NQTICEj : A LL pcrfons indebtedtollie fubicribcr JLJL aj'b refpefcliveJy informed, tha^'un- \z\$immedtatt payment is made, thcyjwiH meet with coll and trouble. J ELIJAH MOSLEY. ' „A r 0D. 6/1S04. , {^0}. Cbaribtte^ Letters ; Gbarioite Temiie ; Coquette j Canwlla, g vols* j Count* Fa* tboui j Cecelia, 3 vo!s,|' Ctarifla f Ur* pina^ba* j DeVako J3 »nj GfalHotte, In i, in 4, and hi 5 yob< 1 Evebna, 2 vols, j Bltifoni Edvyant Ev -^tierimti. H$t\u% w WbtltthHtdtest3 difda-j' Fredf elt.%- Larimer 1 Forre&rs;, #»o|C*ir/»deM*e«m'4 BeH*f'$wrge* Fi*-d|o- , *Qa*H f y j Gjudentioi Gnlti*cr** f4 vow* do oft-*be Yeti^real,!" Bntbart Travk^b; Geurge Barnweii j_ Gil" Btai, *o .Uijmviw hfctimm'? Beddoe* r Ofefef* "*»4Jwl 0 iij 4 v.>U.-$ Hemy VE!ar*$ -fc.iiiV m the.&ttfnm|*ti.vej Brftf 1 !^* 1 * b*nd|} Hwtdoo Phdotbphcw j IriuS-.ix-, »dAfiroiiiy % 0i*Jlert% B;fa*erU; Med* cmbfjn, a v*d», j|Julia mtd theBaron 1 lit- ^toipMmi-Btfmn** %>wmm# f ' il»r*ft)iig. Martrojis j Jof*ph Andrewi,» |^ 5 _ 0ei$«iia*i*f fc$i4#if*ry:,* yo}*. j- W*J.y Italian lpfun.; IJleot' Wdm]s m\ Aim« + to! MdlcinVr EtUjw'i M-*VJa»ni, -s vbli.j: M«» or teel%; it PM«t*Bwfc? tiairtttei*# IV .^l ( ?tt^ml»ofMlH : " r •••* , —'"* *** J £*ri<h£iy1khni<!0 U^w'thrfi of rv|r$, B-Alnl 'J rnySohij V ; Hu«t*ron ttie Bh«m * kti M#.lie>J 0iHi^ary % J4ek* ?* S i Jtwwf (us Cur' P01;.' hw* *vf *(*'d ft! \ th>, li"\,i*Ut %. M,t»«; ' 1*' rt. i M-Mt<KlL»i M*V ^ ^ J es; do* Rcatlelr ; do» Granutfiar ? do, do. Abridged ; MiJFs Farriery4 Hew Pjeafitrg Inftrucior; Perry , s Sp» Boplf do.D;&*y.; Polite Education % Pike's Aitithmeti-s; do. Abridged 1 Principle.** of Eloquence ; Phyfieal Woz^:; ; FaleV*a Moral Piilofo- phy j Pocket Atlas f"j Beady Reckoner; Root'i; A^ithme^ic ; Supplepicnt to Johti- fon^ Pi8i f )nar|r, j Sh^ridanfi Diclipnary, improved; Smiirt'a Horicejs vols* % idan's Le^turefii Stittbenf* Ener cifei; Scoti'f Leitort*^ThefJraSid:at Surveyot** Afliftaitu % TaplIJi** farriery! | "V^itg I Del- phbd 1 Voltaire** PlrUofophical 0i^13ona- rj?; Webll0i*ii;6pe»litig*Bobkr <*o Ele- merdsof tJfelni Kito*i#Jedg«!; do, Gtam- tttar; do* Thtjrd pirt| Wlatt^** X^gfe; YOB ng*s -Latirt JQdfctionai y 1 fHfoo Man'» Beit Como4ntofi | Yooo^ Ltdief >and GenfliMttao't Monitor | Tfee Wofefter Collection oL Sscted Marlftioiiy i The r ._._ ,, „, „.,„. ,„,„__..„„ H'frtV-York Goil ; eciio»ol S*JC-fed-.-llftfinfto* ^{eumii» «^ Miry WoBIortcfAit j Mem»tr§ m< t by T. H* Atwel! j TIiejArt #1 Slug• of Mr$. B-Alnlpn j Min*d-Fo*iitmk? In**, by Andrew !JUNr; Oirmitt*-; licw M*»,y itii- Wti|ld| MvUrttt» «;»! f/|M« InftruPi^ns for the 'German Fitri}* *!c». DISSOLUTION. , j T HE Co Partnerihip oi LITTLE 0 ,HAWLEY, Hatters.i was diifolved. 011 the 24th ult» by mutual <:oqienu Mt "jicjfoni indebted to rhe^ fail firm are re- ^qu^ make jrpjpejUate payment Jo R* HATB^KLV', ^ 0 if adthorif^dto le^« l concerns of r,he lui^r company; and ail who have demands wiH,prt|fent them ae^ cordingly*' ROBERT LITTLE. - , * REUBEN HAWLEY. - Na; The Buftnefs of HATTING m}\ be continued hy v »He lobfedber, who wilt endeavor to merit the ravo?js oJ the pair* lie. , , ftfeUBEN IjtAWIiEV: ^. Qxnandaigua* Dec, 4 , l8j3.J» ' - % Ncrtcns & Riihard IS' mm ta 1 t^or J be Fit* ;' C>eg« - Strps £ CMhi** «n |wil^n 1 C^*br«' EL 1 j! »JJi 1; Voaijti; U* Wheat & I^e 9 Delivered at th<*tr S t o r e in Cana«d^%««, 'or, at $TBEL*& NORTPKS^MU Blooia* field,—Wke^ire, KdKTo^s '& Gu jt&N* SKY will pay Caih for Wheat and R> e, de- livered at their Store U Ch^stefiatu - T />«(» 94AB94- , {%} 1 ^ » t •i'Hj' ini.inniKiWwri{«pYu', it*' in - 1 j^r mcgimK At*f> for fa,le at ^4# Qftee, 1^1% jGfof% 0»ssa % or ^|«gle f ' * *<* *f»s!a f' m*

Transcript of ccbf Ileal !F4!ofophm| 13,tali. > Aifip...

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'CdtfAMttAmtJJi-i .(O^TA^IO COUBTYj PUJSjL$IE0 EVEKJY-Ttr.ESI>At,-SY ^»^£i>

-VOL. I I . ]

ccbf S&4fcb ; Jf onjj

Srrlive tm

€?it*itw4rfn t »

'AS pill i«cetv.edi( « i tbe Siot& For-•jpfc^'mcriy acctipkdt by MeiTrs* 4 u * | # u * fcmt&'lk Co* a J^ge a4dii*0iup-tbe3ir<*c|c

, I t f«#U* fe-.mglii of W toiling* B . e d k ^ , €o»

r-.ApA$0t* V iew oi K«|tigio|n-«, 4o*

••'fcrwil isii.a i Kcetj neepf ^^ng^Qa'i A* %im%§®Fm§tiit s fots,.i Br |>wtt ' is0fbrtj ' jjpRi&Mtairy vT r ^ l S-tbW,.. ** vol's, j - . 4<i. !.

• iafcijf'fltji^eyj ButleVaA^'Agy tf IWg-y

'fcie^-ee? ^biiiliWl?b4«fop!k'|- putfisa!,' 4>u tht- Revekti<x.n, *g vok. j . JDt*it|i of A-'(

' fefan'*. Leuei* j • Exfercitei ol|Pi«iy .* :!E**«! .f4«r*'cjfeS"ptrb«-Obrift'. .T: 'B^v^satofn ?:• \Jaklr- | • ^ " ^ ' s U i e * cUt/'on Affti£ltaiis| d i . a u ' ; ' 't*ift' W i l l i 'da* X«t*|*JHf*y? caricerniin^.• the .

'^itt<niiMt'Umv'eir^itm4. bv An3r«%*j-#^ I 'al- | •fer's BaelvlRdtfrf .da.JLileu}: Pe^tp^'f do. j

"'l|rifpi*Lh$ <J.WR \Vimefx ; do* Lcitefcrin '• ' :tb? Tendeucy of Cakamiliejiind ^o.djii^a i ', $ ¥ & • & $ ; Flav^lV Hu.fl>4n4r^ Spirituilif- ;

•*4-j. -da. Hfmjf3*:i "n $ptritu3l|-fed 3 .1*tike's /t

t?r<|^rv o* Jef»w Cferift j Q-tnfinel Cim2t« ;

JK&flf<i|f -f Him'j^^oif.'s ^ Uw-yepftj Saliva



Phyfic; l^ot/i Me [a*s Anatr»mj*; Parkin)

M^ftfcal 4'U>t«|iittt6rts j Eulb ' s Left)i<rcs;

tk% i vo!-s*k-b|rver'« Tia.vdl

•»—'j' IHi'


TVJBS'l>Ay\ JANWART.^ISZQ^ XN9*9& »*r~**

Ileal !F4!ofophm| 13,tali. > Aifip QW1 | *0t»'« Faftl^nd Vi^ipU ;* -Fanie|u ; Rod#Ic^

t fndedAain?*tioti j S'tdhh'*-L e t i e r s ; Smeilte*! Tablet j Thora l»nf« Family Pi-vficina; TownTend's Gtfife to

i:<?er Briufh Fi«tar<jbt 8 Braoks"* $*az& Vo!i* j B a l w a l r t Life of* jdlspf(m» g>dls>. j ISt l fc^ E i f ca t Brurk»» a vedi, ^ Biogr >ph-iejt! Dt&i)iiary' of Ct«!(?bfated W 0 0 eh i

Vendee ? Coc»k*s V o | ^ £ -

•£HtcoU*» Jojarhat 5 *

Flavius Jpfe^huy, Gxfs, j , ues d* tht Spe^ac<>r, a vols;,-; Btamfanit

Mok-e'ji Us1

t«*r^» 2,5 £4- Wis. Ltfc ot 0 HiiWv, $


«J l t i

JgftynVV'wiw J d'o» Lt f furcs j . ' t i i -*$" Germans ; t * r e ni CJhrif|. j TU-tfc

* t$ LeUmra V ^ w ' l o l |>effi:m-jl ««isi -s* a v; ;• Mul ls ! lo tt'«} SfM-lm <>rs<f A-'; -2,

?<*er of 4

Putyic Cto

Kaiidg-w* 2 iv6|«. j . Rodentk T s C a i l l e j limhm' a-:it!! Hacbel * S t^ rm j Spirit of Hie Cartle j Sfm I'mi m Hopes j Sailpr Bay ; S?. Eco»» 2 vwh.; Toi» ]o\m^ 3' vol*.; ;Tii«o^<ifia«»«'cl C o i | W » *: ft*i-

Mi5€El , tANI^S, A^lfottiaiiiMfeiianyjl AlkW* Let^

ters j sdo» 4ii Poetry-4 Advenwrer, 4 vols. J alio iti k v o k t Burlte's W^iks,

.ok*s V O N E - vols,; BlotTdms of Motality; Beauties o* * I Damjjur- 'Nature; Se^m** tl^mmu 6i Moral $ti*

[red- jftnee, 2 vols* 5! $enneVs Xetters j do»

4&ii«bafatt#t * vol*, j Jiwjne ^ n g l « n 4 with SmolfQi's C «ti i« vols* j HawkiHA** voygge;* Lils af Ct>wper !; HaW; rd's ary ^i, J »htt Atkms 's Adt j in-

votr. j * Johnfort's". Livei of 4 vols, do, abridged ; Jul»a-

pfec Biographical D»c*t|onary, i'ffeilin's N6t«s j Kot^ebue*$ ISxiiei' JC*Piivroufe's. Voj-.g:

PfW < 6!s. iio. 'V<*vug»:s and 1'Va

eridk II, Kinfj

a4dftoifb't Hiiary of Ingland, 3 vdis. # $?. Pierrei '^Iteil^ld'a L w W , 4 wl«^ d t J * tods. ? do. Abridged j do, ^aiural ' CMpobe'sLett.texsl Cout>t Rnmlord^s Kf-Hil| tJiv, JI vols, j : G o r d o n ^ ^ e r i c a n j l i i - r ^ ' ' ! • - . « • . . « ,. d«pb«4eitc#, 3 vols*; Hatctiinfo«*s

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Haylev^ JUty; Hil)

the P»et.% .fwjs Conil 0 v«b, J Liff, do

diciary ; iECip'^ Fables ; Femab^efttor I ffunkiht's Works; Ffienq oi A%ir>fnj Fcderali^ zj vols ;• 'Fttr^rtb on Fruit frees * I'Vteittafoii'sMoniidr; Guardian,

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$ {

<\L H«tursl Hiftoiy ; M a lirrick 1 Mil lot Ts fctement v«ils. Moore's Journal , 2 \|ols. ,% II

he Ejsliern C'ontinetn i do A-.jzctteet J do. abi hl%ed ; dtv U-.•*>UT4phVf a vols dv# a b n ^ t r d

Ci •yp»*s*

- ' ,- ** I « - « .• « I . . ^ fT>_/Y ^ „ .. J _ t V... i . , ' .

• Sv

- YJ

I>if.To*irf«s •; '3eU lino^ledge f an A':<*ttfv ;• W a u s . s 0;I«ry of

8 vc?iii. •Wrffi ' ^ • M i : . ? . .

WiifiteMthft Sacrament! j^tts'sMif* '•'€»ijai>y-; dn, Ffa-lm^; <io„ Fralm* land • ilyffiJR#j'rki, Pfalws. rnn ted by ;Br , l ) J%hi, . '#«•!». j*. Teieciion at H r a a s i Jfiefi-ry's 'Vcr-

;_;fiow;.tpf' r|ie faIm*4* Boddrid^ef4j! I|fyakins' j: v'Mef^5dJ!fl Hymns $ Tcftamcr^rs,';.]Bibilcst pf yajrioii;* iizes a«d pt'jceft,/f/otaji roi 17 oHs,|C«Sft«ro«>ri f»ay^r Bock,s «|f | the .£-

• 'srj&opid 'Chttjrch* , : ' £A.Wf ,j , '

. ., A ^ W V Reports ;.; Attorn.fv*j? |*offt:«?t»-3Sqt«k,. ifc.wte. ;i Bfacfcftone'* ;C«friimcii)ia* lirt^ mih ChtiUho's Uotz$.t 4 v o l s . ; d^, |H^bi*f) Ktfports. fi V) ! s . ; Bacon** A -w d g e m e a ^ . '7 vols. $ Byr«$*! JLaw D-ip-l|i^ai|y ' y / Burrow V h :Kfc#s. J fdg47J-r.te j C

. %di*i*>« •; CWiiy c*n Bufs -J E -ji s Hcpoihs,

t^ o ^ i , fcpina0;->' Pr^w,' 4 volb. j j), Cale% 2 vob. j For/ota-w^ie d^ Kcjt tr

,,'1tyf *"'sr»f#. j Gray don's ilit^il lot ifee -It**** of t|*e''iliiited. S'Aiev '- GIBbcift's

|L*w of Evidence, bv liotc, 2p vols^ ? Jiuf-i t o ^ 0 i t t - a m •' * ' " ' •- ^Uf " •*-"ebtfige* and

/'Eepoifsf £.; •'*0jf,, l i,*tV Oi S/*Ujr: on -E

Fleadefis Affv(r«iat^ Farbier pn Ufeliga-• i"t*M$. t P e a k e : m UuUmm 1 'P^Welt tm

l ^ ' l - w f ^ f e t ^ a vol*# ? ' do* o a |Cqotrafli*}

aly, 4 vois . 'Morki ' s Gd-

Kofzeb»e*is :*a<fei% j o h i i ^ i r s W orfc?; 0 • vcis, j iVo(zeb»6> rptiyV Pfays, jj vrds.j$;'Kuo»*«! feidvs, $ vols , ; at,', or' fUrrics' Skei^Jie*. 4*-voJs.;j. LyrtJe^f}'?

\|ols. I**<e*$f Leiter Wi i t e r s LiUfe Fa^iily i

o l i * ac>er$; Plmarcb** i-:ves,6 ^icnso de Medici-; g vols- llo-

besiToii^ C|iiiory of Cinries ti*e fihh, in 4 yaU. aadyi;i * ; do. of Americ^^ 2 vob*. do of thilh • d»» of ^ 6 t l a n d * Ji vols, dc«<»i Virgmi^ ^ NeV. |?,n^<3nd} f'aft*'J*?wr ia» j l^rt^ei's A'*ckiit &; Modern K,axv*|'e, 5 w t i j j HoiltitTjf Adffent Hilrory, 8 U>IK» Kii^y^s NAf'vtrai- H ; J t o r v j iJjjht'si'ati's 3*I*f-i

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' Oi&TRY*

iBfji^tt1! Poeirsj Bullet's Uudih iCollins* Poems j Conqucit oi Can* ; Cai^pHeti''s| Foe mj Ctaifical Engiiib Uo.'

ctry ; Covrpcr's Poeins, z vols. COWJ er's .Title; Churchill's Poems, 2 vois. Cow ley iiad 0enham's Foe01s; D*yden*3 Pa-ttfcid works, 3 «roJ*. Ikidffey&i Johnisn*s Poepis ; Faulkner's Sbipwret k ; rainier\s I W i Go|dfmub,s*Po'crns ; QtAdimha 3c

! doihns* Poems j Ge (frier's Idyls j Ling lmrlie'& Poems; Lynn's Powers of Cfen-{u*j! Mdurn's poetical Works I M*j|ei'i

s Heporis,* $ YQIS,'"-.{andPomket's Pberns f OilianVPoen^s, 2 i^ilitttitu.ftsiol the [.yolsj.Pl«!afuj-<»^Ho pe» and Pleafure s ol

Meibory ,* Paradife Loft ; Purfuics of Liu eratilire ; Pindar's Poerns, 2 vobs. Po( ms* Scldcled trom Pbidar \ Pope's Poe ical j y4k* r 3 vt>^' PffWi Poems, 2 voh,P?oa. Ivet'b Poems j Poefka'l Library^ Rajrr«: Poeb»s« a vols. Itur-ii Tales j Spenc er's Fairy Queen j ishervftone's Po^ms;-Sh|»ke^ fpeare's. P lan fy "Poems, H

a v$s* SongOfeP$ Miifeum ; Dib((iii3 Song* ; ?ocal llfaarmer j Sky Lark,

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t^aiiwe. * vols, j fielders 011 l!Te» s«i4 €Wl(e Rtchmi \ Cavejrn ol Death 11 Syltem of Pbadli^, by Weuf-

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do'-yei, B vo}». j

JU-t<e!S$ Lei tier. W i b e f s Lit tie Family / L'rxtlm* iJbrarjv j Lftck^'s I j l S g ^ 3 \ 'bls.; Larfy Hrjpta^lit 's Wor}>s» ^ vols, j M^r^l Moiiittjr, 2 vols, ; MjirfW,J2 vok. j &1ore on Education•;• Ne^|on'$ wku \ Poliu if-*! JnY>*cA

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SCIENTIFIC?& S P B O Q L BOGICS, Arc pi Readj!j|tr; Aldams*£ Latin Grani-

•mar j Art of Speakin| j- Alc^ander 'sAri ib-iridic j d^.Gfajinnxarj;da-L:iti« do. ido. El-ememsol; do* | American Preceptor ;• At -Us Mipim»& j [ Afb*s Difliortaty, 2 vols ; Blair's Lectures on Bjheioii^, a volsj J do . , Abridged j Bi.i^ifh C^IsiEc^s ?* Bracken's Farriery ; Buijder'S Jewel ;i Caiey's Gen-ra! Atlas ; Complete iDiftiilj?r ; Cemplete

oVs Accidence j>Primme«; Cbap B o ^ k t , ] together with a great variety or Children'* books, Pl^ys, Pamphlets, Pifidie5f,j&e, See. Alrnanacks for 180,5, and aifo a ^«i* oral afloiunent of Jjtauonarv. Any arti-cks of which he wiJl f'cir on reaf*>naib?e terms for C-fii, Whea t , Rye o r Corin*—, Batter, aifo, will be ukeo in paytnentitrll tbes^thol Tannarvinif, Liberal difcdnntf* will be made tothoie who purchafe tOf- Y cpnfidprrtb?/» amonnf, J4rt^7^

| f c " * ' " — ' - • ' * • • * - • - - . m i . - ' n - i i - • • • ' - • — 1 i ' • • • ^ • ^ -

JLlai* (JF l-EiTEK^ 1 Remaining in the PojLOffice^ Cmandai*

#ua, January 1^1^0,5. i " •

SE B E C A S E , Natharftl Cladc, ThA. ooh^f.'JLarnard, WiJiiaAi Smith, Sans-

uel H . T u r r e y , E f c r e l e u s H o d g ; D a v i d C . H o o k e r , H e n t y I . Mother , ESifha Cary k

^o th ta T e n n y , Peggy Pear6c, WiBIam Mntfiij Aaron Baley, Abner Adam*, A a ­ron Gayiard*. Wdt ram Grifn'oId^iNa^han* iel Lew f , ^Daniel Lcfever, Ruth Gating, Leonard Stephen*, Abigail W a r r e n , Chailes Brown* Oft$£r Adams, Daniel Sbitock,D.miel Mendel);—Cunaddaigua. - Shason Booth, Farmmgton.l A Eiiakjm Walker , 2, Jot in Keid, fJofepli Wtn t e r , Serajah Sttaiteii, SarrV Dunmor. ' —Brifiaf. ^ '

L<*mud Cbipman, Gtfs Jo|jnfon^ Sal* roon Preiion—Pittjt'cwn* , * 1.' ,,

Enoch Mor/e, 3 ,liiha Granger, Johns Gilbert, Ifaac CaronJ, 2, Elias iSrreeter^^Ur fanna Ho-.viand4 Nathaniel JReid—Ptieltos* /<7a//r. , |, - { j ^ • Ephraim Rew, Roger Spra^ue. Ehim*

Jifld, , • . ', J'/fijH Bradiib, Ephrasm preen, Ed-

^ajd Lo\*', Edward Kibby—Mtddlcto^UL Levi P. ice, William Gdb'n, J o h n Pack

ard, Zebatou Will iams, 2j J i m e s Termy Pahnyra. ' I " - t

Ab'igad Wilh'anjfoii, Dat^iei RuHel Jfrilli4mfon}.

T nosm 1 * J

* f. 1- j ,

Morgan Ha-

R i c e , Ij-iniel Moife.—Eajhcn Jeile Hail,Joflwaj4ipi, ^

ton, 'VV'ilJiani W.Hcock , S in , Charlcjltin.

Thcraa<i fidMl. Lcsvis thaniel Taylor—Nbrthamp; , , George Green,-Ku.old Pptter, J<jaa» W y m a n , Abb l Thomas-—Attgujia. ' „

Samuel & Jacob Alfeni, Jok-pb Big"* low, Daniel Ruflelf, Nicb<>la& Pu lhn^ , James Shergeant, Joseph S.tanron, ^ha-dreck Woodatd , jacocks , J 'ohp Lee, 2, Abraham Caie, Joief)h Jewct t*^-0-nta.YVo Couniy. j - ! ~ Peter R u b n ^ ^ i J ^ f l . * - ••'!


TH E following Lot^ofj LAK0 1 , k Townfhip No; i o , 71*% Range", ivtz,

No.*2£&\ 25J, 249.. 232, sey, 217, 177 .204, S23 aud part of 1236'....For pErticu. lars apply to the fubfcrib^r. ^t G&ttvd.K<

I JOHN JOHNSTON i>w. 31.1804. ' - 8 S ' ^

W o m a n Cook!;iColumbianPs*ater; Ch$ N # L l T i i 0 U S h , i ' . 2 ' i?\*t °¥'Ay Wren's Friend; y C!«fric6*» JErafmi ; do .

Corderii { Ct4e!ronJs GratipTies ; Gaels ; Davidfon's Vergil, 2 yols^j Dihvorth 's SpGliing B o o t .5 dol Booli Keepers Af-iiftantt t toprovqd; ^Enlields Philofophy, improved by Webbe r jEni te id ' s Speaker ; Ent i rk ' s Dictionary » Farrier 's £>i6Har»a. ry ; Fran*is's| Horace , 4"Vpis. j - Federal Calcujacor \ Gibbon's Surveying j H i v e ; Hiftorical G r a m m a r : ''• [ohnlfon^ Diftion

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J L J L aj'b refpefcliveJy informed, tha^ 'un-\z\$immedtatt payment is made, thcyjwiH meet with coll and trouble. J •

ELIJAH MOSLEY. ' „Ar0D. 6/1S04. , {^0}.

Cbaribtte^ Letters ; Gbarioite Temiie ; Coquette j Canwlla, g vols* j Count* Fa* tboui j Cecelia, 3 vo!s,|' Ctarifla f Ur*

pina^ba* j DeVako J3 »nj GfalHotte, In i, in 4, and hi 5 yob< 1 Evebna, 2 vols, j Bltifoni Edvyant Ev

-^tierimti. H$t\u% w WbtltthHtdtest3 difda-j' Fredfelt.%- Larimer 1 Forre&rs;, #»o|C*ir/»deM*e«m'4 BeH*f'$wrge* Fi*-d|o-,*Qa*Hfy j Gjudentioi Gnlti*cr**

f4 vow* do oft-*be Yeti^real,!" Bntbart Travk^b; Geurge Barnweii j_ Gil" Btai, *o .Uijmviw hfctimm'? Beddoe*rOfefef* "*»4Jwl0iij 4 v.>U.-$ Hemy VE!ar*$ -fc.iiiV

• m the.&ttfnm|*ti.vej Brftf1! *1* b*nd|} Hwtdoo Phdotbphcw j IriuS-.ix-, »dAfiroiiiy% 0i*Jlert% B;fa*erU; Med* cmbfjn, a v*d», j|Julia mtd theBaron 1 lit-

^toipMmi-Btfmn** %>wmm#f ' il»r*ft)iig. Martrojis j Jof*ph Andrewi,» | ^ 5 _ 0ei$«iia*i*f • fc$i4#if*ry:, * yo}*. j- W*J.y Italian lpfun.; IJleot' Wdm]s

m\ Aim«+to! MdlcinVr EtUjw'i M-*VJa»ni, -s vbli.j: M«» or teel%; it PM«t*Bwfc? tiairtttei*# I V .^l(?tt^ml»ofMlH:"r•••*, —'"* *** J

£*ri<h£iy1khni<!0 U^w'thrfi of rv|r$, B-Alnl ' J rnySohijV; Hu«t*ron ttie Bh«m * kti M#.lie>J 0iHi^ary % J4ek* ?* S i Jtwwf (us Cur' P01;.' hw*

*vf *(*'d ft! \ th>, li"\,i*Ut %. M,t»«; ' 1*' rt. i M-Mt<KlL»i M*V

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e s ; do* Rcatlelr ; do» Granutfiar ? do, do . Abridged ; MiJFs Farriery4 Hew Pjeafitrg Inftrucior; Perry ,s Sp» B o p l f do.D;&*y.; Polite Education % Pike's Aitithmeti-s; do . Abridged 1 Principle.** of Eloquence ; Phyfieal Woz^:; ;FaleV*a Moral Piilofo-phy j Pocket Atlas f"j Beady Reckoner; Root'i; A^ithme^ic ; Supplepicnt to Johti-fon^ Pi8if)nar|r, j Sh^ridanfi Diclipnary, improved; Smiirt'a Horicejs vols* % idan's Le^turefii Stittbenf* Ener cifei; Scoti'f Leitort*^ThefJraSid:at Surveyot** Afliftaitu % TaplIJi** farriery! | "V itg I Del-phbd 1 Voltaire** PlrUofophical 0i^13ona-rj?; Webll0i*ii;6pe»litig*Bobkr <*o Ele-merdsof tJfelni Kito*i#Jedg«!; do, Gtam-tttar; do* Thtjrd p i r t | Wlatt ** X^gfe; YOB ng*s -Latirt JQdfc tionai y 1 fHfoo p£ Man'» Beit Como4ntofi | Yooo^ Ltdief >and GenfliMttao't Monitor | Tfee Wofefter Collection oL Sscted Marlftioiiy i The

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THE Co Partnerihip oi LITTLE 0 ,HAWLEY, Hatters.i was diifolved.

011 the 24th ult» by mutual <:oqienu Mt "jicjfoni indebted to rhe fail firm are re-^qu^ make jrpjpejUate payment Jo R*

HATB^KLV', ^ 0 if adthorif^dto le^« l^« concerns of r,he lui^r company; and ail who have demands wiH,prt|fent them ae^ cordingly*' ROBERT LITTLE. - , *

REUBEN HAWLEY. -Na; The Buftnefs of HATTING m}\

be continued hyv»He lobfedber, who wilt endeavor to merit the ravo?js oJ the pair* lie. , , ftfeUBEN IjtAWIiEV: ^.

Qxnandaigua* Dec, 4 , l8j3.J» ' - %

Ncrtcns & Riihard IS'


ta 1 t or J be Fit* ; ' C>eg« - Strps £ CMhi** «n |wil^n 1 C *br«' EL 1 j ! »JJi 1; Voaijti; U*

Wheat & I^e9 Delivered at th<*tr Store in Cana«d^%««,

'or, at $ T B E L * & N O R T P K S ^ M U Blooia* field,—Wke^ire, KdKTo^s '& Gu jt&N* S K Y will pay Caih for W h e a t and R> e, de­livered at their Store U Ch^stefiatu -

T />«(» 94AB94- , {%} 1 ^ » t •i'Hj' ini.inniKiWwri{«pYu',

it*' in

-1 j ^ r mcgimK At*f> for fa,le at ^4# Qftee, 1^1%

jGfof% 0»ssa% or ^|«glef' *

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