甯共毋獨 - us-chinaforum.org file中美論壇稿約...

h 109 社務委員:劉 冰 張紹遷 周友道 傅建烈 水秉和 陳憲中 馬在莊 佟秉宇 范湘濤 兼社長 張文基 張一飛 陳立家 最近讀一本書,名叫《從抗 日到反獨》,作者是前龍旗雜 誌主筆勞政武執筆,由滕傑口 述的歷史。 傑何許人也,黃埔四期,一 生都在蔣介石身邊,作政黨政治 的研究工作,他在日本留學四年 學的也是這門功課。他自九一八 以後,結合忠心於蔣介石的黃埔 學生成立 力行社 ,這個 力行社是秘密組織,我當兵 時,曾聽說國民黨裡有個藍衣 ,是共產黨的死對頭,指的 就是這個組織。事實上,藍衣 這個名字是 外人給他起的, 他的本名就叫力行社,其中 成員都是黃埔學生,這組織對保 密防諜做得很好。滕傑就是這個 組織的發起人,也是負責人,真 正領導人當然是蔣介 石。 這個力行社曾經完成了: 1.瓦解兩廣 2.穩定山東 3.安撫華北 4.聯絡西南 行社自民國二十年九一 八事件後開始成立,到二十六年 七七對日抗戰就完成了以上那四 項任務,這種任務不是專靠政治 或軍事解決,力行社運用特 別方式完成 了這些任務,對爾後 的抗日工作頗有貢獻。為什麼到 七七抗日戰爭以後這個組織要解 散呢?因為抗日要全國一致對 外,要團結各方勢力,同心協力 才行。這力行 在非黃埔系 的人看起來就有些扎眼了,為了 怕影響團結,這個組織就解散 了。 組織雖然解散了其精神還在, 這組織最大貢獻就是把國家安全 工作立下了根基。目前國家安 全局就是由當年力行社報處逐漸擴大為軍事委員會調查 統計局(簡稱軍統局)這樣嬗遞而 成的。 傑善於作組織工作,作過 力行社的書記,在上海作過 情報員,作過中央軍校政訓處 長,作過湖南軍管區參謀長,作 過軍事委員會政治部辦公廳主 任,在國共內戰 中作過徐州綏靖 公署的祕書長。還作過大陸最後 一任南京市長,來台後任國大代 表,並兼任國大代表會黨團書記 長多年…..。一生好像都是在作幕 僚的工作,其他 最感興趣的工 作,就是作政黨政治的研究工 作,蔣介石常常把這類工作交給 他辦。 由於他常期作政黨政治研究工 作,他對中國共產的認識一定佷 清楚。 該書248~249說: ……國共兩黨相鬥六十年,所 爭的無非是主義思想,為『理念 之爭』,充其量是毛、蔣二人的 『政權之爭』。反台獨則層次不 同,是民族大義問題。…….所以 他以後說了一句語重心長的話: 『甯共毋獨』。 像滕傑這樣專心研究反共之 人,在國共勢力消長,而台獨勢 力囂張之際,他選擇了『甯共毋 獨』,他的見地深遠啊! 該書436-437又說: 們台灣內部當前面臨的台獨 問題,在李登輝逐步奪取黨政大 權,走向地域主義路線,台獨勢 力高漲,兩岸關係緊張,這個問 題不止乎台灣的現勢禍福,而且 牽涉到民 族大義,……我們是一 生反共的人,今天寧可跟共產黨 合作,也不容台獨得逞。我們只 有走這條路線,才能保障台灣的 當前安定,才符合中華民族長遠 的利益! 位畢生研究反共策略受蔣介 石特殊依畀的先哲滕傑先生,民 國九十三年(2004)七月四月在台 北榮總安祥去世,但他的『甯共 毋獨』卻永留心中,因為國共之 只在於『主義之爭』、『政權 之爭』,但畢竟中國共產黨中國人,國共之爭是兄弟鬩牆之 爭,而台獨份子,從根本上它否 定自己是中國人,從它們不斷的 言行 中,它們就一心要投向倭奴 甘心作倭奴二等國民的民族敗 類,我們不僅要反對它,而且要 澈底剷除它,從目前的鬧得沸沸 揚揚的課綱問題,其中心問題就 是它們要美 化日本對台的殖民罪 行。 傑先生說得不錯,中國大陸 自鄧小平開始實施改革開放政 策,以及其繼承人江澤民、胡錦 濤,以迄目前的習近平,都是本 著鄧小平路線向前走的。目前的 中國大陸, 在國防上是世界坐二 望一的強國,在經濟上由世界的 工廠躍進到世界的市場,而且目 前他正推動世界級的『一帶一 路』的經濟戰略構想,他創設的 『亞投銀行』目前 已有近百個國 家申請加入。所以滕傑先生說, 現在的中共已完成了國父的『民 族主義』與『民生主義』的要 求。大概只有『民權主義』,他 作得仍不夠理想。 實,就我個人的看法,為了 『民族主義』與『民生主義』有 效的達成,對於『民權』受點限 制也是在所難免的,試想,如果 把台灣旳這套 『民主』搬到大陸 去,大陸上的國防和經濟,不但 不會這般進步,以大陸的幅圓之 遼濶,人口之眾多,恐怕其亂象 比台灣還要厲害,而中國大陸雖 然是一黨專政,但 中共在強調 『以憲治國,以法治國』自我約 束下,只要能嚴守『法治』,專 又如何?總比台灣的『民粹』好 得多。何況人民的生活水平到達 某種程度後,其對民主的 要求自 會提高,中共會應人民需求而逐 步改進其人權的需求。所以滕傑 先賢說:我們沒有理由再繼續 『反共』下去,因為對方已經 『非共』了,我們反什麼 『共』? 起台獨,我們一定要反對到 底,這是民族的大義,我們不能 絲毫放鬆。台獨份子除了他數典 忘祖不承認自己是中國人之外, 而且它還認賊作父,甘心作奴, 實在是無 耻到底。其實任何一個 國家的國民,如果想變更自己的 國籍,那你就放棄自己原來的國 籍而去加入你所喜歡的國籍就可 以了,那也不是什麼很嚴重的 事。曹興誠先生 不是放棄中華民 國籍而入了新加坡國籍嗎? 可是台獨份子不一樣,它不承 認自己是中國人,卻又拼命的參選 中華民國的各項公職,享受中華民 國憲法的權利,從中破壞中華民 國,出賣自己的祖宗八代和自己的 靈肉,甚至還想出賣中華民國,這 種吃裡扒外的東西,當然要反對到 底,滕傑先賢的『甯共毋獨』,誠 哉!斯言! ~ 姚雲龍 ~ 所謂天將毀滅一個人,必先使其 瘋狂。而一個瘋狂的社會則總是只 會責怪別人護短自己。披著民主的 外衣,而不擇手段、為所欲為。最 後乃至是非黑白顛倒,恩將仇報。 韓國爆發MERS疫情,被台灣冷 嘲熱諷罵的狗血淋頭。而台灣本土 特有的腸病毒、登革熱開始漫延, 媒體卻是輕描毫不追究!是因為怕 過去吹捧的台南、高雄民意度最高 的地方首長下不了台,還是犯了同 樣的護扁情節? 更荒謬的是二戰時期在亞洲被日 本殖民過的地方,只有台灣不但不 歡喜慶祝自己能被解放出來,還要 幫著殖民主子日本來抵制大陸的反 法西斯侵略勝利七十周年紀念。台 獨份子何曾感激過中華民國政府, 現在則更擔心中國大陸繼承抗戰勝 利的果實,而寧可選擇和日本不斷 的抵毀和挑撥! 連家從祖父連橫開始抗日,而連 戰受邀代表台灣和大陸一起慶祝抗 日勝利七十周年,是名正言順的共 襄盛舉,卻被台獨份子侮蔑成賣 台!沒有大陸人的流血抗戰,台灣 人現在還是日本二等公民,今天還 有機會奢望台獨? 而真正想要賣台的李皇民去日本 和安倍勾三搭四,台獨份子卻啞雀 無聲乃至容忍、唱和,這麼想當日 本人,絕沒有人會攔阻你們,就快 去吧!何須留在台灣折磨自己?日 本戰敗把台灣歸還中國,無論當時 是那個政府受降都是代表中國,歷 史的傳承無法改變,台灣未定論只 不過是台獨份子自瀆而以! 精神錯亂下扭曲的社會價值 ~孫大衛~ Perhaps everyone knows that August 15th, 1945, is the date that the Imperial Japan surrendered to the Allies, China, Great Britain, Russia and the United States, but not every American knows the details of the wars between China and Japan. The first Sino-Japan War (8-1-1894 to 4- 17-1895) over the control of Korea ended with a humiliating treaty parting Formosa (Taiwan) to Japan along with huge amount of reparation (6 years of Japan's annual national budget) which fueled Japan's ambition to build an Empire. The second Sino-Japan War started 7-7-1937 (Lu-Gou Qiao, Marco Polo Bridge incident) but Japan failed to bring China to her knees in six months as designed by Japan's ambitious invasion plan. Although Japan was wining initially, but bitter battles endured resulting in the infamous six weeks of Nanking Massacre (The capital fell on December 13, 1939 and the Japanese massacred the city's citizens and soldiers indiscriminantly). After failing to stop the Japanese in the South, the Chinese central government was relocated to Chongqing in the Chinese interior. By 1939, after Chinese victories in Changsha and Guangxi, and with stretching battle lines deep into the Chinese interior territories (where the Chinese communists and communal forces also fought the Japanese courageously), the war had become exhausting to the Japanese army. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941) hoping to win by navy and to secure her war supply, the U.S. declared war against Japan marking the beginning of the Pacific War (Dec. 8, 1941). It turns out the Sino-Japan War lasted eight years (7-7-1937 to 9- 9-1945, when the Japanese army surrendered to the Chinese) despite of an on-going internal Chinese revolution seeking control to form a republic th China. August 15 1945 is remembered worldwide as the ending of WW II but rarely people count exactly when the various wars started or how many years had passed since the ending. It is quite normal that people personally not engaged in the wars only remember one historical date, August 15th, th 1945, as the ending day of WW II. May 8 , 1945 is celebrated as Victory- th Europe Day (May 7 in Great Britain) when Nazi Germany surrendered. Post WW II, the German government sincerely apologized for the war the Nazi Germany inflicted on the other nations. Not only the war was atrocious but the Nazi army targeted the Jews and killed close to 6 million Jews in various countries. The German people through their government showed remorse and apologized for their war crimes. The Germans compensated and paid reparations to war victims and/or their dependents/descendants. The Germans were forgiven and no one keeps asking the Germans and their future generations to apologize for the war crimes committed in the past. Why?! The Germans sincerely apologized and built war memorials to tell the world and their future generations the truth and the world accepted it. That is as simple as that. Why are the Asian people, the Chinese, the Koreans, the Philippines, the Singaporeans, the Malaysians, the Indonesians and even people in Indo-China, Thais, Vietnamese and all Asian people including Russians not only celebrating the WW II victory day but also counting the years how long ago it happened? The answer again is simple. The war perpetrator, the Imperial Japan, had never made a sincere apology to the countries that were victimized by Japan's war crimes. Estimated 10 million people were killed by the Imperial Japanese Army in China and South East Asia. Japan committed more atrocious crimes than the Nazi Germany did with more varieties and cruelty, for example, mass murdering and raping the civilians in the entire city of Nanking, subjecting entire villages to chemical and bacteria experiments, and forcing hundreds of thousands of women to be sex slaves to serve the Japanese army, in addition to wanton killings of babies, pregnant women and elderly as sporting games all documented by photos. What did the post war Japanese governments do regarding these horrible war crimes? Throughout the past 70 years, the official statements are just veiled regrets and often coupled with denials of those war crimes ever happened. The Japanese governmental officials treated the voices of the war victims and their descendants and representatives as annoyances, refusing to even grant them a hearing in Japanese courts. No formal apology by the Emperor of Japan and no apology ever issued by a prime minister to the victimized nations until 1972, when Kakuei Tanaka said in a joint communiqué to China: "The Japanese side is keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious damage that Japan caused in the past to the Chinese people through war, and deeply reproaches itself. Further, the Japanese side reaffirms its position that it intends to realize the normalization of relations between the two countries …. " On August 24, 1982, Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki said: "I am painfully aware of Japan's responsibility for inflicting serious damages [on Asian nations] during the past war." Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi issued more veiled statements regarding WW II and comfort women but he was also the one visited the Yasukuni Shrine (2006) to worship the war criminals. So did Abe Shinzo, the current Prime Minister, in 2007 and 2013 which angered China and S. Korea and annoyed the U.S. While Abe issued another veiled statement regarding WW II and stayed away on August 15 this year from Yasukuni but he made a donation instead. His wife Akie however made a visit on 8/17 and posted on her Facebook page. It is regrettable that the Japanese leaders did not wish to apologize for Japan's war crimes but it is adding insult to injury by being hypocritical. 2015 is the 70th Anniversary of the Ending of WW II. More ceremonies worldwide are held to celebrate the victory date as well as to remember the war crimes and honor the war heroes. The author personally attended one, organized by a committee and the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs of Los Angeles County, U.S.-China Institute, University of Southern California and US-China Forum, in the Bob Hope Patriotic Hall in Los Angeles. In addition to exhibits and presenting memorial medallion to veterans, two symposia were held to advocate cooperative peace in Asia and to recall the heroic acts of the Allied forces working together between the United States and China. The reasons for holding these events are quite obvious: so long as Japan is white washing her textbooks about the war facts and the Japanese government is unwilling to make a straight sincere apology to accept the responsibility of WW II, the world is obligated to remind Japan to set the record straight. On August 15th, 2015, the Japanese Prime Minister again made a veiled statement expressing regrets but no sincere apology. Instead of making an honest statement that Asians and Americans expect, the Japanese government hosted her own ceremony emphasizing that the Japanese young generations are not responsible for the war therefore they should not be subjected to the demand of apology. The world demands an official sincere apology from the leaders of Japan, their acceptance of the undeniable facts of the war crimes committed by Japan in WW II. Why is that so difficult? Sure, the Japanese kids today were not responsible for the war crimes of their ancestors but they do have the moral responsibility to know and acknowledge the war facts in the past and they deserve to have a government to offer them the truth. In Japan, there are citizens who believe they should be truthful to history and to the past especially on war crimes. Professor Saburo Ienaga (born in 1913 in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, graduated from the Literature Department at Tokyo Imperial University (the present Tokyo University) in 1937, and became a teacher and was a teacher in a high school in Niigata when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941) has devoted a large part of his life to ensuring that the truth about what happened in Asia in WW II is known and remembered in his native Japan to the extent suing the Japanese Ministry of Education for censoring his textbook. This year, 2015, more expanded memorial events on WW II, will drown out the pathetic cry of "Leave us (Japan) alone, haven't we apologized enough?" No, the world demands justice, deplores militarism, and wants peace not aggression. So long as, the current Japanese government is pushing to revise its peace constitution, to increase its military budget to build up its army, navy and air force and to brain wash the Japanese young people to deny history and to worship 'war criminals', the world will not leave Japan alone and will continue demanding her apology and behavior change. The 70th Anniversary of the Ending of WW II just held on 8/14 and 8/15 in the Los Angeles County and one planned for 9/3 in China are good examples to show that sentiment! (Ref: www.us-chinaforum.com) 70th Anniversary of the Ending of WW II Mainstream and Organic Dr. Wordman 文稿言論不代表本報立場,文責自負。 甯共毋獨 日本當年播的種, 現已遍地在開花。 為日辯護慰安婦, 整個世界只有它。 為日戰敗表傷痛, 殖民統治被美化。 老蔣銅像被推倒, 後藤新平取代它。 阿輝阿扁主政來, 一切都已改變啦。 年輕學子被洗腦, 心中那有我中華。 去中反中是主調, 頭號仇敵是支那。 讓利給利不管用, 就不跟你是一家。 能夠獨立當然好, 歸順日本才更佳。 莫對小英存幻想, 維持現狀是假話。 趕緊光復台灣吧, 再等下去就晚啦。 趕緊光復台灣吧 ~回頭馬~

Transcript of 甯共毋獨 - us-chinaforum.org file中美論壇稿約...


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社務委員:劉 冰 張紹遷 周友道 傅建烈 水秉和

陳憲中 馬在莊 佟秉宇 范湘濤 兼社長張文基


張一飛 陳立家 最近讀一本書,名叫《從抗



述的歷史。滕 傑何許人也,黃埔四期,一

生都在蔣介石身邊,作政黨政治的研究工作,他在日本留學四年學的也是這門功課。他自九一八以後,結合忠心於蔣介石的黃埔學生成立 了“力行社”,這個





社”這個名字是 外人給他起的,


成員都是黃埔學生,這組織對保密防諜做得很好。滕傑就是這個組織的發起人,也是負責人,真正 領 導 人 當 然 是 蔣 介 石 。這個“力行社”曾經完成了:





“力 行社”自民國二十年九一


別方式完成 了這些任務,對爾後的抗日工作頗有貢獻。為什麼到七七抗日戰爭以後這個組織要解散呢?因為抗日要全國一致對外,要團結各方勢力,同心協力才行。這“力行 社”在非黃埔系






成的。滕 傑善於作組織工作,作過


情報員,作過中央軍校政訓處長,作過湖南軍管區參謀長,作過軍事委員會政治部辦公廳主任,在國共內戰 中作過徐州綏靖公署的祕書長。還作過大陸最後


僚的工作,其他 最感興趣的工作,就是作政黨政治的研究工作,蔣介石常常把這類工作交給他辦。













我 們台灣內部當前面臨的台獨問題,在李登輝逐步奪取黨政大權,走向地域主義路線,台獨勢力高漲,兩岸關係緊張,這個問題不止乎台灣的現勢禍福,而且牽涉到民 族大義,……我們是一


這 位畢生研究反共策略受蔣介石特殊依畀的先哲滕傑先生,民國九十三年 (2004)七月四月在台

北榮總安祥去世,但他的『甯共毋獨』卻永留心中,因為國共之爭 只在於『主義之爭』、『政權之爭』,但畢竟中國共產黨也是

中國人,國共之爭是兄弟鬩牆之爭,而台獨份子,從根本上它否定自己是中國人,從它們不斷的言行 中,它們就一心要投向倭奴甘心作倭奴二等國民的民族敗類,我們不僅要反對它,而且要澈底剷除它,從目前的鬧得沸沸揚揚的課綱問題,其中心問題就是它們要美 化日本對台的殖民罪行。

滕 傑先生說得不錯,中國大陸自鄧小平開始實施改革開放政策,以及其繼承人江澤民、胡錦

濤,以迄目前的習近平,都是本著鄧小平路線向前走的。目前的中國大陸, 在國防上是世界坐二望一的強國,在經濟上由世界的工廠躍進到世界的市場,而且目前他正推動世界級的『一帶一路』的經濟戰略構想,他創設的『亞投銀行』目前 已有近百個國家申請加入。所以滕傑先生說,現在的中共已完成了國父的『民族主義』與『民生主義』的要求。大概只有『民權主義』,他作得仍不夠理想。

其 實,就我個人的看法,為了『民族主義』與『民生主義』有效的達成,對於『民權』受點限制也是在所難免的,試想,如果把台灣旳這套 『民主』搬到大陸去,大陸上的國防和經濟,不但不會這般進步,以大陸的幅圓之遼濶,人口之眾多,恐怕其亂象比台灣還要厲害,而中國大陸雖然是一黨專政,但 中共在強調『以憲治國,以法治國』自我約束下,只要能嚴守『法治』,專又如何?總比台灣的『民粹』好得多。何況人民的生活水平到達某種程度後,其對民主的 要求自會提高,中共會應人民需求而逐步改進其人權的需求。所以滕傑先賢說:我們沒有理由再繼續『反共』下去,因為對方已經『 非 共 』 了 , 我 們 反 什 麼『共』?

說 起台獨,我們一定要反對到底,這是民族的大義,我們不能絲毫放鬆。台獨份子除了他數典忘祖不承認自己是中國人之外,而且它還認賊作父,甘心作奴,實在是無 耻到底。其實任何一個國家的國民,如果想變更自己的國籍,那你就放棄自己原來的國籍而去加入你所喜歡的國籍就可以了,那也不是什麼很嚴重的事。曹興誠先生 不是放棄中華民國籍而入了新加坡國籍嗎?











~ 姚雲龍 ~







































Perhaps everyone knows that August 15th, 1945, is the date that

the Imperial Japan surrendered to the Allies, China, Great Britain, Russia

and the United States, but not every American knows the details of the

wars between China and Japan. The first Sino-Japan War (8-1-1894 to 4-

17-1895) over the control of Korea ended with a humiliating treaty parting

Formosa (Taiwan) to Japan along with huge amount of reparation (6 years

of Japan's annual national budget) which fueled Japan's ambition to build

an Empire. The second Sino-Japan War started 7-7-1937 (Lu-Gou Qiao,

Marco Polo Bridge incident) but Japan failed to bring China to her knees

in six months as designed by Japan's ambitious invasion plan. Although

Japan was wining initially, but bitter battles endured resulting in the

infamous six weeks of Nanking Massacre (The capital fell on December

13, 1939 and the Japanese massacred the city's citizens and soldiers

indiscriminantly). After failing to stop the Japanese in the South, the

Chinese central government was relocated to Chongqing in the Chinese

interior. By 1939, after Chinese victories in Changsha and Guangxi, and

with stretching battle lines deep into the Chinese interior territories (where

the Chinese communists and communal forces also fought the Japanese

courageously), the war had become exhausting to the Japanese army.

When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941) hoping to win by navy

and to secure her war supply, the U.S. declared war against Japan marking

the beginning of the Pacific War (Dec. 8, 1941).

It turns out the Sino-Japan War lasted eight years (7-7-1937 to 9-

9-1945, when the Japanese army surrendered to the Chinese) despite of an

on-going internal Chinese revolution seeking control to form a republic thChina. August 15 1945 is remembered worldwide as the ending of WW II

but rarely people count exactly when the various wars started or how many

years had passed since the ending. It is quite normal that people personally

not engaged in the wars only remember one historical date, August 15th, th1945, as the ending day of WW II. May 8 , 1945 is celebrated as Victory-

thEurope Day (May 7 in Great Britain) when Nazi Germany surrendered.

Post WW II, the German government sincerely apologized for the war the

Nazi Germany inflicted on the other nations. Not only the war was

atrocious but the Nazi army targeted the Jews and killed close to 6 million

Jews in various countries. The German people through their government

showed remorse and apologized for their war crimes. The Germans

compensated and paid reparations to war victims and/or their

dependents/descendants. The Germans were forgiven and no one keeps

asking the Germans and their future generations to apologize for the war

crimes committed in the past. Why?! The Germans sincerely apologized

and built war memorials to tell the world and their future generations the

truth and the world accepted it. That is as simple as that.

Why are the Asian people, the Chinese, the Koreans, the

Philippines, the Singaporeans, the Malaysians, the Indonesians and

even people in Indo-China, Thais, Vietnamese and all Asian people

including Russians not only celebrating the WW II victory day but

also counting the years how long ago it happened? The answer again

is simple. The war perpetrator, the Imperial Japan, had never made a

sincere apology to the countries that were victimized by Japan's war

crimes. Estimated 10 million people were killed by the Imperial

Japanese Army in China and South East Asia. Japan committed more

atrocious crimes than the Nazi Germany did with more varieties and

cruelty, for example, mass murdering and raping the civilians in the

entire city of Nanking, subjecting entire villages to chemical and

bacteria experiments, and forcing hundreds of thousands of women to

be sex slaves to serve the Japanese army, in addition to wanton

killings of babies, pregnant women and elderly as sporting games all

documented by photos. What did the post war Japanese governments

do regarding these horrible war crimes? Throughout the past 70 years,

the official statements are just veiled regrets and often coupled with

denials of those war crimes ever happened. The Japanese

governmental officials treated the voices of the war victims and their

descendants and representatives as annoyances, refusing to even grant

them a hearing in Japanese courts.

No formal apology by the Emperor of Japan and no apology

ever issued by a prime minister to the victimized nations until 1972,

when Kakuei Tanaka said in a joint communiqué to China: "The

Japanese side is keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious

damage that Japan caused in the past to the Chinese people through

war, and deeply reproaches itself. Further, the Japanese side reaffirms

its position that it intends to realize the normalization of relations

between the two countries …. " On August 24, 1982, Prime Minister

Zenko Suzuki said: "I am painfully aware of Japan's responsibility for

inflicting serious damages [on Asian nations] during the past war."

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi issued more veiled statements

regarding WW II and comfort women but he was also the one visited

the Yasukuni Shrine (2006) to worship the war criminals. So did Abe

Shinzo, the current Prime Minister, in 2007 and 2013 which angered

China and S. Korea and annoyed the U.S. While Abe issued another

veiled statement regarding WW II and stayed away on August 15 this

year from Yasukuni but he made a donation instead. His wife Akie

however made a visit on 8/17 and posted on her Facebook page. It is

regrettable that the Japanese leaders did not wish to apologize for

Japan's war crimes but it is adding insult to injury by being


2015 is the 70th Anniversary of the Ending of WW II. More

ceremonies worldwide are held to celebrate the victory date as well as

to remember the war crimes and honor the war heroes. The author

personally attended one, organized by a committee and the Department

of Military and Veterans Affairs of Los Angeles County, U.S.-China

Institute, University of Southern California and US-China Forum, in

the Bob Hope Patriotic Hall in Los Angeles. In addition to exhibits and

presenting memorial medallion to veterans, two symposia were held to

advocate cooperative peace in Asia and to recall the heroic acts of the

Allied forces working together between the United States and China.

The reasons for holding these events are quite obvious: so long as

Japan is white washing her textbooks about the war facts and the

Japanese government is unwilling to make a straight sincere apology

to accept the responsibility of WW II, the world is obligated to remind

Japan to set the record straight. On August 15th, 2015, the Japanese

Prime Minister again made a veiled statement expressing regrets but

no sincere apology. Instead of making an honest statement that Asians

and Americans expect, the Japanese government hosted her own

ceremony emphasizing that the Japanese young generations are not

responsible for the war therefore they should not be subjected to the

demand of apology.

The world demands an official sincere apology from the

leaders of Japan, their acceptance of the undeniable facts of the war

crimes committed by Japan in WW II. Why is that so difficult? Sure,

the Japanese kids today were not responsible for the war crimes of

their ancestors but they do have the moral responsibility to know and

acknowledge the war facts in the past and they deserve to have a

government to offer them the truth. In Japan, there are citizens who

believe they should be truthful to history and to the past especially on

war crimes. Professor Saburo Ienaga (born in 1913 in Aichi Prefecture,

Japan, graduated from the Literature Department at Tokyo Imperial

University (the present Tokyo University) in 1937, and became a

teacher and was a teacher in a high school in Niigata when Japan

attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941) has devoted a large part of his life to

ensuring that the truth about what happened in Asia in WW II is

known and remembered in his native Japan to the extent suing the

Japanese Ministry of Education for censoring his textbook.

This year, 2015, more expanded memorial events on WW II,

will drown out the pathetic cry of "Leave us (Japan) alone, haven't we

apologized enough?" No, the world demands justice, deplores

militarism, and wants peace not aggression. So long as, the current

Japanese government is pushing to revise its peace constitution, to

increase its military budget to build up its army, navy and air force and

to brain wash the Japanese young people to deny history and to

worship 'war criminals', the world will not leave Japan alone and will

continue demanding her apology and behavior change. The 70th

Anniversary of the Ending of WW II just held on 8/14 and 8/15 in the

Los Angeles County and one planned for 9/3 in China are good

examples to show that sentiment! (Ref: www.us-chinaforum.com)

70th Anniversary of the Ending of WW IIMainstream and Organic

Dr. Wordman



日本當年播的種, 現已遍地在開花。

為日辯護慰安婦, 整個世界只有它。

為日戰敗表傷痛, 殖民統治被美化。

老蔣銅像被推倒, 後藤新平取代它。

阿輝阿扁主政來, 一切都已改變啦。

年輕學子被洗腦, 心中那有我中華。

去中反中是主調, 頭號仇敵是支那。

讓利給利不管用, 就不跟你是一家。

能夠獨立當然好, 歸順日本才更佳。

莫對小英存幻想, 維持現狀是假話。

趕緊光復台灣吧, 再等下去就晚啦。

趕緊光復台灣吧 ~回頭馬~