Cbip Profile

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  • 7/31/2019 Cbip Profile


  • 7/31/2019 Cbip Profile


    When I read the name of your Board, the words Irrigation and Power excite my mind and allkind of ideas come into my mind- ideas of history, long perspectives of human progress and the rest.

    Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru(on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the Board on 17th November 1952)


    Late Dr. Rajendra Prasad,the then President of India, at theIndian International Engineering Exhibition in1951

    The then Prime Minister of India,Late Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru arriving toinaugurate the Silver Jubilee Session of the

    Central Board of Irrigation & Power in 1952

    Late Smt. Indira Gandhi, the thenPrime Minister of India,

    arriving to inaugurate theSecond World Congress of IWRA onWater for Human Needs in 1975

    Late Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the thenPresident of India, arriving on theoccasion of 6th Congress on Irrigation andDrainage in 1966

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    GENESIS AND GROWTH Until 1921, the Government of India and the

    Secretary of State in London exercised the powersof superintendence, direction and control on all

    irrigation activities of provincial PWDs, throughan Inspector General of Irrigation and a PublicWorks Secretariat of Government of India with anengineer of experience as Secretary.

    With the introduction of the first installment ofreforms in 1921 irrigation became a provincialsubject. Thereafter, the Public Works Secretariatof Government of India was abolished in 1923and the post of Inspector General of Irrigation

    was converted into that of Consulting Engineer.

    Government of India when dealing with newirrigation projects for submission to the Secretary

    of State in London or matters of dispute betweendifferent political units generally took the adviceof the Consulting Engineer.

    As advice of one Consulting Engineer for all theprovincial states was not considered sufficient,the Government of India in consultation with theprovincial states decided to establish Central Boardof Irrigation. Chief Engineers (Irrigation) of all theprovinces alongwith the Consulting Engineer wereregarded as members of the Board. Accordingly,Central Board of Irrigation was constituted on 1st

    January 1927 with a provision that all schemes

    submitted to Government of India would be laidbefore the Board.

    The Board also acted as an Advisor/Arbitrator tothe Government of India on technical matters in caseof any dispute between two state Governments orbetween the state Governments and former princely

    states regarding irrigation matters.

    Central Bureau of Information for Irrigation wasestablished in 1929 and attached with CentralBoard of Irrigation to maintain a comprehensivelibrary of irrigation publications and to act as

    a clearing house for information needed byprovincial officers.

    Government of India and provincial states alsodecided that w.e.f. 1932-33 the Bureau shall besupported with subscription from the provincialstates with Government of India contributionlimited to Rs.2500 per year only.

    It became an Autonomous Organization in 1932while retaining rent free accommodation, freeprinting and stationery at Shimla.

    The Board threw open its membership to individual

    engineers incharge of Irrigation Departments ofIndian Princely States in 1944.

    Ceylon and Burma also became members in1945.

    Based on recommendations of this Board, theGovernment of India set up Central Waterways,Irrigation and Navigation Commission in 1945

    which went through many changes after itsformation. It got amalgamated with CentralTechnical Power Board to form Central Waterand Power Commission which subsequently gotbifurcated into Central Electricity Authority and

    Central Water Commission. Subsequent to the creation of Pakistan in 1947,

    the West Punjab, N.W.F.P., Sind, Baluchistan,East Bengal, Bahawalpur and Khairpur states

    which were part of composite India ceased to bemembers of the Board.

    With the inclusion of hydroelectric engineers asmembers of the Board, Central Board of Irrigationwas renamed as Central Board of Irrigation &

    Power in 1949.

    To continue the association of the retired ChiefEngineers with this Board, it was decided to enrollthem as Honorary Members on a nominal feeof Rs. 30 per year or lumpsum subscription ofRs.150 for life.

    As directed by Govt. of India, the Board wasregistered under the Registration of Societys

    Act of 1860 on 21st February 1975 basedon Memorandum of Association, Rules andRegulations approved by Govt. of India so thatCBIP could continue to avail loans or grants fromGovernment of India.

    The Board had its office initially at Shimla. The

    headquarters of the Board was shifted fromShimla to New Delhi in 1952 in the barracks of

    Central Board of Irrigation (1930-31)

    Sitting (L-R) : Mr. C.S.C. Harrison, C.I.E. (Sukkur Barrage and Canals),Mr. R.P. Hadow, C.I.E., (Punjab), Mr. C. Addams Williams, C.I.E. (Bengal), Sir

    Bernard Darley Kt., C.I.E., President (United Provinces),Mr. D.G. Harris, C.I.E. (Government of India), Col. H. del Pollard-Lowsley,

    C.M.G., C.I.E., D.S.O. (Central Provinces), Mr. D.R. Satarawala (Sind)

    Standing (L-R) : Mr. F.A. Betterton (Bihar and Orissa),

    Brigadier W.H. Evans., C.I.E., D.S.O. (Baluchistan), Mr. C.M. Lane (Bombay),Mr. W.L. Stampe (United Provinces), Mr. J.M.B. Stuart (Burma)

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    Curzon Road. The Board started operating fromthe present office building located at MalchaMarg, Chanakyapuri in 1980 after completion ofthe new building.

    The proposal of the Board to set up National

    Institute of Hydrology was accepted and theinstitute was set up at Roorkee in the year 1978.

    The Board has set up Regional Information Centresat Hyderabad, Bhopal, Guwahati and Kolkata.

    ORGANISATION OF THE BOARD The affairs of the Board are administered, directed and

    controlled by the Executive Committee consisting of onePresident, two Vice Presidents (Water Resources andPower) and a member each from the organizationswhich are regularly contributing to the Board.

    The Executive Committee presently comprises of 80

    members against 09 in 1931. The Engineering Officers of the rank of Chief

    Engineer or equivalent and above in the fieldsof Water Resources and Energy from CentralGovernment, State Governments, Public SectorUndertakings, Private Sector, etc. are its memberswhich constitute the General Body.

    The General Body presently comprises of about2800 members.

    In addition there are about 300 life members whohave retired from service.

    All the organizations who are the members of theBoard make annual contributions to CBIP for providingtechnical services to them.

    MAIN OBJECTIVES OF CBIP Dissemination of technical information through

    various modes, e.g., publication of journals, manuals,technical reports, guidelines, organizing seminarsand conferences.

    To provide consultancy services and training. To promote research and professional excellence. To provide linkages to Indian Engineers, Managers

    and Scientists with their counterparts abroad andwith international organizations.

    To establish a knowledge database and to provideinformation services to various professionals.

    Technological forecasting.


    NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONSThe Board functions as the Indian National Group/Chapter for the following international organizations.

    International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) International Tunnelling Association (ITA) International Water Resources Association (IWRA) World Water Council (WWC) International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) International Conference on High Voltage Electric

    System (CIGRE)

    International Council for Electricity Distribution(CIRED)

    In addition, International Association for Small Hydro(IASH) and International Association on ElectricityGeneration, Transmission & Distribution (Afro-AsianRegion) (AARO) are having their headquarters at CBIPBuilding in New Delhi.

    The following organizations were also functioning underCBIP, earlier: International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage

    (ICID) International Hydropower Association (IHA)

    International Association for Hydraulic Research(IAHR)

    International Society of Soil Mechanics andFoundation Engineering (ISSMFE)

    The Society of Power Engineers (India) constituted in theyear 1947 has also its headquarter at CBIP Building inNew Delhi.

    RESEARCH ACTIVITIES CBIP had been coordinating and monitoring the

    R&D activities, assisting in specific case studies/

    problems, documentation and dissemination ofthe results/findings of Research Projects to thepractising engineers.

    On Power side (under the Research Schemeon Power RSOP) 170 projects on the subjectareas such as hydro, thermal, transmission anddistribution and energy conservation besidessix National level studies were coordinated andmonitored. Funds for RSOP scheme were providedby Ministry of Power, Government of India upto1998-99.

    On Water Resources side, 355 projects werecoordinated and monitored under the research

    schemes viz., Research Scheme on River ValleyProjects (RSRVP), Research Scheme on Flood Control

    Inauguration of Regional Information Centre of CBIP at Guwahati

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    (RSFC) and Research Scheme on PlasticultureDevelopment (RSPD). Funds for Research Schemesunder RSRVP and RSFC were provided by Ministryof Water Resources upto March 1989.

    The result of the research conducted at the various

    Water Resources and Power Research Stations inthe country were discussed in Annual ResearchSessions held regularly.

    R&D conferences are now held every two years byrotation in various states. 7th International R&DConference is scheduled to be held in Bhubaneswar(Orissa) in February 2009.

    CBIP AWARDSThe CBIP has instituted 8 awards which are bestowedon meritorious professionals for their outstandingcontributions in different areas related to Water

    Resources and Power Sectors. These awards carrycitation and cash also.


    ORGANISED BY CBIP The Annual Session of the Board held in November

    1936 was inaugurated by His Excellency theViceroy.

    Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, the then Prime Minister ofIndia had inaugurated the Board Sessions in 1948,1952, 1953 & 1958.

    In 1951 four International Conferences weresimultaneously held by CBIP, one at Bombay andthree at New Delhi alongwith an InternationalEngineering Exhibition. The three conferences atDelhi were held in the historic hall of ParliamentHouse from 11th to 16th January 1951. The

    exhibition premises located between historic DelhiGate & Turkman Gate covering an area of 80,000sq.m was visited by 12,00,000 persons and lastedthree months. The delegates to the conferencewere taken on study tours to various industrialinstallations, projects, etc., by two different trainson separate routes for 1 months each covering6500 km by Rail and 1280 km by Road. 800delegates including 310 from 34 countriesparticipated in these conferences.

    30th Annual Session of Board held in November1959 was inaugurated by Late Dr. RajendraPrasad, the then President of India.

    Late Smt. Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of

    India inaugurated the Board Session in 1967 andWorld Congress on Water Resources in 1975. Golden Jubilee Session was inaugurated by Late

    Shri B.D. Jatti, the then Acting President of India in1977.

    The Thirteenth Congress on Large Dams celebratedas Golden Jubilee Congress of the InternationalCommission on Large Dams (ICOLD) wasinaugurated by Shri K.C. Pant, the then Ministerfor Energy, Govt. of India on 29th October, 1979 atNew Delhi.

    Diamond Jubilee Session of the Board wasinaugurated by Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi, the then

    Prime Minister of India in 1987. 100 Years of Hydropower Development in thecountry were celebrated in 1997.

    66th Annual Meeting of ICOLD was held during1998 at New Delhi.

    100 years of Thermal Generation were celebratedin 1999.

    2002 was celebrated as Platinum Jubilee of CBIPyear on completion of its 75 years.

    CIGRE Administrative Council Meeting was held atBangalore during 2005.

    12th World Water Congress was held at NewDelhi during 2005.

    Two Decades of Geosynthetics in India wascelebrated at New Delhi during 2006.

    Late Shri S.D. Sharma, the then Vice-President of Indiaduring the presentation of CBIP awards 25-26 April, 1989

    Recipient of CBIP Awards presented during 6th International R&D Conferenceheld at Lucknow during 13-16 February, 2007

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    International Conclave on Key Inputs forAccelerated Development of Indian Power Sectorfor 11th Plan & Beyond was held on 4-5 July 2007,organised by Ministry of Power & CEA with CBIPas co-organiser at New Delhi.

    International Conclave on Contract Managementfor Accelerated Development of Indian HydropowerProjects was organised by Ministry of Power & CEAwith CBIP as co-organiser held on 16th November,2007 at New Delhi.

    PUBLICATIONS The Board publishes Technical Literature and journals

    including manuals, guidelines, specifications, etc.,on Design, Construction & O&M aspects, etc.relating to Water Resources & Power Sectors.

    Proceedings of the various National, InternationalSymposia and Conferences alongwith theirrecommendations are widely circulated amongstprofessionals for their reference.

    Till date about 850 publications have been broughtout by CBIP

    Apart from above following periodicals/journalsare being published quarterly.

    Water and Energy Abstracts Far and Near in Water and Energy Water and Energy Research Digest CBIP Newsletter

    Water and Energy International Journal Newsletter of Societies are also brought outperiodically.

    CBIP has brought out Special Issues of Water &Energy International on 1000 MW Tehri HEP, 1000MW Indira Sagar HEP, 1480 MW Bhakra NangalProject and 300 MW Chamera II HEP. Special Issueson 1020 MW Tala HEP (Bhutan), 1500 MW NathpaJhakri; 1450 MW Sardar Sarovar Project and 520MW Omkareshwar HEP are under process.

    Old publications are reviewed and updatedperiodically.

    ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY CBIP has a team of Senior Experts with vast

    experience of more than 30 years in various fieldsof Water Resources and Power. In addition, CBIPhas a large panel of experts in these fields.

    CBIP is a ISO 9001:2000 certified organization. CBIP has been regularly providing consultancy

    services. It has provided consultancy services to Tatas,

    KPCL, WPC Australia, APSEB, TNEB, IREDA, IndiaCanada Environment Facility (ICEF) etc.

    CBIP is providing consultancy services particularlyin the following areas:

    Hydro/Multipurpose Projects Identification of Techno-economically attractive

    hydro projects in states. Preparation of pre-feasibility, feasibility and

    detailed project report (DPR) for small, mediumand large projects.

    Environmental audits and assessments, hydrologysite remediation, regulatory compliance.

    Clearance of PFRs & DPRs from concerned

    authorities. Renovation, modernization and uprating. Technical Audit of Hydropower Plants in

    operation. Carbon Finance Power purchase agreements (PPA) / MoU Preparation of operation and maintenance

    manuals Manpower Planning and Development of Training

    Schedule for O&M personnel. Energy Auditing & Energy Conservation. Inventory / Assets / Spare Parts Management.

    RCC Dam technology for which an MoU has beensigned with MMTEC.Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India at the CBI&P Book stall

    Late Shri Neelam Sanjiva Reddy, the then President of India giving award for CBIPPublication in 1980.

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    Model Methodologies Numerical modelling, and analysis for dam,

    powerhouses, underground excavations.

    Non-destructive testing for concrete, RCC,

    prestressed concrete and Steel. Technical services for soil improvement technologies,such as Wick Drains, Stone Columns, Vibroflotationand Geosynthetics Reinforcement.

    TRAINING SERVICES CBIP is planning to establish a training institute on

    two Plots already allotted by HUDA at Gurgaon forconducting training programmes on regular basiswith residential facilities.

    The Board has organized a number of Nationaland International Training programmes to help theIndian Engineers to update their knowledge andgain practical know how in adoption of the latesttechniques in both Water Resources and Powerfields.

    Recently, CBIP has organized training programmeon sustainable management of ground water inRajasthan. More such programmes are planned tobe organised for Rajasthan, Haryana, Mizoram andmany other organizations.

    Tutorial on the following topics have been organisedin the recent past. Protection & Controls

    AC/DC Harmonics & Filters Planning Aspects of HVDC & Facts Life Management Techniques for

    Transformers Six Sigma in Power Industries

    Applications of Geosynthetics 4 programmes on Capacity Building and Training

    Programmes for Different Stakeholders in IndiasHydropower Sector are being organized at variousplaces across the country with support of USHydropower Council for International Development.



    RAKESH NATH, Chairperson CEA President

    CHANDAN ROY, Director (Op.) NTPC Vice-President (P)

    V.K. KANJLIA Secretary

    P.P. WAHI Director (IT)

    A.C. GUPTA Director (WR)

    Monitoring of Projects Irrigation, Hydel Projects, CAD Programme funded

    by AIBP, World Bank and International Agencies R&R works for Irrigation, Power and Multipurpose


    Dam Safety Programme. Upgradation of existing dams

    Ground Water Geophysical investigation for solving engineering

    and geological, geotechnical, engineering, groundwater and environmental problems, innovativegeophysical solutions to near surface geologicalproblems.

    High resolution sub-surface imaging Ground water modelling and GIS.

    Soil and Construction Material Testing Soil and ground water investigation and

    remediation, risk assessment, environmentalassessments, and impact statements.

    Soil and ground water remediation. Soil/rock properties, ground, improvement,

    infrastructure, foundations, earth structures andconstruction observations.

    Laboratory testing services and forensic engineeringservices.

    Construction material testing, geo-environmentalstudies.

    Environment site assessment, geotechnicalengineering, construction material testing, drillingand coring services.

    Automated laboratory testing, field instrumentation,geotechnical consulting and expert witnessservices.

    Mechanical, physical and chemical propertiestesting services for soils, rocks, geo-synthetics andother geo-materials.

    Geotechnical measurements, slope stabilization,foundations and retaining structures.

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    India Day Celebrations by CIGRE, India and CBIP,September 2005 at Bangalore

    Honble Minister of Power, Government of India,Shri Sushilkumar Shinde inaugurating the

    International Conclave on Contract Management forAccelerated Development of Indian Hydropower

    Projects, 16 November 2007, New Delhi

    Honble Minister Shri Santosh Mohan Devinaugurating the 12th World Water Congress, held at

    New Delhi, during 22-25 November, 2005

    Honble Minister of Power, Government of India,Shri Sushilkumar Shinde inaugurating theWorkshop on Clean Development Mechanism:Application to Hydropower in India,24-25 May 2007, New Delhi