Cbet Curriculum Regulations


Transcript of Cbet Curriculum Regulations

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Executive Summary?




The development of a Competency Based Curriculum shall be in six steps;

a Training Needs Analysis as stated in the curriculum development procedure b Application to Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council

(CDACC for Approval to develop a CB!T a curriculumc "alidation by the relevant #ector #$ills Advisory Committee (##ACd !ndorsement by the Curriculum Assessment and Certification Council (CDACC

e Approval by The Technical and "ocational !ducation and Training Authority (T"!TA

 Ste( )* Trainin+ #ee,s Analysis

An accredited T"!T curriculum developer shall conduct a Training Needs Analysis (TNA

The TNA should%

a !stablish ho& the curriculum addresses industrial, economic, social and

technological needs of the industry'

 b determine $no&ledge, s$ills, attitudes (competencies reuired in the relevant


c establish the entry behaviour of trainees for various training levels

d establish the mode of delivery of the curriculum

e identify the training needs that have not been addressed by the existing curricula

f establish the mechanism for coping &ith emerging trends and challenges in the


g identify the availability and competencies of trainers in the industry

h assess the availability of resources to achieve the training


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i determine the training reuirements of trainees &ith special needs

 ) establish the findings and feedbac$ derived from implementation of the existing


$ pro)ect current and future employment patterns for s$illed &or$ers

Ste( -  *A((lication to Curriculum Develo(ment. Assessment an, Certification Council

/CDACC0 for A((roval to ,evelo( a C'ET a curriculum

+' pon completion of the Training Needs Analysis, the curriculum developer &ill apply to

the Council to be granted permission to develop the curriculum by submitting a proposal'

-' The council shall confirm that each proposal%

+ is nationally recognised;

- meets an established industry, enterprise, educational, legislative or 

community need;

. provides appropriate competency outcomes and a satisfactory basis for 


/ meets national uality assurance reuirements; and

0 is aligned appropriately to the National 1ualification 2rame&or$ (N12

&here it leads to a ualification'

3 Assessment and certification &ould be underta$en by authori4ed bodies

.' pon approval of the 5curriculum outline document6 proposal, the council shall in&riting grant the developer permission to commence the development process'

 Ste( 1 *ali,ation by t2e relevant Sector S3ills A,visory Committee /SSAC0

+ The completed curriculum is submitted to the relevant #ector #$ills Advisory

Committees (##AC for validation'

- #ector #$ills Advisory Committees (##AC shall use chec$ list given belo& for validation &ithin a specified period'




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6 %%E#TS


#ame of t2e


#tate the name(s of the

ualification(s that &ill be a&arded

on successful completion of thecourse'

The duration of the course in hours'

- Trainin+ #ee,s


+' 7dentify the industry sectors


-' Describe procedure of data

collection and analysis

.' Describe briefly the findings

. Curriculm


 Nature and scope of the T"!T


Composition of the curriculum

development team

9oles and functions of members

!ntry behaviour'

The tas$ analysis process used to

derive competencies'

the industry sectors or occupational

#$ill areas:ccupational #tandards used

competencies reuired to perform

specified tas$s8activities

#euencing and detailing of tas$s

the modules and module units given

ob)ectives of each module

odule duration'

Analysis of occupational competence

Analysis of academic competence

0 Curriculum


general and specific ob)ectives to be

achieved in each module

course structure


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relevance of content

appropriate learning resources

Time allocation for both theoretical

and manipulative s$ills

mode of delivery and learningactivities

duration for industrial attachment for 

each module

competencies to be acuired during

industrial attachment

ualifications and experience of


specifications of training euipment,

specifications of learning materials

ethodology of formative assessment

ethodology of summative


<rocedure of certification

3 Pre(aration for


7mplementation procedure

 onitoring and 9evie& of the


#tate the identified sta$eholders

 7nduction of sta$eholders

869 Ste( : *En,orsement by t2e Curriculum Assessment an, Certification Council


+ The #$ills Advisory Committee (##AC shall present the validated curriculum together &ith the recommendations to the Councils Academic Committee for endorsement'

- The Councils Academic Committee shall;

+ endorse the curriculum &ithin a specified period of time


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- 9eturn the curriculum &ith observations to ##AC if it does not meet the

reuirement for endorsement

;6 Ste( 8* A((roval by t2e Tec2nical an, ocational E,ucation an, Trainin+ Aut2ority


 The Councils Academic Committee shall upon the endorsement of the curriculum, submit it to

T"!TA for approval and implementation &ithin a specified period of time



+ A Competency based curriculum for T"!T shall entail training programmes &hich

ta$e into consideration the mar$et demands and the social and economic needs of the


- The goals and aims of a T"!T curriculum should be consistent &ith relevant

legislation and policy documents on education and training such as% the national goals

of education and training, the National T"!T #trategy, the "ision -=.=, #essional

 papers and other relevant policy documents'  >earning outcomes are derived from

standards &hich are defined by industry'

. A Competency based curriculum shall see$ to systematically identify and develop

essential &or$er competencies, or the $no&ledge, s$ills and attitude reuired for a

 particular )ob

/ A Competency based curriculum for T"!T shall be developed based on set competency

occupational standards'

0 All Curriculum developers shall use the Building bloc$s odel given belo&


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B7>D7N? B>:C@# :D!>

3 T"!T curriculum development process shall entail interlin$ed activities ranging from training

needs analysis to revie&' #even broad steps have been considered for CB!T curriculum

development process;

  +' Training Needs Analysis

-' Curriculum Design.' Content Development

/' Curriculum 7mplementation

0' Assessment and !valuation

3' Certification

' Curriculum 9evie&


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- TRA"#"#$ #EEDS A#A!&S"S

+ A T"!T curriculum developer should conduct a Training Needs Analysis (TNA, &hich is the

first stage in curriculum development process'

- The TNA should%

a establish ho& the curriculum addresses industrial, economic, social and

technological needs of the industry'

 b determine $no&ledge, s$ills, attitudes (competencies reuired in the relevant


c establish the entry behaviour of trainees for various training levels

d establish the mode of delivery of the curriculum

e identify the training needs that have not been addressed by the existing curricula

f establish the mechanism for coping &ith emerging trends and challenges in the


g identify the availability and competencies of trainers in the industry

h assess the availability of resources to achieve the training

i determine the training reuirements of trainees &ith special needs

 ) establish the findings and feedbac$ derived from implementation of the existing


$ pro)ect current and future employment patterns for s$illed &or$ers


+' The T"!T CDACC &ill oversee the design and development of the all CB!T curriculum

-' The curriculum design shall broadly define the nature and scope of the T"!T curriculum'

.' The design shall be developed by relevant teams &ho &ill use occupational8professional

standards to guide the development of curriculum materials &hich should be presented in a

modular format'


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/' The curriculum development team should comprise at least one person from each of the

follo&ing categories%

a Course experts &ith s$ill levels of curriculum being developed

 b T"!T trainers registered by T"!TA

c Curriculum development expertsd 9elevant industry representatives

e 9elevant professional bodiesf ?overnment policy ma$ers

g 9elevant industry s$ills regulators

h Accredited Certification bodies

0 The curriculum development team shall ascertain the follo&ing%

a Type or level of programme

 b Duration of the programme

i odular !mployable #$ills (!# #hort Courses*3= hours to ..= hours

ii Artisan*= hours

iii Craft*+= hours and

iv Diploma*-= hours

c <rogramme pattern*regular, sand&ich, part*time

d Credits euivalency

e 9ecognition of prior learning

f !ntry behaviour 

i !#*open

ii Artisan*@enya Certificate of <rimary !ducation (@C<!

iii Craft* @enya Certificate of #econdary !ducation (@C#! D( <lus

iv Diploma*@C#! C (<lain

g ode of delivery% face to face, learner centred and pro)ect based

h :ccupational competence

i Academic competence

 ) !valuation and certification E formative and summative

$ inimum training euipment, their specifications and materials


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3' The curriculum development team shall carry out a tas$ analysis in order to identify the

competencies reuired to perform specified tas$s8activities for the )ob for &hich the curriculum

is being developed'

T2e (rocess of tas3 analysis <ill involve=

a' 7dentification of >earning Tas$s

 b' listing the Fob8tas$ analysis in relation to each competency

c' #euencing of tas$s

d' Tas$ detailinge' designing a format for presenting the brea$do&n of tas$s into components

f' brea$ing each tas$ into components of $no&ledge, s$ills and attitudes

A CB!T T"!T curriculum should be in modular form and the number of modules in a course


> !ach module shall group specific competencies together based on related tas$s at the &or$ 


6 !ach module should be designed to enable a trainee acuire competencies of a particular tas$ 

in the &or$ place'

+=' !ach module should%

a have a title8theme b specify module units (sub)ects

c have general and specific ob)ectives

d have a discrete code

e specify entry behaviour of traineesf specify industry sector(s &here the s$ills are applicable

g be evaluated and a certificate a&arded independently by an accredited examining bodyh be flexible to allo& credit transfer, recogni4e prior learning and &or$ing experience and

career progression

)96 The curriculum development team should formulate specific ob)ectives to be achieved by the

trainee by stating each component of a tas$ as a measurable learning outcome'


+ odule units (sub)ects content shall be organi4ed into training pac$ages &hich should bederived from the specific ob)ectives formulated at the design stage'

- The content should be organi4ed into logical sub)ects or module units'

 . The content areas shall address all the learning domains i'e

a Cognitive


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 b psychomotor

c affective

/' Appropriate duration should be given to each module depending on the time reuired for 

the learner to be competent and demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes'0' At this stage emphasis is placed on the development of%

+ 7nstructional aterials- >earning 9esources

. #elf Chec$s/ <erformance Tests

0' T2e trainin+ (ac3a+es5 trainin+ +ui,e s2oul, s(ecify=

a general and specific ob)ectives to be achieved

 b course structurec mode of delivery and learning activities

d appropriate learning resources

e minimum specifications of training euipmentf appropriate assessment methods

g appropriate contact hours for each module unit

h competencies to be acuired during industrial attachment

i duration for industrial attachment for each module ) ualifications of teachers8trainers

3' The curriculum should specify the mode of assessment for psychomotor, cognitive and

affective domains

' T2e (ercenta+e of mo,ule unit contact 2ours s2all be as sti(ulate, belo<=

!evel %ani(ulative T2eoretical

S3ills S3ills

Artisan =G(9@ -=G()9@

Craft =G .=G

Diploma /=G(89@ 3=G(89@

De+ree 19@ 9@


+ A T"!T curriculum shoul specify the tools, euipment, materials, textboo$s, reference

materials and any other materials needed to support training8learning'

- The training8learning resources should be as per s$ill standards stipulated by relevant

industry regulators and professional bodies'


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. <hysical facilities shall conform to the standards set by relevant training regulators' The

facilities include &or$shops, laboratories, theory rooms and libraries among others'

:0 A T"!T curriculum shall specify the ualifications and experience of trainer'

0 A curriculum developer shall carry out induction of all sta$eholders involved in the

implementation of the ne& curriculum to enable them o&n the document and the process'

The sta$eholders shall include%

a ?overnment agencies in charge of T"!T training

 b T"!T Trainers and Technical staffc anagers and Administrators of T"!T institutions

d Accredited Certification bodies

e 9elevant industry regulators



+ The Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (CDACC shall appoint

#ector #$ills Advisory Committee (##AC members to be technical arm of the council'

- The Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (CDACC &ill appoint

##AC members competitively

. The #ector #$ills Advisory Committee (##AC members shall be responsible for ensuring

that vocational education and training programmes offered are according to the needs and

demands of the employment mar$et'

/ T"!T CDACC shall provide coordination and secretarial services to the ##ACs'

0 The #ector #$ills Advisory Committee (##AC members shall represent the s$ill sectors

identified in the ar$et8industry'

3 !very member of the committee shall, unless he8she sooner resigns or other&ise ceases to

hold office, hold office for a period of three years and may be eligible for re* appointment

-69 T2e com(osition of SSAC members <ill not be more t2an seven members of <2om=*

i :ne represents the interests of vocational education and training institutions;

ii :ne is a training specialist appointed by the Council'

iii :ne is a representative of the relevant employers8 industry'


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iv :ne is a ?overnment policy ma$er in Technical training

v t&o representatives of the relevant industry s$ills8professional regulator 

vi one is a curriculum development expert

vii A representative of the Council Secretary of T!T C"ACC shall act

as the secretary to the co##ittee

-' #ub)ect to any general or specific directions by the council or any regulations made under it,

the committee may regulate its o&n proceedings'

.6 Functions of t2e Sector S3ills A,visory Committees /SSAC0 <ill be toB

i Advise the Board on the establishment of ne& vocational trades training and educational

 programmes or on the abolition of existing ones'

ii assess training needs and determine standards for the area of trades the committee is


iii dra& up training specifications and )ob description for the trades to be taught'

iv ensure coordination &ith related trade training activities'

v ensure that the employment mar$et is informed about training activities under the

committees to promote placements for students; and

vi form sub * committees to &or$ &ith particular training issues as may be necessary'

/ A #ector #$ills Advisory Committee member shall be;

i a member of a professional8technologist body &here applicable

ii an expert in the relevant s$ill area

iii of good moral standing

iv have an experience of not less than three years in their s$ill area

v meet the reuirements of chapter six of the constitution of @enyavi A @enyan citi4en


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+' Curriculum Developer shall be a registered company &ith perpetual succession and a commonseal and shall, in its corporate name, be capable of suing and being sued or a registered training

institution or a ?overnment Agency or an N?: or an 7ndividual'

-' Curriculum Developer if not an individual shall meet the follo&ing conditions before being

accredited by CDAC Council by submitting the follo&ing;

+ a list of employees and their ualifications

- an audited financial statements for the past one year 

. >ist of directors8managers and their ualifications

/ A tax compliant certificate

.' Curriculum Developer if not an individual shall have ualified employees in curriculum

development &ith a minimum of a Diploma certificate

/' Curriculum Developer shall meet the reuirements of chapter six of the constitution of @enya

0' Curriculum Developer shall be financially stable to carry out the development using the

CDACC guidelines


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