Causes of the School Failure

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  • 7/31/2019 Causes of the School Failure


    Causes of the school failure

    1) Poor teaching being condoned2) Tolerating poor leadership3) Being driven by low expectations (what can we do with these kids?)4) Poverty is one of the chief explanatory factor for the issue.5) no excuse or zero tolerance strategies can also do harm while seeking improvement6) Lack of prerequisite knowledge (lack of readiness for school).7) Poor teacher quality.

    Poor classroom instruction Inadequate knowledge Inadequate skills Limited teaching experience Low morale

    8) Teachers being assigned to subjects for which they are not trained9) High teacher turnover10)Inadequate resource11)Higher than average number of pupils.12)All the schools even most successful experience constant flux, due to change of student composition

    , staff turnover or some external environment. But for underperforming schools this flux is much


    13)Emotional illiteracy14)Ineffective pedagogy (The science of profession of teaching)15)Instability, as most of the time the measures taken for improvements do yield good results but they

    fail to sustain it.16)Reasons for a business failure in a book (also applicable here)

    Hubris born of success Undisciplined pursuit for more Denial of risk and peril Grasping for salvation Capitulation(giving up to resistance) to irrelevance or death

    17)Every organization/business is vulnerable but the successful schools acknowledge and avoid thisphase. They do it in two ways

    i) By constantly evaluating their positionsii) By taking immediate measures, acting quickly and appropriately at first sign of danger.

    18)Decline is generally due to complacency ( unaware of possible danger)19)Falling school know that they are underperforming still if neglects..20)Failing schools tend to be reluctant to pursue more.21)Failing schools are seen chiefly occupied in doing what they do good rather than extending their


  • 7/31/2019 Causes of the School Failure


    22)Failing schools fail to justify the causes of failure and attribute it to too many tests, over pressuredcurriculum and too much administration. Hence they fail to grapple the fundamental cause.

    23)Saviors and solutions being imposed whether they like it or not.24)Internal conditions like TRUST, COLLABORATION, INNOVATION, RELENTLESS FOCUS ON TEACHING

    AND LEARNING AND LOYALITY etc. are created and orchestrated by the school leaders of a

    successful school.

    25)Lack of vision, poor communication, inattention to teaching quality and failure to make decisions arecited as some of the characteristics of poor or weak leadership in a falling school.

    26)Every failing school has causes according to the context and hence cant be treated the same.27)School failure is rarely caused by only one factor; its often a perfect storm with imperfect solutions.