Causes of the Civil War Tensions are Heating up in Congress.

Causes of the Civil War Tensions are Heating up in Congress

Transcript of Causes of the Civil War Tensions are Heating up in Congress.

Missouri Compromise of1820

Non-Slave StatesMaine

Slave StatesMissouri Compromise Line36*, 30n

Note: Time of the “Good Feeling Era”, prohibited slavery above the MCL. It was known as >>> 1 free state AND 1 slave state

Compromise of 1850

1. Challenged the Compromise of 1820

2. California a FREE State

3. New Mexico & Utah an OPEN state

4. How did Congress Act to this?

Note: After the U.S.-Mexican War – should new lands be divided by the slave issue?Congress agreed to admit California, in exchange for the Fugitive Slave Law.

Fugitive Slave Act 1850It required any citizen to capture a runaway slave, and bring them back to their slave owner(Bounty-Hunters)

Harriet Beecher Stowe’sUncle Tom’s Cabin’s Impact

Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854

1. Kansas and Nebraska reside above the 36w, 30nWhich is ?2. Douglas’s proposal –Popular Sovereignty – people to decide

Bleeding Kansas 1854 – 1856What Happened?

Stephen Douglas (Illinois) introduced POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY Meaning the People would decideThis overturned the Compromise of 1820 & 1850

Dred Scott Decision 1857

Significance: Chief Justice Roger Taney stated > Scott was a Non-citizen/property* A-14

Explain - Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1858

Note: Lincoln stated that African Americans were human beings w/right guaranteed by the DOI.Lincoln condemned the Dred Scott decision

Election of 1860 – What Happened?

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