Catholic Schools

Sunday, January 27th Catholic Schools Week 2013 2621 5th Ave. S. • Fort Dodge 515-955-8514 Full Menu Including Pasta, Steaks, Salads and Sandwiches Sunday Brunch 10am - 2:00pm 809 Central Ave., Fort Dodge 515-955-5333 WE PROUDLY SUPPORT CATHOLIC SCHOOLS 2707 NORTH 15TH ST. FORT DODGE, I OWA 2707 NORTH 15TH ST. FORT DODGE, I OWA 515-955-1890 515-955-1890 Family dining Family dining with a unique with a unique sports sports atmosphere! atmosphere! St. Edmond first-grader Lauren Hamilton works with senior Allie Oberg on her reading skills. The pairing of the senior students with the younger students is part of their Christian Service. -Messenger photo by Hans Madsen


A special edition of The Messenger on the Catholic Schools in the Messenger area during Catholic Schools Week.

Transcript of Catholic Schools

Page 1: Catholic Schools

Sunday, January 27th

Catholic Schools Week2013

2621 5th Ave. S. • Fort Dodge 515-955-8514

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St. Edmond first-grader Lauren Hamilton works with senior Allie Oberg on her readingskills. The pairing of the senior students with the younger students is part of their ChristianService.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen

Page 2: Catholic Schools

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CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 20132 Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa

‘Raise the Standards’By Monsignor Kevin McCoy

President, St. EdmondCatholic Schools

During the annual obser-vance of Catholic SchoolsWeek, “Raise the Standards”has been adopted by theNational Catholic EducationAssociation as its theme. Thischallenge resonates for all ofus at St. Edmond Catholic aswe continuously seekimprovement in the educa-tion of our students. I ampleased to outline our visionat St. Edmond and how westrive to accomplish the mis-sion of Catholic education.

Our VisionThe vision of St. Edmond

Catholic School serves as thecenter for Catholic educationby providing the highestquality educational servicesand Christian developmentto our students and their fam-ilies. St. Edmond Catholicmaintains a curriculum inline with the approved stan-dards of the United StatesCatholic of Bishops and theIowa Core Curriculum. Our

comprehensive academic pro-gram is centered on recogniz-ing each student’s individualgifts and talents. Further, it isour goal that every studentnot only learns the founda-tions of our tradition of faithand morals but can also leaveSt. Edmond prepared to giveexplanations for their beliefsand credible witness of theirfaith. Our sincere hope iswhat is learned in the class-room will help inform theirlived experience of the faithin personal prayer and wor-ship.

With excellence our goalAlthough academic success

can – and should be – meas-ured in a variety of ways,graduates of St. EdmondCatholic demonstrate excel-lence and preparedness asthey enter their post-St.Edmond life. St. Edmond stu-dents traditionally performbetter than state and nationalaverages for college entranceexams. Our curriculum ischallenging yet provides forstudents that have variedinterests and abilities.

Discipline our guideParents and students expect

an orderly environment thatmaximizes educational timein the classroom. St. EdmondCatholic instills in our stu-dents the Christian ideals forpersonal responsibility, equal-ity, fairness and compassion.It is our hope – our mission –that every student develops alifestyle that expressesChristian love toward othersin all they say and do.

Caring our giftOur St. Edmond students

extend their educationthrough the service to othersoutside our campus. Ourservice efforts touch themembers of Holy TrinityParish, assist charitable organ-izations here in our localcommunity, or reach out tosocial justice issues throughthe United States and theworld. For example, duringthe past year, a group of St.Edmond students traveled toGuatemala to provide servicesin an orphanage, built homes,and returned home havinggrown in their love and com-

passion for others – gifts fargreater than any materialthings they provided those inneed. It is our sincere aim toshow Christ’s love for othersas we are motivated to go outand continue his saving mis-sion.

We are a system where values and academics meet

We remain steadfast in ourpurpose and vision to educatestudents intellectually, spiri-tually, morally and physicallyin an environment that isChrist centered. Excellencein education is our hallmarkin preparing future genera-tions with the moral founda-tions to succeed in life.

Monsignor Kevin McCoy

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Page 3: Catholic Schools

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CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 2013The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013

“Catholic Schools Week is an opportunity to cele-brate the academic successes of its students,” saidJohn Howard, St. Edmond Catholic High School prin-cipal. Recently, results from the Iowa AssessmentTests were shared with faculty and will be introducedto parents during Catholic Schools Week.

“Overall, I am very pleased with the results,” saidHoward. “It is a further demonstration that commit-ted parents, committed faculty, and committed stu-dents can produce the desired results.”

The tests results indicate a student’s achievementlevels in comparison to other students in the areas ofReading, Science, and Math. Every student in thestate of Iowa is tested on the same material. St.Edmond students took the tests in October 2012. Theresults, according to Howard and ElementaryPrincipal Linda Mitchell, were:

∫ Nearly 1 out of 3 high school students earned aComposite score above 90th percentile

∫ Every Middle School grade is proficient in read-ing, science and math

∫ Grades 3 through 10 all improved their overallscores from last year

In addition to Iowa Assessment test scores, St.Edmond High School students perform better thannational and state averages on the ACT collegeentrance exam. Based on the most recent data avail-able, St. Edmond 2012 graduates that took the ACThad a composite score of 23.2 compared to Iowa com-posite score of 22.1 and a national composite score of21.1.

Academic success a tradition

FroM leFt, St. edMond Seventh-graderS Sean Flaherty, Tommy Lennon and Jacob Gallefs enjoy

some time on the computers in the library.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen


Page 4: Catholic Schools

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CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 20134 Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa

According to Paula Florey,St. Edmond Catholic Schoolguidance counselor, one con-tributing factor is the numberof Advanced Placement orIowa Central CommunityCollege courses available forstudents seeking an enhancedcurriculum. These courses aredesigned for college-boundstudents in preparation for thedemands of college coursework.

Additionally, high schoolstudents have access to E2020,where advanced courses areavailable. Each E2020 class is a“real” class with a teacher fol-lowing an instructional formatsimilar to that in a live class-room, except it is virtual andavailable 24 hours a day, 7 daya week. E2020 is an example ofproviding additional opportu-nities for students seeking tobroaden their academic choic-es.

Middle school success“Planning for success at the

high school and college levelsneeds to begin with goodstudy and learning habits inmiddle school,” said TabithaAcree, guidance counselor forSt. Edmond middle school stu-dents.

Recently, middle school fac-

ulty have introduced a ZAPtechnique to students. ZAPstands for Zeros Aren’tPermitted – meaning studentsare encouraged to completeassignments and homeworkwithin the permitted time.“Efforts like this contribute toincreasing the proficiency ofstudents in the IowaAssessments,” Acree said.

Elementary school success“We challenge our faculty to

look for continuous improve-ment in all areas,” said LindaMitchell, St. EdmondElementary principal. “Wehave a nice mix of experiencedfaculty and early-career teach-ers with each group providingknowledge, insight, and deter-mination to encourage theirstudents to continuouslyimprove every day.”

This effort is a contributingfactor to improving the com-posite results in the IowaAssessment Exam, Mitchellsaid.

“For a student to be success-ful, it takes hard work,” saidHoward. “From parents, to fac-ulty and administration to thestudents themselves, we aretrying to create a culture thatexpects academic excellence.”

Academics Continued from Page 3

St. edMond SophoMoreS Kara Salinas, left, and Mackensie Brennan-Rowe work on getting

the perspective just right as they practice line drawing in an art class.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen

Page 5: Catholic Schools

What makes St. Edmond Catholic differentthan other schools? There are students that excelin academics — just like other schools. There arestudents that also achieve success in athletics ormusic or other activities — just like otherschools. There is outstanding parental support —similar to other schools.

However, when exploring the differences witha group of newcomers to St. Edmond Catholic onstaff for three years or less, it is apparent thatbeyond the successes of students and great sup-port of parents, the St. Edmond faculty makes adifference. The St. Edmond faculty, regardless oftheir tenure, place the students welfare front andcenter.

The opinions of newcomers to St. Edmond pro-vide a refreshing perspective about the school.

“ I was lucky to be offered the opportunity toteach at St. Edmond. The atmosphere is one ofcommunity and support. I knew that I couldgrow both personally and professionally. I havestayed because now, it is not just a job,” said highschool science teacher Kristen Brodie. “Becausewe are able to discuss our faith, it has enabled meto grow personally and intellectually about myfaith.”

Instructor Gerry Miller agrees.“I knew about St. Edmond’s successes both aca-

demically and extracurricular when I attendedIowa Central several years ago,” he said. “So I wasexcited to be a part of the system. My studentslearn from me, but I have learned so much fromstudents. I have been given so much because ofmy faith that I need to repay by giving back tomy students.”

Being new to the area and system sometimes isa difficult transition.

“There is a great support system here. There is

always someone you can call on whether it isadministration, parents or other staff. Throughthe changes and rough patches you know thatyou will always have someone who is there tosupport you. It is a very unique atmosphere, andbecause of that we have been able to get throughsome tougher times, “ Brodie said.

“I feel coming to St. Edmond has been a gift forme,” says Beth Beidenfeld, librarian. “The stu-dents are very respectful of staff and each other.At different times I have had to discipline a stu-dent and even afterwards they will say ‘thankyou’ even when they are wrong. A lot has to besaid about the parents of our kids. Students likethat don’t just happen by accident. St. Edmondis a very caring and loving place. The saying, ‘ittakes a village to raise a child’ is so very obvioushere. Students are accountable and there is greatcamaraderie.”

“I am from this area and jumped at the chanceto be near home,” said Jacob Short, high schoolsocial studies teacher. “The one thing that Ihave noticed at St. Edmond is the tremendoussupport from the community and alumni in addi-tion to parents and staff. It was so awesome to goto the state basketball and wrestling tournaments

in Des Moines and see the overwhelming supportof people. People have a lot of pride in St.Edmond and that is obvious no matter what thestudents might be involved in. I also have beenfortunate to be able to share my beliefs. It isexpected here and that is nice.”

That same sentiment was echoed by others.“When there is a tragedy, sometimes the onlything you can do is pray,” said faculty memberNancy Gabriel.

“One of the main reasons that I wanted tocome to St. Edmond is I wanted to go somewherethat I could teach to students that really want tolearn. I think that is more attainable in a smallerschool. Because of our size, I think that you havethe opportunity to know most everyone and thatlends itself to such a family feeling here, “ saidmiddle school teacher Rachel Gannon. “To beable to talk about my faith in connection tolearning only enhances the lessons.”

From the newest faculty member to the veter-ans, the support for faculty, administration, stu-dents, parents and supporters make a difference,both academically and spiritually, in the educa-tion of St. Edmond students.

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CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 2013The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013

Newcomers find community at St. Ed

Page 6: Catholic Schools

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 20136 Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013

St. Edmond students speakKids answer the question: How do Catholic schools help students build a relationship with Jesus?

Taishonna Ludwig – Grade 5Catholic schools help me build a relationship with Jesus

by teaching me how to be a good person, not just a goodstudent. Being a good student matters even more. Why?Because being a good student means being nice to people inyour school, but being a good person means being nice topeople you meet or don’t know. For example, you couldhelp someone pick up their fallen supplies, help someonewho fell, or pick up litter. By being a good person, you areshowing how to follow Jesus’s example to even more people.

Leah Neverman – Grade 4I build a relationship with Jesus by praying.

It helps me because I never prayedat home, and now I do. Religionhelps me know a little more aboutJesus, and when I read religion Ireally enjoy it. Now, I’m trying tobe nicer to my friends and familyto go to heaven. I know I shouldfollow the golden rule, and teachit to others. I realize that if I needhelp from Jesus he will answer it.

Sam Daniel – Grade 4We go to Mass for an hour. We

study the Commandments andBeatitudes. We have religionclass, and we talk about Jesus. Wepray, and we have GAELExpectations. So, G means giverespect, A – means always do yourbest, E – means everyone isresponsible, L – means love likeJesus, and S – means safety first. We love youJesus!

Riley Steinkamp – Grade 4Catholic schools help us build a

relationship with Jesus by goingto Mass every Thursday. Everymorning we say a few prayers.Religion classes help us too.During religion classes sometimespeople come in to talk about reli-gious vocations. Some peoplecome in to talk about saints withus. We do activities to help our faith in Jesusgrow.

Aleksandria Aljets (Poem) – Grade 3

We Share Our Faith We share out faith with one

another.We share our faith

with sister and broth-er.

We are sweet menand women.

We treat each otherwith respect, as we

Should in our won-derful faith.

We show our faith by helpingothers.

We love our faith with all ourheart.

That’s what makes us so smart.

All of us children help our faithgrow.

Even when the day seems sad andslow.

We keep our heads high.Reaching for the sky.

We keep our faith strong.Saint Edmond has a wonderful

spirit.You would love to hear it!

Many people say; “Saint EdmondElementary

Has the strongest faith in theworld.”

So there it is. The story of SaintEdmond.

Keep this in your heart. One dayyou will want it.

To make you very smart.

St. Edmond CatholiC SChoolS third-gradE tEaChEr Kim gallES,

right, visits with a group of students who got to have lunch with her recently. Thepicnic is a reward for good work.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen

Page 7: Catholic Schools

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 20136 Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013

St. Edmond students speakKids answer the question: How do Catholic schools help students build a relationship with Jesus?

Taishonna Ludwig – Grade 5Catholic schools help me build a relationship with Jesus

by teaching me how to be a good person, not just a goodstudent. Being a good student matters even more. Why?Because being a good student means being nice to people inyour school, but being a good person means being nice topeople you meet or don’t know. For example, you couldhelp someone pick up their fallen supplies, help someonewho fell, or pick up litter. By being a good person, you areshowing how to follow Jesus’s example to even more people.

Leah Neverman – Grade 4I build a relationship with Jesus by praying.

It helps me because I never prayedat home, and now I do. Religionhelps me know a little more aboutJesus, and when I read religion Ireally enjoy it. Now, I’m trying tobe nicer to my friends and familyto go to heaven. I know I shouldfollow the golden rule, and teachit to others. I realize that if I needhelp from Jesus he will answer it.

Sam Daniel – Grade 4We go to Mass for an hour. We

study the Commandments andBeatitudes. We have religionclass, and we talk about Jesus. Wepray, and we have GAELExpectations. So, G means giverespect, A – means always do yourbest, E – means everyone isresponsible, L – means love likeJesus, and S – means safety first. We love youJesus!

Riley Steinkamp – Grade 4Catholic schools help us build a

relationship with Jesus by goingto Mass every Thursday. Everymorning we say a few prayers.Religion classes help us too.During religion classes sometimespeople come in to talk about reli-gious vocations. Some peoplecome in to talk about saints withus. We do activities to help our faith in Jesusgrow.

Aleksandria Aljets (Poem) – Grade 3

We Share Our Faith We share out faith with one

another.We share our faith

with sister and broth-er.

We are sweet menand women.

We treat each otherwith respect, as we

Should in our won-derful faith.

We show our faith by helpingothers.

We love our faith with all ourheart.

That’s what makes us so smart.

All of us children help our faithgrow.

Even when the day seems sad andslow.

We keep our heads high.Reaching for the sky.

We keep our faith strong.Saint Edmond has a wonderful

spirit.You would love to hear it!

Many people say; “Saint EdmondElementary

Has the strongest faith in theworld.”

So there it is. The story of SaintEdmond.

Keep this in your heart. One dayyou will want it.

To make you very smart.

St. Edmond CatholiC SChoolS third-gradE tEaChEr Kim gallES,

right, visits with a group of students who got to have lunch with her recently. Thepicnic is a reward for good work.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen

Page 8: Catholic Schools

St. Edmond Catholic Schools are aplace to grow in learning. FromPreschool through 12th grade, thereare many opportunities for lessons —whether in the classroom or thoselearned from service activities or proj-ects.

These are the things that areemphasized in each grade levelthroughout the school; students asyoung as preschool age give to thoseless fortunate.

Recently, students got involved thisyear by adopting the Holy TrinityParish food pantry. Items were col-lected by the students to help stockthe food pantry shelves.

Another organization, BackpackBuddies, benefited from a special col-lection during Mass and from a dressdown day. Over $1,000.00 was raisedfor the local Backpack Buddy pro-gram.

Academics are vitally important atSt. Edmond but equally important isthe lesson of serving and giving backto those that need help.

During a recent round table discus-sion, a group of students discussedwhat a typical day is like at St.Edmond.

“I like that I know who everyone isand I can talk to everyone,” said

Maddie McCarville, junior. “Becausewe are a smaller school you can beinvolved in lots of different areas. Iam involved in music, athletics, stu-dent government, and YouthMinistry. I really like that.”

Junior Casey McEvoy agreed, “Because of the smaller classes you

can make a bigger impact. Our teach-ers have high standards for us aca-demically and are always there tohelp us if we need it. They care aboutus and want us to succeed. They haveinstilled in us great moral values anda deep sense of right and wrong. I feellike, even after I graduate from highschool, we have each forged greatrelationships.

“I have been able to take collegecourses that will allow me to be moreprepared when I attend college,” hesaid.

Senior Aaron McElroy agreed. “Because of the good habits that I

have formed while I have been here,it will help me be more disciplinedwhen I enter college next year,” hesaid.

Being involved in the YouthMinistry of Holy Trinity Parish alsoprovides a worthwhile opportunity

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CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 20138 Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa

Students get involved at St. Edmond

A group of St. Edmond CAtholiC SChoolS StudEntS sign a

Rachel’s Challange banner in the cafeteria.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen


Page 9: Catholic Schools


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CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 2013The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013

for St. Edmond students. One of the most memo-rable activities of the Youth Ministry was theSteubenville Conference, held each July inSteubenville, Mo.

“Steubenville is a weekend for teens to enrichtheir faith. It was an awesome experience,“McElroy said.

“One of the things that I feel is special about St.Edmond is that we are all on one campus. I loveseeing the little kids and remembering how Ilooked up to the older students when I was thatage. Now we are the ones that they look up to. Itmakes me want to be a great role model for them.I don’t think anyone wants to set a bad example,”said senior Annie Kersten.

The presence of the parish priests at St. Edmondis another way the school differentiates itself.Whether in the hallways, classrooms, or businessarea, they are part of the school and often they canbe seen in classrooms or visiting with students.

St. Edmond has a variety of wonderful opportu-nities for students. Strong academics, access to col-lege courses, devoted teachers and staff, socialevents, great friendships, athletics, music, andmany areas of service to be involved.

Involvement Continued from Page 8

foStErgrAndpArEnt loiSpingEl, center, spendssome quality time with StEdmond CatholicSchools first-gradersAnthony Clavey, left, andBryson Axness.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen

Page 10: Catholic Schools

“May I come in during Strategies and make upmy quiz?”

This question, and other similar requests can beheard daily at St. Edmond High School. Strategies,the last session at the end of each school day istime set aside for many reasons, including advi-sor/advisee time, test make-up, help on homework,class or club meetings, service and learning oppor-tunities..all of these are just a few examples of thepurpose of Strategies.

The idea was conceived three years ago when ascheduling committee explored it as option tomatch the middle school schedule. Melanie Vogt,a high school English teacher and a member of thecommittee, explored other schools in northwestIowa and found that many had some kind of a stu-dent make-up session to end their school days.From initial ideas that were discussed, Strategieswas born.

One recent service project that Strategies stu-dents participated in was Hearts Across America, anational project that was started to make a chain ofheart stretching across the United States toNewtown Conn. Close to 1000 hearts were madein one session of Strategies. Sending Christmas e-greeting cards, discussion of ways to prevent bully-ing, viewing videos of the danger of texting whiledriving are just several other topics that have beenfocused upon.

However, the main purpose of Strategies is oneon one help from teacher to student. Whether it bewith organization, make-up of homework or just aquiet place to study, Strategies has proved an effec-tive and engaging way to end a school day. said St.Edmond freshman Gage Touney,

“ I like Strategies as it gives us time to work andhave the teachers help us. If we can’t figure outhow to do something we can go during Strategiesto get help.”

It also is an incentive to achieve good grades asupperclassmen who have no D’s or F’s do not haveto report to Strategies every day.

“I try to keep my grades up and not get a D so Ican get out of school earlier and go to practice,”said senior Jacob Salisbury.

Vogt, the coordinator this year of Strategies is

also enthusiastic about Strategies. “I really like it as it has proven to be great time

for student to come for help. It also has alleviatedthe need to have class meetings etc. during the day

that now can be accomplished during Strategies. Ialso have had many upperclassmen tell me that ithas been a worthwhile incentive to achieve goodgrades,” she said.

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CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 201310 Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa

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‘Strategies’ provides useful time for students

frAmEd by A modEl of thE humAn muSClE SyStEm, St. Edmond biology instructor Amy Keenan

teaches a group of freshman.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen

Page 11: Catholic Schools

St. Edmond Catholic School is committed to pro-viding affordable Catholic education to families inneed of assistance. As a ministry of Holy TrinityParish, every St. Edmond Catholic student receivessupport through the benevolence of Holy Trinityparishoners. Additional assistance is availablethrough tuition aid programs, funded through thegifts provided by alumni, parishoners, supporters,and the community.

“The availability of tuition aid to our St. Edmondfamilies is a key component for many of our stu-dents attending St. Edmond,” said Tim Hancock,business manager.

Applying for tuition aid is a relatively simpleprocess. St. Edmond uses Private School Aid Serviceas a third-party firm to collect information anddetermine the level of tuition aid that is awarded.Using their online system, all information is sub-mitted directly to PSAS by the applicant. All infor-mation provided is confidential and tuition aid

awards are determined solely by PSAS. “The useof PSAS instills fairness in the process”, Hancocksaid, “tuition aid is determined by the number offamilies applying and the amount of aid that isavailable. PSAS reviews each application for aidcarefully and distributes the aid in an equitablemanner.”

Applications for financial aid for the 2013-2014school year need to be submitted to PSAS by April15, 2013. Families are generally notified within 30days of their application with the amount of theiraward.

“We encourage all families to apply for tuitionaid,” Hancock said. “We want to provide as manyfamilies as possible with the opportunity to attendSt. Edmond.”

New families are eligible to apply anytime,according to Hancock.

“The commitment to provide Catholic educationis a foundation of our faith and service in regards

to the educational mission of our parish,” saidMonsignor Kevin McCoy, Holy Trinity Parish pas-tor and St. Edmond president. “With the grace ofGod and the assistance of our wonderful parishon-ers and supporters, we will continue to be able ofoffer students the lasting gift of a Catholic educa-tion.”


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Jan. 27 - Children’s Sunday Catholic Schools Week Liturgy 9:00 Jan. 27 - Catholic Schools Week Pancake Breakfast 8:00-11:30 Jan. 28 - Global Awareness Day Jan. 29 - Community/Alumni Day Jan. 30 - Fundraiser/Teacher Appreciation Day Jan. 31 - St. Mary’s Pride Day, Bishop Nickless visits Feb. 1 - Student Appreciation Day Feb. 1 - Student Liturgy

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30th Anniversary

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CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 2013The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013

Tuition aid available for St. Edmond students

Page 12: Catholic Schools

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 201312 Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013 The Messenger/Fort Dodge, Iowa

Several events are scheduled at St. Edmond. It is a great oppor-tunity to get a first-hand look at St. Edmond.

Kindergarten Roundup – Feb. 12This year we will have two sessions for Roundup to better

accommodate parents’ schedules. Morning session will begin at 9:15 a.m. The morning will end

with lunch for parents and students at 11:00 .m.Afternoon session will begin with lunch at 12:30 p.m. for par-

ents and students with the meeting following. The session willend at 2:30 p.m.

Check in will be in the elementary lobby at 2321 Sixth Ave. N.The meeting will be held in the auditorium.

Please call the elementary office at 515-576-5182 RSVP andindicate what session best suites your schedule. To be eligible forKindergarten, students must be 4 years old by September 15,2013.

Eighth Grade Parent & Student Information NightFeb. 6 – for current St. Edmond students whose last name

begins with A-LFeb. 7 – for current St. Edmond students whose last name

begins with M-Z and new studentsMeeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the St. Edmond High School

Commons.In these meetings students will be selecting classes for

Freshman year as well as creating their 4 year plan for highschool. Paula Florey will give information and will assist stu-dents and parents with this plan. If you have any questions orwould like further information, please call Paula Florey at 515-955-5850 or Tabitha Acree at 515-576-5182.

St. Edmond will hold a New Family Information Night in April.If you would like to be put on the mailing list for this event,please call the Business office at 515-955-6077.

If you would like a closer look at St. Edmond, we are alwayshappy to give a tour. New Family Information packets are avail-able as well as information on our website – Please call (515) 955-6077 if you have any ques-tions.

Learning about St. Edmond

St. Edmond SEniorS Josie Heesch, front, and Emilee Mobley work on their

laptop computers in the school library recently.

-Messenger photo by Hans Madsen