Catholic Parishes Sydney Harbour North

The Catholic Parishes of Sydney Harbour North 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B 12th September 2021 Dear parishioners, We invite you to join us for live-stream Mass 9am this Sunday and at Midday Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during lockdown. To view the live-stream visit and click on the blue button OR click on the button below: Harbour-North-114281226876739/videos/ Responsorial Psalm: I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world. Alleluia! Sunday Readings This weekend: Is 50:4c-9a Jas 2:14-18 Mk 8:27-35 Next weekend: Wis 2:12, 17-20 Jas 3:16-4:3 Mk 9:30-37 Beauty Point Neutral Bay Mosman Clifton Gardens St Therese St Josephs Sacred Heart Blessed Sacrament Gospel Reflection The question of every year, of every century , the question of the ages - Jesus asks His Disciples, and He asks each one of us - “Who do you say I am?” Don’t quibble, don’t hesitate, don’t pretend Can we answer as did Simon Peter - “You are the Christ, you are the Son of God.” If, we do, and I am sure we do, then our lives must reflect what we believe - in our home, in our Parish, in our work place in the wider community. The question challenges us at the very heart of our being. If we answer that He was just another human being - then He is just the same as us. But if we proclaim Him as our God and our Saviour, then surely we are under an obligation to commit ourselves to Him with all of our being. Let us all question ourselves - do our lives truly reflect what we belief? So what is my answer to His question- “WHO DO YOU SAY I AM?” Late Father John Langtry

Transcript of Catholic Parishes Sydney Harbour North

The Catholic Parishes of

Sydney Harbour North

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B 12th September 2021

Dear parishioners,

We invite you to join us for live-stream Mass 9am this Sunday and at Midday Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during lockdown. To view the live-stream visit and click on the blue button OR click on the button below:

Responsorial Psalm: I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world. Alleluia!

Sunday Readings

This weekend: Is 50:4c-9a Jas 2:14-18 Mk 8:27-35

Next weekend: Wis 2:12, 17-20 Jas 3:16-4:3 Mk 9:30-37

Beauty Point Neutral Bay Mosman Clifton Gardens

St Therese St Joseph’s Sacred Heart Blessed Sacrament

Gospel Reflection The question of every year, of every century , the question of the ages - Jesus asks His Disciples, and He asks each one of us - “Who do you say I am?” Don’t quibble, don’t hesitate, don’t pretend Can we answer as did Simon Peter - “You are the Christ, you are the Son of God.” If, we do, and I am sure we do, then our lives must reflect what we believe - in our home, in our Parish, in our work place in the wider community. The question challenges us at the very heart of our being. If we answer that He was just another human being - then He is just the same as us. But if we proclaim Him as our God and our Saviour, then surely we are under an obligation to commit ourselves to Him with all of our being. Let us all question ourselves - do our lives truly reflect what we belief? So what is my answer to His question- “WHO DO YOU SAY I AM?” Late Father John Langtry


My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You were already here,

and unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Archbishop’s Afghan Refugee Appeal Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has launched an appeal to support the Afghan people seeking asylum who have been forced to flee their homeland.


All funds and resources will go to Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in Australia.

Safeguarding Sunday, 12 September 2021 This Sunday we reflect on how we can improve the ways we care for, protect and listen to the Children and Young People in our communities. To help us, the Safeguarding Office has de-veloped two new resources:

· Children’s Activity Book and A Guide for Young People to Better Understand their Wellbeing.

· Children and Young People’s Participation in Catholic Communities, a guide that promotes community aware-ness to support, engage, listen to and communicate with Children and Young People.

These resources can be accessed on the Safeguarding website:

Write to your local NSW MP to stop pro-posed euthanasia laws in our state. Parishioners are encouraged to please con-tact your local NSW MP, expressing your opposition to the voluntary assisted dying bill, proposed by Independent MP Alex Greenwich.

The anti-euthanasia coalition, HOPE has developed an online tool that will allow you to send an email directly to your state MP and to all members of the NSW Upper House.

The Furnace Podcast click here to listen

Baptismal Preparation Session : postponed until further notice. Please contact the parish office to book in Ph: 8969 3200 [email protected]

Click here for this week’s

children’s activity sheet

Print + complete










Benedict Book Club meeting via Zoom 21 Sept 7.30pm. The book being discussed is Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates. Please contact Mark Dorney if you wish to join: [email protected]

Voluntary Assisted Dying and Suicide Prevention Join the event via ZOOM DATE Tuesday 21 September 6-7.30pm RSVP For Zoom registration email [email protected] This lecture will address the relationship between actions legalised by the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act (VAD) and suicide.

First Reconciliation enrolments are NOW OPEN and will close on Sept 14 for candidates in Year 3 or older. Please enrol using the google form on the parish website homepage. The program will commence in Term 4 with preparation lessons on zoom.

Joe Jenkins Requiem Mass 10.30am Friday

10th September 2021. Live-streamed from Sa-

cred Heart Church Mosman. CLICK THE LINK

BELOW to view:

We pray for ...

Our sick

Marta Mencinskyj, James Joseph Cattalanotto (baby), John McGrath, Ramen Narayanen (Tino), Frances Quealy, Paul Kingsley, Patricia Noble, Frank Roberts, Sevan Ishkhanian, Geoff A. Moran, Dympna Collett, Anne Withnell, Margaret Burgess, Natalka Bourke, Christopher Ashton, Nadine Higgins, Brenda Nicholls, Susan Jones, Charlotte Orth, Janet Blake, Luke Fay, Daniel Moran, Guy Cassar, Patricia Lee, Benjamin Francis, Deborah Harrod, Bronwyn Munroe, Sr Patricia, Colleen Monkel, Arabella Smallhorn, Anna Talbot, James Talbot, James Hugh Barry, Matthew Hanson, Jenny Murchie, Sophie Wigman, Muan-Tee Lim, Alison Brent, Margaret Polin, Helen Robertson, Dr Tony Hathaway, Paul Sedgwick, Angeline Low, Anne Sullivan, Rosemary Myer, Bernadette Coffey, Michael Sheekey, Kath O’Brien, Philomena O’Neil, Monica Bullen, Joan Shoti, Mary & Madeleine Thomas

Parishioners in Nursing Home/Hostel Bobbie Reilly, Tom Buttel, Margaret Williams, Rhona Egan, Ivan Garsia, Anne Matthews, Janetta Haskell, Sheila Ryan (Woods), Therese Evans, Gaynor Mitchell

Recently deceased Colleen Chatfield, Albert Pinelli, Rhoda McNamee, Maureen Ritchard, John Gillespie, Joe Jenkins, Melvin Corpuz (Fr Noel’s cousin), Frank Koch, Cliff Berrigan (Maria Martin’s father), David Buay,

Anniversaries Marie Graham, Frank Bloore, Fr John

Langtry, Pat Flynn, Hyacinth Browne, Audrey Murton nee Phillips, Eileen Ross, Allison & Arthur Browne, Tom Bagot, Ray Twomey, Jim Egan, Veronica (Ronnie) King, Mary Lum, James lee Crofton, Les Brogan

Parish Office M-F 8.30am-3pm 23 Cardinal St, Mosman

The Catholic Parishes of

Sydney Harbour North

A message from the Archdiocese of Sydney:

Child sexual abuse is a crime. If you, or anyone you know, have

been abused, please contact the police. Alternatively, you can

contact the Safeguarding and Ministerial Integrity Office

93905810 [email protected]

The Archdiocese has a legal obligation to report crimes to the police.