Catholic Funeral Rites The Order of Christian Funerals and Cremation.

Catholic Funeral Rites The Order of Christian Funerals and Cremation

Transcript of Catholic Funeral Rites The Order of Christian Funerals and Cremation.

Page 1: Catholic Funeral Rites The Order of Christian Funerals and Cremation.

Catholic Funeral Rites

The Order of Christian Funerals and Cremation

Page 2: Catholic Funeral Rites The Order of Christian Funerals and Cremation.

The Direction of Intention

My God, give me the grace to perform this action with you

and through love for you.In advance, I offer to you all the good that I will do and accept all

the difficulty I may meet therein.

St. Ann, Pray for us.St. Francis de Sales, Pray for us

Page 3: Catholic Funeral Rites The Order of Christian Funerals and Cremation.

OverviewAnointing of the Sick (Last Rites)

The Funeral HomeOverview of a Catholic Funeral

RitesCremationPlanning the Funeral Mass

◦Mass or no Mass? Committal – The CemeteryHow to let you family know of your


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Sacrament of the SickWhat ever happened to Last

Rites?◦Sacrament of the Sick

Given to all who are ill, about to undergo surgery, recovering for illness, advanced in age

◦Last Rites was a Hollywood invention◦Extreme Unction – The final Anointing◦Today – Sacrament of the Sick◦One should not wait until a person is

unconscious to call the priest! Sacraments work best when a person is


Page 5: Catholic Funeral Rites The Order of Christian Funerals and Cremation.

The Funeral HomeOnce a loved one has died…

◦Contact funeral home of choice, inform them you are Catholic and which church you are registered. Some parishes will NOT provide a funeral Mass for non-parishioners Contacting the parish first to begin funeral

arrangements often adds a layer of confusion Funeral Director will contact parish to set up day

and time with priest Please DO NOT set a day and time without

speaking to parish priest.

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Meeting with Priest / Parish StaffFollowing Meeting with Funeral

Director◦Call to meet with priest or parish

staffWhat happens in this meeting

◦Comfort and sympathy from parish◦Begin the process of planning the

Funeral Rites◦Discuss options for Rites, Readings

and Participation of Family members, Music selection

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Vigil for the Deceased Wake or Visitation

◦ In home of deceased (in the absence of a body) funeral home, or in Church

◦ Can be led by priest, deacon, layperson

◦ Helps those mourning to express their sorrow and to find strength and consolation through faith in Christ and his resurrection

◦ The Rosary, Evening Prayer◦ Prepared (written) eulogies of the

deceased are to be done during this service.

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Vigil for the DeceasedStructure of

the Vigil:GreetingOpening PrayerLiturgy of the

WordGospelHomily –

Reflections – eulogies

Prayer of Intercession

Lord’s PrayerConcluding PrayerBlessing

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Mass of Christian Burial/Funeral Liturgy outside Mass

Community gathers with family and friends of deceased:

To give praise and thanks for Christ’s victory over sin and death

To commend the deceased to God’s tender mercy and compassion

To find strength in the proclamation of the Paschal mystery

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Mass of Christian Burial/Funeral Liturgy outside MassWhat the Funeral Mass is NOT

◦Time for poetry readings, secular music, lengthy eulogies, reading of condolence cards, family singers or testimonials, or military honors

Page 11: Catholic Funeral Rites The Order of Christian Funerals and Cremation.

Mass of Christian Burial/Funeral Liturgy outside Mass

Introductory Rites:

Greeting Sprinkling with

Holy WaterPlacing of the


ProcessionPlacing of

Christian Symbols

Opening Prayer

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Mass of Christian Burial/Funeral Liturgy outside MassLiturgy of the Word:Readings, Homily, General

IntercessionsLiturgy of the Eucharist (Mass

only)Final CommendationInvitation to PrayerSilenceSong of FarewellPrayer of CommendationProcession to the Place of


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Mass of Christian Burial/Funeral Liturgy outside Mass

“In peace, let us take our brother/sister to his/her place of rest.”

Page 14: Catholic Funeral Rites The Order of Christian Funerals and Cremation.

Rite of CommittalIn committing the body to its resting place:

-Community expresses hope that, with all those who have gone before marked with the sign of faith, the deceased awaits the glory of the Resurrection-Expresses the communion that exists between the Church on Earth and the Church in Heaven - A place for the community

to remember, pray and wait in hope

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Rite of Committal-Invitation and Scripture Verse-Prayer Over the Place of Committal-Committal-Intercessions-The Lord’s Prayer-Concluding Prayer-Prayer Over the People

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The Question of Cremation-Symbols used in Funeral Mass with Body remind faithful of the substantial connection with the deceased’s baptism. -Catholics have a strong belief in the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit as well as a belief in the Resurrection of the Body-From early Church, cremation was viewed as a pagan practice and was forbidden until 1963-In the Code of Canon Law in 1983, “The Church earnestly recommends that the pious custom of burying the bodies of the dead be observed; it does not, however, forbid cremation unless it has been chosen for reasons which are contrary to Christian teaching” (Canon 1176).

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The Question of Cremation

Since 1997, the Church has permitted Funeral masses with cremated remains present.

-In this decision the Church acknowledged that cremated remains bear the imprint of the first creation fashioned from dust.

- “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”

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The Question of CremationFamilies who choose cremation are strongly encouraged to schedule the cremation of the body after the funeral liturgy.

• Why? So as not to lose the powerful symbolism!

• Funeral homes now provide families with a service by which they may rent the casket in which the body will be honored before its cremation.

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The Question of Cremation•If cremation is chosen:•The cremains should be placed in a worthy vessel.•The cremains are placed near the Baptismal Font during the Funeral Liturgy.•The paschal candle should be placed in a prominent position as it is when the body is present for a funeral. •The cremains may be incensed out of respect for the cremated body.•The cremains may be sprinkled with holy water. •The cremains are taken to their place of rest following the Funeral Liturgy.

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The Question of Cremation-The practice of scattering ashes over the sea, on the ground, or from the air is not permitted for Catholics and is not considered to be the reverent disposition of the cremated remains.

-The cremated remains may be buried at sea as long as they are placed in a worthy vessel that will carry the remains to the bottom of the sea bed.

-Catholics should not retain the cremated remains in their homes, places of work, etc. Neither should Catholics divide and share the cremated remains of the deceased. The Catholic Church considers these practices mistreatment and disrespect of human remains. The Church requires that the cremated remains be buried or placed in a recognized area of reverence.

-Burial should take place immediate after Funeral Liturgy.

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Planning your Funeral RitesWake, Funeral Mass, CommittalTaking time to select readings

and musicWho should be involvedMaking sure your Parish and

Family know your plans.◦Place funeral arrangements with

other important documents.◦Share information with family
