Catholic Church ~ June 17, 2018 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time Décimo Primer Domingo ... ·...

Catholic Church ~ June 17, 2018 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time Décimo Primer Domingo Del Tiempo Parish address: 2612 W. State St., Boise, ID 83702 ~ Phone 208-344-2597; Fax: 208-344-9337

Transcript of Catholic Church ~ June 17, 2018 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time Décimo Primer Domingo ... ·...

Page 1: Catholic Church ~ June 17, 2018 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time Décimo Primer Domingo ... · 2019-11-09 · Catholic Church ~ June 17, 2018 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time Décimo Primer

Catholic Church ~ June 17, 2018

11th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Décimo Primer Domingo Del Tiempo

Parish address: 2612 W. State St., Boise, ID 83702 ~ Phone 208-344-2597; Fax: 208-344-9337

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���� St. Mar�’s Catholic Church

Tree of Righteousness: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the cryptic message of the prophet Ezekiel, long centuries before the Lord’s coming, God gave His people reason to hope. Ezekiel glimpsed a day when the Lord God would place a tree on a mountain in Israel, a tree that would “put forth branches and bear fruit.” Who could have predicted that the tree would be a cross on the hill of Calvary, and that the fruit would be salvation? Ezekiel foresees salvation coming to “birds of every kind”—thus, not just to the People of Israel, but also to the Gen-tiles, who will “take wing” through their new life in Christ. God indeed will “lift high the lowly tree,” as He solemnly promis-es. Such salvation surpasses humanity’s most ambitious dreams. And so we express our gratitude in the Psalm: “Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.” It is indeed good, and better still to give thanks with praise. The Psalmist speaks of those who are just upon the earth, but looks to God as the source and measure of justice, of righteousness. Like Ezekiel, he evokes the image of a flourishing tree to describe the lives of the just. The image, again, suggests the Cross as the measure of righteousness. The Cross is a sign of contradiction to those who would rather “flourish” in worldly terms. As St. Paul emphasizes to the Corinthians, we need courage. Our faith makes us strong, and it is proved in our deeds. He reminds us that we will be judged by the ways our faith manifests itself in works: “so that each may receive recompense, according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil.” God Himself will empower the works He expects from us, though we freely choose to correspond to His grace. In the prophetic oracles, He scattered the seed that sprang up and became the mustard tree, large enough to accommodate all the birds of the sky, just as Ezekiel had seen. He gave this doctrine to His disciples in terms they were able to under-stand, and He provided a full explanation. In the sacraments He provides still more: the grace of faith and the courage we need to live in the world as children of God.

¡FELIZ DÍA DEL PADRE! ¡Cuántas cosas buenas hemos aprendido de nuestros pa-

dres! Ciertamente nos han enseñado cómo hacer las cosas, pero sobretodo

cómo vivir la vida. Para quienes nacimos varones, la presencia de nuestro padre significó el modelo a

seguir cada día. Sin darnos cuenta, empezamos a hacer las cosas que él hacía y la forma como las hacía; y

hasta empezamos a imitar sus modos y movimientos. En pocas palabras, nuestro papá fue el primer héroe en

nuestra vida. ¡Qué afortunados, qué bendecidos, somos quienes tuvimos un buen papá! Quiero rendir con

mis palabras un homenaje a mi propio padre, Manuel Camacho, y a todos los papás de nuestra comunidad

en este su día. Que Dios les premie todos lo sacrificios que han hecho por nosotros y los conserve sanos y ale-

gres el resto de su vida. ¡Felicidades!

Su amigo y servidor ~ Padre Jesús Camacho

HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! How many good things have we learned from our fathers! Certainly they have taught us

how to do things, but above all they have taught us how to live life. For those of us who were born male, the

presence of our father signified the model to follow each day. Without notice, we began to do the things he

did in the same manner he did them; and we even began to imitate his manners and movements. In so many

works, our father was our first hero in our lives. How fortunate, how blessed, are those of us who had a good

father! I want to pay homage with this message to my own father, Manuel Camacho and all the fathers of our

community on this day. May God reward all of the sacrifices you have made for us and may you be healthy

and happy the rest of your lives Congratulations!

Your friend and servant ~ Padre Jesús Camacho

From Fr. Jesus Camacho

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HORARIO DE LAS MISAS Saturday, 5:00pm- English

Sábado, 7:00pm- Español

Sunday, 8:30am & 10:45am- English

Domingo, 12:45 pm, Español

Monday– Communion Service, 8:30am

Lunes-Servicio de Comunión, 8:30am

Tues.-Fri., Mass, 8:30am

Martes -Viernes, Misa, 8:30am


Saturday 4-4:30pm or by appointment

Sábado 4-5pm y 6:30-6:50pm o previa cita

SUMMER OFFICE HOURS The parish office will be open from 9am-4pm Monday thru Thursday.

The office will be closed on Fridays during the summer.

Enjoy your summer!

SAINT MARY’S NEW BLOG St. Mary’s has begun a

blog on our website


Please check the articles already posted and we

welcome any comments you may have.

GIFT ITEMS FOR SALE Sister M. Beverly from Marymount Hermitage in Mesa, ID will be here sell-ing hand-made gift items

after all the Masses on June 23 & 24. Visit the tables in the church foyer. Items include rosaries and bracelets, saint medals and crucifixes on chains, aloe vera plants, baby booties, household items, books, Bibles, music CD’s, flower cards and more. Transactions concluded with cash or check only; no credit cards please. Thank you for your generous support of the Hermit Sisters and their life of prayer and sacrifice for the Church and the world. God bless you!

WELCOME TO OUR PARISH We are blessed to have you join us at St. Mary’s Catholic Church this weekend! If you are visiting and are

looking for a church home, please consider joining our Catholic Community. To register in the parish, or if

you regularly attend St. Mary’s Church but have never registered, complete the forms available on the ta-bles near the windows in the narthex or come to the parish office during business hours. Return completed

forms to the parish office, place in the collection basket or mail to St. Mary’s Church, 2612 W. State St., Boise,

ID 83702. For more information, please call 208-344-2597.

BIENVENIDOS A SU IGLESIA Agradecemos su visita a esta su Iglesia de Santa María. Si nos visita y anda buscando alguna parroquia a

donde asistir regularmente, apreciamos su interés en unirse a esta comunidad. Si desea mayor información

sobre nuestros grupos o desea registrarse, las formas están en las mesas en el vestíbulo. Si desea venir per-

sonalmente durante las horas de oficina, nuestras secretarias con gusto le atenderán. Para cualquier infor-

mación adicional puede comunicarse al teléfono 208-344-2597.

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acquainted potluck will

be held in the school

gym SATURDAY, JULY 7TH following the 5pm Mass

Please bring a dish to share and your beverage of

choice for this meet & greet evening.

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BISHOP KELLY YOUTH FOOTBALL CAMP is the only contact camp for Optimist age players in grades 3-8 for the 2018-2019 school year. Camp

dates are June 25-28. The cost is $150 per participant and $120 for additional family members. The camp in-cludes football fundamentals, helmet, camp shirt, insur-ance and lots of FUN. For applications and online regis-tration, visit

ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE ST. GERTRUDE’S MONASTERY This is a Mixed Media Art Retreat, Friday 3pm to Sunday 1:30pm,

July 27-29. You will identify an area of your life in which your perspective has become dense and rigid. Then, us-ing prayer, writing and intuitive painting, you will create the elements of a mixed media painting that will bring new light to old ideas. No art experience necessary. All sup-plies included. The facilitator is Keli Sim DeRitis and the suggested donation is $245 single / $195 each shared. To learn more and to register, call 208-962-2000 or go to

CONFERENCE AND WALK The North-west Parkinson Foundation is hosting "Boise Parkinson Day", a conference and walk on June 23 at the Riverside Hotel. For information and registration, go to

parkinsons-day. You must register for each event that you wish to attend.

MUSICIAN/LEADER OF SONG Risen Christ Catholic Church, Boise is looking for an additional, experienced musician who can play and lead music from the keyboard. The schedule is adaptable,

e.g. from one to three Masses a weekend. For additional information or questions, contact Risen Christ at 208-362-6584 or [email protected].

FORMED This is the amazing story of Sister Pascalina Lehnert (1894-1983), who was the personal confi-dant and secre-tary to Pope Pius

XII for forty years, when he was the papal nuncio in Ger-many, and then for his whole pontificate. The Pope had great confidence in her wisdom, energy, and loyalty, and she became known as "the most powerful woman in the history of the Vatican." In 1918, the young nun Pascalina was sent to Mu-nich to be the housekeeper of the new papal nuncio, Eugenio Pacelli. Though they seem to have little in com-mon, Pacelli became impressed by Pascalina's direct-ness, zeal, and alertness. During his delicate negotia-tions on the Concordat with Bavaria and Prussia, he benefited from Pascalina's pertinent comments and clear-headed views. He was sad to leave her behind when he was appointed Cardinal Secretary of State in 1929 and moved to Vatican City—where women were forbidden to live. But Pascalina's loyalty and strong support are missed, and she was invited to work in the Vatican—the first woman ever to do so. As part of Pacelli's Vatican household, she contended with the intrigues and rival-ries of men who resented the privileges she enjoyed and the power she wielded. But all the in-fighting soon paled before the horrors of the war, which began the same year that Pacelli was elected Pope and becomes Pius XII. As the war tore Europe apart, the Pope put his life, and the papacy itself, on the line by opposing the Nazis and Fascists. Visiting the injured and steering through plots and conspiracies, he relied heavily on Sister Pas-calina, his most important link to the world of the suffer-ing and the persecuted. Thanks to the fearlessness of Rome's clergy and the tirelessness of Pascalina, he managed to save the lives of many Roman Jews. As head of the private papal charity, Pascalina used her organizational skills to help thousands. She remained at Pacelli's side until his death in 1958, as his most im-portant confidante, valued adviser, and friend.

RELIGIOUS FREEDOM WEEK 2018 An area-wide celebration is planned by Idaho Catholics Respect Life and Salt & Light Radio on Sunday, June 24 for a patriotic balloon rosary at 5pm and an all-American picnic at 6pm at Kleiner Park, 1900 N. Rec-ords Ave. in Meridian. We will pray

the rosary for all the states in the U.S. at the Rock of Hon-or flag display. The picnic will follow at picnic shelter B-1. Hamburgers and fixings will be provided by Knights of Co-lumbus of St. John's. Attendees are invited to bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share, as well your own table ser-vice. Donations will be gratefully accepted. For more infor-mation, call Russ at 208-391-1679 or Karen at 208-869-6804.

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GOT PEANUT BUTTER? Our food bank is in need of peanut butter. Please drop it by the food bank, 3890 W. State St. or leave your donations on the cart locat-ed at the main entrance to the church. Thank you.


Calendario Semanal

Weekly Schedule

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Altar Servers






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• BloodpressurescreeningafterMasses�St.Anne’sRoom�

• Kermesse,2pm�Frontofchurch�

Monday,June18�• JuntaCaballeros,7pm�KCRoom�

Tuesday,June19�• HolyConversations,9:15am�ConferenceRoomA�

• EstudioBiblico,7pm�RoomD�

Wednesday,June20�• Adoration,9am����������

• GrupodeJovenes,7pm�SalonD�

Thursday,June21�• PlaticasBautismales,7pm�RoomD�



• SegradaFamilia,8am�RoomD�

• AriceliGomezQuinceanera,11am������

• ReligiousarticlessaleaftertheMasses��� ����

Sunday,June24�• ReligiousarticlessaleaftertheMasses��� ����

• Kermesse,2pm�Frontofchurch�

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL is sponsoring the “Rockin with Vinnies” Summerfest event. Tickets are now on sale and seat-ing is limited! Just over 200 tickets re-

main for the car raffle of a 2018 Subaru Forester. Summerfest is on June 23 at 6pm at Holy Apostles and includes a dinner auction, car raffle and danc-ing under the stars! Cost is $65 per person. Pro-ceeds from the dinner auction will help support food pantries, parish SVP conferences, utilities, housing, dining hall, prescription assistance, transportation assistance, re-entry program and more. Go to for more information.

FREE LIFT-RECLINER The par-ish is giving away a 3-4 year old lift recliner in good condition. It will need cleaning and you will need to pick it up. Please call Roxanne at the parish office, 208-344-2597 if you are interested. Thank you.

Ez 17: 22-24; Ps 92: 2-3. 13-16; 2 Cor 5: 6-10; Mk 4: 26-34

1 Kgs 21: 1-16; Ps 5: 2-7; Mt 5: 38-42

2 Kgs 2: 1. 6-14; Ps 31: 20. 21. 24; Mt 6: 1-6. 16-18

Sir 48: 1-14; Ps 97: 1-7; Mt 6: 7-15

2 Kgs 11: 1-4. 9-18. 20; Ps 132: 11-14. 17-18; Mt 6: 19-23

2 Chr 24: 17-25; Ps 89: 4-5. 29-34; Mt 6: 24-34

1 Kgs 21: 17-29; Ps 51: 3-6. 11 and 16; Mt 5: 43-48

Is 49: 1-6; Ps 139: 1-3. 13-15; Acts 13: 22-26; Lk 1: 57-

Weekly Scripture Readings

June 17 - 24, 2018

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�� St. Mar�’s Catholic Church


Coordinadores/Coordinators José y Martha Ayala, llame a la oficina Sub Coordinadores/Assisting Juan y Juana Sánchez……… 208-466-4150 Tesorero/Treasury Alfredo Garibay ..……………………….. 208-371-1612



Altar Servers: Sam Murano: [email protected]/ Eduardo Chavez Lectors: Sam Murano ~ Margarita Luna

Eucharistic Ministers/Ministros de la Eucaristía Rod Jaszkowiak ~ Familia Carretero

Bishop Kelly Representative / Representante: Bryan Smith Mike Caldwell, Principal

Director of Music/ Director Musical: Patty Gabica Haas/Ray Lopez

Choir Directors / Directores del Coro Robert Parsley ~ Juan Moreno ~ Benny Garcia

Development & Finance Council / Consejo de Desarrollo y Finanzas Bob Ancin, Merikay Jost, Saul Huerta

Lynn Sprague, Douglas Schulze, Monica Pittman

Food Bank Coordinator / Banco de Comida: Stacy McDonough, 208-345-2734

Hospitality/Hospitalidad: Debbie Ashworth/Juan & Socorro Lima

Outreach Eucharistic Ministers / Visita a los enfermos Mary Daley ~ John Hitchman

Knights of Columbus / Caballeros de Colón Bob Tratz / Carlos Tapia ~ Martin Esquivel

Health Ministry/Nursing Ministry Linda Arkoosh/Christie Running/Melissa Gorozpe/Teresa Sanchez-Lopez

Prayer Network / Cadena de Oración Sandy Racine, 208-985-4760

Prison Ministry / Ministerio de Prisión Christy Chapman ~ Carlos Castro

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos

Meg Lawless ~ Luis Carrillo

Confirmation / Confirmación Meg Lawless ~ Rosi Terriquez

Religious Education/Coordinadora de Educación Religiosa Meg Lawless ~ Olga Rodriguez

Sacristan: Mike Sellars

Parish Ambassadors for Salt & Light Radio Teresa Tavelli ~ Liliana Tena ~ Francisco Amaral

St. Mary’s School Governing Board: Nick Smith St. Mary’s School P.T.O.: Ron Goodwin

Small Faith Communities / Estudio Bíblico Imanol Betikoetxea ~ Francisco Amaral / Socorro Lima

Martha García ~ Lupita Martínez

Catholic Social Teaching/Enseñanza Social de la Iglesia Gloria Terriquez

Hispanic Youth Group/Grupo de Jóvenes Hispanos Gloria Terriquez ~ Monica Virgen

Saint Mary’s Catholic Church

Comunidad Católica de Santa María 2612 W. State St., Boise, ID 83702

Oficina/Parish Office: 208-344-2597; Fax: 208-344-9337

Escuela/School: 208-342-7476

Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9am-4pm. Closed Friday. Horario de Oficina: lunes a jueves 9am-4pm. Cerrado los viernes

BAPTISM / BAUTISMO Parents should call the office to register for a baptis-mal class. Classes are the last Thursday of the month.

Bautizos en español, llame por favor a la oficina parroquial para pedir los requisitos.


QUINCEAÑERA Contact the parish office six months in advance. Comuníquese con seis meses de anticipación.



Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 11am–3pm Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes: 11am–3pm

BULLETIN ITEMS [email protected] &

[email protected]

WEBSITES / PAGINAS DE INTERNET Church/Iglesia: School/Escuela:


AFTER HOURS For those who are in

need of anointing for a TRUE LIFE


call Fr. Worster at 1(208) 680-0608. For

someone who is in the hospital, is homebound or is in a

nursing home and wishes to be anointed, please call the

office during business hours at 208-344-2597.


DE HORAS DE OFICINA Les recordamos

que si tiene una emergencia de vida o

muerte y necesita la presencia de un

sacerdote para ungir a alguien que

este en el hospital o muy grave en

casa o casa de asistencia, llame al

Padre John Worster al 1(208) 680-0608.

Puede programar una visita llamando

al 208-344-2597.

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