CATALOG YEAR: 2017 J. William Fulbright College of Arts ... · CATALOG YEAR: 2017 MATHEMATICS (1...

J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Science UNIVERSTIY CORE REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM CREDIT HOURS REQUIRED TO GRADUATE = 120 CORE + MAJOR + GENERAL ELECTIVES Fulbright College Advising Center | CHPN 322 | (479)575-3307 | | [email protected] CATALOG YEAR: 2017 MATHEMATICS (1 course – 3-4 hours) q MATH 1203 College Algebra q MATH 1204 College Algebra with Review q MATH 1313 Quantitative Reasoning q Any higher level Math course NATURAL SCIENCES (2 courses w/matching labs – 8 hours) q ANTH 1013/1011L Intro to Biological Anthropology q ASTR 2003/2001L Survey of the Universe q BIOL 1524 Biological Principles q BIOL 1543/1541L Principles of Biology q BIOL 1584 Biology for Majors q BIOL 1603/1601L Principles of Zoology q BIOL 1613/1611L Plant Biology q BIOL 2213/2211L Human Physiology q BIOL 2443/2441L Human Anatomy q CHEM 1053/1051L Chemistry in the Modern World q CHEM 1073/1071L Fundamentals of Chemistry q CHEM 1103/1101L University Chemistry I q CHEM 1123/1121L University Chemistry II q CHEM 1113/1101L University Chemistry for Engineers I q CHEM 1133/1131L University Chemistry for Engineers II q CHEM 1203/1201L Chemistry for Majors I q CHEM 1223/1221L Chemistry for Majors II q ENSC 1003/1001L Environmental Science q ENTO 1023/1021L Insects, Science, & Society q GEOS 1113/1111L General Geology q GEOS 1133/1131L Earth Science q PHYS 1023/1021L Physics & Human Affairs q PHYS 1034 Physics for Elementary Ed Majors q PHYS 1044 Physics for Architects I q PHYS 1054 Physics for Architects II q PHYS 2013/2011L College Physics I q PHYS 2033/2031L College Physics II q PHYS 2054 University Physics I q PHYS 2074 University Physics II FINE ARTS (1 course – 3 hours) q ARCH 1003 Architecture Lecture q ARHS 1003 Art Lecture q COMM 1003 Film Lecture q DANC 1003 Movement and Dance q ENGL 2023 Creative Writing I q LARC 1003 The American Landscape q MLIT 1003 Experiencing Music q MLIT 1013 Music & Society (Music Majors only) q MLIT 1333 Popular Music q THTR 1003 Theatre Appreciation q THTR 1013 Musical Theatre Appreciation SOCIAL SCIENCES (3 courses from at least 2 fields – 9 hours) q AGEC 1103 Principles of Agriculture Microeconomics q AGEC 2103 Principles of Agriculture Macroeconomics q ANTH 1023 Intro to Cultural Anthropology q COMM 1023 Communication in a Diverse World q ECON 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics q ECON 2023 Principles of Microeconomics q ECON 2143 Basic Economics: Theory and Practice q GEOS 1123 Human Geography q GEOS 2003 World Regional Geography q HESC 1403 Life Span Development q HESC 2413 Family Relations q HESC 2603 Rural Sociology q HIST 1113 Institutions and Ideas of World Civilizations I q HIST 1123 Institutions and Ideas of World Civilizations II q HIST 2003 History of the American People to 1877 q HIST 2013 History of the American People 1877 to Present q HUMN 1114H* Honors Roots of Culture to 500 C.E. q HUMN 2114H* Hnrs Birth of Modern Culture, 1600-1900 q PLSC 2003 American National Government q PLSC 2013 Intro to Comparative Politics q PLSC 2203 State and Local Government q PSYC 2003 General Psychology q RESM 2853 Leisure and Society q SOCI 2013 General Sociology q SOCI 2033 Social Problems q UNIV 1001 University Perspectives (Freshmen must complete during first year) ENGLISH COMPOSITION (2 course – 6 hours) q ENGL 1013 Composition I q ENGL 1023 Composition II U.S. HISTORY & GOVERNMENT (1 course – 3 hours) q HIST 2003 History of the American People to 1877 q HIST 2013 History of the American People 1877 to Present q PLSC 2003 American National Government Note: U.S. History & Government courses cannot be use more than once within the University Core. HUMANITIES (1 course – 3 hours) q AAST 2023 The African American Experience q ARCH 1013 Diversity and Design q CLST 1003 Intro to Classical Studies: Greece q CLST 1013 Intro to Classical Studies: Rome q COMM 1233 Media, Community, and Citizenship q ENGL 1213 Intro to Literature q GNST 2003 Intro to Gender Studies q HUMN 1124H* Honors Eq. of Cultures, 500-1600 q HUMN 2124H* Honors 20 th Century Global Culture q MUSY 2003 Music in World Cultures q PHIL 2003 Intro to Philosophy q PHIL 2103 Intro to Ethics q PHIL 2203 Logic q PHIL 3103 Ethics and the Professions q WLIT 1113 World Literature I q WLIT 1123 World Literature II q World Language at the Intermediate I (2003) level * Honors students only. Please visit for an extensive list of graduation and prerequisite requirements.

Transcript of CATALOG YEAR: 2017 J. William Fulbright College of Arts ... · CATALOG YEAR: 2017 MATHEMATICS (1...

Page 1: CATALOG YEAR: 2017 J. William Fulbright College of Arts ... · CATALOG YEAR: 2017 MATHEMATICS (1 course – 3-4 hours) q MATH 1203 College Algebra q MATH 1204 College Algebra with

J. WilliamFulbrightCollegeofArtsandScienceUNIVERSTIYCOREREQUIREMENTS


FulbrightCollegeAdvisingCenter|CHPN 322|(479)575-3307||[email protected]


MATHEMATICS(1course–3-4hours)qMATH1203CollegeAlgebraqMATH1204CollegeAlgebrawithReviewqMATH1313QuantitativeReasoningq AnyhigherlevelMathcourse

NATURALSCIENCES(2coursesw/matchinglabs–8hours)q ANTH1013/1011LIntrotoBiologicalAnthropologyq ASTR2003/2001LSurveyoftheUniverseq BIOL1524BiologicalPrinciplesq BIOL1543/1541LPrinciplesofBiologyq BIOL1584BiologyforMajorsq BIOL1603/1601LPrinciplesofZoologyq BIOL1613/1611LPlantBiologyq BIOL2213/2211LHumanPhysiologyq BIOL2443/2441LHumanAnatomyq CHEM1053/1051LChemistryintheModernWorldq CHEM1073/1071LFundamentalsofChemistryq CHEM1103/1101LUniversityChemistryIq CHEM1123/1121LUniversityChemistryIIq CHEM1113/1101LUniversityChemistryforEngineersIq CHEM1133/1131LUniversityChemistryforEngineersIIq CHEM1203/1201LChemistryforMajorsIq CHEM1223/1221LChemistryforMajorsIIq ENSC1003/1001LEnvironmentalScienceq ENTO1023/1021LInsects,Science,&Societyq GEOS1113/1111LGeneralGeologyq GEOS1133/1131LEarthScienceq PHYS1023/1021LPhysics&HumanAffairsq PHYS1034PhysicsforElementaryEdMajorsq PHYS1044PhysicsforArchitectsIq PHYS1054PhysicsforArchitectsIIq PHYS2013/2011LCollegePhysicsIq PHYS2033/2031LCollegePhysicsIIq PHYS2054UniversityPhysicsIq PHYS2074UniversityPhysicsII

FINEARTS(1course–3hours)q ARCH1003ArchitectureLectureq ARHS1003ArtLectureq COMM1003FilmLectureq DANC1003MovementandDanceq ENGL2023CreativeWritingIq LARC1003TheAmericanLandscapeqMLIT1003Experiencing MusicqMLIT1013Music& Society(MusicMajors only)qMLIT1333PopularMusicq THTR1003TheatreAppreciationq THTR1013MusicalTheatreAppreciation

SOCIALSCIENCES(3coursesfromatleast2fields–9hours)q AGEC1103PrinciplesofAgricultureMicroeconomicsq AGEC2103PrinciplesofAgricultureMacroeconomicsq ANTH1023IntrotoCulturalAnthropologyq COMM1023CommunicationinaDiverseWorldq ECON2013PrinciplesofMacroeconomicsq ECON2023PrinciplesofMicroeconomicsq ECON2143BasicEconomics:TheoryandPracticeq GEOS1123HumanGeographyq GEOS2003WorldRegionalGeographyq HESC1403LifeSpanDevelopmentq HESC2413FamilyRelationsq HESC2603RuralSociologyq HIST1113InstitutionsandIdeasofWorldCivilizationsIq HIST1123InstitutionsandIdeasofWorldCivilizationsIIq HIST2003HistoryoftheAmericanPeopleto1877q HIST2013HistoryoftheAmericanPeople1877toPresentq HUMN1114H*HonorsRootsofCultureto500C.E.q HUMN2114H*HnrsBirthofModernCulture,1600-1900q PLSC2003AmericanNationalGovernmentq PLSC2013IntrotoComparativePoliticsq PLSC2203StateandLocalGovernmentq PSYC2003GeneralPsychologyq RESM2853LeisureandSocietyq SOCI2013GeneralSociologyq SOCI2033SocialProblems

q UNIV1001UniversityPerspectives(Freshmenmustcompleteduringfirstyear)

ENGLISHCOMPOSITION(2course–6hours)q ENGL1013CompositionIq ENGL1023CompositionII

U.S.HISTORY&GOVERNMENT(1course–3hours)q HIST2003HistoryoftheAmericanPeopleto1877q HIST2013HistoryoftheAmericanPeople1877toPresentqPLSC2003AmericanNationalGovernmentNote:U.S.History&GovernmentcoursescannotbeusemorethanoncewithintheUniversityCore.

HUMANITIES(1course–3hours)q AAST2023TheAfricanAmericanExperienceq ARCH1013DiversityandDesignq CLST1003IntrotoClassicalStudies:Greeceq CLST1013IntrotoClassicalStudies:Romeq COMM1233Media,Community,andCitizenshipq ENGL1213IntrotoLiteratureq GNST2003IntrotoGenderStudiesq HUMN1124H*HonorsEq.ofCultures,500-1600q HUMN2124H*Honors20thCenturyGlobalCultureqMUSY2003MusicinWorldCulturesq PHIL2003IntrotoPhilosophyq PHIL2103IntrotoEthicsq PHIL2203Logicq PHIL3103EthicsandtheProfessionsqWLIT1113WorldLiteratureIqWLIT1123WorldLiteratureIIqWorldLanguageattheIntermediateI(2003)level



Page 2: CATALOG YEAR: 2017 J. William Fulbright College of Arts ... · CATALOG YEAR: 2017 MATHEMATICS (1 course – 3-4 hours) q MATH 1203 College Algebra q MATH 1204 College Algebra with



Please visit for an extensive list of graduation and prerequisite requirements.

Department of English333 KIMP

PHILOSOPHY (1 course • 3 hours) q PHIL 2003 Intro to Philosophy

WORLD LITERATURE (2 courses • 6 hours) q WLIT 1113 World Literature I q WLIT 1123 World Literature II

WORLD LANGUAGE up to the Intermediate II (2013) level or higher (hours vary)

q ____________________ (2013)

ENGLISH CORE (10 courses • 30 hours) q ENGL 2303 Survey of English Literature from the Beginning through the 17th Century

Select three courses from the following four: q ENGL 2313 Survey of English Literature from 1700 to 1900 q ENGL 2323 Survey of Modern British, Irish, and Postcolonial Literature q ENGL 2343 Survey of American Literature from the Colonial Period through Naturalism q ENGL 2353 Survey of Modern American Literature

q ENGL 2023 Creative Writing I q ENGL 3013 Creative Writing II q ENGL 3203 Poetry q ENGL 3213 Fiction q ENGL 4303 Intro to Shakespeare

q ENGL 4013 Undergraduate Poetry Workshop or q ENGL 4023 Undergraduate Fiction Workshop

ENGLISH/WORLD LITERATURE ELECTIVES (2 courses • 6 hours)ENGL courses numbered 3000 or higher or WLIT courses numbered 2333 or higher.

q ENGL or WLIT _______________

q ENGL or WLIT _______________



All upper-division English courses require a research or an analytical paper except ENGL 4003 and the courses in creative writing (ENGL 3013, ENGL 4013, ENGL 4023, ENGL 4073). For this reason all students who fulfill the requirements for a major in English thereby fulfill the Fulbright College writing requirement.

Catalog year: 2017

Fulbright College Advising Center CHPN 322 479.575.3307