Catalog 2009 France Apo

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Transcript of Catalog 2009 France Apo

  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo


  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo



    First 01 a ll, nov e lt y In the snowboa rd rang e :- This season, we bring a pr o mode l backInto the fold , w ith Arthur l o ng o's b oo rd . This

    young, la l en ted rider from les 2 Alpes ha s hadye t another greal season with for examp le amemo rable pa rl in the . Yeahh l o v e" video ,a 16-page Interview In Onboa rd , and IIrslplace a t t ha Me Invllall ona l.- Gerome Ma lh le u has a sig n at ur e model withthe new MTD, th e d uck on lis bOSe obviouslydi rec lly linked wi th ffis nickname: Co l n co ln . ,- The re also is some exciting cha ng econce rnin g our artis ts, wllh n ewcomerssu c h as Athens (Greece) lo lent Alexond ros

    Vasmou lakls, who takes ca re o fth e completelynew-sty le Isis.Parisian a rtist Ilk gives the Selekta a new life,with a hlph op-style, co loured artwo rk that willno doubt go down well with the la ns o f our mostpopula r boa rd.- Afte r 20 ye a rs o f co llabora tio n an d 17promodels, Dav id Vincent and Regis Ro llandhave decided 10 slop Ih e DV model(aka Amani te & Amanite LTD): it's the en d ofan era, so g e t ready to say goodbye to thefamous mushroom

    boards.In th e ski rang e:- Our second rang e introduces 2 newall-mountain skis wllh flal lail s & a 82mm waistwidth. The women's Gigi (artwork by Mizzo fromSwitzer land) an d men's J e an Claude (artworkby Nicolas ThOmaS) ar e Ihe happy additions10 the family ITile Storsky, ou r most popular ski, has a newdesigner: EBoy, Ille master o f pixe l arl, ha smode a sup e rb e ffo rt and p roduced onexp losive artwo rk.

    We hope that yo u wilt Ilave as much p leasu rediscovering o ur ra ng e as we ha d c real in g it.

    QUOI Of NEUF CHEZ AP O2 0 0 9 / 2 010 ?

    Dan s 10 gamma snowboard . :


    - Le retour d'un pta model : Calu/ d'Ar lhu,Longo naIra Jeuna a l to /e nlueu x rldsr des2 Alpes qu i a encOIe marqu e /0 solson pOt sas

    brlllantss prestafions, Nous avons eu draft duneIncroyab/e session dons 10 v/doo .. Yea hh Love .,16 pages d'ln lsrv/ew dons Onb o or d , a t un avlelo/re au MC Invitational .- Le modale MTD est dorenovon l sIgna pa rGerc5me Malhieu. Ls ca nard sur 10 semelle es tdlrectemenl Inspire de son surnom : Co/ n--coln.- C h angemen l d'unlvers chez les filles pour Iemodale ISIS, avec une deco rliol/see par unnouveau graph/SIS plein de lalen l, orlglno/red'Athenes: A/exandros Vosmoulokls,

    - Du renouveou aussl pour 10 SEiEKTA. qu i ceffeannee ss /p rlse en main porun graph/s le por/s/en: .!Ilk, Style hlp hop , bien c % r o pour sodulre lesfan s de nol,e planche /0 plus ce lebre .- Apres 20 ans de col/aborotlon e t '7 promodeles Q son oellf. DavId Vlncenl et RegisRolland ant decide de meltrs fin 0 10 (ameuse"DV" (aka Amonlte) , Monsieur chomplgnonretourne a ses moutons, avis aux collecfionneurs.Don s 10 gamma skis:

    - Inlroductlon pour csffe seconde onnee dedeux nouveaux modelas _01/ mountain " avecla/on plat et 82 mm sous las pleds : La modaleGIG/ pour las femmes, dessIn9 par I'ortisfe Suisse :Mizzo el Ie JEANCLAUDEpour las hommes,realise par notrs ce/eb rs Nlcolos Thomas.- Le modele phare de noIre gomme, /e STARSKYchange de fete. E-Boy au /e rol du pixel 1'0dessine avec un lo/ en l hors du commun.

    Nous esperons qu e vous prendfez aulonl daplaisir e n decouvranl notre gamme qu e nousen ovans eu en 10 c(90nl. J..

    Keep riding,Reg is Ro lland,

  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo


    Expresso Lever HThis very strong a lumi n ium

    leve r is easily hand led evenwith big gloves thanks to itsshape and an ext ra g ripp ingpart a round its li p . Thestainless steel cable (7 '19)will resist any lorce. even th edark fOlce ...La forme ergonomique denoIre levIer bi matiS'e (alu+ TPR)foci/ite 10 prehension. Le coble

    en ocier inoxydable (7x/9) estindestruc tible.

    Rodeo HeelcupWe have reworked theheelcup. rlvetted il. made itlighter and changed it sllghlly10 enable mo re forward lean .tes deux pieces mol/lesses denotre fixation sont en ol/iege

    ulfra leger ef renforce . EllesprocUlenl une excellenlereactfvfle et assurent unesolldile a loute epreuve.

    Responsive base JTh is base plale is robust an dlight, because It is mode fromfibreglass-rein lorced ny lon. It isvery precise yel comfor ta ble

    thanks to its two-material pad.We are so co nfident aboutIts st rength we now have al!fetime wananty on II.


    Nos embases sont goranfiesa vie. Elles son t Injecfees en

    nylon renforce fibre de verre,ce quf leur apporte nervosife,et precision. Les pods bi-moliere apporfenf conforl etdouceur dons /e ride.

    Comfort Ankle strap KThe ne w construction of Ihlsstrop was designed to hovethe perfec l blend of com fort

    (e rgonomic shope & bi-dens ltyEVA) an d power transmission.The thermoformed foaminside the strop will stop an yhard paint s from appea ring,for maximum com fort .La nouvelle construction dece strop a ef s efudiee pourplus de confort. So moussethermoformeeepouselesboftes

    idealemenl pour supprimer foulpoint da compress/on

    Power ratchet LThis aluminium ralchet is uJ/rafast (4 !o 5 clicks e ach limeyou pull th e rarchel), an d easyto pull when you want to opanthe s trap thanks to added grip.Ceffe boucle (6 click

    rapide) en aluminium a eterenforcee pour assurer unfoncfionnemanf parfait danstoules les condllions.

    Ergonomic Toe strap DThis to e st ra p wiU fit an y boot

    shape perfeclly thanks tothe EVA. holdtng the boo!from above and In front too.lis structure e nsures greatreac tivity 1o your movemen ts.Ce strap avant spouse 10forme de vos boofs groce 6son EVA soup/e. So structuretroosmet dlrGc/ement vosefforts a /0 planche.

    4x4 discThis 4x4 disc will tit nearlyal l the snowboard b rondsout there on the marke!Ce disque 4x4 convienf a/0 mojorife des plonchesdu marche pujsque c'esl /estandord de !'industrie .

    Optional diskCompatible disc.Di sc e n optionThis disc ts 4-screw an d 3-screwcompatible. Our patentedwashe rs guarantee superiorfitling of the disc .So ld separate lyas on oplion for riders whoneed a 3-sc rew filling disc .Ce disque est compatfble 4

    fraus al 3 Irous. Nos rondelfesspecio/ement dessineesassurenl une tenue sons (oille dudisque. Vendu separemen/.

  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo


  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo


  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo




    Th eo LANGE

  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo



    ~ .- s ; : ; . -

  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo


  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo

    9/1615 3 1591 6 5

    Na rro w w a is t , not narrow mind e dThe Gigl Is an o llmoun loin, stable ski made to carveon the plsle or gel oulln the powde rwhenever there issome . tis progress ive lip and dynamic Hex will answerany questions asked by an Intermediate 10 expert ,all round skier wh o doesn 't yelleellike changing 10 awider, newschoo l twin tip like the Mar/eUe .

    82 m m s o u s le s p ieds ,no tre nou ve au s ki au h ~ m i n l nLa Gigi vous a ~ u r e r oun fide pose a t stobie donstaus les types de courbes . Mu n ; d'une spatule

    relotivemenl longue at d 'un lolon plo/. ce ski vcuse mmenero sur taus las types de nalgas avec unplaisir d e skiS! encore insoupc;onne .

    WA IST TlP TA IL SIOEC UT EFFcnveWIDTH WIOTH WIDTH RAD1US DGE(mm) (01m) (mOl) (0101) (mm)

    1 53 82 116,15 107.15 15,1 1304.2159 82 116, 15 107, 15 16,2 135 2.8165 82 116,15 107, 15 17,5 1401 ,4

    Ski d e s ig n by MlzzoIfreerlde B i _ _ _

    Ifrees tyle _

    ls lop oa _ ____ +1


  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo


  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo

    11/161 6 1 1 6 7 1 7 3 1 7 9 1 8 5

    Ro ma in Gr:OjOCiit'S,klS

    Ma ke th e moun tain s your playgroundThe Slarsky Is a co nfide n ce Ins p irin g s ki , fro mthe first ru n o n , wh a te ... e r t he co n d ilions o r thete rra in . Prec ise and d yna mic in tu rns . w id ee no ugh In the p ow d e r. II will a lso sa nd yo u hi ghin t h e p or k th a n ks to Us d ev ilish p op !

    Tran sformer 10 montagn e en te rra in de je uPeu imports les conditions at /e feffoln , /e Slarskyinspire confiance des Ie premier run. Precis atdynamiq u e lars du vlrage. {aoe fifa t poppy pourdufreestyle engog6. qu e du pla{sir ou pfogrammel


    161 92 122 .76 116,08 17,27 130..:1,2167 9 2 122 .76 1 16 ,08 18 ,58 1352,817 3 92 122.76 11 6,08 19 ,94 1401,417 9 92 122.76 116 ,08 21 ,35 14 5018 5 92 122 116 2 2. 06 1498.6Ski d esig n b y E Boy

    [tre e rld e - - --- - +1Ifreesty le

    - - -- +1Is lop e - - -- +1

  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo


    Mo",'acliO's skis

    Pure pleasur e on any te rrainThe 82mm wolst on the Jean Claude will make it avery quick ski In sharp turns, bu t sill I wide enoughto go ou t In the powder ond hova great stability .Great value lor money for a ski thol will gel people10 skI wider skis than what they are used la, witho u tJumping slrolghl lo a 92mml

    Qu e du pla is ir s ur tau s les terr ain sLas 82 mm sous les pieds couples a /0 techn%gieAPO renden' /e Jean-C/oude sOr al sloble sur touslas types de ferroins. C'ast un ski Ideol pour lasnelgas duras, poudreuse at 'rofoll69S. Un ski dechoix pour un rapport quolife prix fmbottoble.

    WAIST TF TAi l SIOEClfT EFFECTMWlorn WIDTH WIDTH RADIUS EDGE(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm )

    15 9 82 116,15 107 ,15 16 ,2 1352 .816 5 82 11 6,15 107.15 17,5 1401 ,4171 82 11 6, 15 107.15 16,8 145017 7 82 116, 15 107,15 19,7 1498,618 3 82 116 , 15 107 , 15 2 1,6 1550

    Ski d es ig n bv N, Thoma sItree ri d e - _ _ _ _

    Ifreestyle -

    Is lo p e- - - --- +1

    ~ e. LA fl't-.-seMI C L" "~

    159 165 171 177 183

  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo

    13/16177 1 8 3 1 8 9

    Romain G.:OjE;a."'-kls

    Efficie nt free riding s ki but w ith in your reachOn th e plsl s, In p o wde r or in transformed snow, th e

    Wyatt w ill dazzle yo u with its stabJlJty, response andease of u se . Vou c an ei ther c ruise gently with II orgo for il flat Qulin sleep, Icy s lopes .. In both c as es ,the WyoH won' t le I you down

    Arm e ultim e pour un fre er ide e ngag eLe Wyatt est synonyms de liberte. Sur pis/e. ho /s-piste au SU I nalga IfO(O/lee. if est fmpressfonnan td e s fobmfe at d 'occesslbilite. C ruiser ou affoquerdans les pen/as foldes, ce ski e st a lonnan l a t fo ulsimp/ement mag/que .

    WAIs t 1P TAlL SlDECUTWIDTH WI DTH WIDTH RA DIU S(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm )

    177 98 132 121 ,98 21,8183 98 132 121,98 22,918 9 98 132 121,98 23,8Ski d es ign by N. Thoma s


  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo



  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo


    it. This cons truc tion makes theskis mo re durable, springy andgives more edge gr ip i n turn s.En plus de 10 boile de torsion,nos skis sonl moules avecquafte couches de fibre deverre donI 10 fibre esf orienlte

    6 0/90, Deux de ce s couchessonl posees sur Ie dessus dunoyau et deux en dessous. Cepfocede offre une plus glOnderesistance au ski et accroit sonaccroche en courbe .STMSIR'- JEAHClAUDE-WYIOT

    _BASES (Made in Au stria)EXTRUDED

    and al l r o undthis ext rud e dIs easy to maintain .

    Rapide et po/yvalenfe, ceNesemelle extrudee asl faciled'enlrelien.MACOLM - MARIWl GIGI

    SINTERED 2000

    ~This Is the standard In

    " ~ Isintered bases, and...... offers better gliding

    performan ce and st rength.These b a ses are more res istantto shocks, rocks and m et a tl Besure to wax your base otten.Ces / Ie standard hout degamme de I'indusfrie ensemel/es tranchees dans /0masse. Elle presen/e un excel/enl

    compromis entre solidite elresistance 6 I'obrosion atperformancedeglisse.Necessifeun en/relien regulier.SllIISKY- JEAHelAlOE

    SINTERED 4000The hig her m olecularde n sity makes th esebases the refe re n ce in

    te rms of durability and glidingp e rformance , espe cially o nvery cold snow. Be sure to waxyour base offen .

    Semelle 6 haute densilemo/ecula/ re , elle est /0reference en moliere dedurabilife et de performancede glisse, specialement sur lesneiges froides. Necessile unentre ien regulie f.



    I Ito ne gr ou n d ba ses

    glide m u ch better o nwei snow th anks to the

    1207 921255,6 921304,2 921352,8 92

    1304 ,2 921352,8 92

    1401,4 921450

    19,9492 21,3592 22,06

    1498,6155 0


    structure which enab les Ihewate r d rops 10 escape quickerund e r the bas e. On co ld andd ry sno w, these ba se s need tobe waxed often .Les semel/es finies 6 /0 pierregllssent beaucoup mieux sur

    les ne/gas humides, g ra ce 6des fines structures permeffantau x gouNe/eNes d'eau des'echapper plussous /0 semelle.WYlITT

    1 5 3~ -~ .If!:- ~ " - - a~

    1731 7 .




    Ne vJ

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  • 8/14/2019 Catalog 2009 France Apo

