CAT Vocab (Part-I)

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    (PART I)

    ABSCOND:To leave secretly

    Syn: Flee, Decamp, Escape

    Ex: Before the police could arrive, the thief ABSCONDED from the site.

    Roots: Ab means away; Sconc means hide

    Related Words: Abstain, Abjure, Abstemious, Ensconce, Conceal

    ABATE: To reduce in amount, degree, or severity.

    Syn: Lapse, Let up, Moderate, Relent, Slacken, Subside, Wane

    Ex: As the storm ABATED, the sea became calm.

    ABSTAIN: to choose not to do something

    Syn: Refrain, Withhold

    Ex:The doctor advised him to ABSTAIN from alcohol.

    ABYSS: an extremely deep hole

    Syn: Chasm, Void

    Ex:The mountain trail ran along the edge of an ABYSS (n).

    Related words: Abyssal: pertaining to great depth; Abysmal: extremely bad

    ADULTERATE: to make impure

    Syn: Doctor.Ex:The milkman ADULTERATED the milk with water.

    Roots: Ad means to; Alter means other

    Related words: Adultery:an illicit relationship

    ADVOCATE: to speak in favor of

    Syn: Back, Champion, Support

    Ex: A vegetarian will always ADVOCATE a diet without meat.

    Roots: Ad means to; Voc means call or speak to speak for another

    Related Words: Convocation, Revocation, Advocacy

    AESTHETIC: concerning the appreciation of beauty.

    Syn: Artistic, Tasteful

    Ex: Followers of the AESTHETIC Movement regarded the pursuit of beauty as the only purpose of art.

    Roots: Aesth means sense or perception

    Related Words: Anesthesia, Aesthete: someone unusually sensitive to beauty.

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    ANALOGOUS: Similar or alike in some way; equivalent to

    Syn: Alike, Comparable, Corresponding, Equivalent, Parallel, Similar

    Ex:The term depression is ANALOGOUS to sadness and dejection.

    Roots: Log means speak

    Related Words: Analogy: a similarity between things otherwise dissimilar; Analogue: something similar in

    some way to something else; Dialogue

    ANOMALY: deviation from what is normal

    Syn: Aberration, Abnormality, Deviation, Irregularity, Preternaturalness

    Ex: It is an ANOMALY to have six fingers, instead of five, among humans.

    Related words -: Anomalous: deviating from what is normal

    ANTAGONIZE: to annoy or provoke to anger

    Syn: Clash, Conflict, Incite, Irritate, Oppose, Pester, Provoke, Vex

    Ex:The union leader ANTAGONIZED the labour against the companys officials.Roots: Anti means opposed; Agony means suffering

    Related words - Antagonistic: tending to provoke conflict.

    ANTIPATHY: extreme dislike

    Syn: Animosity, Animus, Antagonism, Aversion, Hostility, Repellence

    Ex:The ANTIPATHY between the French and the English led to recurrent eruptions of violence.

    Roots: Anti means against; Pathos means suffering

    Related Words: Empathy, Sympathy, Apathy, Pathology

    APATHY: lack of interest or emotion

    Syn: Coolness, Disinterest, Disregard, Impassivity, Indifference, Insensibility, Unconcern, Unresponsiveness.

    Ex:The APATHY among voters is so great that fewer than half the eligible ones actually bother to do so.

    Roots: A means not; Pathos means suffering

    ARBITRATE: to judge a dispute between two opposing parties.

    Syn: Adjudge, Adjudicate, Decide, Determine, J udge, Moderate, Referee

    Ex: Since the couple could not arrive at a mutual agreement, they sought assistance of law to ARBITRATE

    their divorce proceedings.

    Related words -: Arbitration:a process by which a conflict is resolved

    ARCHAIC: ancient, old-fashioned

    Syn: Ancient, Antique, Bygone, Dowdy, Fusty, Obsolete, Old-fashioned, Outdated, Outmoded, Pass,

    Prehistoric, Stale, Superseded, Vintage.

    Ex: Her ARCHAIC computer was not compatible with the latest software.

    Roots: Archae means old

    Related word: Archaism: an outdated word or phrase, Archaeology

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    ARDOR: intense and passionate feeling.

    Syn: Devotion, Enthusiasm, Fire, Passion, Zeal,

    Ex: His ARDOR for beauty was evident in his passionate description of the Taj Mahal.

    Related words: Ardent: expressing ardor; passionate.

    ARTICULATE: able to speak clearly and expressively

    Syn: Expressive, F luent, Lucid, Silver-Tongued, Smooth-Spoken

    Ex: It is essential that you ARTICULATE your ideas well if you want the committee to consider them.

    ASSUAGE: to lessen, to calm

    Syn: Alleviate, Appease, Comfort, Conciliate, Mollify, Pacify, Relieve, Soothe.

    Ex:The teacher ASSUAGED the students fears with her motivating words.

    ATTENUATE: to lessen in severity; to weaken

    Syn: Dilute, Rarefy, Sap, Undermine, Undo, Unnerve, Weaken.Ex:The Bill of Rights ATTENUATED the traditional power of the government to change laws at will.

    Roots: Ten means stretch

    Related Words: Tension, Tenacious

    AUDACIOUS: fearless and daring

    Syn: Adventuresome, Assertive, Bold, Brave, Courageous, Daring, Doughty, Fearless, Gallant

    Ex: An AUDACIOUS person will always stand up against the evil practices of society.

    AUSTERE: severe or stern in appearance; undecorated

    Syn: Bleak, Dour, Grim, Hard, Harsh, Severe

    Ex:The plain architecture of the Zen temples seems AUSTERE to the layman.

    Related words: Austerity: severity, especially poverty

    BANAL: dull or stale because of overuse, boring

    Syn: Hackneyed, Insipid, Stereotypic, Worn-out

    Ex:The repetitive exhortations of the septuagenarian leader have become BANAL indeed.

    Related words: BANALITY: the quality of being banal

    BOLSTER: to support; to prop up

    Syn: Brace, Buttress, Sustain, Underpin, Uphold.

    Ex:The presence of pugmarks BOLSTERED the argument that the beast was hiding nearby.

    BOMBASTIC: pompous in speech and manner

    Syn: Declamatory, Rhetorical, Self-important

    Ex: His speeches were mostly BOMBASTIC; his boasting and outrageous claims seemed baseless.

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    CACOPHONY: harsh, jarring noise

    Syn: Discord, Chaos, Disharmony, Noise,

    Ex: Members of the junior high orchestra created an almost unbearable CACOPHONY as they tried to tune

    their instruments.

    Roots: Caco means bad; Phone means sound

    CANDID: impartial, free from prejudice or bias

    Syn: Forthright, Frank, Honest, Open, Sincere, Straightforward, Undisguised,

    Ex: Professional journalists are expected to be CANDID.

    Roots: Cand means light or bright

    Related Words: Candle, Incandescent

    CAPRICIOUS: changing ones mind quickly and often

    Syn: Arbitrary, Chance, Changeable, Erratic, Fickle, Inconstant, Random, Whimsical, Willful

    Ex:The king was quite CAPRICIOUS; passing a law on one day, and replacing it with another, the next.Roots: Cap means head

    Related words: Per capita; Capital; Decapitate

    CASTIGATE: to punish or criticize harshly

    Syn: Admonish, Chide, Rebuke, Reproach, Scold

    Ex: Americans are amazed at how harshly the authorities in Singapore CASTIGATE perpetrators of what

    would be considered minor crimes in the United States.

    CATALYST: a person or a thing that acts as the stimulus in bringing about or hastening the result.

    Ex: The J allianwala Bagh massacre served as a CATALYST for young minds to fight for the freedom of the


    CAUSTIC: biting

    Ex: Dorothy Parker gained reputation for CAUSTIC wit from her cutting, yet clever, insinuations.

    Roots: Caus or Caut means burn

    Related Words: Cauterize, Holocaust

    CHAOS: great disorder or confusion

    Syn: Confusion, Disarrangement, Disarray, Disorder, Disorganization, Mess, Muddle, Turmoil

    Ex:The children created a CHAOS when they learned that their trip had been postponed indefinitely.

    Related Words: Chasm

    CHAUVINIST: someone prejudiced in favour of a group he or she belongs to

    Syn: Partisan

    Ex:The attitude that men are inherently superior to women is common among male CHAUVINISTS.

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    CHICANERY: deception by means of craft or guile

    Ex: Dishonest salesmen indulge in CHICANERY to sell beat-up old cars.

    COGENT: convincing and well reasoned

    Syn: Convincing, Persuasive, Sound, Valid

    Ex: Swayed by the COGENT argumentation of the defense, the jury had no choice but to acquit the


    Roots: Co means together; ag means act

    Related Words: Agent, Cooperate, Common

    CONDONE: to overlook, pardon, or disregard

    Syn: Exculpate, Excuse, Remit.

    Ex:The teacher CONDONED the unruly behaviour of the students.

    Roots: Con means together; Don means give

    Related Words: Convocation, Donation

    CONVOLUTED: rolled up, intricate and complicated

    Syn: complex, knotty, tangled, intricate

    Ex: It is very difficult to interpret the CONVOLUTED theories propounded in this book.

    Roots: Con means together; vol means roll

    Related Words: Revolution, Involve

    CORROBORATE. To confirm, bolster, support

    Syn: Authenticate, Back, Bear out, Buttress, Confirm, Substantiate, Validate

    Ex: The forensic evidence CORROBORATED the witnesss testimony that he had seen the accused in the

    victims apartment.

    Roots: Co means together; Rob means strengthen

    Related Words: Robust

    CREDULOUS: tending to believe too readily, gullible

    Syn: Naive, Susceptible, Trusting,

    Ex: Only the most CREDULOUS person could believe in the existence of fairies.

    Roots: Cred means faith or trust

    Related Words: Incredible, Discredit, Credence

    CRESCENDO: steadily increasing volume or force

    Ex: It became difficult for me to concentrate on my studies because of the CRESCENDO of voices emanating

    from the neighbourhood festivities.

    Roots: Cre means make; Scend means going towards

    Related Words: Adolescent, Crescent

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    DEBONAIR Affable, charming, urbane, well-bred

    Ex:The DEBONAIR young man is always elegantly dressed and displays easy mannerism.

    Roots: From French De, Bon, and Air Of good birth

    Related Words: Bonjour, Bonanza

    DECORUM: appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety

    Syn: Correctness, Decency, Etiquette, Manners

    Ex: Students are expected to maintain DECORUM in the classroom.

    Roots: Decor means elegance

    Related Words: Decorate

    DEFERENCE: respect, courtesy

    Syn: Honor, Homage, Respect, Reverence,

    Ex:The young law clerk treated the well known juror with DEFERENCE.

    DERIDE: to speak of or treat with contempt; to make

    Syn: gibe, jeer, mock, scoff, sneer

    Ex:The awkward child was often DERIDED by his peers.

    Roots: De means down or out; Ride

    Related Words: Derision, Decrease

    DESICCATE: to dry out thoroughly

    Syn: Dry, Parch, Dehydrate

    Ex:You will have to DESICCATE these fruits in order to preserve them.

    DIATRIBE: to scold, condemnatory speech

    Ex:The trucker bellowed a DIATRIBE at the driver who had overtaken him.

    Roots: Dia means across; Trib means difficulty

    Related Words: Diagram, Diagnose, Tribulations

    DESULTORY: jumping from on thing to another; disconnected

    Syn: Aimless, Erratic, Haphazard, Purposeless, Random, Stray

    Ex:The discussion was dull and DESULTORY.

    Roots: De means down or out; Sult means jump

    Related Words: Result, Insult

    DIFFIDENT: shy, timid

    Syn: Backward, Bashful, Coy, Demure, Modest, Retiring Shy, Timid

    Ex:You cannot afford to be DIFFIDENT in such a competitive workplace.

    Roots: Fid means faith

    Related Words: Confidence, Hi Fidelity, Infidel

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    DILATE: to make larger; to expand

    Syn: Amplify, Develop, Elaborate, Enlarge, Expand, Expatiate

    Ex: When you enter a dark room, the pupils of your eyes DILATE to let in more light.

    Roots: Latus means side to stretch to sides

    Related Words: Multilateral, Relate

    DILATORY: intended to delay.

    Syn: Dragging, Laggard, Lagging, Slow, Slow-Going, Slow-Paced, Tardy

    Ex:The opposition used DILATORY measures to delay the passing of the bill.

    DILETTANTE: someone with an amateurish and superficial interest in a topic.

    Syn: Amateur, Dabbler, Superficial, Tyro

    Ex: I consider myself but a DILETTANTE in the exalted company of veterans.

    DIRGE: a natural hymn or mournful speech.Syn: Elegy, Lament

    Ex:The DIRGE at the funeral service was highly emotive.

    DISABUSE: clarify

    Syn: Correct, Undeceive,

    Ex: Galileos observations DISABUSED the notion that the Sun revolved around the Earth.

    Roots: Dis, Ab and Use

    DISCERN: to perceive; to recognize

    Syn: Catch, Detect, Differentiate, Discriminate, Distinguish,

    Ex: It is easy to DISCERN the difference between butter and margarine.

    DISPARATE: fundamentally different; entirely unlike

    Syn: Different, Dissimilar, Divergent, Diverse, Variant, Various

    Ex: Although the twins appear to be identical, they have DISPARATE personalities.

    Roots: Dis means apart; Par means equal

    Related Words: Apartheid, parity, Compare

    DISSEMBLE: to present a false appearance; to disguise ones real intentions or character

    Syn: Act, Counterfeit, Cover up, Disguise, Dissimulate, Fake, Feign, Mask, Pose, Pretend

    Ex: Not being able to DISSEMBLE his naivety, he blurted out the truth.

    Roots: Dis means apart; Sim means copy

    Related Words: Simulate

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    DISSONANCE: disharmony, conflict

    Syn: Clash, Contention, Discord, Dissension, Dissent, Friction, and Variance

    DISSONANCE occurs when long-standing beliefs are controverted by new evidence.

    Roots: Dis means apart; Son means sound

    Related Words: Consonance, Resonance, Sonorous

    DOGMA: a firmly held opinion, often a religious belief

    Syn: Creed, Doctrine, Teaching, Tenet

    Ex: Religious DOGMA held Sati in high esteem in 16th and the 17th century India.

    Roots: Dox means opinion

    Related Words: Paradox, Orthodox, Dogmatic

    DOGMATIC: dictatorial in ones opinions

    Syn: Authoritarian, Bossy, Dictatorial, Domineering, Masterful, Overbearing,

    Ex: DOGMATIC beliefs preclude logical argumentation.DUPE: to deceive

    Ex:The thief was able to DUPE the police by disguising himself as a woman.

    ECLECTIC: selecting from or made up from a variety of sources

    Syn: Selective, Broad

    Ex: He has an ECLECTIC taste in art, ranging from Picasso to M. F. Hussein.

    Roots: Lect means choose

    Related Words: Elect, Select

    EFFICACY: effectiveness

    Syn: Dynamism, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Proficiency

    Ex: A drug, if overused, loses its EFFICACY.

    Related words: EFFICACIOUS: effective; productive

    ELEGY: a sorrowful poem or speech

    Syn: Dirge, Lament

    Ex: Upon conclusion of the ELEGY, the coffin was closed

    ELOQUENT: persuasive and moving, especially in speech

    Syn: Articulate, Expressive, Fluent, Meaningful, Significant, Smooth-Spoken.

    Ex:The defense lawyer made an ELOQUENT plea for his clients acquittal.

    Roots: Loq means speak

    Related Words: Loquacious, Breviloquent

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    ERUDITE: learned, scholarly, bookish

    Syn: Scholastic, Learned, Wise

    The symposium on philosophy professors was a gathering of the most ERUDITE individuals in the field.

    ESOTERIC: known or understood by only a few

    Syn: Abstruse, Arcane, Obscure

    Ex:The ESOTERIC concept of existentialism is not easily understood.

    Roots: Eso means within

    Related Words: Exoteric

    ESTIMABLE: something that can be estimated or evaluated, worthy of esteem

    Syn: Admirable, Respected, Appreciable, Meritorious, Praiseworthy, Respectable, Venerable

    Ex: Most people consider it ESTIMABLE that Mother Teresa spent her life serving the poor.

    Related words: Esteem: regard

    EULOGY: speech in praise of someone

    Ex: Shakespeares EULOGY for his beloved is expressed in his sonnets.

    Roots: Eu means good; Log means speak or learn

    Related Words: Eugenics, Euphemism, Biology, Psychology

    EUPHEMISM: a mild inoffensive word or phrase used instead of one thought to be harsh or embarrassing

    (good word)

    Syn: Circumlocution, Whitewash

    Ex: Remains is a EUPHEMISM for corpse.

    EXACERBATE: to make worse

    Syn: Annoy, Aggravate, Intensify, Irritate, Provoke

    Ex: It is unwise to take aspirin to relieve heartburn. Instead of providing relief, it may EXACERBATE the


    Roots: Ex means out or beyond; Acer means bitter

    Related Words: Acrimonious, Acrid

    EXCULPATE: to clear from blame; prove innocent

    Syn: Absolve, acquit, Clear, Exonerate, Vindicate

    Ex: The adversarial legal system is intended to convict those who are guilty and to EXCULPATE those who

    are innocent.

    Roots: Ex means out; Culp means fault

    Related Words: Culprit, Inculpate, Culpable

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    EXIGENT: calling for immediate action or attention

    Syn: Critical, Imperative, Needed, Urgent.

    Ex:The patient was losing blood so rapidly that it was EXIGENT to stop the source of the bleeding.

    Related Words: Urge, Urgent, Emergent, Exigency

    EXONERATE: to clear of blame

    Syn: Absolve, Acquit, Clear, Exculpate, Vindicate

    The accused was EXONERATED when no charges could be proven against him.

    Roots: Ex means out; Oner means burden

    Related Words: Exculpate, Onerous, Onus

    EXPLICIT: clearly stated or shown; forthright in expression

    Syn: Candid, Frank, Straightforward, Unequivocal

    Ex: Linda left a list of EXPLICIT instructions for the baby-sitter.

    Roots: Ex means out; Plic means fold free from foldsRelated Words: Implicit, Implicate, Complicity

    EXTEMPORE: Offhand, spontaneously, unprepared

    Ex: He appears to have perfected the art of EXTEMPORE speech.

    Roots: Ex means out; Tempor means time

    Related Words: Temporary, Temporaneous

    FANATICA: filled with extreme, unquestioned devotion

    Syn: Extremist, Fiery, Frenzied, Zealous

    Ex:Your FANATICAL attitude could pose many problems to the resolution of this issue.

    FAWN: to act servile, cringe and flatter

    Syn: Bootlick, Grovel, Toady, Pander

    Ex: Mohan was disliked by his staff as he always FAWNED upon the seniors to gain favours.

    FERVID: intensely emotional; feverish

    Syn: Burning, Impassioned, Passionate, Vehement, Zealous.

    Ex: Lucy is a FERVID Michael J ackson fan.

    Roots: Ferv means bubble

    Related Words: Fervour, Effervescent

    FLORID: excessively decorated or embellished, decorated with flowers

    Syn: Elaborate, Ornate

    Ex:The FLORID decorations were ruined by the rain.

    Related Words: Flower

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    FOMENT: to arouse or incite

    Syn: Agitate, Impassion, Inflame, Instigate, Kindle

    Ex: Politicians often FOMENT trouble for their own vested interests.

    Related Words: Fomentation

    FRUGALITY: a tendency to be thrifty, calculating

    Syn: Economical, Parsimony, Prudence, Sparing

    Ex: FRUGALITY is not a matter of choice, but a necessity for the poor.

    GARRULOUS: tending to talk a lot

    Syn: Effusive, Loquacious

    The GARRULOUS parakeet bothered its owner with its continuous talking.

    GREGARIOS: outgoing, sociable

    Syn: Affable, Congenial, Communicative, SociableEx: She is GREGARIOUS by nature.

    Roots: Greg means herd or group

    Related Words: Segregate, Aggregate, Congregation

    GUILE: deceit or trickery

    Syn: Artifice, Chicanery, Conniver, Duplicity

    Ex: A child does not possess any GUILE.

    GULLIBLE: easily cheated or tricked.

    Syn: Nave

    Ex: He is GULLIBLE enough to be fooled by just about anybody.

    HOMOGENOUS: of a similar kind

    Syn: Consistent, Standardized, Uniform, Unvarying

    Ex: Since all the students in the class were science graduates, the class was fairly HOMOGENOUS.

    Roots: Homo means same; Gen means birth

    Related Words: Genus, Heterogeneous