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CAT Night Classes


LRDI – 03

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.The following table gives the National Football League (NFL) 2008 standings as on April30, 2008. In the format of NFL, each of the 12 participating teams plays twice withevery other team. The League matches were to conclude by May 31, 2008. The rank ofthe team in the league is decided by the points scored by the team — the higher thepoints, the better the rank. If two teams are tied at the same points, then the team withthe higher goal difference (goals scored – goals conceded) gets the better rank. If theyare still tied, the team with the higher number of goals scored gets a better rank. Threepoints are awarded to the winning team and one point is awarded to both the teams in adrawn match. No point is awarded to the loosing team.League Standings

Note: P = Played, W=Won, D=Drawn, L=Lost, F = Goals scored, A = Goals conceded, Pts =Points

For questions 1 to 5

Teams P W D L F A PtsSporting Club 21 14 3 4 45 20 45Dempo 20 13 5 2 25 15 44East Bengal 20 12 4 4 31 12 40Mahindra 21 7 11 3 26 20 32Fransa 21 8 6 7 24 24 30JCT Mills 21 7 7 7 19 17 28Salgaocar 21 6 7 8 24 24 25Churchill Bros 21 5 7 9 22 32 22Mohun Bagan 21 5 7 9 15 18 22Vasco 21 4 5 12 22 36 17Tollygunge 21 3 8 10 20 43 17SBT 21 3 6 12 22 34 15

League Standings

For questions 1 to 5

Teams P W D L F A PtsSporting Club 21 14 3 4 45 20 45Dempo 20 13 5 2 25 15 44East Bengal 20 12 4 4 31 12 40Mahindra 21 7 11 3 26 20 32Fransa 21 8 6 7 24 24 30JCT Mills 21 7 7 7 19 17 28Salgaocar 21 6 7 8 24 24 25Churchill Bros 21 5 7 9 22 32 22Mohun Bagan 21 5 7 9 15 18 22Vasco 21 4 5 12 22 36 17Tollygunge 21 3 8 10 20 43 17SBT 21 3 6 12 22 34 15

Q.1 How many teams can win the Championship?

Q.2 If East Bengal won the NFL Championship in 2008, then which of the following eventshave necessarily happened?

(1) East Bengal won the remaining two matches.

(2) Sporting Club lost the remaining match.

(3) Dempo drawn at least one of its remaining matches.

(4) Dempo lost both the remaining matches

Q.3 For which group of ranks in the NFL 2008 can you conclude the names of the teams inthat group?

(1) Top 3 ranks

(2) Bottom 3 ranks

(3) Ranks 4 to 6

(4) Options (1) and (2)

Q.4 In the remaining match between Sporting Club and Dempo, Dempo won. Also, Dempomanaged to draw with East Bengal in the other remaining match. What is the order oftop three teams?

Q.5 How many teams’ rankings will remain unaffected after the completion of the leaguematches?

For questions 6 to 9

Answer the question on the basis of the information given below.

Two players A and B are playing a game of matchsticks. Any player can pick 1, 2 or 3sticks in his turn. The player who picks the last stick always loses. Assume that both theplayers play intelligently.

Q.6 If there were 10 matchsticks in all and A starts the game, then how manymatchsticks should he pick in his first move in order to always ensure a win?

(1) 1 (2) 2

(3) 3 (4) He can never win

Q.7 A starts the game and there are 10 matchsticks. If the option of picking 3 sticks is notexercisable, then how many should he pick in his first move in order to ensure a win?

(1) 1 (2) 2

(3) Either (1) or (2) (4) He can never win

Q.8 In question 12, if in his first chance, A picks up 2, then how many would B pick in hisfirst move in order to win?

(1) 1 (2) 2

(3) Either 1 or 2 (4) B can never win

Q.9 If there were 16 matchsticks and the rule of the game was that anybody picking the laststick wins then which of the following is always true?

(1) The person who starts can never win.

(2) The person who starts will always pick 2 matchsticks.

(3) The person who plays second can never win.

(4) The person who plays second always picks 1 matchsticks.

For questions 10 to 14

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

The organizers of Indian Wells Tournament decided to seed (rank) all the 128 tennisplayers as per their ATP rankings. The highest ranked tennis player was seeded 1, thesecond highest was seeded 2 and so on. The tournament consisted of the conventional6 knockout (loser of the match exits the tournament) stages – Round I, Round II, RoundIII, Round IV, Quarter Finals and Semi Finals, before the Finals.

In the first round, Match 1 was between the highest seeded player and the lowestseeded player, Match 2 was between the second highest seeded player and the secondlowest seeded player and so on.

In the second round, the winner of Match 1 in the first round plays with the winner ofMatch 64 of the first round and this match is termed as Match 1 of the Round II.

A similar pattern is followed in the subsequent rounds.

An upset is a match where a lower seeded player defeats a higher seeded player.

Q.10 What was the total number of matches played in the tournament?

(1) 127 (2) 126

(3) 119 (4) 120

Q.11 If there were no upsets in the tournament, who played against the player seeded 25thin Round III?

(1) 7th (2) 5th

(3) 14th (4) None of these

Q.12 If the third round match of the player seeded 5th was an upset, which of the followingcannot be the seed of the player who defeated him?

(1) 37 (2) 69 (3) 92 (4) 101

Q.13 If the player seeded 52nd went on to win the tournament, then what is the minimumnumber of upsets in the tournament?

(1) 2 (2) 4

(3) 6 (4) None of these

Q.14 If the only upset took place in the quarterfinals (for all the matches), what is the seedof the winner of the tournament?

(1) 3

(2) 5

(3) 6

(4) Cannot be determined

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

In a target shooting competition, a person is allowed to shoot at four targetssuccessively, then followed by the next competitor. When all have finished one suchround, the process is repeated. If a target is hit, the shooter is awarded two points. Ifhe misses the target, the others are awarded one point each. The first person who gets60 points wins the competition. In a contest between A, B and C, the final score card isA = 60, B = 53, C = 43. Out of a total of 78 shots fired, 43 hit the target.

For questions 15 to 17

Q.15 Who was the second person to shoot?

(1) A (2) B (3) C

(4) Either A or B (5) Either B or C

Q.16 How many targets did A hit?

(1) 42 (2) 34 (3) 17

(4) 14 (5) Cannot be determined

Q.17 How many targets did B miss?

(1) 6 (2) 10 (3) 12

(4) 16 (5) Cannot be determined

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.In a sports event, six teams (A, B, C, D, E and F) are competing against each other.Matches are scheduled in two stages. Each team plays three matches in stage – I andtwo matches in Stage – II. No team plays against the same team more than once in theevent. No ties are permitted in any of the matches. The observations after thecompletion of Stage – I and Stage – II are as given below.Stage-I: One team won all the three matches. Two teams lost all the matches. D lost to A but won against C and F. E lost to B but won against C and F. B lost at least one match. F did not play against the top team of Stage-I.Stage-II: The leader of Stage-I lost the two matches in Stage-II . Of the two teams at the bottom after Stage-I, one team won both matches, while the

other lost both matches. One more team lost both matches in Stage-II.

For questions 18 to 21

Q.18 The two teams that defeated the leader of Stage-I are:(1) F & D (2) E & F(3) B & D (4) E & D

Q.19 The only team(s) that won both matches in Stage-II is (are):(1) B (2) E & F(3) A, E & F (4) B, E & F

Q.20 The teams that won exactly two matches in the event are:(1) A, D & F (2) D & F(3) E & F (4) D, E & F

Q.21 The team(s) with the most wins in the event is (are):(1) A (2) A & C(3) B & E (4) E

For questions 22 to 25

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.The year was 2006. All six teams in Pool A of World Cup hockey, play each other exactlyonce. Each win earns a team three points, a draw earns one point and a loss earns zeropoints. The two teams with the highest points qualify for the semifinals. In case of a tie,the team with the highest goal difference (Goal For - Goals Against) qualifies.In the opening match, Spain lost to Germany. After the second round (after each teamplayed two matches), the pool table looked as shown below.

Pool A

In the third round, Spain played Pakistan, Argentina played Germany, and New Zealandplayed South Africa. All the third round matches were drawn. The following are someresults from the fourth and fifth round matches(a) Spain won both the fourth and fifth round matches.(b) Both Argentina and Germany won their fifth round matches by 3 goals to 0.(c) Pakistan won both the fourth and fifth round matches by 1 goal to 0.

Teams Games Played Won Drawn Lost Goals For Goals Against PointsGermany 2 2 0 0 3 1 6Argentina 2 2 0 0 2 0 6

Spain 2 1 0 1 5 2 3Pakistan 2 1 0 1 2 1 3

New Zealand 2 0 0 2 1 6 0South Africa 2 0 0 2 1 4 0

For questions 22 to 25

Pool A

Teams Games Played Won Drawn Lost Goals For Goals Against PointsGermany 2 2 0 0 3 1 6Argentina 2 2 0 0 2 0 6

Spain 2 1 0 1 5 2 3Pakistan 2 1 0 1 2 1 3

New Zealand 2 0 0 2 1 6 0South Africa 2 0 0 2 1 4 0

Q.22 Which one of the following statements is true about matches played in the first tworounds?(1) Germany beat New Zealand by 1 goal to 0.(2) Spain beat New Zealand by 4 goals to 0.(3) Spain beat South Africa by 2 goals to 0.(4) Germany beat South Africa by 2 goals to 1.

Q.23 Which one of the following statements is true about matches played in the first tworounds?

(1) Pakistan beat South Africa by 2 goals to 1.

(2) Argentina beat Pakistan by 1 goal to 0.

(3) Germany beat Pakistan by 2 goals to 1.

(4) Germany beat Spain by 2 goals to 1.

Q.24 If Pakistan qualified as one of the two teams from Pool A, which was the other teamthat qualified?

(1) Argentina (2) Germany (3) Spain (4) Cannot be determined

Q.25 Which team finished at the top of the pool after five rounds of matches?

(1) Argentina (2) Germany (3) Spain (4) Cannot be determined

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Three couples, Mr. and Mrs. Kalra, Mr. and Mrs. Gupta and Mr. and Mrs. Tyagi, at aparty, play a game which requires only two persons at a time.

Mr. Kalra plays against Mrs. Tyagi, Mr. Gupta plays against Mrs. Kalra and theremaining two players played the third game. The final score table of each match reads‘a-b’, where a and b represents the points scored by the winner and the loserrespectively (a and b may vary for different matches). When all the matches werefinished, Mrs. Kalra left the room. Further information is given below.

(i) Mr. Kalra noticed that all the people present in the room had scored a distinctnumber of points, whereas his wife scored the same number of points as he did.

(ii) Each of the two ladies present in the room scored exactly 2 points more than herhusband.

(iii) Nobody scored more than five or less than one point. Mrs. Kalra won by a primenumber of points.

For questions 26 and 27

Q.26 What is the total number of points scored by the Gupta couple?(1) 4 (2) 6 (3) 8 (4) 9

Q.27 Who scored the minimum number of points?

(1) Mr. Tyagi

(2) Mr. Gupta

(3) Mr. Kalra

(4) Cannot be determined

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