Casseroles OVERCOATS - NYS Historic...

THE STANDARD. BREWSTER, N. V. X. W. Addis, Btitor and Proprietor. OftOTOH FALLS. Mrs. May Stratton, of Row en, fa 'the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. W. = , Benedict. she will journey on. to Canton to re- Invetsigation of New Haven System, main until spring. Joseph Burton and Florence Erlck- Unleee the directors of the New York. New Haven ft Hartford Rail- son, a popular lad of this village and ^ hurry ^ ^jh their arrange- Don't forget that Xmas fair and'* pretty Carmel Miss were quietly mente i<yr the reorganteatdon of the|t^f supper for the benefit of the Baptist, married in New York Friday and are company to conform to the Sherman Entered at the Postofflce at Brewster,' church on Tuesday, Dec. 9th. *J. Y., at Second Class Mail Matter. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1913. Popular Country Printed Paired. Editor John Rodemeyer, of the Com. witnten icectlcut Western News ever renown- South Norwalk. led and now rejuvenated, Is happy | o. H. Clark has purchased the har- pMli his first love. Tliirty odd years n c s shop with contents formerly now receiving congratulationa and ant i4reat law Attorney General Mc-j ^ _ W** 1 wteheiw Tn© bride and groom Reynolds intends to take the mat-; teudent iTsnowk.s"htaiself to~be ful- • * * •*"* J 00 ** *"**?* w!U ^ . t e e into the courts. Tfliis was made ^^^^^~^^^^^^^^^™ side here in the Moses cottage. | plata when ^ at^mey general,! The burning of grass along the Howard Elliott, chairman of the shores of the Dean's Corners reser-' New Haven Board of Directors and j voir is about completed by the force!John W. H. Otim, of the railroad's ot city employees who have been at'cnonsel, talked over the New Eng- vork there for the past two weeks, land transportation problem. J. Rooney our new road superln- ly competent of taking charge of his cfflce. Mrs. Mary Jennings lias closed her Dean's Corners residence for the and has taken a home in and all the rubbish has been cleaned off of the city property there. The The attorney general intimated that he was not disposed to hurry ,- _,,__ lnWn immm w utt . bntwmn > a . _ _ . . _ _. J dam itself lacks but an inch or two .Into the courts with an action to go when John was hut little known, owned by G. W. Abraxas and will con- - . . *,. _-, I . . " , . _ rtB «m*«M« of nat^ IW.V n««,. n -wmrn'M *u ? / * w , of re^htag the overflow, dissolve the road into Its constitu- cutside of Bethel, Betsy Brown, was t<nue the business. I . _ _ . . T - « , _ . a. M . ,.„ his choice. She was also the choice | ^ _ ««. *** ,„ 1 **» °» d *»»« ****** which until , « * parts, but made U plain that he ewn€r | recently decorated the comer of Ma-1 was of the opinion that it was get- No services were held in of a young gentleman who bore t h e j p , ^ ^ ~ m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m name of Bierce, who won her hand, i gu|nday n i ^ ^ ^ ^ a W v e d hopec avenue and Main street and j ting near the time when the direc- Rodameyer, soon thereafter burled Jiinip.'lf in Winsted and formed a baoliclor's club. For a time the club flourished as was the wont of ev- erything the ubiquitous editor be came interested in. One day last week the widow Bierce became the as usual on Sunday. Creighton Ward who is well known here and who spent the past month in Boston was the guest over Sunday of friends In this village. Rev. W. E. Rimpo was confined to some what obstructed the highway have been removed by the road workers and the space formerly occu- pied by them filled with gravel and dirt thus making a wider road and a better approach from that side. James Burgess, the brother of bride of Rodemeyer, leavirs the," 18 nome ««y *"*•* w «e« wsui a Alexander Burgees* of Croton, was bachelor's club stranded, except for] 11 ** UJn««s but is said to be speed- j wiled Tmesday while performing his one (apewell, who is soon to capi- 1,y recovering and is now about as duties as superintendent of construo- tulate. It was the happiest and most. U8uai - ;tion on a dam in Alabama. The body enthusiastic religious and ec-1 A notice of thr Tenuis dub dance! was brought to Binghamton for the clesiatdcal event ever known in'to be given in Brewster Dec IttMfUMMBl services and was taken Cfi to fllaaiaan. John engaged ail the clergy-, has been hung in the postoffice and i the home of the deceased in the men tin the town to officiate and to, several Croton couples contemplate Thousand Islands for burial. The edit his newspaper during the two! attending. J brother, Alexander, accompaneid the week's honeytrior cf Mr. and Mrs.) Hughes Brothers, proprietors of our' body - Rodemeyer. On the first Sunday af- nie at market, report a fine trade in I Robert Ostrander who is employed ter his return he is going to fil* 1 all.turkeys for the past week with the at the Croton station while handling the pu'pita, or hold a union service prices lower than tliat asked in | a trunk on Monday tors must show a willingness not only to Investigate buttoact. The report of J. W. Gregory and W. C. Adkins, special assistants, on the New Haven conditions has been before the attorney general for many weeks and suit has been elhd up only because of promises made by Mr. EiUiott, President Hadley of Yale and other New Haven direc- tors, to take action. How to Save Your Back. The sutomobil? Is coming fnto such geiic-ral use that any advice to its users is of general interest. A great many people, in cranking their cars, strain their back or "drop a stitch" and if this is once started it usually happens more easily an- lost control of [ other time. Many people, after riding Nickel Casseroles $2.00 Regular $3. value They are the pro- duct of one of the best manufacturers and are backed by the Wilson Guarantee. Just the thing for the Holidays. end than settle ;1own and get ac- quainted with the vicissitudes of mar* rted life. And may the Giver of all ' ^ ^ wfM ^ m ^ Presl)yterlaa j eood gifts unto his blessing. country editors add other villages. |it and it fell striking him upon the The regular' Union Thanksgiving • * * foot - He went h< *»« **** ap- plied iodine to the injured toe but the remedy did not act properly and the toe seemed to become infected. Anti-Egg League History Outdone. The league has begun the work of printing a list of eggless recipes for the benefit of housewives taking part In this boycott.". Mrs. Heath said.| l ¥)und "We will distribute them wherev- er there is a request. There are many kinds of eggless cake, molasses for church Thursday. A good oomgrega- tion was present and a very inter- esting sermon was given. The stork wsa a welcome visitor at. the home of Michael Gallagher Tues- day evening bringing a lusty eight boy. Mr. Gallagher is busy A doctor was summoned and the poisoned member treated and at last reports it was doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ganong held a birthday party in honor of Mrs. Canong's sister, who is visiting them at their home Monday after- noon. The guests were M\ and Mrs. Marlow and Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, of Katonah, Mr. and Mrs. Horton, W. C. Horton, of New York and Mrs. E. F. A number of Croton people attend- ed the concert for the benefit of the instance. An entire Sunday dinner j GoJdens Bridge Epworth League can be prepared without a single egg. which was given' at Fireman's Hall in " ^em^Center Mr~~and Mrs The beauty of this egg boycott is that village Tuesday evening. ' that many women are beginning toj The electric light pole which was j gdllworm ^,4 «„,. u Croton. The think of tilings they never thought formerly situated on the corner b y l guests were t^^uted ^ a delightful PC Ixfore. It is going to make them (E . C. Purdy's drug store has been ( J m e a nd departed washing their hos- •100e careful and better buyers and, moved across the street in order to tegg j^y mope fortunato birthdays. ju'iU add to their knowledge of cook-1 widen the road at that point. ; n . . . . *». * On Wednesday evening the atten- * ng - , „, I It is reported that a road scraper U o n a ( n d p^^f. olf 0^^, aaJlc . part of the spine. This reverses the it wouldn't be possible to have an . ft ^ work ^ ^ 9tnMh ^ ^ ^ - £J£J betwee(n , iime ^ ^ ! normal curves of the spine and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ with at times for any length of time, are tired in the back when they get out. If this is kept up, the pain or weakness in- creases, until many times the per- son is laid up with what is called lumbago or rheumatism. Both these conditions are commonly due to the wrong way of using the muscles of the back. In cranking, keep the back straight, like "the oarsman's hack" Bend from the hips, snapping the crank over by straightening at knee and hip, but do not bend at the middle of the waist line. In sitting in the oar keep the back straight al- so. Get the hips well back against the back of the seat and it the up- holstery make the shoulders droop, put a robe, a cushion, a book or anything at the hollow of the back to prevent this. Do not slouch in the seat and do not sit on the lower M t f M Easter, but all of us who a r e |el>ove n ^ . g Comers and local peo- - Rebe w h daTllW ^ Brewster an- (anxious to relieve an unnecessary .,,„ lloDe ihat ^ J work -J j The H*™ dance at Brewster, an- ZZ -~T1 " ., a a , . an l' Je Jlope "»** uie eooa wcrK W U 1 g o |other at Mt. Kisco and a masquerade market condition can ha.e and en- untld tne Btate road ie built 1 « Joy an eggless Christmas and New i mu _. ,_. _ »•" •^ The auction of household goods and George Juengst. The latter was the 'farming utensils which was held at ruost popular and was largely attend- u aair. The Wiir-I-Tr lfUH***mim* tte*Z^<*m*1** Thomal Jones ^ 7^'^^tM^a^ ^h^TbTail much on the promised Federal coJo _ _ , *^ iSoniers on Tuesday was well attend- an d the costumes were brilliant and ^ L ^ led and the articles brought very'original. Fine music and refreshment* H were featured and the proceeds were It is said that fishing is quite. devoted to the benefit of the Kiiteha- of the must mean strain, much crippling. Tlhe league officers say they have' cu """ "" pood Drices not raised tlie question of a corner | in eggs. They are merely contending,] «• •" atw « ""* ***•««« «. M«««|— they insist, that when^eggs were * <K > d at the reservoir now and a few, wan 1\ennia club. placed in cold storage in the spring locai angJens who have tried it keep j For the first time in a long while ul 18 or 20 cents there is no valid | <*" going. On Wednesday a boat was soine genuine work is Japan Censors Books. In Japau the ceusorship of novels is not exercised by the libraries, but by a government official who is empower- ed to prosecute offending authors us well as forbid the sale of their books. Not long ago the author of a novel called "The Great City" was brought before the courts for giving too realistic a description of life in To- kyo. His counsel used the old argu- being done! mente "bout the indefensible rights of " literature and the ennobling of every- why they should not be r e> to ^ but no •*"* tav « y ^ , toward improving the condition of the m n g , )y ^ Rut ^ ^ wag ^,;. n be retailed , ****» *•"* Main (Street and under the direction against the author. Even some of reaaoJM leased so that they can at 30 cents a dozen. &*i m ^^^^^^^^^_^^^^^^^^^ Grocer Lobdell says a farmer can examination of the school children dent of highways, James Rooney, the: to circulate in Japan, the ground of •0V bring in » case of egg* to-day in Districts No. 1 and 5 in compli-work of grading (he road and apply-j offense being the lack of respect shown Hitchcock has completed the of the newly elected town superinten-1 Meniere's works have been forbidden THE F. L. WILSON CO., I Opticians. Jewelers. 237 Main Street, DANBURY, CONN. fflH!!!'M|||||||||||||||llllil|||l|||l|||||||||!!lli|||| Joseph Laclav LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Suits made to order, Latest Styles, also Cleaning and Repairing Carefully Promptly done. All guaranteed. and work NATHAN SPIRO * CO. Special ii Winter-Wtijht OVERCOATS Pure Silk-lined, regulation length of Gray Vienna and Black Kersey, Full $25 value, for $20.00. Chinchilla Overcoats $12.50, $15, $18 up to $25. We have got the Chinchilla you want, those rich toned browns, # X warm and good looking; or the stylish dark grays and all of a qual- X ity and warmth that will please yon immensely. * I Z^^^f QtKrAof«»rc The r9al tn,n « this f * ,l— * necessity— S V ^ O a i O W e a i e r S . from tl to $8.20, all the eolors. Nathan Spiro & Co. Main and White Streets. Danbury. k gyrei<e¥gie^^OT»e^^¥^¥¥»eeleT»»e^e^eT<Ye^lYe^e^ Opposite Town Hall. Brewster Telephone, 197. S LIPRKME COL'BT PUTNAM COUNTY. Tfce Putuam Couuiy livings Bank, Plalutlff, Against Bfltma W. Cliamberlaln and Others Iierendants. John McLean. Inc. Danbury's Largest and Finest Dry Goods Store. Christmas Books. I Do Your Christmas Shopping Early and Select Your Xmas Books While the Stock is Complete. ijfc Never before have we shown such a wonderful or more complete assortment of Xmas Books are so arranged and (Jisplayed on our large counters and tables on the Main Floor, rear of store that selection can easily be made. In this collection you are sure to find just the book you are looking for. health laws and ing gravel and dirt to womu places ie j by wives towurd their husbands and existed. better physi- beiaig vigorously carried out. Other I streets and roads in this vicinity Simplified Postoffice Forms. and carry home three barrels of flour ance with the MSJ in even exchange. This is the first finds the children in a llnie in the country produce history cal condition than average. of Brewster that such a condition has Miss Grace Smith is suffering from! 'wldch Slave been im a rather pitiful 1st attack of malaria which seems to ttiti* a-re also coming im for their he rather prevalent at present but fi hare of attemtdon. I***" condition is not sertous and her j i E p ^ ^^ doee considerable Fume received a black eye to-day many friends hope that she will mo toring In this vicinity reports tliat when Postmaster General Burleson quickly regain her usual health. i within the past few months he has decided that in the interests of I on Tuesday two men who wone re-1 broken no less than thnee springe on economy he would see hereafter that turning from the Jones auction were the piece of road between the Put- the names of bureau chiefs and oth- thrown from their wagon when the nam county line above Croton and CJ- postoffdoe department officials l.orBe's bit broke and the animal ran the village limits of Brewster, Thle were left off all permanent blanks away but neither was injured and the again illustrates the condition of this and forms. Too many of them quit, horse stopped after a short run. niece of city made mad and shows in (he opinion of the postmaster! G w ^p^g aad teu&ter left the crying need of a maoartam aur- K«oeral and then blanks decorated i^ iAtmdAy for tiwir uunea k, w at tace. Not omly da At one of the worst the names of these individuals p^ ^ ^ w 4 i e r e t b j e y ^^ elMaQd ^ ^ roads in this section but U also is |>ecome useless. j wjmt^j. j|r. Ahrams recently pur- °**» of the moat travelled whkdi Postmaster Ceneral Burieson also oilaaed ^^ vim3li ^ ja^ m3xA ex . makes it douhly (bad and some dras- tontinued his attack on fame by tilt- ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ft ^ ^ ^ ^ & tii ^ tic actiion in regard to it should be tug at century old conventions in yms t . nere# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ by sons toward their fathers. Cockerels for Sale. Twenty-five Rose Comb Rhode Island cockerls from the famous Kaufman & Wind- ham and Lester Tompkins stains. Write for prices. M. B. LANE, WASSAIC, NEW YORK. taken at once. correspondence and driving from his mmsMat* and smoothing of new! , . , - tH,mm «*«*»*<* ^vi^u. or- J2 ^Z^L Z^TZ* N « w CwUr '" c ""' * ,ru ' c * e " ,n, ' fioials, substituting in written or ^ ^„„„.. ^ *«.!,*„. «i—w» ».wi Examinations for aU positions with- IF tint village is now taking place and Koes such conventional fonais "air" and "1 have the honoi-" and many other polite phrases that take bp You are familiar with these names it will please yon to learn that A. i*iueberg's is the place for up-to-date merchandise. But ii you are unfamiliar with all of these well known brands of Austin's Dam Claimants Settle. Verdicts of nut guilty were re- •d in the H S H against George <\ Bayle^s, president JKily and Paper CA). ^^^^^^^^^ ilu, g^nenal manager, on charges mt tevoiunta-ry manslaugliu-j , ^T^!T nW f SI *S? 1 ! ^ ^ °* • « * ******* **> **<*« tne ground * *** civia service of the United the officials only. With this reform ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ states may be held to Danhury to *^ of them we should have some model l)i * future, government officiails say. lawns with the coming of another Tiwre is now a movement on to have ] merchandise such as: summer. J^anhury made one of the examinatiuql Ruye.1 Society Floss 'llbe usual holiday was observed on Thanksgiving, all places oi business being dosed including the school while the postoffice was open for ,, ,, , the usual hours. SevtvraJ familses en- '"""* ~ •• - •»- tlie day «i up to the u^uaO Thanks- maiws * *** ^ H * rtlkja,d - N «* HAV ' >ovuig ttCandaJ'd. tuUuw«n an agreement between | ^ **** H i M i **«» <• drilling Austin liam sulferers and the M artesian well on the hiU across 1 from (prick's hotel reports that his of and Pred H •sj centers in this state. At the present time only a few of tlie examinations for positions in the civil service of the United States are held to that city and tlio*,* who de- must ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Hav- <en or New York which are examina- tion centers. Nearly oil the civil ser- i-xaminations now held in Dan- bury are tur the purpose of filling positions to t h e postoffice depart ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ and Packag- goods. Royal Worcester Corsets. Hemiway & Son's Silks. Sweet Orr Trousers, Shirts and Overalls. Sargeant Cloves. Monarch and Arrow Shirts. Visor Sweaters. President Suspenders. Buster Brown (iuarauiteed Hoisery. (For Men, Women and Chihiaen). Affi4 sjftiiy moat useful and up-to- la pursuance of a Judgment of a fore- closure and sale made and entered lu the above entitled action bearing date the x'isi day of November, 1W8, and eutered In t n e office or the clerk or tne couuly of Putnam oii tl.e iMih day of November, 1818,1, the undersigned, the referee In said Judgment named. wUl seU at public auction at the front doer of the Town Hall in Brewster, Putnam County, New York, on the 22nd day or January, J914, at 11 o'clock In the lorenoou or that day the premises described In eald judgment as follows;— ALL that certain farm of land situate In the town of carmel. In the county of Putnam and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows, Bounded on the east by the high- way leading from carmel Village to Croton FullH on the nortu by lauds now or forme-ly of James 11. Kulffen: und lands now or formerly of on«j Mlcliael Plckuey: on the west >y lauds now or rormerly or Michael PlcKney and the West Branch or Croton Klver, and on the south by laud fornerly of Ampailas Yeamaus. deceased, con- taiiiug elgMy-seven acres, two roods and eighty-six rods of land, more or leas. A (so a wood lot in said town, bounded as fol- lows; BKclNNINu at a stake, and stones near a large yellow oak and in line of Alan* on Cole and southwest corner of Losee and Garnsey's wood lot: thence south thirty degress west five chains thtrteeu links to Klyaud Vail s wood lot: thence south eighty two degrees east 11 chains 34 links to Alansou Cole's larni. theuce north eight degrees east 4 chains 77 links to Losee and Uarnsey: thence north eighty-two degrees west v chains (Hi links to the place of beginning, con- taining live acres of land, more or less. Also another wood lot In said town, bounded as follows; BUUlNMNUln the middle of the highway in the southwest comer of Alausou Cole's farm: north 8 degrees east 8 chains 8 links io Blv and Vails lot: thence north 82 de- grees west 12 chains 86 links to the west line of James II. Kniffen's lot ; thence south 80 degrees I wast ts chains &6 links to the middle of the road { at James 11. Kniffen's corner: thence easterly along the middle of the road to the place of be- j oiug. containing six acres two roads and •ty two rods of land, more or lest. AND ALSO all the right*, to convey water \ from Lake Ullead and to lay pipe >, etc., which i were to conveyed to Daniel D. chamberlain by j three seperat* deeds; one made by Michael I Ptnckney and wire, dated May B, 1808, and re- oorded 1 - J Putuam County clerk's office In Liber | 46 of Deeds, page &43: one made by Michael D s mondand wile, dated May 9, 1868. and recorded In Liber 40 ol Deeds, page 544: and one made by Joseph smith and wile, dated May 9, 1808, and recorded in Liber 4i> or Deeds, page 452, which Bald rights were conveyed by Daniel D. Cham uerlaln to said Kmma W. Chamberlain by deed dated March 29.1904 and recorded in said Clerk's Offl<* iu Liber 92 or Deeds page 19. EXCEPTING AND BJJISEKV1NU from the first-above described preinises the lands acq u n ed b\ The< U> 01 New York In cuudeiunalUm pro oeedlngs,known as Par«:el MO. 29 West Branch, and containing lli. iU2 acres: and also the lands acquired by The city or New York in condem nation proceedings known as Parcel No. 74 Croton Falls Sec.und Supplemental Proceeding, (Keservolr •• K "). and containing 48.82 aci i l>uted White 1 lalns. N. Y.. Nov. 24th, 1918. AKTJJIK 1, STKANU, Uefeiec. Frederic 8. Bainum. Plaintiff's Attorney, 5 Court si i White Plains. N. Y. Goldsmiih. ttosentbal. Murk & Baum. Attorneys fur Defts Jienrletta lugbcr dt 3 Beimneit southard us lie* ivei 35 Nassau Struct, N. Y. city. WiUlam l i . w . . Attorney loi licit. Kmmu W,. ChumocrlaUi. Brewster, N. Y. JOHN McLEAN, INC. | 213 Main Street, Danbury, Conn. Parcel Post Packages Sent Free. Tel. 662. ^tAttA»t.ttt«ettaitttttt«ttt>ittttttttttAtJitJtAtnett»ttj< A. P. LOBDELL, Brewster, - New York. PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER rluia onaotaoaliy euds Hie oriminaJ', waoliimery is woo-kiine fin«iy and Uiai ^ ^ u ^ ^evUxi, however, that a ^ UMkM> you , ;iilJy t^ej^ *<u4 civiJ prooeetlu' ^4^ o, M oi' •he la able to drill at a rste ol' wftiiiin a shorn uune the lions •sji ster as A ,H; 1U lmb uo * - ve4 KuiM ' 4 ** i ' 'as U m- ^ ^^ liho ^ tk» great dam 1 ooMUQf, n lauiases awoun.iin£ to near- ly J1,(HI",UOU wore caused. ugreeanent wittii ii« company _^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' &y; Sarah Johnson wiuo w«sst to West oiatmant is recommended Io r Itcn- N j , iiitb week to aaeud tug, bleadina of nrotrudla* yUe*. ™^,, Sept. -ii), 1MI. * " " ^ vu smik« water hut he eineots ^ ^ tV| ^, wrtUir to 74 j^rsons lost t-h«ir lives and U> *& the at*ua nnra in a lew day^ v »'aaU*n*UM» wWl be hold ttiere. Sevta-al t'roton i»eo4>ie na*e dewut- sj LO sptuid the winter in the nouiub itchiug yiies provoke yrotanity but . and among the labest as Miss profanity won't remove them. Doan's by nailing at my store and you how ftoud snifxj-eas will hp paid satr oeait, ot th.-ii- ciaimslti SUMUS ot, field, _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ jbe uurpcrati p « - u**bew's wedding from wiach ^oc. at any drug store. Adv. Will I'l you UJ« benefited by buying only snob adver- tised goods. A. FINEBERG, Main Street, Opp. Post Oiiice, Brewster County Biii*. < ai-mel N V U.I I, Lvl?,. The :• ou Tuusdui No* 11, liu.. 1. p. in. fur the annu. All)"' 1,: elatuts agaiust the County o! Put 11. day of Sweaters, Gloves, Hosiery, Under- wear, Woolen Blankets, Comfortables, Caps, Etc. Our , Shoe Department is fully stocked for all j demands. Dependable Shoes for every\ member of the family at Lobdell's right prices. House Furnishing Department Overflowing with, good things—Lino- leums, Carpets, Rugs, Shades, Etc. 1 m Grocery Department, Quality, Close 1 Prices, Service. three are found here. aou u. depot. iua to law, lu iiuuiu-d I iui Uethh •• Ail tui. WW US Ui •i tow jusidoreu w sujue.r\lsars. .nil auly i. a loi I hoii ...Ii be IspssituU on 01 Ueioic eialuib against hoard ,. - UJ the boaid ot \ A. F. LOfeDELL, Main Street, \ Brewster, N. Y. it

Transcript of Casseroles OVERCOATS - NYS Historic...


X. W. Addis, Btitor and Proprietor.

OftOTOH FALLS. Mrs. May Stratton, of Row en, fa

'the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. W. = , Benedict.

she will journey on. to Canton to re- Invetsigation of New Haven System,

main until spring.

Joseph Burton and Florence Erlck-Unleee the directors of the New

York. New Haven ft Hartford Rail-son, a popular lad of this village and ^ h u r r y ^ ^ j h their arrange-

Don't forget that Xmas fair and'* pretty Carmel Miss were quietly m e n t e i<yr t h e reorganteatdon of t h e | t ^ f supper for the benefit of the Baptist, married in New York Friday and are company to conform to the Sherman

Entered at the Postofflce at Brewster,' church on Tuesday, Dec. 9th.

*J. Y., a t Second Class Mail M a t t e r .


Popular Country Printed Paired.

Editor John Rodemeyer, of the Com. witnten icectlcut Western News ever renown- South Norwalk. led and now rejuvenated, Is happy | o. H. Clark has purchased the har-pMli his first love. Tliirty odd years n c s shop with contents formerly

now receiving congratulationa and an ti4reat law Attorney General Mc-j ^ _ W**1 wteheiw Tn© bride and groom Reynolds intends to take the mat-;

teudent iTsnowk.s"htaiself to~be ful- • * * • • * " * J00** *"**?* w ! U ^ . t e e into the courts. Tfliis was made ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ™ side here in the Moses cottage. | p l a t a w h e n ^ at^mey general,!

The burning of grass along the Howard Elliott, chairman of the shores of the Dean's Corners reser-' New Haven Board of Directors and j voir is about completed by the force!John W. H. Otim, of the railroad's ot city employees who have been at'cnonsel, talked over the New Eng-vork there for the past two weeks, land transportation problem.

J. Rooney our new road superln-

ly competent of taking charge of his cfflce.

Mrs. Mary Jennings lias closed her Dean's Corners residence for the

and has taken a home in

and all the rubbish has been cleaned off of the city property there. The

The attorney general intimated that he was not disposed to hurry

, - _, ,__ lnWn immm w u t t . bntwmn > a . _ _ . . _ _ . J „ dam itself lacks but an inch or two .Into the courts with an action to • go when John was hut little known, owned by G. W. Abraxas and will con- - . . *,. _-, I . . " , . _ r tB

«m*«M« of n a t ^ IW.V n««,.n -wmrn'M *u ? / * w , of re^htag the overflow, dissolve the road into Its constitu-cutside of Bethel, Betsy Brown, was t<nue the business. I . _ _ . . T - « , _ . a.M. ,.„ his choice. She was also the choice | ^ „ _ « « . *** ,„ 1 **» °»d *»»« ****** which until , « * parts, but made U plain that he

e w n € r | recently decorated the comer of Ma-1 was of the opinion that it was get-

No services were held in of a young gentleman who bore t h e j p , ^ ^ ~m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m

name of Bierce, who won her hand, i g u | n d a y n i ^ ^ ^ ^ a W v e d hopec avenue and Main street and j ting near the time when the direc-

Rodameyer, soon thereafter burled Jiinip.'lf in Winsted and formed a baoliclor's club. For a time the club flourished as was the wont of ev­erything the ubiquitous editor be came interested in. One day last week the widow Bierce became the

as usual on Sunday.

Creighton Ward who is well known here and who spent the past month in Boston was the guest over Sunday of friends In this village.

Rev. W. E. Rimpo was confined to

some what obstructed the highway have been removed by the road workers and the space formerly occu­pied by them filled with gravel and dirt thus making a wider road and a better approach from that side.

James Burgess, the brother of bride of Rodemeyer, leavirs the,"1 8 n o m e « « y *"*•* w«e« wsui a Alexander Burgees* of Croton, was bachelor's club stranded, except for]11** UJn««s but is said to be speed- j wiled Tmesday while performing his one (apewell, who is soon to capi- 1 , y recovering and is now about as duties as superintendent of construo-tulate. It was the happiest and most.U8uai- ;tion on a dam in Alabama. The body

enthusiastic religious and ec-1 A notice of thr Tenuis dub dance! was brought to Binghamton for the clesiatdcal event ever known in'to be given in Brewster Dec IttMfUMMBl services and was taken Cfi to fllaaiaan. John engaged ail the clergy-, has been hung in the postoffice and i the home of the deceased in the men tin the town to officiate and to, several Croton couples contemplate Thousand Islands for burial. The edit his newspaper during the two! attending. J brother, Alexander, accompaneid the

week's honeytrior cf Mr. and Mrs.) Hughes Brothers, proprietors of our'b o d y-Rodemeyer. On the first Sunday af- n i eat market, report a fine trade in I Robert Ostrander who is employed ter his return he is going to fil*1 all.turkeys for the past week with the at the Croton station while handling the pu'pita, or hold a union service prices lower than tliat asked in | a trunk on Monday

tors must show a willingness not only to Investigate but to act.

The report of J. W. Gregory and W. C. Adkins, special assistants, on the New Haven conditions has been before the attorney general for many weeks and suit has been elhd up only because of promises made by Mr. EiUiott, President Hadley of Yale and other New Haven direc­tors, to take action.

How to Save Your Back. The sutomobil? Is coming fnto

such geiic-ral use that any advice to its users is of general interest. A great many people, in cranking their cars, strain their back or "drop a stitch" and if this is once started it usually happens more easily an-

lost control of [ other time. Many people, after riding

Nickel Casseroles

$2.00 Regular $3. value

They are the pro­

duct of one of the best

manufacturers and are

backed by the Wilson

Guarantee. Just the

thing for the Holidays.

end than settle ;1own and get ac­quainted with the vicissitudes of mar* rted life. And may the Giver of all ' ^ wfM ^ m ^ P r e s l ) y t e r l a a j eood gifts unto his blessing.

country editors add

other villages. |it and it fell striking him upon the

The regular' Union Thanksgiving • * * f o o t - H e w e n t h<*»« **** ap­plied iodine to the injured toe but the remedy did not act properly and the toe seemed to become infected.

Anti-Egg League History Outdone.

The league has begun the work of printing a list of eggless recipes for the benefit of housewives taking part In this boycott.". Mrs. Heath said.| l¥ ) u n d

"We will distribute them wherev­er there is a request. There are many kinds of eggless cake, molasses for

church Thursday. A good oomgrega-tion was present and a very inter­esting sermon was given.

The stork wsa a welcome visitor at. the home of Michael Gallagher Tues­day evening bringing a lusty eight

boy. Mr. Gallagher is busy

A doctor was summoned and the poisoned member treated and at last reports it was doing nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ganong held a birthday party in honor of Mrs. Canong's sister, who is visiting them at their home Monday after­noon. The guests were M\ and Mrs. Marlow and Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, of Katonah, Mr. and Mrs. Horton,

W. C. Horton, of New York and Mrs. E. F.

A number of Croton people attend­ed the concert for the benefit of the

instance. An entire Sunday dinner j GoJdens Bridge Epworth League can be prepared without a single egg. which was given' at Fireman's Hall in " ^em^Center Mr~~and Mrs

The beauty of this egg boycott is that village Tuesday evening. ' that many women are beginning toj The electric light pole which was j g d l l w o r m ^ ,4 «„,. u Croton. The think of tilings they never thought formerly situated on the corner b y l g u e s t s w e r e t^^uted ^ a delightful PC Ixfore. It is going to make them ( E . C. Purdy's drug store has been ( J m e a n d d e p a r t e d washing their hos-•100e careful and better buyers and, moved across the street in order to t e g g j^y m o p e f o r t u n a t o birthdays. ju'iU add to their knowledge of cook-1 widen the road at that point. ; n . . . . *».

* On Wednesday evening the atten-* n g - , „ , I It is reported that a road scraper U o n a ( n d p^^f. o l f 0 ^ ^ , a a J l c . part of the spine. This reverses the

it wouldn't be possible to have an . f t ^ w o r k ^ ^ 9tnMh ^ ^ ^ - £ J £ J b e t w e e ( n , i i m e ^ ^ ! normal curves of the spine and ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ with at times

for any length of time, are tired in the back when they get out. If this is kept up, the pain or weakness in­creases, until many times the per­son is laid up with what is called lumbago or rheumatism. Both these conditions are commonly due to the wrong way of using the muscles of the back. In cranking, keep the back straight, like "the oarsman's hack" Bend from the hips, snapping the crank over by straightening at knee and hip, but do not bend at the middle of the waist line. In sitting in the oar keep the back straight al­so. Get the hips well back against the back of the seat and it the up­holstery make the shoulders droop, put a robe, a cushion, a book or anything at the hollow of the back to prevent this. Do not slouch in the seat and do not sit on the lower

M t f M Easter, but all of us who a re | e l > o v e n ^ . g Comers and local peo- - R e b e w h d a T l l W ^ Brewster an-(anxious to relieve an unnecessary .,,„ l l o D e i h a t ^ —J w o r k - J jThe H * ™ dance at Brewster, an-

Z Z -~T1 " . , a a , . an l'Je J l o p e " » * * u i e eooa w c r K W U 1 g o |other at Mt. Kisco and a masquerade market condition can ha.e and en- u n t l d t n e B t a t e r o a d i e b u i l t 1 « Joy an eggless Christmas and New i m u _ . , _ . _ » • " • ^ The auction of household goods and George Juengst. The latter was the

'farming utensils which was held at ruost popular and was largely attend-u aair.

The Wiir-I-Tr lfUH***mim* tte*Z^<*m*1** Thomal Jones 7^'^^tM^a^ ^h^TbTail much on the promised Federal coJo _ _ „ ,

* iSoniers on Tuesday was well attend- a n d the costumes were brilliant and ^ L ^ led and the articles brought very'original. Fine music and refreshment*

H were featured and the proceeds were It is said that fishing is quite. devoted to the benefit of the Kiiteha-

of the must mean strain, much crippling.

Tlhe league officers say they have' c u " " " " " pood Drices

not raised tlie question of a corner | in eggs. They are merely contending,] «• •" atw« " " * ***•««« «. M« « « | — — they insist, that when^eggs were *<K>d at the reservoir now and a few, wan 1\ennia club. placed in cold storage in the spring l o c a i angJens who have tried it keep j For the first time in a long while ul 18 or 20 cents there is no valid | <*" going. On Wednesday a boat was s o i n e genuine work is

Japan Censors Books. In Japau the ceusorship of novels is

not exercised by the libraries, but by a government official who is empower­ed to prosecute offending authors us well as forbid the sale of their books. Not long ago the author of a novel called "The Great City" was brought before the courts for giving too realistic a description of life in To-

kyo. His counsel used the old argu-being done! m e n t e "bout the indefensible rights of

" literature and the ennobling of every-why they should not be r e > to ^ b u t n o • * " * tav« y ^ , toward improving the condition of the m n g , ) y ^ R u t ^ ^ w a g ^,;.n

be retailed , ****» * • " * Main (Street and under the direction against the author. Even some of reaaoJM leased so that they can at 30 cents a dozen. &*im^^^^^^^^^_^^^^^^^^^

Grocer Lobdell says a farmer can examination of the school children dent of highways, James Rooney, the: t o circulate in Japan, the ground of •0V bring in » case of egg* to-day in Districts No. 1 and 5 in compli-work of grading (he road and apply-j offense being the lack of respect shown

Hitchcock has completed the of the newly elected town superinten-1 Meniere's works have been forbidden

THE F. L. WILSON CO., I Opticians.


237 Main Street,



Joseph Laclav


Suits made to order, Latest Styles, also Cleaning and Repairing Carefully Promptly done. All guaranteed.

and work


Special i i Winter-Wtijht

OVERCOATS Pure Silk-lined, regulation length of

Gray Vienna and Black Kersey, Full $25 value, for $20.00.

Chinchilla Overcoats $12.50, $ 1 5 , $ 1 8 u p t o $ 2 5 .

We have got the Chinchilla you want, those rich toned browns, #

X warm and good looking; or the stylish dark grays and all of a qual- •

X ity and warmth that will please yon immensely. *

I Z ^ ^ ^ f QtKrAof«»rc T h e r 9 a l t n , n « t h i s f * , l — * necessity— S V ^ O a i O W e a i e r S . from t l to $8.20, all the eolors.

Nathan Spiro & Co. Main and White Streets. Danbury.



Opposite Town Hall. Brewster

Telephone, 197 .


Tfce Putuam Couuiy l iv ings Bank, Plalutlff,


Bfltma W. Cliamberlaln and Others Iierendants.

John McLean. Inc. Danbury's Largest and Finest Dry Goods Store.

Christmas Books. I Do Your Christmas Shopping Early

and Select Your Xmas Books

While the Stock is Complete. ijfc

Never before have we shown such a wonderful or more complete assortment of Xmas Books are so arranged and (Jisplayed on our large counters and tables on the Main Floor, rear of store that selection can easily be made.

In this collection you are sure to find just the book you are looking for.

health laws and ing gravel and dirt to womu places ie j by wives towurd their husbands and


better physi- beiaig vigorously carried out. Other I streets and roads in this vicinity

Simplified Postoffice Forms.

and carry home three barrels of flour ance with the MSJ in even exchange. This is the first finds the children in a llnie in the country produce history cal condition than average. of Brewster that such a condition has Miss Grace Smith is suffering from! 'wldch Slave been im a rather pitiful

1st attack of malaria which seems to ttiti* a-re also coming im for their he rather prevalent at present but fihare of attemtdon.

I***" condition is not sertous and her j i E p ^ ^ ^ d o e e considerable Fume received a black eye to-day many friends hope that she will motoring In this vicinity reports tliat

when Postmaster General Burleson quickly regain her usual health. i within the past few months he has decided that in the interests of I on Tuesday two men who wone re-1 broken no less than thnee springe on economy he would see hereafter that turning from the Jones auction were the piece of road between the Put-the names of bureau chiefs and oth- thrown from their wagon when the nam county line above Croton and CJ- postoffdoe department officials l.orBe's bit broke and the animal ran the village limits of Brewster, Thle were left off all permanent blanks away but neither was injured and the again illustrates the condition of this and forms. Too many of them quit, horse stopped after a short run. niece of city made mad and shows in (he opinion of the postmaster! G w ^p^g aad teu&ter left the crying need of a maoartam aur-K«oeral and then blanks decorated i ^ iAtmdAy f o r tiwir u u n e a k , w at tace. Not omly da At one of the worst

the names of these individuals p ^ ^ ^ w 4 i e r e t b j e y ^ ^ e l M a Q d ^ ^ roads in this section but U also is |>ecome useless. j wjmt j. j | r . Ahrams recently pur- °**» of the moat travelled whkdi

Postmaster Ceneral Burieson also o i l a a e d ^ ^ vim3li ^ j a ^ m3xA ex. makes it douhly (bad and some dras-tontinued his attack on fame by tilt- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ft ^ ^ ^ ^ & tii^ tic actiion in regard to it should be tug at century old conventions in y m s t . n e r e # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

by sons toward their fathers.

Cockerels for Sale. Twenty-five Rose Comb

Rhode Island cockerls from the famous Kaufman & Wind­ham and Lester Tompkins stains. Write for prices.


taken at once.

correspondence and driving from his mmsMat* and smoothing of new! , . , -

tH,mm «*«*»*<* vi^u. or- J2 ^Z^L Z^TZ* <» N«w CwUr'" c""' *,ru'c* e",n,' fioials, substituting in written or ^„„„.. ^ „ *«.!,*„. «i—w» ».wi Examinations for aU positions with-


tint village is now taking place and

Koes such conventional fonais "air" and "1 have the honoi-" and many other polite phrases that take bp

You are familiar with these names it will please yon to learn that A. i*iueberg's is the place for up-to-date merchandise.

But ii you are unfamiliar with all of these well known brands of

Austin's Dam Claimants Settle. Verdicts of nut guilty were re-

•d in the H S H against George <\ Bayle^s, president JKily and Paper CA). ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

ilu, g^nenal manager, on charges mt tevoiunta-ry manslaugliu-j T§

, ^ T ^ ! T n W f S I * S ? 1 ! ^ ^ °* • « * ******* **> **<*« tne ground * *** civia service of the United the officials only. With this reform ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ states may be held to Danhury to

*^ of them we should have some model l ) i * future, government officiails say. lawns with the coming of another Tiwre is now a movement on to have]merchandise such as: summer. J^anhury made one of the examinatiuql Ruye.1 Society Floss

'llbe usual holiday was observed on Thanksgiving, all places oi business being dosed including the school while the postoffice was open for

,, , , , the usual hours. SevtvraJ familses en- '"""* — ~ •• - • • » -

tlie day « i up to the u uaO Thanks- m a i w s * *** H * r t l k j a , d - N « * H A V '

>ovuig ttCandaJ'd.

tuUuw«n an agreement between | ^ **** H i M i **«» <• drilling Austin liam sulferers and the M artesian well on the hiU across

1 from (prick's hotel reports that his

of and Pred H


c e n t e r s i n t h i s s t a t e .

A t t h e p r e s e n t t i m e o n l y a f e w of

t l i e e x a m i n a t i o n s f o r p o s i t i o n s i n t h e

c iv i l s e r v i c e of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a r e

h e l d to t h a t c i t y a n d tlio*,* w h o de -

m u s t

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H a v -

<en o r N e w Y o r k w h i c h a r e e x a m i n a ­

t i o n c e n t e r s . N e a r l y o i l t h e c iv i l s e r -

i - x a m i n a t i o n s n o w h e l d i n D a n -

b u r y a r e t u r t h e p u r p o s e of f i l l i n g

p o s i t i o n s to t h e p o s t o f f i c e d e p a r t

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a n d P a c k a g -g o o d s .

R o y a l W o r c e s t e r C o r s e t s .

H e m i w a y & S o n ' s S i l k s .

S w e e t O r r T r o u s e r s , S h i r t s a n d

O v e r a l l s .

S a r g e a n t C l o v e s .

M o n a r c h a n d A r r o w S h i r t s .

V i s o r S w e a t e r s .

P r e s i d e n t S u s p e n d e r s .

B u s t e r B r o w n ( i u a r a u i t e e d H o i s e r y .

( F o r M e n , W o m e n a n d C h i h i a e n ) .

Affi4 sjft i iy m o a t u s e f u l a n d up- to ­

l a pursuance of a Judgment of a fore-closure and sale made and entered lu the above entitled action bearing date the x'isi day of November, 1W8, and eutered In tne office or the clerk or tne couuly of Putnam oii tl.e iMih day of November, 1818,1, the undersigned, the referee In said Judgment named. wUl seU a t public auction at the front doer of the Town Hall in Brewster, Putnam County, New York, on the 22nd day or January, J914, a t 11 o'clock In the lorenoou or tha t day the premises described In eald judgment as follows;—

ALL that certain farm of land si tuate In the town of carmel. In the county of Putnam and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows, Bounded on the east by the high­way leading from carmel Village to Croton FullH on the nortu by lauds now or forme-ly of James 11. Kulffen: und lands now or formerly of on«j Mlcliael Plckuey: on the west >y lauds now or rormerly or Michael PlcKney and the West Branch or Croton Klver, and on the south by laud fornerly of Ampailas Yeamaus. deceased, con-ta i i iug elgMy-seven acres, two roods a n d eighty-six rods of land, more or leas.

A (so a wood lot in said town, bounded as fol­lows; BKclNNINu at a stake, and stones near a large yellow oak and in line of Alan* on Cole and southwest corner of Losee and Garnsey's wood lot: thence south thirty degress west five chains thtrteeu links to Klyaud Vail s wood lot: thence south eighty two degrees east 11 chains 34 links to Alansou Cole's larni. theuce north eight degrees east 4 chains 77 links to Losee and Uarnsey: thence north eighty-two degrees west v chains (Hi links to the place of beginning, con­taining live acres of land, more or less.

Also another wood lot In said town, bounded as follows; BUUlNMNUln the middle of the highway in the southwest comer of Alausou Cole's farm: north 8 degrees east 8 chains 8 links io Blv and Vails lot: thence north 82 de­grees west 12 chains 86 links to the west line of James II. Kniffen's lot ; thence south 80 degrees I wast ts chains &6 links to the middle of the road { a t James 11. Kniffen's corner: thence easterly along the middle of the road to the place of be- j

• oiug. containing six acres two roads and •ty two rods of land, more or lest.

AND ALSO all the right*, to convey water \ from Lake Ullead and to lay pipe >, etc., which i were to conveyed to Daniel D. chamberlain by j three seperat* deeds; one made by Michael I Ptnckney and wire, dated May B, 1808, and re-oorded 1-J Putuam County clerk 's office In Liber | 46 of Deeds, page &43: one made by Michael D s mondand wile, dated May 9, 1868. and recorded In Liber 40 ol Deeds, page 544: and one made by Joseph smith and wile, dated May 9, 1808, and recorded in Liber 4i> or Deeds, page 452, which Bald rights were conveyed by Daniel D. Cham uerlaln to said Kmma W. Chamberlain by deed dated March 29.1904 and recorded in said Clerk's Offl<* iu Liber 92 or Deeds page 19.

EXCEPTING AND BJJISEKV1NU from the first-above described preinises the lands acq u n ed b\ The< U> 01 New York In cuudeiunalUm pro oeedlngs,known as Par«:el MO. 29 West Branch, and containing lli. iU2 acres: and also the lands acquired by The city or New York in condem nation proceedings known as Parcel No. 74 Croton Falls Sec.und Supplemental Proceeding, (Keservolr •• K "). and containing 48.82 aci i

l>uted White 1 lalns. N. Y.. Nov. 24th, 1918. AKTJJIK 1, STKANU, Uefeiec.

Frederic 8. Bainum. Plaintiff's Attorney, 5 Court si i

White Plains. N. Y. Goldsmiih. ttosentbal. Murk & Baum.

Attorneys fur Defts Jienrletta lugbcr dt 3 Beimneit southard us lie* ivei 35 Nassau Struct, N. Y. city.

WiUlam l i . w . . Attorney loi licit. Kmmu W,. ChumocrlaUi. Brewster, N. Y.

JOHN McLEAN, INC. | 213 Main Street, Danbury, Conn.

Parcel Post Packages Sent Free. Tel. 662.

^tAt tA»t . t t t«e t ta i t t t t t t« t t t> i t t t t t t t t t tA tJ i tJ tAtne t t» t t j<

A. P. LOBDELL, Brewster, - New York.


rluia onaotaoaliy euds Hie oriminaJ', waoliimery is woo-kiine fin«iy and Uiai ^ ^ u ^ ^evUxi, however, that a ^ UMkM> y o u , ; i i l Jy t ^ e j ^

*<u4 civiJ prooeetlu' ^ 4 ^ o,M oi' •he la able to drill at a rste ol' wftiiiin a shorn uune the l i o n s

•s j i ster as A ,H; 1U lmb u o * -ve4 K u i M ' 4 ** i ' 'as U m- ^ ^ ^ liho^ tk» great dam 1 ooMUQf,

n lauiases awoun.iin£ to near­

ly J1,(HI",UOU wore caused. ugreeanent wittii ii« company _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

' &y; Sarah Johnson wiuo w«sst to West oiatmant is recommended Ior Itcn-N j , iiitb week to aaeud tug, bleadina of nrotrudla* yUe*.

™ ^ , , — Sept. -ii), 1MI. * " " ^ vu smik« water hut he eineots ^ ^ t V | ^ , w r t U i r to

74 j^rsons lost t-h«ir lives and U> *& the at*ua nnra in a lew day^ v»'aaU*n*UM» wWl be hold ttiere. Sevta-al t'roton i»eo4>ie na*e dewut-

sj LO sptuid the winter in the nouiub itchiug yiies provoke yrotanity but . and among the labest as Miss profanity won't remove them. Doan's

by nailing at my store and you how

ftoud snifxj-eas will hp paid satr oeait, ot th.-ii- ciaimslti SUMUS ot, field, _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ jbe uurpcrati p « - u**bew's wedding from wiach oc. at any drug store. Adv.

Will I ' l

y o u U J «

benefited by buying only snob adver­tised goods.

A. FINEBERG, Main Street,

Opp. Post Oiiice, Brewster

C o u n t y Bi i i* .

< ai-mel N V U.I I, Lvl?,. T h e :•

ou Tuusdui No* 11, liu.. 1. p . in. fur the annu.

A l l ) " ' 1,: elatuts agaiust the County o! Put 11. day of

Sweaters, Gloves, Hosiery, Under­wear, Woolen Blankets, Comfortables, Caps, Etc.

Our , Shoe Department is fully stocked for all j demands. Dependable Shoes for every\ member of the family at Lobdell's right prices.

House Furnishing Department Overflowing with, good things—Lino­leums, Carpets, Rugs, Shades, Etc.

1 m Grocery Department, Quality, Close 1

Prices, Service. three are found

here. aou u. depot.

iua to law, lu

iiuuiu-d I iui U e t h h •• Ail tui.

WW US Ui •i tow

jusidoreu w sujue.r\lsars.

.nil auly i. a loi I hoii

...Ii be IspssituU on 01 Ueioic

• eialuib against hoard ,.

- UJ the boaid ot


A. F. LOfeDELL, Main Street, \ Brewster, N. Y. it