Casnovia Personals Kent City Local News -

Thursday- July 12. KENT C T TY—Home of Jane Cottage Cheese »—PrCcis— fleatthW Casnovia Personals Mrs. Mary Norton, Correspondent M.-s. Sadie VanJDyke of Grand Rip- ids Is spending a few weeks with her mother. Mrs. Susie Rood Mrs. Ida Wegal of Kent City m l the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nel- J Kent City Local News Mrs. Tina Johnson, Correspondent 'SS i ,0^0^, r £SS. I £ with relatives in and near Chicago. Eva, and husband for a month. i froan M - s * e * rE 1 - nere *** visited h?r , Mrs. CoSmrn las. week during the ab- Joan f^nwn1nfh»m ^ I M L ... . .. ,• Mrs. Mary McCune is visiting her 5^ home with her to spend tbe; daughter. Mrs. Martin ar=^ family this week. MlfWfWW The Aid wCl meet on Wednesday afternoon. July IS. at the church. There la quilting to be done. Aid members, take notice. Mrs. Lucy Streeter returned last IHH week from Pontiac and was the guest ^ft Monday for the upper 'peninsula J Frederick, end Mr. and Mrs. F.ed Keas Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Afton Mr. and Mrs. D. Hessock returned on Tuesday. July 3, a boy. to their home in Detroit Sunday after j Harold Afton spent last week with visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eari j his grardpsrenls, Mr. and Mrs. George Stinson. Afton. Lester Stinson and Clifford Loomis ! ^ and Mrs. John FahKng and son. of Mrs. Ruscoe. who wac with and Mrs. Frank Neison visited i her «ster who passed away Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dahl Saturday of Mr. and Mrs Earl Hanna before going to her sister. Mrs. Rebecca Rull, on Saturday. Mr*. J. L. Norris entertained with a family dinner last Friday evening In honor of the birthday anniversaries ot her grandsons, Keith and Kenneth Norris Mr. and Mrs. E Morton and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bunce were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Stinson at their Hess Lake oottage over the week *nd near Orant. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Oorby are the proud parents of a baby girl bom on Monday, July 9. Mr*. Lillian Church of Orant spent the week end with hex aunt. Mrs. Alice Cobum. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson of Orand Rapids were guests of Mr O. A Dennis Sunday. Other Carl and Laurence Saur have re- ar:.tly wired and p»'"Trf1 ccttase at Hesa Lake. Mrs. Alice M. Puller. 53. died Satur- day at her home near Orant In Ash- Carl Ms&mberg of Grand Rapids vis-! Surviving are a son. tted relatives in Kent City pen of V.,, n ^ : three **««*. Mrs. last week. ®f- Conklin of Orand Rapids, Mrs. Mrs. Charles Anderson of Grand j Ru*»eof Kent City and Mrs. Rapids visited her sister, Mrs. «»rn» David Peat of Chicago, and one broth- Berg. over the Fourth and both spent ° F ^p er " were held at Newaygo Bap- Mrs. Agnes Ballard and mother. Fourth with her Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Finney, of Beldlng and Mrs. E J. Conner. Minnie Whitner of Sparta visited Mrs. Mary Blanchard Saturday afternoon. Mrs. F. R. Kayward was hostess to her Brlage Ciub last Friday afternoon. Miss Alice Bosche began working in Grand Rapids last week. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters on the Fourth were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Liargfcrander and Miss Mary Peters of Grand Ranlds. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lewis and Mrs. Lake spent Sunday at Camp Lake. Mrs. R. G. Hayward went to Ham- mond, lnd.. mt week to visit her mother, Mrs Charles Pfistcr. Miss Marine Beuschel is spending two weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs F. R. Hayward. iaus Gertrude Treece of Chicago and Miss Bessie Eitei of Grand Rap- Ida were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kite!. Mr. and Mrs. a. m. uesveld and Mrs. John Snitseler of Orand Rapids were Saturday visitors at the O. Leu- senkamp home. Mrs. John Gates and sons, John Jr. and Joe. visited relatives in Wiscon- sin over the week end and early week. Ben Murray left Monday for Chi- cago where he wtii visit relatives and A Century of Progress. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rabadeau of De- troit were guests of Mr. and Mra Charles Spencer last week. »•. Fiaucis Desarmne oi to Join Camp Strong, a COC camp. and Alice were Tuesday evening guests Mr. and Mrs. H. Heuvelhorst and I of Mr - and Roland Ade of Con- daughters were Sunday guests brother. Harry Heuvelhorst, end fam- ily of Zeelend son have returned to Gr^nd Rapids Mrs. Lewis Johnston has be?n visit- a f t e r H i d i n g a few weeks with his ing relatives in Flint for a week. ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Chase. Mrs Lucy Daggett spent Sunday Maurice la gaining from a recent 111- with her daughter, Mrs. Tenor CUnts- ness. £ PS, t ,. an . ° D Thursday. June 28. a boy was | day evening from an extended trip Mr. and Mrs. Donald L'ndcley and °°rn to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hale of ] to Washington. D. C„ Scran'on. P a . Charlotte. Mra Hale waa formerly and also the Niagara Falls. Mr. and Miss Margaret Eneti. Mrs. Stanley Perform of Indianapolis Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kne£ and son accompanied her home snd will spend Wednesday with M,,. A. H. Saur at! H . . w . their Long Lake cottage.^ tist Church Monday Miss Florence Saur is »«i«*tn g with i ^5 ^ station west of Kent City the housework st the home of Mr 7* w u robbed Saturday night, and Mrs. Robert Kriger. Gasoline, cigarettes and candy were Mr. and Mrs. John V. Johnson had aJso qult * an amount of money. . and Mrs. > as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs- Clar- working to find a clue, ther mem- j ence Carlson and family and Che rles, _ . and Mrs. Ai Rcnolis of < of celebrating the former's birthday. *>crs of the family were also a: home, 1 Carlson of Grand Rapids I iam- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Chase and « Mr. Dennis celebrated 72nd Mrs, Taylor and Mrs. Gertrude bi tl * 3r that K Moore of Battle Creek and Ludwig The Luthemn Sunday school picnic ~ * - will be at Stocker's landing. Hess Lake. Thursday 1 today). Mia* Gladys Perham returned Mon- Grand and Mrs. Donald Kndeley and daughter of Kalamasoo spent the Mr. and Mrs. H J. ttchroeder and family. Miss Doris Smock, Nelly Ann Heuvelhorst and Norman Weston spent the Fourth at White Lake near Whitehall visiting Mrs. Schroeder's sister and family. Mrs. B. Gresken of 8heperd ia visited her uncle and aunt. Mr. and j • short time at the Perham cottage at Mrs. Charles Faulkner, over the week ° 1!n Lakes. CASNOVIA AUDITORIUM Thursday Evening, July 12 "The Meanest Gal in Town, 1 * with Zasu Pitts and Skeets Gallagher. Also comedy. end at Ravenna. Mildred and Ellen Humphreys spent last week at the M. A Carpenter home at 81x Lakes. The annual school meeting of Cas- novia District No. 8, Pr., was held Monday evening. Mrs. Hersey was elected to tucceed herself and V. F.. Fancett to succeed F. M. Haraer. The school district is in a good condition financially and the board is enthuai- Mrs. John Lehmkuhle. Donald Lynch, son of Mr. and Mrs Don Lynch, is in at. Mary's Hospital with a broken leg, the result of a fall from a horae. Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacLean en- tertained his sister and family from Jackson over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vanderpsrt of Muskegon were guests of Mr. snd Mrs. T. J. Hayes on the Fourth. Mrs. Harold Shaw and her father. Will Hanna. and Mrs. L. C. Hanna visited Mrs. Andrew Hanna and James last Friday. Lyman Barnes was in town Sunday caJling on friends. Lyman is In a CCC camp in the upper oeninsula. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Clute went to Muskegon spent Saturday and Sunday Baldwin to* the week end with Mro at the Joe Friedman home. j Clute's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William Karel and and Mrs. Alton Hodgins The latter Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ransom spent the and two children returned home with astlc regarding their building project. Love, and family at Petoskey. Mrs. F. D. Crabb and children. The W. C. T. U. of Kent City wiU spending a few weeks at the Q t j Gloria - Gaylord and Donna, of Chi- Join with the Sparta union Friday, her son-m-law and daughter. Mr. and ! ca are at the h ? me of her Parents, July 20. at a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bodell. for a Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Osborr. Potluck few weeks Mr. Crabb will Join his dinner will be served and each mem- family later. Rapids spent Saturday at lhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodwork. Moore of Battle Creek and Ludwig , and Mn » Center Johnson and frxSerstiom were visitors at the hem- went to Diamond Lake on a of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein Sunday. I , tri ? Sunday. At the annua<! school meeting Mon- _ Mr - Bob McGinnls of day evening Andrew Carlson was re- j 2 ^ nd aad ^ and Mrs. elected for another term aa trustee. ; V 01 ^* W lkerson were Sunday guests Plans are nearly completed for a new ? " ie Rav and Mn. McGinnis and roof on the schoolhouse and other in- 01 Mean. side work to be before Sep- and iirs - George Saur and son, tember 1. Roger, of Fremont were entertained The Kent Grange ball team will play at Eercstrom home Sunday. against the Kent City Epworth League Mrs Ounnard BJork of team on the school grounds Thursday Ra P id s spent a few days last evening (tonight) at 7 o'clock. week at the Bjork home. Mr. and Mrs. RaJph Edwards of .J*** ,? oe 0ir dner is helping during Muskegon and Mr. and Mrs. Howard fmi ^season at the Charles Mont- Mich^ spent the week end with his Holben were Sunday dinner guests at «°® er y home. parents, Mr. and Mra. Chailes KJlnt. the home of Mr. and Mrs M R ^ r - and Mrs. Fred Woodwork and Mr. and Mrs. Arlen LaBaron and fam- 1 Green and family Mrs Mar y Bassett were Friday guests lly of Grand Rapids were also guests Mr. and Mrs Ed Blohm and family of ^ Woodward's mother. Mrs. Cyn-, °° 8unday. of Grant! Ra:>ids are spending the Ear1 ' at Muske gon Heights. Miss Grace Playter Is spending the summer at the home of Mr and Mrs ! _ Aboul 20 friends of Miss Agnes Saur summer with her sister. Mrs. Percy Gust Johnson. Mr. Blohm has a po- sition In 8parta. Miss Christ*ne Ostrom. who Is em- ployed in the family of Mr. and Mrs Clay Holllster of Orand Rapids, '• spending the summer with them in the east. William Huyler of Oreenville is Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dunning of Rock- ford are visiting at the home of Mrj. Peter Anderson. l>on Kilnt of Camp Irons, Irons. Mrs. Saur beck to Kent City to spend a few weeks. Mr and Mrs. George MacRae left Wednesday for Jackson where Mr. MacRae has a position with the can- ning plant at the Jacksoc prison James Streeter waa pleasantly sur- prised Tuesday, July 3, when his Stfter. Mrs. Del Dennis, and husband of Cadillac came to remind htyn of his 74th birthday. WANT ADS FOR 8ALR—12 x 30 cement stave silo. Includes roof and chute. Also pa- pec 13-inch silo filler. Roy Bettea phone 28F6, Sparta, Route 2. 29c BOOK FOR 8ALE—"The Trail of Thirty-Seven" may be had at East's, Perry's. Brack s, Sparta Motor Sales and George Smith's, Sparta; Per hams Drug Store and Nelson's Oil Station, Kent City, and Mann's Drug Store, Casnovia. r ;, xt* ber is requested to bring their own Fourth at Sand Lake. Seth Ransom of Orand Rapids vis- <>sd re'ativee here Mcnda- Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Olllmer were In Muskegon Saturday on business. L-J bijCm—a i them to spend the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mann have as Mr. and Mrs. George Householder table service. All wishing to attend. of Trent spent the week end at their home Is Casnovla. MRS. FAYE M. SMOCK AND ELLSWORTH MOORE MARRY please meet at Saur's store at 10:30 and cars will be provided. The Sparta members wlM furniah the program. Mr. and Mrs. A H. 8aur and their families attended the Lutheran Church ful supper was served by the hostess. Jol a Lanuheer Sr. Is spending a few weeks with his son, Andrew Land- heer. and family. iiw m Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas of East spending a week's vacation with his I ' an ^ 1;lg arrived Saturday to spend a weeks vacation at th- home of Mr. and W" f u r i e s Pulkerson. Mr. ana Mrs. Ed Casey and family. mother. Mrs. Carrie Huyler. Miss Florence Emmons spent last week at Camp Lake. J m. - Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kreps returmd accompanied by their guests. Mr. and Monday from a visit with Mr. Kreps' . L " aurence Hul1 - of Royal Oak. _. , I services at Muskegon Sunday. After Parents at Traverse City. ^hi u f n "p-rir a !^ a P icrUc at Lake The marriage of Mrs. Faye M the services Mr. and Mrs. Jesson and LaVerr* Mwk of Fremont began ' uske ® on Smock of Casnovla to Ellsworth Moore Mr. and Mrs. Samuelson oi Muskegon work as assistant in the Kent City , "ubbel returned to Soott- Bank Tuesday morning. I 1Ue Thursda >' after spendi-w the HAULING WANTED — £»e Verne Pinckney for sand, gravel »nd cin- ders for driveways. 29c FOR RENT—3 apartments, one up- stairs, one down. Two and four rooms. Bath and gauge. Mrs. Dora Clute. Spaita. Phone 16. 28c PLAYER PIANC BARGAIN t—Instead ot res hipping to factory. $700 player were entertained at her cottage at | Piano, like new. can be had for imp* id Long Lake Friday afternoon, the oc- balance of $28.40 remaining on con- casion being her birthday. A delight- j tract. Write at once to Edgar O. Netaow < Department of Acc aunts}, 4743 North Sheffield Avenue, Milwau- kee, Wis., who will advise where piano can be seen. Kindly furniah refer- ences 29p REASONABLE prices for old letters or small M «i; n .U uus . of Kent City took place Wednesday joined them in a picnic dinner at like morning at 10 o clock at the Metho- Michigan Park. Twenty-seven were dist parsonage In Kent City, the Rev. present for dinner and suoner Wright officiating. Mr. and Mrs. a n a supper Moore left immediately on a 10-day * derson ' J*' 131 trip Roberts were among those who at- -ine bnde nas been the v e r y e m o e m ***** 2t manager of the local Bell Telephone Lansing Tuesday. Exchange for the past five years, while the groom is very favorably known in Kent City. We extend congratulations and best wishes. sister, Mrs. Northport. Jermain* Buasey, of Typewriter ribbons for all make machines, 75 cents. The Sentinel- Leader Pub. Co. 7/, TIRE SENSATION o f ' 3 4 THE NEW' " •' •CENTUftr PROGRESS TIRE , S'//j w JM ifi'tui (iytttpniiu'it \ J / 4 ... QUALITY am PRttf H/lt s WITH any FIRST QOALflTTtRE MADE ' J ' '• " W ' t As the millions of World's F. !r visitors saw tireemadeinthe Firestone Factory and Exhibition Building, we aaked thousands this question: "What Jo you value most in a tire?** Car owners from every state in the Union were interviewed —drivers of automobiles, tracks, busses—out of it uj came one composite answer: "Give us Blowout Protection, Non-Skid Safety, and Long Wear, at a moderate price." Firestone engineers used every conceivable re- source in the develop- ment of a tire embodying these qualifications and selling to the public at a price within the reach of every car owner. Answer — the new Firestone Century Progress Tire. s COMPARE QUALITY— ^ CONSTRUCTION-PRICE This new tore is equal or superior to any other first quality tire, ' * . regardless of brand name — or by whom Why j u *k» Cmm- M m 0m . - Citry of rramw only mU Ur. SPEC BAL INTRODUCTORY P R I C E S * 4.40-21 Sim* Prir*> || Siw Prior 4. SO-20. S.SO-17. . • • . 7 8 1 4.SS-S1 _ S.SS-18 *.7« &.50-19bd X X . 2 0 S. 00-19 6.0S-19bd U.4S 3.25-IS . a . s o 6.50.1»bd X 4 . s e S-25-21— • s o 7,oo-aobd x 7 - x a Announcing 12 Months Guarantee Against all Road Hazards Firestone guarantees their complete line of tires against all road hazards for 12 months. In addition Fire- stone gives the industry life- time warranty against defect in workmanship and mate- rials. When used In commercial service, these tires are guaranteed for 6 month*. Forty-two members of the Kent City L. T. L. < Loyal Temperance Legion) •ttended a picnic In Johnson Woods east of town Monday afternoon. At- tractions were games and contests and a peanut hunt, follnwMf hv » wiener roast. This legion of 54 members, with Mrs. Wright as leader, has the largest membership to the state. The next | Mr. and Mrs. Eli Roberts spent the p °" rth °* J " : y with his family. week end at Belding aa guests of Mrs. _ and Mrs - A. E Eckstrom and Roberts' sister, Mrs. Bert Rickert. Donna and Bi ly of Orand Rapids. Mr. *nd Mrs. R. J. Kriger and Mary Joyce _ ' ~ ~ i and Frank Saur enjoyed r picnic at KENT CITY AUDITORIUM : Lincolu L»ke Sunda> e. Satarday, July 14 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Austin and Lois Stewart Erwin. Dorothy Wilson. War- Austin attended the Henry Austin re- ner Oland and Dudley Diggles in "Be- union at Townsend Park Sunday Tnirty-nine members were present. through your attics. Sparta. Write Box 215, WILL PAY CASH for second-hand portable typewriter. Inquire Sentl- nel-Leader. 28 ton Dawn." I HAVE installed a new combination spiral and croqulgnole permanent waving machine In my shop. Combi- nation wave 83.50. Mln'3 Seauty Shop. a Or. RELIABLE PARTY may have choice of bungalow player piano or upright piano, both nearly new and aliaost enjeyi and Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodwork and .. I w . Mr. and Mrs. L F. Saur spent Sunday meeting will be the second Monday in I at Fife Lake as guests of Mr. and Mrs August at the home of Kathryn Saur. Ernest Hanna. Mr And M r . pa' d for - by continuing small monthly l fH. ^ spent payments. Pianos near Sparta. Write Mr. and Mrs. Luther Johnson are Pour, h and the week end with Credit Manager. P. O. Box 261 De- Qtefis a tr.s i-. northers Mrs Mina Reamaa return:ne tn-j, l 8 ' V? home in Detroit 8unday. I -— ** Thirty-two relatives attended the Kriger reunion at the home of M. J. Kriger Wednesday. Those present from FOR SALE—Two-burner gas plate, 81. Inquire Sentinel-Leader. 28 pi«c-«r u u c r e u ior sale. Call on the Firestone Service Dealer or Service Store and examine it. You will be •old on the rugged quality and will want to equip your car with these new tires. REMEMBER — you save money hnving today, as rubber has advance*! 442% and cotton 190%, and tire prices cannot remain at these low levels. - AL A TRIPLE GUA RANTEE • #»r U n t ^ u a h J P e r f o r m V Sdm*tT 4m WrwHjn fflffiri mm44 §tm h a h I t tt*r% CHERRIES Fine Quality Montmorency Pick Them Yourself $ 1 . 2 5 per Bushel Blush Fruit Farm 1 Mile North and ^ Mile West of Kent City Mrs. A. Blentllnger, Sparta 28c The following Firestone dealers are prepared tm serOe you Kant City CARLSON & TR0FAST REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Kent City State Bank at Kent City, Michigan, at the close of business June 30, 1934, called for by the Commissioner of the Department RESOURCES Loans ani ^iacc^nU.. Commercial .4 37,747.60 Savings Dollars Cts Totals.. Real Estate Mortgages Bonds and Securities, vis.: a Municipal Bonds in Office c U. S. Bonds and Certif. of In- debtedness In Office. e Other Bonds in Office $ 37.747.60 8,800 00 8 28,670.50 7.650.00 15,164 JOO t 37,747.60 8 28,670.50 TOtals Reserves, via.: Cash and Due from Banks in Reserve Cities U. S. Securities carried as legal reserve In Ssvlags Dept. only 8 8,#00.00 8 22314.00 g 31.614.00 I 32.88536 $ 29,006.76 12,100.00 Totals Combined Accounts, via.: Overdrafts Ranking House 8 22385.36 8 41,196.76 8 64.082.12 customers' Bonds Deposited with Bank for Safekeeping _ Total LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid In Surplus Fund Undivided Profits, net Reserve for Taxr*, Interest, Depreciation, etc Commercial Deposits, vis.: Commercial Deposits Subject to Check $ 65.720.75 24.71 4 ooo oo _ 11.700.00 8177X3893 8 26.800.00 2JMMJC 99497 40257 a distance were Mrs. Emma Carpen- jjv»r sa , b- , ter of Chicago. Mr and Mrs Rav SALp-Plano 850. chiffonier 83, Brink and family of Fremont and Mr. I n r C U ^r.H sideboard 83, orjan |3, ana Mrs. Ernest Kriirer of ttr-m/t . trade for cows, chickens, or Rapids. R. J. Kriger was elected ores 1 ^ . have . you - Many other things ident and Krtir S S S n'2 ' and treasurer. Miss Anna Swanson eniertalned . Monday. July 2, with a 6 o'clock din- ner In honor of her birthday. Guests included Mrs. A. H Saur, Agnes Spur, Mrs. Ed Casey, Mrs. Oscar Ostrum, Mrs. Ed Ostrum, Mrs. Robert Swen- son. Mrs. Alfred Boberg. Mrs. Anna Johnson, Mrs. Violet Johnson, Mrs Lowell Saur and Mrs. Tina Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rexford and iam- I ily and Mrs. Charle* Rexford enjoyed I a picnic at Bass Lake Sunday. Thursday, July 5. commemorated the 50th wedding anniversary of the marriage of mi. ana airs, fayron Mur- ray. Their family enjoyed the day together at their home. Mr. and Mrs Murray have spent the past 25 years as residents of Kent City and their many friends extend congratulations. A telephone has been installed in Dr. f Yegge's office. The number is 317 Kent City. Mrs. Harold Saur left Tuesday ; morning for Chicago where she will I meet her mother from Boise. Ida., and both will spend a fe-v days In Chi- ; oago. Mrs. KeHerman will accompany FOR SALE—To first buyer, 4 complete rooms of high grade furniture which has been used oiuy a short time for Just rbout 4 the original price. Sold 9 months ago for 8565. balance due us Is $297. This outfit can be purchased on terms of 897 cash, balance 815 per month. Every piece of furniture and rugs look brand new. Outfit as listed: Grand Rapids made living room suite; beautiful latest style bedroom suite; 8-piece walnut dining room suite; ggs range; 5-plece breakfast suite; Ameri- can oriental rug; ^ coil springs; occasional pieces; lamps; etc. Nothing else to buy. Oas range can be exchanged for oil stove, cook stove .or gasoline pressure stove if de- sired. Entire outfit is arranged here at our store and you can see It any day or evening by telephoning Grand Rapids 93381. or writing for appoint- ment. We will store free for as long as one year and deliver anywhere In. state at no extra charge. Bishop Fur- niture Co.. Ionia Ave. at Louis St, 1 block south of Monroe Avs. Phone 93381. Me PRICES Totals Savings Deposits, via.: Book Accounts—Subject to Savings By-Laws $ 46.846.70 Certif. of Deposit—Subject to Savings By-Laws 2320696 65,720.75 8 65.720.75 _ T.'t i 1 70,052.66 S^^LSbiSues 5 DepOBlted wUh Bank tOT Safekeeping $ 70,052.86 8 11.700.00 18798 PHONE 337 .417 <33893 Sparta JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE PHONE 74 TotaL 8tate of Michigan, County of Kent, m. I. M. E. Moore. Cashier, of the shove named bank do solemnly that the above statement is true to the be* of my knowledge and and oorrectly represents the true state of the several .-natters therein contained, as shown by the books of the bank. M. E. Moore. Cashier. Subscribed snd sworn to before me this 8th day of July. 1934. R J. Kriger. Notary Public. My commission expires August 28th, 1935. Correct Attest A. H. Saur. P. N. Church. Nels Anderson, Directors. 10c Colgate Perfumed Soaps 5c 10c Paimotive Soap 5c 25c Colgate After-shave Tale 19c 35c Palmolive Share Cream 25c 35c Colgate Shave Cream 25c 25c Colgate Perfumed Tale 1»C 58c Colgate After-shave Lotion 39c 58c Charmis Cold Creaat SSIR 25c Cashmere Boo*set Soap Now 10c Vaseline Hair Tonic 37c Bathing Caps 10c to 35c Ear Dram Protectors 10c Picnic Needa. Paper Plate*. Caps, Spoons, Forts Napkins, and Sets Perium's Drag Store KENT CITY Establish a Trust It's a fine thing to the education of y o w children la assured In spite of any ehangea la your personal ft Trust Fond founded for this will accomplish this Let as advise yea. 4 ACCOUNTS IN THIS BANK with Deposits up to ARE INSURED IN under provisions of Banking Act of 1933 KENT CIT STATE BA NORMAN M. ROS: Successor to II. 1 LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL Dl Lady Assistant > Telephone 341 lb

Transcript of Casnovia Personals Kent City Local News -

Thursday- July 12.

KENT CTTY—Home of Jane Cottage Cheese »—PrCcis— fleatthW

Casnovia Personals Mrs. Mary Norton, Correspondent

M.-s. Sadie VanJDyke of G r a n d R i p -ids Is spending a f ew weeks wi th he r mothe r . Mrs. Susie Rood

Mrs. I da Wegal of K e n t Ci ty m l t h e guest of Mr. a n d Mrs . F r a n k Nel- J

Kent City Local News Mrs. Tina Johnson, Correspondent

'SS i , 0 ^ 0 ^ , r £SS. I £ wi th re la t ives in a n d n e a r Chicago. Eva, a n d husband for a mon th . i f r o a n M - s * e * r E 1 - n e r e *** visited h? r , Mrs. CoSmrn las . week d u r i n g t h e ab -

J o a n f^nwn1nfh»m ^ I M L

... . • • . . , • Mrs . Mary McCune is visit ing h e r 5 ^ h o m e with h e r t o spend t b e ; d a u g h t e r . Mrs . Mar t i n ar=^

• fami ly t h i s week. MlfWfWW T h e Aid wCl meet o n Wednesday

a f t e r n o o n . Ju ly IS. a t t h e chu rch . T h e r e la quil t ing to be done. Aid member s , t a k e notice.

Mrs . Lucy Streeter r e t u r n e d l as t I H H week f r o m Pont iac a n d was t h e gues t ^ f t Monday for t h e upper ' p e n i n s u l a J Freder ick, e n d Mr . and Mrs. F . e d K e a s

Born to Mr. a n d Mrs. Will A f t o n Mr. a n d Mrs. D. Hessock r e t u r n e d on Tuesday. Ju ly 3, a boy.

to t h e i r home in Detroi t S u n d a y a f t e r j Harold Af ton spent l a s t week wi th visiting he r pa ren t s , Mr . a n d Mrs. Ear i j his g r a r d p s r e n l s , Mr. a n d Mrs . George St inson. Af ton .

Lester St inson and Clifford Loomis ! ^ and Mrs. J o h n F a h K n g a n d son.

of Mrs. Ruscoe. who wac wi th a n d Mrs. F r a n k Neison visited i he r « s t e r who passed away S a t u r d a y

Mr . a n d Mrs. Char les D a h l S a t u r d a y

of M r . a n d Mrs Ear l H a n n a before going t o h e r sister. Mrs. Rebecca Rul l , on S a t u r d a y .

Mr*. J . L. Norris en te r t a ined wi th a f a m i l y d inne r last F r iday evening In h o n o r of t h e b i r thday anniversar ies ot h e r g randsons , Ke i th and K e n n e t h Norris

M r . a n d Mrs. E Mor ton a n d Mr. a n d Mrs . C. W. Bunce were gues ts of Mr . a n d Mrs. C. B. S t inson a t t he i r Hess L a k e oottage over the week *nd

n e a r O r a n t . Mr. a n d Mrs. Lyle O o r b y are t h e

proud p a r e n t s of a baby gir l b o m on Monday, Ju ly 9.

Mr*. Lillian C h u r c h of O r a n t spen t the week end wi th hex a u n t . Mrs. Alice C o b u m .

Mr. and Mrs. Ben J o h n s o n of O r a n d Rapids were guests of M r O. A D e n n i s Sunday . O t h e r

Car l a n d Laurence S a u r have r e -ar:. t ly wired a n d p»'"Trf1 c c t t a s e a t Hesa Lake .

Mrs. Alice M. Puller . 53. died S a t u r -day a t he r h o m e n e a r O r a n t In Ash-

Car l Ms&mberg of G r a n d Rap ids v i s - ! Surviving a r e a son. tted re la t ives in K e n t City p e n of V.,, n ^ : t h r e e **««* . Mrs . las t week. ®f- Conkl in of O r a n d Rapids, Mrs .

Mrs. Char l e s Ander son of G r a n d j R u * » e o f Kent City a n d Mrs. R a p i d s visited h e r s is ter , Mrs. « » r n » David P e a t of Chicago, a n d one b ro th -Berg. over t h e F o u r t h a n d both spent ° F ^ p e r "

were held a t Newaygo B a p -

Mrs. Agnes Bal lard a n d m o t h e r . F o u r t h wi th her Mr. a n d Mrs. Mrs . F inney , of Beldlng a n d Mrs. E J . Conner . Minnie W h i t n e r of Spa r t a visited Mrs . Mary B l a n c h a r d Sa tu rday a f t e r n o o n .

Mrs. F . R . Kayward was hos tess to h e r B r l a g e Ciub last F r iday a f t e r n o o n .

Miss Alice Bosche began working in G r a n d R a p i d s last week.

G u e s t s of Mr. and Mrs. F r e d P e t e r s on t h e F o u r t h were Mr. and Mrs . E d w a r d Liargfcrander a n d Miss M a r y Pe t e r s of G r a n d Ranlds .

Mr . a n d Mrs. A r t h u r Lewis a n d Mrs . Lake s p e n t Sunday a t C a m p Lake.

Mrs. R . G . Hayward went t o H a m -mond, l n d . . m t week t o visit h e r mo the r , M r s Char les Pf is tcr .

Miss M a r i n e Beuschel is spending two weeks wi th her g r a n d p a r e n t s , M r . and Mrs F . R. Hayward.

i a u s G e r t r u d e Treece of Chicago a n d Miss Bessie Eitei of G r a n d R a p -Ida were S u n d a y guests of Mr . a n d Mrs. Clyde Kite!.

Mr. and Mrs. a . m. uesveld and Mrs. J o h n Snitseler of O r a n d R a p i d s were S a t u r d a y visitors a t t h e O . L e u -s e n k a m p home .

Mrs . J o h n Gates and sons, J o h n J r . a n d Joe . visited relat ives in Wiscon-sin over t h e week end and ear ly week.

Ben M u r r a y lef t Monday fo r C h i -cago w h e r e he wtii visit re la t ives a n d A C e n t u r y of Progress.

Mr . a n d Mrs. Pete R a b a d e a u of De-t ro i t we re guests of Mr. a n d M r a C h a r l e s Spence r last week.

»•. F i auc i s D e s a r m n e oi

to Join C a m p St rong , a COC camp. a n d Alice were Tuesday evening gues t s Mr. and Mrs. H. Heuvelhorst and I o f M r - and Roland Ade of C o n -

d a u g h t e r s were S u n d a y guests bro ther . Harry Heuvelhorst , end f a m -ily of Zeelend son have r e t u r n e d to G r ^ n d R a p i d s

Mrs. Lewis J o h n s t o n h a s be?n visit- a f t e r H i d i n g a few weeks w i t h his ing relat ives in F l in t for a week. ' parents , Mr. and Mrs. B. W . Chase .

Mrs Lucy Dagge t t spent S u n d a y Maur ice la gaining f r o m a r e c e n t 111-with he r daughter , Mrs. Tenor CUnts- ness. £ P S , t , . a n . ° D Thursday . J u n e 28. a boy w a s | day evening f r o m a n ex tended t r i p

Mr. and Mrs. Donald L'ndcley a n d °°rn to Mr. and Mrs. R o b e r t Ha le of ] to Wash ing ton . D. C„ S c r a n ' o n . P a . Char lo t t e . M r a Ha le waa fo rmer ly and also the Niaga ra Falls. Mr. a n d Miss Margare t Eneti. Mrs. S tanley Perform of Ind ianapo l i s

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kne£ a n d son accompanied h e r h o m e s n d will spend

Wednesday wi th M , , . A. H . S a u r a t ! H . „ . w . t he i r Long Lake c o t t a g e . ^ t is t C h u r c h Monday

Miss F lorence S a u r is »« i«* tn g wi th i ^ 5 ^ s t a t ion west of K e n t City t h e housework s t t h e home of M r 7 * w u robbed S a t u r d a y n ight , and Mrs. Rober t Kr ige r . Gasoline, c iga re t t e s and candy were

Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n V. J o h n s o n had a J s o q u l t * a n amoun t of money . . and Mrs. > a s S u n d a y guests Mr . a n d Mrs- Clar - working to f ind a clue, t h e r m e m - j ence Car lson a n d f ami ly and Che rles, _ . a n d Mrs . Ai Rcnolis of <

of celebrat ing the fo rmer ' s b i r thday . *>crs of t h e fami ly were a lso a : home, 1 Car l son of G r a n d R a p i d s I i a m - Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C h a s e a n d « Mr. Denn i s ce lebra ted 72nd Mrs, Tay lor a n d Mrs. Ge r t rude

b i 2 £ t l * 3 r t h a t K Moore of Ba t t l e Creek and Ludwig T h e L u t h e m n S u n d a y school picnic ~ * -

will be a t S tocker ' s l a n d i n g . Hess Lake. T h u r s d a y 1 t oday ) .

Mia* Gladys P e r h a m r e t u r n e d Mon-

G r a n d

and Mrs. Dona ld Kndeley a n d d a u g h t e r of K a l a m a s o o s p e n t t h e

Mr. and Mrs. H J . ttchroeder a n d fami ly . Miss Doris Smock, Nelly Ann Heuvelhors t a n d N o r m a n Wes ton spent the F o u r t h a t Whi te Lake n e a r Whi t eha l l visiting Mrs. Schroeder ' s s is ter and family .

Mrs . B. Gresken of 8 h e p e r d ia

visited her uncle a n d a u n t . Mr . a n d j • shor t t ime a t t he P e r h a m cot tage a t Mrs. Char les Fau lkner , over t h e week ° 1 ! n Lakes.

CASNOVIA AUDITORIUM Thur sday Evening, July 12

" T h e Meanes t G a l i n Town,1* wi th Zasu P i t t s and Skee ts Gal lagher . Also comedy.

end a t Ravenna . Mildred and Ellen H u m p h r e y s s p e n t

l a s t week a t t he M. A C a r p e n t e r h o m e a t 81x Lakes.

T h e a n n u a l school mee t ing of Cas-• novia District No. 8, Pr. , w a s held

Monday evening. Mrs . Hersey was elected to tucceed herself a n d V. F.. F a n c e t t to succeed F . M. H a r a e r . T h e school district is in a good condi t ion f inancial ly and t h e board i s e n t h u a i -

Mrs. J o h n Lehmkuhle . Dona ld Lynch, son of Mr. a n d Mrs

Don Lynch, is in a t . Mary ' s Hospi ta l wi th a broken leg, t he result of a fa l l f r o m a horae.

Mr. and Mrs. C h a r l e s Mac L e a n e n -t e r t a ined his sister and fami ly f r o m Jackson over the F o u r t h .

Mr. a n d Mrs. J a c k V a n d e r p s r t of Muskegon were guests of Mr. s n d Mrs. T. J . Hayes on the F o u r t h .

Mrs. Harold Shaw and he r f a t h e r . Will H a n n a . and Mrs. L. C. H a n n a visited Mrs. Andrew H a n n a a n d J a m e s las t F r iday .

L y m a n Barnes was in town S u n d a y caJling on fr iends. Lyman is In a CCC c a m p in the uppe r oeninsula .

— Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Clute went t o Muskegon s p e n t Sa tu rday a n d S u n d a y Baldwin to* t he week end wi th Mro a t t h e J o e F r i e d m a n home. j Clute 's b ro the r - in - l aw and sister . Mr .

Mr . a n d Mrs. Wil l iam K a r e l a n d and Mrs. Alton Hod gins T h e l a t t e r Mr . a n d Mrs . F . M. R a n s o m spen t t h e a n d two children re tu rned h o m e wi th

ast lc regarding the i r bui ld ing p ro jec t . Love, a n d fami ly a t Petoskey. Mrs. F . D. Crabb a n d ch i ld ren . T h e W. C. T . U. of K e n t City wiU

spending a few weeks a t t he Qt j G l o r i a - Gaylord a n d D o n n a , of C h i - Join with t h e S p a r t a un ion Fr iday , he r s o n - m - l a w a n d daughte r . Mr . and ! c a * ° a r e a t t h e h ? m e o f h e r Pa ren t s , Ju ly 20. a t a picnic a t t h e home of

Mr . and Mrs. Wil l iam Bodell. fo r a Mr. and Mrs. N. S. O s b o r r . Pot luck few weeks Mr. C r a b b will Join h is d inne r will be served a n d each m e m -fami ly la ter .

R a p i d s s p e n t S a t u r d a y a t lhe home of Mr. a n d Mrs. F red W o o d w o r k .

Moore of Ba t t l e Creek and Ludwig , a n d M n » C e n t e r J o h n s o n and frxSerstiom were visi tors a t t he h e m - w e n t t o Diamond Lake on a of Mr . a n d Mrs. J o e Kle in Sunday . I , t r i ? Sunday .

At t h e annua<! school mee t ing Mon- _ M r - Bob McGinn l s of day evening Andrew Car lson was r e - j 2 ^ n d a a d ^ a n d Mrs. elected fo r a n o t h e r t e rm aa t rus tee . ; V 0 1 ^ * W l k e r s o n w e r e S u n d a y gues ts P l a n s a re nea r ly completed for a new ? " i e R a v a n d M n . McGinn i s a n d roof o n the schoolhouse and o t h e r in- 0 1 M e a n . side work t o be before Sep- „ a n d i i r s - George S a u r and son, t ember 1. Roger, of F r e m o n t were en te r t a ined

T h e K e n t G r a n g e ball t eam will play a t E e r c s t r o m home Sunday. aga ins t t he K e n t City Epwor th League M r s O u n n a r d BJork of t eam on t h e school g rounds T h u r s d a y R a P i d s spen t a few days las t evening ( ton igh t ) a t 7 o'clock. week a t t h e B jo rk home.

Mr. a n d Mrs. R a J p h Edwards of . J * * * , ? o e 0 i r d n e r is helping dur ing Muskegon a n d Mr. a n d Mrs. Howard f m i ^season a t t h e Char les M o n t -

Mich^ spen t t h e week e n d wi th h i s Holben were S u n d a y d inner guests at « ° ® e r y home . parents , Mr. and Mra. C h a i l e s KJlnt. t he home of Mr. a n d Mrs M R ^ r - a n d Mrs. Fred Woodwork a n d Mr. a n d Mrs. Ar len LaBaron and f a m - 1 Green and fami ly M r s M a r y Basse t t were Fr iday gues ts lly of G r a n d R a p i d s were also guests Mr. a n d Mrs Ed B l o h m a n d fami ly o f ^ Woodward ' s mother . Mrs. C y n - , ° ° 8unday . of G r a n t ! Ra:>ids a r e spending the E a r 1 ' a t M u s k e g o n Heights .

Miss Grace P lay te r Is spending t h e s u m m e r a t t he h o m e of Mr a n d Mrs ! _ A b o u l 2 0 f r i e n d s of Miss Agnes S a u r summer with her sister . Mrs. Percy G u s t Johnson . Mr . B lohm has a po-

sit ion In 8 p a r t a . Miss Christ*ne Os t rom. who Is em-

ployed in t h e f ami ly of Mr. and Mrs Clay Holllster of O r a n d Rapids , ' • spending t h e s u m m e r wi th t h e m in the eas t .

Wil l iam Huyler of Oreenvil le is

Mr. and Mrs. R a y D u n n i n g of Rock-ford a re visiting a t t h e h o m e of M r j . Pe te r Anderson.

l > o n Ki ln t of C a m p I rons , I rons .

Mrs . S a u r beck t o K e n t City to spend a few weeks.

M r a n d Mrs. George MacRae le f t Wednesday for J a c k s o n where Mr . MacRae h a s a posit ion wi th the c a n -n ing p lan t a t t h e J a c k s o c prison

J a m e s S t ree te r waa p leasant ly s u r -prised Tuesday, Ju ly 3, when his Stfter . Mrs. Del Dennis, a n d husband of Cadi l lac came to r emind htyn of h i s 74th b i r thday .

W A N T A D S F O R 8ALR—12 x 30 c e m e n t s t ave silo.

Inc ludes roof and chute . Also p a -pec 13-inch silo filler. Roy Be t t ea phone 28F6, Spa r t a , R o u t e 2. 29c

B O O K F O R 8ALE—"The Tra i l of T h i r t y - S e v e n " m a y be h a d a t East 's ,

Perry 's . B rack s, S p a r t a Motor Sales and George Smith ' s , S p a r t a ; Per h a m s D r u g Store and Nelson 's Oil S ta t ion , K e n t City, and M a n n ' s Drug Store, Casnovia . r;, xt*

ber is requested t o b r ing the i r own

F o u r t h a t S a n d Lake. S e t h R a n s o m of O r a n d Rap ids vis-

<>sd r e ' a t i vee here M c n d a -Mr. a n d Mrs. Emerson Ol l lmer were

In Muskegon Sa tu rday on business.

L-J b i j C m — a i

t h e m to spend the week. Mr. a n d Mrs. W. J . M a n n have a s

Mr. and Mrs. George Householder table service. All wishing to a t t end . of T r e n t spent the week e n d a t t he i r home I s Casnovla.


please meet a t Sau r ' s s to re a t 10:30 and ca r s will be provided. T h e S p a r t a members wlM f u r n i a h t h e p rog ram.

Mr. and Mrs. A H. 8 a u r and the i r famil ies a t t ended t h e L u t h e r a n C h u r c h

fu l supper was served by t h e hostess. J o l a L a n u h e e r Sr. Is spending a

few weeks wi th h i s son, Andrew L a n d -heer . a n d fami ly .

i i w m Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k T h o m a s of Eas t spending a week's vacat ion wi th his I ' a n ^ 1 ; l g a r r ived S a t u r d a y to spend a

w e e k s vaca t ion a t t h - home of Mr. and W " f u r i e s Pulkerson.

Mr. a n a Mrs . Ed Casey a n d family .

mo the r . Mrs. Ca r r i e Huyler. Miss Florence E m m o n s spen t last

week a t C a m p Lake. J m. -Mr . and Mrs. J . D. K r e p s r e t u r m d accompanied by the i r guests. Mr. a n d

Monday f r o m a visit wi th Mr. Kreps ' . L " a u r e n c e H u l 1 - of Royal Oak. _ . , — „ „ I services a t Muskegon Sunday . Af te r Pa ren t s a t T r a v e r s e City. ^ h i u f n "p - r i r a ! ^ a P i c r U c a t Lake T h e marr iage of Mrs . F a y e M the services Mr. a n d Mrs. Jesson a n d L a V e r r * M w k of F r e m o n t began ' u s k e ® o n

Smock of Casnovla to El l swor th Moore Mr. and Mrs. Samue l son oi Muskegon w o r k as ass i s tan t in the K e n t City , " u b b e l re turned to Soot t -Bank Tuesday morn ing . I 1 U e T h u r s d a > ' a f t e r spendi-w t h e

H A U L I N G W A N T E D — £»e Verne P inckney fo r sand , gravel »nd c in-

d e r s for driveways. 29c

F O R RENT—3 a p a r t m e n t s , one u p -s ta i rs , one down. T w o a n d fou r

rooms. B a t h and g a u g e . Mrs. Dora Clute . S p a i t a . P h o n e 16. 28c

PLAYER P I A N C BARGAIN t—Instead ot res hipping to f ac to ry . $700 player

were e n t e r t a i n e d at her cot tage a t | Piano, like new. can be h a d for imp* id Long Lake F r iday a f t e rnoon , the oc- balance of $28.40 remaining on con-casion being h e r b i r thday. A de l ight - j t r a c t . Wr i t e a t once t o Edgar O.

Netaow < D e p a r t m e n t of Acc aunts}, 4743 Nor th Sheffield Avenue, Milwau-kee, Wis., who will advise where p iano can be seen. Kindly fu rn iah r e f e r -ences 29p

REASONABLE prices fo r old le t ters o r smal l M « i ; n . U u u s .

of K e n t City took place W e d n e s d a y joined t h e m in a picnic d i n n e r a t l i k e morn ing a t 10 o clock a t t h e M e t h o - Michigan P a r k . Twen ty - seven were dis t parsonage In K e n t City, t h e Rev. p r e s e n t for d i n n e r a n d suone r Wr igh t officiating. M r . a n d Mrs. ™ a n a suppe r Moore left immedia te ly on a 10-day * d e r s o n ' J * ' 1 3 1

t r i p Roberts were among those who a t -

- i n e b n d e nas been t h e very e m o e m * * * * * 2 t

manage r of the local Bell T e l e p h o n e Lans ing Tuesday . Exchange for t h e pas t five years , whi le t h e groom is very favorably k n o w n in K e n t City. We extend cong ra tu l a t i ons a n d best wishes.

sister, Mrs. Nor thpo r t .

J e r m a i n * Buasey, of Typewri ter r ibbons fo r a l l m a k e

machines , 75 cents . T h e S e n t i n e l -Leade r Pub. Co.

7 / , TIRE SENSATION o f ' 3 4 THE NEW' " •'

•CENTUftr PROGRESS TIRE , S ' / / j • w JM i f i ' t u i ( i y t t t p n i i u ' i t \ J / 4

... QUALITY am PRttf H / l t s


'• " W ' t

A s t h e mi l l ions of World's F. !r visitors saw tireemadeinthe Firestone Factory and Exhibition B u i l d i n g , we a a k e d thousands this question: "What J o you value most in a tire?** Car owners from every state in the Union were interviewed —drivers of automobiles, tracks, busses—out of it u j came one composite answer: "Give us Blowout P r o t e c t i o n , Non-Skid Safety, and Long Wear, at a moderate price."

F i r e s t o n e e n g i n e e r s used every conceivable re-source in the develop-ment of a tire embodying these qualifications and selling to the public at a price within the reach of every car owner. Answer — t h e new F i r e s t o n e Century Progress Tire.


This new tore is equal or superior to any other first quality tire, ' *

. regardless of brand — name — or by whom Why j u *k» Cmm-M m • 0m . - Citry of rramw

only mU Ur.


P R I C E S *


Sim* Prir*> || Siw Prior 4. SO-20. S.SO-17. . • • . 7 8 1 4.SS-S1 _ S.SS-18

* . 7 « &.50-19bd XX.20 S. 00-19 7 . a o 6.0S-19bd U . 4 S 3.25-IS . a . s o 6.50.1»bd X 4 . s e S-25-21— • s o 7,oo-aobd x 7 - x a


12 Months


Against all



Firestone guarantees their

complete line of tires against

all road hazards for 12

months. In addition Fire-

stone gives the industry life-

time warranty against defect

in workmanship and mate-


W h e n used In commercial service,

these t i res a re guaran teed f o r 6

month* .

Fo r ty - two member s of t h e K e n t City L. T. L. < Loyal T e m p e r a n c e Legion) • t t e n d e d a picnic In J o h n s o n Woods east of town Monday a f t e r n o o n . At -t rac t ions were games a n d contes ts a n d a peanu t hun t , follnwMf hv » wiener roast . Th is legion of 54 members , wi th Mrs. Wr igh t a s leader , h a s t h e largest membersh ip to t h e s t a te . T h e nex t

| Mr. a n d Mrs. Eli Rober t s spen t the p ° " r t h °* J " : y wi th his family. week end a t Beld ing aa guests of Mrs. _ a n d M r s - A. E Eckstrom a n d Rober t s ' sister, Mrs . Ber t Rickert . D o n n a a n d Bi ly of O r a n d Rapids. Mr .

*nd Mrs. R. J . Kr iger and Mary Joyce _ ' ~ ~ i and F r a n k S a u r enjoyed r picnic a t K E N T C I T Y A U D I T O R I U M : Lincolu L»ke Sunda>

e . S a t a r d a y , Ju ly 14 Mr. a n d Mrs. E. E. Austin and Lois S t ewar t Erwin. Doro thy Wilson. W a r - Austin a t t e n d e d the Henry Aust in re -ner O land and Dudley Diggles in "Be- union a t Townsend Park S u n d a y

T n i r t y - n i n e member s were present .

t h rough your at t ics . Spa r t a .

Wri te Box 215,

W I L L PAY CASH for s econd-hand por table typewri ter . Inquire Sen t l -

ne l -Leader . 28

ton Dawn ."

I HAVE instal led a new combina t ion spiral and croqulgnole p e r m a n e n t

waving mach ine In m y shop. Combi -na t ion wave 83.50. Mln'3 Seau ty Shop. aOr.

RELIABLE PARTY m a y have choice of bungalow player p i ano or up r igh t

piano, bo th nearly new a n d al iaost

en jey i and Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. F r e d Woodwork and .. I w . Mr. a n d Mrs. L F. S a u r spent S u n d a y

meet ing will be the second Monday in I a t F i fe Lake as gues t s of Mr. a n d Mrs August a t t he h o m e of K a t h r y n Saur . Ernes t H a n n a .

Mr And M r . p a ' d f o r - by cont inuing small month ly l f H . ^ spen t payments . Pianos nea r Spar ta . Wri te

Mr. a n d Mrs. L u t h e r J o h n s o n are Pour , h a n d the week end wi th Credi t Manager . P. O. Box 261 D e -Q t e f i s a t r . s i-. n o r t h e r s M r s Mina R e a m a a re tu rn :ne t n - j , l 8 ' V?

h o m e i n De t ro i t 8unday . I - — * * T h i r t y - t w o relat ives a t t ended the

Kriger reun ion a t t he home of M. J . Kr iger Wednesday . Those present f r o m

F O R SALE—Two-burner gas plate, 81. Inqu i r e Sent ine l -Leader . 28

pi«c-«r u u c r e u i o r sale. Call on the Firestone Service Dealer or Service Store and examine it. You will be •old on the rugged quality and will want to equip your car with these new tires.

REMEMBER — you save money hnving today, as rubber has advance*! 442% and cotton 190%, and tire prices cannot remain at these low levels. — — -

AL A T R I P L E G U A R A N T E E • #»r U n t ^ u a h J P e r f o r m

V Sdm*tT

4m W r w H j n f f l f f i r i mm44 §tm h a h I t tt*r%

C H E R R I E S Fine Quality Montmorency

Pick Them Yourself $ 1 . 2 5 per Bushel

Blush Fruit Farm 1 Mile North and ^ Mile West of Kent City

Mrs. A. Blent l lnger , S p a r t a 28c

The following Firestone dealers are prepared

tm serOe you



The Kent City S t a t e Bank a t K e n t City, Mich igan , a t t h e close of business J u n e 30, 1934,

called fo r by t h e Commissioner of t h e D e p a r t m e n t

RESOURCES Loans a n i ^ i acc^nU. .

Commercia l .4 37,747.60

Sav ings Dollars Cts

Totals. . Real Es t a t e M o r t g a g e s Bonds a n d Securi t ies , vis. :

a Municipal B o n d s i n Office c U. S. Bonds a n d Cer t i f . of I n -

deb tedness In Office. e O the r Bonds in Office

$ 37.747.60

8,800 00

8 28,670.50


15,164 JOO

t 37,747.60 8 28,670.50

TOtals Reserves, via.:

Cash a n d Due f r o m B a n k s in Reserve Cities

U. S. Securi t ies car r ied a s legal reserve In S s v l a g s D e p t . only

8 8,#00.00 8 22314.00 g 31.614.00

I 32.88536 $ 29,006.76


T o t a l s Combined Accounts , via.:

O v e r d r a f t s Rank ing House

8 22385.36 8 41,196.76 8 64.082.12

c u s t o m e r s ' B o n d s Deposi ted with B a n k f o r Sa fekeep ing _

To ta l

L I A B I L I T I E S Capi ta l Stock paid In Surp lus F u n d Undivided Profi ts , n e t Reserve fo r Taxr* , In t e r e s t , Deprecia t ion, etc Commercia l Deposits, vis.:

Commerc ia l Deposi ts Sub jec t to C h e c k $ 65.720.75

24.71 4 ooo oo

_ 11.700.00


8 26.800.00 2JMMJC

99497 40257

a d is tance were Mrs. Emma C a r p e n - jjv»r s a , b- , t e r of Chicago. Mr and Mrs Rav S A L p - P l a n o 850. chif fonier 83, Br ink and f a m i l y of F remont and Mr. I n r

C U ^ r . H s ideboard 83, o r j a n | 3 , a n a Mrs. Ernes t Kriirer of ttr-m/t . t r a d e for cows, chickens, o r Rapids. R. J . Kr iger was elected ores 1 ^ . h a v e . y o u - M a n y o the r t h ings ident and K r t i r S S S n ' 2 ' and t r ea su re r .

Miss A n n a Swanson en ie r ta lned . Monday . J u l y 2, wi th a 6 o'clock d in-

ne r In honor of h e r b i r thday. Gues t s included Mrs . A. H Saur, Agnes Spur , Mrs. Ed Casey, Mrs. Oscar Os t rum, Mrs. Ed O s t r u m , Mrs. Rober t Swen-son. Mrs. Al f red Boberg. Mrs. Anna Johnson , Mrs . Violet Johnson, Mrs Lowell S a u r a n d Mrs. T i n a Johnson .

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rexford and i a m -I ily a n d Mrs. Char le* Rexford enjoyed I a picnic a t Bass Lake Sunday.

Thu r sday , J u l y 5. commemora ted the 50th wedd ing anniversary of t h e mar r i age of m i . a n a a i rs , fayron Mur -ray. T h e i r f ami ly enjoyed the day toge ther a t the i r home. Mr. and Mrs M u r r a y h a v e spen t the pas t 25 years a s res idents of K e n t City and the i r m a n y f r i ends ex tend congratulat ions.

A te lephone h a s been installed in Dr . f Yegge's office. T h e number is 317

K e n t City. Mrs. Haro ld S a u r lef t Tuesday

; morn ing fo r Chicago where she will I meet he r m o t h e r f r o m Boise. Ida. , a n d

both will s p e n d a fe-v days In C h i -; oago. Mrs . K e H e r m a n will accompany

F O R SALE—To first buyer , 4 comple te rooms of h igh grade f u r n i t u r e which

h a s been used oiuy a shor t t ime f o r Just r b o u t 4 the or iginal price. Sold 9 m o n t h s ago for 8565. balance d u e u s Is $297. T h i s outf i t c an be purchased on t e rms of 897 cash, ba lance 815 p e r m o n t h . Every piece of f u r n i t u r e a n d rugs look b r and new. Out f i t a s l i s ted: G r a n d Rap ids made living room sui te ; beau t i fu l la test style bedroom su i t e ; 8-piece walnu t dining room sui te ; ggs r ange ; 5-plece b reakfas t sui te ; A m e r i -can or ien ta l r u g ; ^ coil spr ings ; occasional pieces; l amps ; e tc . Nothing else to buy. O a s r a n g e can be exchanged f o r oil stove, cook stove .or gasoline pressure stove if de -sired. En t i re outf i t is a r r anged here a t ou r s tore a n d you c a n see It any day or evening by t e l ephon ing G r a n d Rap ids 93381. or wr i t ing fo r appo in t -men t . We will s tore f r ee for as long as one year and deliver anywhere In. s t a t e a t no ex t ra charge . Bishop Fur-ni tu re Co.. Ionia Ave. a t Louis S t , 1 block sou th of Monroe Avs. P h o n e 93381. Me


Tota l s Savings Deposits, via.:

Book Accounts—Subjec t to Savings B y - L a w s $ 46.846.70 Cer t i f . of Deposi t—Subject to Savings By-Laws 2320696

65,720.75 8 65.720.75

_ T. ' t i 1 70,052.66 S ^ ^ L S b i S u e s 5 D e p O B l t e d w U h B a n k t O T Safekeep ing

$ 70,052.86 8 11.700.00


PHONE 337 .417 <33893



TotaL 8 t a t e of Michigan, C o u n t y of Ken t , m.

I . M. E. Moore. Cashier , of t h e shove n a m e d bank do so lemnly t h a t t h e above s t a t e m e n t is t r u e t o t h e b e * of my knowledge and a n d oorrectly represents t h e t r u e s t a t e of t he several .-natters the re in contained, a s shown by t h e books of t h e b a n k .

M. E. Moore. Cashier . Subscribed snd sworn to before me this 8th day of July. 1934.

R J. Kr ige r . Notary Public. My commission expires Augus t 28th, 1935.

Correct At tes t A. H. Saur. P . N. C h u r c h . Nels Anderson,


10c Colga te P e r f u m e d Soaps 5c

10c Paimotive Soap 5c

25c Colga te Af te r - shave Ta le 19c

35c Palmol ive S h a r e Cream 25c

35c Colga te Shave C r e a m 25c

25c Colga te Per fumed Tale 1»C

58c Colga te Af t e r - shave Lotion 39c

58c C h a r m i s Cold Creaa t SSIR

25c C a s h m e r e Boo*se t Soap Now 10c

Vasel ine Hair Tonic 37c

B a t h i n g Caps 10c to 35c

E a r D r a m Protectors 10c

Picnic Needa. P a p e r Plate*. Caps, Spoons, F o r t s Napkins, a n d Sets

Perium's Drag Store K E N T CITY

Establish a Trust

I t ' s a fine th ing to t h e educa t ion of y o w ch i ld ren la assured In spi te of a n y ehangea l a your personal ft

Trust Fond founded for this will accomplish this

Le t a s advise yea .



with Deposits up to ARE INSURED IN

under provisions of Banking Act of 1933


NORMAN M. ROS: Successor to II . 1


Lady Assistant


Telephone 341


-L . f tA0Eft t Peach Ridge Fruits Highest Quality Grewn Acywheea b* Mk-hlgaa



Business has Grown Steadily Since 1895; JL EL Saur Community Leader

I A. H. Saur & Sons, department store, Kent City, ia to conduct a mid-summer clearance sale Friday and Saturday. July 30 and 21. in order to make roon: for new fall merchandise.

Special bargains are offered in meats and, men's furnishings, new summer dresses for women and girls, snd a miscellaneous assortment of odds and ends in the dry goods de-partment. The sale has been widely advertised and the big department store invites all t o partake of the timely, seasonable bargains. Since quantities on some of the items are limited, it is advisable to attend the sale on the opening day, Friday, if a t all possible.

A. H. Saur. who has been connected with the store for more than 40 years, was born in Alpine township in 1859. He received his early education a t No-ble School, following which he attend-ed school a t Ypstlanti, graduating from the state normal there In 1885. The next few ye^rs he spent In teaching, both in the old school, where the school now stands, and In the new school buUt on the present school site In Kent Cfty.


A. H. SAUK Kent City's moat active and

respected citisen

In 1895 Mr Saur bought out 14. E. Cone, who operated a store in the west section of the present store building, hir ing Harry Power as the clerk, spending most of his t ime buying and shipping fruit , potatoes and clothing. T h e following ">ring C. A. Johnson a n d August A. %i jhnson bought a half Interest in the concern anu it then be-came known as the A. H. Saur 4s Com-nanv, .* HWU bought out the Interest of August A Johnson and in 1922 Lowell and Har-old Saur bought out t h e half interest owned by C. A. Johnson, and the name of the Arm was changed to A H. Saur & Son.

The business h a s grown steadily f rom its first inception, until It now occupies a triple store building with over 8,000 square feet of floor space and four major departments , consisting of dry goods, gents' furnishings, meats a n d groceries. T h e fixtures are mod-ern and up- to-date in every depart-ment and ths rapidly turned stock Is kept clean, new and inviting. A. H. 8aur Is still very active »n the business and the rest of the sales force con-sists of Lowell Saur, Harold Saur, Miss Emma Peterson. Roy W. Purtee. Leslie Giliam, Miss Agnes Sau r and C. W. Fulkeraon.

A. H. Saur is president of the Kent City s ta te Bank, which was first open-ed and operated for some time in connection with the store. He was Stem City's first village president, a position which he held for a number of year*. He was for 12 years a mem-ber of the school board; for 35 years superintendent of the Lutheran Sun-day school, and for a long term of years a member of the Lutheran Church board. He was one of the or-ganizer* * the old Ken t City Pure Food Cotcpa&y, succeeded by the Roach Canning Company, and also the old Kent City c h a i r Company, Kent City Casket factory and Kent City Cheese Company,

A meetln* of the picric committee of the Ken* and Ottawa Horticultural Society waa held at K. K. Vlnlng's of-fice July 13 in preparation of plans for the picnic to be held a t Johnsou Park, August 16.

In the absence of Wullarn Schaefer, general cha l rmau, who is convalescing from a recent operation. James C. Qulnlan, president of the Kent and Ottawa Horticultural Society, Is act -ing as general chairman; Mrs. J . Pomeroy Munson. chairman of pub-licity and at tendance; Mrs. Wesley Ma why. cha i rman of enter ta inment; Floyd Helsel, chairman of the prize oommittee. Edward Brown, chalraian of qx>rts and stunts, reports tha t through the help of Heinle Llghtner a very Interesting program is scheduled I to begin a t 1 30 p. m. and will provide j events for all those in attendance. A | ball game in the afternoon between | two Class A teams Is being arranged j and another interesting feature of the af ternoon program is the balloon as-cension and double parachute drop.

William Phillips and Edward V. Gross, in charge of the grounds, report that the picnic has been assigned to Section D a n d tha t the Kent County Park Commission will have tables, benches, chairs, playground equipment and all ar rangements for a successful picnic.

Walter Tonjes. chairman of the speakers committee, assisted by J . Pomeroy Munson and Wesley Mawby, has ar ranged for a talk by Pro!. V. R Gardner of Michigan 8tate College at 2:30. His subject is i s be "Diversifi-cation of Horticulture." They also re-port t h a t Harry Lurkins of Benton Harbor, president of the Michigan Horticultural Society, will give a talk a t 3 p. m., and that other speakers will be provided a t the evening pro-gram.

The Ryskamp Band will provide a concert of music during the afternoon and evening. The Standard Auto Company's sound car will announce the events a n d also provide music.


Saturday Evening, July 21, 8:30 o'Clock


Local Citizens Express Praise for Classical Address Given by Prof. Robert Phillips

Program Sponsored by the Sparta Chamber of Commerce

Arrangements for securing the fireworks display were completed by Clifford VanDenHout. chairman. Paul Johnson. Harvey Stebbins, Clarence Anderson. John Starr., Willard Ami-dor., Charles Swltzer, Robert Lundy and Jay Morsman.

NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Beginning Monday. July 23, village

taxes will be payable a t the Peoples 8 ta te Bank at 4 per cent

Mrs. Verne Meore, Vill«ee Treasurer.


Visit the Stores Before and Af te r the Display, tion of Merchandise—Accommodating Clerks

Attract ive Bargains — Wide Selec-— Plenty of Free Parking Space


Mrs. Glen Bradford was hostess on Tuesday evening to members of the Garden Club. During the business session p lans were completed for the flower show to be held August 17-18. T i e club h a s also taken action regard-ing the unsightly village dump at the nor th en t rance to tewn and is anxious for cooperation in planting screens. George W. Bettes has been made chairman tc investigate proper pro-ceedings.

The program consisted oZ a review . I * " vuuiiam | nawau , delightfully told and which

brought a revelation of this paradise of the Pacific.

On account of the August show, the next meeting will be held in Septem-ber.

Mrs. Bradford, assisted by Mrs. Bet-tes, served, a n d a social hour followed.

Lowell Showboat to be Held Aug. 2-3-4

STATE CROP REPORT [ u • x 1 ^ Iff

has bright spots pierclidiits Discuss Hass

The vlllaee of Lowell, which Is lo-cated on M-21 midway between Grand Rapids and Ionia and at the point where the beautiful Flat and Grand Rivers meet, offers to the world each year what is probably the most unique production to be found anywhere in Michigan. I t is the "Showboat"—an actual, living, throbbing boat propelled by its own power and carrying 150 per-formers who duplicate the famed showboats of the Old South in gay colored minstrelsy and many added aitracUons. J. he showboat itseli is a two-decker with stern paddle wheels, twin smoke stacks, pilot house, etc., gaily trimmed and brilliantly lighted. The showboat entertainment has be-come an institution a t Lowell in which the best talent of the village takes par t In offeriiii U> the world a most entrancing evening's entertainment. Lowell Showboat th is year will be pre-sented on the evenings of Thursday, Friday and Saturday. August 3, 3 and 4, and it is confidently expected t h a t everyone of the 4,000 oomfortable seats will be occupied each evening. A nomi-nal admission fee of 25 cents is charged and the en t h e proceeds are used for charity and other worthy projects.

The Lowell Board of Trade, W. V. Burras, president, and the Lowell American Legion Post, William De-laney, commander, jointly sponsor the annual showboat production. Rudolph VanDyke assists as co-chairman.

Potatoes and Some Fruits are Ex-pected to be Much Better t h a n Production of Trailers



. , ^ _ , . Friday and Saturday, August 17 and ^ 4 ^ ? Brook* oi her t r ip tn \ < have been decided upon as t.*\e

dates for the Spar ta Garden Club Flower Show.

All varieti * of flowers may be en -tered, but zinnias, gladioli, and d a h -lias will be especially featured. Fur ther announcements concerning the event will be made next week.

No famine is in sight In Michigan figures of crop prospects for 1934 re -leased by Verne H. Church, s tate agri-cultural statistician.

T h e most Important crop shortages fcr this state are In feed crops for livestock, hay and fodder crops being much below normal. The only chance to remedy this shortage now 1s to p lant rye for pasture, as suggested by Michigan State College f a rm crops de-par tment .

Minhij«n potatoes are expected tc produce more bushels t han In 1933 If weather conditions f rom now until harvest are about normal. A crop of 22.950.0')0 bushels is indicated by pres-ent conditions. Last year's crop was 20.670,000.

Bean conditions are mnsiderablv worse than last year, as a crop of only 3.055,000 bags Is in sight and the pro-duction In 1933 was 3,519,000 bags. This decrease in probable production has occurred in spite of a plant ing five per cent greater than ?ast season.

C o m is expected to yield 40.363,000 bushels In Michigan as compared with last year's yield of 42,315,000 bushels. This crop has withstood the drought

1 well and grows rapidly in the unusual -ly hot weather prevailing. Increased plantings of fodder corn hav„ been made to replace hay shortages.

Another optimistic angle of the crop report is the probability of a better harvest of peaches, pears, and plums t h a n last year. The peach crop, how-ever, is still much below the average production for the state. T h e apple crop will be 3,500.000 bushels less t h a h last year's production of 8,651,000.

. Grapes and cherries are not so good i last year.

At last week's meeting of the Cham-ber of Commerce, which was largely attended, several members part icipat-ed in a discussion relative to the man-ufacturing of trailers In mass produc-tion at the local Welch plant .

J . G. McKenna, an engineer from Houston, Tex., has been in the com-munity for several days Interviewing local men relative to the trailer he proposes to manufacture a t the local plant.

After hp*ring the mat te r approach-ed from several angles by representa-tive leaders of the community, a mo-tion carried authorizing the appoint-ment of a committee to make proper investigation and <o report a t the next meeting which will be held a t the Lone Elm Restaurant Friday noon of this week.

Clifford VanDenHout, chairman of this week's enter ta inment committee, states tha t the at t ract ion for Saturday will be a display of fireworks to be held a t Willow Pa rk Saturday eve-ning. July 21, a t *:30.

I t has been some time since the citizens of tha community have had the opportunity of enjoying a display of this nature and it is quite probable tha t a very large crowd will be on hand early to view the exhibition.

Last Saturday evening Hager's Ac-cordion Band from G r a n d Renlds gave a very fine program, the first of its kind to be heard locally. The organ-ization consisted of several accordions, xylophones, and cello. Several local players were represented in the group. I t proved to be a very popular type of entertainment and a re turn engage-ment would be quite satisfactory among those who gathered to hear the program last Saturday.


TRENT NEWS ITEMS > f MUs Dorothy Stark. Correspondent

The Englishvllle Baptist Church will consider the new church tliat has sprung up In Grand Rapids. I t Is called t h e Human Improvement Church The Rev. Levi Mi Her, pastor, will define this church, its origin. Its work, and Its destiny, a t 8 p. m. Sun-day. A special devotional service will be held, the orchestra assisting. There will also be a piano duet and special vocal music.

The Rev. Miller's message in the morning will be "The Two Seeds,_

Blble school will be held a t 11:15 a. m. AII are welcome to at tend.



The championship of the Fi f th Dis-trict American Legion Junior League will be decided a t Caledonia Thursday. Ju ly 26. at 5 p. m. The probable contestants are Zeeland and Furni ture City Post Team No. 6. The winning team will represent the FlTJi District In t h e s tate tournament to be held a t Detroit August 3 and 4. Fourteen junior teams sponsored and equipped by American Legion posts have completed league competition.

The Caledonia post is expecting 800 Leglonaires f rom the 22 posts in Kent and Ot tawa Counties to partake of an especially fed ox which will be barbe-cued for t h e occasion, An appropriate prize will be presented the post having tiie largest percentage of Its member-*hlp prerent .

Drum and bugle corps from Orand-vllle and t h e Valley Ci ty Post and bands f rom Holland and Kent City are expected to participate.

District Committeeman Stickley of Coopersville will presdde at a short business session to be held a t 6 o'clock.

SNOW CHURCH Services will be held a t Kent City

Snow Church Sunday, July 22. at 3 p. m. Elmer Christenson, student pastor a t White Cloud, and the Rev. E. T. Seagren of Grand Rapids will be tne speakers.

ICE CREAM SOCIAL Old-fashioned ice cream social a t

the English vllle Baptist Church F r i -day evening. July 20. from 8 to 10:30. A big dish of Ice cream ""<1 cake fo r only five cents. Curb and table serv-ice.—Adv.

Following the barbecue an Interest-Mr. Saur has tivavs been very active I l n * program, during which all ex-

ln inducing enterprises to locate In Kent City, as well a s In the spiritual and economic upbuii<#ng of the vil-lage and community. He Is now in his 74th year, though one would never suspect it. and his friends wish him many more years of health and hap-piness.

COMRADES, ATTENTION! We are sure you will » c l c o m e the

Information that the national com-mander of the American Legion U now tn Grand Rapids and e v « y l e -glonaire in the vicinity will have the opportunity to meet him

Commander Hayes is attending the Lions convention and on thTnlorning of Thursday. July 19, at a. m , * break-f a s t was given him at the Pantllnd Hotel by Legion members of the dis-trict.

Thursday night, July is, then win be a parade, in which the L a t f * ™ be represented. I I is tne wish of Via joT Kincaid t h a t a s many sets of color, of posts of the district as possible win be entered in ttoe parade AH color* to be In the parade must be at th»> corner cf Stocking and Bridge street a t • p- m. Thursday.

H. A. Stebbins. Post Commander.

Special on Mixed Nuts.

mtrvux meu wiw arc canoiaates ior public oClce wlH be given an oppor-tunity to make an appearance, will wind up the meeting.

Every e f for t to make the meeting a success is being put forth by the fol-lowing committee chairmen: W. J . Robertson, barbecue; L F . Williams, en te r ta inment ; Edward Schlefla, x>n-

naie, organization.


Mrs. George Householder, In com-pany with her niece, Mrs. C. E. Cook-er, and daughter, Jayne, of Reed City, and nephew, Leonard Armitage, of De-lia* t. motored tn Montague Wednes-day. calling on friends and relatives at Montague and Maple Grove, returning by way of Newaygo Friday. They spent the week end there with friends, re-turning home Sunday af ternoon.

Miss Anna Iwaniw. who has been home for a few days, has returned to her work in Muskegon.

Mr. and Mrs. J o h n Swartz and Mr. and Mrs. George Falconer of LeRoy and Mr. and Mrs. William Falconer

UllKbAMAM M •# «#l« MM wu. auu 18UO. II II-

ton Mills of Grand Rapids were Sun-day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. William Stark and family.

The Misses Helen Bull. M a r t h a Pres-cott. Roma Prescott and Mrs. Fred An dree were Muskegon shoppers Sa t -urday.

Mro. Fred Static Is enter taining her sister and family of Grand Ledge.

Mrs. Weiskuhn spent Wednesday a f -ternoon with Mrs. Rose Corrley.

Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Jacobs and Stanley Jacobs were Muskegon callers Saturday night.

William A. Rogers Hardware store Is flaunting a newly painted orange f ront ; the Kozy Korner has a coat of white: the A. Si P. store has a fresh coat of red; Luke Woldrlng ha» a new "res taurant" sign painted on the side

I M r Tolod^cki-. qulci UtfiUbn*

Camp Lake Boy Nar-rowly Escapes Death

Robert Gilmore, 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilmore, Camp Lake, miraculously escaped from being bur-ied alive In a sand pit Tuesday a f t e r -noon.

With his younger brother, John , he was digging a cave in a sand pit nea r the family cottage, when t h e sand caved ln and he was completely burled beneath about two feet of sand.

T h e brother, John, worked f r a n t i -cally to rescue Robert, but because of his age (6 years) was unable to make any headway and r an to his mother for help.

Mrs. Gilmore with' the assistance of Benjamin Tolodzleckl of Grand Rap-ids, was finally able to dig the boy out a f t e r he had been buried about IP H minutes. Mr. Tolodziecxi applied a r - i a story by Orval Vaughan, af ter

TRENT GRANGE NEWS Trent Grange met Friday evening.

July 13 with an at tendance of about forty.

The program committee, consisting of Auust and Jake Herrygers. Clifford Morey, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rykert , Ver-nor Grill and Mr. and Mrs. Orval Vaughan presented a very nice pro-gram. They were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. John Bolt.

The first number on the program

William Bonter. 80. passed away Wednesday night a t the home of his daughter, Mrs. Verne G. Andrus, of Sparta. He waa born In Casnovla township, Muskegon county. His par -ents settled in tha t vicinity In an early day when the country was covered with woods.

Mr. Bonter had been a resident of Spar ta and vicinity for the last 30 years and was a well-known active fa rmer west of S p a r t a until his re-t irement seven years ago when be and Mrs. Bonter came to make their home with their daughter .

Surviving besides the daughter are mi 19 A * • - - V> — a _ _ . »

Mto. a wucvc ijuuvci, oparva; a son, Ival of Kent City; three grand-sons; two granddaughters ; two broth-ers, Arthur of Ravenna and L. Z. Bon-ter of Sparta, and one sister, Mrs. Lydia Johnson of Casnovia.

The remains were removed to the Bettes F u r era! Chapel where funeral services were held Sa turday afternoon a t 2:30, with in terment In the Sparta Greenwood Cemetery, the Rev. J . R. Stevens of Flint officiating.


t i f idal respiration and first aid until the pulse and heart-beat, which h a d

| stopped, were restored. T h e doctor who attended the boy

| later claimed that the lad had s=-! caped miraculously from dea th *nd

Orson Bradford's home has been touched up with new paint; Allen's residence and Paul Johnson's home on Centennial Street have also beer, re -painted.

and thorough work were responsible for his restoration.

Mr. and Mrs. Oil more are resident* of Grand Rapids, Mr. Gilmore being sales engineer for the Casein Manu-factur ing Company of New York Cfty.

aars. u o r a c iute has oeen qui t- ill a t her home since Sunday.

Send us your news items for the Orand Rapids Herald, or phone 3F2 for emergency calls.


CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere

thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends a n d neighbors for their sym-pathy and kindness shown ln our sad bereavement, the loss of our wife and mother.

Phil l ip Klenk and Family.



TOM**<J Bridge Regular 7 * value tor

Ail candidates must file nominating petitions by July 34 if they wish to have their names on the primary bal-lots. All candidates for offices which represent *aore than one county file with the secretary of state. Candidates for offices representing only one coun-ty or portion of a county file with the oounty clerk.

Petitions for one candidate for Uni t -senator and one

SAe per pound. Brack'* Drug store ! g o v e r n o r already have been filed Xdv * * o r e ' - , w i u » u * secretary of s tate as wen


m 13 candidates for for state senator and nine r*P rWttt*tlv*.

for Mate

Mrs. Christine Gustafson of Grend Rapids spent several days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nel-son and Mrs. Mary Nelson and other fr iends in this vicinity.

Happy Hour Club members and fr iends and their friends, be sure to remember the club picnic which will be held on Friday, July 30, at Sand Lake near Orant . Also please bring lemoiu or oranges for your own f a m -ily besides silver and dishes. The next regular club meeting will be with Mrs. Gust Anderson on September f .

At tne annual school meeting held on Monday evening Edward Stream was re-elected moderator," and other necessary business transacted. Mrs. Ethel K u h n has been hired as teach-er tor another year.

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Anderson and Oscar ate dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Ed ware Stream and family.

Mrs Christine Oustafson spent Fr i -day afternoon with Mrv Elisabeth A i -der.son and Alma

Mrs- Cora Austin and arm. Clyde, spent Saturday in Grand Raptds on

County health authorities have ap -proved recent repairs made a t the Camp Lake bathing beach and swim-mers are again permitted to use the lake.

The camp management announces the appearance of Dee Peterson and his 12-piece dance orchestra Sunday evening, July 22. The orchestra has h a d engagements at Atlantic City Pier and more recently Highland Gardens. Orand Haven.

T h e Orand Rapids grocers' and butchers ' picnic will be held a t Camp Lake August 8. An estimated crowd of 2,500 is expected.

Cottagers' Night at Camp Lake will be enjoyed Monday evening with a potluck picnic supper a t 4:30 A busi-ness meeting wis h* held a t 9 o'clock

WANTED—Experienced girl for house -• Apply Mrs. E. Gilmore, Camp

which Jake Herrygers sang a solo. A recitation -*aa given by Dorothy Bolt, and John Bolt sang. T h e last and main feature of the program was a mock wedding.

Florence V; nee played the march for the entrance of the wedding party. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Orval Vaughan. Rodney Bull served as ring bearer.

The bride, Maude Vaughan, who was given In marriage by her fa ther , Ray Rykert. wore a gown of Thl te with harmonizing accessories a n d carried a bouquet of wild carrot blossoms and hollyhocks.

Vernor Grill, t he maid of hasa r , a nephew of the bridegroom, namely, Carrie Rykert, wore a gown of orange with black accessories.

Following the service, the wedding party served lunch to the gTange.

Th-» same oommittee will have charge of the program for the next meeting, to be held Friday evening. July 27.

A class of five Is to be Initiated a t • the next meeting.

Mrs. Rose Ballard of Ann Arbor was a guest Saturday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purdy.

Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Purdy spent Wednesday a t the f a r m home of Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Field.

Little Rosemarie Armock of Detroit, while visiting a t he r grandmother's, Mrs. Mary Armock. fell aud broke her arm. I t was the same a rm from which the cast had only recently been re-moved from a former break. She was taken to the hospital where her a rm was re-set.

C. H. Church enjoyed a real surprise Tuesday evening when about 25 neigh-bors and friends from Sparta and Grand Rapids came in with three birthday cakes to congratulate him on his birthday. Mr. Church received many fine gifts and the evening was very pleasantly spent.

Mr as their guests this week Mr. and Mrs.

"Life la the most precious thing you have," exclaimed Prof. Robert L. PhU-llpa of Purdue University, ln an elo-quent ftddrev, "The Great God Suc-cess." which he delivered to a very re -sponsive audience a t the Jn l ted Civic Banquet Monday night at the Ma-wnl r Temple.

"Life i% precious! The older we grow, the more we value it . Life Is important only so far as it is useful vO others around us.

T h e r e are three classes of people in every community," declared Prof. Phll-llps. "First, those whose Uvea are so important to the community tha t the community would suffer a great loss if they left.

"Second, those upon whom the com-munity a t large would express nn in-different a t t i tude, should death call them, and simply add, T o o bad, peace to their bones.'

"Third, those whose passing would b ; a genuine satisfaction to a commu-nity because of their utter unuseful-ness toward civic enterprises, and lack of friendliness to those about them."

In referring to the three currents of life the speaker stated, "Some call it destiny, o thers fa te and still others tvismet. We are all children of des-tiny and must learn to depend upon ourselves if success comes.

"One does not achieve success Ly chance or luck, but through ability, genius and nat ive endowment.

"We must learn what our natural endowment Is," said Prof. Phillips. "Pome do not discover it until middle aged.

We are intended to work. I t is a pity so many die f rom having nothing to do.

"The true God Success Is not the golden calf or the Hindu idol. The Oreai. God Success Is the God Je -hovah I

"The successful life must grow up-ward. never downward. The pursuit of success must always be upward."

r r o : . PhilUpa closed his address with several beautiful legends and historical incidents which held the attention of his audience to a remarkable degree.

He proved to be a profound thinker and an effective speaker. Many local citizens a f te rward expressed utmost satisfaction in the address and its in -tellectual appeal, claiming that it was among the best this community has had.

Prof. PuilUps was introduced by his fr iend and former neighbor. H j Kurtz.

The invocation was given by the Rev. B. F. W. P i tman of Bailey. E. W. Smith presided as toastmaster and brief talks were made by M. Harold Saur of Kent City, J . A. Lelunkuhle of Casnovia and H. Barnum of Bailey.

Musical selections were presented by Phillip Helsel, Dayl Helsel, Gordon Striplin and Mrs. D. J. Mom*

l iarmony Chapter . No. 34, O. E. S-, had charge of the banquet and served' a bountiful d inner . The long tables were beautifully appointed and the large number of refreshing bouquets of summer flowers gave a striking effect.

Owing to the success of the first venture of drawing together the rep-resentative people of Sparta, Kent City, Casnovla and Bailey, the United Civic Banquet will, in all probability, become an annua l affair to be held al-ternately ln the towns comprising the district.


John Landheer Sr . was bom in The Netherlands on January 14, 1852, and passed away a t the home of his son. Andrew, on Saturday, July 14, 1934, a t the age of 82 years and 4 months.

He was united In marriage to Kooi May 13, 1877, and came to Amer-ica in the year of 1881. To this union were born 10 sons and two daughters, of which four sons and two daughters

j survive. He Is also survived by 33 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchil-dren.

Mr. Landheer was one of the earlier settlers of Nor th Tyrone township, coming to this locality nearly 39 years ago.

Funeral services were held Tuesday, July 17, a t the home of his son. An-

and Mrs. Charles Dahlin have i g * » V »ad a t the Orant Township Christian Reformed Church. Burial

David Dahlin and daughter, vieve, of Hillsdale, 111.

Gene- was in the Cemetery.

family lot ln Chubbuck


In the past two weeks the boys* ball team played a game with Bailey and won. They won the game played with Moorland and lost to Kent City. The schedule for the two weeks ahead is as follows:

July 17—Casnovla. There. July 19—Bailey. Here. July 24— S e l e s Center. There . July 36—Cherry Hill. Here.

FOR SALE—Portable victrola, with records Oood as new. Inquire C.

Bishop. 130 Maple Street. S p a n * 39

How the lovers bungled their "per- ; feet" murder. A thrllMng murder mys-tery story from real life related tn the j American Weekly, the magaelne dis- i tr lbuted with NEXT SUNDAY'S CHI

CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends

and neighbor* and all the children for their kindnesses and g i f t s during the last few years through the Illness and death of our husband and fa ther .

Mrs. William Bonter. Mr. and Mrs. Vera Andrus, Ival Bonter.

Bu t t s - Toasted Bridge Special on Nuts. Regular 79c value

CAOO HERALD AKD EXAMINER— Mc per pound. Brack's Drug » i Adv.


That a<lnlt« and children alike en-joy watching tne ant ics of monkeys Is demonstrated by the throngs that gather around this miniature moun-tain in Frank B u l l ' s wiM animal e r -hibit at tbe World's fa i r ia Chicago. Tha mountain Is lohablt«d by near»y



M. Harold Saur , Republican ca*. i l -date for s ta te senator in the 17th dis-trict, received nine petition* which were signed by representative citizens

| of Sparta township, o t h e r petitions : which were scattered throughout every

community within the 17th district are being mailed to Mr Saur almost dally and since a maximum of leas 703

: names are required before these peti-tions are filed. Mr Saur win hare on hand a surplus of several thousand voters who have indicated without Question tha t his candidacy for senator J* popular especially among the rural districts of the township.

C. B. Corbte E a t e n Race C. B. Corbin of North Pa r t , a former

conservation officer, has announced candidacy also for the Republican nomination for s ta te se i Mr corn tn h a s bee

. manufacturing. He has always Interested In the problems of a

j vation and was one of the first deputy igame wardens appointed by William J Aiden Smith, Michigan's first game ; warden.

T f l n a Is Draf ted to K a George P. TUma. ex-mayor of Grand

R*P«ls and supervisor of Wyoming township is being drafted to run for

f rom this district. We tentat ive rwgwnU»tl0P of

I prominent citizens of Wyoming ttup are forming witf 'he idea


of SIT-