CaseStudy: Introducing%anew%biscuitproductto% the%modern ...

1 Case Study: Introducing a new biscuit product to the modern workday breakfast moment Our Challenge Our client – a global food and drink company wanted to introduce a new biscuit brand into China targe6ng younger working women in workday breakfast occasion (as the 2nd largest biscuit consump6on occasion). Key challenge in developing the new concept was how to connect Biscuit Fuel category and brand story around “sustained energy” with target consumers at workday breakfast in a culturally relevant way

Transcript of CaseStudy: Introducing%anew%biscuitproductto% the%modern ...

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Case  Study:  Introducing  a  new  biscuit  product  to    the  modern  workday  breakfast  moment    

Our  Challenge  Our  client  –  a  global  food  and  drink  company  wanted  to  introduce  a  new  biscuit  

brand  into  China  targe6ng  younger  working  women  in  workday  breakfast  occasion  (as  the  2nd  largest  biscuit  consump6on  occasion).    

Key  challenge  in  developing  the  new  concept  was  how  to  connect  Biscuit  Fuel  category  and  brand  story  around  “sustained  energy”  with  target  consumers    

at  workday  breakfast  in  a  culturally  relevant  way    

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Case  Study:  Introducing  a  new  biscuit  product  to    the  modern  workday  breakfast  moment    

BE  Inspired  Methodology  

Internal  stakeholder  session:  to  download  knowledge  and  hypotheses  on  triggers/  barriers  

Online  self-­‐ethnography  over  7  days  to  explore  key  behaviours  and  beliefs    regarding  their  weekday  breakfast  on  the  go  

Control  Cell  (n=10)  to  capture  current  breakfast  behaviour,    followed  by  in-­‐home  depth  interviews    

Disrupted  cell  (n=8):  Product  placement  with  new  breakfast  biscuit  to  see  how  and  where  it  fits  in  and  can  support  or  enhance  their  workday  breakfast  

Client  Workshop  to  download  self-­‐ethnos  learning  and  develop  concepts  Consumer  session  to  screen  and  build  the  concepts  

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We  generated  a  Workday  Breakfast  Needspace  Framework  from  the  self-­‐ethnography  stage.  This  framework  guided  the  development  of  Concepts:    We  discovered  the  opportunity  to  reframe  the  Energy  story  and  Product  Name  to  make  it  more  culturally  salient      The  research  iden6fied  a  number  of  behavioural  nudges  to  achieve  greater  engagement  by  leveraging  their  current  breakfast  habit  to  embed  the  new  product  ritual  and  habit  loop    Priming  breakfast  occasions  based  on  emerging  Chinese  breakfast  ingredients  by  using  the  packaging  visuals  to  create  a  breakfast  set  and  increase  the  salience  of  energy  and  nutri6on  with  a  modern  breakfast  

Case  Study:  Introducing  a  new  biscuit  product  to    the  modern  workday  breakfast  moment    

Key  Insights  and  Impact  

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For  more  informa6on  please  contact:  

[email protected]  [email protected]  


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