CaseReport - Hindawi Publishing ·...

Case Report Therapeutic Approach to the Management of Severe Asymptomatic Hyponatremia Thaofiq Ijaiya, Sandhya Manohar, and Kameswari Lakshmi Department of Medicine, Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New Rochelle, NY, USA Correspondence should be addressed to aofiq Ijaiya; [email protected] Received 24 April 2017; Accepted 2 July 2017; Published 27 July 2017 Academic Editor: Phuong Chi Pham Copyright © 2017 aofiq Ijaiya et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Hyponatremia is an electrolyte imbalance encountered commonly in the hospital and ambulatory settings. It can be seen in isolation or present as a complication of other medical conditions. It is therefore a challenge to determine the appropriate therapeutic intervention. An understanding of the etiology is key in instituting the right treatment. Clinicians must not be too hasty to correct a random laboratory value without first understanding the physiologic principle. We present such a case of a patient who presented with sodium of 98 mmol/L, the lowest recorded in the current literature, and yet was asymptomatic. Following appropriate management driven by an understanding of the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism, the patient was managed to full recovery without any clinically significant neurological sequelae. 1. Introduction Hyponatremia is the most commonly identified electrolyte abnormality in hospitalized adults [1, 2] and known to have an association with mortality. Symptoms can range from nausea and malaise, with mild reduction in the serum sodium, to lethargy, decreased level of consciousness, and, in severe cases, seizures and coma [3, 4]. Overt neurologic symptoms are due to very low serum sodium levels (usually less than 115 mEq/L), resulting in intracerebral osmotic fluid shiſts and brain edema. Cases of severe hyponatremia presenting with no neurologic symptoms are rare [5]. We report a case of severe, asymptomatic hyponatremia with a sodium level of 98 mmol/L, which to the best of our knowledge is the lowest recorded level in the current literature. 2. Case Report A 48-year-old female presented to our emergency room (ER) with facial injuries following a mechanical fall. She denied any dizziness, chest pain, palpitations, or unsteadiness of her gait prior to this. Her history was remarkable for alcoholic liver disease with prior episodes of nonvariceal gastrointestinal bleeding. She continues to consume alcohol on a regular basis, usually 2 bottles of beer per day and her last drink was a day prior to her fall. She also smokes up to a pack of cigarettes a day. Her home medications were potassium supplement and multivitamins. On physical examination, she had a pulse rate of 78/min and a blood pressure of 154/59 mmHg with no orthostatic changes. She appeared comfortable and well oriented to time, place, and person. She had moist mucous membrane and no JVD. She had multiple lacerations on her face that were sutured in the ER, along with multiple bilateral ecchymotic patches on her legs. Her neurological exam showed mild impairment in her balance and coordination. Rest of the physical examination was unremarkable. Blood work showed serum sodium concentration was 98 mmol/L, and other laboratory data are listed in Table 1. Her baseline serum sodium from a year ago was consistently between 125 and 129 mmol/L with no symptoms reported and there was no intervention at that time. Her stools were positive for occult blood. A chest X-ray and a CT head were normal. A decision was made to admit the patient to the Intensive Care Unit for closer monitoring of her sodium levels. Her vol- ume status was considered to be low initially due to presumed gastrointestinal bleed as well as the low urine sodium and Hindawi Case Reports in Nephrology Volume 2017, Article ID 1371804, 4 pages

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Case ReportTherapeutic Approach to the Management ofSevere Asymptomatic Hyponatremia

Thaofiq Ijaiya, Sandhya Manohar, and Kameswari Lakshmi

Department of Medicine, Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New Rochelle, NY, USA

Correspondence should be addressed toThaofiq Ijaiya; [email protected]

Received 24 April 2017; Accepted 2 July 2017; Published 27 July 2017

Academic Editor: Phuong Chi Pham

Copyright © 2017 Thaofiq Ijaiya et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Hyponatremia is an electrolyte imbalance encountered commonly in the hospital and ambulatory settings. It can be seen in isolationor present as a complication of other medical conditions. It is therefore a challenge to determine the appropriate therapeuticintervention. An understanding of the etiology is key in instituting the right treatment. Clinicians must not be too hasty tocorrect a random laboratory value without first understanding the physiologic principle. We present such a case of a patient whopresentedwith sodiumof 98mmol/L, the lowest recorded in the current literature, and yetwas asymptomatic. Following appropriatemanagement driven by an understanding of the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism, the patient was managed to full recoverywithout any clinically significant neurological sequelae.

1. Introduction

Hyponatremia is the most commonly identified electrolyteabnormality in hospitalized adults [1, 2] and known to have anassociation with mortality. Symptoms can range from nauseaand malaise, with mild reduction in the serum sodium, tolethargy, decreased level of consciousness, and, in severecases, seizures and coma [3, 4]. Overt neurologic symptomsare due to very low serum sodium levels (usually less than115mEq/L), resulting in intracerebral osmotic fluid shifts andbrain edema. Cases of severe hyponatremia presenting withno neurologic symptoms are rare [5]. We report a case ofsevere, asymptomatic hyponatremia with a sodium level of98mmol/L, which to the best of our knowledge is the lowestrecorded level in the current literature.

2. Case Report

A 48-year-old female presented to our emergency room (ER)with facial injuries following amechanical fall. She denied anydizziness, chest pain, palpitations, or unsteadiness of her gaitprior to this.

Her history was remarkable for alcoholic liver diseasewith prior episodes of nonvariceal gastrointestinal bleeding.

She continues to consume alcohol on a regular basis, usually 2bottles of beer per day and her last drinkwas a day prior to herfall. She also smokes up to a pack of cigarettes a day.Her homemedications were potassium supplement and multivitamins.

On physical examination, she had a pulse rate of 78/minand a blood pressure of 154/59mmHg with no orthostaticchanges. She appeared comfortable and well oriented to time,place, and person. She had moist mucous membrane andno JVD. She had multiple lacerations on her face that weresutured in the ER, along with multiple bilateral ecchymoticpatches on her legs. Her neurological exam showed mildimpairment in her balance and coordination. Rest of thephysical examination was unremarkable.

Blood work showed serum sodium concentration was98mmol/L, and other laboratory data are listed in Table 1.Her baseline serum sodium from a year ago was consistentlybetween 125 and 129mmol/L with no symptoms reportedand there was no intervention at that time. Her stools werepositive for occult blood. A chest X-ray and a CT head werenormal.

A decision was made to admit the patient to the IntensiveCareUnit for closermonitoring of her sodium levels. Her vol-ume status was considered to be low initially due to presumedgastrointestinal bleed as well as the low urine sodium and

HindawiCase Reports in NephrologyVolume 2017, Article ID 1371804, 4 pages

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2 Case Reports in Nephrology

Table 1: Laboratory data at the time of admission.

Sodium 98mmol/LPotassium 2.6mmol/LMagnesium 1.1mmol/LBlood urea nitrogen 19mg/dLCreatinine 0.71mg/dLCreatine kinase 2366 IU/LMeasured osmolality 235mOsm/kgCalculated osmolarity 208mOsm/kgGlucose 97mg/dLCortisol 43mcg/dLTSH 1.55mIU/LTotal bilirubin 1.8mg/dLINR 1.5Hemoglobin 6.0mg/dLMean corpuscular vol. 93White blood cell 8,000/mcLPlatelet 67,000/mcLFolate 9.1 ng/mLVitamin B12 1500 pg/mLBlood alcohol level 82mg/dLUrine osmolality 317mOsm/kgUrine sodium 17mmol/LUrine potassium 31mmol/LUrine chloride 25mmol/LDirect bilirubin 0.6mg/dLAST/ALT 404/113 IU/L

high urine osmolality. A volume challenge with one litre of0.9% saline was initially given. A repeat serum sodium levelobtained 2 hours later was 100mmol/L. She was subsequentlytransfused with 2 units of packed red cells. However, urineosmolality remained elevated (337mOsm/kg) following thiswith no significant change in serum sodium levels suggestingan underlying persistent high ADH state. Absence of typicalsymptoms of severe hyponatremia suggested a chronic etiol-ogy as did her moderate hyponatremia from a year earlier.

She was placed on fluid restriction of up to 800ml/day.Her hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia were corrected withinfusions of potassium chloride and magnesium sulphate.With this approach, her serum sodium increased by 7mmolin the first 24 hours (Figure 1). She had a gradual improve-ment in her sodium concentration with her levels reaching125mmol/L over a six-day period. She had a CT of the chest,abdomen, and pelvis and it did not reveal any significantfindings. Her liver dysfunction was managed supportivelyduring her hospital course. The patient was subsequentlydischarged without any neurological sequelae and follow-upplanned with nephrology as well as hepatology.

3. Discussion

Hyponatremia is the clinicalmanifestation of awide variety ofdiseases and identifying the underlying mechanism is crucial

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

Serum sodium (mmol/L)Urine osmolality (mOsm/kg)















Figure 1: Daily trend of serum sodium plotted on left 𝑦-axis andurine osmolality plotted on right 𝑦-axis.

in instituting the right treatment [6, 7]. An inappropriatetreatment may cause more harm than the initial presentingcondition; thus, clinicians need to be familiar with thediagnosis and management of various forms of hypona-tremia. The determination of the underlying pathophysio-logicmechanism requires a detailed historywith emphasis onmedications and social habits, a thorough physical exam toassess the volume status, and the valuable input of laboratoryand radiological data.

Serum sodium is one of the main determinants of serumosmolality. A fall in serum sodium concentration results inthe development of cerebral edema from the sudden changesin osmolality. The brain’s adaptation to the process beginsimmediately after the initial fall in serum osmolality andis completed in 2-3 days [8]. The brain adapts by losingits organic solutes with a resultant osmotic movement ofwater out of the cell, thus reducing brain swelling [9].The hyponatremia in such a patient where the brain hasacclimatized to a new homeostasis is considered to be chronichyponatremia [8]. When the hyponatremia is corrected, thisprocess of adaptation in the brain reverses. An aggressivereversal of chronic hyponatremia does not give the brainsufficient time for reuptake of the organic solutes and waterresulting in cell shrinkage and demyelination. This is knownas osmotic demyelination [10]. It can lead to irreversibleneurologic dysfunction, seizures, coma, and, in severe cases,death.

The determination of chronicity is a challenging clinicalscenario. It is suggested to consider the patient’s history,prior baseline laboratory data as well as the neurologicalclinical picture to determine chronicity. It is important forthe clinician to be aware of this challenge as impulsivedecisions can lead to deleterious effects during treatment [11].Our patient presented with profoundly low serum sodiumconcentration which appears to have been chronic in natureconsidering her lack of neurological symptomatology. Whenin doubt, it is safer to presume the condition to be chronicand be cautious in the management.

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Case Reports in Nephrology 3

Although the existence of truly asymptomatic hypona-tremia has been questioned [12, 13], our patient did not man-ifest with any clinically significant neurological symptomslike seizures or confusion. It could be argued that her mildgait imbalance was related to her hyponatremia although ourpatient did not provide a history tomake that association.Thegait abnormality described in this case may be due to otherneurological dysfunctions (e.g., cortical atrophy, cerebellardysfunction) stemming from her chronic alcohol use. Herneurological exam also did not change despite the correctionof her sodium. Renneboog et al. have described in their studyan association between mild chronic hyponatremia with anincreasing incidence of gait and attention impairments [13].But the general consensus supports the evidence that clinicalpresentation of severe hyponatremia is influenced more bythe rate of decline of the sodium level as against the absolutevalue [14, 15].

The hyponatremia in our patient was determined to bemultifactorial and attributable to a combination of hypo-volemic hyponatremia superimposed on chronic hypona-tremia related to syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretichormone secretion (SIADH).The low potassium store, whichwas attributed to her poor nutrition status from alcoholism,was also likely a propagating factor. Potassium is an osmot-ically active solute like sodium and the repletion of lowpotassium levels will increase the serum osmolality and resultin the shifting of sodium from intracellular to extracellularspace [16]. Monitoring and provision of other osmoticallyactive substrates such as serum phosphate and magnesiumare also necessary in the correction of hyponatremia byreducing osmolality differences between compartments [17].Our patient was managed with the guiding principle that theserum sodium concentration should be corrected at a rate ofno more than 10meq/L in the first 24 hours, 18meq/L in thefirst 48 hours, and 20meq/L in the first 72 hours to preventiatrogenic brain injury and central pontine myelinolysis [18,19]. It is recommended that, in high-risk patient groups(severe malnutrition, alcoholism, or advanced liver disease),therapeutic target range should be below the limits thathave been established for patients without these conditionsas they are at higher risk of osmotic demyelination [19].Hypertonic saline is not recommended in the managementof asymptomatic hyponatremia [18].

Our patient humbled us with a perilously low serumsodium level of 98mmol/L which to the best of our knowl-edge is one of the lowest serum sodium concentrationreported in the current literature. Joseph et al. discuss apatient with serum sodium of 99mmol/L who improvedon fluid restriction without any neurological sequelae [20].Accurate diagnosis of the etiology by understanding theunderlying mechanism at play is key to a successful cor-rection. Severe hyponatremia, even with such criticallylow sodium concentration, with appropriate managementand diligent monitoring can be managed to the extent offull recovery without any clinically significant neurologicalsequelae.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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